Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1960, p. 8

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gdmup96 mr conservation national wild life week is not ust an other week to promote sales of some dusty merchandise but on the contrary is a week when the public of not only this gen oration but for generations to come will be on the receiving end most canadians are fast becoming edu cated lo conserve our natural resources and observe conservation throughout the year but this one week is designed to focus public attention on the importance of conserving or saving from extermination our wild life this week was created by a unanimous vote of the members of the canadian house of commons and canadian senate on april 18 1947 with a twofold proect one to create public interest in the conservation of wild life which was ably pioneered by the late jack miner canadian naturalist through his lectures writings and example set forth at his world famous jack miner sanctuary at kingsville the other obect of the week was to al ways have it fall on the week ofpril 10th which was his birthday and such an approp nate time of the year when the birds are returning this is the country s national trib ufe and memorial to the late jack miner this year the dates fall on april 6 13 mclu sive when all schools have been asked to stress the educational importance of the week and carry out what jack mmer meant when he said i stand for more education and less legislation steps to all government officio i vhve great praise for the conservation work started by the lata jack miner or c h d clarke supervisor of wild life management for the province of ontario on march 28 1952 said the wild goose flight at the miner sanctuary is to me the best wild life show in the country tjh april 8th 1948 duringthe fmjrol servave of national wtld life week in can ada mr j smart superintendent of national parks in the parliament buildings in ottawa paying tribute to the late jack miner said jack miner was indeed possibly the fathei of conservation in this country l harrison f lewis formerchtef of the canadian wild life service in april 1949 the second anniversary of national wild life week writing in the canadian forest and outdoors said the most famous name in the annals of canadian wild life conserve- tion is that of the late jack miner jack miner enjoyed wild creatures he thought and acted to meet their needs and he made outstand ing use of his exceptional gifts to enlist sev eral millions of people as supporters of wild life conservation much of the present day recognition of the value of wild life conser valion stems from the work of jack miner last but not least the king of england in june 1953 a year before jack miner s death bestowed upon him the o b e order of the british empire with a citation for the great est achievement in conservation in the brit ish empire health television for our critical consideration and worst of all we do little or nothing to en courage the natural aspirations of the young to enoy physical fitness for itself alone and it s a slander on our young people to say that they do not seek this natural out let a young man wrote to the editor of a daily newspaper complaining that in the cold est weather the privilege of skating in a pub lie park had been withdrawn a twelve year old schoolboy wrote pleading for bicycle tracks so that he could enjoy without risking his life the healthy sport of cycling the urge is there but the leadership is lacking and thai must come from adults the committee can make what discover ies it like no legislation will change things there must be a reform of public attitudes for example there are few footpaths for walkers anyone bold enough to go walking runs the risk of being flung bruised and broken into the ditch when cycling is generally regarded as healthy exercise and not a pastime for kids when walkers are not cranks but are respec ted when new subdivisions are perforce in an essay stephen leacock wrote nearly 40 years ago on oxford as i see it he said a student or a least the only student with whom the university cares to reck6n serious ly is a young man who desires to know this is an ancient med ieval att tude long since buried in more up to date places under success ve strata of compulsory educai on state teaching the democratization of know ledge and the substitut on of the shadow for the substance and the caskest for the gem a s mtlor po nt was made recently by robert m hutch ns a former pres dent of the umversityof ch cago the noted educator speaking of ihe us bui w th words that the good otd days j back in 1910 taken from the laaue of ihe free pren thursday april 7 1910 last saturday night or sunday murnlrik bui glars t nkred ihe store nr w h moore hv prying billjt the lock with u 1u11111v thty uut lo the sule but toi lunniil fui mi moore there was nuthinfj dtposutit there bui jjainttilumuuijj cuppers about 15 or 1ft in all the contents ul ha salt wen scnlfeud ibuut th floor no goods wot itlslulbtll in i fit moil us li is could he isicrliiincd yesteidav mormon mr r sin dan w lyun inaktt round ihnt ihrce ol his iiiil1 chisels win missing ul supposes thev wui 1iiktii toi list in opening mr mhitt s dooi tin ihlcvts arc cv ictc ii i v will iiuuiintid willi i he town al thi hsl moiling of ihi conn i y council the ndonty ol iht mimbtts thought th linn uppoilunc lo bt good lo them st bis mtl to l ik county uffithls so i ii is hn inn il in illus ul concerned tiny uitilisltl tlitir own p iv fiom i lo js per tl f while in session md i used i lie sill ii ies ot ihe tuimiv in isiuer ilitj eoiinlv ikrk ji00 apiett tin lot nier now ctls j7j0 per virti mil hit hliir ssffl i u ir d back in 1940 taken from the hwue of the free pre thursday april ii im0 during the council meeting tuesday nighi numbers were notified that a representative of the bkkk fire- engine company would ul tend ibi next meeting lo discuss ihe possible purchnst of i sttond hand piece of equip- menl 11 was learned the pumper slllll ihe lilt hit mli ol ll lllil widening going i idv uk init in ol women s be kila ir a in the hectic war lime days of 1943 the government became alarmed at the low standard of physical fitness among recruits soft abdominal muscles crouching shoulders car legs and weak feet something had to be done about it whal better than to legislate the nation into physical fitness the result the national filness act which produced the usual crop of committees and slreams of pamphlets and exhilarating slogans in june 1954 the act was interred with scarcely a toot on the bugle of regret its swan song was a pamphlel on shot putting if this experience taught us anything at all it was thai people cannot be legislated into health through the back door of welfare sialism now the ontario government fulfilling the promise in its throne speech is to sludy the question of physical reiuvenation in the province in t i960 health department es timates s35 000 has been allotted and as a preliminary the inevitable committee is to be formed there is no need to ump the comm ttee s conclusions most of us know we eat tog built around playing fields with the same much usually the wrong food we nde in enthusiasm as they are now built around stead of walking we lounge in cha rs per shopping centres then we shall be starting haps watching superb athletes perform on to build a truly healthy nation shadows and substance we have very carefully and enthusiastically made it the right of every child to receive th s education suyat and sfuce on the other hand we have made it com pulsory for a child to attend school until he or she is 16 whether they have the desire to study or not the law insists they attend school their attitude is not considered ex cept in extreme cases where expulsion is warranted they may disrupt classes with their lack of interest and so besides losing out themselves they interfere with the pro gress of others teachers ate robbed of valu able teaching time by the r fool sh attitudes took pirt in tie me on tin id i in ttlui uion list wnk mil h cot me tlunkinc iboul llu whole business i in til nil wi p units tton i jjve ciioiilii thought lo llu edui uion out ehiltlun iti u ecivinc mil how il hts ihein 1 mlit sue it i v mil look llu woild 111 ihe em as long is ou i kids mini home willi uisonibli milks uul thui own iiibbu bonis we in h ipp lo luu ethii il ion done adults im ilhu thi hue enough lioubks tnh the etonomii svsttm the poll lie il sslem mil the hi iling siskin wilbout taking on soimihinc is lonipkx is llu nine it ion il and it is complex si n i i tlis cussion iboul it ind uu ii find out a i d who is known is i superb took jnd burnetii iker foi eampk will till u ii mb tint teaching domestu sen nee is in niter w isti ol lime tint uk should kirn it u himi sin ins foiejiikn th n whin slu wis miitiid hu pint tie icsisl uue wis niuslmxim soup on to isi ind it look her ill mot nm uo the brt ikfasl dishes mil mike one bed i think dome she siunti is i good thing but 1 d make some ihanles in llu eouise one thing girls should be tiught is to gil the top otf a ar ol piekl es without going all feminine thev gic t couple of intellect ud twists it the dills llu n hind i in ir lo bit siioiil hush uul ihls is lood loi hts ili btl i blood piissllh in 111 will i 111 pi i photo by entlior tnylor by bill smiley bt ukiis i ml in iulii to ulopl llu i ilejishi ml taki to tin timid miss i inn llu gtiiv uul miss m ibel foehii pi mo nt il il lit be held mjiiv acton ii ill rnvt pos 1 expitkd i lirr id ihe ml hi eome when spi mil wind pmmliiil tin thiut- on llu tthi ol the cupbo it hllmlll like i ilonuslit si lent i lo m mind sh mid be i ionise whith t mid noi oiilt ti ii h pi is bow lo in iki ill ll ill il l while suite but ii t lo in ike i h ippv m in i ii llnv should be i uilht lolei inn loibt ii inn ptficnii sil eiici hull mil huinihtv how to inn i pown mown uul i stok n ihil inotuv does not gf iw on tues nihil tkettluous ot ion iki uis win sh mid their hus binds hiu to spend llu lust tin m us ul iht m ii ii il1 poiuitl inc these things iolo them when lht loidtl k im it ill in sthool t lllllll ullllll iilll l l ol ll spttt o llllldl s 1 ul is nil ellow hilt lis il ptitk io h i on md lind h hit i oids onk ih ul loll uulnui ts hvnds vcrv woilhv pn it llu nomiiiahon nicclum mil the touiuil oig ini uion nicctinc lo put i coinpclent e iie t ike r in i iitvicw ccmckrv loi iht summir monihs should it pill uilo e i lee t hi reveniits horn ihe ttmclttv warrinl it i lls tic down lo 18 ttnls n tlom wilh bill in kicpmg il 24 ctnts t pound puns hive hetn sle idv this pisl while quite i niimbci ot the firmcrs hue ik in out on the i mil and iht id llu eountrv is showing signs ol being cultivated had small mileage and a tiew vihitte gunrantcet would be is sued if the truck was purchused councillors decided lo give ihe represent itive an opportunity to itptnl on the ntw pun of etinp- meiil the forte five pin bowling k im conlmued lo pile up some excellent seoies on ihe weekend whin ihiv defeated the aber fovlc team 7 0 noi m morion led ihe local team wilh a 744 triple a id 291 single and dill corry was i i lose slcond with a 676 triple and 274 single the local learn re- piesentcd m the league have had a good season tnd stand a won deiful chance ol copping the ih impionship in ihe guclph k igue the at ion agricultural society iie already making pt ins for ihis veirs tur md ihe possibfl ttv of i home mtl turn improve iiunl ti 1 1 ure looks very promis ing mtl i committee under the kaduship ol f i wright hts incn selteltd to work out the del ids the appointment of liidgts md irringing for special it hurts was also discussed dur ing ihe meeting last week and milk hums point lo another i irgc md sutnsshit ian this seison mrs m ikulm icitch give the iddress dining ihe ttrcsidi ihat it ihi ymca on sunday and i ihl lroup of voung people wire present to heir t hespeaker harks i hillsborough and doug mipksden p ived i torpct duel whieh wis very well received and called for an encore the giotip of 60 young people entered into the singing particularly will representatives from the pieshvkri in young people soc iclv hid ch irge of the lunch the ymca is beginning lo opci ite on a more steady basis now l hat the hockey season has tidctl ind classes have started lo till up once more the bad mm ton players have been turn ing out in good numbers and al ready some exhibition games have been planned with neigh boring clubs m inn i sublet opinion ii iininl i olhti toni oil schools should ik shop hsi d iii im i iiilll i se i iih llu things it md co ition of his l l two bo i rmkmp the kit iur ii idling tltov bovs win i w oik shop in i mv did usid lo turn ih birdhouses and ii mi while 1 stood hv d him on wilh ulinii his skill bui mv son uher who tan l mil uds togtthcr withoul i hind sindwirh of it gets a d in shopvvork im and the house is up with half finished dodging round the district 1y roy downs spring optimist strftts h 1 rone fom e irold lid quite in opiimis have appbc aidtiiaj erhnnl i uf h t n a have become a place to accommodate yqung people unt i we ae reid to have them go out to work thus we must d vert a tremend ous amount of lime money and energy to cha peonage we were surpr sed recently lo learn that there is little value in trytngto pour knowledge nto an unw ii ng and uninterest ed student in leacock s words a student is a young man who des res to know we are not all equal m education no matter how many equal zing factors may be written into the law surely there s some solut on other h wtlkin he suit ihe t s u eoneinir uior last week he lltlii lifting ttii iokt piihtii vmiti mower burned bov home blrligtoim mckmlav om tl live bovs burnal in i shed blist thiet months ijo ittumed lo honu md mhool i isl wnk atttr m tlis in hospit il oiu bov tiled iltii tht txplosion mil thui others an still hospit ihid irom burns mi inwhik ihtir btriitit lund has surptssed s oop in nmtnbuii ins it mi i l mi m ns md m piepidicc igunst this course w is eonhrilied list c ir when m diuvhlei itd seven isktd mt how min books ot ihe bible 1 could nime so help me ill i could remember vtete mitlluw mirk luke and john thtic w is in insolent silence while i ljoptd 1 sug cestui jonih he i lips tin led md i hid to sit shunt i uul while she reeled lilt 111 oil ii in gent sis to rtuhlions in i triumph ml sine soul one thing i would like lo sec iddid lo ihe cuiruulum in our public sehools is a tuuise in eihiu and manners wc coultl tall it sociil behivmr or some llunt i incv like th 1 ii would st irl b teaching voungsters thil pritticallv everything ihcy learn at home is wrong al the s imc time thcx wttuld be taught lo ire it their parents with icspecl instead of derision this is vm can see would be i tliflitull course md would require spec i disls to leach il for example nt home kids git thi kict thit a ihe world owes ihim t living ind th it hi ihe old man will supplv it until the world starls to kuk thmulji al st mail thev would ik i mght thil it is i privilege t tjiit lhi brrz n mcanom professional direaory and travellers guide mfdical funeeal dikectom dr w g c kenney phsicnn and surgron office in syinon block a mill st e acton office phone 78 rcswice iis church st e phone iso dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river st entrance river st acton ont phone 238 cfhkofractok uwe the world ihcir best ej torts and ihe old mm some thing belter thin t room in a nursing home whin he lint produce ins more in ihts course children would kirnilhe rudimmls ot kindntss cimrosilv inisi ind smpith dr robert u buckner physician and suigron 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 prn afternoons by appointment real estate and in8ubavce f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 aflprjutfrrfaj efftate a d moore dc palmer specific chiropractor 17 mill street phone 40 or 66 office hour wed 27 sat 2 5 ottical and hkaing a b e l buchner r o optometrist and heanng aid 48 mill st e phone 113 office houra wedneadayi only 2 00600 pro fveninga hv appointment house calkf for invalids robert r hamilton and insurance opuffieutftv fy iwiih it costs approomiely 500 a veflr to educate s student through ont y ar of h gh school than fore ng unw 11 ng students on classes unt i ihey are 16 odds and ends ac loo s mil ve mc ease is noib nq unique n mun c pal f nanc iq ham iton s up toronto s up ortss t s fftpectd to go up burl ngton vs ii ump geoqptosn s to nse and m lion is slaed fo boos just seems we have to pay or our ser ce and meet the h gher cost of educat on and mun c pal serv ces wh le ihe province s paying more money fo educat on t s a much smaller percentage of the cost w th the ncreas ng percentage cong f om mun c pal coffers intlividu ik rabid skunk found waterlxms an llinovt dud skunk t iv i ihi vilhvt ind hejlth tint authontus i mlumid r ibid piunis tne ui to isk ihldan not t 1 1 tllvl suth i iht 111 mil ll w is t i somr i xlmt ini- would oiivm iht ihmus like notr pivi i ukir in tvin bri ik md si i ji finish lisi ind ryi t lnist n bklv anil lvavs ltxik nti 1 w h art in tl in ihim v mill mt mint dr h leib dental surfeon office comer mill and frederick street off ce hours by appointment 1 rlep hearini aid service 181 guelph st oonrrtown ont for appointment plemae phone ra 7afc appitiwo accolntino lever hosktn chadawdg the acton free press published by the dills printlnc and pablhfctn v ualte4 f mded in 1its and publtetied c erj thursday al 59 willow st acton ontario member of be audit burewa of rtrrtilat on jr cwna and the ontarto quebec d vi sion if the cftva advertising rates on request sub- rr p on pa ibk n ads ince s 00 in canada ft 00 ti isd sfi ix monfh ty mgle copies 7c authoris ed as setsind class mail posi office department ota tw nlv paper erer pablhtted in artaa g a dills trltortabial dsvid r dill managing ed tor business antjedlfdrial office phone 600 acton jumane soclctv in debt 0k ii le terming it the m st ditti nil vi ir im inn hv exer uiintssed ihi oikvilk and dlsitul hum uu skhivs mnuil nieitin ippioi i usiiin i v 111 i mi i b j ij i 11 1 ur said president huhmun the k it tv in i i i r i i ire i xihnh iiiiludid ill ii ilk ii e pi i ljtis r n i a v hospital on the wav georgftowsh sptt il wuikirs an h ip tht ir qu rli mil lion ttollir dim tor new h ispn il tun is it ud ih m miik list ttk ths iku suuiiuu is i limited t m i hi i n ih i ammc oulol town distnets givinc dinm ns tr t n 100 asli grove 12 w btlltnql id s2 006 binmskhum v2 lirrnhm 58h1 sorval 3 sibcnreck si 7 srrvsicje j sfls suwutt n t i tern cotta sm2 peel fothms halton ibruipton fel liming in hilton c- untv cninnu pith p tl has innoumcd a plan for assisting hospu il grow iti rn ountv rant th countx will pav 5sjxk per htaj and asiounv all existing debentute dtrhi for hospuals pprovil nt the plan assure immedi tie lonmnie inn ol the lone act aited lbed itldition lo piil mi mi ml h spii il plenty of twins oakv 1lle there were three sets of twins in ihg ne girls woultl be tiupht th5l it ilk s m ii ih in bust ind i khind t mikr i tm unktl mm boss mi old k on th if good m hitler- hi ml tl iii pi rt ml in i ni in ihirt l joit i h ks rk v mid be i id th it th ii prim in r it in hti is mi impi iving thi ihiraeirs i nun but hiving he dthv ihildnn md a g d marriaj bs would cit i groimdine in thi tundimenl ik ol their life i ne lanxr irving to hindk mm and ehildrtn with tit oakvilletraftlpir hospitil a week ago and the parents of ill three sets he within half a rrtde of a sireet-where- ftrr tithrr rt of twrw reside the lwenrold ceniral school on folburne si is king lorn down to make was for t proposed mctnieipal tcmrc coumtl rceeived s425 for ihe old building sidi ii m ihese few points 1 e tn i lind mueh vising wilh ur iducatioml svstcms tttept ih ihe anlhmctie seicw dr a jv buchanan dental surfeon offiee aa mill street offir houri 9 am lofl piil tloed wedneadar afternoon tekphone 148 c f leatherland qc barrutttr 5ol fitof noirjr piibtie offer honr 1000 am 1200 pm 100 pm 500 pm si urda b app ntment onlv of cr 22 phone re 151 acton a braida ba bjt ter so le tor notary public 1t3 mam st s acton ont phone 578 offrr hour s pm b pm 1 pm 9 pm saturday 13 cork st e guelph ta 4 2342 office hour tarn 5 pm saturdays sam 12 a m 11 main st n 212 km st w brampton toronto 1 phonei gl 14s24 em 49131 travmbs ouioi gray coach lines coacmu lsavs actom standard ttme 3 h i 501 pr daily except sun and m 1133 am 208 pm s3j pjn u3 pm 1001 foi i sun wnd hoi westtmufld am 12 57 pm 2 57 pm pm 7 77 pm 9 12 pm 11j2 fn sat sun and canadian national railways standard time east bound daily 8 44 am daily except sunday i 92 am fftaptop 7 0s sundajr ortljiol pm daily sunday only i suoiay rlyi are too ditficutt innt vi u4l mvself 1 ve disvovtrcel ttitn helpinp enlh homework sj how cin iht leathers cpest the poor leids to dotl georfeton 1011 pjn westbound hastings payne bamaterf and soticiton notaries public 1a moll st actoo for appointment call 991 rr- day only 233 pjn only 94s an ifufrtop r only flyer t guelph t 05 pjn- daily except sat and son

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