Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1960, p. 2

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supplementary confusion its not difficult to undrtttnd digm of exasperation on the part of acta council at th rtcomnwndatlom of the department of highways for improving the traffic situation through town admittedly the department is concerned solely with the movement of the traffic on a main highway artery that happeni now in conveniently to be down the towns main treej the exasperating- part of the recommen dations for the traffic situation seem only to require the town to give something give up parking on the north side of the business sectjon or give up parking on other sections of the street the recommenda tions call for the department to give nothing but advice there is indication tkat they will not give approval for the installation of a stop and go traffic signal at the dangerous main and mill street intersection quite seriously it is time the department of highways moved its highway away from the business section of the community they pay a portion for the maintenance of the centre 22 feet of the road andin return they expect the municipality to eliminate parking on the area which the town fully maintains and to develop probably at town expense without any thought of grants more off- street parking areas the business section of the town one of the big tax contributing areas is already hard pressed to keep business in town the de partments only concern seems to be getting traffic and automatically buyers through town perhaps to some other centre tf retail merchants ever had legitimate grounds for concern it has witfi the parking or rather the elimination of parking as recom mended by the department of highways we can understand councils exasperation with the recommendations and can only hope the department can come up with a suppli mentary report that contains more sense than the previous two submitted yduth should stay in school young people have been advised to stay in school as long as possible by labor minis ter michael starr in a statement from ottawa mr starr urged canadian youngsters to get as much education and training as they could before going out to work the proportici of unskilled and semi skilled jobs available in canada ts declining the minister pointed put the skilled and pro fessional jobs demanding more schooling re increasing the semiskilled and unskilled occupa tions in canada represent only 30 per cent of the jobs available mr starr said almost 70 per cent of the youngsters entering grade two wifl drop out before getting their umor matriculation students are leaving school without rea ching a level of education which would equip them for most obs beyond the unskilled or semi skilled categories yet during the past ten years opportunit ies in professional occupations had increased by about 70 per cent iwed occupations by an estimated 35 per cent vthite collar occu pations hy another 35 per cent while semi skilled and unskilled occupations showed an increase of only about 20 per cent this trend resulting from technological advances would inevitably continue and if the average young canadian hoped fo reap the benefits of a modern progressive na lion he would have to face up lo the fact that education was no longer a luxury but a necessity the good old days running free photo by kather taylor it ys x stat aid sfuce msz by bill smiley symbol of hope opportunity hundreds of easter sealsthe symbol of hope and opportunity provided by the ont ario society for crippled children were mailed last month to town and district resid ents by the local rotary club j the 14191 crippled children in the px vlnce living on farms or in city hcjmes qji1 remote northern hamlets know that the 1960 easter seals bring treatment and training a possibility of independence and a relief from the physical handicaps that birth illness or accident have left them what happens to the cheque and cash contribution you mail for those easter seals well half of it goes to the ontario society and half of it remains in trust with the rotary club here the half that stays here helps provide braces treatment or camp facilities for the handicapped of the district the half that goes to the ontario society keeps trained nurses in the field helps areas that may have encountered an unusually expensive case or crgenizescliqics your contribution is- put to work in the district and in the broader fields of research and help more progress in the care and treatment of the crippled child has been made in the past 25 years than during the whole previous history of mankind help keep this vital program in operation until every crippled child in the province has had the opportunity of a happier life and the chance to achieve independence mail that contribution today if you have nt already wont you nineteen centuries later attributed to dr philip schaff 18191893 here is a man who was born in an ob scure village the child of a peasant woman he grew up in another vmage he worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty and then for three years he was an itinerant preacher he never wrote a book he never held en office he never owned a home he never had a family he never travelled two hundred miles from tne place where he was born he never did one of the things which accompany greatness he had no credentials but himself whll still yniincj man th tnjgol through the mockery of a trial he was nailed upon a cross between two thieves his executioners gambled for the only piece oproperty he had on earth while he was dying and that was his coat when he was dead he was taken down and laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend nineteen wide centuries have come and gone and today he is the centrepiece of the column of progress i am far within the mark when i say that all the armies that ever marched and all the navies that were ever built and all the parliaments that ever sat a lot of women smell thctr husbands breath when he turn cs home tifter a night out not mv wife she just makes me turn out my pockets oh she doesn i mike a big fuss she quietly tik es the buttered buns the bus uf cheese ind the slices of meat u rapped in a sc r let tc t hi ows them in the garbage and leads me olf lo bed we were at a cold meal sup per reccnlly sponsored b a women s organization the old gul was as nervous as a moth er with a kleptomaniac child she saw the tell lale glitter in mv eves when i wo confronted bv ihosc plates piled with sliced meat those stacks uf fresh homemade bread and she watched me like a hawk finally i had to get nckv isnt she a knockout i said pointing al a veiling ladv who was ust leaing no woman can tesiijt looking while her head was turned 1 crammed a slice of bieud into mv pocket but she frisked me as soon as ue left the hall i lost mv piece of bread and had to settle for a piece of her mind on the whole my wife is to crant of this aberration of mine sometimes she lets me smuggle some olives and celerv out of a posh restaurant but she draws the line when i start secreting hunks of steak or legs of fried chicken that arc- left and she s nul onl humil li ted but furious when i ask the waiter for a ar in which to carl olf the remains of the i how mem alter a big chinese meal two influences m m life created this habit of garnering am spare food since my pnson- crof war days ive alwavs had a deep looted fear ol going hungry in those das i discovered that a good thick crust lucked away about the person was more com hilling ihan ihoughls ol home mother oi counlr i remember one great financ lal coup 1 pulled off there i started with ihe excellent if lillhy shirl which i was wear ing and hadnt had off lor six weeks it look me a week bul i tiaded that for a cheap shit i and pair of glovers the gloves for cigarettes the cigarettes fur an onion the onion lor a hot lie of homemade hooch and the hooch tor a red cross chocolate bar i fondled the chocolate un wrapped and rewrapped it smelled it and made out a sche dule whereby i would eat one square a day for eight davs thai night lying in bed thinking lech eratislv of my bar i was over come by lust snatched it from under the pillow and gnawed and snarled my wav through it to the accompaniment of piteous protest from my roommates i was sick shortly and lost the works to their delight but i have never been casual about food since those davs besides this i have a feeling instilled in me as a child lhat waste is a sin there was no waste at our house leftover porridge for example went in to the big pot of soup alwavs simmering and gave n bodv and flavor in the depths or the depression mv mother in venled a new kind of hash a popular dish in thsc davs she replaced the meat in the hash with skins of baked potatoes put through the grinder it looked lite real hash was fill ing and with a liberal sloshing ot homemade chili sauce was palatable those were ihe days when you wenl lo ihe butcher and asked il he had anv bones for the dog he gave you some good meaty bones for nflihing but on ironic smile and youlook them home and made soup out of them now of course you ask the but eher lor a soup bone and he gives you some dog hones and ehaigcs you lor ihcm thats progress vou should hear my smart lilee kids when i tell them things like that but lhat was in the bad old days dad have another piece of chicken hcv taunt however lets get to the point there must be thousands of people who abhor waste as much as 1 do people eating in restaur ants eonsume only about half their meal the rest goes into the garbage and then to ihe pig farmer i suggest that when we are eating out we carrv with us a pliable plasltc container wilh hot and cold cumpartments these could be draped over the backs of our chairs like saddlebags ladies could have theirs covered in mink if they wished at the end of the meal everything wc had paid for hut hadn t eaten from soup lo sherbet would be dumped in i lo ihe saddlebags which would then be strapped on under our we might slosh and gurgle a bit when wc walked but il would put an end to waste legalize mv social vice and wed have a whale of a time going through our garbage when wc got home back in 1940 taken from the issue of the free pre thuraday april la 1940 monday night was a memor able night in the annals of walker lodge a f and a m this year for ihe first time in its 65 years of existence ihc lodge was honored bv having one of its masters j a leslie made district deputy grand master of wellington district monday night was the officinl visit of this grand lodge officer to his mother lodge the slgnlf icance of the night was such in masonic circles thai visitors from 21 lodges were registered that nighl truly wor bro f j sail and his staff of officers this year have something lo marie t940 as outstanding during the morning session of county council on monday the gaol inspector report was dealt with and it was learned that re commendation had been made for several improvements and changes at the county jail 11 was recommended that the wooden floors on the top floor be re placed with concrete also that completion of- the fire hose line be made and the upstairs ceiling repaired last thursday evening was a big night for first aclon troop bo scouts under scoutmaster billy middleton tor ihc past six years george mason has been leader of ihe seouls and thurs day night the scouts honored his service as he retired by preseni ing several momentos and gifts at a special meeting of coiin til lasl night a motion was pass cl by whieh acton will purchase a lire truck and pumper if ihe apparatus measures up lo the expectations sel forlh in a dc monsiralion at woodslock the machine is one thai has been in use by sudbury fire department for ihe pasl 10 yeais the chassis is a studcbakcr and ihe equipment was built bv bicklc and seagrave woodsluk fully equipped the unil will be bought for si 800 fire chief r m macdonald was present at the meeting and was in accord with ihc purchase of the used equipment the force bowling learn won s2 agamsl wishing well in the guelph commercial howling league tuesday and norm mor ion was again high scoier back in 1910 taken tram thejaaut of the free press thursday april 14 mo little margaret ihc ihrce-ycar- old daughter of mr n p moore had a narrow escape from ser ious injury last wednesday about six oclock while mrs moores back was turned she climbed to a high shelf of the kitchen cup- bonrd and secured a small bot tle of carbolic acid she pulled the cork with her iceth and got a few drops of ihc poisonous acid on her lips und tongue fortunately none was swallowed and beyond the burnt lips and mouth no serious con sequences resulted frank watson a young man who lives with his parents just outside the village of campbell vi lie was instantly killed on a level crossing of the cpr al guelph junction on saturday uf- ternoon the young miin was re luming from a trip to guelph driving a wagon and team of horses the horses were fright ened by ihe iraln and hccume unmanageable in spite of the young mans efforts they dashed on the crossing just as ihc train was passing the pilol struck ihe front end of ihe wagon tossing ihe occup ant lo ihe far side of ihe track the tram stopped immedlulely and the trew rushed to the aid of the infurcd man a doctor was called bul all signs of life were extinct when he arrived one of the horses was killed and the other infurcd an enjoyable social evening was given at the epworlh league on tuesday evening the program included vocal solus hy misses fmma burt and bertie smith and instrumental solos by the misses mason and mr james smith a very intercsling part of ihe program was the recllal of particulars of iheir recent trip to boslon with toronto teachers by the misses bennelt and hudson mr frank kennedy presided for the program alter which lunch was served the luse ions rhubarb pie is on ihe menu again as nearly every ones garden is producing an abundant crop of the delicious run the aelon lawn bowling club held i heir annual meeting on mondav nighl and elected iheir new officers for ihe coming sea son the players expect to be on ihe gieens much sooner than uiual this year professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in sytnon block a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 10 or d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river entrance river st acton ont phone 238 funeral directors wemaker l phone bbs night or a bruce e shoemaker mgr chiropractor popular opinion turned against hrm his friends ran away one of them denied htm he was turned over lo his enemies he went and all the kings that ever reigned put together have not effected ihe life of man upon this earth as has that onesolitary life odds and ends dr robert u buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st aclon ont phone 879 office hours 88 p m afternoons by appointment real estate and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 9s appraiser real estate and insurance a d moore d c pilmer specific chiropractor 17 mill street phone 40 or m office hour wed 27 sat 2 5 optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist and hearing aid 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 200800 n m fvning by appointment htue calfe tor invalid robert r hamilton optometrist eyes examined hearing aid service 181 guelph st georgetown ont the winter has been a severe one and tn abundance of snow has placed a taxing load of water on rown streets as spring eats into the snow banks we hope the paved roach win retain their places and nofbe hea ved out of place as has been the case on a number of highways there s still a few yean of debentures leff to pay for on that paving ob far from declining halton music festi val experienced terrific growth as evidenced in the festival ust completed more than 7 000 children from halton coynty schools participated in the choir solo and group singmg classes dr jleshe bel was warm m his praise of the standard of music m the halton schools too the acton free press pabuahmi by taw dius pttattac mi rablmua ca usalse founded in 1873 and published every thursday at 5 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau ot ctreutattora the cwjja and ttv-oasrfe-quebe- drrt ton ot the cwna advertising rate on request sub scriptions payable in advance s00 in canada 4w m the united states sot months 1 75 tfenfle copies 7c authoris ed s second class mail post office de otta tht atujr paper tver pabushea in acta o a dills editorinchief k david r dills managing editor u jsjness and editorial office phone 6 0 0 acton world- refugee ycarhashfib pod the imagination of christian people uf the world as the words ot christ take on further mean ing inasmuch as e have done it unto unc ol the least of these fnv brethren ve haix done u unto mo the bihle socictv remember ing that jesus and the holv famih were refugees from tvr- anns in the flight into egypt has alwaw endeavored to bring the consolation of the scriptures to the homeless and the dispossess ed the bible house in hong kong ministers to the 20000000 chinese outside china two mil lion refugees are in hong ktmg itself to these as to all home less wanderers the scriptures bring the eternal message ot hope a total of 50290 bibles testaments and gospels have been circulated through the oak ville matilda the cluck a bronte district resident drop ped into thyjcm journal news offices last veek to do a hit- tl nimetlroppint in vku of the oakilletrafalgaf mergfcr- tht pipei s p w thompson inunicwed matilda then she usited a neirh barbershop for what else a ducktail haircut campaign over top forfletown the new hospital building campaign passed lis objective when returns iota med s20 m ust over the 20000 sum needed ihe tu dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick street office hours by appointment telephone 19 tr 78 appntno accopmtw i 3 lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main st n hi ktog 9l w hong kong bible house the bible society is also dis tributing the scriptures in the iciugee camps in europe from which canada is helping to res cue some of those whose hope for a settled abuawg- place had almost vanished s ihrce m ldus m eon huie shorilv bclrei ratepayers are circulating a petition asking to secede from georgetown and lorm a separate municipality prescnta lion of the petition to council has been detaved uniil more than 300 raiepavcrs have signed name nursing director burl ncton miss mane e hudson has been appointed nursing director lor burlington s new joseph brant memorial hosp ital and will uin the staff this summer she is present h assistant professor in a london universitv school of nursing and is former director of nursing at hamilton general the hospital is under con struction now ant will open earh in 1961 bulhkncr breaks sod brampton sod was broken thursdav for the new mastex industries lid in the peel village development project mayor carmen core operated a bulldozer to give the isotctnployee plant a start veto county home ran orangeville amaranth township has vetoed the idea of a duffenn countv home for the aged and asked for a plebiscite of im ratepayers reeve albert rvan said the county is not in a finan- dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street office hours m to p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone 18 phones gl 14bm ttavhibtt omdt rjav rna iimw coaches lbati acton standard thn cial position to pa tor the home and objecica to tne buildings loca- tion m shelburnc orange ille council granted consumers gas co permission to serve the town with natural gas no april fool jote georgetown joe martin wasnt april fooling when he de clared last week he was 94 on april 1 the town s senior citizen still has a vnithfiil appparame and a spring stcp and is mth jtdovm to man residents c f leatherland qc hamster solicitor notary ubhc office hour 1000 a m 1100 p m 1 00 p m s 00 pm saturdays by appointment only office 23 phone res 1s1 acton a braida ba barrarter solicitor notary public kjmata st aeton om nwot 35 off ke hours t pjn i pm lpm- jxa saturdays is cork st k uelpb ta no easroouna sj3 ajn daily except sub and hoi i mun ii ji ajn im pjn 5 ob p m us pjn im pin 100 pm csun and hoi w 1027 am 157 njbj ut pjnj 571pm t xi pjd 911 fjn 1lsi rm 1 12 ajn tfri sal sna and oil canadian national rafcways hastings payne barristers and souehors notaries public 1a mill 9t aetna for anointment call ml a um9mt1 sjwaat us

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