Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1960, p. 1

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kt tim sttt ft acton ontario thursday april 2ht i960 ten pages seven cent 33 cash was taken when two youths swathed in bandages held up the sllvercreek general store monday night mr and mrs a van hoorn proprietors of the store are pictured apove as they viethetr broken adding machine thrown by one of the robbtifir the robbery took place shortly after nine o clock as the couple were sitting in their kitchen a handful of silver was dropped on the floor and left behind as the intrud ers fled in a hurry swathed in bandages bandits rob store escape with 35 two youths their fates swath cd in bandages held up the silver creek general store and made their escape with 35 in bills man day evening shortly after nine o clock mr and mrs alex van hoorn operators of the business were alone in the kitchen adjoining the store when the buzzer sounded as the door was opened mrs van hoorn coming to the counter srw one muffled youth standing near the counter inside the dyor when she ap proached him on the opposite side of the counter he shouted don t move this is a holdup and motioned toward her with one hand in his pocket first believing him to be a piankster she soon realized the holdup was the real thing when she noticed the second man crouching behind the inside ol the counter with the cash register drawer open and change on the floor fled into kitchen i don t know if 1 screamed or not but my husband said i did mrs van hoorn recalled as she told how she fled through the board hires two lifeguards to patrol bathing beach area the problem of a lifcgu ird all when told the club intended to faiiv i ike during the bathing charge admission mr purkcr re season w is ovcilumt tuesday v minded the delegates that some cning when acton paiks boird people might desire to to swim hired allied chopka ot rock mmg ai the same time as a bill wood and w titer visser guelpli i the hoard wis uild by clmu man r r pirkcr ih it he wis in loimwl by the waui ys swim mint eliri uishucloi j buck land that mi chopka and mi vissci were qu ulllcd tilesavcis nut were willing to aeecpl lie sum me i lob mr bucklind in i kiln suggested our instructors ol the mr townslcy informed the board anyone desirous u yiint swimmmc would not be charged w ivs of overcoming having an alleiulanl at the paik gales to tolled idmission to the ball gam o wcte suggested the delegates md board agreed to erect a sigh at the gates on the days ol games mlorminc the public no charge mid be made lor persons going waler ys swimming club were swimming qualified and wjlling to mskifct in i a request from the delegates anv manner desired to have the park attendant assist appropriate iv designed swcal with cutting grass on the play ers were authorized to be pur ing held was received with tav chased for the lileguirds for use or on the understanding the ball while on dutv v i club would lend their assistance hirold tuwnslcv and phil mc cusl ill representing the inter mediate ball club wcic given per mission lor the club to use the puk on wedncsdiv evening and siluidav illernoons during the ball reason the board also agreed to pay tor welding of the cross irons on ihe hasebill screen providinc ihc bill club pure based nccessarv m itcruils to put the screen in pioptr repair vic misteis ind j ick bulloufch plan stump pulling bee board needs volunteers during the rcgul it p irks board meeting tucsdiv evenute plans wert made to hold i stump pull in bee ll i tnv like on s uur da ma 14 chuimm r r pitke bond hit lit mini u pim w is ink u me i n slumps timmcd mil w uii i ll ll lutlc h i woikus itiiiml the d iv told ihe ml t mi tiki pio- olunteet nl ii thi inn line uishmt to issist in rnwmrrttrt m ml nl in llu d ik x inlul ml hui i pieces ol equipment would ik neeessuv md told them that ol unteeis with boats winches inn kr tungs and cable would be much appreciated it is hoped the pnieet ean tt undirwis til r im in the morn nit md i ist throuthoiit hc d iv ll w is suggested ll enough people eoliinlctrnl heir seniles two or ihiee toups eould be mule up mil i uh group work lor a lew mu ihers ol ihe bond i r r pi m v- fryer 6 v- b-tr- iwd facevwnakhed when the eurl beau johiw kilh a irwin i and mavur j gov of acton legion minor sports requested the use ol the park on august 4 56 in order to hold the annual civic holiday progrun mr masters explained the an nual program was a week later than usual and told the board a midway could not be engaged foi ihc regular holiday weekend in icqucsting the park for thursday friday and saturdiy the delegates told ihe members thursday was for the midway 4p set up equipment he suggested the rides might he opened to children at a ehar fcc of 10 cents prior to the rcgu far program getting under way on friday evening minor spurts were granted use of the park for these days on the understanding no charge for ad mittancc would be made before six ocloek friday night and 11 am saturday it was also stipu lated thev were responsible for cleaning the park of all litter ind the person holding the concession at the park receive proper pro- lection ol his rights on these davs in tranhnc permission the board itreed to lew a 50 ch irgc lor the use of the park the delegates were assured ihc t icelraek would he giadcd lot ihe occasion and gave permission lo hold gocarl racing on salur div titulirs for ihc booth and pom eoniesmon were withheld until u specnl meeting on siturdav maur j go informed the chairm in he had some inquiries retarding the lccl of run like md was told the dim hid been let out for a period ol tune to allow overflow waters to escape bul tun thing was back to noi mal again sccrclan mrs g fryer mloim d he board eight picnic tabl store into the kitchen hearing the commotion mr van hoorn made a lunge out the kitchen door toward the more when the youth at the counter picked up an adding machine and hurled jt at him the machine missed him but crashed to the floor and1roke as mr van hoorn continued toward them ihe two robbers fled from the store and made their escape children alert neither mi or mrs van hoorn heard a car drive away but their two children upstairs in ihcfr bed room told them later they heard a motor racing outside ihcir win dow and then suddenly the car sped away the proprietor believes a third man may have been watting in the car a hundful of coins was missed by the youths in their hurry the change clattered to the flour and was recovered constable william bennett of the north hal ton or p detach ment was called to investigate roadblocks were set up but the thieves made iheir escape mrs van hoorn cannot recall how the second man was dressed bul does rcmcrnber the youth with his lace partially hidden by bandages also had one handjbanu aged her first thought was that the in in had been burned and she was on the verge of remarking my goodness how did you burn jouiielf the van hooms jfe district dealers for the free press fishing contest trout anglers arc beginning to gather ihcir gear together in readiness for the opertlng of ihc trout season april 30 ag aln this year the free press and several local merchants will be offering prizes for the largest trout caught in the ad ults and children s classes within a 25 mile radius of ac ton the contest is open to both males and fertile in both classes and winners can be as sured of valuable ulna rules of contest following are the rules and regulations governing the eon lest 1 all trout must be caught in water within a 25 mile radius of acton 2 contestants must register hsh before cleaning at the free piess oflice or alter hours call don ryder it 419 3 in the adult class tor speckled iroul first and second will be awarded ior the longest trout e mght 4 in the children s class lor speckled iroul first and ond will be awirdcd lor the longest trout e mghl m in the brown trout class open lo everyone the fish will be weighed and pmes awarded amt 70 iccurdtng to weight l tl m a gayte hulford sparks easterners to two canadian bowling titles wmme home 6ayie mih gayle hulford 19yearold bowling star who is arriving home by plane tonight thursday from the canadian five fin bowling championships at calgary will receive a royal welcome from ac ton council and acton chamber of commerce as she steps from the plane at mallon a small cavalcade will leave acton tonight and drive to maltun to cheer the acton youngster who was instrumental in pulling ihc eastern allstar ladles team from a 42 point deficit to the cham plonshlp cart will leave acton at 10 p m in order to arrive at malton be fore the plane arrives at 11 pm sparked hv the slcllar pcrfoim apce ot guvlc ilullord i9veai old aeton bowler ihe hasten alt st ii ladies he pin bowline tc im mere line i mitginil ic id takm hv vincouver ind bv i tneic hir hv olllcnls 20 p mils won llu ch impmiiship ir ihc c in uh in five pin bowl int finals il c ilfcarv baslcrwetk event md ihc ladies team chain pionship her ten t lit tnng in ihe mix ed te im ivenl which included ol 110 and 269 has riled f on lop pertoimers nd in canidi i in the tidies team e n i lh e islern girls blew a wo pin lnsl tivc gone lead and went into ihe tenth and final t nc p down ll wis here gavlc earni through with her best peifurm inee ol ihc tournament as she sin islud out a 34s game giving mixed tuhilant immatcs i the ii cinidnn championship by 30 pih ont ir supiem ninnc lout oul n ih impionships 10 now ms pi ed then ie oul wesl the i islein mis won ihe mi lis ind womu team eenls swept tin le ims eompclith n mil women s sintles title prominent role givle miking he i lnsl ippi nice in ihe wcsi is in i isletn tunc and g ivle hiving complct all si ii played i piommcnl pirt ed a sttenuous round in the mix in ihe winnint of ik mixed le mi cd torn loumev was sttltne or the sidelines looklng on during the women s match in the ninth frame of the ninth g imc one ot the eastern gall struck i snag and howls failed lo go where intended al this point coich bub totzke or wa urloo called on the acton bowler lo complete the game a spare and three strikes were notched by gayle to end the g imc and pouring on one or her besl ellorts she came right hack in the 10th and final game with a neat 34s to boot her team home to the championship two honors a d ivle garnered two honors girls on ihe caster hc4n lh youngest ever lu com te m only five bowl during p n n- competition and suli ftwio waucfr lodge was honored monday evening by the visit of district deputy grand master b omand and several other dignitaries as well as 62 guests from visiting lodges pictured above left to right are worshipful master j reid d d g m b omand grand senior warden j tal man guest speaker and very worshipful brother h ritchie lodge secretary county pares 1960lsoad budget pulls rate down to 55 mills h dton cm 11 1 c tine ll m i i i960 mill rite t ss null- d wn null fi m 19s9 i the tucsdts april meitmt llu ali will pioviili lot i sptniliuiu s 917488 llwnh h47 492 47 01 1 s mills loi ecnei it e spell ii tines ik ul on ing nnk roof collapsed winter during jt tjobili3sutuj al stmes at farewell service kit uln ii im iisi j acce 161334 t i pnc will be giv en to the person registering the fust tmut speckled or brown mccsuting 12 inches or over receive prints pictures ol the winners with their prizes will be published in the free press and the winners will receive a glussv pnnt ol themselves any merchant not contacted i date and wishing to swpptm-the- eontesi bv don iunt a pnzc is sked lo contact don rviter at the tree prcsc helorr tuesday noon ol nexl weik the hint s ehi v l in t i is hithu hit m lion ml m nd mwsll pio nt u in rnun lo iiini aeton own i i t h dth mi immiv ulome ii in ihi nunistis until i i ik i i iti ind h ind i iv w u ue m lint il million lu lake ip iwiiliiiii ln uh monti- ti mi mi 11 tl t urn inn h n tn i m nitht pt t to on new brookville school the tinder ol ernest tf oilman dttlelv on the new school for constmition co georgetown ol i completion bv september and the um im tot lonstnution ol the fall term architects tor the tuw eight room brookville pub building are kpisehen and dailey lie sehol was neepleil hv the oakville nivsjgawcva township jxhool 1 the luimm bid ws m ot q strikes pole uvht milted lor theeonsiim lm l th f it h ihh lll fire levels barn in wednesday fire a ham w is levelleil and several pieces ol equipment and a quan tity ol lecd and grain were kt when lire ol unknown origin rag- id out ol eontrul at the home of h irold brow n r r no 4 acton wrednestlav afternoon thi lire wjs tirst rniuced aniund 4pm bv mr brown and equalized 848 noilh will ilso eer the ihikil unl ul ji84w7 pit s0 hi i mu iii ts munil spicnl lffl pivmei isirin these include aeloti milton i sqiitmnji md wea ind ituv will piv rcncial exn liliius j219 ssi dihuiluii ehiifc 11 chirilv mil writ u teneial will u s 200 7 so adminxlt iiinn ol ii4 0u0 ittuiilliiie ind i lion s n hieh ib niiiris the s id n uid ll ihuimi i 12 t sic mil lei ii tn mis nl in mollis 1 pi r dii ni i i be h n jmkl t jukki ph i pi inning mecln i k km in i hi i mint i whv ilu pi hi c ii ihe i ntoti pi i dm lintl mills hid united burl inns i iiint tiiietlilji bound it v zoning bu ml ik m epli i tct s mu thint onstiuelive oul need ol tlv t it he nngs sod hm lied ttlliv ol oikvtllc ll xiiild ih i sh nut ii so il die vnless istmliv i meeting then pctc in national competition and being on two eastern champion ship learns she began her bowling career it the ige ol four and when she cached her i7rh birthday smash ed ihc lormer eistcrn ladies record with a inple of 1057 gavle is ihe daughter of mr ind mrs ken hulford proprie tors of the acton bowling lanes and attended high school here following i lound of nrlcbra- tions ind western hospitality for ihe ehimpions ihe all stars will return ti thnr homes it villous limes d ivle mil her mother ue due lo imvc it milton lit poll al ii pm tonight itlturs- div easter seal returns exceed last years mu spiowl i hut man of the l astir sell progrim lor the ac ion roiitv club reported tues- d iv night dunne ihc dinner meet ing thil relmnsmom this year campiitn hid exceeded last ve irs tut it durmt ihe first seven d lys of the campaign i he chairman informed the members th it j72s had been re ceived to date since mulling was sent out the week previous hear speaker during the meeting rotanans he ud vie lor gtinn parole and re- h ibiln ition olfieer explain ihe sysicm undertaken to re-habilit- ale juvenile delinquents mr gunn has bcerf ac tfvwork ing with the bowmanville and br imp ton reform school and de- luted ihc procedure adopted in his wotk when attempting to pi kc vintngsters in industry and oiher phiccsof work the wecmlvdmnei wis billowed hv i rousing singsong and a biicf business session list wrong drivers in twocar accident ihe it vised s will nl 4 siorv m i est week s issue i press trronentisly tranv he drivers of iwo can i in in accident on high- w i 7 apnl 7 alee wilson i oneen st ac ton w is the driver ol a i9w qldsmohile which wis left park ed at ihe nudside when it run out ol t is j inics flhston of glen but ulhl nw ihue is m work ms w 1s hl dnw of d cad illic which eolhded with the veh suit on county uk anv inionienicnie lauscd t unit ii u t noltlu itnin ilirmith the cnor is sincerely tr ni i noiti t wn i iw i n in lhal tigrelted mi pi i n md aiihin w is i nlcrint mill igimst ihi uuiitv insnnl aa vka fll h m tlu di kli i hir hush md it t v toots sjlo l hi pr u ism rit seuthh line ongr tulalions lo s f vhfftn h nt h pin r r 2 alton who lelchralrd hh rtiumtt rnvsintih tepnnrd 0ih hlnhdiv wcdnrsday- -aprtt- loldien- aid shki uquit ii ix ul- nl i so i prist party i tin iwo uh nis in thi bisiiiiiiii held t him hv linnds and nchib i ihui htnldint piesiniu m nis hi included iu churchill nlin rrf in njjr tn n news out nit thi sane win d i llkhline th pn leii vli he i ujh iiiiiimvi e i hnnmlt pt tin ic- i unum nl he i tw itilin iril i n the b tin tht iininin ind an audi n wis liuim twti voung men rccciveii i leiil nh u u t vf i ind bruise ind a third es the bul tiustcc ait gibson noted capcu thc km in h vr which ihirv werr ndmg was n i v h tmnsl wi be- ttrttkcd iark fntll morn h nassgusa mfl i out miu nnrlit inm this move he m nlnkmg a nxdro po ln pluncil campthlbitle sibool mam street north lam in orxrinon but ru dmcr t j r leyened taoal nils above the bi pitmnl hi n ol i w iltt i w is mule io mi h ilnus while mis 11 times untd itts hmi ihi biplist llith 1 1 lime ship cnnip choir mivsion band and mission urelc presiiit domic the cutiint were ihe riv h b si krefl of the anchc m church and rc k reid ol ihe pintccostal thureh other lical ministers umble lo be pre sent for the occasion sent their regrets followint the entertainment and present ltmris all adjourned to the basement for a social gel together ihool mx turn 7 9 wd insirusttim i hools 1 doseil st irt tmme- mr of the farm house a c ill was pen in to the george tiw n firr depart mem nd a truck raced in ihe scene then shifts ol firemen worked long af ler dark in in ittcmpt lo exun guish ihe last llrnc alltoek was releasevj from the naming inferno and moth pieces ol farm equipment sahaaed but lost were two w iguns a forage sbwmmimuijjffijgsg ifclvm teiti ciisgrme required siiteh- cs for icnl cuts and a knee in lurv while kenneth witee mi dfqvliant savino l pcngcr csiaped iniurv for frxwe who may grumble the accident oecurtcd in the nd claim they wrfll tost one c morning hours sv hen ihe hour deep come sunday at car vas proceeding to make the ll am as they art their docks curve at number 7 highway and ahead for daylight sattag a main street north when it went wnall consotatfon b m store fortout of control snapping the hvdro them m they look forward to the pole damaging wires and a trans- time it ts gained back again sun- former day october 3ft at 1 ajn constable men harness of the during thc last councu meeting local opp detachment investi a bystaw was approved to regulate gated ark stated the car skidded these hours for dayttgbt saving nearly 100 feet lght cvr mpiinng three stitches harvester blower a milking raa- hinc mime haw and straw and a large quanmv of seed grain the barn built in 1924 was in sured but a total estimate of thc loss w is not known at press tune odav new writer the free press this vrcck wel comes mrs robert wright to jl staff of correspondents mrs wright assumes the duties of cor lespondcnt for eden mills follow ing the recent death of mrs w j lowrie former correspaddeat firf of unknown origin levelled ft barn owned by harold able to prevent nearby buildings from igniting lost id tht brown r r 4 wednesday afternoon mr brown and neighbors i blaze were several pieces of equipment a quantity of hay and sawing wood near the farm home not ced the fire about 4pm straw as well as saed gram for spring planting all stock was and sent a call to georgetown fire department who rushed to removed from the buildmg in the nick of time and taken to the scene the fire had gamed htfadway and firemen were only i neighboring farms

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