Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1960, p. 6

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srpspwssft off wilh the storm wlridows and on wiih thcscrccns as the cut begins to rutkc the flits once again the cnlranciway to lakivkw subdivision off main street hus been improved with a loud of gravel farmers hac finally made a start in their fttkls and crocuses art common bui spring was ctr lalnly reluctant street ire beginning to takt on a ntw look js town workmtn arc busy cleaning up hit winters accumulation of sand and dlbris fishermen who twe been down to lake ontario dlrtadv for smelt have not been too success fui thtv figure catches will be a lot better next week judy morton of alton sufier cd a sprained ankle sunaav morn ing when aur she was a passen gcr in left the roadwav and drop ped into a four fool ditch in gutlph its spring cleanup lime and many are beginning to rake lawns clean up gjrdens and make ready tor spring planting some shrubs were planted on the holi e weekend kcton junior tanners mewed safety hlms and made 1 presentation to mr mid mrs w masters ntwlvweds during then meeting at the buinockburn school monday cenint the tree piess reeencd sevei at inswer to ihe puzzle published last week ill ol them iifchl we were glad to iil u people cnioved it we hope to hue t seilcs from our anunvmods pulc m iker the interesting apnl bulletin ojmtic home and school assoc 1 1 hun contains a message irom pcfridpil rimei smith which pit ent rnvc been riding it hsls 16wysija rents e in help then cniluredualhselioui leai milt ctkumuii b simson gisbv 67 lnncliockc uul all in c stokes of geticgctown rcccncd i lot il uf jboo dam ice s iturd iv cuninc when thev collided at the inter section uf highway 7 and esqucs ing s 11 sideruad no one was injured ffliposil th il the mimic ind school assueiiliun should brc ik up into two groups one fur each end of town will be up for dis cussion at the apnl meeting next week the meeting will be held in i the high school auditonum for the first time i acion boys scheduled to play in the eastet hockey tournament in milton last weekend were dis appointed lo learn they were dis qualified a few minutes before stepping onto the ice a protest lodged by a visiting team sparked an emergent meeting prior to the game and the youngsters were unable to play halton nixes deer season there will be no open deer season on deer in halton coun ty this year it was agreed by county councillors at the april meeting on tuesday this month the burlington flih and game protective asso ciation objected to plans for an open season and last month a nassagaweya farmer also ob jected on the other side the georgetown anglers and hunt crs club and the halton sports men s club have requested deer seasons to rid the county of large herds of deer and provide sport for their members apparently the cons out weighed the pro the agricut lural committee reported they have mixed feelings in this matter and agreed to hold a decision in abeyance at least for this year spring storm sweeping up i slonn ne the men who have been lured by the town to sweep the loids they re sin rounded by billowing dust as vhey progress down the streets 3axsts3smsme ebenezer combined easter services highlight holiday season easier services at the local church of christ disciples were fittingly observed the minister rev byron f howlclt u shared with the guelph church and some eoinbin cd services were held thursday evening preceding good friday a candlelight com muhlon service was held in the guelph church for both eongreg ations a goodly number from the local church attended friday service good friday motnlng a com munity worship service was held in rockwood piesbyteilan church when rev howkll dellv ercd the sermon crosses o c i nrv and many from heie it tended the brothcihood of disciple churches have been holding a chain of pravei since junuarv 1 1960 and evcrton church obsci cd a twelve hour period starling at 9 a m on saturday the sanctuary was open alt thy ind the various members kepi vigit in prayer und quiet mcclilu lion easter sunday on easter supday a spcei il sunrise service at 6 a m was well ittcnded by mcmbci s ol both evcrton and guelph eongieg i huns easter hvmns of piaisc weic sung and donna and mai iln kingsbury sang an appropriate duct a timely message bv rev how lett concluded an inspliatkinat service regular service the regular taster sciviee wis conducted by the nnmstei wilh i tood attendantc piescnt easter lilies and pulled pi nits idoined the plulfuim the choir undei the leuleiship of mis david armstrong of rock guest soloist choir music highlights special service 17 beautilul sane thete is a charm md beauty dl its own of an evening service i in a lurd church set deep in the euuntiv laeh year at easier time a sped il setriee is lie id at ebenezer united church third line n issagaweva township which m iny people tiavel to at tend this vcar thev c inie under u slailit skv to see the great win dows of colored glass warmly welcoming them as they ntarcd the church as thev left their ears and approached the build ing the soft uice of the pipe organ ushered them into the in j ft 1 churchill s e griffin nonagenarian honored at suprise party a social cunmt churchill chuuh u evening apnl 1 is 1 miipi im parts fur mr s f iilhn who celebrated his 90lh but lid i a lew games weic plavcd after which arthur swdckhinur was master of ceremonies tor the fl kiwinf procruii music b the orchestra i hn m let nun rubeit dcrmy- inmnimrntit lindn swdcklumcr accordi in miiu vein dcnm tno skit h ait hi ken and amil which cvcimuic en joscd make presentation mr smith tin in u is then 1 d led to the hum uul mr i r ink rrcxmin n id the id dress miss duns thompson and mrs dnc willi presented with i hsmii hook ind bihle aj olhei ills hum clu lames who urc prisml mr giilhn in uli safltt wtliim itt oimd in stncjni held it down the old w itsun house on widncsd i lop of the lull owned in j lid ker local items mr md mis beit rolcis md i imilv ol h1lhbmll1 spent i isjcr it the home ol her pireiils mr md mrs alfred smndcis friends arc el id to see mrs leslie sw it k turner able to be out again alter hei illness mr md mrs joshua thompson weic surprised when thev receiv id 01 01 e hid and nisi coisicj i null robinson llonsts in guelph lor then 4ftlh wedding amine r sdiv 011 mondin mt md mts bnuc icitch ind be i rk mi and mrs ronald s hindus ind funilv mmicii on sund i with mr ind mrs fred c i at cihiksu fiu tuts are soma to tu ir mr h irold gnftin is on the suk list ml 1111 in the dmorsiau his wish him a jpcedv rceov number pusmimadi fcvenone wml lii where the i 1i1i1 w is ihe occasion the hi id 1 cent tx d with 1 in tlo mil 1 t dd e ike in ihe oijjx of 1 li shot the othu t ibks wui red with difloitin as mr gnllm pnmv1u1l 1 the c ike ill iuid in mi lltppx bulbil n mr gnthn his imd m communiu dl hi mr mhicho 1u l hisentutt find i tedloi mis alt idmw ol toronto visilid i 1 ik home of mr and d sdimdirn llulm iimsnun were 1 illed lo hi h inn f 1 1 1 ik th mpon re link whin a shun in a hdro 1111 st irtid 1 fire in the cross 1 ir i thi p it 1 iusiiil it tu clash o the lti und is tenor ol this tuary the good hrid iv sen let nieditatiuu w held on april at 8 30 pm and ultin the chinch wds fdlcd to capacity the service was in lour pirts each relating to the journey ol chi ist to the cross ol c ik iry and the tomb the lirst part wis the prayer of consecration the second dealt with the scouiging and mocking the third part with the crucifixion and the fourth part with the scaling of the tomb in each there was a por lion of the senpture reading for each person to meditate upon in silence the mustc was under the dir ection of j f kilehing as choir 1c ider of the augmented ebcn ccr united church choir ind tdcn mills united crunch choir miss mirgirct early rscidenl 01 j mist was at the pipe org in mrs jocc weilcr of dublin street united church choir guelph was the guest soloist loi this speci il sen ice ind her solos were jesus i will ponder now and ii wis for mt choir anthems wttt all in thi april evening dnd in josephs unclv garden the congregation also hid their part in the service in the fie hjmns so loved bjj people throughout the world at the conclusmm of the hour long sen ice they left hit church to the music ol the ore in pi wing the pisloral ssinphonv from handel s messiah out into the mtht ot tht tountnsidt with its ceiling of stars carninc with them the messdge of good fri day as tjcn b the reading ot 4rr4ptun and mumc visitors c inie irom guelph rockwood acton ind campbell mile including the residents irom ihe district sentd bv this church to attend ebeiietr united -we- 1 iwremnj i l h tm t fii vpciiince which icmuns with one throughout the e ir tor it altracts those who hae once tteiuled lo return ear after car and for those who loni for a sen ice in a ruril church al the elosi ot ihe d i here is an op- puitumu presented each good fnda wood ming the anthem christ arost und a dytl lhiisl tht i ord is rieii tolav win given by donna and marilyn kingsbury the ministers topic rcsurrec lion revelations brought a chall cngc to all combined service a combined service in the guelph church on sunday night hi ought to a climax the special pastel scivices when the ordin niiii ol chiisinn baptism and communion sciviee was ubserv ed ihe chiistum youth 1 1 how ship are lo be gucsls ol ihe guelph l y i alnt bowling patty in guelph duting ihe holid ivs weekly meeting two groups ol young people mill weekly uv the chutch chi ro fellowship eompils ed ol llle juniors hic mis alex kttigsbury as their ic ider c y i who ne the seniuis have the minislei as their leader both groups die quilt ictive ind four ol then number dunn 1 kingsbury pctei fountain gioll mclucn and b11 in rubeilson iu 011 ihe bon id of ccnli il disliict yuung people s cwf meeting the christian women s lelluw ship of the chuiiii uf chiisi dis ciples nut il llic hunic ol mts john alton c ill to woisfup bv the plcsul cut mts d g rohtilon wis lol lowed by the readme ol ihe nun ules and correspondence hy i he sec let 11 v ircasuicl mrs dune 111 kingsbury accept invitation an iiivii 1 hon tu ittcnd 111 apnl 1c 1 it ospimei w is uicplid mil nolc in ide ol the dish 11 1 rdly to be htld 111 guilph apnl 27lh i he re ii c ill a t sc oil re mh ice hun wis lolliwifl bv the woi ship jki lod condtic ltd bv mi s ii i lot lop mis a knilsbuiv w is pioe1 1111 le idei ind introduced rev how led who biiiilln 1 1i111li1i piu ukliil mess ile oil belli my reports projects mis ii iivev jcstin tciuilcd i 1 the senile eiiiup md cic i lip it i llic leiiiil h 1 uu i il which hie i idles t ilcud ml 1k1 the b ike silt il lilt miikcl pio- eeeds ol whuh hi be inc used lui 1 ik nut idilhnt ol the church kitchen a june c 1 is pi uined mil 1 chicken biibcqut 111 c 11 1 1 ill elect officers miss jennie t cll presided i r the clcctitn ol iilhccis piesidciil ind pixss tepoi tc r mis d i rohcilsoti vice piesidciil mis john alton sceretaiy lieisurcr mrs duncan kinoburv issisl ml secretary ire tsurei mrs john me dougdil worship ihiect 11 mis hnrrv hoitop sludv roup miss jennie toicll mis c ruunl uh senicc lmhip mis a kmesbun mrs m jackson mis b ttowlett mis 11 jeslm mis j mcdoil cill mis chlf mcdoiilill audit or mis m hoitop limsl mrs john alton louitcsv c uneiici mis c fount mi t ncci ri ng ed ii nunts h id bun mil vu neccss n wink ikii p don i ollll hostess issisled 1 jcsltn d ft ml s and 1 siki d ch il his good he 11 h ing e nous iiouml the kim uul farming celebrate annlverxary mr and mr wnf metonild celcbi itcd then 2th will line in niversan it thur homi on sun day with 1 t imilv cuhtiinl and a few imnds tht wi 1 ikm b vticpiim m saturda niht w hi n a loi 1 1 their incnds e died to longratul ate them on the ixiaston eikhre was plavvd titer whuh tbc were prtrntnl with a pop up toaster and mirror easter service a special serxicc was held on sunday al the church easter hltcs and cwdles with an open bible were placed on a table in trent of the pulpit for the wxasjon mr murrav mcbnde gave the message on easter jl mrs emmcrson anderson fav uored with a solo christ is ristn hold bm a bee has been held tearing jack ridley cartage hmtirt conctetf biocks concine mick cinder biocks clay buck sano stone livestock ind fertlllzer eaum service nd sufmes dump trucks for hire kv clau b f phone ml acton ffmary eonvertioii the y fou upd to with 1 world mousacouatiron bearing id prit car flu nrnsly ivhinct tlwwwiulbooqrli uwsim nf b mhtch nmmw frortd rlanty far tha j fc the flavour and colodr of buher is natures secreti cham m mim ifumiunwkai umpul af itylbh elbuchner optometrist and hearing aids 48 mill st e acton ont eyes examined hearing tested wednesdays only office hours 2 ub 6 00 p m evenings by appointment telephone 115 if no answer phone waterloo office collect sherwood t7 you bet ill be there been looking forward to it put me down for two tickets lets all be cooperative public spirited ctuzcns support your community s one big event of the year the annual community dinner spon sored by your acton chamber of commerce pun now to attend the annual acton chamber of commerce community dinner wednesday april 27th 630 pm at the robert little school auditorium and join in the celebration of national chamber of commerce week april 24th to 30th 0 special guest speaker whivans president canadian manufacturers association tickets now on sale ma be purchased from any member of the acton chamber of commerce iimiho numbed of tickets minted support your acton chamber of commerce good cith it stands for good good business 4

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