Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1960, p. 9

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jsfrttiifttto jugsjjk experienced teachers uid boost education standard fijtor jkctoneree press mflfist parents as they watch their boys and girls grow up hve hopes of them entering un verslty and eventually becoming engineers doctors or scientists 1 jive up those dreams if your children are attending acton schools because only about one fc- student in a hundred will man agfe it the reason a deliberate doncy by acton s school boards of hiring too many inexperienced and sometimes poorly qualified teachers this is a serious charge but there is evidence to support it look at the record in the years 1947 and 1948whcn upper school as subjects were first taught in ac ton eight students went on to graduate from university two girls became nurses and another boy subsequently became a law yer this from a school enrol men of less than a hundred one a year since then the number enter fng university from acton has averaged one a year from an en rolmcnl now increased to almost three hundreds in this period only one acton student has en tered medicine at university and he took upper school training in guelph which is noted for the quality of us schools in proporl fpn to 1947 at least six students a year from acton should enter university i know there are ust asmany intelligent capable boys and girls in acton as anywhere else or as there were in 47 48 the only thing lacking has been expert guidance by highly quahf led teachers as well educationists now be lieve that preparation of children expected to enter university must begin in grades 7 and 8 the only people who can interest children in the possibilities and demands of university work are teachers who have experienced this themselves in oar publn schools there are no teichcrs with university degrees this all important motn ition towards university in the public schools is lacking 1 am not necessarily criticizing beginning teachers or the work of those who have taught tn ac ton s schools for many ycai s a new teacher needs about five years to develop his skills full many teachers who began in ac ton arc now highly riled in their profession but they arc no long cr teaching here our schools have become training grounds for teachers we pay them to learn their jobs and actons ehildicn suffer from the unavoidable mis takes of their inexperience at the same time experienced tc i chcrs in our schools ptobiblv must spend loo much of their lime correcting the errors and tcdoing the work of the ine penenced specialists needed whit could be done to remedv this situation acton s high school needs a nucleus of five or six top rated cxpeiieneed spec lahst teachers to handle key sub icets and upper school coutses supporting them a gioup ol ex penenced non specialists ind tv en one or two beginners undei good supervision would be ide quite to bring in incxpuienccd teacher into a school and assign wskefewbfsln him five high school grades in one subject or a complete upper school course is ridiculous it is unfair to the teacher and almost disastrous to the education of his students particularly ihe weaker ones our public schools ire vcl admimstcted but when the board hires new teachers it should see that half or more of them have at least fic years experience and top qualifications by lop qualifications i mean a fcood gride 13 jcittemic record plus teachers college there should also be degree holding tea chcrs handling some of the eng hsh science ind mathcm hies of the higher giades harsh but necessary this has been a harsh letter but necessity sometimes demands harshness if parents are con ccrned iboul the educ ilion of their children here m acton ind want the fullest opportunities for them they must insist ihn prop crly experienced ind qu thficd pcisonncl still our schools thcv should discuss this matter with school boird members it is mevitible that a change in present pohev will cost mnnt ind metcast taxes on some wc must decide however whe iher the educ ilion ind future ot our child i in ind ineulentillv ot our eountn is wmth ihe sun fices this imnhcs which is more impoilint the leu luxuries lint j he evil i nionct would bus or ihe oppoiiunik tor oui children to become well ind ihuioughtv educ itcd these ue oui child icn il is out choke sinccrck jlhalton dairy princess to vie for dairy queen title at cne the search is on tor a dairy princess to represent halton tn the dairy queen competition for ontario mac sprowl chairman of the halton dairy queen competition has announced that the final closing date for entnes in the halton competition is mav 6 young ladles in halton from dairy farms arc eligible to enter in the competition this event has always been keenly contested in the county during the four years the comp etition hasbecn held halton entries havttoecn selectdd as ont aria dairy queen on two occas ions and runner up once last years entry mary- lou tavlotof burlington was a semi finalist in the provincial competition chosen t meeting this years halton dairv pnn cess will be selected at the an nual halton holstem twilight meeting to be held on fndaw may 20 at hays sales arena at trafalgar the dairy princess will repres cnt halton at the canadian national exhibition in the dam queen competition for ontario the decision to hold halton s selection at the holstem twi light meeting was made at a dir ectors meeting of the halton holstem club held in milton on tuesday april 12 al tcr rc icw ing a request made irom the halton dairy queen committee this decision should be a popul ar one since the annual hilton holstem twilight meeting is il vtajs well attended bv dui en thuhiasts m the county this ears twilight meeting will follow the formal of other wars with dcmonstialions in liidcjnl lj ulmc pkni ol pi ind lunch lor ill included in this ycai s puifct nil will be i ptntl discussion on il u i ink tn in ipemtnl lntrv loims ind mfoimiiion fin the hilton dui piinciss competition mi be obi nncd horn any member ot tin hitllon dui oucen conimillci or hum the ontmo department of ag riculture milton eftulctownship council strikes 1960 mill rates er t council struck the tax rates for municipalities under their jurisdiction during a special meeting wednesday ap nl 11 in the hillshurgh munie ipal hill following is the breakdown of the 1960 tax i he loi c ich munie lpahlv iirci no 1 60 mills ire i no 2 607 mills enn ss no 2 64 6 mills hillsbiirgh sh 9 mills erumnsi 64 4 mills oiton 4s9 mill- and caledon 77 7 mills minimum tix hills issue per assessment was acjeed at 100 and cummcicial riles ate listed it three nulls above icsidcntial tomammmmemaeasimrz this sundays church calendar mmmmmmaammmtmmmwu lni unftk church of canada rev reginald brook minister mr gorf elliott organist and cbotr maoler sunday a 2 1 service in the vm c a boo am morning prayer 1000 ajt sunday school for all agei 1115 jn morning warship ohildren under yean cared tor in the nurser at the 11 is nm ervwe only ptesbytetlan church in canada knox cmmch acton rev andrew h mckenne ba bd sunday april mth 1060 it 45 a m church school 1000 am bible class is the church of st alban the martyr anglican rector the he h b stnkiref l th stb ibs jeffrrv st phone 265 sundw apki1 24th ivo the firm pundit ifu fi 810 nmhly e tchinot 910 im h h eiehi i id l mrrh sch wil m 00 t m m itt il midweek celebration month 21 ap il w0 s i marks d ap i ind mir- tt 10 rf m h h all an uelrome councilalso agreed to pay their shue ol in iddilion il two classrooms tn enn union public school no 2 built it cost ol j499i7 it w is iimi ujttd to petition hit pi inning and diclipmcn department iskine lht budcit lot const n it ion pm posts in rdti ihil no otu municipahl will he isked to contnbulc more lew than oncouutcr null pti e ir it w is noted ih it am miinuipililt tk siting io coninb ult mort must m ike lot mil con musical notes by acb this week wc arc printing the biographies of two members of the bund instead ot the usual one the reason tot this is the ire both newer mcmbus and young in years and this combin a l ion mikes it difficult m wnie i longer biography meet senile mister bcrntc freultr will eel ebrate his lllh birthdav on apt il 7 he is ihe son of mr and mis herman ficu ler who result on no 7 1iilii wa ul oniinc the vustuh limits of the town beinte is in glide se cn at the ro hei t little school h i s hobbes is well is musii arc slimp collecting and ill sports with the emphasis on hockey before coming to the citizens band in 19s8 he was diunrmei in the junior pipe band besides diummmg in the band he is ilso learning the trumpet meet gerald geiild steirilt is tn lrult nint it acton high school and will be 13 on july 19 he is the son ol mi and mis ontario association speakers talk about retarded children the milton and district assoua lion for rctnidcd children held llicli april meeting in the j m dencs school with i group ol in telcslcd putnts ind fl lends pic sent g g addtson presided and in weltominj all visitors voiced ins ippreci ilion to st inlt hill mpp fui his piesciicc the routine business wis ths pensed willi ind concluded with the linil in uijtnitnls loi tlilt gaits to itttiid sessions ol the mnu il meeting ol llifc oni uio asmieiition loi rvtutled child nil helile held this veil 111 iii niilton whirlwind life win kit k diiciloi ol onlmo assotiui n loi ril ii did childien w is lilt si spi ike i ind w is intio dined bv mi addison mi knk ils bit ulii i with him mis ci let i iik oarc lunvciui ol the ho 11 miss cunniiillnin public ik illh nuise lioni tminui mt knk impitssed his listen us uilh ins tiiiel l uticst ind tn loimitivt i ilk iiviewitil his work l the pusl seven nionlhs he itkiied lo il is vvhulwintl o tvisi mt lint in w is t nun iiil il minims k whin ht si ul td hsl stpitinl i llit it wnt s loi il asso uti ns wlnl t dm lite i hi it in on i in llii ex pmsi ill in 1 nil i st will 11 is de vllopiill in 111 ist 111 ilttmill lit uu nuil i lii imp ii i in i i rf lo till ii ll iss k il i s w is iuni wan 26 vtais ago a 16ytarokl girl was living vilh htr parents without naming or education if any kind but vvifh an abundunce of parental luvc and kindness this cxpciitnce proved of greal value lo htri in later veins as her is inuntholdaughlei met with in accident c iiistng bum dam igc which iffected her through out lite the grtalcst eomlort mil help a pueiil tin receive is horn inuthet paient in shar ing with otu mother the dials ind svmpilhns thev have foi oik motliii doelors tan diag nose public 1 kallh nurses in then profession c in ndsise and svnipithic but it is the under standing ol unt puxnt with an nhti whith is iht gititcst ncetl di spite iht c inadi in ont uio mil tf lot il associations it is most sinpiisiiil how nianv pci lis ue not it iw ire ol wll it in be ilom whit is being done whd should hi done lot ihtse less loituiiilt nilins thous mils of cinidnns ihc todav have hem tuud of emit thousands more totild be ihv it the hul sought midu il vice it the i list siln ol dingn 1 1 00 m mominc i nhip theme high time junior corutreiuon 3 i meets durinx rtnin pre nursery emldren cared or at the manse during the erv ice a hn tafceftnacle 53 churchill road p aoc si myan april i h 10 00 am sundae srh 1 iaptist church acton sunday april 24iti 1960 46 ml- ckurch school 1100 immomun wonhtp mr mcoormick smyth speak ttoesdai 8 pmpmor 7 off pjre sersice cancelled thw i only r 7 4s pin- service for bible study and wit- t all are welcome wedntaoa ou are alwajr welcome chtmian reformed church res j nutma ba bd minister 301 queen st box 46 ptrane 69 sund april hth 160 1000 am enhh thompson fuels this special when you order 60 lube tubes thu valuable gun free 30 lube tubes ihis valuable gun only 1 10 10 lube tubes- this valuable gun only s3 35 ask tor complete details and your demonstration thompson fuels 45 main st north the action free pre thursday april 21st 199 in a recent survey conducted in b certain eit by a home core cummillee it was learned that parents of picsthool children are more willing lo cooperate ihan the patents of school ngt pupils which proves the unportnntt of t itching these parents with their problems jn turl lire film about work al the conclusion uf mrs line s attditss j lilm vtas presenlctl tn tilled one on our street this was the stun or public health nui ses in their vtoi k the pa tientt ihe pcisceranci the luvt and deolion for both molhci ind child which thev find is so nee essarv to exocisc m ouki to cune with thin mm piohlems it ilso btuiight huuic to pirenls of norm il children the put thev t in pla in assisting md tomloi tint these pjleiils ol ittiirdtd ihildtcn while the piieiiis of rcl u tied ihilditu sveit ltd lo it ihc his w is i pioblcm thi dul noi lut io shin ilotic iht publit he illh nutst wis wilhnt md unions lo help is will is in inv olhcts moose harvest the 3000 people 300 or them nun residents of ontario who hunicd moose in the gcraldlon dlstnct in the 1959 season took i 030 animals 8s0 going to resid ents und 180 to nun residents a sute shows hunter success for residents was 31 1 per cent and fur non residents 60 per cent with a slightly greater number ul hunters in the field the moose hints was ubuut ihe same as in 1958 concrete well and culvert tile and septic tanks tup quality lowest prices erin tile works phone erin 34m1 9 out of 10 ghosts prefer 41 texmade sheets it s thr binlt nf mrnitrctl firm xrcmint thr b of m i firm atrount bool offrn b h l mi iu mi lot mt inonri em f trmm i miniilr t t omprflicnif inwik rvl i i i n mil ii i punt i tin tt itkouts irrpiiif sjmrm iiimkumi lor llinr tibial fmt si lit r i siirutl sprndinr a few nciiu hi sutim in i inn liium i il muirr nm ni culi i i nli dn innil rcionl it putt uiir urm n i9lttnrta imiplrtcly oftm ktiiim i ti kihtirjil vlnrr liitoiinwlikr iijm md rt yu at a ml m w p ntt iw jl b ihr tiwr 11 fnnniul jhimhon ol li4iihiist il mt i tmrr will nil tmi iiur fjim t ill timn h iu t ju ihlr ll nt uiltnn lion tt lriiiliv im ilir b l l t v rm itount book to tl ii il m tni v urn book it it nscliit nrk on oltr urni itnrxira hand hon t tu nir t in vtu h nut ri- ulh uinund ml ou 4 inn hut it a ill help vou pt lni limliv iiinr ihe iimim pi fit mi ol nur lann ojxra 1 ln larmri t rspfiirnrc ha hrtn lion s mjilt jk ji v mr iirarrm u l t dupl i urd all otrr the utiir oi tec buntli fur nur loinjilimiittar touy uif dp- bank of montreal acton branch witlltm mjckay maiugvr woikino with canadians in i v c waik of mm sinci lllf

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