Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1960, p. 8

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county police force fvksikstyvwt the good old days back in 1910 back in 1940 hfllton county has grown 159 per cent in the past decade while growth across the province has beep 34 per cent there is little wonder then that problems of admmstrahon and operation of municipal boundaries and extending services with a host of others make for complex times we were given the other day to wonder ing if municipalities would ever be broad minded enough to agree to the establishment of a counly police force the ontario provincial police once ap proached the idea of a province wide force with detachments in municipalities linked for emergency by common centres and radio net works the provincial police now however ore pulling detachments out of centres with over 5 000 population burlington qakville georgetown and trafalgar now have their own forces with the o p p covering milton acton nassagaweya and csquosing mi i ion is faced with the need to orgaiize its own force by december of this year and no doubt acton will not be long delayed hallon has pioneered a number of in novations including a health unit mutual aid fire protection and a number of others surely here is a realm for intelligent study the two northern townships not presently paying police costs directly fcom taxation could surely obtain similar assistance from the province through a cbunty scheme this way too it would not be necessary for police fron a county detachment at milton to travel to glen williams rather than police from georgetown investigation of incidents ust over a municipal boundary would not be delayed when a more conveniently located constable is on hand surely a counly police force with strate gically located urban detachments ts worthy cf study a population in halton of over 108 000 should mike it pnclkil facts just the facts 1 we have campaigns to direct attention to mental illness cancer polio crippled child ren cerebral palsy heart disease and just oboul every disease prevalent in our modern progressive world it seems though that no one has had ihe inclination to suggest a week toured attention to alcoholism this is startling too because each new day in ontario eleven new alcoholics are created the odds are interesting too every person who started drinking as a teenager had a one in 12 chance of becoming on alcoholic should drinking begin as an adult the chance is one in 17 we were interested to see that a group of teenagers met in grimsby to study alcohol the group was not an organization and it was not sponsored by any group it is our mm to have as many facts as possible re vealed and to educate teenagers about the effects of alcohol the is year old chairman reported expressing opinions from time to time newspapers including this one carry lellers directed to the editor as a means of permitting expressions of one s opinion these lettus can cover a multitude of sublets last week one was carried in the free press on the very broad field of edu cation with some specific suggestions locally letters do not emanate from our office so they are quite often not m line with policies we rmy editorially promote people are however entitled to opinions and quite nat urally not all agree willi our ideas the old line aboutdisagreemg with a person but defending his right to express his opinion holds true in letters to the editor last week s letter has quile evidently raised ihe ire of a number of people and j 7 p sgjt taken from the iuue or the free press thursday aphi 28 1910 mr willmm r kenm his been nui ifitil hv iru count v crown attorney ihul lly pun iikiui govlinmcnl has issunl a commission ippoinnnt him i justin ol the pian tin l ik cuunlv of hilum trfmonu jp who is now ilk oldest mi islriiti m town hu llu pli isuh of samanny him m on iiuscliv squire kmniv will now ik ihi obiu ol ungi nidations i mm his rritinv fi lends upon hts buny thi rmpiini ol ihis disiiniim honor hi has km in hoimml iisielint ol ailon toi iuuk hill i uniuiv thi piopirtv of thi aiiuii hulil was pimhisul i mm thi murlgayics list week hv mi nul ptiltuson ll chi ik lumm binil ih ii ihi imiil huilriiiii w is disiiovnl in hti mi l ik 22ml l nuvimbu i is i riii sioni wills arc st ukhiij mi p nkwii h is mil luliv ckmliil vclni in will do with in pinpiiu ll is mm out lint ilk inml will hi 1 ikn down nul j mw hnk hunt bin taken from the issue of he free press thursday may z 1941 thi foui bowling tiim wort i hi joikiv club shield and ihe ciimimriuil i laccuc bowling championship on tutsdav hiht dili hi it wishing well mil tip i iil in igi in a gnit inalih lb il wis in jouht uniil i hi final liw al i spiiiil milling of alton council i isi night j report wis uiuvid mi thi chimijk plan lo situ itist c hutch shut anil ihi i oui t- in i in plint a moliim was pissed uuiruininy fhe plm lo unmeet tin th nn on mill sim i thi fori i bliitrn coin pun will piv i poitum of ihi cost if this di unini tin shuitigi ot huusis in ac ion continues to hi utik an moii iiitplomis in ai ton s inilus tins will hii in 1 1111 llotlsis outside iht i own ilk dublin woimns institute in lil iht it aptil- nui imp ir tin ikuk ol mis lohn dink wilh pu mi- mix b this is a good healthy basis on which to analyze a problem getting as many facts as possible its really quite astonish ing though how few people want the facts there are very few facts in advertisements and commercials that promote alcoholic bev erages we pay more attention to what s in our breakfast cereal premier frost has been vilified for not wanling to broaden the appearance of brand advertising of alcoholic beverages probably he has more facts from the alcoholic re search foundation than the vast maonty of supporters for broader advertising would care to digest we re hapfjy to hear that at least a group of 100 teenagers met al grimsby during the easter holiday lo get more facts it is doubt ful that a week will be claimed by promo ters to dig out ihe facts and present hem far general enlightenment hi rt suit in i urn loi lb in yuitk mm ws 111 ilk i pi wis lijslilou wilh mis w il mill ls lllclkl mis wilson v i p pu on oui j ms in puli mi iii a upon ol the nn mi in vlilion ujiuliii oi mihi il i hnnhii il a luiltuu w is pun in mis hi i t km a solo w is jjuii in mis v iikins mil in iiisliimmil i in l spring voyage secyat tutcl sfuce soini piopti think wi c in id litis in kicking iii ii iclil tun hk in tiili wioiij wi ii in it uln ions wi h inn i inkl uniiiu ihis liquid upiinliil in minis tills ol tin untin ol otk ol ihim oik i upor hui milhor upk llll ijo i c m they are as enlitled to their opinion is ihe original letler wrtler letter wniers loo have the choice of using their owi name or a nom de plume and where a nom de plume is usej the paper is called upon o protect tne identity of the writer we cannol and w ii not reveal that identity when nom de plumes are used this paper welcomes letters to the editor whether truy agee or disagree with our ediloi ial policy we ask only that letters be legible avoid i bel and state the r case as briefly as possible letters are one way of expressing opm ions and convictions and bel eving that these are a bulwark of democracy we will continue to accept letters with ihui ilim mii ill ihiklun winn ic wiiiiu hul hjitm ilk il hul ujjil sin ill iliikluu bin ik tl hul tn knp ilk noli iw i t mini ilk dnni snilklluw nul ihi xmiii w s ui puliil in sm ill ihiklun now it wis spiing ni things wni lnuh ilk ni iminiiih ihe d pill in ilk ikip luii it ilk huk ol ilk i uc w is jn iwnl lo lusks mil ml riu moihu 1ml hiun to ii tin ilim sm ill ihiklun g nun is hue win in t it in i i hilling tn mini ami e u linn ilk i iilm i kid ii ilk mollkl slllv i k ikld out ilk l j ik is ol his molilli sin lull i ill n kl 1 1 in il pounii on hit ind uibblc ik i up hi lllllll i w llll ll ill ih u is sin w is i gooil woni in sin tlw is i hi wid ilk loiih me ihun lo hint anil sin in nk ih hi si sihli inollkil lljil soup iii ilk ikhholllooil bill sin miik i misiiki whin sin mid him in go out nul git miiu k in shhi loi ilk ilmi hi nilkm huk ilk slum il ik nioiiih ol ilk c iu ii w is i tnl di n iiuiining hliu sk woi kl luiiiiiij juu1 ik look i ktp hi hit i iiiuik look iu ins shoukki mil oil m ihu oitki ind didn i slop until in hid u nlkil ilk ilki while tin bij oiks ak when lui unit i ukd lo ti linn ilk mollkt snit ui hi il loiisv hum mi iiimi his linn lo do uimhiiil uouikl liu housi bin in ilw ns ins link i ii to ilk pi in whin ilk hi oms an tin ihui sm ill ihiklun knowing iln kll slllslkl aiiin school pupds won m mv pholo by eatticr tnylor il si i ni iln in ul un d ilk in ink in in ins i 1 iss s dm ill 11 ill ll hmisll 11 mound 1 ih si 1 ind ilinu un nd ilk ik id sdi mil indn ol lsl wnk mil w is iiiiili pioi mi k lnwiik pioiniiul sup t ploil ll w is 1 lllkl i noil ii uiisoi ol miisii loi on w is ininnlisliin ni loi i in in in ins whi i ti iiiclii mi ii ill n omp ins i mn by bill smiley ih l bun ind fi line hiukl sill in ro ihh wilh un disliki m ilk pin iktl billon insl in i r sinus oklllkl w is dislomi in in i lis lnli a mic uiov ihk binhhc pu infill a food bind w is bill 1111 l w is iu ij in llu knox wa in ilk bun ilk in w is lo ill hils i llu hom ot mis ak ipp n iiks mmd h ml ltd m inn on vltish uilil m mv ion kniu notliiii ol il until m v iins wu pi il mil pi ias lusi ilii n who should cnrni nioiuiii w i won in mis i cuks simllint up whisllnij bin i iih sw ihi pissm 1 ilk hnioi md ms minn a m loiilcsl t iln miiihu si inch hid lui ks in an ii i k k sk w is onluid hv mis tuil an firm i huk ik r i luh hiliuul ik t ol 1 lf mis willi n i in in ins mil ill ilk likk wiiinus link 11 ou doiii know whit is un dlsionluiiik b 1 iw 17s will piiviilnl with silui dol in joi l von hiuikd iln ol ihis mum ip il v pi ilubils in solo w is minhiiicl hv didih ol hiduii siiiiihiim ilk sll ol itmki s wlllkllll 1 miss hissii r wlis tollowid kliuul his huk and 1 ii hit luiki iink i i pi iln ol noi in i hcik suison un mil on don 1 know whil 1 u il lot kss thin sll noi n oil iii ill ni w is bioiht kr mil sin louiuiid iinunn hid utsls ii ik hid un iv d i liiuih whiiik ind iluiihiiii tin i lub uni i ij as lot llu llir n ihv lhk i ill hill 1 hi insurance not welfare with 15 months opposition behind it most twice as trnny is n 1947 md 6 500 the onlmo hosp idl insuiance plvi has de more are e her under construe on or on the monsiiated that the cosl of hospital care can draw ng lioards be met without lamiles suhennq nnancial the insunnce plin s net a welfare po chaos or hospitals showing larqe operating qrahne as w th other i surance ve carry ckfnik rvery month since il sinned the pian i f f re automobile etc eic we must has pnd more than 80 000 hospital hills lo pi tonally assume cea n respons h hues to this keepinsured thseentn 1 sucti 7r nqs as pro hai meant in peace of mind lo over i 000 mpt payment of j rt i i s tik tig the pmper 000 patients and tht ir famlits cannot be ao on when ei er nq oi leav q ai u el measured gioup and mak nq su e t ou ch dei are f iip hospital msiranre n ttim nn th y link line ci iwkl pisl hnm and ilk willi hid ion slll i imkiri llu linni don ik kruw will ih it il in wluikil oiki in d hi h mini in ikibhii md md up is m ol honot m ih i si irul iii mill i n ol wnrtt1 dl tin br ni id so s lollkl ll mio ih nn is jd uiaii ilinu muiiuihul in mn idbin li ilk i ilhci wen to w nk ik ki w ih ir it i hit hi i dkd ihui stllill ik ids ljui ihlv iliou llk ilidn ink i iliu wlnl wis hoihnii in i is sh moimul u iiiikl ik mmj up h ihiii ibe i ik w is nd mil till mollkt w is 111 o tk ikd sh sii iii ilk i in uin nn lllllll ol i ll hill t illlloosillss llu time sni ill ilnklun s in lb sun on llu it ihu sm ill h 1 lms ku win id tililu but in kinw hir ni old just is sin swuii in k ipul hki 1 dcii md sin inissid iiiihiinji i1ul1k ik whippid imni hi hind his hick 1 knollut pun ol huk on which win minn- ilk ihuc bisi 1 nnbiiw tl oil ulll ccl s iw ahu ilk ti us or umoisi mid in 1 issnr in 1 hit it w is usl iu 1 iklus ik jim ht i i h polltld in in shi w is will into ii ikloti sin tcmcmhtid wilh shun ind snd 0 ind lind thi ihuc sn ill iliililnn md jic 1 in m 1 hsli she could inn siu lui hu nh is tin ilim smill link un win ilu uh u ivvlint oui ii nn hihintl lliti ilim ihui sin ill professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney ihifiin ind snipon offiit svtnon bltk 43a mill si t art n offit phinp 7h riiklinii hi church st f fi nuiai dirfctors ill suddnlv the m iilm 1 di i sh hid lllwd llllll 1 ik linens itjjln down 1 tin s md 1 ml ibis w mid nwi 1 sadie bin umos kssli shi lastioiid jin iu on ihu thuc srnll ihiklun win n tlk s iw in ir 1ollki i k up bi 1 lub ul sill ill icilh jji thin ilim smi dtijjt on il m so line ill likd hippk u iln i mil utm wmti tkl till s ilk stoic ol opiil mi 11 iv l ill li nil si is n ml how ii iiiui i hs ii it 11 inn in 1111 i uiidiin w 11 i hi mil ih 111i1 11 ink in s wilh ilk house il mm dro a garrett phisinn ind siirtfivm r f w llovc ind it r dr robert u buckner rhi fvtatf wninslramt hiropraftor f l wright j u llillr st kl 1 hi di klun iils iroductn oji plan by the ontano hospital servces ccvi mission on jmuary 195 was one of the mosl imporlint qcwcrn nenlal measures tiken by this pruvioct in many vear tmouqh t over 9 ot our rec it n are no looaer earful of wha an into t say 11 hoip tal cor- will to a so there is the hi tbn the com mission composed ot pxppr s ti the hosp ul fn id do ore and li ipi to 1 iuct tin mos intens vt rtseiuh no ont ir os red oosi il 40 enjoys family party for 84th birthday mis ml 1 1 nt 1 1 ni a d moore dc in 1 s i huiipr icunr r t i slntt it 11 4d r fifl iith w m m ring aids e l buchner ro f it in m iriia a ds 4 m i st hiuri ill utf m mrs u in l 1 iih 1i flfhl j m t i in iijih ritniir i robert r hamilton aril ik a rl s r cf t k v renh aqe t a 1 isu ance prem s r j h a i 0 m- o hosi id i isuiatkc s 1 o c t 011 mist readers w i reme in thi he j 1 carted ti c o a hci 1 t 1 ss o 1 1 c iet o ir s i bodging round the district 1 mi r 1 un 1 11 sin pi is p iv 1 h 1 01 il 1 m- u i ut i ii mini si s viun 1 1 n n di i a i v ti uu ti t dive proci imrtie of hospil tor st 01 his pto tnctl expi i xed or ir o las over 31 500 pel t k ial h os r ow i 1i the acton free press piihlnhiil b llu dills printing and pnhlishing co ltd i ukkt ill is- ii 1 poklislk i iv v ihltsdiv ii 0 wi v si ui n on i dm mmk t il vml 1 but m 1 i it l hi i s 1 1 1 o 1 i n t puis 1 1 ih 1 siihviipiiinthl mu jtrtint il iv 111 ilk niutl si us sv mmihs i j xillliicd is s ml u- i11i r i olt 1 txpirt th onl paper ecr ptiblificii in cton dtik i ittoi ml lint 11j r pi is 1miuiik i hi business and editorial office phone 600 acton hi it 1 b ro downs i lurgo kids on tt igons u ml riow 1 li w n 1 d h 11 11 ll hi r 1 io pniiext stop or son tit i r haw i imnl w ii p n n ik ft i mi- 11 1 tint i r pi- t m 1 t 1rl 11 hi bvn iv i k 1 u i i h i h b u mis h 1 ml dr h leib 1 r 1 sii r ifn of 1 1 1 id f- l k s ii h t 1- inninat m dr a j buchanan tk it l thting uiointtnc lever hoskin 1 1 1 n s m n k tk st w 1 t 1 ni 1 r i i 4jm nl 4111 travellers guide ilunl i rls c f ifatherland oc r 111 in mphni 11ih r form singing thaptir oram 1 m i i r p 1 i h 1 ni i 11 m tk ihi if i 11 111 n ti idi mirio in i s n tx t p k u i 11 h kt s i hstjs skic 1 1 ik hi hi 11 kl i i bitki sh p on nun smjii l in m r 1 lik hi v w h inn ti pu ik ibi 1 hu ilnhs j id i r 1 h n h in 1 li it i in nikusi in ih 11 up indus rv and more indus re brampton- tk nn nud 1 bi nnliisirnl hit thrtsr mc mlimtio innuiiktd pi ins 1 u t 11 11 id in hiduii iliimtimim vc hih km 11 i m r 1 tl pi 11 til 1 il 111 imlnisnnk vvll imtlki 111 illlie urn u tu cliublc lis mtitu ire 1 h l6ik iil 1 1 m 1 1 t 1 l 1 l l i 1 h 1 h i 1 1 k it m h 1 1 m 1 1 1 k 1 v 1 1 i mi 1 1 ti 1 1 h 1 1 v 1 1 r v 1 v r i g coac mnr ovlllls ihu acton s i ittr y 1 1 1 k 11 i ill sun and h hi 1 n 2 ib p m if i h h hi 1 n 1008 acton canadian national a braida ba railways tr simr i v pnl c c t i li i si s m on fy t fi f 11 r m 0 pl lil k st f f 1 1 h fs n i x s i 44 m i s ndc ft 12 jm t m snriit 1 ril 1 a h ll t h ir an nm s mrdv 0 j ii 12 im wtbnd mi i ii- r iv ixrrpt hastings payne s ndii r in am fi m rjffl bir cr td sv r r lft1 1 s inriai n nrf pnhl c n v f vtt ii c ilnh 7 m pm 1 mill st arlnn d tv 1 jm aid sm 531 fr w ilmenl u 1 oti pin

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