Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1960, p. 10

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sduvtilpi the final link wtthm tb tvvt jo et 1 1t vkvt to ldity th otfclkvv wr iofilrd k ihio fti njniimi rwatai to vswvod ti lb vbl imumv t ih vmvi ot vhvivh ud tkjm sinww the fctiiton o jl pjhmw hat imhmv looifo kwward to hi k wil oql aclon t twmivwel m by ttlltioiu nlghhot0 common int loding rv k wood canipbsdlvilt milton voryimovmi and guvlph hiv had tb mhmv bv om bm with dial phon conw dinnl dm tanc dulling fetur that cn cwii vou with distant places by itng a diil lalo lhn is an added convenience but peihipt most impohant it coi hope that acton t relit ively small telephone urea might bo enlnqed by th intiodik hon of toll bee rone to rone ivle oy thlt method ii would iw possible tor inilanr ftu people at liinehouie now on th georgetown p ilu to iam blends ni puces of huslnimi on ihe at ion emhenge wilhmil n long lli linre thaigi alton i dull instnllnllon would ippiu fo be abe irtm link iipeetniy before unh n id vice loold l cnmideied the towns hiding fliefl ha been serl omly limited lot 1 good many yeats by it small telephone uxchnnyp iea the store nl vpede lot milance n on the oentgelown pvihange an ae liniehouse and ttalliiifilnd fi tended ilea nervue would seem tn equilue ihn disidvanlage ol ihe pant years wo hope il will imeive ihp consider a i ion of niunicipil and doll telephone oibcinl at soon n possible in no way subordinate autonomous communities w th n the british empire equal m status in no wiy sub ordinate one to anottjer m my aspect of then domestic or external aflans though united by common allegiance to the crown and freely assocmred as members of the british common wealth of nations as th ninth commonwealth prime minis ters conference since the war is underway il seems fitting we should recall the above de fimtion there has been tremendous pressure for canadian repiesentalive prime minister diefenbaker to charge m and denounce south africa s apartheid policy of segregation we have i tile smpathy with discnmma tion either here or in south africa and we have ii in both places but the definition out lines some limitations in no way subordm are one to another in any aspect of iheir domestic or external affairs we would thinks means just that one of iho reasons the commonweallh his survived ind flourished is that its mem beis have developed the hnbii of cooper ation of mutual consultation of friendly and informal discussion this does not necessarily ptoduce agreement ii may produce only partial agreement or even only agreement to differ but it is almost certain lo produce some measure of understanding and io take at least some of the biilerness out of differences however sharp results of the current commonwealth prime ministers conference may be discour aging in their lack of definition but it should be remembered this is not a pressure group or a summit conference it is an exchange discussion consultation or simply talks bel ween representatives united by a common allegiance to the crown and freely associated as members of the british commonwealth of nations ahead or behind development of the bomarc missile pro gram in the united states has been followed with varying degrees of interest the interest in this area has perhaps been a little more keen than in other provinces on february 2q 1959 prime minister diefenbaker announced that he had killed the canadian arrow program and terminated the jobs of 14 000 workers at melton the plane he admitted was a success but it had been overtaken by events it was to be replaced by the american bomarc b guided missile and bases for launching were lo be constructed in canada already he announ ced to the house of commons the u s air force has decided not to continue with the further development and production of u s aircraft having the same general performance as the arrow i for all mothers young mothers older mothers grand mothers all receive fhis week on a special day outward expressions of what we all feel inwardly every day miss anna jarvis was the prime mover in establishing mother s oay during the period of mourning following her mothers death n 1905 she conceived the idea of establishing a mother s day for everybody from her home m philadelphia she con ducted one of the strangest and most effec tive letter writing campaigns in history she wrote to anyone with any influence and re ceived such tremendous response that she had to devote her tinae wholly to her crusade her own house was too small to serve as an office su s bough i i n door f addit onal space she was invited to v sit other cities and speak to various organiza tions about her plan she wrote and publish ed booklets about her idea and distr buted them free of charge the fact that her inherit ance was dw ndlmg away never bothered her us presdent woodrow w ison s gned the proclamation which urged that the second sunhjiy n may ka nnirtury ni htr mnt c the good old days the united states is now on the verge of scrapping this missile in order to build more f 106 supersonic fighlers the counterpart of ourcf 105 the sudden termination of employment of those ma i ton workers affected this area as many others even now alihough the recov ery has been better than anticipated there are those who never recovered or gamed new employment today all defense minister pearkes can say about the scrapping of a weapon on which canada had based its entire air de fence program is that if the decision is final ized it will not be in keeping with arrange menls made a year ago if the arrow was overtaken by events a year ago our government is now far behind them the shift of spending from individual canadians who produce the wherewithal for their own expenditures to government which produces nothing is one of the more first in v v t suyax and sfuce wt 1nu i civil diftiisc oipin iilion in this inuntrv i im kil to hdiiw nihil of out yovtin iiriik uilu il pmunu il n nuiiikipil knows muih ibmil n v itlls lll kspilllslbllllv till tl ni is unions to lie i p fin iikl l suy itlis pub some anonymous writer has said mot her is indeed a sweet name and her station is indeed a holy one for in her hands are placed minds to be molded almost at her will the day set apart as mothers day is for all mothers it is a special day perhaps thwarted a little by commercialism but none the less a day for sincere appreciation a day for outward expression of what we feel in wardly every day atarrriing ot the developments ot the past three decades stuart armour economic adviser the steel company of canada limited said recently whereas m 1949 personal expend tures on goods and serv ces constituted 66 8 per cent of all canadian expend tures irt 1959 the percentage had dropped to 63 6 per cent government expend tures on goods and serv ces constituted 13 per cent of all xpndilure in 109 and 10 per this coil diknst outfit jilsis hmlilmt bomb slultti- lphins ibout i ill in iisiks piimphkls uln piopk l ik miks lo ik id lot the louii ti whin l hi bomb iliops intl ins uinlituiiis il wliuli spt ikus uigi ii htm a kw pcopk work hinl to m ike sonuthiny of il bui it has itiniuil funds and tmli miout njiimml dm lo publn mil gov iinmint ip utn as a usull oui civil uifinsi is ibihi as useful in aiiak as a loik tor ihi doui of a bun i torn whiih a horse his just isnpid just lo show ou how usiliss civil difinsi is lin wining this b i indlilighl bnausi tin powli win i oil dining m il iiiruil stoim m lurniu is oil ind thi house giuws eukkr mv iifngiraloi is uft and the bier gtous w ltnui m siovi is ntl ind i i in i iun tmki n iup ol it a to buik nie up do ou know what civil de fensi is doing ihmil this noth ing nobotk h is hiiii uuimd with i nitons hot loltee oi un irenev sandwuhts nuboth his i ilkd lo i l 1 1 nn win ihi lights in out oi whals biing done to it the power on in till a lew minutes il leilkelotuwi mel iskeri ui the he ul ol civil d- knsi 1 isk d him lew pomleil questions ind tin unh inswus litd give me vwie pthv rude oiks oi itllltst w is i ni ind hi il been islttp think lie i ut i thil in entiu loniniiinuilv sits in hlukikss mi il totting in ik tktptrn whin ihi bilhstii missiles si trl ihuiklmt hound no loninv ibk niimbti of pimphleis will hi niiieli pioteelion it hilsl iiueli u bombs all this his liimiel in uli i wiih whuh 1 m bun loving loi ens at this linn ul vi n rifcli aeicjss cm id i husbands md wives who hive biaved the win lei uifalhir vvilh lenejtiness mil forliludi osmkknlv disiovir tlnv e in t st ind i nil otlui the re sull is i scrums nit ind evirv splint ihuusinds of biokeil homes aeiuss ihi i ind lets ixim mi the bsle eause of this annual disintegration of so in mv miiniges fheie is onlv oni re ison bie inse wo- nitn in not like men ii s i pitv but we must aeeept it calmh ind de il vvilh it reason abb and wiih tokr uiee mm tn gmlk en hures sfiv kind ind t- bl iin the bieant of evirv woman how ever solt prillv and simple she apptus links a tigir al ihis time ol vear the beast emerges ind tin housewife pads around twitihing hn tail unsheathing hir eliws and glaring wiih vel low unblinking eyes al her prev no mori nvvare of his fale than i lelhired go it the prev is out on ihi hwn ehipping aw n with i mm non ur sit ting on ihi ponh pilihing his hip w idets or tloing something iqu ilh s me mil in itive back in 1910 tkti from 1h ihim of lb rr prau thurtday may 9 190 the kilning inlo fone ol yt il option nppturn lo b hmimliit rent cthili lilrindv a propniv t town whieh wiih imsthstd by as whior hmvev l 1 i viilntd hv us owner on sit ml iv lit lla00wiki wild un momln i u punhiisii liom tin vuiiiiiv i georgetown lot h k2s wilh i ctond ollfilbi saint d iv ol 800 by an ai ion n sidi m fio ptrty viiluis m ivukntlv nut dropping ihroitgh lln h inislirii ut of whiskiv the big 140 fool srnoktslik nl the sole kathir tannt rv 20 feet of ihi lop ol whuh wis rehuilt lost vi ir is ly un shove nit signs ol wt jikniss in ii i tn i ip i in ehimruv buildis hive bun i ill ed lo ihe i uiiieiv ind m busy sllting up i urns md biliiinni lo niaki iieuss uv u p itis the wholes ik hitmss imkets of caltv ue looking ti i in ness makers md ire willing in pay 116 i s22 per wiek ind pio mise sleadv implovnunl during the tonne il mn ting monday ivening seveial miliei of business were i ibtul ind sinu of ihise hems fin ilieil vvilh count 1 1 s ipptov il ii vv is brought toiounuls llkulion hv couneillor medonild th il i will and pump should hi insi ilkd in ihi iimilerv so thi ploi ownns could water mowers it wis ig mil lo hive this dom ollun huvev w is insiruiled lo h iu neeessirv apurs mule lo ihi well and pump il the u ir nf i ik lown h ill counnl imkiul i stoni rusher in lo erush stone foi i fivv divs in order lo up in he depressions appealing in some of ihe roids the mothers div mnvimmt whuh was si iried iwo ve irs igo tn philidelphia will no doubt by bill smiley sprlm ihroughoul thi eounliv and through the elloits ol the canadi in home jouin il soon kieps her house ekan ill vnr will be observed veidelv ihiouth whv go inlo i inn7v in ihe ver cinuli nil seisun if those slovepipes whik two voung fellows wtn piles of ishis and wel k ives siufllmg ne it moll il list tudiv lne bun ivintj in the biek evening i ulk ih h ul wuil v ud all winter a lew more off md one of ihim w is shol m mil back in 1940 f niurn from lb luut of lh free prm thursday may 1940 audit w vin wvl aged 69 or hilkbiiiirh who wis struck hv i ii t 1 i hi t ami dundis sin i i ii md m ind iv nigbl aii i lud i nlv the lollowinu d v u si ls ph- llospiul lor it i an his lupines he sul fid i ir mud skull ii mured nbs mid hruius mi vim wvi k wis line whin in w in sink k uul pollei h ul i insidtr ibk fillienliv in idem id viiij iiiiti bnl ililis were i in illv trud mi vin wyek wis i niiivi ol c dedon lovvnship mil w s im tiiinv t us em ployed hv tin ikdon mount un run i lib ii is ihi flh i ol h w ii i in vv k l a ion s pith ol the in ol tile el e one ol 21 v nilv im ills photo by eithai taylor nfyffijest i cz km i oiikin weie hint when i ik i n iluv wuc nding in liiuk e h loided with polllms on i ii now hiulti on ihi sevenths inn m fsiksing township fiw mi is noiilu isi ol aeton fnd i nieht the voting piople wu ikuiiki oi i d nut il fun il the mnt i ihi uiidenl don iki co ol ri implon mtived sevire spi nil uiiuius uul tin dnvei ol the e ii meik rvltl ol bi implon ie mud i ul d etits ind i relations finn ctoietlown tl p si ngt is it e i iv etl in pines vv hie h neeissit ited medie il mention dm ing ihe regular public sthool boird meeting mtintl iv evming the meinbeis heard ihe upon nf ihe inspielor and leain id of his pi use tow ud pnneipal c vv mekenle ind teachers lot thi idv inieminl of ihe pupils diuinu the fusl put ot the ycu tin inspnioi lomniented lavoi ihlv on tin plignninti supervis urn ind inipioviniinls in ihe 1 idu nighl of wilker lodge i a m w is ig un i pop it i ist night when bieih weeks won t inn i tin link the w npuld mi ihe hospil ll the otlui l bui gentle kindly men don t lounlv ul nine vvilh ligns they eithei shoot them or mn tin inst il me ill e inned eoin 7i ik lein hive is ig nrisl ihe 1 ivv the seeonel is impossible hei uise svitip lb tin 2se ued mii ii 100 lbs s4 orui hit sute is on ihe ill ivv iu w k minis pi i d i li bridge is r used ind ntn it is pi is 7e i inned torn il us h in v m mv ni rin v on md disiiu i but ftom ui lodge gitluied hue 11 w is bld ill the ym bm mis t 111v i 1 ding wliiie tuesls vvue d bv woi miski in 1 i sill ind disliul dip ul m istu uul mis j a eul oil and here is whire civil de inse lomes in i propose ih it we l iki ihe mtire budget uul pi i sonne i ol civ il defense ihanti us nami lo home de leiise and put il to work at something useful pieseiving tlie home ind lamilv funds currently being w ist id on pamphkls and eonlerences would be tunneled inlo ihe build mg of hostels lor husbands these would be simple homev places with beds a bar billiard room card room and dining room thev would be located ad j icenl tu golf courses and tout streams legislation would be passed allowing any man to enter anv of these hostels for a retreat during april and mav lor is long or short a penod is he wished his onlv retuircmcnts fn idmission would be a m it mite eerlihe ite ind ihe piss word tiget professional directory and travellers guide mntrai wrfctors dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon bl rk 43a mill st f act- n office phone 7h residence 115 church st f phone io phsician and surjjeon corner of w how jntj r v entrance rivir st act n ont hoemarer her s death be observed as mother s day but this was not enough for anna she wanted the day io be international and she was sue cessful during her lifetime canada and 4 other countries adopted mother s day cent 1959 no country can claim to be really free when the freedom of its people to spend the fru ts of tneir production in their own way is bemg more and more circumscribed the acton free press published by ihe dilu printing and publtshbtf co ltd- rounded m 1ss and publoavd everv thursdav at w willow st avion ontario member of the audit bureau ol cinuljtions the cw n inel ihe ont inoquelxs division of the cwna advertising raus on request subscriptions paabk in advance j100 in canada 4 00 in the united states six months s 7 single copies 7c aulhurued as second ci iss mail post offue depart nunt ottawa the only paper ever published in acton g a dills editor in chief david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 600 acton iforf i tow n- mi residents ph puiv ind ll ml on ihi mi i 4 v ihe li hill ihiv vi ii i nlike othu lentus svrutol eosls n ihi iiui ise 11 w i- l eohim and pniumui i i iimnlluiul nvo of nxi see svlves in future bl ri isc ton an ul mx burling m hij themselves in itn iiiiiik i isi when iluv i under the aiispiees of the rniiv tluh simknr bei one and ivv ehoues i i e mxis with rtopl in the vocations 19 months on board oak ille ground will k broken hoped de pha in southwesi ti d djiw township eeni of the span his hon kisid ii took 1 mmth ti t ihe p 1 oil the pi innini boird iunine table win hocke honors milton the pee wee hixkev linn won t consolation eup in the link nhl tournament at hunisxilk plans an bemg hid for du frt ontario championship eompetilkin in hiehland danortp t act ion in grounds june 2s seek lacrosse facilities georgetown a group is irving to hive lacrosse facilities for next vcir and either a box in the town park or facilities tn the arena hive been suggested this eir 23 interested mm dcxked their time to teaching licrosst to bovs md nixl venr the hope to inelude ae groups up to lb arrl t m ih md iv xrip sun 1 1 11 a rn 2 w ni kb prn and pm i0w it und vt n m n 9 12 t sal 2 17 pm sin 11 32 anil tr millrhl gispen wen elislnbut ed th inne ie r p pill ill hi pintv to ihe iki ihit ihe miin her ol those i r whom no bibk t new tistimcnt will be iv ul ahe is inenasing svnesled readings simdir genew 4ft 4 mrm- d iv genesis 41 i 24 tuesd iv genesis 42 2 s w cdncsd iv genesis 42 138 thursd v kii csi 41 134 fnd iv luke 3 1 s2 philippians 4 saiur div malihtvv i 8 2 luke 9 6162 phone v6 off ce h i b p m 9 p n 1pm 9pm saturdhv 15 cork st e guelph t 4 22 oitrc hour dim pffl saturdavs 9am 12 a m hastings 4 payne barristers and soleitors notaries publ e 1a m 11 st cton for appointment call 991 canadian national railways s andard tim ea5t bound tvi h ceept sundav 144 il rxery bundv ft 12 am riaktnri 7 14 pm sunday only tot pm dailv xeit sunday fw- rr at rrorgeluwii6 21 pm omiiy fiver at georgetown 11t11 pm westbound saturday onbr 31 pm sunday only 90s sn ifuwtstopt sunday only dyer at giwlph 70s pm daily except sat and sun ul pm

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