Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1960, p. 5

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acton w mefcs club is sponsoring a peanut drive to raise fujids for the local y and wednesday night they started a door todoar canvass the drive continues untrl saturday evening on saturday the hi y club wiff assist ys men above are e breers e flljaseles d copeland m nellis w dubois f koch stuff photo r mckeown b w ison e smith m heppler and d dodgson in case you have counted more heads than i sted the peanut man on the left is c rognvaldson and on the right l dober them b foyers and i doberfhem are the conveners for he drive zssesssxf tajtfawb iv t acton lions club formed this year to stage charter night tomorrow the acton lions club first formed january 18 1960 is stag ings us charter night tomorrow fnday night in the legion aud itonum the club expects a large turnout of locaand district res idenlb as well as 2s0 lions from all over southern ontario representatives from local str vice clubs will be in attendance ah well as those ac tomans who have been invited to attend the affair several draws have been planjicd for the evening and members are busy selling tickets club president g a johnson this week pointed out the purpos es and aims of the lions club he urged everyone to participate in the clubs activities membership the president first explained who and what thtfjjon are and the purpose of the organization the members of lions clubs ore selected from the commun ity leading business and pro fessional men industrialists farmers clergymen educators merchants and all others inkr csted in the betterment of the community the president stated members an pledged to help through liomsm those less fur tunute thnn themselves liomtm is nun sectarian he continued it it encourages re itglous observances and church loyalties it is non political yet it inculcates a lively interest in governmental and civic affmis special shakespeare liowiny by h and s homcamls a tions special showing of henry v at the roxv theatre lost thursday evening proved something of a disappointment v hen ft v high school students look advantage of the offer about 10 parents and a host of public school children joined about a d high schoolers to watch sir laurence olivier plov the title nk the showing of the film was not intended to raise mom hut to provide the opporlumtv of see -the- ehei htnrv v is not being studied thr year the purpose of a lions club mr johnson explained is to de termine community needs and develop means of meeting them uher through its own efforts or in cooperation with other agen cies dunng the last fiscal year lions clubs completed more than 180000 separate worthwhile com mumty activities liomsm is an active and effic lent medium he stressed fur un ited community effort and entci prise it is an outstanding force tor national and world service exerting tremendous influence tor national welfare internation al amity and peace and human progress socially culturally and economically the prestige and importance of lions work in all fields of service endeavor is recognized throughout the entire world mr johnson noted the motto of the lions is we serve services performed the president in continuing exphined the services performed bv the organisation as re poinlej out the follow inc the services which lions per form vary with the needs of their communities praelicillv fiom the start of the urbanization lions have been helping the bos scouts and girl guides in the earlv davs of liomsm lions clubs concentrated on three activities the furthering or betterment ol the public school system the de vclopment of adequate puhlic health facilities and elimination of slum conditions and poverty jor activities which lions clubs mav adopt agntutturi bovs and girls citizenship and patriot ism civic improvement com munitv betterment education health ind we hart satetv sight conservation and work for which it will engage and will al ways be luund at woik on activ ities which its members believe will best serve the interests ol their local communities typical of lions club activities in behall ol the eommunilv and its citizens are piumotion of better roads airports md li ins porta hon ihciiiius eitv beautil icalion gardening ind rctnidel ling contests cleanup paint up campaigns school model nial ion education il improvements students contests children s sal ely installation of p lav rounds ecieatioii il tcnitcs and e ni munitv buildings encour icement of school and municipal bands dramatic thsscs art contests ind other eultui il activities obtain ing new industries ind commerc lal establishments loi the i im munitv rock wood man wins blanket at fair euchre acton aenculliiril society held their innu il sprint ciichre in slcwuitovvn hill on fnd i even y president i lovd mcfnerv vvel corned the luce crowd pic suit md m ide the piesetilah ins i pncs nnus of euehie pries vvei mis mecie n lilies tllsl m mis r i davids n secoul mens lust i red kenltiei si md mi b n she id ti jiii milt hi unci i indsiv t teiimii r r rnk vkid w s the winiut it the luckv di iw i r i i si wool bhnkcl bervl melnelv ihc pksidcnls htllc diuhlcr duvv the winning iiekct jnd ms wm th mips n preside ni ot the eides divisi n pieseiilcd the blanket ihc e mimtlcc n charge l llus succcssiuj cvcnl wis llovd m bnsrv mrs w swackhmicr mis wpt tjwmpvm md mrs r ilph iwjhnv letttr to the edtto the acton free press thursday may 5th childs home training vital in preparation for future the ed i lor aelon free pass sir this is in inswcr to sincerely concerned you do not wail till a child reiehes gt ide 7 ft md then decide to have him oi her start then ti untiie to make umursiiv oh no ii is a much tinder and longer training thin ihat mv in end it staits when the child is very voung ind ihc pirint teaches the child the ilpti ilx i ind to edu cate the ehllds mind tuither vou read to i hem and help them to choose eood books and to sil ind lead quielh ask for homework as thev progress thiough public school ask voiir child s leaehei foi homework even it us ontv hilf an hour each iiiljii sil with vour child ind sec he docs his homcvvoik retularlv not iiisl be fore tests ind ex munition lime this trims ihtm lo sludv longer when the lime comes ind when thev reich cricks 7 ind 8 i p ir eni should know bv the child s mirks if he will make hich school nevn mind univeisilv ind vvhelhcr vom child will be i le i del or ust i illow i tie eiowd ihis mv fnc nil hclins jiehl in voui own i mie at high school hilii sehixl between the iees ol 12 md 14 vtars ol jcc i child should entci iiil1i schxtl llus is wheic his c ulv ti uninl will prove i he discipline tie li is had horn childhiod his developed ehirieter the hich school slud ml has t mi m mv dislriclums f om whit ihcv i e sei i to school foi to be rducatcd ill it is whit hich sclikls ire lor il is in eisv vv iv ouf for mv bov or cirl who dues not like ranch litm math algebra geognphv history english cornp english lit to know that dm ing one afternoon of that week there is going to be a ball lime ind thev can close the it bfxiks ind lo to the game for a dime if thev hive not a dime ihcv e in hive credit mil still go this is b id breeding ind starls a siudent to lose his independence it becomes i vers bid hibtt ind an easy w iv oul for i student lo hive and lo get out of school woik in school time must discipline self the student who disciplines himself oi herself md si ivs to study is called unsociable and not i likhi mixer thit is where slu dcnls ind le ichcis arc vvronfc the student who disciplines himscll now to leim and further his education will reap i richer ful icr life socially 1 iter in life hut not too late lo cnioy il with all us rewirds thev regret it for the rest of heir lives i know only loo well we must have the ordinary worker but also vvc must have leaders amongst our own people canadians and british peoples for this great and lorfous count rv the clever stu dents encourage them in every wav it is possible thiough i tin i will encourage the others to follow likes competition this ivpe of student likes noth il betler than lompclitiou ouictlv ihcv admire inothci stu dent who gives ihim a inn lot iheir academic si indmg there are good leaehtis in ill aelon schools our teachers ire human beings md s imetimes thev loo need a little uidinte keep ihc bill gimes foi aftti school and foi til se who wish lo go those tiidiv mcht il mees till p un are lx 1 ilc lor school be proud or this tpc of student in vv don t wut mil ihcv finish univeisilv ti hi i rili oat ostchkll slip ill ov e of student in ihcv finis te lehei s college hall and then fiont p ilr ihc acton flee puss so mid i due i aelon hilii school wh il thev do not siv is the mis- ci iblc cxislcncc this ivpe uf slo ck n i had lo to through it aelon hilh schixil because ihcv would not co the w iv of ill flesh these students aie om couutrv s leaders i f lomonow the c is the student who is doing veiv well till he or she iciehes critics 10 1 1 12 then thev fall bv the w ivside lo be come i social success ind then united visuallv hindicappcd nations choose own activities in conclusion the preside n pointed out the following ieti hies undeitakeil as protects e lions clubs each lions club hoose the activities fret to said in acton public school kindergarten enrolment acton public schools will be able to accommodate all pupils of kindergarten age th s year to enrol they must be five lj 1 2j load qk rtat r jjt y old by d 3 1960 b cft to avoid confusion please complete the form below before may 20 end snd or mail it to your district school in eve of omtnet w mckenzie pnnoiwl robert urfw school box 302 or w d elmek smith priimpal m z ftwtnott school child s islam christian names date of birth dav month parent s or guardian s name in full surname to futthb information call robert uttu school 73 m z bennett school 575 cornerbrook nursery highest quality pot plants bedding stock perennials peat moss we grow our own rr 1 acton just in under the subway at crewson s corners ron douglas 775j3 to brighten up your home mfwtkl ls tme to take no wadvantage of our lo wallpaper sale double rolls pre pasted and regular while they last 7 rolls for the price of on plus 01 c gordon hardware 22 mill st limited acton phone 76 i960 children fur hat is always what ue should keep in mind they are our child r e n e c n if thev think thev ire adults if anything goes wrong h comes right back to the pnrcnls ind how thev were brought up replace he dance hups by educating i heir minds bv producing piny like mnebcth the mcrchunl nl venice etc and i am sure the high school would set in mv pjients conic tu set these pi ws pflformeti a voung old t ishiomd mother engagements mr md mrs emit suntcr are happv lo announce the engage men l ol iluir tl i lighter margaret rise simtei lothontis fredrick tollon sun ol mr uul mis james tollon c- ileii mills i in wedding s to i ke pi ice june 4 at he picslimeiiui thin ih in adun famous stauffer method take mum out to dinner g ve worn a i ol day f om it k tche take be ou to d e on moher s day he ii love ou fne food and serve and w ii e to dc d shes jely i the clansmann restaurant 1 a visit an mproved technique make p sstbk llus i eve i ivv pruc ni il still get ill ihc henchls o us si tut lei pimeipli lloitlc idv i ipe ilnl has e ih in s t ju es w 11 ii pr ie ill jlld i ike he 1 1 ii ili s ii rs ll s 1 1 t iininv vvilh mi ihc im l i nigs hi 11 lectin il siiei u us exeiciscs y u el m even d si hc and a 1 ilhu uj med si ullcl lluc e insultai i will k i chi a lice 4fuiie il ilvsit ir lirsl visii so call st 1 1 new in ic ii 1 iv 1 91 ik l no ubllkution flynns studio for face and figure slenderizing and beauty fulfillment the stauffer and zeigler methods r r 4 acton on no 15 highwey phone 780 remem mother on morners uay sunday may 8th ll uijtikj o int yixuii ii t ladies nylons 1 1 ihc i iksi spnne shulcs s jl ii slcrls special 66c to 135 also seam free at si 00 pr pr1 nylon slips ljll andnulam tulun pink blue green red ind while slts 32 s2 i igiitmans price from 2rf ladirs crinolines beauijfullv trtmmid uiih laec and net hoop neludcil sues s m aid 1 lightmans pricr 595 ladirs nylon cotton gowns mi il il i lull lnijlh slls 1 h k st tnim sics s m i in i os i kiitmas s prick from 49 pyjamas i i k hi i n s n s 1 ill licimuns pricf cotton nylon gloves sh it i tl i nit h sllvs sv 7 i ightm4vs pricf from 98c panties r i n with laei trim ind elisl c leg sles s 1 md i lightmans price 2100 blouses c it n md nslon sh t an i length ln ii ih diuinnl l rim sin p 44 i lcrftwan s pricf from 199 i xmrs cotton skirts six i ii il ud slvlis t c i i iii h li i sy s p i ii i uhtman s prk v 395 cotton dresses li i nisi prini stks sils to 4 lightmans price from 388 i adiks coiros slim jims i icirruan s price from 199 car coats t i n 1 t t h 1 1 s i m ikhtuans pruf 995 shop at lightmans department store acton last chance to enter lucky draw 200 in free prizes name address phone ushtmans lucky maw coupons

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