Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1960, p. 8

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th act free preu th may 3th 1960 plans are being laid already fi tho aclon open ioir louma- nunl rummlxi ikii vni limo llllmiii pllllctllillll hol lllcll ivll pnnkhl tikmii s minshmc iiuliincl people ui sluil ikmw lothlni un lilihlci ppu1 the- hiuk iv ihiiinnliin in show on imisi nxes now thil wtim wenirvi hs iiilcel tmllu on no 2s hifhwax kiulinn imnt 401 wii l in- in emimiiu with i he iiku weuihvi limn wnikmcn hcuiin mui tlusllinu this itk uul inm mil wus mule in llu- ciuiiicm siihti imih1 sunu- ol l ho minuet uiliis ic bit ihwstinij ol eilthini iimhi siid pike ou i of rati uikr lalclv alihuiiih some ol ihe stivels haw been ilewvil ol sand olhein pivscnl 1 iloud ol ilnsi s mis ltivel b untoi lunitel no itnlilivn uvit able lu uilih i imul eluiihle to uin a ptie in ihe thiulivns eliv last weekend dont forget to keep saturday mnv 14 in mind and asiul tho porks board in removing slumps hum talrv lake piulw there was n vaiietv of reactions in thucrxiit homes tlitih m hool students hrougit home their ivpoit euiilsl mam total residents he boon smelt tislilnu litis season and iasi smuks have been enjoyed b itioiuls and itetghboi moiv people than usual were daslmm down to the station to post last mliuile mall mondav 1he d just hnlshed lilllng oul then iikomo tax tuiiu a low ihtut the tight side ol thedead line 111 a ton man has piesented a t lhat ome heloncieu to su ham liuiiei the nium neil scottish snivel to ihe wellmglon cumm museum at tlmn sir ham bad giuii h to a hiend while on lovu in canada stock nn icing luis ehcoi a dtstikl ihbei mm colling ot milton he rnees weekends in a iii buili b htmsell his bmthoi don and geoige clements lasi eai at tho cne uaik ho won the rookie of the yeai aware jffafriasjmjil fjimhtjijiu aimiaurtu sjskkjj ljii left acton after marriage mrs w kilty toronto dies fnends and relatives weu- mil ileneil io leain ot tin pavmiig ol mrs noi ktlt on satutiliv apnl 11 a daughter ol the lite mi and mrs clifford thompson ol n braida heads cfsa section a meeting ol representatives of the luhs comprising the west em ontano niagara peninsula see item ol ihe canadian figure skating association in the iro quois hold m hilt on sumlav altemoon i its ted nonnan braida ol at ion as i hainnan ol its board ol directors lot the next vum biaida is present so ntaiv ol ihc guelph college fig ui skating club and prior to lhat served tin twit vim in as ihc carnival hainan of that club for the pam war he has also bcxn a mrrnber if the board of drnxtors of the western ontano 4 iagaia peninsula section whhh is ihc largest ot si sec tions i the c f sa and has a membership of over 12oo0 in dubs chainnanship o1 the section in eludes appointment to the fv tvulivr cwnmttue of the centra j gimitiinf loutv i ul ihc c fs a mi bfjodi rrpljtes as chairman d 1 ktpd ij chill vchu in sask un- irjs ur mss i jec led mvf prcvuitni n1 the vssiniation pix ljii prvsidcit i granville mas at of aruihiui tl nth the guelph club i j nunni if numbers irom th jiicnj sessions each aclon she iveeived her educa dim here and was an omplovee ol the slotvv glove companv un til her maiuage m ms to win kiltv when ihe moved io tntinito she had lesided theie until hoi death she leaves to mouin hoi loss her husband and two daughters blanche mrs omiond took of mount albeit and jean mrs biuce caiton ol picketing two giandchildien bnan and jenni fer and one sistei mis blandu bioks of toronto she was a mem he i ol rhode ac tniled church tho manv kantilul moral lubutes tesiihetl to the esteem m which sin held bv her manv luend- neighbors funeral service was conducted bv the rev mccrcadv ol metni- politan uiited church toronto burial was hiun the ruiulev shoemaker funeral home in ac ton to fairview cemetery april 26 pallbearers wvre mr penn mr frascr mr mtkcnnev and mi mavbee of toronto g hornsbv of richmond hill and l hot chen ol acton mft and mrs w l fawcett are pictured signing the regis ter following ihetr weddmq in knon presbyterian church saturday april 16 the bride the former doieen cooper and her husband left on a trip io washington dc lollowing the reception in ihe church the iouple will reside in toronto iajtama discuss projects reports at knox ladies aid meet mrs a m mi pliu son piesided 1 busiikss null upoiis liom th loi ihe apnl met ling ol llu hnuv lwn i ate ling ittoieils this pis utiles aid ik hi u llieehuulioi 1 iihullli mil i uw pi ins iii lilt it liiesdav alteiiitnin uhuh opeiud 1 1 111 llu l eiuils lo 1h iiluiel io with a good llioiighl tot llu dav hack lit oflliv mis a j buchanan uiliodik 1 mis soinuvillt was huk ii ill lllipicssue wolslllp seiuie oil 1 iki ollm 1 seiielnv alui i lev hie louls piavu wnh a kan mtiks ihsuici and was askid i utul inclination on llu ilium mil 1 uiiiunh1 llu suk mil sluil in seveial lathes lid in miiiiiul pii upmul 11 llu llliellllg vets mis a 1 monav londiu lid ai mtinleul number inku siiiil tutiiisi mi iikts miii miss bella mave kosell toniu mis i h 1 u hung llu winmi billed a ukal solo uul liilk miss h niolni ilosd with ihe cauil palleison madi iki pnhlu mipah huudulioii mm llu dehul willi a piano solo imoiip spun a hiuhi ul soual lei mrs miplicisun loiidiu lul llu inwship lining llu iuik h puiml visit manor red shield appeal the niuiiheis ol knov m n r r n liming aimiaiv uue ag un btaged during may niaele linn aiiniiil wl l tin mi i halloti manoi hold dance contest in milton in june plans tu hold the flul anuunl onmilo highland paiue champ- ioimhip cumpciltlumt at the grand- mnml in mil ion n full uiouiuln were aiuiuuneed bv lorn cumellu milton icpi wining the pruvin oitil highland uauilng associu tlon it cumelta aid the fait irountlh in milton had been imsvn because ul the imnllon and lailtlllen and llie uiisllntlng upihiil ollcad bv the hallon auiiiulluiat ruitelv while this will he ihe initial uimpelillon loi intuitu ihe gioup liope lo juake u an annual event all day june 23 date ul the bin show is salm dav june 2 about 200 onliles ekpeded horn dameismosl l gills in the seven lo is veais ige hiaiket tin allali is n pel piujil of mi cunietin ii lelenl scolllsh immlimiint and the tullier ot and lenii well known lotutlv hn hei ihincing skill i iusligalid ihc idea anil loi lluee veais i have lutii tivuiu lo m iliein lo holtl ll heiehoatlniilled i his lould develop inlo un annual allafi like- iho fojgttsjilcjhland games ihe onliuio asskialioii is a pttiolv volunlaiv oiganiation sel up to oslei and iiininlaln ihe ira dillon ol lllgliland scottish dam nig mi umelli piedkls tlaiuiiilt il a veiv high stauilaid seioiul l to scotland wa reports given tuesday tucdav ihc wa of aclon un lied church mei in tho chutch pailur mr wildetmiln ihe pie sidunl prchidlng the meellng opened wlih thu oile prayer and umt prayer j the dfvutlonul wus given bv isi m benneit the theme us use voui lieedoin to setve oiic anoihei llvinus mft and i4h weie kiiiiu will mis llellei us plaum mis i have lead hit snip line ttoiu gal ihnplei 1 veises mih and l mis w balleiillue will he in chaiue ul the dcuulloii lot june mis lvans ihe mi uspi hiding seiielaiv itpoileil a iiuuihu ot gel well and sympathy taids sen l and thank you tinh iiieivul also an iiivilatiou lo iheneei wa ltt mis mason lend ihc nil mius ami mis i indsav tin liensuui s 1 1 poll an imitation lo attend the lilt meiiiheislup lui in appleby null ed tlllliill uui liugloit wis at ipud boys register for minor ball oung oagi i baseball plave i s an lushing lo em oil in minoi spoils in unlit o tpiuhtv loi one ul tin loams mils suuimei 1 asl week 49 hoys legtsleted in llu h to 17 viai old age gioup tnil mondiv night 71 yoiinustus mgiied to play in ihe 10 lo 12 yeai old i lass lomghl minoi spoils ate regis icimg bos in iho eight lo 10yeit uld gioup anyone missed timing pieviuus legisliilious is askei eonlait presidenl vu mas let ins home allei wot king hunt i eigue sihedules will be diawn up allu learns have been selected following linal legislations mm shiwrnakcr gave hei re purl on senior cllucnn hhilidays nick and nhutlm a plant will he puichased b iho w a fur next sundays ihiiuh senkes mlpah dcnedio- ilon hi in mill i he meeting lo a iilal hi in- ami lunch weie 1 li 20 niutitvii present caroline nurseries garden centre 7 wlllfs wtst of ac ion riylh ol hihwny 7 soulli evergreens shrubs perennials shade trees fruit trees annuals grainseed fertilizer etc dont foroet mother on mothers day may 6 cut flowcrs pot planis t come on oul and tee in 7 sown open 9 a m to 9 pm raspberry danish rag 39c special 35 always fuesh ledgers lasi week aiiilpioiulid apiogtam and luiuh ihev wnt anoinpan ed b their nuuislei rev a h j 182 youngsters join junior fire brigade fire chief j vvvlon reported this wrtk lhal lo dale 182 iion voungsttrs have enrolled lor thi junior file bngjde thev have lecetved membership cards and instructions on tu prevention and sjleiv hints the local chief uiges the vttung sicrc to viauh lor tire hazarcls litci aiiptil ol ihe salvation hung cuiiillii icil ic miss ir nuuislei rev a ii j nmoii t ainasseis vcill be mcketme ihe organs f a han li v l sen and soloists nom flhol i 1k ivu u and geihge mussellc miss donna n renniek and miss lain and itsln mqui aliv c iinnhiill ol the mcphedeian veho louud with thi salvation anm hialled this membeis in piesetuing a tun pin vieck llu ciiitns ol aclon havi giain ot saired and sniilai nuin been mosi genu mis in pist veais bcrs in mm mini nig llu ikvci eliding a lull upon ol then pioginu umk ol imu ihit is hung pu is ldeludiil in llu un lespoiuknti hiintnl in llu aiinv cittv elav ol liom ihi ugiilai miiioi tones i ik uit uim iun hi maki out xndiul miss muticl lhoinpsuii ippeil loom main gmul huntls tkiid ihtinjfhout ihe skating dvo vilvs 1nc mportance ol on fipute skiing cnlhus prai- vjleiv liri at all tun i ii iht disimt vull he pleas i uiships ioi 1m hac lind j b lo ihe lire depart nvjuvidid io the guelph ilub minl h uniainmg at hnrtie when the utu wtil uki place uvct sirxn vounds and allowing nc nod c ihiex javs m janu tiictighlits io contentute un a 11 iheir dolus thi ehiel siicvmii mr vwiun announced this vk tutf un annual pulp isk furuser registration will be vvtsj jimi i canada comes rcceted salutdav morning liom jjtni i ihc pimniee ul ejiu bi 1q jjii until 12 ntxin l0l euchre and dance friday may 6th crewsons corners jch8e and dances will be continued until further notice aw01hciuikt3 hforhals acccssoxies rot rut thscmmnathg dhls stationery rinot mj gift wrapped your choice of moirs neilsons rowntrees take mother out to dinner on mothers day ou menu ftatckes turkey griued haaa steak rainbow trout futt titurm dinmr 10 watsons dairy bar restaurant phont l4 announcement robert r hamilton optometrist announces changes of office hours mon to fri 10 am to 6 pm evening by appointment closed saturdays for appointment phone georgetown tr 73971 one location only 60 main st north opposite cenotaph shtvice wigo tv service 130oo on your working used tv aerials repaired for service call 89 see our radios and appliances spexiauliaivout sale of paints we are proud to announce that we have ju5t taken on the dealership km cil paints we feel lhat with this line we will be able o serve vou belter give you a more complete line of the best known and best paint on the canadian market today at the lowest possible prices we will also have a colonzer blender machine that will enable you to have a choice of over 78o colors ai rrcrextra charge in order to taka this new line into our store we mull liquidate all other brands of paint specjal scartes semmhoss enamel or fiat can be tinted to 60 different colorj 495 gal remember we de all the tinting for you here en so now is the time to take advantage of these prites swing satin roxamul velvet reg l00o keg 17 ii- clear out frke si 25 clear out pnce 1 25 roxamul velvet rc sa c scarfes thix exterior house paint semigloss enamel reg s 50 o peg j 50 o cg 60 q special clear out pnce s3 98 ckr out pnce 1 50 ot clear evt price 150 clear out pree 150 ot cll exterior white introductory offer 495 gal can abo be tinted te 60 colon tenpr0 distributors limited 126 main st n acton out our caah and carry price on all plywood doort etc fuf dfuvry

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