Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1960, p. 8

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gdttvtttp bridging the gap the story is going the rounds about the new yorker who was asked by his wife to bring home two loaves of french bread so he went to idlewild airpor boarded a et plane for paris and was back in the space of a few hours with truly french bread the story may be exaggerated but it points up the progress being made in travel facilities the latest development in travel however is the plans for either an english channel tunnel or a bridge the ancient desire to connect britain and the european continent with some kind of a dovercalais roadway is being stirred by four plans suggested to a channel tunnej study group three of the plans propose tunnels under the english channel 41 to 53 feet wide and costing from 200 million dol lars to 268 million the fourth plan the one which stirs the imagination isjhe brainchild of american english an french construction engineers they have in mind a 21 mile bridge over the channel this bridge 110 feet wide would handle railroad auto motorcycle and bicycle traffic and would be 200 feet high at certain spans so that even the queen mary could pass beneath with ease spans would be generally 740 feet apart and mass produced piers would be floated into position at least 800 000 tons of structural steel would be used 5 000 workers would be employed for five years total cost would be 560 million dollars whether or not the sludy group willfcuy the engineers enthusiastic proposal is con lecture for centuries men have dreamed pf hopping the big moat which is ihe chan nel some men have had only trade and peace in mind others napoleon and hitler to name two had different thougnts the channel has been both a wonderful protec tion and an annoyance to bridge the channel would leave un conquered only one challenge in that tern tory as every swimmer knows that would be to swim the channel lengthwise let trilliums grow in ontario the white carpets of trilliums are not quite as plentiful as they once were indiscriminate picking and the cultivation of more and itior land leaves the beautiful white flower less plentiful on sunday we saw along a back road that rare sight a carpet of beautiful white trilliums the quantity of the flowers stopped us because we had doubted such numbers of the plants still existed in one place the tnllium of course is our provincial floral emblem officially adopted in 1937 the tnllium was recommended by a special com mittee of botanists to the ontario horttcul tural association which canvassed the views of other horticultural societies in the pro vince in a british botanical work published in 1760 there is a reference to the tnllium as the herb true love of canada the white miliums that dot our wood lands and carpet some are as typically can adian as is the maple leaf or beaver we can only hope that the indiscriminate tnllium picking has been slowed by the repeated and annual warnings against de stroymg the flowers they were never meant to decorate a table they are far more attrac live and for a greater length of time m their natural habitat the woodlands of ontario let the trilliums grow fireworks are for fun can playing with fireworks be consider ed fun when it results in headlines like these frecracker joke kills two friends 12 year old may be blinded after firecracker explosion boy hurls firecracker into babys strol ler there is no greater irony than a practical oke that results in death or inury true deaths and injuries due to fireworks are not many in proportion to the total accident rate in canada but the trouble with those that do occur is that they begin as fun and end in disaster far more frequent than deaths from fireworks are the ugly permanent injuries they cause because a friend played a joke on him a child can go through life with impaired eyesight or unsightly scars fire authorities tell us that the most fre quent cause of mishap with fireworks s ihe somewhat impish urge amongst youngsters to play tricks with them unfortunaiely these tricks get out of hand rather rapidly often children throw lighted firecrackers between screen and inner doors into mailboxes gar ages and even vacant cars this can cause a raging blaze or explosion obviously most of the children don i reolue until too late the serious consequen ces of their pranks commented f h ellis general manager of the ontario safety lea gue if they did probably far fewer such incidents would occur lets feat fireworks with the respect ex plosives deserve this holiday weekend were confused we are confused we know monday is a holiday but what is the correct official name tfiete is as most everyone s aware of a great surge of nationalism throughout the country let us get things straight victoria day the anniversary oi queen victorias birth was declared a holiday by the legislature of the united canadas m 1845 it has been observed annually since then having been declared a holiday th- 1901 by the canadian parliament m com memoration of the queen until 1 952 it was observed on the queens birthday may 24 it was ihen pro vided that the day of observance would be the first monday preceding may 25 the birthdays of other reigning sovereigns since victoria have been observed observance of the birthday of queen elizabeth li has been combined with victoria day th s year it falls upon may 23 empire day new commonwealth day is closely associated with victoria day canad lan citizenship day is also observed on com mo wea day whn fa un t l day before victoria day inis year t s fr day may 20 schools in most provinces hold par ot i services on this day unify farm forces k ichener wdeiloo record ontat o s fari popi lat c s d ndl i g but the same cannot be sa d aboui agr cul tural pras fil is once uder organ red now i appears to be get rig over o gan ed w th somewhat chaoi c results agriculture m n ser goochelow tcld the omar o assoc at on ot rural mu c pa es al its recent convent on that 100 oraan a i ons now rp ese t b0 000 ia iert n the pinvinre jubilee gold sxyar cutct sfucc to the canadian citizen and more so to the immigrant intending to become a c t en these many names ol so few hoi days tend to be confusing the federal government wpud be w se to lim t off cial names for hoi days lo for ex ample one name for each hoi day th s should be done at leist before canada s 93rd b rthday on july 1 dom n on day or canada day we c iusl si liquid tlumich tinn f nil m u m tins intu when most lolks uc ihinihl miming tin fiui lionim ol spi iiil mum nl us ii l tint- lhioutli iik hiiiiiuiiil ilcstim llll cxpclletlcc ol li- mtlsil lesm il 1 ii h e n it puis moilui pl ish ol sthci in im me 1 nh e n il i uus uiullui llllc 111 lll lllk ki llll lulled loidu ki and i ilii e ii i nil pisiliic ihe old i iel u n 1 lei ihniuul u unbuilt i com pltle llcllftus eoll ipse bul the human constitution seems lo be m ule ol a composite ot old iiibbei hoots and sei ip mill i h ie ihe uh iceoceicd lo tin point uhiil ni head is no longer thudding like j bongo ilium and mum has mice uc un lolilied bnk hum the brink ul insanm ind is her usual brisk buthnik sell this car out kids p icd in scicn elillciciil pi mo clisses ih it rm nit seven inps in lhf icstn il untie ind ibotil 100 milts un the old 4 bine k which uus us some ii links to ihe lillun hovvciei 1 dun t mind the e pensi lis the bedl un th il lits tin down just imng to keep those kids in ele in elolhes tin i ncik is enuiilh lo dine i sunt sti 11li11 up the u ill and some bod v w is ilvv ivs i hi or hid lost ins shoes 01 hid tol 1 hi wed instil k to m uk hum is lestix d mothers kids lilerlt iiul siiiirin with tutus s tin hi iikiiikiil i hie gills lie 111 lussed lip hi then iusl diessev with i 1111 bows uul sp iikluil t is mil sliiiiiil hill ihe his ik qtliel ei stlllet pili mil tuisi hull hinds ih u mil ind uus tub lliein on tluu p nits se ittitnl hue mil then in ihe le lehus onlw udlv 1 1i111 uiw iuik chinninc i his is tin eulminjtiun oi uiunths ul bird work fur them anil e in hiuij elation or tlcicction depending on how then ehiiles conn ihimigh then the adiidie itoi rinus his hell de id quiet reigns the first loniistinl leeluil is iwk wud is m eltphint inounis ihe state iml llu tension nsis one of lliose dish uighl rnulhtis is holding he r im llll llel he lit puuiidinc p uriliini sunn nnus one il llu kids will let stuck she ii llll l wn in ihoul ji nisi n n tj shi siis ilure loukuij il llu keboud is hioulii 11 w is 1 doeliriklll 111 chun se she pok is al 1 euupk fl notes i oks dispel itclv it the idiudie hoi uul lues igain her despui ind ijuii lie ilmost m 11 hid in those ol ihe ludienei the good old ays back in 1940 taken from ihe issue of the free press thursday may 23 1940 council tuesday evening heard a lcllir rend from beard mure and company requesting a supply of water hum the munie ipal svste m this water would ih used rom june i to september 11 it wis estimaleel that 30 000 lo 40000 gallons would be used ever v 24 hours the eompinv did not expeel to pay the usual donustie rite the superintendent also re ported 1 eluding an additional suppk of water and eoitneil ag reed to m ike a turn ot the aiea oefori anv aehon wis liken to locale an idehhonal suppk the lerunii pi mi in aelon nel lo the blow ptess shop is ihe onlv one ol its kind in c in ada and in uhek published re eenllv ives quite in expheil picture ol llu details ol the in duslrv and mentions the aelon plant magv iinpnn 1 me nls in prudliihoii hiu been mule sinee the pi mt was hrst opened and hill se 1i1 pioduelioti is keepiril tin unplomis bus d 11 h i uh mimheis ol ai ion bowl iiil mil linnis luh mil on mondn imiurig lo ul lu llu piioio by emhtr tiylor by bill smiley pun went like ill it lie knew wlnl until lo pl ibe nules in mtl lu w ts mmiil iioiil m lit ll slli hilt lltel 1 lllinule u thd it soundid like 1 e ll on 1 tin r i me slopped d id put his h mils 011 his hips uul si mil it till p in ill siktiee ihen in pipul me wlnl s ihe in thit with ibis jii mo m 1 ek 11 tiehk when 1 ihss his hinsliid pin 11 mis looking s pieselll si isoll ll till honil ol mis w cliisholm bown ave olheiis i l the ll will llios en is follows pusidiut mis j m vleloiild iusl ei pies idem mrs w ilbol seiond mu piesiiknt mis k ii 11 lutt buwiuil lurimullii mis w chrsholm eouvenu miss m ciimii miss p smith mil mrs w i i ilbol son il eoinmihee mrs s rusluiuii etmuui mis j iiiliis mis ii iklwig miss ii w ill in uul mis k ii i miolt i inliiui of keen inkrisl w is shown on monti tv mtht wlnn it u mini i memoiul ym a he4tl ms umii il niietinl ihtie w is 1 spklldltl itteniluiee ot snuor mtiiihits puseiil li ihe illeitllll hid mlilinl te polls wt il ih ud llu im inn il silll 1i1011 up to lilt piisuil mill shown 1 iootl hilmii mil sup etlsoi ihll benson presented in t neoiii iliiil upon nl thi inter est ikeil he holb iiillin uul sentoi uitmheis in y ilisses back in 1910 taken from the unit of tiw free press thmtwuy may it til messrs beardmore and comp any are negotiating with ihe g t r to run 0 spur line down jrutn the gtr yards 10 ihcir works this will save the heavy iiaffit on church st alter floating the union jack at half masl over the school for j week earctaker coleman fear mg the twoyearold rope would not stand the strain for another weck proceeded on saturday to change il for a new one the old one got out of ihe pullw at the lop of the pole and efforts it twitih it into the pulley cans ed it lo break at i he pulley on monday nighl john walker climbed ihe 36 foot pole from the lop of ihe tower where at about an altitude of 122 feet nearer hakv cornel than ordin m mortals he quickly jerked out the old rope slipped in a new one and slid down he pole lu the loof the first baseball match of the season will be pluvcd in the pmk situitliv afternoon be iwnri ihe team which plays at georgetown un the 24th ind 1 puked ti un 1 iplaincd by fd rikr this wih be 1 nine inning l mu uul promises to be cxeil mg is ihe picked lejm have hoislitl it deleat he regulars sum ihe loiuul ilions of the new bi udmore warehouses h in been laid irossings haie hieii put in it chinch st and eihcns of ihe south section of llu town now h iu free iceess to ilu c r r grounds hy ihit slieel a new post office has been opened n ilu upper brick works ne 11 miliun lo he known is mil tun ileighis wilh mr john ap pk ud is posim ister llu new wixilkn mills of the svkis co it georgetown were di shoved by fire monday iftcr noon ll is thought 1 nail got in l ihe piekcr and sttiuk flit in set i ion ol the plant where the picker was situated was ibl 11 m no time the operator h ul his irrm bully burned ihe petl hilton house of ro- hige will be completed by june i ii will he olhcially opened on tin lollowintj day by councils of li c i uul llallon with approp- ii ilc cclcint nies iiil eunone 1 dm is 1 iaiii 1 a 1 us cm million llu itliudii iloi sirih bles notes ihen 111 w iks to ihe 1 1 0111 ind ihe iticion ulos de in loiw nl siiliicu simng like vmte jii llu niouiciil ol tiuth miles whii its ill met nii h in ilu m in bukrk or think hi in in c sec pi ion ilk disc u 11 iiil ivpi dipiiuluil on how he his lu uul hi ollspnng li us link mai llu surl it c itl ibl ouulslcs wllt hill woikid li ti il lii mouths llu 11 in ule 1 miss il the pine be 1 nisi ol it sin il nines mil ule women led like sue un iiil hie odtl i ithir pu still slumps is iioulii he il li ul 1 lu ill ill ak oh us 1 li mil btistiuss the music fisin il bui mums un professional directory and travellers guide j funfral directors dr w g c kenney physicim and surgeon orrin in symon bl rk 41a mill si f art n oft r phtnt- 7h r1s1rlro hi chin h st f hki lit sct i 11 il lesiiv 1 time 1 slull enter 1 monisleii im 1 week and lei ihe chips inl the le rs i ill whele lhc lllll 1 hi 111 ind hiulet reeiimiinii ms cei i rip until we were links mi ol lown hit usui il hill is ilu the snru bene uh us ipp u ulk iiki oldellmcss se e 1 he t mcud iiililil l lomeli hoh mil u ii w mini ijuiciti ihoin noilnni i thill l llll lull iii 1 ens uiu uliudic i 1 di ouihttiltmi i the eonseii llll si ii ibont llus t tllliu it ll lllpelled l i l in l kl lllls lllll lu si u olt w ii tlun r il link ii tumblitl u illllil i 1 i lllinute lllell l t c i dodging round the district parkfng paid 1 oht i town ilu is d ilnui h in mniuki in mwnpokil kos u in ts sun un li i uk p iku iu lit i hi i h v in u roy downs b merchants i pj dr d a garrett phis c m ind surgeon corntr f w llnw ind r vr fn r ince riv r st acn n ont ph n th dr robert u buckner p i n in ind sirgon 3d v 1 i lt in st act n ont pru ih9 off if ur 0 r pm a its t aixnrilmnt r vi tstat and inmrancf chiropractor f l wright n w il st a n on o a d moore dc pilmt spwific chuopractor it mill sltmt phone worm office hours wfd 27 sat 2 5 optical an hearinq aipb i l e l buchner ro optointr it and hoarmjt aids 4h vi ii st e phone iis of tier hour w dnesdays only 2 0000 pm fw rungn bv appoinunral iuik calls for invalidi m u i lilt m dr h leib d i i sirgon of t m ii nd i lnks 1 of t i i hi ap mnt 1ei mllar is dr a j buchanan t 1 sirgtn off ami strc t o 11 b n u fi pm 1 i robert r hamilton opuwnclrirt eyet exsmlnad claw fwl fvt xi i n st n g ortftwn om office hours 10 a m ml pm mon to fn t v fiin by apptunhnrnt iu sklurtkiy i- ir appointment plea phone tr 1w1 aiuit1ng accountiwo lever hoskin chartered accountmiu 1 mm st v 212 koof st w traveuem ouki cu charity rackets bared btrl 1n roslh in chin ink h i im r t h m it n ii hii l i k d i wi ii h ii k v k t i iipb n s ii it i im un kb i t t i i vhi h i u k ililllcm lent thmihei i e n mi i ju li eilc i nuit n i he 1 i i k n e ll i i i i i t chum real fstale lves e oravi ml 1 iivlukkii mu i it r i i 1 1 1 i ihe 3 unit i i s il nil isiiu iliiii- list ill pi pi i i i if ids in luduil n inus ot ihe t rnur irk iw mi i ambulance al snelgnc sriro i a v mptiteh tqunpto i ul r nil r ivjilable jl ill tunes in thmiujeius 1 wiislup li e k h i s i ihe stu t tile mill ind will ic imp l the i le i k i ijll e is mill as uiswiimi ill eiruiltmv iik lotorcvcles to church iforcftown a i w t m i m pnl j ul i ehiinh es ii hjppcniii muthtrs dn when the i w i ke l m it r t tluh t coijietown and eltih memhrs h in miii mlin l i htendtd in ihtir nnual pandt le blec u ttown t h ti li thu w thtir jiekcts and tuw stub m igs ew industrv starts milton another new indumn vning into prodm tinn here ijit week when ihe tmplomes of iht j is 1 mitthiw it n r i vninzi dmsion txtan opera lions thi pi ini i itnl n l u i itsiern bordtr inishts hron7t arnum mirktrs whuh u in thi i taih proekieiiun at the head olhte tf ihe lochimn in piuhurch pi m gofxtfehovv was prorno n farmers n eress ivben be i oed aqr cu vie o f v ts forces progress s reta ded wien soe jnout gee and others ell haw the acton free press published t the dills printing and publishing co lid founded in 1st and publishes icrs thiusdn ti sg willow st actn onuiio mtmki ol th auetn buri iu ol circulatins tv c w s a ml ihi out rivouehes dnision of the c s a adtnisink uus m request subscriptions pa ibu in nl uue ixi in m id i wx in the iniltd sntes sis months 1 s sin pus authomod as second chss mail p st ottive depart nuni ottawa the onk paper eier published in acton g a dills ediiihinchil duid r dilu mmipng fdiior juslness and editorial offlce phone 600 acton j it ull i i i ul i i i 1 k 1 i e ll thu re p i bi ph n t t ri m st ttl i i i e mpmi find trouble hr 1 w ul 1 i u k i i h r im in the c f leathfpiand qc p i r acton gray coach lines coaches leayy actom ivlikht snvint trme ft bound ah im da iv escept sun tnd hi suim 11 m m impjn 5 prn 633 pm 833 pm 10 ii sun and hoi i westbound 112 i m 12 v pm ifl pm r pm 777 pm 9 12 pm itm pm u im ifn sat sun and hi i ule birr i ul il 10 mm i a l i i is un k ntiiid s i pttvi i nk uih i t he i n i i sense ul t nr pi n a braida ba 1j n s r l r ni tav pjbl c 1 m- t s s arion on phw ib o hour 6 pm 9 pm 1 p l p m sa urdavi is cfik s e ccielph t i 2243 o c hour 9 am pm s t 12 ois1 show whi d s inline i ir irmin i irni r i i i i rhi tin- qm i mike i miuv i n i lee i s mipiil taut hastings 4 payne bairnter and sol c mrs nnariec publ c la m it st arlon fi- appi ttfnrnt call 991 canadian national railways standard time eat bound da it except sunday 5 44 m day cwppt sundaji 9 12 jn fwptop- 714 pm sunday only rhi pm daily exeefm sunday fir- cr t oevntebtwri 4 27 pm daily flr ceoriehwn 10 11 pm wetbowid t1r 1229 am daily except sundav b 30 ajn c 44 pm saturday only 172 pm simday only id m iflantop sunday only flyer at cuelph t05 pm daily except sat and sun 5 j

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