transfer with caution t whtn you nntlltt thai about 46 pr cent of th t dollar you pay hso town of acton qo for tducation you couid txptcl thai thora would bo whotoutt nd unquali fttd support for rocont propouli lhl tha provlnc tiko ovtr iht cou in iht tntlr laid of tduntion j tho ontario attoculton of mayors and rtvti iug9tttd luch a plan and ndoritd jit whon lhy wra matting in convention jrecantly tha immadlata thing wa hava to raaliza jbafora wa do toma hasty manitl arlthmaiic jon how much last wad havt to pay tha jtown i that education won i ovarnlghi bt- icornt trtt quita aimply lha collector of ochool taxes will have moved out of town to in office at queen i park and citlxena will likely lose much of the limited control they now maintain or should maintain through jthe people they elect to local school boards j the cost of education gets iti annual publicity in most centres around budget jtime whan councils who have no real con trol over the budget submitted by school boards ere faced with including an annually increasing figure in their budgets the coun ell efforts to cut here and there are often frustrated when education budgets lake up all the possible increase we re not arguing that education ii cheap construction coils debenture dli counts climbing enrollments and increasing teachers salaries all contribute to higher budgets ratepayers will not be relieved of the cost of education if those costs are trans ferred to the province it would simply mean that the province would seek new taxation fields and in these the adminlslra tion costs might become evsn greater the province will not take over the com plete cost without taking over a much lar ger share of control as citizens we should hesitate to transfer that control lest we lose completely alt vestiges of municipal autonomy and appoint a new master of our own dost in mt inaccessible and bound in red tape charity first please so they ve opened a baiement fallout shelter near the parliament buildings in queen s park now like good citizens were supposed to sweat a bunch of cement blocks into our basement turn into a mason and build one prime minister dtefenbaker recommends iit the hon a kelso roberts attorney general for ontario at the opening of the shelter says he intends to proceed with the construction of one in his own home and the cost is only 300 to 500 now few whi argue that 300 to 500 is a high price for life itself but the past his liory of civil defense has seen so many tcnanjges end so much indecision that we would hesitate to build anything until we were sure a new idea wasn t on the drawing boards for is years there has been an uneasi and for almost that long different levels of government have passed the buck and experts have changed their minds early jtha year we watched a film detailing the evacuation of a city withdrawal of govern menl and essential service admmistralion to an expensivelyconstructed mountain shelter now we re told evaculion isn l the answer for residents of that city the chang ed theory must have been an expensive lesson right here in halton we asked the county civil defense coordinator what would hap pen if a nuclear explosion took place in toronto or hamilton there is no clear cut plan yet we might indeed be faced with streams of city dwellers seeking refuge if they got the warning in time civil defense is not a ridiculous topic surely it is time for the man on the street to be given some intelligent reasonable and concrete ideas on how he and his family might survive a fall out shelter will be of little help if hes at work his children are at school and his wife is down town shopping how do they get together in their shelter in deed how are they warned they should if there are now some clear cut proposals on civil defense they should be earned to the people but is there such a thing as a clear cut proposal self help isnt it amazing how as individuals and jproups we can manage to put things m a jtountry out of kilter and then call on rgovernrnent to fix tt up indeed demand they fix it up take unemployment for instance were jtll objecting to this business of foreign im jports in cars clothing and dozens of other fields while at the same time as consumers jwe buy by price and that means we buy the imports as opposed to the home made pro- sjjluct theres a big argument that our cost of jabor in this country has contributed largely jo the higher price of canadianmade articles ve know sufficiently little about economics tfeo think that is largely the case naturally when the market for the cena jjfianmade goods drops not only in the rest fff the world but among ourselves too it jtyvon t take as many people lo keep us all ihatisfied if wages are the big factor and if we are tell as genuinely concerned about unemploy iment as we are led to believe and if we place the entire problem at the feet of government for a solution as we usually do would we be prepared to accept a drastic solution supposing government said tomor row alt wages and salaries in the country will go back to a 1950 level and will be frozen there what would happpen well of course it would take a whole new government de partment to look after the thing those who saved money would be wealthy those who had unfortunately had to buy a ihouse with a mortgage would have one awful time meeting the higher proportionately pay ments there would be a great cry about reducing the standard of living those with large inventories of consumer goods would probably go bankrupt governments can hardly be expected to get us out of all our self made difficulties we undoubtedly won t reduce our standard of living but perhaps we might develop a little more loyalty to our own products per haps we should wonder what government can do that we couldn t do for ourselves new skills for old i there are several reasons why unem jployment remains stubbornly and uncom- jjortably high but without a doubt a high proportion of those out of a ob for any length of time stay jobless either because jhey are unskilled or because demand for heir particular skill is not what it was at the same time employers newspaper advertisements and national employment service bulletins emphasize the fact that there re other skills which areand have been for home time very much in demand clearly what it needed is a much more ambitious nergettc and nation wide program of ob and -re- than anything we jiavt yet attempted in canada little belgium as the labor gazette re cently pointed out is one country which has shown what can be done she has retained more than 25000 unemployed persons over the past 15 years and over the same period has developed her training program to the point where it is joday one of the most advanced in the free world training centres are located m various parts of the country these operate withm the framework of a highly flexible framing system that adapts the kinds of trades taught to the nation s economic needs as forecast by a manpower studies unit length of an average course is five to eight months but this is shortened where possible there would seem to be no reason why canada could not profit from belgian ex perience the actonf press pubttahtd by the dub frtattai and pubttrfonf co ltd founded in 175 and published every thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member of the audi bureau of circulations the cwjijl and the ontarioquebec division of the cwnjl adseiiisuujrates on request subscriptions payable in advance 3 00 in canada 4 00 in the united stales six months 1 75 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office depart men ottawa only paper ever published ta actoa g a dills editormchicf david r dills managing editor lttsjnkss an0 editorial office fhqnf 600 acton wishing well rrea i or stiuiajexus suyzi and sfuce lo by ftlhr tayla 8y bill smiley there is no sotul t u isliopht mon ippjlhnt thin h iviiiy people take vou up on oik ot ihnse t isiul unit hums u don t nails mein to drop in nd sec us if sou it up uut s i it hippcns lo us tuv sum mi r and on stti il otc isions h is al most dcsiiostd our miiiiiigt iou know how it is you it at i bidding or somtlhinc in iht tit hock in fthruuv during tht postjiupinl coni ialnv you get to chatting with ome cousins of tht brick a nice couple vou hadn i mtl bt fort theyre charming and so art you you d lose lo stc somt more of ihtm becaust ihtv think ou rt so witty you insist thai thc come and set you for a weekend in tht summtr your wife starts cuing ou wilh that look that means its timt ou itfl tht pirl so while sht s gttting her toil sou make sour new thums promist right thtrt and ihtn that iht 11 come and usit vou you ttn makt them pick a ssctkcnd thtn some fndav ccning in july vou re mowing tht hun and sweating like a horse you hat sour shirt off and vou rt unshatn your wife has i toldsorc and has ust wished her hair and put it up youi kids havt iisi tomt honit from plying al i tic sintlpil and an i thirming lompositi of ssstal and sind from hi id lo tot and a big tar pulls up il tht house this sti inir climbs out and his utft im thrtt childtm chnih out ifki him well htrt t art old bud d ht grins happih bittti lak than ntser ou hit tuur seen tht man beloic in oui m tin lilt thtn s a squtal hum the old girl ind ou in u llu door slam bthmti ou ind hn ftxt pattering up the batk slatrs the kids come oer and stand beside vou wiping their nosts with the batks of their hands and staring at tht siringt kids who start batk with mltitsl im sht s uktn out hti tin tis hid lllll ltd lilt t ildsi tirnlt i i qii nki uith 1 in ik up slits smiling iitli liioi urns y iki ind sas h it lovth suipnst lo lint hti diop in anil whin sin past u i in ikt a pol ot i slu thious mi i look likt iks willi i funt glimmunik ol hopt vou ask timt it lit lius lo oil oi would l lit to go llsll ing in llit mnnint ntui tould mc muth in h sovs frn ind join heart tuts oui httls lrn it it huns out is i tuiltr ami ht spinds llu ntl 40 minutts ol i hoi summtt ttning ttlling vou ihout lilt liopln his nnk would i won lis wnitti il ont ol hit bos hitltltni huldi noil night dodging round the district by roy downs 0 mil ton tht tnumplowiitn and i iboi pitturt is slowing down two p m is ont mo sittl ind milton bntk plan shutdowns dutmt jul ind llu p i rohtilmii him his lud off tlost lo 100 mm mntt tht lust i iht t ii a tttltt hon ol millon i ihor uidtis nut h ilton mp s inth btst lo distiiss uiitnipiomiitiii ind loitijn impoils hsl uuk fordl town oi innnun irom four tountits will im itlt this limn loi tht ii limn il ink i tit hi hum iuxi tai t hid run i i tht lisi tiltln ilion lit it 10 t us i sod tud mtsalh ol tht i t il ro d oik lodt ht s hopiiil lot ixtki wi ilhti mt vt ir toiiiuil ins d mhkil uitu lilts l tht ihw hospntl his uiv il is lotaltd uiilmtk tht town limns sttnjil of tin p ist tw its not until vou ask ttum into tht houst and tht m in pulls a pile of suittases out ol tht tar that the fultimpdil is ftlt tht drtadful nalization thai thtsc tlunks are htrt t i tht wetktnd and thai lluv wtrv prubabtv inmltd h u in ont of vour mort npiiwu moments at somt forgoiun ball months ago you know vour wift is u do ing hut saltv tears of port iat upstairs afltr somt dragglv tunversation during uhitti vou hat offtrcd them a tigaretu and tailed him george and had him tell vou his name is ernie vou suggest a cold drink the the good old days in iht mtanlimt our wilt is toiijjjtulating clsit as sht linns uut to bt on hmng sutli lmtlv thildan at this luntturt thtrt is a wild stit im oulsidt and ont of tht luulv thildrtn runs in blttd mi ht iulv fiom tht nost wlnth our sm ill daujhltr has lust pumhtd ltts usl draw a veil ocr llit rtsl ol tht wttkend shall wt fxttpt to mtnlion that emit hid a nasiv habit of ttll ing in from of vour wift about how ht strubs all tht floors for clsit ttry saturda ont ul iht it lovth thildrtn got mlo somt lotlv poison iv on the pit n it vou look ihtm on ind clsit turned i bit frigid afttr ourheiring ont of ur kids pipt isn t sht i stlk lath back in 1940 takan from lh uhi of lha vnt prtm thursday julv ii 94 juki an emimpk- of how even the thlklrcn an playing a pari in ihf wur tforl wm hfwn on siitlirduy whtn- a group ol rven of i hem in at inn with an avtr age age of uhoul 10 yiar ralxd flod and turned the entire am ounl over lo tht dumber fund of the duke of dtvunhlrc chap ter 10 oil the youngster planned their own tlrtun and decided if any profit wu made ft would he turned lo iht bomber fund tlckcu wen wild ul ont tinl anlett the tvenl wa held in jlmmlc spklvogsl a yard varhiu lypc of garnet allratled young and old and a zoo cumprhing a pair ol whllt rabbkl and a tji plcaud the young one dingo was a popular game as everyone wished in ll and rem ihtir weary jcct the young pmjr worktd hard throughout the day in an attempt to make tht pro gram a tuittssful one al ihc tnd of iht day when ihc protteds had been tounad up il wis found sw had bttn made this along with a nott was laktn lo tht trtasurtr of iht i ode taking part in tht ivtnl wtrt jimmic spielvogtl eleanor btatty claire marker james uilh roy kirkncss jtk mi jf maid and metbwimt bhw siitnl of thr attrm bovs art attending the y tamp at monty harbor and on sunday prenls am futnds hilled thtni and en juved a d iy s ouling wilh the tamptrs tht eamp site is a spltndid nit and turv attorn mod ill in is jvjilahk mlh a ux unous talking spot and good sleeping ate tmmxlalions the oungslers seem to be enjoying themselves and reports indicate ihev are turning a golden brown irom tht bright sunshine tht lome sehool reunion lasl week was quilt successful and a large trowd was in attend met from the financial stand point returns were equally as grjod and the committee in charge turned over j2s t tht district rtd cr jss sxieiv and another porli n was invested in war savings stamps th lasl report received tht first pari of tht wetk indicated vtr 60 at l mi bovs have j jined iht armed services back in 1910 tikafl from iht bauc of the free prtaa thurwtay july 14 1911 the well known clydridale ktnlllon king edward which mr j a arlhun purchased last spring from mr neil gillies scotch block lor 1000 had one of im legi broken by a kick irom one of tt owneri horses in the atable on tuesday morning the veterinary found it impos- kiblc lo reduce the fracture and the valuable animal had to be hol to relieve it of its suffering the rctulh of ihc high school entrance exams have been cum piled und 12 uut of 17 students writing were successful the fol lowing is a ii t of the successful candidates edic evans honors and scholarship ethelred while honors isabel anderson honors helen wurren james qbritn brnic brown boyd clark jack chapman dora harvey cerl rude pearson mary mtphtrson arid fred smith tht papers this yiar were e teplionally diffieuli and the tx amintrn had received insiruti ions ttom the department lo mark the papers more closely m order that students entering high school would havt a higher slanding than those in iht past ytars during iht council meeting monday evening it was agreed lo put evcrv cunutncr using tl ectrtiily on a metered basis and abolish the flat raic svstem a ton tract was signed wnh sup pliers or a number of meters and every consumer will be bill ed for the price of ihc meter plus a portion of the transport anon 30 davs lime will be al lowed tht home owner lo pay lor ihc tost of the installation jnd iht meter it is hoped thai a saving on power will develop under the new method during the board of education meeting mondav evening mem bers decided to appoint miss minnie bennett as teacher of the entrance department at a salary of s500 per ear it was also ag reed to engage miss daisy jick lin as teacher of the third de partment at an annual salary of s400 it was reported this week syd- ntv smith was involved in an ac tidtnt in the l s although his tar was a total wreck he escap ed with minor injuries ww affiiiy bzv2 professional directory and travellers guide medical runexal dduectchu dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton ok ce phone 78 residence 113 church st e phone im dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of wdlow and river sta entrance river st acton ont phone 238 dr robert u buckner phjsician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 6 8pm aftt rnot ns by appointment real estate and insltftance vv viik inkits will pruh- s ilu hiwks ms s hifcli lit- iht oikulk jomnil gums si uiiii with i s7 accept with alacntv vou thcek sour stock it consists of a hal bottle of orange on the kitchen tahle wtfh a fl in it twothirds of a bottle ol stale beer that s been sitting in the refrigerator open for three davs one warm bottle of soda water left over from christmas the vendors are closed so sou send the kids to the comer foi some cold pop and sit around grtnmng at vour guests in am table agony vour wfe comes down a bit redeyed but looking pretty oakvluic iblv 1h in town ui d iv t sit llu tt it ilfcar tilki sol thill i it im has scoitd 98 tuns in llui win ind hldiih i 4s m u hir1inmon iiitmin bill wilson his disienid ontinos most tin dun niiinu pil im disp luhingjht ulqu u tts loi butlington ind il is p iniud u h ivi ii in iui m n hut within i nuinth h ton sists i i t nil ind sine svstuii i t nu stml industis sihinl ind institution il huildiiil in builnifcloti with mini hurt maps showing i homing streets md hvdi mis font phvsualls h indit ipped nun will m in llu ssum desiiul to tiifciiuxi iht most r ipid dispitthing i f tqinpnunt t i tht sum ol in tiiiitgints cooks ii i i- two lih visitots to toronto township count il lomptmud iniui ihi sym ikv umilihuis so tounullors decid tl jc smooth uul siluui ilu i nuliitt ol niiinitipil busintss bv l uniit i hull cut on ilu ih ins brampion tiv v us i li n 1 tlloil mirmn hid thursdas wlun llu i ions cluh hindid mi llu kis it thi mw swimming pool in r sik i i uk to llu livm i t tin pk i w is sn000 and it took u j lkoii bv tlu luhs 0 iihiurhis i bunt llu town a second swim nunc pool strefts 11 1 f ihi innu il lish dirbs in i section of mul klslieekditw ovu vt h ippv vounsuis vrvm iliibsaml sevtral in i buns tit the villt1 sxiismtut tht tvuit uul tht kiddits took r w mn tih whi h wtit suxktd mio iht siteam bt rt m tojthr expinsnm tt the burhngtonnorlh ttwvnto isr v im i lin nn in llu list of land il tht cutlph line uul oh in lliilxih w iv is i mti loi tht towns proposed uvic until wmt ml tlu win it w tht iwpansion to a double line iraik nu mi tint i i i t hi piopuiv wonld be blue kid ir iiown i i ii ti studints gtil a presuw of ihe nh oming high st hool diss whui 194 students registered for next i i thr i hiil rrniinll tsnlanud the fundamental dft bet wren high and puhlusthoou finding that when irte cenotaph w is moved to i iuw lot tium in a park it fated the wrong was coun- nt ipreert m hiu tr swimg around to fare ihe comer of james tnd chunh stntts bsit i nisi ot the ob is 300 brampton tht timis and constrvator is batk at its old si ml at il ouein st vv the lot nit f building was torn down and new minimi quaitus wire tictud on tht old site last week the staff muuil huk h tin icon ttom timporarv qinrurs a 21 acre shopping tintic is slaud lot opening in 11 knosvn as shoppers world ii will house stuns and be located in peel village near the drivein theatre on hihwiv 10 south of town burlington the tltrks orfue made out and initialed a request to councils finance committee lor a whatcharnavcallit and sent the committee into a fhp the committee decided lo find opt ttho ihsltellubhat it ts used lor and just what one looks hke f l wright 20 wilbur st aeiihi ontario phone 95 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mdl and frederick street office hours by appu ntment telephone ib dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street orfice hours 0 am to t p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone 148 c f ltatherlano qc barrister a solicitor notary public office hours 1000 ajn 1100 pm 1 00 pan 5 00 p m saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton phone 00 nujhf or day bruce e shoemaker iigr aucnonekunc c h tuffin lacenaed auctioneer eden uitu phone roekvood ulster m303 optical and hkabwo ajp8 e l buchner ro optomrw and hearing atd 48 mil st e phone 115 otfice hours wednesdays only 2 004 00 pne evenings by appomunent robert r hamilton optometrist eyes examined glassea fttted 60 main st n ceorfetown onl office hours 10 am to 0 pan hon to tri evenings by appoinknmt closed saturday tor appointment please phont tr 737i auditing accopntino lever hoskin chartered accountants 31 main st n 212 king st w brampton toronto i phones gl 14824 em 40131 travellers ouidi gray coach lines coaches leavs acton daylight saving twit rj 633 ajn daily except sun and hoi i l3s a m 1133 108 pj1u s08 pjn j3 pjn 8j3 pjd 1001 pm isun nd hol westbound 1057 am 12j7 pjn 187 5 27 pm 777 pjn b1j pjn hoi v aim 1 fri lulsim md a braida ba barrister solicitor notery public 173 main st s acton ont pbonc 5ti office hours i pm t pjn 1 pm jun saturdays is cork stt c canadian national railways standard tim ouelph office hours 9 am 5 o m saturdays r am 12 ajn hastings payne barrjmcrsand solicitara notartet public 1a mw tt actoa for appolatmant call ml