Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1960, p. 1

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wht cttt pttss eightysixth year no 3 acton ontario thur50ay july 14th 1960 eight pages seven cents sun ptimo only two of its kind are found in canada and jim allward of toronto proudly boasts of being an owner of a 1923 darracq the ancient car was one of 23 that passed through aclon tuesday morning en route to brighton from london during the annua antique and classic car club tour mr allward and his wife geraldme are pictured above in the right hand drive vehicle the trip took three days with stops at guelph peterborough and brighton presentation made to terrys at po party in parish hall mr am mrs hunk ttrry wci ihe gucsis nl tumor when abuul 2 post uflkt employees carriers customs itu n willi tlttii husbands and wives hikl ianwell parly and pnsenlalion in st alhan s parish hull wcdncidav cvmtng ils mr 1crr s last week as nosi naslcr hen a dchuuus luikiv dinner was uved bv lulus ot st albans juikl and cauls wen plaviil during tin l vcnnig a corsage til pink and win it arnations w is worn bv mis liuv in whom llit parlv wis a ompkle suipnsi mil mi ltii lad n c unalion houlonmcn girts fur bolh a j- lining ihiouu gll ml vis pusciitid lo mil poslm islir 1500 gallons of gas spilled on erin road whin a gasoline lank it ink uveilunud spilling i s00 gallons til g is mund ly il s pm neighhois untied ih tlu ilum in acton i hi lowoslup in lnuk is disp ik h id willi lulll 11kii lo jut i lilih lliu lulllissloll si1 of btin lown ship 11k 1 up d iiilaiuus p il ii til hmiiiu w is uvuul uilh bum mil ill pussihli pm ul ions vvni i lktll lo piimiii il i ikni tin 1 hi hu siiui did nut sound liiu bin hi i nun win h islilj tonluinl whin llu niliiii ol ihi iiiiduit w is known riu ii mk dnvui bv ro i iul lit i in don luikr is iiuntd in don kvd s t lil ol biamploti anil a plan siiiinc ul i mis kir in dim iolg mis km kud llu iuw posimistu pl mud union link g ilhuiiic is no in hi lonsiditnl i good hi pu iiukk 111 il d tu 14 m us 1 1 ink his ii ulnd a uossiuids whkh wi ixpul villi k id to hilgu mil bilki lliincs lonunl i wish tu ullii inn tuiigt mil tin us iillnlntk mil lo wish u ill km is ol link in llu llituii mi inn i iks uui is posl iiiiski in owm s itiml nim hits di in i liuv will li muting al llu did ol tin month hum ilun illi utm lu nil uii jut i n si anions tin iuss witt iii in f uistunis uiiiki ililk muldklot mil mis muktltlon acton council urges study county welfare officer at tun uiimil tutsdiv evening tin mimpiislv t nili n sid i suggis- tiun 111 il llu iiiutiiv givi siriotis l tisidn ilmn lu tppuinlmg a umn iv will in ottuu inspection shows rewiring needed for town hall ihi lumpkii mini hooi ol llu lown lull will ik kwnnt mil puwit lu llu npsluis 111 till is i usult ol iiispdtitm in oni inu llvilin nispuluis dm in llu mi ii im limn lull iniptt unuiils lown w nktiu n in piismik pup ii mj llu i until tliunlius l i llu ipplu in ii i mihouu plvwi i hid nit itilnil ind i in 11 ilk w ill hid tilling hill hull sll pjkil hi i phw mill is blllll ippllt 1 i i 111 i it il 11 111 pll pillholl lu llu ik llu ilk llu will iki in i n titl oil i imlmk llu mini lull ol tin huil im il r ipnkd i uili wiling will in lompl ud u ihuuhiis in hit di llu iiiuinniiiidatiun tirnm it i ii mi tin utmmisiialion lorn mi in w is thai oni nihil il i would i ml ht llu t iriuus avi tins i vulfm tint an it ill ibk m ivoi john gov suggisted llu pi in would ilsu liiiunili ac tun hum t mi ii iting tu h ii i hall tinu wilt in ulliiti as riqulrid in i llll initiis adnmusii ikn j mlci ullii u p i ud i h il will in whuh used lo mini llnoiich tint tkpn i mi nl now otijn his horn it k is loin dillnini suiutis iu nultd i hit nnuh ut i tounl oltuirs wotk would in m rililioii lu idmis ii illoii m mot iik lukd i tuiin mf ii ill muki dll i dutitois in ilu child aid sthiilv llu llillun cm i mini miiioi ind llu ii illtiu nlllllv ilth unit on the move moving of ihi canadlun brunch oiticc scrvkc i id frpm llu former shirty glove plant on bower ave to new quarters in the former wool combing building in underway this week the firm will occupy an 8000 xqiinrt fool hretf complete with loading and unloading docks offki lumh room cold sloragc room tor shrubbery and a aub post offkc in process the mall dlnctly into cam muffled in wool awarded 100 scholarships ola llllll pi klisiilj look i hoi i lilithd mi k hint toldti now loi hundli i lltd si suit pholo 1911 ford chugged right along during the antique and classic car club tour from london lo brighton tuesday morning owner of the vehicle ron fawcett of oshawa takes time out to keep ihe brass gleaming while his wife lydia and two children pat and pete wait to resume the trip several of the 23 cars on the tour stopped at acton for pictures i ind i bind i uid i i oni hati i u h won ji00 ships to ilu sum nut sihool it uulph iht matk b ross smith ability and ink nil mr sinithnsfflrtnpttrftlt suintmr sihuuls il tin mi lint ikib thui both tn i i i i mi sk ilns wilh g t vllii mkust m piutitssmt i st html look delightful iwnks i thi sk hi with illortkss i isi i inn unu md this unk parliiulath linn niadi in nplv lo quistions on loss of local autonomy and llu handling til local willan iasis il wis nil phaslid that thi pavnunls would still tx mack by llu town bul ihi iiuinlv dinctui lutild ruoinniliiil iindir what piovimnl uts ihi piymmls lould hi matk thi suggestion o llu lounlv dikilot was appiovid mil will ik foiwurikd loi apptopiiati lounlv disiussltm cant gel drumi diputy rnvi jaik uatgravi inquind whv garbagi was nol hung lolkind in llu puk iml spatkid i nplv horn llu itlmmis ti itor who nolut thin win 18 4s gallon hums in llu puk lint louldn i hi hltid lo thi top ol i in tiuik tluv win also in uilssibk in in inv iasis sunt bltiiking ul siilions or thi ti uk atlmmistralur micuaihii n poitid ariangiuunls hid btin ompktid wilh ihi ihaiimin of tin parks boinl ami flu milur w is ilroppid cuuniillor hugh i owi ripurkd ttiuving a mimbir ol lomplamts i hoiil llu amission ihirgi al llu n uk bung kvutl agunsl una i nti7inson ihi wiikcnd fiuwmcwtast out xjviic ictjtvtmi mmaanais mavor john guv noted the ihirgi wis undir ilisiusslon ftt llu puks board it s nut a dead couiulllut a hi id suggested i there should txi no objection to ihi ihnrge whin people didnt nhjiit in paying to enter provlfr i ml patks maybe selt supporting tuitniilloi bubiau rleallcd lluit wlun thi ihargi was orlgin- illv sii up it was thoroughly din- uissid and il was evin hoped ih it il snmi lirm ihi park might beiunu sell supporting and not ikpiiiditil mi i mis m ivm duv aigiud the natural iisouuis offirtd hy the parfc sluiiild hi open lo the public but ihe boird should be entitled lu ihugi lot tin siivkis 11 offer siuh as oat king it wis lomludid ihe matter wis pirks boaid business and tin disiussion dtoppid cum it uiljuurntil and began an ixlenslve nview of town ln- surime al ihe iiiiuluskin or the inform il disiussion llu matter was lift in tin hands of the ad minislralor to lomprk for quota- ions fntm ihe two bidding firms arena east end slated for fall fair exhibits lumstlus litis with uid swi hi snll ituu mint i k till ium pits loi iwo wllk link is mil lit iiiik ui t line horn s i in llu tliitl iikiinm until 10 30 a mtjil ullii liuv iwu kssons u d iv the en k m i i lint luthls i in ikt usi ol tl i ir my iwoweik nollin mills i pi nod ihts suinmir 1 i mdn will be at tending ihe lust hguiis and iwo weeks in julv and will con ins in tin n suit ol ilmn her i noiiti sport lor three i hotns ul pi uiui wnks in august loo kd llu spmil skilinj miibilh his sin lid hir sum huh tout link d iwu nur pr u using lire ulv mil is md h w is hun tin ilnlliii lor hums in llu virv dll ml ut tin tw nils w is htull issilnmmls lor hu gold itnid il whin ihi lall lair opens in sep- limber thi ixhibils whieh wen displayed in tile now demolished lulling rmk will he pi md it llu i ir ind of llu uena k 1 divid sun h ill siipirintindint nport id lo i doin dtreitois til the agruulluial sue ulv whin thiy mtj in llu lounul ih imlurs wed ill sit iv ol last week llu last end ol the item will hi ringed wilh exhibils wilh lahks mi up m ihe leiilreot ihe hinulmg wouun s work downs hulls and vegitahks arls and u ills md ihildrms woik will he shown ihui wilh eommirual boolhs al the sides the mnaindir of thi arena on llu noilh and south sides will be oecuvhrd by chamber uf com rnirce exhibits five rides sure il was announced lhaj five tides have been gunranteed for llu midway and thai the- souuv is rt qui rid lo provide itekel scl krs following disuission on i letter from ihe parks board m was di ided hi bo ii d would ancpt hi responsibihlv lor griding the tiek al ihe puk il wis agiml th it tin kan to il the md ol tin nd bain will n dimolishiil sometime this patching first then paint lines ai ton opp cpl r ty mason suit the while lints lo be painted ul ihe main md mill si intersex hon will have to wail fur the tump lit ion ol paleh work on no 7 highway whieh seems to be well on its way meanwhile contusion u still prevalent especially lo out-of- lowners who are unfamiliar with the traffic light which has been insialkd drivers do nut seem sure which stnel has ihe right-of- way cars on mam si musl slop and lit mill si traffic have the right of way pipes fifes drums serenade c k browne parade in fergus the biggest gathetmg ol nu bers ol the oiangi oidtr md as sucialod bodlis evil lo ix tu kl in ihis part til oniuui was held at firgus satuida and two av tun groups took pan m llu itilor tul paniiii the dnim ut pipes ami hll ut tiles rum ink it iownsxspli hire ut ihe biltk ol thi bumu huuin beloie the paiaik m lugus i underway the junioi pine banl wis tusi lit stnki up lhe pljmil h u about jm ixlun miuhmc in guelph inmi thi aimuinus to ihe cetioiaph loi ihi wuithliv ins ivtemons thtu aboul 10 v im ih i k ioli dram kmtl mi tht ix ii i h nhin bers nl loi 47 tuws ns ncrs to muih ih 1 1 ih t w the wite htjikxl hv niinu its lllim rlkkwmnl mr browne servittlvd buth gtiaips skipixd t stu nade much tkoi iutl uiu m linlgc meinhei c k buwiu i lunnri union m ivi ttisim tuhvltl ind pisl ti si il llu blaek knights ol hxluil mi bruwnc who ti is mumkil orange parades sirt his tnilh has had lu miss them lauk dm pach highway 25 blame 401 traffic for spring breakup lu dth bui he sii tiulstdi in tin whiekhm s hindis mil nu mix is tt siui it iixilis on then w i lo ulcus stopped k jiixl him hi hurxs pvitips tu will tul ihk to iltintl llu piruk ji thi hluk knichts ol jnluid m auj usi t iindon mun spec i a lor llu 1 ileus pir uk ihuti w is limit with spitt ii us hkliuhnc mint hom vi n dunot iht itiiiiubm ilun w is i sol i ball 4i im pt t inks iml nihil m ut i iinnui t in llu puk wilh i ituiki m llu inning tht bulk ol ttu homu look pl l itsull id w iii mil 111 i i iil1 n i willi on i t 11141 kk lutl lit tsikd j 1 nts 11 tiuliii ilu usi 1 nu n iiltmpl ol ilu sum is tlu b mil mil nsi n ih ix j i mm in 1 hi t unl t k id in and ii ws ml links t i thr in h si 2000 swamp merchants at first community picnic shining sikir kill us initsmtll picnic statistics i in llu ilurnoon llu minor llu puk wis j mimed ind shoe piles sindralunl lonnic shoe kicking contest mrs hof- shinmg sihcr kill it eolund uuihiis h mds it 1 n it 1 hi ins tiun litkl tlu md sm ill imii 11141 d ilun husi 1 lummun 4l tint m tlu puk moiut lililllooh spoiisoinit tikiihints wi sw imped in 2 000 piopk in volllluls l1mii out sin 11 il stuns wilh puiihisl picnic statistics othir hems liuc1 tin ini 1600 hut ik help- 2000 i sutt ilurnoon llu illsiiis ikkak llu m in drinks 800 hoi ducs ami 800 in wilt ix m ind lor nlashnunts is be 11 will is 1 lusmc thi lint to ml lorn lipsclwiee ilso resulled in 1 uish till si 1 ill m 1 soil dunk kllmi- tllltk ihe park muwlnlnitd ul hie jlltillll n tu 3 llu i tci n ink new accountant for local bank td ii ihtll w puk w is j mi mid wen un ihk lu iin use iinutuis lor bm411 puny ui tihishminis belter next time ihinls who wen still wip- s on tuisd iv agn lic it sill shoe piles sindra lunl lonnic marks lvnn vale buvs wheelbarrow race mtch icl holrner and kin uliott john lokv md frank morton don prui md don han is j fgg on a spoon jaiku dawe ann vak beanne molhson imrcamil 11 iiik kiting huh uav wi nisi not lb ur milt n has eauwil spune huiktip pit hktns on lliehw i 2 irxmiis briwcm mdton and a 1 this cvk ihe poem siau l ihi uwd was rviiilkhj b an isrth ill piun patch tub uvxr ximv ut ihe road scmx flnfohrd vkoii appeared lo he lunipkud wcdnctdas when the work mi reached xlilhm thc started tliutsdai metming of last week at acton the vpeskle hill abuut mid vrat belwxcn ihe lx umnv n eeived the brunt ol the work where long scctiuns u the 25 highway were wunil with nets pavement while lines haw nej to be pamted 00 the new patches painting places first in guelph in si pni t v0 h llu dmlph iuiiliis mmp i t ivhibltion al iht plkmov iimttl ist wiiiuru pi s linn wh his nin 1 1 1114 m gknk 1 sunt jotk luuk 1 p tiiti with his pi nuiiv h ml bivii thi mm lu mi 1 jwti ttjinn hi m tuiiv b ukir lumpa xntll v1 pun lisp i a ihi sht it el 1 plumbing painting al speystde school rich on siheduu wurv is pm firvsing at the new iuunoiui itcd stpesside sihool latest new the windows are tn bljikboords in kilhnv dom pump installed i ndcrwas now an plumbing and pain tin j esmusing sihool btvird imrn krs wdl be hiring i nntaku and at working un twu nes bu- iroutos iinilu respons wi in i wi j until 1 kit ul txpitittiti md will be miuh bilur prepar id tlu m xl limi in pl inning tlu h id hgured lluti would hi iboul mx 11 i hi puiiii md cit 1400 ihtv hulni kimltd on rut winntis wtu is folluws r us md tirls m ron john si o un tilur mil nn kiilv fui is 9 10 jo ann uindsburuiigh tul k hi v in dc men a tic ann smiih chiistini p two 60 cars smash atlempting to pass an atlimpt to p iss bit wti n iwo other parked 1 its emkd in 1 lollision al ihi lorner ol mill ind elgin sis sundav cumng diving up a total ul sis0 dam age to both cars drago vraimk ol longfuld rd ractlmg last on mill st 10 1 vmdiipoldit biliilcigh reed ol georgetown was n ron hi driving his 1 ir west when tht n imsliv nu dun tul iwo 10 models smashed iml ituu i iwnnn c nurlolk alton opp constable bniec md i rinmik d hiimu ind krcssler investigated the aicjd thilmi phillips iml neither driver was injured shoe kicking contest mrs hot- mrs manun storey pat qui n nil ilun legged i ice ann vale and tlu 1 ma phillips sandy dav idson and frank manscak mrs pnngk and mis barr donut tiling contest ian john- son thilma phillips allan ro be it sun about 10 stuns purchased the vouchers to give out with sales lo promote shopping at home and to defrav picnic expenses those who helped monday were pa systcm bert wood bill benson bingo jim ledger pal patterson races paul nielsen dave manes roe west dorkifl j mcbndc wilfred davidson draws bill benson ralph pallant jack newton handing out refreshments at top speed were mrs thomas mrs gulden mm williamson mr huismun doug rodger bill bcn- vin sparky dron paul ncilson dave manes and ralph pallant r placid pony is as ecitrig as a bucking broncho to threeyearold john pink who was thr lied with his ride at the community picnc n the park monday dave manes seven year old son of mr and mrs harold manes who operate the pony rides leads ihe popular animal there was a steady lineup of youngsters waiting their turns several merchants sponsored the picnic hilarious rbay race at the community picnic to the parte monday tw ntranu inatcjllna a comical variety of old clothe from bags domfng them with all possible s and trug gling 10 the finish line oris flinging on their outfits n pictured above an astimatad 2000 i mended the first merchants picnic which lasted all afternoon and into the vaningvsfkav sors were delighted with response

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