Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1960, p. 2

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without derision irt a canadian movie theatre shortly after the rebuffs delivered to president eisenhower in paris and tokyo scattered laughter was the response to a us newsreel commentary that praised americas post way effort to guide japan into the pattern of democratic government it is an unfortunate response if many areas we may rightly find fault wilh our neighbor but with regard to foreign policy we would be best advised to temper our criticism with understanding ralhcr thin derision as a perceptive outsider looking in at the ijks patrick o donovan of the london ob server that paper s washington correspon mf over the past four years has written a oughtful and helpful appraisal of america s oresent predicament he notes that the u s as been and is unique among worla powers that while other countries pursue special terests theius has had only the goal of tyarld wide freedom for mankind on the american pattern in it seemed hard to believe to an ame fican writes o donovan thai this way would not eventually be copied the oll feme after the second world war the u s ijjas had its share of killings in both good and different causes it was not the horror of ijhe war that shocked them but its lfierrmtji supreme in the new peace they found their t and unchallengeable power all but pow erless withoyt the tragic cynicism of the old nalipns they expected all the blood letting to produce results and ihey found themselves as far from their goals as ever they were neither loved nor thanked for whil they had done they believed they had played a considerable role in obtaining freedom for india and indonesia they were right and both nations became not only independent which was tine but critical which was inexplicable now writes mr o donovan the u s is learning lint in diplomicy good intentions are not enough a country whose chief aim is the abstnet rule of a uslice formed in lis own image which lies tiles to interfere and is dogged by pradical uncertainties is at a grave d sadvantage when faced by anolher ihal wants west berlin ll is al a disadvantage even before a cuban castro who can attack it in ils own holy words it is even at limes the v cl m of a britain that knows precisely whu ii want- iradt on favorable terms ac cess lo nw milcmls oil md a complaisant europe in foreign ifliirs the us is having a rough time md not entirely undeservedly so as neighbor ft end and ally canada presum ably his some r ghts of cr lie ism but lets sliy oul of the not un umpired chorus of de r sion housewives choice if there is one thing the experts are greed upon it is that when it comes to de ising gadgets calculaied to satisfy ihe con umers every whim human ingenuity has lone further on this continent than any olher o much so that we suspect that some busi iessmen and grey flannel lypes are worry ig asjo whether there is anything al all left invenb well they can stop there is one hund ed or so housewives were asked al a recent onvention if shey could think of any pro lucts not at present on the markel or known a them wh ch would s mpl fy home man gement they had no difi culty at all in do ig usl that high on their lisl was a toothpaste d s tenser that measures automatically and has 10 loose cip childproof wall pa nl a de ice to remove stotic eleclnc ty tram dryer irted clothes disposable overr and broiler iners picture thin television screens for vail hanging pouring spouts on drug ind med cine bottles d sposable undcrweir and socks also desired no mildew leather a dish washer wtfh shelves that could be taken to ihe cupboird a cheip recorder for home toll phone answer ng serv ce a car wash sys m for home girages beds lint rise and i r and carpet sweepers with mignets to p c up bobby p ns we piss aloig tl cse requirements to the appropriate quarters fully confident thit when fille i more w ii be forthcoming in fact though we y eld lo none in our respect foi the tilents ot our mdustml in vennrs in th s mailer of ideas for better i v ng we would it doubt but that our wo menfou cm out th nk them any day of the week afler all it only look 1 mere hundred of them to produce the above lisl now ust imagine whit one hundred m llion could do dragging it out parliament has been sitting for nearly six nonths the sess on began on jan 14 and al in early stage prime minister diefenbaker tredicted adournment by dom n on day as it turned out he mlroduced h s b ii of tights on july 1 and th s was only one of nany items of new or unfin shed bus ness till on ihe commons agenda there are two reasons why pari ament hould have adhered lo the or g nal program nd fin shed its work by the end of june ne is that by july membes are bored eager to go home the other reison s thai attend ng pari a mentary sessions s not supposed to be a full time ob mps need to spend t me i their constituenc es and do some tiavel ng about the country they are also eil tied to an opportun ty to look after the r pr vate bus ness affairs good men can t be attracled to na onal pol t cs 01 any other terms its customi y lo blame the members col leci vely for diagg ng oul the debates and they do waste many diys n purely partisan wrangl nq but the government must share respond b i ty for th s sessions delay its amendments to the comb nes invest gallon act weie not given second re id ng and re ferred to the bank ig and commerce com m ttee for scrut iy unt 1 jme 6 the radio md ti lev s on com 71 nee wasn 1 set ip til ji t m a do pi oilier ior ems of bus nt s were eq ills t ite or i her 1 if systen t necossir iv vll 5 1 the publ c ore nt 0 il t nelable nae nt it f anc il post for lawyers only proposed amendments to the income tax act were ntroduced n lie house of co i mons on june 6 wttn there was so much other unfin shed bus ness to be deit w th by pari ament that tie hoi s of 5 13 1 talking had been le qthemd a d here was some pcs t iy tl n 11 ki set would be requ red it s quest 01 it le whet her the amend ng b ii v ii rece ve n i ous consideration from membeis w n a e look ng forward to a pleasant sun t r 1 mountains or by us tmihoro it may be fortunate that some of tf e members are lawyers a uf it v e of thee may be speffll ss n nconie tax matte s for only those belong ng o that small c ass are likely to be able lo produce mel qem cr t nci tt at s qo 1 q to help iy i e issl ed that f the s 1 pose s to fac i t h il ism of the b ii a cursory read g of tt the acton free press published ht the dills printing anil publishing co lid i itmlnl 111 is ml puhlit t iv ia thurliv it 1 will u si vi m ontino umtt ot th u li bun hi it h ulitim iht i md iti onimooikrve diviouii it ttu c a aibiiikii in n nquct suhmiipli 11 pi 1 1i1 111 1 u 111 j iv in i in nil 4 00 111 tin in 1 is m luihsi mitli 1 pity auth tii 1 iv vi n 1 tl m ul v t otli 1 ix pat l mini ott ma the onl paper cscr published in cton a 0 in t 1 1 1 t hkf dmd r pill mini 1 ll fr 3usiness and editorial office fhon 600 acton back in 1940 taken from the issue of ihe pre prtti thurwluy july 18 1940 some lime hilween midnight tucsel is nighl md opening timl wednesdu inorninu lliuvts in tired ihl premise ut ihe at 1 tin mnehini shops md stole tools and equipment alutel ut from j400 to jmx the eomplete loss is dilheull lo tslliiliitt as il will take some lime m mike 1 unit pie it invtiiuity ul the missing unities entrance wis ginned hv tutting a rear winduw md then opening a kcellun yif iht sttel sish al the reur of tin huiklin it is pule evident ih it il whs meeh nut s tools thai wut iht ohiet i nl ihe burglars chitl ii mop is iimstigiimg the ease and has tailed in hit assist inee of ihe piovnuial and citv politt john l1mlx1l was chosen bv at tun public u till lies tommis siun to i ill the pusiiion mode aeont by iht tnhstmenl ol our dun smilli then were stven ap- elieahuns lor tht nosilion mr umheil will tummtrite his mw duties imrnedialelv he is 1 pro- ptitv owntr md his hem 1 rsi denl uf atlun i111 in un ve 11s dill 1111 lilt llllllkll illdlltll tuesit iv tuninu il was it it mil hie utd tut tntini hut hem s ld pony tail mermaid suyax and sftice photo by either taylor by bill smiley n- us 1111 ill nejit lis likn 1i111 isl 14 i us ul qiinl plulliiil t nt- 1111e il i ut 1 i d in h li ul i rom llll i vmm 1 ihi m u nil sound ilk ninth ul hi dlllli piopk hu 1 in 1 iiihi hit it j of iht leltphor 1i101 tin 11 l 1 11 ill s ol tlk tiling i w liking in lop lin ilk ruling llu spin il sum tnu iiiutsi loi hieh siiumii u 1 dins don l isk nil win lis ill 1 iihei ti nliimiie i itpl 111 it is i w llilltd iliost it 1 ilili- s il uiis ii up md up ind 1 ptmdtiiil oin hit bit lit twomonlh i it uion iu siiuimii il suildeuh diimitd un un lint i ms 1 ikdit ikd k k in 1 si luii i un notmilk i d hi siltint u ihi kik in u 1 ible unt int u 2 1 111 tin isli tia would it k is thoiijji 111 lndi in piiiiiiss h nl iis hull tuiii it el on il i d in on ilu thud pi i il ti i and llu old i uh would hi hollitine limn 1i1 it i u is mil ot in riiintl unl uln lulu i i kiliie it bid like tl itn d piople but 1 i ot ile in iw i from thu hint 11 01s uid disti utuil itnu spin n 1 111 silt mi 111 1 nil 111 1 nuns iisidimt the ish 11 i is pilid hiyli wilh hulls thin mu in ami he ie istl 1 i s illtlll lo dlslllltl tin i npi llu bin 111 tin nim 11 ii p hindi ni i hi will uul nlliiing 111 si nidi siifinisiii ns ihuiil whu 1 sh mill 10 wuli im lpi wiiur il is ml 2 1111 tin i us is t didiiikil tdilor h u i it un thin li u isstd twit n ij 111 i with in ihidinp h hi nt or iht leltphont with 1 dtip sinsi o nhliinj ill u i linn mil ihe ediioml ehur in lll uinpiillix kllttissdi mess who u is tins will muidii von ils nine uiliu ttt 111 the ultl bulk im ftit ihe p isl un eus she his i ld nit md bthnid ih u ill i do is si l in llu ultiii and i ilk in peupli shi his ntmpuid ihls itlsuttk lilt in her own luwlv 1 siali si 1 ubhini lout s doint hit ijundn p uihine uul w ill pipeline pulling nut the jji h iee ind 1 loi ol mini siutl like ihil th it s whs i t in t undersl intl win she gels su sine when i mhi wilh huiihlei eeiv time i lelei lo hti is tin ntw editor all ol 1 suddm stu his nol inih iliingid hei tutu but the winds its well she wails bui w ii il 1111 i johil in do 1 won i know win 1 1 lo bilin and whin i till lur ill slit his 10 do is sii in ihi nihil uul i ilk in people she luins while she s been idilnr for one witk now ind ilnadv she s loi an uli et also 1 b id heart high blood piissme the jumping e in ur ind 1 lung condition 1 is suied hit ihu ill ihesi svmpuims will i uush is sunn is she gels iht piper oul on tbuisdn and slu 1 in tu buk lo hiin il plin oidinu luiu hit hnusewili vn hi tndn whin this ik d rust 1 imc up slu w is lull or sunpilhv lur mr i trrtainlv don i rnw ou she slid swelltrtng down m the hot old u sluih ing like m ul imng like 1 1 i 1 t e p if o h us s poi qh a 1 h s cnly t ci it se ol t s t u h it uprl a o ote p 1 1 es 1 ce suqies s tlj tt ev me t e sm k cf the slip 11 1 e w 0 di ib es 1 1 e hl m for the ncels cf hepry ja ncs dodging round the district by roy downs j m l waji rjwna srz wrm hrtptlr 11111ns in i inn mine iht p issini i tin mi w 1 p 1 h in tin 11 il limps i hi utipt 11 ttu tlnwus dud hu him t li nt ult n 1 nt 1 i h llu puks d putmml 111 wiliiine ii 1 i or ttcms tin thimhtr of c immrreo hns msiiiutid a i 1 u 1 i 1 hk ui it ume iisiiissinns with cnunid subuil of 1 i un un nt t dks is tin ikiux ilnil ipnunts 1111 in he t 1st i wh win 11 11 nit pi 1 hkiiis tim ken cnippmgur wh prms tint hm tin nts in i riiuins ot rt vmue bv ihe diilopus iu rl itohi n pollution wis mnntiimd b ihi u iltnn t nt hi illh i nil in in is klwein burlington w ilu planl ind i 11 1 1 ml it ihi mlph line tht hiallh unit his pin mini i h is s iinlii i n swimmint hul line mid thit ikiwhiu in b i n1 1 1 ilu lik is sik t t swimmint s1ri i tsii 1 fn im tun alli fr ihis ill i indi hul 1 11 i ihi p issi 1 i h i iw lini iiil tin numtxr ot g is st in ns 1 i v iiv lh 11 n w m pe 1 it 1 n plus mi unliri nlininn lltuivii when eiilhlilluils w ui m ihe h i iw m iv h ilimd or u 1 nl tun ihi km ks bl rl l to ininndnti orginiition of a burlington dts- 1 mil w is uie d n thi t wn itut ihi n si in of ihree nns fnim il t n 11m wi uiimi h thi ihsm 1 of offntit infl ihniugh in 1 thin vi uusion pjikid in immls p ilm in a borruwid boat i nll pullitl ihuii 11 saliis ditr in off short brtxrc mcv thur i 11 u ill i iw logs ind t nither more than thnequartcrs nf a mill nt 1 iki oman mar cuelph j mi oak ii i f m01x1 vquiri f ml ulditi m costing 7v000 to t 1 1 mi lot c ul t inida will hue its umistruitbtti start immediate k 1 ihi tlikiillt smtiibh pi in 1 th idduion is being planned in nnoition with piiir mini in lor 9f mihitl tar and truiks con- s ttntion i ilpctid to lommcnic bv mid itih tnd erid by ottobtr is hi addm n will be lixattd on the t side of ihe present v aire budding near the mirth end mlltos thi depaitmcnt of higfmas h agteed to pav 100 pr cnt or the inst of i fl 000 hiehua rrbtitwing 10b in milton nn skuitn si fiom ihc old town limits north to the base line ind on on mo st from mun si 1 1 thi southern lown hound ir in an earlnr discussion ihi department pn miyil li ptr unt assisiancc bul maor sd childs explained the imrnm in traffn keaiim of highwiv 401 put the miik m thetr poor londition and the department should rn for ihe works it 1 numhti niiiuig links tht mw ai to 1 w 1x11111 1 i ingimmt if hieh ng links cjiili1 was ot wiiudljwn ip monk this wis whin she llioutlil sumehoelv else would hi idiloi ind slu d be lolling tiountl all summer liking ihe kids loi swims and wailing for me lo gel home friday nights now llu retiain goes something like this i cettainty envy you 1 111 stuik here wilh the kids and ihe papet and ihe house und miu ii be down iheie in the lily melting mteiesling people no- thine lo do hut sit in lit lures i suppose vou ii sludv for an hour 111 ihe evening then go oul 10 a nilhlilub or lo some inlere sting pi lee tyi eul eveivmght i don i know how she figures i iin du this on the 9 7s shx s allotted me lo live on bul she s posilne i m going to be hang mg iruund eoeklad bars loim mg liaisons with beiutiful wo men living 11 up wilh old i i it nils md inning home evn tndiv nighl l uint fi i ed and good lor n iuthl the other night before i left for 1 nol her wild weik of dibau ehtrv it liaihirs eollegi i poml id out lo her thai this dial woiks two w ns think ol thi fun vou ii he hiving i lold her there s ihe thrill of inswenng ihal wildlv ringing phone it 3 n 111 tntid bieause vou know it s a big sinrv ll mav he only out of ihe lown drunks winting to itll vou ilmut ibis hen teller tut hi editor hi s kimposing but hi ntvit know and don t foriil vou ii he itlmding banquets and ill sorts uf inlertsiing shindigs as the puss pioudtd the don i forgel to invite vou and ihercs 1 pi in le 1 1 fui ou ind vou i ike eighl pittuns md ptint thi in all md vou rtporl vir biiim itn hilinous loasi to the lulus oh i 1 hi 1 red her up with 1 lot of asuniimg ants of the editoi s 10b like th it mil when i iifl shi d slopped iimiig md w is w nkint on in ediion il ibout 1 losing ihe pubs it t p 111 the old milium binuthi j7s 11 hightsl knilit iiiemil w is hid ai 110 rnvt j b ch limits upoitul 10 touneil luiseliv evening ih 1 ill b uul iuipiiunl ii id in ii eolliekd ind 11 w is dtiultd li hive the unifonns md iqinpnuni stored until 1 mw hind is or g inted a new boiki is bung instilled 11 ihe united ehuuli md iht building is undtig ung somt teiio- v 1 1 ions to m iki 1 1 1 mote mode in looking sltuetuii ri v f brlllingi r i furmi r reelor il si alhjn s thunh ac ton is now hon capt riv t brilhngii ind is illithtd lo ihe depot of tin ii million 1 11i1 1 in fanliv rntnl hnvv showers hivi issisled ihe growlh hul tin h i ilia h is been 11 1 11 did on mount of too muth moisture tinners are busy wit dine hul would soonir hi st uint h iv in llu bun for mxi winiu back in 1910 tikes tram iht uiw ot iht free prtw ttliuwlay july ll hit pifimollons- have been the or der at the metchnnti bunk this week mr f a meteiin has been promoted to the position of au ng muniger mr frank havili is dow m ihe tage anel very lativ faitoiilv pttfoiining the dudes is lilki mi meber williams his hun promoted to ledger keeper md mr j campbell ct irk his given up ihe sludv of i iw ind his akin ihe position is tinior the new mont and tertitnt budge on main slttel over the eutk is aboul tompieiid it is suhsiantial siiutiure ol arnnle lipniiv for thi strt im the ibuimeiils are eonsiruued if sioiu and ttmtnt mil ihe floonng is tement supported by sleel pip ing theu is an iron lading on e leh side md the budge tliroueh oul is a very worlhv strut lure i 1st wtdnesdiv i iluable brood mue belonging lo mr chnloiiswukhimei churchill in some mannii bioki its nghl hi ml kg hi hi ml tin hoik mi sw 11 kh uiu 1 h ul iht m ire ind lu 1 toll in 1 box slall the uiim it w is v duid it iv ihe builders eiimmenied ihe ir npei hums mi mi neil pittersons mw bloek on the silt of ihe ai ion house whith wis loi mure il in hill 1 einlurv uccupied is i nti i pinpet iv vesietil iv mut 11 int ihe mw htiilding evil he 1 iwn souv slieielutt wilh htivv slum found 1i1011 hit hrsl slouv will hi oniipied bv ihe bulk mil i lie oilier see 1 1011 hv mr pilkr sun li 1 1 me il in ukel i 1st sunday morning e irlv rev w ii douglas let his driver out ol tin si ible il thi parson igc u roikwootl lo grie for in houi on the luxurious griss on llu roulside while he wis it bre ikfisl the horse winderetl onto ihe fitri russing 1 fv tght li un 1 imi ilong ind tht imm il w is slunk md killed me wis 1 im diivtr md w is v dutd it si so no nme of llu vi ir is more dilightlul lot 1 dnvi ill rough the loimltv 111 111 llle pusent tilt tit w mown h i ihe golden grun ihe growing e rops ind the atlru tin i indsiape al lend 1 pit i in m ikint suth 1 nip in enioyihle out professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symo 1 blnrk 43a mill st e acun office phone 78 residence m church st e phone ill funeral directors or d phys cinn garrett nnd surgeon corner of willow nnd entrance rivt r acton ont phone 238 dr robert u buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 6 8pm afternoons by appointment rfal fhtatf and insurancf dr h leib denial surgpon officecorner mill and fredt nek street off ce houm bj appii ntment telfphone 19 phonp 699 night or jar bruce e shoemaker mgr altcnonffrinfl c h tuffin i it ned auet nur eden mi is phon n ckwood ulwter 6 4392 optical and bearing aids e l buchner ro opl m tnst jnd hnnnjl aih 4fl mill st f ph nn ii offcp h un wrhih v only 2 oofl 00 p m fviningg by aipkllmmt robert r hamilton optometrist fyea examined oliwn ftted on m 1 n st j georkctown ont off we hours 10 im u 6 pm mon to fn evpnimoi by appuintnwnt cl rd saturday intment tr 7 3 dr highways 6 and 7 rerouted in guelph the oni trio elepirlmcnt of highway i has appioved the re i uul inj of pruvinnil hithu ns nijih gutlph vtith the n uiiinv a j buchanan dtntal surgr off ce ia mill street re lur 9 n m i 6pm ied wtdncday urternooti trlephone 148 alpmnq accotntino lever hoskin chirtpred acrwinumta m mun si n 212 king st w hrimpt n t irmrto 1 ph n t gl 1 4r24 em 4 9131 hiirm r4 b sihmit k to walt rloo ave il inji the silvirertik parkwa in the reilitmeei am as fir as sel hnpton si then il eontiniits along wellington st to wvndham si alonp wndham to ork rd and then to vutoiii rd hv wa ol york rd highuas 24 ujll pnxced fnim walcrlm avt along the silver ercik parkua to wellington st along wellington to vnvnilham then up wndham lo eramtisi rd anel then along enrnosu to the cilv limits the route nf highua 6 through the citv is along gordon si from the ett limits in col lege helghls up wilson 1 to miedonnell then up norfolk st and hv wa of norfolk and wool- uuh to thi cits limits c f leatherland qc barrister i c tor notary public ff ce hrtir 1000 am 1200 p rr 1 00 pm soo prr sa urthivt bv ppo ntment onu off ce 22 ph ne res im acton traveuffts guide gray coach lines coaches leavp acton uul swvti tme eat bound 6 33 am da iv excepl sun and 1133 a job pm a braida ba notary public l3 ma i st s act pme s76 office hours 6 pm 8 pm pm 9 pm sitiirdaji 11 cork t f gwu t 2242 off ce hour 9am 5pm saturdays bam 12 a m hastings 4 payne barrister and solie 1 ts n urtes publ c 1a mill st acton appointment call 991 p m i 37 pm 9 13 pm 1133 sal sun and fo chiropractor w roy riddell dc piimrr specific chtroprac o 17 mill sut phone 40 otice hours toe thur 3pm 8 p m sat 10 am 1 pm canadian najional railways 3 sundard time rst behind da tv exopt surntay 144 ajiv da l except sundayi 9 12 am flagtop 7 14 pm sunday only nil pm dail except sunday fly er at fifwirtuwn 6 27 p m daily fiver at george 10 08 pm westbound dlv 12 29 am datly except sunday 830 am 844 pm saturday inly 122 pm sunday only 9 03 ajn iflaffopi sunday onty flrer at guelph 7 0s pm daily except sal and sun 53 pm

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