Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1960, p. 3

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staff pholo battic of the boyne was recalled saturday by members of l o l 467 whose members paraded with their fife and drum band and maorettes from rockwood in the group with 90 yearold c k browne are in the back truman spence charlie allen al leishman the oldest marcher bill forrest alvn gordon jim vickery george holmes centre lawrence gordon fergus qute richard gordon the maorettes are leona lovell kathleen forrest brenda fryer chanty rackman lee lavoie and judy henry ctaotjrvttcwjr ijikowssfctfe mxmkmmi antique car cavalcade draws stares tuesday once i imilui sounds ul a hy pinil ci 1 cihocd ihrouiiri the si ads ul 24 soul urn ontario turn muni i ic including at ion when such proud automobiles as gi iv dot l mcliuihlin bunk rocknc iihi wieks kniljil made ik loiitlh iiinu il london to biilii tun tom ol intiqui and il issic c us tin tout lasted riom jul ii lo 13 and the nl aeade drew si ues here tutv d iv mom i up the unil ts eoildueled by the antique and ct issie or club ul c m id i und sponsuixd bv bntish a iiu i kin oil it eommenioi lies ilk uiilind london to bnhton loin in engl ind driven annually since 1904 tile hi hint the repeal ol i he tl il uiw which inquired til it a runner curving a red flag b diy and a rcb hntern bv night precede each horseless eu ii ila to wnrn pedestrians start al london tvu doen t irs lunging in ige j fumi 1911 model t lord lo a 1917 i bunk t it hi red in london on sundn jul 10 to tecinc tini insiiuelioiis md lo idd i ist niiitule touclus ol ilhim lix isc to ihe tin id lliiiinin minis monil iv mutninj ihi inloiii ilc i clinked up ind set oul on the hlst ku of i hi womik tup which j took ihe e irs thmuch sti iltoid und kitiheiiii lo cioclph lor in ictiueht slop tuisd n ihi pump pissid through acton btamplun thi noil hi in outskirts of toronto ind on lo peter i luuh lot the second mghi s rvsl thi i mil d i si the tour ciiui biijjmm m in issi i p it idi md oltui d unm mi die finish line it then pi oc ceded to port hope for the wind up pat ade and banquet some or ihe entries m the tour include a 1917 cadtll ie itotn cili dunn onl a 1923 flinch d in icq tourer irom tonmlo and i 1931 thev cibnolet horn si c itlm ints tuu u s pal lieip ints m elude a 1923 chev touici rum oichud park new york and a classic 1940 rolls roytc p iii mom rochester n y obituary spent most of life at annan home farm simon joseph rcilk ol oucii sound died at his home r r 2 annan on- monday july 4 mr rcdlv was born on the f irm where he spent most ol his lile ind was a son ol ihe i ue john and citherinc rcdlv he u is awav irom his farm only lor i lew ve irs while he i uiht school il re n i re w and ihcn llevelind ohio mi rally wis m mud lo the uiiinci c issic mulhollind ol ac ion who prcdcci sed him in ictv iuir 19s8 riquum hieh miss wis soul h tithcr cihill i nhliu ol the dici iscd on thursd i nojtunj il si michiels chuich irish block of which he wjs a t tithful member surntng in thnx sons john ind clcmtnl both il home ltd alphonsus ol owen sound ilso two sisicrs clua nd p ill km both ol toronto juat t- igjtftrij this sundays church calendar united church of canada arlon ontario v nii1 ha o tit si nl mini c itjr hi id hut strvirtji n 0 m m r jin i ui imo i ihr mca boo am m ruing prayir ii am mornmij worship children under 5 yean cured f 1113 m presbyterian church in canada knox trvrch acton kc andrew h mrkrnuc ba be baptist pastor rev j m rudd moved monday a tl ktujle ot guidon college ind guidon divinity school il bevulc i urns missiclmsells re junes m rudd new minis ui ot ihe acton u iplisi chuiih and mis rudd tumid into then home it ncls in coin i mond iv oiifetnillv m niijin i ills mi rudd tiuluitcd liom the gotdon dmnily seh l in june md w is in ii i nd june 18 in tl miri ny mi rudd s lust scimcc w is pie iched on sund iv bill dawe drums in us contest when the junioi pipe bind placd in eompctilion u sli ilh ro nilinhcis ol ihe si thorn is legion pipe hind came oei lo sprc id word t i t lie ir piedie i nient thev wile scheduled to pi i in 1 il mile eonlesl in c 111 ilo llus sud hut thev h iclil t noil j h diuintiicis an tliinieus will tlu t h in loi itold bill riiwc aclon he tot biek ii tiic tioni sti ith jy siluidiy i week md i hilt ico ml w is oil with ihe si thorn is bind on sund iy thc pent lour dis in chieieu ind in e ime biek honu list sund t he look t mw silver side dium ind slicks md w is lutlilted in i m thorn is unil mil thct ue both idulk ml m uiilsius in tin h md chmi ol the si ii is med till the i isl the hind e miptinij il unst i mi 100 otheis e unc second christian reformed church rev j nutma ba rd mmnler 301 queen si box phone 698 si ml jih llh tlwhl who imfnbliih 230 pmdukh the ctmrch of the back to cod hour acton pentecostal taiernacle s3 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j rcid pamor 73 cook st phone mb w sunim july tth miwi 10 00 m sunday school ornine rahip rockwood sale two showers of district interest i tsi vaeliicsdiy cviiuitl mini clous 1 1 lends el miss shell i me n ihb lillicic i in the sund iv sellkll im m ul tin pleslwlelllll i ihik h t i i shown i d s kiii i uk pin i us i i let we uiiiil i this wiikitld i lull i ihe jcvinme is uukm to make wolds oi i i in id kilns in t dc ie in miih in wus s in ot iti ist pusitu hili ii m tl i tin ol it m ss minibh w is the ie iipunt i nuniii us lili- ri i ie shnu n t s win si i v e d in t i social llliu eiiiomil gifts from neighbors thirlis hitti n m hid i mii ol h iischoll iikms n ins hum ridiv n niil whi h w s well it tiinli t ph minis to thnr hnnnp i i m ii i llkv win mi u lbcliel im in it in ict n crushed by train sunday b hodgson buried here an unemployed guclph district man irwin bernard hodgson 29 was crushed o death by a west bound cnr passenger train 300 feet west of the main st cross ing early sunday morning engineer w j taylor of tv iii lo said he applied his brakes and blew the whistle immediately after spotting the man lying on the tracks he was unable to stop ihe train in lime an inquest conducted by cor oner george svcr will be held aclon opp const ibtc robei t morcuu investigated il the scene kxkjjcmmaie4tvf jt fju rev willlrm sherwin of paisley memorial church guclph con ducted the funetal sen iii t the rumlcyshocmokcr funeral home tuesday atternoon and interment followed in ftockwood cemetery pallbeoirrs were bert dunnill robert smith norman wilson albert louttet charles shultis and lvnl mccutcheon he was the son of mnik hodg son rr 2 guclph and the ink mrs hodgson the foimer geri lude shutlls a sislei i auieeii pudeccascd him he vv is bom in guclph in 1911 wi book award winners in no 9 school announced three breakins nothing stolen three brc ik ills were tcportcd to aclon opp mtindtv nioinmg jnd wete thought to occur some time sumhv night or early mon dav morning vciy link damage was done b he butglais who police thought weic only after money nothing is icpoilexl stolen the bic ik ins were at j b maekenic md son building supplies mecal lutn s service slatloil and ihe hoolli in actons park the lust two places wuc bio- ken into tioin the biek enli uicis and l lie booths side dool wis m uicd jon opp cpl rav m ison is invcstil king the huiglines l inicliousc w 1 iiinu illy pre sents books lo children at ss no 9 lot punctuality regular attendance and cle mime ss win ners in ihe junior room where mis he irns tc iches wcie shell 1 bvcrs and allan ind howard llubc who lied in mi reeds sr room marie junes and bnan hube were winncis guests from us vtsitois with the benno spil 7ci s hive been hei aunt uncle and i imily from minneapolis minn mr ind mis civind jotian sen ei ind peler and william mi and mrs berl bentun visit ed hti uncle in aunt and family mr ind mrs waller king il pun d ilk on sumhv her cousin aud icy king tame biek with them lor a week ot hotid iys jean find iv is holid wing it tua the pillctsons visited mis gilhcil sn el in md mis l a wiley h milton m inoi on sun d iv ihe visitois dining tin p ist wick hive hem mis a c sle wul ot mull ind mr j imes mills ol weston md mis lis hulchin son md mis ruby cudio ot wes ion mi ind mis muks of tor onlo mil miss vch i ruthin n of taia hrte been with the td pin hvs ft tends iljici th it mis john mel uiejilin broke a icl in i t ill liom i loid ol hiv on mond iv inoinlny all hope loi tier coin plele iceovery mi h arnold is home iliiii follow i n j hospil ill uion in guclph foi ii nose vims miss judv j an sell is home tin hohdivs horn h million whtie is cniploved vvilh the bell telephone co mr and mis mec msl md spmt u holid iv at their collate in it severn rivch iccenllv mr md mis eail seott istud miss tiudv scott it onl ino alh letic i e idetship tiaming c imp at longlord mills on sund i the r ilph luinns nioed i few d iys at bear like in the dorset uet a week e visilois with ihe linlnins u ectitlv inc luded mi ind mis w illei thomas ol poll colboonu mi hid mis divid joe ind ll met of milton h ippv hulhdiv lo re note j in ssm on julv 6 inckc dvkxhikitn ol himsbuig wis one ol he i jmsls si ivme ihe ueelt mrs 1 me mis glendeii scoll mis d siotl jodie ind bonnie mis j cliiichion and j ickic mis l seoll mil mrs td hill weic ill te i guests ol mis lb mi is ii ones glen williams on wedues d lisi week mr ind mis j is noble speh ihe weekend with mis coptiv it was ie i give tentative approval for eramosa debentures lun township council met at hitlshurlh on mond iv julv 4lh council t intcd tenlitivc ip p ov il lo the council oi liamosi township loi lis poition ot ihe issuuiil ol s20000 debcntuiesto piovutc nnin il no ii school in li onus a school arc i the reeve was authoneil to issue a proclamation dec irml mond iv august ist 1960 civic holiday in ihe township of erin council ji intcd 100 to erin aneuttural society and fur waided lo county clerk tieasui ci j t be illic j1s000 on ae c hint ol i960 1 ix lew i mi villic1 council wis pud sso is imil pivmeiit lot i hi i960 st ind bv lor fire licjilinc equipment rent or the monlhs of m i june julv ind august i960 i to- i il ol w0 w is to be p ml to mis mckitnck a lot il ol j878 28 for the een ei it insuruiee iccount wis pud to f cow in co ind erin town ship fcdci ihon of acjnulluic w is civcn i truil ol 200 the tenet il accounts tolalline 1308 weic appiovcd loi pav me n i the mid iceoiinls lolalluifc ishssl weic oi deled pud council insliucted the ioid su peiinlcndcnl to have situ eiccl cd it e ich end ol no 27 sick i odd between the seventh ind eighth concession the siyi to read invonc using this road do so at iheir own risk the report lo the council the ro id md bridee committee re commended ihe following north division no 27 sidcroad con 6 ind 7 construction west divisiin lot 10 ind 11 con 4 construction ind repur eulvciis loi 19 ind 20 con 4 construe fion wesi md south loi 18 con s 17 side roid constiuclion south division loi 6 con 9 construction f isl division lot ii con 9 construction lot ii md 12 con 10 construction lit ii con 8 consltuction bound us inns m 19 c ik don town line dilehmg bound irv lines i i imosa lot 14 md is construction claim contest to get steaks ihe roliivclubot aclon ollic l illy el limed ihe ittetnl nice eon test with georgetown dutine ihe i si month acinic picsidciil j lank ptouse innoiiilied it the tucsd iv evening nice line the gcoiceiown club will hosl tile acton club lo a sic ik dinner sitiee thev onlv kcumiil itcd i 97 per edit moid while the aclon memhcis ricked up the 100 pel cent the iiiipcildmt e n iv augusl visil ol the disttict goveinot was innoiiiiccd md seetcl irv gord lewis icviewcel exli ids horn llie dlstnet govctnoi s letlei sfiukle hoaid concluded he i veiling service on monday for john wood 76 aftci wuiking in ihe gaidcn john wood of 16 wilbur st col iffpscd md died vei v suddenly satuidiv morning he had been tn good health ind his dc ith w is shock to i uiiilv and finnds suiuvois include his wile ihe foimei helen wuien i diughlei dm i mrs don rvdei alton son wuien of st c ith nines d two ei indsons divid rvdei and steven wood a sislei mis ihom is gicloiv 1ms m i igl it il while his hiotheis pinleei iscd him came from tnglnnd mr wood c line to c tnadd from i ngland in i9tn hi and mis wood wuc niuricd in l toiiio in 1923 mi wood w is reined his ink lists included i iwn bowline c ir tknnil ind in e irliet veils pliving soeeei he wis i meiiihci ol wilkei i dee ii l i m isonic seivice wis held tl the rmr lev shocmikei iiiiki il ii une stiller iv cvcnini mond iv if in no n ihi rev k riiliudson ol gei eili wi in i ited it the inner il s ivt is m tin chuiih ot st albin tin m utvi ind it i ut iu inetiiv pillbe ueis wen rud ilph spiel ii ige 1 ln smilli s in sni w ficd wiiehl bciu vctdliis md divid dills try exams i iiiiil pe plc i iking llie st john amhuliiicc ioursc in lusl uel siluidiy moi nines tticd then cminillillons i isl i widncs d iv about 16 wyt ti tin eliss results will be published when tliey aic available lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 st nl jvm n tui pfco 1u jem alurwne woshl tuwxlav s pxa pcr and biuu t k t hmkt1 m c it 11 stvmlv rt nvrilim lh ltom n 6 pm oirt amba i no otji dor junor corutrrrtl n f m cts dur n vrnwi 7 jti pn tv btygflirtir iu arc alwiys welcome itlo nd the l thi church of st mean the martyr anglican kccuv the krv it b stolcrwl lth stb 185 jeffrey bt pbone 3 svnow jm ra iwo the fifth sundas after trin ty i rio a m h 1 euohar l 930 a m holv eucnarist 1 1 00 am choral eoctwrt mldw clbnui frtday juts 22 1960 fct o saint mars map1i1ri 1000 ijn holy eucharist all arc welcome 1apttst church acton slndu juia pth lbo 9 41 a m sunday lfeoj 11 00 am mormnc worship too pm eveiunc service ttw pastor ill preach at with scrskw wednesday 7 4s rem scrsice for prascr bible stud and wit wss dtotr practice au art welcome trivhmetit dinle scnimii vntntnp leatlon bibli vhul lve nui invi w v i i n u i vhiuh 1 1 1 phvi m i o uth i with th i tu n i ve nu m i lllll ll 1 wllk 111 iv v 1 i i swim i ihe mil i n it ii t ps mill vi j m li ills i kivt n v vpikllh 1 i it hkw nqinmnncts tn itu vitti li j hn pi h i inm 1 not i rxt 1ml tt rnu ul wjx visit ir in i he villijx dunnc the weekend with hi suter mrs rom dmi ind mr- fmlv mi imihon ot white pi imv s i rev d r v inh ot st george hureh gielph cmducled the rke it s john- churvh sun- ii ittern nn ind jimi oiiki iteil j donng hob communion mr e jshpp wai btrvtr does your car insurance expire in july or august chck thm features see if you qualify new lower preferred rates for careful d vers second car discoont lower rales on small ca5 spce al farmer pafk loss of use by coll s on and conprclicns ve spare car d scount dividends pad senil annua or monthly pav nc it plans friendly personal local service b alto ak us about our special homeowner package wms no deductible for wind and ex tended coverage includes theft coverage dennys insurance agency iiu and harcxd- acton phono 455 keep your well groomed look dill mil il litest ml llllel sind vour somtnei foments lo us loi cxpeil elc nunc mil pressint you ii look cooler neater and feel cooler too custom cleaners same day service excvpt saturday in by 10 a m out by 5 p m main st n phone 271 the acton fro proii thunday july 14lh 1960 obituahy inspect scots prior to trip lotne scols pdii rcgt h indsmen liom this urcn were ittnone mcmbeis of the regiment disputed it the bnimplon arm onries tucsd iv evening the in spiciion wis one of the binds windnp ie ivitics before thev leive loi ihcn scotland trip in august llu h nd ii is bun chosen id iipiisent i lie c null i ui armv at lie liltiburjih kslival in tot i ind dm nil augusl ind septcm is i spoils will result in it isl s100 million of i ipn il in stmenl m cm id i in i960 etkivatut shop pallants and save money pallants opposite post office sale summer footwear save up to 25 one cent sale 1 pr dress pumps white or beige 9 95 1 pr washable or leather casuals 01 value up to 1495 for 9 96 washable casuals 3 59 pair or 2 pair for 600 value 10 00 sandals whit or beige 3 69 pair or 2 pair for 700 sandals 2 29 pair or 2 pair for 400 washable casuals 279 pair or 2 pair for 500 valua 6 00 sale starts july lslh bensons shoes the friendly store acton phone 464 iwiy from you nptn iw ivr nl hrquing arrxwnt keeping track of your money nirkrlk am dmv that dtp away unnoticed ran rwk m hudpri tn a imrnr 1 he best wat to lrrj trad of vour cxprnsr i lo mparale uli paving money fmm pmhng monf anh m inp and ou can do this casdj- wilii a bank of nova solia pergonal tipfuinb arrount a personal chnpunb wninl ir jut one of the many waya the rnl of n a sroiia ran he of m ire to von u hy not drop in at your nnghbourhood bnb branch today the bank of nova scotia a nttwotx ot offices acioss canada and abtoad chiuhois crisnus and vacation savings accoubts pusohat sfxlhtlh program ptrsonal cjltqulm m acton branch salter a uoodburn

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