Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1960, p. 1

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ht jwtim nt tt etghtylxth yoar no 4 acton ontario thursday july 2ul i960 eight paget sevan cent su photo mot summer work for beamish construction employees but a and machines concentrate on the half the road at a time switch welcome light for householder is the steadily progressing pav ing lanes when one half is complete sidewalk superintendents ing program in lekeview subdivision above gravel is being are mostly summer lazy children spread on the previously tarred surface of roadway workmen j n-irt-s- few biwejfcttxxfe ft vamksadfiws halton has 111 farm accidents counts six of ontarios fatals halton county racked up hi reported incidents of ontario 7 831 and counted lot six or ihe 293 fulal uccldcnls uecuidtnu lo figure released ihis wcik and galnered in the rxtini oniarlo iurtn uecuknl suivev the hit urcs covered u 12 munih puiod fnim march 1 19w to libiunv 20 i960 the ontuio inures showed 291 ami lift pel manctit md s868 itmncii ir in pirns susi tin eit bv 1 uitii pii suns during ihe vear which accounted for i700 977oiwiiidtuil hills 112491 dns planners debate private garages again tuesday appln uions to build pnvilc biirnges iijdin occupied iiil iliui truii ol ilk pi inning bond u their ihiusduv ivming nuilinii allcr considu ibk discussion it w is ikinliit thi pumduu would bt lot l lu pioputv owner to make iipplu ilion hi tin coin nutlet it adiusitiknl loi i niinin vininii lo illuu i ik huiklmi ot thi nmees a lui llu t ix- loh m lo llu cuunul inomiiunikd hit tin applkiitnii ki ol 12 s uquimt h ihi coiiimitki ol adtustniuil be rcdunil on ihcsc appliialums to a nommil ki aixounis loi illine 112 0 ui apprond amend bv law the htmid i to llu khiihii ihu tin t nsiili m p ajan di kou in mih prepare inn nilnu in no 1 i llu oniric bv lm in iiiiimtiion with tlu mikiiii roaul m mwi- h it hinl i r h hholl iih w hub mi nut boil evans witx piiuii with miu tars j uk mih i hit ml pi in nuil ton- lit ml p al in fk mn in tltuuliiui oil vyurk iiul 5 253 799 wmth of prupuly diimaijc compared to ontario s tot il ihi 1600 arms in hulton li id six lainl iil per mnneni and 79 lempoiarv inurv nudum 14w divs ilt work 14 9 in mcdkal hills ami 191 us in proper iv d un ije conducted by w i the malum surviv was tin uisi ol ms kind for him people and wis i an n d on i bv tht- halton womuis insliluks on a olun i ir basis guukd b ihi ontiiui depaitimnt ot auiiuliure two ionic re mis win in id hist to outline llu work ind the mist in fobruarv of 19s9 outlined the mid lor ihi sui vcv while thi second showed ihi surprising rx sulls ind urged ihi formation ot in onlino faim sifclv coun ul llus loniuil wis lot nit d mil in ii ilion i 10 immhii 1 urn sditv iiiumil wis sit up wilh npusinulims ol ii toils lann uoups thi will lunmmtml plou litis iii cuslllll f nni uoups and ihi- i n ihui woik will bi m unlv displ i in mm il uul ishihil in lluir link ol uiiduil h gurcs ihc tally is broken down into plan nalurx und i uise ol ihi accidents assou ilcd aiiivi iks and equipment involved tht tiniuxs will surprise in my untki pi in ot iiiuknt on most wi 1 1 ix not lid in i ii rn huildmts with bun ind st ihks kaitinii llu hsl liillowinn m hit list ul unut is homfln unices ind kikhin 5 each vitds and gardens 4 skills ulln oihu looms chmithv ind miiri housi i eaih tarm bu11 dings barn 16 st ihks ii htrmutl 7 hui house 4 will pond mows grxinhoum piggtry shctp pen i cneh shop garage driving or impfcbmfint shed yards 2 inside 1 entire huildlng 1 farm rields 11 lanes bush and orchards 1 e uh school yirds 4 msidt i ofl farm pi o ini i it ii1l1iw iv 9 lounlv roid 7 township ro id 4 urv siixcr i ollll r pobla bill iiir ii e in in i nub fildlllis wux noted 111 house si ihks bin house etmnlv und ill i uieli ind riu 2 nature of accident hire is ihe hsl under n nun ol llu iilitkm fills ind slum hks 12 moloi venules 19 hie garbage pickup gravel pool on boards agenda piiks boatd nieilint in alton p ii k tuesdiv i tiling disiussed llu iuxissil ot h imiij i ix jiul ir uhiet puktip titmi itu ixlui i i ul iinus m the n uk thi iiti tu ws hilnklidttontit the inii ni litwn till in lo in iki it i ine itu ills h m this dom on u ul ii itb lex pie k up dis tht uxl iket bis txin burning llu iitust tb in in in bulxni jminl i i ul tin timbre ii is lo ik pi kt lip it lb w mt i i ih ii ki us k t n wt will ink to pas mil lot oiling thi ir uk were held up pmdine luilhir elittliea lion ihe inowir at count wus submitleil loi 711 whieh did nol illow tin ti uk m due toi itu old m iwit bund niunbus win ol tin opinion i ik aieouill should iu bun loi 41 gravel tor parking it was 1 1 pot ltd to ihi bond tint 40 tons of uiil hail been tltkittl uid would ix spte id in tht mw pirkinj lot il llu wisi ind ot tin puk ihis wixk llu titk i ii tin hlli mon ses km i ihi w idine pool his bexn dilimtid bul no ptpin oi pumps hid bun meiiul lntiuiit n hi kui iw uletl on us innlli ti m before any luriher woik is uiidut ikm thi lidcs in thi park ind w idin pool hm bexn lepintd the si ihle it ihe re u ol tht id dull lui hi- kin u nidmil be iui ot lis ikxupil t indin m bat wedged in pipe cap- hai been welded to thi hreuthu pipes on ihe ihnei i ilion uk i children hid kin plawnp n llu n t an 1 dropped i i wn ihi ninis whuh tlogged tfie inls lm n a bise mi kit w i- tounu wikiif in the pipi- tk door n ihe vhinpt i i ilion- i- lo k widemil t thil lawn mower and explosion 17 e uiulil in nu hmerv h livestock animals and insects 7 eaeli lulling and living obeels s laib non powu iikis 4 spoils and nuenhun 1 etee tiled ind litihtninit shoik hums and swimming and diwmn 2 ih hunting sikkhhih md tin ins hil bv in iihinery upset links stuklllk unainst ohjeek continued on pno three dr a buchanan ddgm for wellington district veond pel son lo be so hoiiored his seeixlury and ihe rev a ii during the ssyeai history of wal ku lodtie dv allan j buehanun was vi stu ilav e k i ted dlslrk t ikputy und muslei ol willln ton distiit t a it ul ne mi mix t lor slightly ovu 40 ve us llu populai tknlit has bun i mimhu ol wulku lodki i ii 27 vims he bus ixin liiough ill the ol i nut in llu lotlgi uul was woi shiplul mastei in 1952 los iih il man lo win tin lion ii ot being ihkm u j a dean uslk who held tin ixisi in 1919 he was n lined it ihe iiiind 1 odui i on l ii ho tonlitinn al cenlnil teehnkil sihool toronto visterdav wednesd tv wluti iikhii 5 000 inmi lodges ill ovei the piovinie intended the days program culrntnriul willi ii bin quel in ihe ruyul ynik hokl he has apptiinkd un iomii as immvfmnkxfr v shed razed by fire rn children alone summoned it noon lodav thursday fiom woik bv hu ibiklrxn mis a uuehlu rr 2 rixkwood m lived home lo i ind the implumm shed i mauling nun hit loin ehildrxn llu old est 14 uul il neighhoi s ihild win h line atom as llu hit hioki out a nughhoi 1 ludsav lutuson lushed umiss lo luln ml imivl a itailoi ind si id dull irom tin shid iihiis n wishing inuhine and ollur lm pit minis wile lost wind loitunalelv hkw ihe lames and elouds ol smoki awuy fiom ilk house ind bam mi md mis buelilu mil tin i hill ironi ioksi view ihultip nu ills 1 1 iitnuon uul h ive ik itl tlu it iwo vt us mi buelilu vylis il woik in loionlo atloii htemui wui oun ik un del i yi tl h insulhiwnj dtixih m lo tin hie hiving only tlu n uiu ind nu id look number huu ptraw district deputy grand master of wellington d strict or allan j buchanan was elected at grand lodge conference in toronto wednesday he has named len lovell his secretary and rev a h mckente district chaplain police alerted guelph escapees sighted here mikeuie as the uikiiiii eliaplain about is members ol walker i odii hlknikd wellington dlsttiil compilse 22 lodges willi loirr 111 duelph lliroe in kuihukr iwo in gall and oru e uh in walerloo george- lown i i in lugus 1 loi ii hmiiu new llanihiiig preston hespeki di iion ayi baikn and at ton in i luavv stheduk ahead in will usit tilt in ill as iipiesenla lii ol llu most woishfpful iand masiu ol hu grand lodgi ol on l alio al uul am iu sin mds biuti omand ol new ham hm g in both wmb di bui linn in i arm lo ai ion ii mats ago ami has eaiiiui on ills suceesslul diutnl pr le tin ut his home on mill si slim hen di biiitiitiansimilln llu lirnl woikl win in ihe i r4ih hallalion wis omimas ami was wounded at annuls in siptunkt idih he uihslid in llu sitond world war injaniitiv 1941 hi was adjtllanl loi i in lalli loiiipuiv at the den hi oilier kc al loionlo and in eh itge ol llu detll it ilinie al m inning ixpol hi was snond in uinumiml ol the denl il clinic it winnipig wilh i i ink of mi loi al out him lu h ul i hm m ot llu lot il onil ol llu loine sols hi his bun eh in m in ol un sihool bond mil is always inlet i slid in loiiimumtv ul lulls hi bus km on tin session ot knox huiih lor many i its sportsman in the making 1uk ptuild a whaic mayhi three year old michael drew hot no idoa what astonishing creature he may hook in acton pond during the orondo rocreation clubs annual fish dor by saturday morning pike and sunflsh won trophies and no whales show ed up rtlil ujtilljaixjiiii at hydro thursday okay flags colored lights for minor sports weekend 11 1 i hi lliln in aimii hid not bun nod mil a tiulliv iiim ithklnn lln will duol iti llu lighl st uul nils uul eoloiid lights wilt pitkk loi ibc civu hohdty wnkuid is i tisull ol llu ip piuv il ul aelon hydro oinims sion lo i n qui si liom llu minn spoils commilki il tin torn missions legulat meellng i hum day vk misteis uskedlre cornmb nloii lo pi ue tin hags on llu st in jauls and ihis wis approved tin commission igieed lo supply llu liildu 1 1 ink md tlu minoi sporls lommittii w is to uiangi with lommission unployns lo tutn on tin kilond lights if te r hours master plan pi ins win in idt foi tlu oni mission ill uiniiii ind viieilim m in to ilknd i mit i inn wtlh the counul idiiunsti ilnt turn milki lo disniss ptipiralii ol i in isle r plan ol unik i ground senieis in thi lown superinktuknt m ed riport ntk ilioimd win ii id irnvid loi llu spnng i mi pin ind woik wis to si irt on mon tlj with nilhs construelion dome llu buk hoe woik the niw power lini lo beinlmores would bo mslalkd on i weekend in atiljm lo whieh commrvsiontrs mtlu ikd lluir livor willow si nwiiing was torn pkkd a pole on m un st tn honl ol ihe liuon hid twin riplunl he will ihctk wilh ont inn hvdr i fnginnnng ngirding ihc fiel ihit thin in iso olts going to ground on ihi ftfloitilt sertee al four pi mts in own an iieounl owing for d im igis lo t transformer in an accident n apt il h id not lm p ud ind i lo soh ulor a bund i fot collet i ion muil he metered by ii si lullon llu i nni mission insiiinled uiiployiis lo tuin oil llu powu in inv loiallon whin they lind un mile led use ul pgwer ollur thin mat rale by a consumer to hive ihc power turned on again be uinsumri would have lo in iki silislutory scllleilienl wilh tin commission one luslumir wi to be wtillui that in is suhiel lo unirl iluiigis foi aequiring powu not nuttnd hi is to 1k ihirged one rnonihs hill anollur loiisunnr wis to be notified tint it is ilkeil lo hut i powu tuillt i horn i ii il i ik lu ikr tnt lu is suhuit lo i barges a luiglhy distushloii on pay mini ii onunissjoiius loi ul it nil mi i al iiuitiugs led lo a illusion io h ild ihe mutter in iliy inn until liitthu iiilormu iinii could he ohtanud subfltullnn value llu i wood discussed wilh mini beu the insuiainc on mihslallun l wo and ihe mullu vvuii held over until llu seudtuy ehccktd wilh llu on i u io hydro legardlng itpl leenuni ilut uf ibe suiium in hollu lnshejiin anil in sui irue o of c insula le ported llu or stoi iei t ink 4i the alke st hydro building is nol protect id tg ilrisl exuss piessnre they iiioiiuiiuidid insl dial ion of un ippiovui ivh v live at i minis tol tiling 1600563 ippro d lor pivi uit orenda fish derby trophies presented at park saturday sm ill irv wilh i ing it ted the study ulees ol laiiy like salurdiv morning the voungslirs wen t ikini piri in itu mnu il hsh dtrhv sponsored bv tlu orindi run ilion club ind llun wire tropb les w ilttng for lln iiillrrs limit r 12 wilh llu best i itches ol the day of ahoul so ilkiulin n l ill wux as dthguillv husv is llu children piruils lolkd m ink chairs enioung tin breei it tin perfect da and muduit illv they guankd bisms ugs ind whol have you lonlaming llu days rather panicky cakh hut dogs l all riu fish got i nsrnk when lite vounskrs bioke off for a swim ml pu nu lutiih hoi dogs and pop will civu1 uul in ih ugi of llu event were hulu muufv of milton and clin will of tironto two st john unbul inec bri gadi riu in bus were un duly liming tlu id rhv i witinus ill ol hum from tor nio wui pike bruin hancoek ikukv hinioek sunflsh glen i dulliu hilly jamieson vicky horni i nk i urner michael lairkv thur seven trophies ni piesented iboui one ockxk pumpwo capacity of tne churchill road nortn well will be considerably increased with the installation of this second pump hoisting the new pump off a truck tuesday are at the back al kirkness and bill roszell ancj at the front jack lam bert and john frank morvd m ihiv building ai ihc- ptvmtil timo thi mowtr i ninj stonil in ihi arini mrs frset rrquolni ue i ihi park tor i pi rik sponm nd b rh minv insliluti for lesi ilcnt ol 11 dlon cintcnni l man oi thi bwnl tclt thit a ihaic would have tt be male h w on it wa ugjmtiil thit at i iuit due rbe bvrd nut dr mjmerhinc ii in cxpcctim that so to s ma attend low attendance a cheque and letter were re ceived from the orenda rcerei lion club thanking the board for their cooperation and the uv of the park for their fish derbv last week the club had expected iso at the derbs however onlv 30 to 10 had rntd it was decided to hold the cheque until the next i meeting for further discussion two i ipeiv 1 mm the guelph thcv disappeared while work e sighted in tbi alton in i at 1210 am sundn thcv hid miik their break sat urdav ititmin otp wre alutni ind i innt tevs alitl ut madr ni the ini h ipcd b iiiclph rriormaii rv hi is an i th north halton opp icuihmcni the lorex nu again tlcrtcd vcttttn mednesdiv i ittr the iwo prisoners wen mghlcil in anblhcr area cruiser wrn vni out ind the finre began the sqinizr to trap them the pair ronald daignault 18 of st caiharme and james hwidmin 20 no rrwd address wrrc both rviny trrms of ir month for breaking enterin and or theft daignault was on parole at the time of his conviction he would have been eligible for re lease dec ii and goodman dec 19 am vk r and helper haul inp t mders because thcv were irutii the were mil kept un ik i i iom supervision thcv wen helping lo construct i barn to nrptihi one ncd bv tire reicntlv it helps to pvc men a senvc o n ponmbihtv when trwv arc trusted said upenntendenl charles sanderson and we have k take chart cc he added nor mallv our eeapes are a great deal higher rains came there was spane attendance rn the park sundav afternoon when citizens bandsmen plaved a hastv concert under a constant threat of rain they dispersed when thcv felt the first few drops after playing for about an hour t gtip on her tennis racket ii shown to jeanette milnes by instructor alex patcai who instructs about 40 children in tennis at the court tuesday evenings left to right are helher ann dumarche jessie ware christine brunelle jeanette milnes brende ahevne and mf patcai

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