Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1960, p. 2

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smtoualptf at county level tail wtxtk acton council rcortiiiwndod county study to iho appointment of a county welfare officer tho possbilitjet of such an appointment would teem reaionable when one reallntt the increaung complexity of the admlniitra lion of welfare and its increasing important welfare is available under a number of different provincial acts and through several county agencies such as the children s aid society the ha i ton county health unit and the halton centennial manor all these rover certain small segments of welfare nowhere is there one coordinating agent who could corelate the vr4vs services the present procedure is tor an appl cail to present his request 10 the mwinc pal clerk for welfare an investigation should follow a number of forms be com pie tod and if deserving welfare administer ed to retain the tool autonomy in the ad ministration this procedure would differ little it a county administrator were ppo nt ed the dltlerence might bo that a more thorough investigation would bo undertaken by a h allien social worker who would sub mil a leivumnoiulaikin to the icxal muuiclp ality a dlfevtoiy or welfflie iaivuoi recently compiled by halton community wellaio council nullifies the authlotiom and oinanl fations tn the hhuii health welfare and re creation fields ii aw ettmive and impiet sve list the suggest on of the county appoint meni indicates too tlio mum itienqth of the county system in huvuiei hold ol ittiiiro to tho municipalities that spin imntlpal houn danes it is prktivll unpontible lot centies in the smillei opulal on iitagonei lo em ploy full time competent woltife otticets one competent m t i dull w ih ihe ent to county s h irii hiy asitid by locil ileiki and welfare otneu ioi id tmko toi in ollcn tive welfare progr 1 i there is indeed some mei t tn the coi nty study of appo ntme ti it i k ii tine welhto officer a big big bill to his woe the billpaymq husband ioqws how esy it s for the litrle woman to go wild with charge accounts credit cards and such treacherous inducements to head spending t but husband beware it s going to get easier for hayit home w ves to part you from your incona noe what a lead ng mhustr at des gner in the u s has to mv about trie mervhand s ing techn que of tomorrow a hcusew te sees an ad for a percola tor in a rt3ora iqjt re she phones tne nwuvver or ov and asks to have a fi m v cens4on oet on the tv se tre t n sriafti i b telechone anh after te hcssew te de des she d ah ba k find oroes te ojet ielevos the factory where the penohloi is mide to order this gives the customer i t img opt on vui nam mires inventory coils when ievi lht per colator is a ire pressed to the customer snd chargecj on a un vtisil ciedt aid this says a wrier m the us monthly niions bus ness is pvt of the itow ng tiend for manuf ictuters to sell d tecll lo the customer if this s ndeed the shipe of th ngs to come independent teta lers miqht well pon der ts implications for their businesses the aiwer for them may be greater emphas s on siec iltv shop opera ons bet w hatei er the outcome husbands would be v se to dole out those unversil ire01 1 cards w ih tire f nanc al post keep canada green eh 13 feves ad bush f es des trov noe iai sto cxx ox o canada s na twxiai rexrces acos be coii r 6 000 f ot i s ipe vn be expo ed eacn vear humai carevssfess aues rost forest and ous 4 ej useasona wjm drv atef r s r cojld cause add onal losses each canad en show d take these pre cuiors to hep prvw ores f res hieve- ttroa c oareues or macnes from car w cs16 pecet of forest f res are causeo b zs eles teeners 2 b a aic es o rocks c bare ea th be sue of f re s se aa frcn dry tobe 3 drow n campf ires or smother them with earth before you leave the campsite 4 break matches n half before dis card g th 5 precaut on insures tint the f ame is exlmqu shed 5 when hik ng stamp c garettes oul on rocvs or bare earth if possible douse ihem w th water 6 if you live n the vanity of a bush or forest equ p all chimneys on your home or cab n w th spark screens 7 broken bottles should be buried the sun s rays when maan f ed by glass can star f es 8 if you srot a forest f re however sma i report t lo po ce or forest offic al mmed ately partners by c j hams a survey of canad an manufactur ng compan es reports that m 1 959 on each 1 00 of sales the average proft was 5 i cents th s was on mprovement oer the 6 cents profit averaged n 1958 but it s i kely only onequarter or ore f fth of what most people would assume to be the average manufactur er s earn ngs also of merest is the po nt that of each 5 1 cenls of profit 2 6 cents were retained m the bus ness for upkeep and expansion and 2 5 cents went to sharehold ers as renial on the r money a f nal po nt is even more nteresting on each 1 00 of sales the average tax payment was 4 2 cents that s government s ts in as a partner and takes out more than e ther the compan es or the shareholders if you take the att tude as tftroe jabour leaders and others do that the first function of mdusty s to provide employment the tax collector s share of earninqs s away out of proport on the money that industry is able to keep cer tainly maintains and probably expands em poyment at least part of the money paid out in dividends is re nvested to provide obs but the cash collected by the th rd partner government only indirectly and only to a minor degree ever comes back to productive use nor does government spend ng create new tax revenues as does the spending of ihe t pa on the same theme and even more start i ng s the statement made to the atlantic tax conference by w o twa ts pres dent of imper al o i ljm ted last year said mr twits hs company pad 225 000 000 m taxes while net prof i amounted to 54 000 000 he noted too that to g ve one man a ob w rh h s company cost 60 000 in cap tal investment no doubt the nalure of the o ndustry makes th s per man obcost h gher than in most bus nesses but n pr m ary steel the cost of creat ng one new ob is now about 22 000 and even in a branch of manufactur ng that requ res only the s mpl est of tools the per man cost of acqu r ng plant space and mach nery would run to several thousand dollars in the f nal analys s government 5 able to tale such a large slice out of industrial earnings because there is a senseless pre ud ce aga nst profit everyone applauds when ndustry builds new plants or expands old ones and thus provides more obs over looked is the point that such ex pans on is achieved only because prof ts have prov ded the capital and if a company expands its volume of business and earns a greater total profit even though it may not be a prof t that is a higher per cent of total bus ness the applause for the new plant s replaced by suspicion and cr t c sm of the increased earn w 1 n i the good old days n ww 1 i i urn wnw back in 1910 tad 5 from llw imiiv of lliv lro wm u lluirmlnp july 2h 110 mr 11 ll 111 nm ilth uii k llltlll ll i ii milllll illlll v 1 dil it t ilm lmviilii t nmi jfiwiy nixl iimihu t in iv 1 tn rflkwil m11 il t it 1 a f i ml ti rmifrtti m mini im iln n in i ill ll i ntll i r v ilrim mil tfttm wl i salting the salad fhtn by ktlhr tyut by bill smiley llinalil it l lid lil lv wn 1 x vt till phn of ki sh j it iii luff inn 11 muln sn 1 pn ik tlmvlflu li hi 1 ily lllii it 1 ml jflvcn 1 hi w mi iii ill lv 1 ik trwrtrf ml i im killing ilv flinniitl 1 who ioh iv 1 in tfrrt t kiim k md 1 it ihh id iuv 1 it 11 lll tv ruihli ii ftl mi lit irli hum lll 1 imvi in in i viii p r hi i imi1 t 1 build 11 1vhl1 iii i 1 ll uk 1 in hit hi in lim 1 u il h 11 k kullwa v to hi iii 1 nm 11 ii flu uihwiiy i nk in 1 1 vny w 1i1111 i ii 1 iifton 1 mill ii rntri ii a li ik nil mn 1 111o ill m it 11 111 o vi 1 idlv i lk 1 1 iii 1 mil for tin iff ni 1 i th lh in 1 i ok sfxr ii hi ml hiii khl 111 1 lit l 1 lim ii 1 1 ii 1 h 1 w h 11 l 11 mi 1 1 in iw in imii ii in ft 1 ill ink 1 11 ill ain v ft 1 k i hi 1 v iik m r 1 1 u 1 1 1 m 11 mriikc 1 vu a l isr ui n 11 v 1 mr 1 liv l ii 1 nt h a si r v jiimi i it i tin r 1 in i 1 to tvii 1 w it rrnttt iln ui i ih 1 ik id mk 1 i lln sp lyhl uli ii 1 mflhhl m hi kmll i kht h 1 itikd 1 hm s stjiiu ihm nnihl it 11 nlii ihmit 1 hi ills in miiu uki ix n 1 itunk i vlunt 1111 ilu lit sli m buk hoim is lln it tn isl j lis u ill ilown tin tn tin lit ill hi mm itmhs bin mul 11ik iiilttkiink suiihli iihitl 1 111 tllll ll itk j1 isms so mill ium1 knuu ulilllut 111 not llu n jimtit u 1 ik bit iu hut mill 11 pntl suu llli ti not bui hut s ihtl i im in f01 10 m us i hiil tliu and i il umn as 1 illmis is tin dti min u itu luhcs bciycits down in ilu nl i ihmb on 1 smutuir pull mv slur loose rum mt ant vilw with iniir est some dull looking as though sin d stepped uut of a cold shmitr cot ion fnck clinging liusi spikt heels upsuipl h 111 and dark glassts so vou nntr know whether or not she s gmng ou the big ec hul ou re prett sure she s not a k notes fur the girls at home the otfiet girls in the cil who lie usual l nghl on lop of i ishions are wearing shoitir skin njhl skirls nut grieelul eliul disturbing then i mm end lnjh liome htroit oni weik hiek in s4 1 will nkl iml u mat k loriyish tnviuls ol 1 2s e us ton soon i e h ul lt ooil look il i ik nop ol ujiikik who will uujile mk sehools this sepleinhu mil ul ihvm uiliioiiyi lit si ul il and i do not iik ip the k it he is lis j -bet- 1 new euif hair grow lunger then gi lint it all up in both hands pile ii in untid heaps here and theie i ii out heid with pltnh of w tsps eseaping ind stk k some pins ind things in it then is 1 a ague rtsemhlanie i itu han slvlc ot the m isu w itiior ul afma hul il is mil so neat noi do tie iik pi iski il with tow dunt tit keep h in pi in is do the mimi don t worrv i m noi going lo i ilk iboul guls all thiough iht lohimn aflu all ie beenawi pet h ips i shouldn i siy il but some ol ihese babes should ik eigaretle girls in nighltlubs not teachers i ean usl see ihcm writing a sentence on the blackboard jiggling iske jetly white the big lunka in grade 11 blmk hard 10 keep their eye balls from rolling down thinp cheeks if these fulsome te males expect to impart any in formation bevond the fact that ihc are well stacked that thev would be wise to put then hair in a bun and don horn rimmed specs mil heels and mulher hubbiuls these summer classes for ten chers tcrtatnlv produee a mixed bag in mv classes there are in duns negroes new canadians who are going lo leach englttli and can t speak it yet a numbei ol priests a pregnant ladj a scattering of iiwng dolls 1 smat uruig of oung punks jusl uul of tullege and two old men an other chap and rmscll big book to me was to find thai 1 had to take latin last lime 1 studied ll was 22 years au and 1 ean i sa thai 1 had quite mistered the language cen then aflcr thit inter lude the onu laun i knew w is magne carta habeas coi pus ind in flagranti delicto none of ihest hue eomt up in mv i 1i111 diss so in ii i hiu lo kuh hit slulf ahul ill i e in do is hull tin se ii on tin leildi 1 nilic ol the slu dints anil ittttitus on i lit whole ii ivi 1 qn ilil if m n iboul is k ndti is ih it ol uk i mptioi no uk unitistv isirawline with it ithtts in iht milium 1 1ik all look ti seiious hul 1 hae a linking suspicion hi it most ul the men at ni rale are lakmg some sorl of spetul course suit h lor iht pin post ol ltnmii u w i fiom then lamilits fur 1 jew wevks ap ifciutble ihoughl petap b u l fundamental sound there s nothing urong jtwith leaving a woman lo eope ilnne wilh ihe house and child un for 1 ew wttks nothing lint 1 session in ihe boob hatch t in l tuit il s funn when 1 went home for m litsl weekend 1 thought m wilt would ik i istinittd h un lilm the dolls in iht tl iss im timetable whith lits mt ifleiiukiiis off uul ill tint siutf she wasn i nm m uixsied sht iisl gie me 1 hard luui aud it h iht ddi i 2 miss i speighls 111 lo dr t rs ii hnl 1 box ski iu i 11 sak s back in 1940 tnkiii fnim ihe imiie uf ihe free ivcih f thursday july 29 1940 oihulilitlon pi ins were luin muueil 1 1 1 it 1 1 111 on monday foi iln ugish iiion tlm 1 will lake phut in i hindi lot eurvune vt 1 ri vt ins ol nm un wink will ill hi loin l tulimkiiv woik is lit i s 1n11 th like to i li 11 in linnu itonl if 1111 1 m htlp pk ist luind in vuiu inim in m t i ualherland inunitipil ibik c xitiillloi w j oakis w tt iln wiiiiui siiiuiiliiv night i 1 un ililliii w 11 sitting eei hiu ik in iht auim business nuns wteklv euritim tin hluek on willow si w picked when th th m look pi tee winntis i jl p is wue mis akx f iipps mis i miailhui nurmi k ml arijiis ihompsun mis w m mii min i wlllong i m i ii wiikms imikiuaii in m i annie lliompsoti ih mini itr look pi m iikl l 1 hi home ol mi uul mis ki hi mtdoihii mi on sum lv wtin miiim mihel i iim luyhltr ol mi mil mis j mi ii plmiii i 1 m im nm ih hi uli 1 mr 1 111 si willi mi sm 1 1 a 1 n a 1 n mlisltil this u k- itisltr j tin ihlions nil in alkinv 11 u sliw w hi id otis w ik f t mos i mt ifll i lui i 11 h of mis month 11 i i ind lit v miiu ml w in l iv i 11 11 mik hll ki tun oi w r a v iv u liiilni tu tun shower wiv l 1 1 ih h mi ol mt- i m mi u n i i hm h si f esln i 1 r v thii m in i v ii 1i1 i 1 swim earn p j 1 1 a lor i uk under ihe 1 mf ilirtt ihv irnplcled i i ji k teightiiri i k uefj il i i kenneth a i mv n i mk is an j rtl iiius were 11 i i i i i iiil sudden p m i j ir runvlm f r rn k l 1 n ji ihe h me ki k i in i i i w jnivhiv iv h 1 ii id hi h br i 1 in ii txi ii r i the st jrt f i i i tr b j repair it 1 s 1 lw h n a ion 1 h v 1 11 i bi r professional directory and travellers guide flnhtai directors mfdical dr w g c kenney phvsicnn and surgeon office in symu dl ck a mill st f acun office phone 7h resilience iis church st e phone 110 dr d a garrett phis cion and su geon corner f w llov and r ver umfeu noemakcr dodging round the district b y roy downs listing all the troubles shed hid duttng ihe week however i cheered her up while sht w is donil mv liundiv i itt tndav night 1 s u hurt toiling oil with 1 lon drink and e died mkitstmg link inec doles iboul sumnur sthixjl to he 1 is slu filled ihi tubs pnttv soon sht eeised toinpl lining il i ilalhtt mil st ilktd olf lo bed pausing onlv to observe in mt 1 suixd icims ilnl sht it lust fi p ninds m iht hsl week il w is ditfeunl wilh tht kids though thev wue di hthltd lo sie nu ind goi huge huls ind kisses thev lis lined enlhrilkd lo mv 1 1 in lit i iks of summer school foi ibout tour minutes be lore sliding oul of ht room entnncc rtv acton onl thonv 23h pvnn 699 n ght or dar bruce e shoemaker mgr a ctionefring dr robert u buckner phiscian and surgeon 39 wcllinjtlon st act n ont pt one 69 office hours 6 ft p m afternoons by appointment reai estatf and inhurantf f l wright 20 w lour st ack n on trio phone 9 appntser reil estale and iniunnce c h tuffin cyieed aucl ni eden m u dfntal into iht uido brampton i knmid this week of a real wedding spetul hiv it ul ftiin here aetoulin to hit times ind const rv it ir a p ik il1 di 1 1 with the photili iphu will ive tht bride t 1 tret ilhum wi h ippr ivini iklv 12 phnlogt iphtrs m it just whil t new bridt vi u kl ilt wilh p photon iphtrs tsnpe us oh well i suppose i cmt ex pttl ihem in rt ihe whit i m toing thnmeh here in ihi torrid tilv while lluv snort 1 round m ihi e ol n nih t ninlrv uhv somi jivmimiiki i don t rnllv if tu noon nip and i dr h leib denial surgeon office comer m m and frederick strtet off ce houn b appo ntment teljphonf 19 dr a j buchanan dental surgim offce 1a mill street office hours 9 am lo t pin closed wednesday afternoon telephone 146 opthal and hfarino aids e l buchnfr ro o n olr a ind if i nj aitk 4 t s f ph nn us off re h irs w rt d 01 2 0 600 p m f 1 ius i 1 appi 1 n ment robert r hamilton optometrist fits fxam ned t iws fted 60 mi n s v n tretiwn ont 10 i ofrt h i pp 6 pm mm tn frt n ngs hi apt intmmt c md sti rd y itmen pleaw phone th 73971 1 ton in s itttii will upla up i the ix pull musie il lhiit stssion reeve an dtsnnhnc si move it ton nio ind deputi rttvi larv in mianvihik tuuntillor john th irllun mons 11 ind cilm roberts who polled ihi most v iis indtdiks in tht detcmbef tkttt n 1 ikes iht di ihi ukilv lo iik turn nikks io tin urt 11 mid mvii m ik evi however mint dimillis imm in i inn inlk ndi lfoal orwcfmlle ovtrhtad phone wirvs will disapr em when iht bell telephone s j 2 000 000 tiinslnielior dill stimie tets mk thi hnis will be i -we- t new special at fair of 10 for painting a nm pri iiltin will be utiu c f leatherland qc barrister x solicitor notary public offce hours 1000 am 1200 pm 1 00 pm soo pm saturdiys bv appointmeni onlv oh ce 22 phone res 151 acton the acton free press fubliibed by the mils printing and publuunt co ltd founded in 187 and published cvrn thurselav at 54 willow st atton ontario member of the audit bureau ot tttvulatiuns ihe cwaa and ihe oniartooucbev division of the cva na advertlsinstates on request substructions navabk in advance 5700 in canada s4x0 in the lnileet states six months si 75 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail pom otriex depart nunt ottawa the ont paper ever pubttsbed tn acton g a dilk editor inchief david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 600 acton ftaa bl rl to tht chamber of com mere e ind i minor itv nip tit pi 1 1 mtith in is aa sarthtng or ihe loieliest lrl in bulling 11 tun it sht hi- 1 tome from elsewhere in halloo or pitt coun s cjucss here weren i enough pttllv pals m cnnadi s largest lown tht otnlzers of the miss burlington tontest extended iht bound ir of their tontesi to tloe to torynto s border fill fiir tw the alton nihi s h h i thi mnuil award will be tiji tht best tnirv in a spiei il t tttpirv ind ihis will he 1 rt iittrtl nih it ir bv night hex hor offle miroifuetion of ihe prii minis irt to be oil p nnt ines tl in hv am iieurs anv sit will be kitpled but thi vv rk must he nipimt ihn is no t topv f mother s vioik no mliv ti or membership tiek is jii required i enttr ind hill will he 1 pt ilissionil lllltta thi niht sthool insiiiulid the prm i sitmulitc tntcrrt tn tht tjics iml expects to ernnge the tategon lo that of another populir tnfl mother vcar with the high pnr monev fair r j offitials art counting on a large his portion he takes over the pom formerly hdd by jim mccultough entry gforgetown tht publn got a look at gokarts at iht new private north halton kan club irack south of lamehouse on thi fifth line an open hou ind rues were held to kl the people see what goes on behind the tlosed gitc slmmfr shorts the summer craze for shorn and sporis shirls in evident in brampton and oakvillc at qikulk one h lei s waiters donned bermudas and the editor of tht oikulletri f dgar journal warned his cmplovees thc might be fired if thev tame to work in ties whereas shorts would bejust fine over in brampton salesmen al a ear lot bared their knees for special alc it might work here brampton h g nom has been naiacd peel countv new itntulrural representative and brag eight years of experience a braida bjv iirr ter solicitor notary public 173 mam si s aetoti ont phorw 576 office houn 6 pm 9 pm 1pm 9 pm saturdays 15 cork sl e guelph ta 4 2242 office hours 9 m 1 pm saturday j 0 am 12 am hastings payne barrister and solicitor notaries public 1a mu1 sl acton tf appoutinent call ml auditing accounting lever hoskin chirtored aceountonta m main st n 212 king st w brjmptt n t ironto 1 phones gl 1 4824 em 4 9131 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leavf acton dai light saving time kant bound fill am 1 daly except sim and hi kvlim 11 33 1 tn 2 08 p m p m tsun and hot westbound 107 am- 12 57 p nu 2 57 pm 51 pm 727 pm 9 13 pm 1132 1am fn sal sun and canadian national railways standard time eaatbound daily except sunday 14 am daily except sundays b 12 am flakstopi 714 pjn sunday only fl 01 pm daily except sundar fir- er al geonjet u7 p m daily flyer at gconjetown 1006 pjn w roy riddrl d c pilmer soecrfic chimpractor 17 millstel phone 40 ryftec hour tuc a thurs 2 pm 6 pm sat 10 am 1 pm t daily 1129 ajn daily except unday ftjo mm 644 pjn aturdiy only 1je3 pm sunday only bob ajn fltcstop sunday only flyer at guelph im pm daily except sat and sun ml

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