Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1960, p. 3

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halton has ttpfarm accidents counts six of ontarios fatals staff photo gouoino throuoh fields a four foot deep trench from highway 25 to the main st south spring being dug for the installation of a new power line it will carry hydro power to the pumps at the sprirtg and replaces overhead wires mansell nellis has the trenching contract rmtlbffitiiiiii iiih iiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiwiimtillllmiimiiilliilllhihiil w i i wawtrtwmj bauinafad meeting at belwood cottage camp award visits in news mrs r j shottill was hostess fur the july meeting of the even ing auxiliary the president op ened ihc meeting with hymn 260 devotional was taken from ro mans i t 7 a sermon by rev j a davidson relative to christ s servant was read mrs mike noilun read a papei on temper anec it was decided to send used clothing to the fred victor mis sum in toronto mrs leo jamie- son showed pictures on india where children have been aided bv unicef members arc now more aw ire how much is gained by doniiiuns- and also how deep the need is for help the hostess was assisted by mrs rav swin dlehuisl ind mis jesse mcenery meeting at cottage the wa held their julv meet me it the cottage of dr and mrs reitl at belwood the muting opened wtth the theme sung cried and the lords pravcr in unison the president mrv t given presiding mrs george edmunds wus in charge of the devotional tht theme being children ol lieht roll call wis nnsweied bv vour liumtc htibbv items of bustiuss were tic tit with it was dialled to iorwird enough moniv to finish paving tot the new oigin in the ehurch mrs robeil mcentrv in chuiitc of the program gave a reading und two contests supper in tent all sil down 1o ti luick sup pel umk i a bit tinl uhieh dr rtild l pin up iittit iveiviiiii tiuvcd it aftet the piesident hud th mked di and mis reid for the lovclv ul it moon spent with them the meeting elosed with the mipah benediction july wedding mi md mrs d i id me lne i intended the wuldine til miss calhetiiie llliutl itid mt win mehiiili mis milinr bunt i bridtsinuid miss beth mcenery left last week for a holiday in tennessee visiting at the homes of her un clcs mr joe and ross dampicr mr and mrs smith of st catharines visited with the lat tcr s parents mr and mrs dave burton us visitors visitors with mr and mrs donald mclean last week were mrs nona gorton redd city michigan mr and mrs bud quifcnbcrry and family of oke muf michigan mr and mrs c m beswlek mr and mrs wm dick of hamilton mt and mrs bud snow anil lamilv spent sunday with and mrs einic wanless ut afcin camp award all in snow enoved i week u humbet glen c imp bolton tin boys ot his tahin pi lecd seeond in lenenl pruliticncy two misfortunes miss dot tin smith hid the misfortune to hivt hei let huit while on i li iv ndc i e it side swiped ihun we trust she will soon be better we kun mi- maunee bakei is eonhned to bed lot i lew weeks with a eratked dise in hir b tek iiiatrjaiatvjruta tjni a 4h club girls receive silver forks from wi limehousc women s institute held their july mcttint in ihc memorial hall with mrs ruugh ley presiding 12 members five visitors and nine 4h girls were present the meeting opened with o canada followed by the marv stewait collet i roll t ill whs answered bv when and how i use eheddar cheese altct several hems ol business were diseitssed mrs gisbv eon venci ol ignculture and canad lan industries look over he meil inc it is aluays a pleasure to hie the 4h club ljiis uieiid and tiki part in the pniliiuii sc milk dishes mrs kukpatritk eomenu ol hislork reatt- title on imshing vill iee mini ins mrs beit benton tae a torn meiilan on milk loi die ion ileseent showine iiiiuus vvivs ol serxmg attractive milk dislns the club girls books wen ilsu on display current emts win will t iken by he ilher ci tike the i idles were favoied wilh u i in dam solos by di im t ustt i who plavs remark ibl vmll i n this sundays church calendar inited church of canada acton ontario kv duttfil enml da minister mr gvirgr ell i h oikanikt und choir master sun da jul 4th 19w tmrvicw in lh mcji tl is h ni miiniinj worship childrt l und r ream ctmd t i in fit mier presbyterian church in canada knox church acton ry i i inicthinmwmrannnnwrti- christian reformed church rev j nuunaba bd minwier 301 queen st box 46 phone 698 sunday july 24th 10co 10 00 a m enfllsh 2 30 pm dutch the church of the back to ood hour one so oune and i lovclv viki1 duel hv biltv ann md m uv lou brown mis bert benton eave thi motto peace ot the woi lei depends on health whieh was well piepired and tniuvtd forks for 13 it is the euslom il this meet inj to plisml e ilh 4 11 ilub tl complilinj i ploeel with a sil ei link the ptisnit ilions wm mule b mrs sinlutd who eonei itul ted oil liik h in ill on imish int tint pmieil siviiil wi tnusl not i licit th il some ol the ucdil is due to l lie 11 leadcis mis kirk p itiiek md mis gtsbv thi nc closed with ihi joitii lunch which eielvolll ilumeit- w is pip tied uul scivcd b thi john e moles gets hydro job a rum s lies dcp it iniuil h is bun sil up h on i in hwlio io issist i unlets in in ikiril the besl possible use ol cliiliiiitv tti l lie 11 hum opii it ons m in ite t il the depiiiinn l is j h i i molis well kiivwi i id uul iv pu sun ihlv win loi tin p isl i iui i is s p din ol c t utv cikndir cbc l s sund iv il leiniki i umk p il n i i i iws and opinion mi m lis bin ls h s n w i ih vi us i ixpeiunii in i i n su vice bom in c ilinw ki he ilk ink i rutin colli p i i l he out in aliiuiiiiii d collet it uelph hi w is linn im ol uilph iiikiiiiliuiil i usl k u ilejiik le i i hi wiii m illicit nel m loo s m iwi t qv7 ihd i isl tu h id v iikiusiespo isibl s ile nisrii ns ihi kid mil i inn equipment continued from ptiqt on und stepping on objceis jl each fatalities were registered with two each under lire and explo sion swimming and drowning take no action on centralizing twp schools all incmbets ol liamosj town fclnp council wcte present for the juiy meeting in koekwood with reeve j uakes in ihc chan by hws of mleicsl to ihe com munily weic passed as follows lu regulate gaihige dump ih the ill iee ind to provide lor i penally ol nol more than jvw ex elusive of costs lor ins peison usiiil ihe rockwood girbate dump except ihe trustees or the illile oi lheit uilhoricd agent bv 1 iw to provide toi ihc p i rr cut ot i bonus lor the erection of win lenees in the township anv fence on which a bonus is claimed musl hac the appro il ol the t oid superintendent as to its loc ilion belorc such a fence is elected a bv law to prohibit md tcgulalc the running at laree ol dots in ihe township a bv law to aulhoiie the execution of tonvcv inee from ihc torpor i lion of tht township to j d menihh motions p isstd is follows thil no nttion be liken in rcgird 10 the mailer of piocccding to centnli7ition according to l hi wile in thi different subst uions tune 20 is broicliid in i letkr 1 1 nm i hi f r imosa tow nship school bond thit nichlinede biolhits be incucd io sprn township ind t mnlv rouls foi wtids il 4 per milt plus milciial i no somi biush sprived under tht dneelion ol the loid supeiin ti nek nl a supplcmenl irv expendiltue b i iw in tht imount ol 14 s00 w u read thi thud time ind pis sicl subiecl to ihc ippro d of department of highws 10 girls pass st john course ten l pissed then si john aiubuhmc couisc lesls on ved ilesdiv ol last week ind wilt le uiu llicll pinior eerlifieatts the lis who ail ciirl guides will en t guide me ill b idge s is ii is mash patches horn ihc st john brifcadc then examine r was w ill ict hitkclt of guclph sunennttn- dtnt of the dntsion there and a quilihcd senior instructor successful tuls were made one duw elizabeth ann fryer mary cusehow mueeti i itnbv k ireii pi i kins m nc ire t o rourke lit in i will ice g iv white iniee woodbuin and smdra slinlei land in il wh i i xik tht louisi t iw i in hohdas and will be e inimcil lalct t in id i s lirst subseriplion lihrin was isiahlished it qui bit cit in 1779 whin i tittup ol ollitirs ind merchants sel up a 2 000book library one each bums and motor c hides accident caiwct in the section on causes ot ac ciiknts ihc following ire the re poi ts unclassified 14 slipperv rurliiees 13 loss ol balance 12 frightened animal not apoitcil and poor driving 7 eath tixine oi moving vehicle and repot led unknown 6 e ich explosion 5 misjudemcnt and winng 1 each hck of guards worn puts ix icssive speed hltet daikiless ighining and lmnohi itoi ruline on machine 2 each ind cutiosii flood spuks standing too close nooi visibility uticomicd holts slipping axe spilled fuel tntxpei leticc lick of pnipei niiikmes ocihealcd taull chimnev wi ik flours and steps and inidcqiiale supxnls 1 c ich the causes ot fal il kcidiiils included two unci issilnd oik unknown one loss ol bal nice one explosion ind one eeessic speed associated activities assotialcd ic ii wiles liuies show these rcpoi is motoiiiil 16 children it pi iv is no cornice ed actmlv ii held work 10 he stock chons 10 house wotk and bain woik 8 each icciciliun md walking on farm etch misccl lancuus and machine icputint 3 each bicyclmc consltucliun bush wurk and elc innig up rub bish 2 each ind nol lepoitcd udinc horses mowue niichuics and attending school i c ich the children it pla ultwly showed three f it ds while two were shown undci ictic it ion ind onenndir no tonncelcd aetivtlv the motoi vehicle imuhed it self in the biggest poilion of ic ports under equipment inwitwd figuns show these n potts me- toi c u 11 it lelor 7 truek s iwf cr lork luldci ol sc illokl ikiee e ich others when one if two in uk ills were lepoi tcfncluded it icloi ill iwn ill intre spic uki side tike ill im di iwn bv it ic lor eiicular saw milkn powti saw space he ileis dull f in train tnndir bale ek hot bikt horse bull hog ram dog c il bees uul wisps bills t dirts lices brush pre ssiue look n sloes window hot w ilet t is hi all r b il f el wieneh ic nail bckird dixit wixxls box uul it ink twmu nine repoits in oled no cquiptmtit thin i il lis wcie shown whetc iheic was no equipment itnolv cd while one each invoked spat he iters trucks and hoi wnu haltiin ilso hid 100 itpuils ol wind d un igc mil ol onlinos 64 wind damate loi died 14 423 second only to i 1s929 ti- l il in wtnlwoith county which icpoited 50 t iscs ol wind dam age copies ol the lepoils tie iv ill iblc i rum tht i xtcnsion bi inch on i a no depailmctit ol ay mi i lure milton health unit reports chicken pox hits 13 june icport of h illon tountx he illh unit showed 13 i ises ol chicken pox icporkd tu ihe ounlv sivtir eases of measles live t ists of mumps md one lit li no polio lasts tepoilcd notice dr leib w ii be assisted by or s nabeta in the pracl ce of dentistry commencing thursday july 21 1960 fredet ck and mil strecl office hours monday to saturday by appomlment mrs leaman thomson passes on hobdays riitiids weic shockcd to hear ol the sudden passing ol mi s leamati thomson al satill stc vl on llospilal early sundav mor unit ti wi on hohjns when mis thomson look sudilmlv ill swupuln is extended to mi i hoiuson ind re i itnes weekend vim ors wilh ml hid mis chirhe hount iln mil i mi il win miss m uv i ouni un 1 i nilo mi and mis duk t nil nd i innh alliton mis john alluil uul miss jul nic 1 veil ktoiupimid mis in i bhiklotk ol lotom md wsilcd icecntlv wtth mi md mis jisle miliiuv uul mis dtmpici uultinil id mil mis annie v in n t ii m nd mis m iititil tih veil all n suihi v wsiiois willi mi mil vhs led jcsim piisv ml n mi wen m mil mis al wink oustle mt hid mis iln ld me kie 111 i i llllllv i lot l m lllll mis ii iiiv an us 1 notlto sun i i visili s wi it mis j i n all in md m ss jmiiie mill wm mi ml mis kobui pun i di inc ind kwjnv auu mi mii mts albeit alton md 1 in uilph mi ind mis joe pluski mil ton wsilid on sund iv wilh mi ind mis hitvev jtstm ind bob mil mis t d micuttheon mis ci mute hoi top rkk wood visiinl on sund i with his biolliu i iiiv ind limih misses 1 ilium uul m ir hind kv hillsbing spun 1 ist week wilh the lr u indpattiits mt atul mrs riv hindltv slugs anyone yesterday the busiest day of the week free press printers kept taking lime off tu admire the newest machine in a plant already full of machinery an 11 rod strip caster many nun hours of tedious work are over with lis arrival it automatic ally anil efficiently makes leads slugs and base material and if you really want io know what thai means drop in and have a look it was installed by jim mc giachie of the ludlow typo- graph co toronto a brother of jack mcgcachle the acton free press thursday july 2 1 si 1960 mrs agar wms hostess ministers wife introduced the julv meeting ol ihc united hutch women s mksioimiv so ciety wis held in the evening of july 12 al the hume of mis ago wnh 21 piesuil mis d i ngcl ihc new ministers wile was in lioduted to ihost pruseiu mis l m ison picsitliiig in tin ihsuiei ol mts h r torn iln niiilint ope hid wilh e ill to wi i ship hi singing ol livuin 24v mil pi ivei al lei ihi mi uiles wut ii nl mil adopl d mis j i uulhti give the titisuius it poit mis ck ivt npoiltd on com tniiulv fiimlship with 27 visits in nit miss m m iinpnc u ive lie litu uuie icpoil loi mis one m s ilelki pined i loveh welcome to mrs fngel the meet ing closed wilh llit mirpah bene- dlcliou mis m ison mil hit gioup serv i lea and ciuvotie enjoyed a hi il h ill hour put olo card for mrs movval allcl the i ill l ill wis llklll i nil w is slum in ive vim lot mis bui m w it who w is it iln hospii il mis i tilt m phillips suit io ihc loid is m shtplmd n unnpiniid bv mis pukttl who w is pi misi i n ihe tuning mis a shixmiktt upitledon hit sick mil sluil ins thi of limit u ls itcuvcd followed by in inn 3s4 disturbed congo miss m m itnpi ie look ihi studv kssoii aim i distuibtd on tht conto mts a shouiiiiku iiki i loitlv pun inntkd ihe we ivtt miss 1 phillips favoi id wilh inolhtr solo lit miss m be mill i th mktil the hosttss and caw a veiy wum acton dry cleaners will be on holidays august 1stt0 6th harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour sarvks mfow insi iuik will im iu llit bi pnrlv ncuiihi itlnss hiil a gikjtl iiiir dii hne hill limlinbr yull hul oillv nine mvls robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists hiimcrlv r p llmd phone oueiph ta 42071 5b si gflorgi squar c july 22 23 frl sat starling 7 00 pin in culoi md cineiii iseope the sad horse st u i ing david ladd i chill wills a ho his dog mil hotse also son of robin hood st u i nit al hedison june laverick mallncc 2 pin saturday july 25 26 mon tu starting 7 00 cash mccall natalie wood uul ih il m mink m in james garner july 27 30 wad sal slurllii 7 00 in col or toby tyler nil show icm iiil wilol i iamily with mil stubbs sindw jvl li lwio 9iv n hvirh vh v 1100 n mninc wvsh 00 m n jm tom w k v it mtk 11 acton kntfcostal tabew4acu 33 churchui road paoc brv kcnatti j rrid pamor 73 cook st phone 64b w sunday july 24ui 1860 10 00 am sunday school i i s i i i tin km il iindim n iw in ivs 111 ilk k up litntlll illh llhl mill ihint m kit as nuiueer il the i um sites ixpiiliinni mt m ks mil j veliip j well itiundid mi il pu no i lion pnti mi i t oi un hvdi s ittn i uul hi it m ie i iroo a i mmni wuish 30 p ni ev angrlixtic todv 8 pne pravcr will bible studv thurvdx 8 p m christ ambassi dors oa are ala welcome i the church of st ahan jhijamty anglican rector the kc h b slokrvel lth stb 185 jcffrcv sl phone 3ss mm1m jcts th 1w tic tixtti sundaa attrr tr iv tv 630 ajn holy euohanul 9x1 a m 4iolv euoharurt 1100 jn mattins nllawk crnil monday jul s few of sc james iao0 ajn holy euojianst all an wdcooatf 1aptist church acton tunda juta 2ith 1960 s4i ajn sunday sdvoit 11 00 am mixes bv ttv n oun of god 00 pm- t bilariu of a trulj conerted man the pastor will preach at both services wednesday 7 45 pjn service for praver bible study and wrt- jofvs ctooer praotaoe ah an wekama ciimm b summer dresses come see oue exciting collection al onit 488 allantsl oppofth pott ohka ciltone satin cll paints stack up as the finest paints you can use and now you can buy these famous cil paints at our convenient paint headquarters we are proud that our service to you now includes these nationally known products were here to help you whenever yon have a paintmfe need or problem our complete c i l color service is always available to you call us today we re headquarters for the premium paints at regular prices by tenpr0 distributors limited 126 main st n acton phone 519

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