Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1960, p. 4

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parents pointers helped the unior fishermen entered in the orenda recreation club s annual fish derby held saturday at the perk about 50 attended to enoy perfect weather good swimming free food and of course fishing st john ambuldnce brigade was on duty tyyjffwws fefl ww 5j1iff v t merchants show wares in masterful 126 victory campbellvillts league leading merchant dunonxtiatid whv they are al tin top of the slvtn team hallun county inicrmedi ik baseball loop with a 126 victory over acton here on saluidav cosily trrors along with a nsh of free tickets to first combined wtlh campbdlvilk s usiiul timih clutch hitting to put acton behind right from the first inning thi locals were never really in ionkn lion after the seventh when the visitors sported t 96 k id both goof the bobbles were not ail from the acton club houevei the lea guc lenders dlvvivs i mrong hit ting team hut onlv mcdiooc pir haps in the heldinl dipulmint committed a fu fnux pus ihem selves aeton storing seven on earned runs bruce hnmrllon third stnnji pitcher for the merthanls hut kd the route allowing acton sic si it tcred hits walking thru ind hil ting oni batter most irouhk hi was in came in ihi hotiom h ill of the third when errors pi od in id three alton runs youthful nuhthandir jifl fr er shared nitihinn duties wtih chuck jcel for acton thi v i tngcr slammed out ii htts from their offerings four of ihim for extra bases homer sweet homer al wimrrovc the visitors vcicr an catcher belted the onlv home run of the cimi ll eame in iht first inning with dredge and moore on hi b ises vulli hie passes md it tavc thi villain i 10 le id aeton replied with in untamed run in the boilom h ill andtr son u liking advancing i sttoiid as bob biuiis hud hit enund ball u is tumbled bv sttond s nktr si in hindu son ri i m n nl on 1 wnskv dint whuh the mheld elected to pla il in mi huuevei bin ilu hit ml i doubk phv whieh nipped ihi rul m tht bud an ciioi il sli n i ii st ail in inolhei mn in llie top of lull ol iht snond whin v ulv s dni was niullktl m million md hudee hil buk lobitk singles i s i f irlv moon wjlked md stan hindi rson pokd out an iher siktv to si mi h imill n md diuila anothu error l his nitii it second illowiil ihi mllatiis mothti run then f utth i the limine cnme in life again thi at ton ilub nviid tim ponnh in ihi thud hm t walk to anderson an error in ncht fuld off bob bum s dnu lownskv s bung hit bv a pitthtd bill and an error al fust scored three runs campbtllvillc added two more tuns in the foiuth howevci whin dredge doubled hindu son got n board with emus at third ind kit field anil wmgrovi sing lid the b ise lunncrs home but not bcfoie mother hobble b he ac ton hi w in light held lead oil battel chuck jewell pokd i single to stait lit seventh for acton ind it was followed h singles hum the bats ot mlcms ill and bum ihi lalh piodui td two tuns hut ilso fill aloul l the stiund campbilhilk double pi n the visilois pul it in i he hat m the i lhlh uith ihui mou tuns ufr two htts a w ilk ind in emit ofl sttond both inls ucnl f i cxli i bisis winejove s a tnplt md can us i mtid i double cimphilhilk rtckd off thut i ii i ret d ubli killing in hi ninth to smotliir ill ation hi pi i uihinc up r ii f cimp 140 201 010 12 11 at on 103 000 200 ft 6 ac tm anderson if robinsom rf bruce cf paul law son townsle 2b bairacer lb pete iiuwn ss barber if jewell n lindsqv c frver p mecnstill if juveniles rack up neat 3 to 7 victory against burlington there on saturday mm a the acton free press thursday july 21st i960 go down to defeat 82 in friday int rematch although burlington juve si third ft imi m t iki uk le id md strong voting southpaw moon duphe tied hit in l hi s struck oul 16 hitteis alton juv dim hnil t il enllt s tdted buihnijon i in i ra raitfn well plaved game in tin i iktsboit i burlington town saluulu ihn urn in i lie in lighl toniisi thi aeton e tub spot lid builme with bill sh inn in on ihe atton ton one run in tht hisi inning mound thiowin i six hitter it be fori tit m u up in i in snond limn sh inn l kipt his hits will on an unt mud tun lluv pin iwo m nuul wink iln ailin haturs hits logtlbti lui i urn in itu h irilnl ml im s ik ins lt in tht in in league seven buffalo bisons down full montreal squad 163 buffalo bisons using t nl sei n pumts wallopttl moult i al r vals lvl in minor sports intii national k igut 11 turn m nd iv evening while roehestci w is eool ing out toronto m ipk i ids f 12 thsbis ns wuh rid ml pit h ing ifcuuwid iht rov lis twi tuns in the lirst mil i snijli ti tin second inning and ihm v i imped down through ilu nct he n nings with a wbiii wash mi an whik ihev win tinning ii iim runs in the hri one in ihe ihn t fur in thi tinimh i put n lb filth nd thiw mite in ilu s ih fversane on ihi butljk tt un scored twin whili kilttll tulpxit his pihhing eause wuh itmr runs let tuiks uul seju ik s i mont it its iim- toik tin ilki 1 1 pikhing chores toi ibtm ttams m mn il lit lb turk p hut hil b h 1 dunk 7 n kll s sewi lh sqmik ii mil loi cl bull ilo rtlioll lb mison h sholtis 2h htikimpi mort n t riddill p hitrin rt i i ni v ik jinks minjhb uk dlut ro ooohv r kbisui fisbtr lb ruwn s ii inns p otktnikn 1 idkfei kilh s litnh it m kill r of ft lings of mekirt in fine ft hie ne marsh ill dennis itriv wi bill ihi al tun hit sport shorts looks like a big gimt m the local soflball circuit lomghl perennial tivals since ihcv si irt td plaving bnombatl the bind meets the firemen in whit eould shape up is a rev gritdfet m itch tiremen look the b imlsmcn in broomball hst wtnlei but in then fust sol thill tneounlti the band tooled home wuh 17 10 vietoiv onlv x llukt siv the hose mil liddir eitw tluusdn nithl wc ii pmu ii the softball league is shap ing up into a four team race for the marbles dominion ho tel s entry the band firemen and junior farmers are all contenders for first place the legion and station hotel pea sants have not as yet started to come out of their slump but anything can happen before the season s over stilton hotel has borne ihe biunl ol two lopsided scoics this week and il liniks like dude i mil siy has been tht goat in boih in stances clavton was shelled from the mound in the inst m counlci but our spies lell us he wis cicn illle suppoil on the field dropping two games this week the baseball intermed lates are edging closer to ellm inatlon unless they can win a bigger percentage or their re maining games milton ihe team the locals must head in the standings has a 500 mark now nine wins as against as many losses while the merch ants have chalked up six vie lories against ii defeats holidavs alwavs seem to eiil i swath in btneh stunih it this time ol tht iar tor all inltimid laic te ims mivbe tht schedule iramers should like llus inu consideration whin ihcv ait drawing il up t ith bischall st i son acton farts would like to get a glimpse of lynn mclaren on the hill in a home game dude lynn played with the ah stars and the former london major hurler has been impressive in his brief appearances this sea son john cunningham always a slow starter has also been a fine relief pitcher this semes- mccn- hinged i en inn int toniisi minuet rn llmd mis iles v pr use ol the a m met illint i nd e u ere loud m i in i in l lull s pelll till ii he i ill ills ac urn j iiaihtilmd b mi cusiill t misaks d ihhns w m itshill t wilerh i m d ruddle k b sh uinun b pi n builuifcti n tilson m khi hit find whdk skinmi hu sink gutt haggtrts ibs n r titled to three hu nine strike out pitching ille oiks john ihoinps men hun is unit down lo in 2 ilclc il in in ibbuvi hid sicu in nmg nightt ip trid iv tuning in ihe oikvilk b indbox ottcinalh hedukd loi wtilmwhv hit game u is postponed until tiul i bei lose ol i un oaks wnlloptd stilling pitcher bein doic ol the much nils fot time hits uul live tuns in the lust inning md ik lied itnci more is uhiih tniluilid home inn i two i tins in tht second rtghl nilii john cunnmnh mi w is ni in to sum i hi luk whith lit lid tlltelivih hmilnil oikvilk i litis lo llkl bui llie dun ici w is done no sale louldni huv i in oil thompson until the loin ih h um whm p ml laws in pi lid i tmnii un ovir ihe win nnsli lenie en losing the oikvilk ch uiioiul tluv seoiid again tn iht sixth h ti icv billions iwo b isi it id oft blow i esuhinjj in j i ills n sueceechnl pul mils rulsh m ind kcnticdv iiitud he big limbct loi tht oiks c ich lib iwo hits in ihui tups lo tht pi hi rttlshiws second inntng ppe it mec s iw him hilt out i wo mil home l rut acton 000 101 02 1 2 oikvilk s20 100 t8 8 0 ac ion aiuktson tf bum cl piul liwson lb t jwnslt t ptti i iwson ss mitnth lb lindsiv if micustill 2h but i 2b don p ciinnimjum p eden mills lads in playdowns a tarn conip scd ol pi i e i horn milton s pom bast bill it imi phved in cdin mills lis lluirsdav night ind w is dcleatn 2 14 the gimt w is a nluin ir gititient of tin one which vv i placdin mitton on tht previous saturday whan milton swirmed to a 39 19 utor il is iht fusi umi edtn mills has even bien itpresenttd in lb histbill wot kl mil ihi pet wee te im i igt s tolois pla downs most i the juv btnlmij m ull i vil the onlirii most valuable player n the brantford separate school base ball league was michael boughton 14 who moved to glenlea last march he went back to brantford lo accept the silver trophy he won for the second year in success on afop the league firemen drown hotel 200 most onesided contest yet most valuable player award for m boughton when l4viiild mlchiiel bough ion moved to acton irom biuniloid in maich ihis vc ir he looked tin ward lo plnvmg hntr- bull heie wilh minor leiigiie leums fond of hoektv md bus ketball mithatl still lold his tlnssimilts ni l hi m binmu ichool wbcic he enrolled in gnuk eight i hul basibill was his fusi love a pttehei md tilililv mrnldit he caught i spoi on the aclon bun i n ni all suns this spring pi iv ing thud bust umi on iht mound in bi inlfoid he pi ivid in the seven itiim si pit he school base hull it iguc whcie i4s btivs tike pari llsicmid in t isv sttp from tht brmitord team lo ihe b mtims heie ind miehicl loigol all ihout his ahna 111 itci butkkipiu hudn l lorgoltin hi m lor tht sttond vt ir in i row mithncl wis chosen i hi most valuable pluyei of thi stpinitt sthihil inguc ind pusmiitl with lltt p j ii iivev nophv ii i sin pnst pusint it ion in bi 111 moid com hi t it it hi i s md umpire s eh se mull nl loi ihi honoi tin son of mi mil mis john bnughion 140 oi villi road muh i i h is iwo hi hhcrs ind i sister knilhu hum pi is tot the pee wu all si us inn a sit one ixpoinnl or tin u im iippottnig tin pikhci ihn mike in win muhiul ins his hopes mi hi s mn d i piiching in the cmoi inu itoiitik k igut poss blv fot diitlph his f ivonti big ingui tc un milwaukee brives ptovctl lo he milk cikki punicisas tht while washcdlilou holtl 2u0 ihuis d iv iiiliii in the most om sidtd dttktd oul in ihui iitw swe us tin pi is mis louldni lo thing with ihe pitilung til fi ii tluv t 1 lo thud in the lul thil ilo- ihiv line tht hie me p mn lint ml i mis iv uul his ill il i t ill i nb ii issing b ici uk n i thi hi iliteu in t kw v me inwhilt wtn hiis i ii dudi success ti b cir s shrink il eti out iimdsmci ilks ihi tivc luns in the first inning two in ihe ihnd seven in lite louith si in the fifth ihil wis the lilk ftcd archibald helped his tmii c iuse by hit i my a home mn will ovu the light hekkrs lit id ii i hi six ion f 1 1 iii inning i ut hi h ul nothing lo k u onk mm ol the peas mis kfl lor i in her places ind most ol iht m vvcic sliandcd on i he in si sck st ilim ii ml pcismts a olii ii i t iilkltr ih ciitill ss p i indsiv p biutc cl miktp hr 2h ltl iitst lb commndi ii 1 n ilm i rmmm mictisiall pink out nntll doilds putt tiwiiskv spit huge i riicll ii ilmes kra pek duv il anderson williams f aiehibild bin still came lluxiuch v in number ihis vear due to mov es ind holulns ind there is lots ol room through the week lor dc voices of thi e unc aside to the parks board baseball fans would sure ap preciate a spot to sit during games this has been one of the complaints directed against the park bv visitors from other centres they are ardent boost ers aside from the inconven ience of having to sit on ihe grass photography wfdding aibums chi1d studifs tamily portraits passport iss commfrciai j g h stevenson phon 326 acton red wines flying the rexhcsui 1 rot i pm saw the red wings mn up tn earlv lead but this had ti appk themsctve with itrurnunjiki i when iht i ials platiil m fourth inning runs to mnw within one run ol dtatllodiin thi n three runs in the tilth h um ed it up 1 r the wings holmes was trxtlucd wuh tlx tn lacing 2t baturs m fie mmng both teams two in the first innmg hul r chester plated three in thi moii1 while the leafs taikxi to sw leafs chalked up thm in theu half of the third but am ibn were outscored when the wings notched four runs conn iht fourth and toronto staged i scs enrun ralh onh to sec n dissip ate as rochester turned foui ovtr private go kart club in esquesing opens the pnv he north hill m v k i t ti k ik sihiih ol lirmhous on i litth inn bis had its itti id piling with is speitu i in llcd lo watch ihe a-peut- win- illv ih irea will he closed ilu mivh uhiieil noise of kirt np is i onsideribh mu all s um hif mutrkrs sports scoreboard v now is the time to come to the aid of your home while the weather is fine reroof now well b glad lo we have all 3efore the cold est male your ob types of roofing roofing standard 8 19 sq 5eifseaung 898 so lata summer is the best time to paint whan your buildings are dry use the best it pays in thi long kun exterior white 845 gal istkkmrdiatx stanbisgh i p w l r a 4lul 1 ti t o r n v ci urtla e ariiwj 1 r 1 af on r viiiw 10 nn no rro r mptkfl ft permanent storm and screen doors keep house warmer n winter and cooler in summer e instau now wooden storm door 2200 insulate now and wve on fuel b lis next w nter youi home w ii be coofer n summer too see us for free estimates e insulation 5 sq ft 7c sq ft j b mackenzie son ltd 55 church st coal i lumber phone 48 ifw golf ra g0 practice driving devon ice cream soft drinks golfers supplies 1 mile east 25 highway where the base line crosses 401 hours 4 30 10 30 pm weekdays 1 00 10 30 p m saturday sunday and holidays for information phonemil t 86 tr 89229 jem drivein theatre directions the km is 12 j miles west ul ailun on no 7 hihw iv tull w iv helueen rock wood md jiielph turn kit al furbis j at ifji lo arnvi al ihe drntvln thurs fri july 21 22 man from gods country fteorue montgomery c lot cllletll lsloh wee jeannie vli i clkn ton merlin color ma pa kettle at waikiki sijdon july 2315 a hole in the head trank sinatra ojur cintmascopr fort massacre joel micrat tiswd july 2627 escape from san quentin johnny desmond all that heaven allows rock hudson jane wyman lucky licrnct nlmrjeft m4q prize this week safety week july 2430 make farm safety your habit every week of the year keep your farm accidentfree by following the rules of safe fanning next week s nat onal farm safety week set aide by naonjl safy counc to call attention to unnecessary hazards on the average farm azardi that you can el m nafe on your fa rn ace dents are cost y and the r cost may be your i e so dof tae chances clean up and f up youf bu id ngs and maen nes be careu r hrij ng an mats use ea cau on when wcli ng with elect c y keep your farm accidentfree this yeari th s adyeziement sponsored by ledgers iga

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