Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1960, p. 5

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personal notes of actonians visiting outoftown points and of visitors in acton homes m neil mcnab is a p in si joseph s hospital guclph miss darina smerck of toronto has been visiting m aclon with the ledgers mrs george graham is holiday ing with relatives it a cottage near new liskcard mr and mrs george barnes have returned from a motor irip from virginia this week mr and mrs far lambert joyed a picnic wilh their rimtlv at fruit land orr sundiv spending the weekend in town with relatives were mr and mrs roy j brown of toronto mr and mrs c douglas of j woodstock spent the weekend with mrs w douglas mill street friends are ghd mrs bert 1 j mowal is home again rceupera ting artcr being in hospilit in t toronto mrs william cnpps ind laughter peggy of flint miehi gan were visiting in town on the weekend little conine and gerry tim bcrs of milton art holidaying with their grandparents mr and mrs j frank mr george finney and mr reg finney of beamsvillc called at the home or mr and mrs jaek fiank on sunday mr and mrs john kozella of windsor visited with their nephew mr johnnie krapek and family the past week mr and mrs fred anderson enjoyed a motor trip to miehigan the past week visiting relatives in flint hale and oscoda george horton ol milton is at tending t teenage end detenu course at arnpnor this week and next representing hallon couniv while dr harold uih is on holidays dr s nabeta will be coming eip from enndale eieh duy to lake ovei his dental prat ticc here mrs james ralston was jn klrkland lake last week nttnd ng the funeral ol her uinl mis wallaec she also visitid hei sis ter at powass in mr and mrs w d robertson and mr and mrs david robert son of toronto were reeent usi tors with mr and mrs f ander si ad hmilv mr and mrs j povli ind mi joe slat of huntsville visited at the home of mr and mrs johnnie krapek on sunday and took i look around the town miss helen allan mrs murra scovne john and judv wiri vis itors lust week with the lattirs grandparents mi ind mrs stew art sunnt in ridge town miss baihara joan buxtir daughter ot mr ind mis harold baxter is takine the five ueek summer euui st in ph steal edtie i tion at the ual guetpr mrs doug ild kcnntd mrs george sonurvilk md missis marjurie hull miss annie akins and miss jcssu midngor wtttnd ed the annual womms insiiiuu holldn at tin oac mlph i isi week thi lulies mml l ik well planned v ii ition kitchen suite for newlyweds intended for list week mr and mrs ftoi tollon n honored in fdn mills hall ft i da eveiniig whin hands gather td to wish itutn wijl ilui ihur recent mainiiti 11k wu pie smled with i kitihtn miiu n behalf of the minmunitv dun ing and luiuh 1 llmvod mr and mrs 1 monwm of sudbur spent thi hi hdai with the littrv sisur mis mm wilson and mt wtlsmmr md mrs tirtl hulls md sn tm of moon h id spin lndiv 11 thi sanu hi hk mrs k sin i nsim hid ihre daughleis lilt toi tordon tiks da willi turn wn mis btl wnghi and son eu b tru thni girls will spout iht usi l ihi sumnur in tokvm visiting mr and mi miss bella mave roszell was holidaying last week in new york with miss dons wilson of tor onto who lived here previously this week miss roszell is at bruee bench and next week she goes on to muskoka with mr and mrs russell patterson and carol mrs f grant of chsgow scot land has come to cinida to make her hume with her daugh ter mrs boh fyers mr fovers ind family al r r 4 acton mrs gt ml left on june 30 on the sylvama and arrived on wednev dav julv 6 the free press wel conies her to this distnet holidaying for two weeks at hamilton area girl guide camp dunnvilk aie janice woodburn nancy ind janet rognvaldson marv gnsthow vieki newion gav while and jean hirt alto gether jean is spending a month at camp these girls have in op portunity ol pissing badges while camping wellington 4hcrs ire travelling to york eounty for their innual bus trip the southern hilf of the county will go next tuesday and the north half thursday august 4 the dale estate in brampton will be the first slop with a trip through the green houses milton airport will fol low with dinner at the dalziel museum in the afternoon mas sev ferguson farm king cole duek rineh ind the holl ind marsh will be visited after being abroad since ihe end ol may dr and mrs all in buchanan irnved back it their mill st apatlment this week thev lopped olf their si iv in europe with several das in new york cilv after l dental eonven tion in dublin lrelind thev went on to- england switxrlind ger m inv austria portug il and spam thiy pirticulark tnioved the bavarian alps while they wtre inbilfnsl ihe spent spiral days wilh miss shu it calvert who lived in aeton lot i e ir dr buihanin wis inkrisud to see places where he had been station ed during the first vvoild w ir july bride showered throughout district a july bride miss catherine elliott was the guest of honor at sever il showers beforjp her mirri uge to bqljvfejhughjn hassiga wlva prtsbyltnan church on june 15 mrs richard mof fit georgetown was hostess and on june 27 mrs ivan elliott georgetown was hostess on on june 24 mrs b d vouiij campbcllville had a patty ami on julv 7 miss calhirim curne held i pantry shown- at camp- billvilk mrs gordon fielding ol pushruh enliri uned on july c of c friends give lett to f t ri lends lnm the chimbei of cum tin in vushid 1 1 ink tmv good link in the viars the id it thi lumii ol ted tvlet si mon d iv evtnine thiv pitrsintid linn wuh i ktlet pussitit ihor in put i hum and i vluiding hot wislus in voui new oft in in ouin sound b i hi i int mil oni ispiit of his w ik in iht ihunbir it u titmu id vn will retnemlm your hud woik and singkiuss ol puipo- n mum hon with tin ctiiismias injun mi ttnv bn imi posim istir it owni sound tuesday sun photo new steps at the south entrance to knox presbyterian church are being constructed this week and morley allen is pictured laying cut stone for the base flagstone top comes next steps at the north entrance were repaired r vrm rrr- travelling teacher five bible clubs attended by 75 children last week last week ovir 7s children al tended bible clubs al live homes spon solid hv the chid ev ingel ism fellowship oi ontario a bible colkge student i mm brit ish columbia miss est ik t sem v yvtnl fiom one trotip he other throughout the dav spill hindinc ilu children with hit stories jnd directing them in songs and projects five hostisscs for ihiidien were mis d dunk guelph st mis gordon ralston mowhriv pi ite mrs llovd llskv jelliev ave mis llovd bulmei doling st md mis chuks landsboiou lake vi all minibus l tin b ipnm hureh oik tioup nut al 10 im euh div in lhu il i mo another at 130 anolhet at ho and one at 6 10 small miss scmriv cirritd i huee botik tilled with plans lot eath day s work and eivc out sm ill bxiks to llic vountsieis in taidens on vet ind ms mil in leeieaiion looms she led tioups of ehildun hom il ehuiehes ihe ide i oiieiniled with mis geoie1 hairap who hid hi ud l ihe elassis hung opu itm in llllls a nprtstntative of the child ev mcelism fellowship i imi to tin biptisl ihunh and tmmhets lliere aejud to sponsoi the ilass is in town miss sunny is imong 28 bible college students doing this lypt ol suinmir woik in thi pnvimi dunng her slav in town sin w u i tuesi ol mis d hutihiun sin vent on to sliall ml tins vvnk at elosiht sessions inilty i x its smdwiehes mil iokl diiik lis ippe lied ptompth here 17 year the child ev injjjism till nv hip is mtiukn tniin it ion il i ul i vvoildwili olimiiun it hi him unci mnt m ontni i i thi uibk il h i vacation bible school in parish hall church the vacation bible school got olf to a start monday morning vmlh primary and kindergaiten lassis m si johns churih parish h ill mil sund iv miukii wni of tin pnshviuian church a number ol kikkw mh pi iplc ho were iwav on hoi i v trips ii utii md li inn mi mil mis rov iuiij wue d vvn t st johns n b mil hi k h m ihnmgh niw t k st u nd niitm tills mi md mis t ul mi id ws yr t t i i w md mis a b mkk ih vi t ind children were out west to bmll mm riv h b stokiecf occupied his pulpit sunday lollowing pit y mils sund w at a boys t imp in the absence of mis john fiyim in oig inisl it ihe pns bvtui in ihurch mrs john birlih supplnd tin musn dining the m mint sivm mi j nns milm who is build int i pmlion in rivusidi piik it ii u ig i tu hichw iv is m iking s im hiadvi iv i kin billows mw hous on ippti main si is showing lip d unilu ihi out mo l vi n mint its pniu mi is iw if ild dm m i ill md winli clubs in hi lit altci sliiooi oi m lilt talk nui ttil in tin slimniii mon ill i m b bk chilis in id i tid until mis on i mns in b i kv nils paiks mil hi i lies the urn ol tin oitiiiiit n in both types ot ilubs is t k ni hiktren with bible liaili i in addition to tts leiihnit mil slrv child v ingehsm pnduies and distributes i irgi qu mtities isunli7ed and i luniu igmph matin ds for use in sitndnv schoon indothu ilukliui s meet nes jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer farm service nd supplies dump trucks for hire i concrete brick clay brick stone pcv cuu fs f fully imufd phone 251 acton t mr ix daughlir of timmi mr and mis juw m im sh and son ot m trkhuin wir vin day visiiois i mi ind mrs h me irilirth mr jitvi mrs garmt udoug all and lamtlv left for i wtik at lake smuiw w ilh thi m wctw mr and mis manl lowrh and son steven and mi btrnd i wnght al summer cottafc at ihoir summer volt ige hir i for two wels are mrs kvlh and family alsi the twu lhiglas girls of toronto mr and mr bob gdbertson and two sxms visited with mrs james cilbcrtson sunday visiting with their aunt and uncle mr and mrs grant tngfe were philip and barrv elliott stonev creek big once a year reductions 17 mil childrens 1 k pedal pushers pay suits lilv plmjll iftv s- reg c special 57c ret sin special 147 sum j gins summer skirts amitnr pi int sii 14 k l special 167 children s summer jeans r t si special 77c 4pp ill ni special 197 oys 7 k summer togs r s w oys j rc shirt shorts sets sics m special 98c special 197 h i n tons 5c 1oo store oyi and gr4s summer shorts sue 26 special 59c the aclon free press thursday july 2jst i960 no revolt here lowly peasants crushed 255 by top dogs dominion hotel smarting from the dtknt thr absoibid thi piuious thursd iv tin hipliss st mon hot i pi i sjiiis sudind still inolhti n i m u ilhon sivin itmitijj hilling spin in tin lot 1 1 sotlbill iiniui tin sd iv lhis linn it w is domiiii ion hihil s uinl to inn tin bisis ind thiv did 2s units s thtv trushtd ilu pi is mis 2 s bitttist inn int it ilu txptiisi ol clivton ludi lindsiv ii i sunt s piltliii w is tin thud whin mnt lunnus i mipktid tin m tutt close bthind i inn iht s ory required for evtrvont is vtjrs of igt ot tvu uln ins nivu ohtimid i liuuiint litmii must lomnly with iht i illovvmt iiquiiiriluils i in ipplu ml must it pistil with his in nisi siktv h nni ij i istiuitoi wli st n inn i in hi ilil until litnu nv luinii issiui surprised by party on 55th anniversary nilhbois tut nils tmd ul i lius smpiisid ml ind mis wil htd cuks hidiy lvuiiiih with suiiiist pntv il iht c lis hoitit tin tu im in v is ihtn ssih vv d dint mnivttsuv i isi sund n tin tioup biouthl yills i ii thi popul ii lotipk mil t- niis ol i uds win i ii mid by lumh hjjlml hy i hinhhv i iki loi om t i ilu tiisls ond irumt yvilh cijht ains out sidi of ihtst two innings iht sion i on id hivt gum tilhir vv iv hit dominions stiitid it of with ihrut runs off hint lonsnu tivt hits by c pivihi r phillips md divl m ims with w ilk t hi own it to ross mot it n tin pi is mis itplnd with i pm k vv ilkul 1 uiv rullilirhn md so ill i t itgill md i mils iv h lookid liki it vv is oitit to hi ilosi ami ihni i inn tin dilute stir linj with ii id oil bitttt don urn i d iiiiitiiiiiui until tin procedure licence iht insirutiois will lolku i s2k utistrilion in whtn sullititilt ipphi it nns i i uitivtd to hold i ti i mug iliss iht ipplu mis w ii ht nottl nd hv mill ilu ihs is will k hi id is il si to ihi ipplu nits n sldinl is possihlt belter surely in pmposi ol tin si uissis is in pnun u lull liunki siktv md will intludt ittturtson suftly md tin lundling of hrurms on ijddiuhun j lomptltntt turd will hi issued vvhlth must bt shown vvlnn ht ohi uns i in inn lo hunt in oidtr to avoid disappoint nitnt il iht last m mu it jpph i ints irt urgtd lo gil thttr rt tisti uions in as uiiv as possihlt army yoluntitis and the binds jtt ofl to i imp il nugarj nixt sunday e l buchner optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted contact lenses fitted hearing aids and batteries optical hearing aid repairs sun glasses 48 mill st e acton wednesdays only office hours 2 00 6 00 pm for appointment phone 1 15 acton fourth inning shuvtd the dumin ion houst to bt ahead 21 1 tin iltrsuuilablv iht peasants wtie i nuti shocked but they pulled up ilu u sotks and stond singles in tin loiinh fifth and seventh living to m iki u game uf it dominions ilnlkul up a piir in hoih tin sitih and seventh tt nuts to ind ihe sioiiny the win sol idil nd dominion hotel it hold on lust pi in m iht kugue dominion moid 189 102 221 25 milion hon 200 110 0 s 6 dominion hoti i d grein r moiton ii liwson c pevtha e philips d minis b johnston p bowdtn c oikis s migillo milion llotilcoli i tiille- fu irill i mdsav piplllon dittiiist huii hill c varey commando outiire bruce nourishing ice cream gives you quick energy herel when vou re shopping or lust in ihe mood for cool we sfrve all your fountain favomtts tike home tome of ur deucreus ice creeni tree the folki watsons dairy bar ignorance and july 2430 can make headlines every year an accident occurs in one out of five farm families you and only you can eliminate the hazards that may cost a life as your farm machinery dealer we remind you that unrepaired machinery can kill you because of this we urge you to j have farm machinery in top working order keep safety shields and guards in place j repair and replace worn parts at once j follow given operating instructions j avoid unnecessarily high speeds make your machinery safe keep it safe all year let our experienced repair men help you keep your machinery in good repair a alt times- cars tractors and alt motors this advektisement sponsomo t tht fouowno faim machineiy and implement dealbts thompson motors acton ltd norton turner limited bill garner acton foco paim macmnby 69 acton on ttlanole case patm mao l 74wj rtnu ininn massty ffhouson ito sauts tslvici acton 1080j2 l 4 hnrii out

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