Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1960, p. 4

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r- flower town fades as ints send home 10 rosy runs sat lynn mclaren eniwhile mem bet of the pitching corps of lun don majors now wearing acton intermediate s colors threw a classy onehit ttr at bramplnn donforihs on sniuriii htlc his mates scored 10 runs to gin at ton a 1h decision our ihe slip ping howtr town mm mclaren who throws t ncal av sortment of hooks and shdcis sixth frame of the seven inning had a nohuicr going until ihe contest garry tich bourne the second brampton batter spoiled his bid for a perfect game bv lashing a single out through the hole at second lynn took his re venae by whiffing the enure side in the last inning the last baiter was the ninth strikeout victim in i game uhich saw brampton issue three wilks and one batter hit bv the pitcher danforths used two moundsmen who were clipped for six hits walked five ami stmckout fm five errors were charged to the brampton club while acton com milled three oekvilkoaks ago merchants 53 last night second place oakciltc oiks knew thev wuc tn n bisih ill game last night bui thc sque ik ed through wilh i si win u dude lindsav s mtuhmts in the iocji billvird in as ne il t cnnlest is ihki care to witch the oiks thilkci up an carl ind but ctc h in ging on desptt ncl in tlu vmih and final inning when in ac inn rally came within in ice ol sue cccding lefty left fm relief pitcher n kft mmcjj shepherd icll two acton nmrnr- on the his h killing tlu he i end of the alton hue up out in 01 del he wis eillcd in whin m iv a fistbullinl ricjilh indu w is htt below the knu b i iiik dim fiom the bit uf chuck jcwdl his pitching opponc nt ind ae mn lead olf bitter jewell stole second ind whin red andcisons hud hit hill w is bohbltd b oiks second sukci schmidt jewell went lor hi mi and m ide it on i i ill inmllx dis puted b the oiks bob brine waited out a walk ind when i wild throw by the oiks cue her was missed at first both runner motd ahead putting the ikinc run on second how i e r hoi h paul lawson ind tran birnci filed out to centre ind pile i iw sons ground bill whs itribbed up nl short lo end ihe ilk triple lo track oakville seored iwo in he tusl inning when lmrcncc w is issued a pass and hill whickcil a tuple to the iaei iraik mot inc the inn ner rcdshnw nest bitter hit i high fl bill th il till hctwein short ind cenln sioiing hall kenneth singled but ac ion leeled off a douhk plit when pollock l ir i to shun red andersen led oil foi ac urn with a single ihroucli lust went to second on i nissul hill in third us bruet gioundid oni ind scored when 0 iks iikhu tlcclcil to nib pml liwson sie ihnc su ond altet in w mtlt d i w ilk oikmllc ch innhci run in ihi i second when m i s militv hit lo nghi w is likk tut thm higs uni he scored when liiwt third w i off anoltn mng three hitsone run in tlu buitom h ilt ihi gol threi suceissivi hit hn aged onl imi iun 1 singled hiiiucii i in i gregot sinijcd dxp 1 ciiuu put ling liws in on tint 1 jimtm lindsn ji tin inst 1 time hit- he collected nn the ntht w hi n hi druse i line i thnmjli thi h 1 between fust md m nil i u pete liwson the ikm ihiee bil it rs went down in iuui hiwn r the oaks ukld iw in ix pit ting them ihe ul 1 m tin i t the thud rckliiws miuc through semin m it it bui 1 will got ihe mt twi hums wink redshiw w to pollihk gles b schniult iml im i ed rcdsh iw inl p ii kk there w is m tn iu i nc in til the ijm nmtuj uli i v i got the list cemntii mv offerings acton lolloelixl nitu t is it n ihe offering ol mi wh i t ontv ontw ilk mfi ihi it i it chuck jiwt1i thnw 10 h it i for aelon spit in j ihi i its and eeipi lor the 1 i k t cm good cjuteh hilling till h i come ihioeih w ih i w t hi p progressteb sitmcit is tl game went on sinkm it tn and walking ihrvt mav c hilled lit ad n bj iters jim lindsi hid i peitevt nithi at the plate leu acton wilh th ci hits in three inps while pile 1 iw son and red ande rson e k h r ip ped out a pan red s second i inplc to deep iinta oakmlle 212 000 0 s 10 1 acton mo 000 1 acton anderson rf bnice it paul lawson i b barrager h pete lawson ss mcgregor 2h jim undsav c g barber tf chuck jewell p mclaren pinch hit in 6th don undsav if in 7th both teams were plagued by cation rid tiled lineups acton to the cxteoi where veteran manager dude lindsay went in to cilch dude who has caught some of the best m am ueur biseball in his dt guided mclaren eonfid enlh ind wis i slcadeinjj influ encc on ihe cnlne team he smav pounding the sports beat an unustnl plav in list night s lenncdiiic bisc ball contest hett line in the second inning when oiks second base m in schmidt on fu si wilh i single i an the wrong w i thus what we slid nn the wrong was drvdcn the killer hil into t perleel doi blc ph lo pete liwson it hoi l hul schmidt h ilf wav lo ccoiul turned iiouncl and i 1 1 nek to first ihcad ol ihe thios it ts oul of course hul i lew heads wtic puzzled lot a while including iht umpire s cnmpbellvllle is still ensconc ed on lop of the halton county league with runnerstip oakville feeling the wrath of their bals sunday in a 196 rout there was some gossip at ihe start of the season that the villagers would be very weak indeed this semester some observers felt this was borne out when camp- bcllvlltc lost a few games in the early pirt of the schedule including a 42 loss lo acton but events in the last few games prove the village boys arc still in ihclr own class ou might edge them at home one night hut when the return game on ihclr ball yard hoves into view watch out it isn t unusual for ihe villagers lo score over 20 runs in ihe return match cles lie stilt ulkin jut ike i si ition ho- pulled out momhv ltd ihe juiuui fu dude luulsi bick heel one it his besl eimis this s ison ind d though ihcv were thrc i kneel wilh i dead lock b i seenlh inning junior tunici rilh ptisantswerc id he dutli s ptisenee of mind in nibbing mufl himltft s bunt fl it icliie the side it struck some of ihe specta tors as funn when several ol the intermediate baseball play ers who plav softball as a side line struck oul in the short four inning game between ihe band and dominion hotel tuesday the ball must look like a big balloon coming in to them compared to a dropping curv ing hardball they dldn i have much hick with 11 however ed si ftbill c h hit lie is pe ism ui i tluv lei s 11 10 1 t 11 111 pi phillips dominion hotel s ace hurler made a specially of striking them out al sniped wo nssisl composed hed a double in the fourth frame os well as wrangling a walk in ihe second in ihe hilling depart men bob bnicc led the acton hit parade with a kalher thumping tour or lour including n two run double in the botlum of the see ond red anderson collected the other ac ion hit tn the second liame when acton scored five ol i he 1 1 runs brampton s best not good the mciehanls added thiet mine in their half ol the fourth nd iwo in ihe sixth besl bnmp- lon could do wis gel i runner lo third in the luurlh ind mother in ihe sixth r h e brampton 000 000 0 0 i s acton 0w 302 10 6 bitleiies bi impton bionc eiki thorn is acton mcluen t lindsav ac ion ande rson rf bruce c f put i iwson lb but iger lb pelc 1 iwson ss mcgregor 2b me i arm p jim lindsiv if dude 1 indsiv c peasants still in contention si uiuu hotel pens nils proved r tie v wen still erv much in eon tenliuil in iheii quest ol the acton sottbill litlc b dctciling i ioi cd junioi fnnicrs 1 1 10 monti iv ugllt hovvemt ihcv did il the liu d w iv h itiguil gitmlv on to i lie ti le id while the fiimeisehin- kit iw i il 11 tn ihe list inning ci iwon dude linds i hint lie i he l ills bettel clllles kept lie jllllleil fjmieis pieltv well undci control illei lhe ehilked up i s2 le id in ihe insl leo innings 1 he inc mil oiitbuist pc isailts piesented him with in the thud give i he in iniuein llut w is m mi he ided confused bv windmill denn tut ne i on the lull foi ihi runlets wishilhiut nut he w is tpl iced b winihnilkr harold dennis in the ihuil his uniisu il m ilmn kepi ihe pi is ints on used i it i while hut lhe niinitci to knp up i sie iti tin h ihi hises dude 1 mils i mil h u old dtlunst supplied home run punch lui the hiilckis in the louilh when thi both poled i hil onis lo ihe tl lek tor ihi junioi f u nu i s don brown mil douc blick dso p iw dend a home tun apiece humid deforest plnexl well it short for the pe is inis ti ind ling man cham miiion hotel 20s 02 0 ii m jr funicrs 210 010 410 8 station hotel l nolan if a ciinimjntln ii bob bruce ef lind si p owen lb h dilurci ss h pipillon lb j coutin 2b a nolan 2b c v in c junii r ritnieis k d ulik tf o mcaithur 2h b biown 2b r shot nil lb d bhek vs d dehnev e m hunter lb g ro binson lb a hiw ird if b skids more rf k letsh rt d turner p hrirwlil umpires nhte bases hin kilb 111 tnk pi i vine with kiiehenir thistles it the intermedtile lienisse cii uit ai ton s burs inscin stored si c iak ind added in assist le nnst dunil is i e c c nl k he long wilh al ft iibutt pi ivine inch ot ton nnols hsl sc ison ii i ii i mud up lo pi let h nmi h hhmuk iiii kllint in lh n pkkirf up the kit tu nt r learn munl it reikis plimts sivcritrj if whim ia i mull u nuoeshire ai riiiiinibci siimie utic hiick ox nut md j itk r hertmii i i another former aelon plaver gj 1 in the box la circuit is ted t fixititl ted is playing with hr richmond hill in the eastern in- i icrmedlate league other teams in the league are brooklln rw bradford owen sound and hunts1lle j sssassv sports scoreboard sports 4 the acton free press thursday july 38lh 1960 down firemen richmans nine hit effort leads band to 136 win an eight run outburst in ihe bottom half ol the lourth inning preltv well sewed up thursdays rueial soflbatl fixture fm the citizens band ind relegated the firemen to second place in ihe six team te iguc the bandsmen with buich riehmian spinning a nine hit cftort be il oul j 136 win the victim left ihe hind lied with dominion hotel f it first place raymond bi aid i and butch richman tin h isc with i w ilk ind i hit by the pitcher re spec ivch pul tinnv masilcs hands men iwo up in ihe insl inning singles bv megretoi mil hce lnmbcit scoied ihem thete w is no reply horn ihe fin nun until the thud ii imc when i single bv bill dinil wis followed bv johnnv ki ipek s iwo- igtcr to stole din it deluge came mitkc holmes led nil wilh i fngtt foi ihe fiiemcn in the ourlh bill spielvogel walked nnet j lek pink knocked ihem in i reduce ihe mu gin b iwo then e line the deluge funk spiehoiil led ii ihe louilh u i he bind uuti i w ilk followed n i double tiom r i willis gib joidin bunted successfully megretoi louk a lice tic ke i ind buich riehrmn bashed out i ihiee run triple hee uimberl got on on an error ind julian z ij it inplcd with two out frank spielvogel up tor ihe sec ond lime in the inning hil i ihieebagger followed bv rav willis with anoihci ind ihe band had 10 runs the bandsmen kepi pi iving mirihcs and added thiee more in the fiflh on singles b bill pallerson mcgregor and rich m in wilh i double from pr ink spiehugc as his tonlnbutiun can i overtake lead an eitoi with iwo oul put bill spielucel on for the firemen in ihe lop hit ol the sixth ind he scored is bill dmal poled a single m ikint tin stoic 114 the fiiemtn id tied two more in ihe seventh as don aichibild walk cd brother tied tnplcel his sec ond scollv mecrisi ill singled as did andy willi mis mtgrtgoi ind ruhmiii led the bindsmen with three hils ipicce ye ink tretl aichib lid with two triples and bill dm it with i pul ol singles were lop men on the lotmi lur rneineii r h r riamtn 001 201 2 6 9 2 citiens bind 200 810 x ii 13 ballciies riehmin ind 7 i i fred archibald md j ki ipek wwiv ft i s t ax n joyful juves count 18 aldershot manages one lnle ising iheii most potent ti ittne itliek of ik cuirent sem esn acton juveniles etnsted lo ii e is 18 1 wm oyer aldtishoi in i hit limine lyyilieht utit il butliiilhon monti n the issue w is ntyn in doubi seorme iiye tuns in the hist in iinil lilt act in rune yeenl on wilh tut inuit tn itit second seen in ihe thud ind i singleton in the i llh akkishtit s only tun yyjs scoied in tilt lust h tine share the honors prattle illv the cnuie team shar ed in the 12 hits gunered trom ihe offeimgs of aldtrshot s sit yens who also contnbulcd nine w ilks to the aelon c uise jim 1 indsjy had two hits in thm tups lo ht plite john li ithei i nd d two foi foui and pelc liyy st n poled the game s onlv home run in ihe hi si innine tcin w it i house ind bueky pr iec eeht shucd iiehl held dulies hid a pulcct di it tht p he wilh tl let hits in is many ippt u ipcts the list i triple by putt bum mtcnstall don 1 tnds ly wavne m irshall ind bill sh innon h poked out a safet to eun house 1 intlsay tl d rudthtk p 1 m irshall ih witcr r i puce 1 1 sh in mn p ishol b dies lb toti- mtr tl b hill2h b tun lb i bislk e c cissu if w iithim i b ritchie ss slcyetisp svssssssssv i1ai ton istfrh11hate i i plete ihe acton hilling six get whiff bill shannon and jeff pmr stnrtd mound duties for ihe lot il elub shinnon being nicked tot t tie lul gmng up ueo walks ind s i knit h ui in his bnel luo i nine sunt river illowt i iw bits md whilled six in ihe i isi it ne innings b tun icgtsitrtd iwo h is t f tht ihree aide i shot collected riir act in ss7 01 18 12 0 ltkrshot 100 00 i 1 a ion le ithelind lb vicci t iph d 1 nelsiy if p 1 iw i it sc eden mills team new improving a ion si reet itiiee run in vfie si n e i the ihitd in it h t lib ui i t led as mi h 10n1 10 per dog school obedience tninmg for all dogs ttednesdiy august 10 i960 e 7pm georgetown arena georgetown ont spi nsored b north halton working dog club iher inlorm hum ph mt acton i97w12 illt i i t at n w is d t ii wisl ii f ii millns si hi rni k ii mn on th m mn 1 t r r jell mills w it m khn in 1 be hire wh j ie ip t ui w ilk ui pul i ac t n ru inns n ihe hies line mi k ol l a ion hitters fd n mill suieut it h hne ii c miiik cl m bailie vs p htffernin 2b f ihtin ck d hun- 3b e hayvard ih r millet m j mot hne p bcaitit p act n bought in ss rogers ct tulkt t ii rldlill lb hall e ford p rvdtr lb rt jinks lb i miabb 2b ockenden ri silver star ranch instruction availafiu in both western and english riding e ov a a emoon cf r d fg ove seen c fa s all riders insured 14 mile south of acton on no 25 highway 1 25 an hour for riding 150 hour with instruction ralph smith rr 4 acton sliding scalf in norllilin riiikicsii s tot iiks whil mm jiii bluk work sick b silk cl lint s s tht vthilt mm ytls 1700 pnunik n t ir iht btjtk nun 200 punntls itittrcounty mohhti all teams shorthanded two garnet in the minor snorts intcrcounty league l hit week sow hamilton hund kitchener a 93 de feat while london ripped guelph 146 all teams were short handed with the hamillon-kitch- ncr game having only seven play rs on each team the other con- itst was pluved with six on eueh lub hamlllon took nn eirlv lead ulh iwo reins seoied bv ken owen ond ed mavsev in the firsi me ihcv teored four more on uns by ear butler mike march nenl ken owen and ed mavcy n ihe second inning ken owens hil a three run home run to spark ihe hamilton iitlaek vale goes circuit kitchener gol one back in the third when mike vale completed circuit but ihe hamilton club ptuled three more in the fourth with john mason hitting their second humer of the game ken owen and ed m issev scored ihe olhcr iwo runs ken mmshill gol i wlk to slirl the list mnme and he scor brampton folds oaks may go sr coach barry deacon announc ed hicdji hi his elub brtmp ion ul the hilton county inler mediate b iseball assocntion veis dclmitelv going lo fold we hive 21 players signed to pi iv bill with us this ye ir ind on silurthv both dive andrew m in itci ind mvsell h id to pi t in oitkt lo line nine bill plvcs dive ind i have hid our hinds lied the stubby mcr siid we hue hid liouble some i me now but salurdiv when both ot us hid lo pi iv ti aclun we decided it wis time t llntiw in the towel atlci ill he continued we true- no sponsor and most of ihi lime money for bills ind equip ment w is coining out ol oui pin keis when ihe bill plaver won i show itns eflort is useless ihe le itiie executive will hold i ilicetilie to decide wh 11 to do ihoul rem lining bnmplon eim es is likelv rem inline tunes will be lot kited lo the clubs thev would have played willi bi impton oul of ihe run nine oikville mav now move up into the ont inu b iseball assoc 1 1 lions senior seiies as halton re presenlilive bud corbett oak vilte s spokesman s ud lis woiih icxikinc into ed along with mike vule o com plclc the scoring kitcheners best was pitcher ken marshall who marked up 10 i rikeouts in the four innings played eddie massey struck out ii for ihe winners in the olhcr contest london led hv b dunn with four runs r hav with two l virev wilh three j pevcha two and g lasbv and l carnoehin wilh one eich was close unul the second mning when five runs put it in ihe big b d scored twice for guelph did t coles and dannv c il r elliptic hint his inns fin il score 146 hamilton ken owen fd mis sev mike miller john m ison rained out rain disrupted tuesday nights softball game with the leagueleading dominion hotel and citizens band disputing sole possession of first place in the standings dominion hotel led 50 when umpire chuck shultls called the game in ihe last end of the fourth it was fortunate for the bandsmen that the rain came ed phillips ace thrower for normie morton s dominions was in fine fettle and up to that juncture had allowed ihe bandsmen nary a hit dominions scored two in ihe first inning and added ihree in the third when a back toback double and triple scored tun ners on the bags through an error and a wild throw at third jeff fryer pitched for the band the game will be rcplnyed al a later date earl butler mike marchmenl kitchener wayne deforest mikv vale jim lee ross butler ted mcdowell ken marshall london r hav b dunn l carnochan l varcv j pcychn lasby guelph b d t coles d caldcr r jeffries a rciners 11 wlsscmli wetl be back from our holidays tuesday august 2nd custom cleaners golf range practice driving devon ice cream soft drinks golfers supplies 1 mile east 25 highway where the base line crosses 401 hours 4 30 10 30 cm weekdays 10 30 p m saturday sunday and holidays for information phone milton tr 86228 tr 89229 before you install any type of automatic heating in- your home why not ask thq man who chose gas were confident most of the answers will sound like this clanil fuel tvar dpnddb1t vn in mm wvn walhr ih records prov natural gat it th safest automatic heating fuel quiet as a kitten co n mere than o auto- mafic fuels heoting payments are easy 1 distribute them evenly over a 10 month period from september to june if you need service its free now is a good time to install natural gas automat c heating equipment no down payment no charges til september and be sure to ask how you can receive i big 50 00 al owance see your gas heating contractor or united gas limited hamilton st0ney creek mjndas waterdown burlington bronte oakvhue georgetown acton milton

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