Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1960, p. 5

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tentfeabsaiaasts personal notes of actonlam visiting outoftown point and of visitors in acton homes dont oriel your contribu- tlom to hits column help keep ii tnteteallng just drop them in it the free press plant or stationery store or phone 600 mrs mick fischer and son jim of dtlroit visiltd atton friends this week mrs a c slcwnrl of midland hns bcinlisiting with mks kith arlim jtasnil dr and mrs john stotl ind judy of guelph vlslicd mrs john wood an sunday miss julie ldnlewich of pres ton visited with mr and mrs henry dcvcau over the weekend mr and mrs fred dawkins arl back after holidaying fur wo weeks their eotuge in musk oka mr and mrs wiltcr lmham and fiimijv enjoyed i irip down lo the si liwreme se iwjv lil lmxk miss anne willnmson of apple wood acres visited with her aunt nnd uncle mr and mrs bill wat ei house mr and mrs willnm howe and son dule of merlin ont mo are visiting mrs mururtt tarci his weekend mr and mrs h w hinlon jr of new york ire holid ivwfc at the home of mr md mis ft w hinlon mr ind mrs gtrnel rose spent ten days visiling with mr and mrs alun rose ol pot i hone ontario mr and mrs fy ink buier or cleveland ire spending i few days with mr md mrs j icon bauer and family mr and mrs f salt mr and mrs tccn frvet ind 0 nl hue returned from i it uion u wasiga beach mr and mrs j tat ion and family hive jusl returned irum a motor trip lo ott iw i montreal and points c ist mrs joseph johnson of w uci loo and mts jack kennedv ol detroit visited with h lends in town on tucsd iv mr and mis h irold bn trull boh david nnd dime ol toion to spent sundu with mi md mrs h w hinton sundav visilois with mr and mrs j frank were mr ind mrs jim htnrv ol wmtjmin and willie hall of porl colbournc mr and mrs charles leather land and fimilv ire hick home after a week s motor trip to cast ern ontario and montreal mr and mrs wes fountain re turned home sundav ifttr i two week motoring holiday m brit ish columbia ind the rockies mr and mis willi im mcdonnld and gordon fourth line left on mondav lovisii with ihtti daugh i am f in f wuttmr a familv ixumon wis held u the home ol mi and mrs wil lard bntton r r 4 sum iv whennunv rclitivcs ittentled mrs fled mcmillin and bill mcmllhin hive rtiunied home ul tci speiidintt i wrtk in hamilton with mi md mis got don riwn mr incl mis a m maephti pon ateompinied mr uul mis ross ooi don it rw kw oud on mondn to st thumis to visit the funnel s son uul i uiulv mr and mis jim hiliiis uul mrn herb middle ion ul rtin i sask an visinn with mi md mrs jack divsdule and mi md mrs dave divsdajt ol alhston jimuis md jtnniui ki inik and thtii mothtt ul holidivuil at huntsvilk this week thin father mr lujmm ki ink w ii join ihcm iiils wclkentl i ut i twoweek holulu friends md ithtiv s m new buiasukk wt t visiu i iluimj i two vvetk mol ii nip t isi i ike i b mt uul mrs beit i iquhnt nnd i in ii iliuthio oiiltiu m s l mi swuu nd duibu i lee tht pth innuil iiumihl il th caiiadnn wtiun uv mid il a soelumii is bvi ig lu iii il h il fl ulld ii ii c maple site 1 il the 0 c liuiliv i ittoidiie son of mrs c miplesden rev a h mckcnzic minister of knox presbyterian church re turned from a holiday in call forma where he visi ted some former acton friends mr and mrs calvert and mr and mrs mike coxc he flew both wnvs mr and mrs don wiggins and daughter karen called on acton friends sunday on the return trip to their home in kingston following holidays mr wiggins wis at the bank or montreal in acton foi a number of veais mr and mrs fred anderson visited with relatives in toronto over the weekend and during the week they accompanied miss luena campbell and her mother of ocorgetown on a motor trip to the muskoka district stopping over tn grivcnhursl mrs tony ironside and mrs joseph jany visited with mr and mrs william dnvev it their col uge at french bav on lake hu ron mr davev wis a former manager of the bank ol mont real in aeton thcv ilso visited mi ind mrs mel schtocdcr in chcslcy ontario frunds and neighbors of mrs c k browne will be happy to learn she is recuperating verv wcit in guelph general hospital following her recent illness whilt she is tn hospit il her lather p brain or windsoi is slaving with mr browne all wish mrs browne t sptcdv recovers to fcood health not manv on milth the hoh day plans ol miss hon mol hi who is taking an eight month leave of ibsenee to yo to new 7cnhnd she was n nurse hcic before going 15 years ago to belli bella bc whtic she is i nurse in a mission hospital she is sislci of mr duncan moffat r r 2 rockwood among those giving showers foi miss cathcnnc elliott n re cent bnde was hir matron of honor mrs thomas manes shi cntei lamed friends and relatives it hci home r r 1 on tuesdav julv 12 at i miscellaneous show ei miss eltiotl was married to b ii mchugh in nissat iwtya prcsbvitrnn church on july 16 change inspectorate boundaries in fall wellington no 2 school inspec torale which was formerly su pervtscd by w r mcvittie ba of guelph who retired on marth 31 lust has now been rt illocattd tht townships or nieol pil kington and eramosa and the village ol elora come under tht lurisditlion of bmn h bcnncll vith orfces at kitchener the in spec torale will be known is v ik 1 1 m n i i ind wellington no 1 townships of guelph ind erin and the vill ige ol eun come tin dci tht utnsdittion of stew irl d oikes ba b ed with ofliees at kitchener the inspectorate will he dtsignitcd as w iter loo no 2 ind wellington no 4 tht township of pushnch will conn tinder tht lunsdntiun of cctii cornwtll ba m ed with offices il 61 ainslu st n gall the inspector hi w ii be tilled witcrloo no 1 md wellington no s thtsi chingts ire effective september 1 ntm bus trip ss picnic shower storm damage visits in news bannockburn institute ladies- and other ladles of this commuii ity as well as a mixed group from five other institutes enjoyed a bus trip on tuesday july 19 when they went to peterborough and saw the locks ofihawa general motors planrand undsay where the lindsay institute catered sup per lo them after enjoyed a sing song they visited a shopping cen ter and journeyed home quarterly board meet wa and quarterly board meet ing was held at the home of mr and mrs harold griffin on wed nesday evening with a large at tendance mr beeton opened the meeting by reading the scripture romans chapter 12 followed by prayer frank freeman then read the minutes of the last meeting after different business was dealt with it was decided to gel two down hymn books for the church the men earned on then meet ing and the ladies went to an other room for their meeting mqs miearthur the president presided mrs ralph denny gave the report of the last meeting business was dealt with ind il was decided that each wa ladv is to pay 10 this yeir when thev art not hating the fowl wippcr a chicken barbecue is to be held instead after the men joined with the ladies again and the hostess and assistants served a dainty lunch mr beeton closed with prove r shower tor bridetobe mrs wm butler miss dons thompson and mrs charlie bin- nle held a miscellaneous shower on saturday evening at the home of miss dons thompson for miss bertha watson a bridefobe miss waison used lo be a teacher at woodsidc school before mrs denny the evening was spent in playing games and contests miss watson was called on and the three ladies presented her with lovely gifts bertha made a fitting reply the hostess and committee served a dainty lunch and brought the evening to a close picnic saturday the congregational and sunday school picnic of the church wis held at waterfalls playground on saturday at 12 o clock swimming races and ball games were en joved chimney removed the men have been busy remov ing the old chimncv ol i hi church electric storm the electric storm on fyithv did damage when it strut k i rockwood liansformer in front of mt ind mrs richard brown s home victor harding lost some pigs which were struck also some gruin has been put dciw i in tht commumtv visitors in dlsjrict mr ind mis diik v in gotten nnd son jukn md mastci rav higgmsbotlom of h million mid mr and mis ross swickhauici and brenda of acton visiitd on sunday with mi and mis aiitiui swatkhimtr mr and mrs rov tt i r s ul mune us t ilkd it tht sirtu home on sundav evening noimin turner hid the mis fortune to brc ik his c ir dium whilt water skiing mr md mrs h mild cnlfin and smith visited with hie ids in hamilton on sundav miss june sw ickhimcr is vis i ing with hci cousins n st colli inncs mt ind mrs wm thumps n ind leonard thompson spi it hit weekend at musk k i mrs cheslei alien ind son wayne and miss htltn allen it e visiting il ott iw i with htt sun ind ihcir biothei mt mil mts ui verne allen miss alice sidcv and fntnd of toronto spent the weekend il the home of mr and mrs noiman turner 130 youngsters take part in vacation bible schoo the innuil vacation bible school c imt to a close fnday at the st john s church parish hall nd the ptcshvtcnan chinch with i total enrollment ot over 130 voting people for voung folks troops in the parish hill mis d ivc armstrong mrs w dun bai miss june lawrence dorecn cordon nancv jolhfft carol thumis minhn oslrandcr anne ii itlev hid thirgc of ind vidual si et ions make scrap books lc iders lor older groups al the presbjtemn chuteh were j butch mis f hoskmi miss helen bavnc ind miss fduh ta lor as pnnisl ind stctttarv un tin ihi supervision ol mr j butch devoliunil exercises were taken in turn then classes look ihcir plact at the pansh hati the small children made scrap books out of heavy black paper using tht church doors fur cover tksign in st johns church rev gab uoore gave some instruc lion regarding church sv mbols md wintkw composition stage review sunt iv evening at the un led chuith i rtvitvv and displav of ihilditn s vvoik was held with mr mooie and j birleh in charge assisted b leaders of differi il tlasts al one stagc in the program mr birtth directed an oldir group- in singing with ihi virses shown un tht ehurth wall from a projection machine following a brief dtvotiun il pi nod with mr moore and thret young people on the platform nnd bcntdittion all present id l urncd lo the sundav school i- all lo stt the work of the uung people during tht week ont in reshng ft hurt uf tht exhibits as an outline ol a ehureh in cardboard of interior design sho wing seals lectern pulpit baptis mal font chancel which made it look realistic during the service miss dorecn gordon ind miss bdith tavlor were org mist ind pianist respectively friday storm during the storm fnda afttr noon dam ige was slight only in e nvenicnte being flickering lights while water ran down dit ches in minnture rivers local views rev c guidon hirns of dime wis a sunday visitor in the v ii ij he c tmc up to be on his wj tu tht oac gutlph to annul tht rural ministers course tak ing place this week miss pearl hamilton was out of the village over the weekend mr arthur k thomas has a line display of lilies in his garden al ihc present time tht perfume trom the blooms is quite strong in the immediate vicinity attend funeral a number from rockwood ind vicimtv attended the funeral of ihc i he mrs ltamin thomson in guelph last week mrs thorn st n took sitk suddenly on the ay home through siult stt mine and passed avviv in hos pilat there the previous sundav interment took place in con- ningsby cemetery sympathy is estended lo mr thomson in his sudden beieavcmcnt miss gertrude frcemin iir r r no 3 rockwood is huhd lying in s iskatchewan sandy best helps on house committee hal ton m p charles a sindv best reported this week hi has been serving as deputy chairman ol the house of commons re search committee which this sen- sion is examining policies opera lions and expenditures of the ni tional research council atomic energy of canada limited and ihc eldorado and refining limit id the nrc is the fundamental instrument and hinge of govern ment research and un vtrsilv scholarships in cinadi jack ridley cartage concrete brick clay brick stone limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer farm service end supplies dump trucks for hire phone 251 acton pcv cuu fs t f fully iniufd dollar days shoppers in alton win pit ised tu learn this week he dullar is sltll considered vvutlh 100 tents when ihev received their adver tising dodgirs in the mill i mm three men hints beginning tinl iv 1 hursdayl piuls mens we n pall mis lud its store and tin pi distribu tors irt running a three il i salt with prices slashed in many respects urliilts are tislttuvtn helm the dull u muk mark parking areas with small machine ci i ne 1 1 dee did files i iv mn ing lo cngagi a t impinv lo paint puking lines un lie stints hi tuvvn wtdiitsdiv afttrn urn ihc puking lot eomp inv wis ilu idv it vvoik uul i i n ik poii i n ut tin mui king wis euinpitltd hi i m mghtlull mill street is git lining with new while lints tn iking mt s t tions in ens tu puk milking buoys indie itc whtic the 1 csh p nut his bctn i ud a unem in opt i uttd 1 1 it him with a small muloi spnvs the piinl ti the i iilw iv in ilu sinu w iv lit dtpailmini l hilii w ivs do long sitelehcs l i ml i w i i urn n al ki kiuss is assisting the wiikeis living til hit disigii ltd in is ml hupts i h ive ilu i inpleie i shoi itl i the acton free press thursday jujy 28th i960 bannockburn wi bus trip takes 40 to lindsay visit the tinniwl bus trip of the bannockburn women s institute was held on july 19 the we a thcr being perfect about 40 members and friends were i board the bus travelled by wiv of highway 401 to osh iw i where the ladies louied the general mulors plant thcv then pru- e ceded to oshiwi laktvievv ijrk where thev cnioved a pic rue lunch by lake ontario alter lunth tht ladies had a shopping spree in tht new osh ivva shui ping untie the lour proceeded to peter borough where they viewed the lift locks and enjoyed a short visit to the business section then on to lindsay where the hndsay wi latcrcd to the cv enmg meal tht ladies served a delicious meal on i flowerdecked table afterwards the members of both institutes joined together in a sing sung and dance with mrs johns l un from lindsay who is ur 80 plaving the piano the tour travelled home by w iv of highway no 7 dont gamble we are pioftssionil insurinci men ind as local indep endent busnissmcn we represent your best interest wt arc at vmii seivm iught ind d iv in case of trouble we keep ibu ist ol the hits developments in insur ante iid thus i in help v u buy iioiioinn and better ptultt hon for this kind of counsel on ill your insurance needs cell or see dfmnys insurance agency 39 brock bill and harold acton phom 45 acton legion minor sports oth annual 3day celebration thursday friday saturday august 456 acton park monster midway opens thursday night aug 4th 6 concessions and games 9 rides friday evening 6 45 p m parade from cnr tracks to park fealunng aclon c i zens and junior pipe bands friday evinino oumn crowning i acton park 5 contestants moccasin dance al acton anna lucky inlaws friday 8 saturday saturday show 2pm track events 1 2 10 wile classes 3 30 p m go kart races tr al runs friday evening at park 2pm and 4pm baseball and softball 1 00 p m saturday 1 00 p m calithumpianparade cnr tracks to acton park bands floats derby winners admission to park l children ioc saturday eve thurs nite free l in five short years you have helped us become part of the community thank you sincerely for your confidence we are very proud to have become an important part of the growth of halton peel counties with mortgage loans of over 6000000 a at june 30th savings a term deposits total assets your confidence and trust hove enabled us to show such consistent and substantial growth 1956 721 359 1415451 1958 2 591 641 3 273674 1960 8 600 000 9375000 j deposits yoj receive 4 interest on yeur savings aotevnt and shu hav the prtvil of wthlnfl chey mr am mrs clan pixwriimp childrxn i-it- whiihmi wtin her rmitiik m i id dilk tho ht nisi m m m lcaik oil i itt i br mhndii i uhtn mi pnsir is n tx pun t pal ol itu hijli v h i any rime investments 5vi interest it paid on term deposits guaranteed investment certi issued for 3 4 or 5 years 5 for 1 or 2 years pension plans designed for the selfemployed person our registered pension plan co assu your future security while saving now on your income tax wills future taxes and duties can be kept to a minimum our officers writ be pleased to assist you in planning your estate robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e- p head phone guelph ta 41071 m si gvofycs square for your convenience our offices are open from 9 00 to 4 30 fridays 9 00 to 6 30 our officers and staff will be glad to give you further information anytime your local trust company halton peel trust savings company president- a s nkhoboa general manager o e manrung secretary angus mcmillan q c oakvue 112 own street vi 43214 manat tuumoton 451 brant street ne 4 1028 mgn j e wwelaat hampton 1 1 queen street east gl 13365 mgr j a carroll

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