Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1960, p. 1

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jt jvttim mnt m eightysixth year no 6 acton ontario thursday august 4th i960 eight pagesseven cents staff photo popularity queen contestants are pictured above with the udges during the finals in the legion auditorium tuesday evening thenwegirls vying for the title of minor sports popularity queen were interviewed by the panel of udges and the winner will be announced and crown ed fndayevening at the park contests from from front to back are gloria latimer gayle ros zel jackie dawe lorraine richardson and moira mckelvey judges at the back are left to right mrs g fjryer robert foyers miss jessie coles mrs k knox and mrs r angell members of the panel ere representatives of town organizations crown queen races midway spotlight threeday celebration activity is well underway acton park for the start ol the thrceday celebration being mat ed this weekend by anon leg ion minor sports association rides and games arc banc cr ectcd and areas marked out for races and other events already children arc lining up their favorite amusement and are looking forward to this lv ntng thursday when the ride begin to whirl 1 popularity queen five girth competing for he title of popularity queen were interviewed by judges tuesday evening and one of the five has been selected to reign as queen for the celebration the lucky girl will be crowned officially friday evening it ihc park and will receive cash and other prizes irom the minor spurn association and other do nors friday evening alton cilins band and acton junior pine band will serenade the queen anutticr fi they nde down the main streets in convertibles to the pirk time tnils mill also be run nt the park fnd i cvcninc bv tht gokurt inters a dance in the arena will close the fndax iun ing program soap boxes parade earlv saturd i muminc 32 on course youngsters will shove oil in their soap box dcrhy racers trom the agnes street hill with several heals being run saturday at one o clock a huge cdlithumpian pitade will be held from the cnr station lu the pirk including floats decorated bicycles tricycles doll buggies old time cars pony carts and cubs and brownies the parade will proceed down mill and main street to knox ave in groups headed by four bands on arrival at the park the af let noon program will gel undci w iv ball games running rices go- kn i races amusements and hind concerts will keep vuung ind old amused during the day runners gokarl races topnotch runners from all over ont trio will compete in one two and 10 mile events go kirt racers will buz around the trick racking up points in in uicluh competition pnes md free draws will be textured during the sitimiw p roj i am minor sports ball le ims will 1111 exhibitions of then ihilltv is lhe iccoll in short cames dutinl the aflcr tiophies mil iw irels presented to winneis u ents it the conclusion procj im ailt k choose popularity queen to announce name friday friday evening one of five con testants vying for minor sports popularity queen will be crowned at the park and unlit this time her identity will remain fhe secret of five judges and two officials tuesday evening the contes tants were paraded and interview ed before judge ul the legion auditorium and after a two huui session the winner was chosen chosen judging such a contest p not an easy ehoic and tuesday night the panel of fudges found ihjf out as the five high school girls chosen by the student body made their bid for queen beauty and scholastic standing were not taken into cunsiderat uin and judgment was based on appearance posture popularity and personality competing in the contest this year were gloria latimer gayle rosrell jalkic qawc lorraine richardson and moira mckelvey ir the order they appeared before the judges difficult chore elimination of four was a dir licult chore as each girl beamed with personality and gave the lodges a heart warming smile inswering questions with case if nervousness reigned at all it was more prominent with judges than contestants as the guls dressed in their finery and high heels completed their tour before the panel judging this years contest were robert foyers representing the y board mrs k knox duke of devonshire chapter i 0 d e mrs g fryer acton women insti lulc miss jessie coles lakeside chapter i ode and mrs r angell acton legion ladies auxiliary ride in style this years queen will be crowned following a parade from the cnr station to the park accompanied by acton cilicns and junior pipe bands contest fun and enjoyment for every one is promised by minor spoils officials as they attempt to raise funds for ihc support of baseball and hockey m acton ants will ride in convertibles last years queen miss trudy scott of li mt house will ofliciate at the crowning ind do honois to the i960 queen during the ceremony the newly crowned qui en will be presented wilh c ish uul gills amounting to over 1100 and c ich of her eompetltois will receive prizes as well during the s iluiduv illunoon p uncle the queen uid font escorts will i nlc in sl le on i special nodi being m idc this c u by the acton lions club disregard hydros recommendation commissioners refuse honorarium disiol ml int a recommend it ion iioiu onliiio ilvdro to pro vide in innu d tcmiinei ition to comniivsioiic rs acton llvdi o commission diiidcil to tjve their services in idminislcnni hvitio business lice of cluige lor the ve ii i wo it le 1st this letioi wis liken it their njjtlir meet ui lhinsdi julv 28 ihc question of commission siluies h ul e topped up it i ptevious meet me iltci i tuques hid hem issued u die rile ol 6 pel mcclinc ludel the piovisiotis of an order incouncil pissed 1956 issued without consent mayor j ii gov and shiner g bcatlv chirked ihc cheques hid been issiki without the consent of the entire coin mission staling the action ol council in i9sa idcmd only io the public utilities commissi m i ixislenii it ih it lime flu puc wis dissolved bv puhlk vote in ixicmber 195 chunmn i mir st si it id the hydio conunission wis iws3skjr rftj o i hffiw lis tw jmnu tuh sufl phnlo district governor j a archie turner of port credit v sited acton rotary club tuesday evening and spoke to the members the new district governor is pictured n the centre above as he goes over routine plans with secretary ron lewis left and president rev a h aackenzie right mr turner is d rector of education for south peel 23uiia ju rfs i s topple trees at school disease kills large elm removal of several trees on the robert little public school grounds this week may bring back fond memories to many older residents who recall when one stately elm planted over 100 ycirs ago wis still younc indicted with dutch elm dev else the tree was cited with a mttjitlv eiash which sent chips and splinters riving tar and wide lome and russell johnson arc doing the work and have cut out several other de id trees also dimming a number of broken bianchcs wtnterstonn the tree trimming protect re suited i rom i ist winter s ilc storms when severil trees were bi km bv heavy ice and snow mong some ol the trees re moved weie the bi elm spruce lherrv and butternut which pro vided sh ide for vuuncslcrs plav me in the school grounds early to rise keen to learn scouters train near acton to most people milium i ii li das mean la it inc iw iv ftom lhc usu il fciuid to loll in s inn sandv beach slep in inoiiiinis and in caiiciui ikc lilc i s i t u coupli l weeks tins ip 1 1 hulid iv did not ipplv n itu e isi ol l bv seoul le i 1 is uid then stall ol live il blue spunks scout reserve lie ii act hi i s week i rise ind shuu iimio i nlv hi lhis f itnip is sleeps sand i around 6 a n and statt the dy alter dishc stashed max main thev stllkc the ol the i hcht camp tu the t ished ami pat ml tc for the whistle to summon thim to flag break attn ihis ihcv k gin a steadx ntid turning nu tod tor the balinet ol tht d iv is ihev compete ia pal mis tor then part two wood uuilla course fran india or course among the sowler this u iv a bearded 29xearold indi in chap nimcd amiritt stneh from puntab indrv who uttn to canada cspciialh to take the ulunms course quite outstanding among the otbef leaders on the course smfch as he is called bv his fel late camper wears a bright blue ttfrban and sand brown un iform the traditional uniform ol the scouts in india although onlx 29 stngh has a lengthy record in scouting cirel cs starting as a voungslcr when be oined the cubs interest andt uule ivoi e it i led turn thtoulli sei l is uid lovel se nils ind now he s fultilltni i hie lone imhn i n it i mu nm ins ii mime in le idelslup 111 this count i father is leader ik eoiius bv his cnthusiism till scoullllc tlonesllv is his lath ei is camp elml loi alt l indnj telllllmllellt to the chief scout 111 i c m id i sngh himself is unified i j tit ulypitkis liup in his honii i uul iiiiuvuvm i hv ihc i iii puss till lllifl hi sttxiui nolexl this w is his fust i ip io c inada mil he line ispimillv t r the hhiinc h i nhei believes th u c mad i proi icu w bv4 tacilituii a men on eoinse the lie ivp nal si outers lull ol enthusiasm sociiblc and keenb intercsteit in ehievinc a hiihci s mdard in iifc i clc hllside ol sineh hum inch nd mother chip irom alhcrli the remaining icadeis on ihi course ionic hum various parts ol ontatio nu hardship the lhoiilhi ef kopk loi line un beaches sunning themselves while thev like i stiooe doesn i txither ihcsi snniteis in thi le ist all is not hard vvoi k usiaiiorv peiiods mp into the strenuous training proltim and tun anil panics an miosesd tree tnmmon from hamiluw are expected to arrive to comp lete the job of cutting away dead branches that cannot be reached too easily the hamilton comp any will be properly equipped with modern machinery for this work this week the johnson bro thers have been working steadily in an attempt to finish the job buz saws have been ringing in the ears of all the neighbors as the work progresses steal movie-camera- from parked vehicle thieves broke into a parked c tr owned by allen cordon 326 peel street saturday evening and stole a movie camera and projector valued at around 175 mr gordon told corporal ray mason of the acton opp tachment his car was parked at ihc side of the station hotel when the breakin occurred al so taken was a sponge rubber scat uushion the incident was reported police on sunday and they investifcalml seek central school site to serve areas retarded the milton and district assoc la tion for relirded children is pre sently planning a new school to serve georgetown acton milton and surrounding districts rcpicscnl hives of thi associ i ion horn all arc is hive igiecd one good school cent ally located ti serve ill three towns ind uc is would be in idc il urantcmenl the property committee is look ic foi i but kl in j site in tr liurnbv ashtnne ire i on tin seventh line or in ihc spevsiile area on hrghwiv to build the new school rcprescnlml gi neetown and tew miller tr 7 wm ind rcpu scnting milton c g addison tr 89ss6 ire inxious to eon t tct property owncis in these ire is who mav he wilhn io do n ite or sell i suit ible site ol one oi two icrcs the sunshine school in milton opened i el iss lor lei uded child ten in oclobci 195s m the fnc men s room at the town h ill milton equipment w is hclied borrowed and loaned is were sop plies and ihnc pupils started on november 1 19s6 the school h id mere iscd to six pupils ind ic un moved to ihc hisemcnt ol the inunanuel bipiisi crunch wlieic it rem lined until june of i9s7 playground workshop the next move in si pie in hi r 1959 loi ited l he piesml qintus oppo li he millon ann i al the piesellt lime iheie uc 10 pupils ind illn ihc encrous suppnt ol the public i isl ve u i nili r the uispiees ol the geoieelown mil mill n kinsmen ind uc i wo men s institutes it is kit lie liuu his e inn to pic k i site ind even hi illv build i new school with sufficient loom lor ihc children o hive i pliyground the boy a workshop i domestic seienve room for ihc yds ind enough loom lor ihc children to hive then tnusii ind rhvlhm ilisses without heme etumped which is now t he l isi we must not icn ire iht neitl il the nliidetl iluld we should re uli mil i hilpiril h ind in thi si i he least i munitc of all our cflil dim summed up prcsiilent ad s ling ped down l nilhl cooks ni ii 50 mondi nicjit tctnpcialui halton presbytery buys campsite illon preshvteiv of the led chinch his purchiscd 50 icies horn rilph mcfscown r r 1 acton tor i proposed sum mer c imp site the i ind on no 5 side mid tun township s one lot iw i i mm the m un lann ind thin heir mil successor to the puc the resolution setting out the commission is i nun pud body received the support of mayor gov ehairm in e g tyler and commissioners g mecutehcon uuf g be itlv commissioner f oakes voted in ihc negative termed an insult a picvious mohon providing tor in innu il s il try of i pet niimbejwhs termed in insult by one nicmhi is it went down io deft it this million mined only the ippmv il ol mtvoi gov and mr be illv in in ctloil i i d bl optr nciit dine siliry commission uid municip- cont ichd heduh the ont in i hvdto il woild hid heen thursdiv evininl secret ii v ire isunr u id m msvvcr imm onluio hvdm ulvtbing lint the ihiuinin miild he piid it the i hi of 14 pii nice lint and loirfinissiomis 1 to coftecf dlncounts cirnin mounts were mthor til for p miunt pnor to cgul u muliiie nights in oidcr to mihlli disioiliils tin commission ilmd to ikkiiiv tin fidelity h iul i r the sicrilirv and meter leader to the imounl i j5 100 1im other empltvees to j2 500 the lollovviiv in hints were ippiovcd for piimnl tu pio disiiibutois j i 2s 1 midllum sitvui 813 rllis howird 1 id 4065 town of alton undent insi petty town i r k confed nsh f alton wi niv i i i lion 1 de 105 83 ias 1007 283 41000 ti lining ol ans plm in the world for sunns uid blue i springs is om ihe be si e unis i i have ivir xn ik n milked sliilh spe iks piltim lllfcilsh pndsea stafl sothme but prais w is inui ifn iraimnca staff b singh cnkkhinj hejilketl while his hinds were busv making i snnil vwnin from branches of icdu trecs the indian scihiter is pixsintk attending purdue umversitv in the imted states vshen he hopes io attain his ph d decree in agrteuhurc be tore n turning to his homeland it is his ambition to return to punjab a better farmer ind a first cliss scoulcr in order to aid the voeith of his counirs to become better citizen as for the balance of the nmrs ihruughoui thr i is on sundn the camp is ilmost diseruif is seoulirs in lull un itoim visit alton t worship in the church ol heir taith whm simp is iliatid ind the seouurs depart taeh will mum lo his own limp txilir quilitied io olkr li ulcrship to oiheis steal cigarettes at iga store after an unsuccessful attempt to open a rear door thieves jim mied the front door at ledgers i ga store earlv saturday mom i tig and stole cigarettes valued at 250 titer ransacking the main oil ice store m injlir dave manes diseoveied the breakin when he iirmd n woik saturday morn inc ind told police he believed the premises were entered some nine between 1 30 and 6 15 am polui believe a bread basket was used bv the rubbers to carrv ihc loot to a waiting vehicle at v nt th store o dry walk improvements continue al knox chunh now a new side walk is hung hid imm m un si to ihc south door the low lying wilk caught puddles of water so the lexel has been raised with the roof dram underneath two new drains are being installed the walk leads to the new gut sione steps morlex allen is in charge of the work found near the back entrance c msi ible robert moreau o the wil opp detachment i nvcsiii itiiii the robberv plaque for leader from scout troop former assistant scoutmastei launnce dubv was honoicd at an informal campfire presentat ion thursdax night of last week on the farm of richard brown r r 2 aeion he received a plaque in appreciation of his work with the firsl acton troop lor the past three years piiroi leader george ware made the presentation to ros cou sin who is a member of the newlvorgamzed billy middleton rover crew buildings on it mr m kiown will still hvi on the ic mauling 100 jcrcs lie owns hutnhcr glm i imp m ir bol ton is pnsentlv used hv hilton presbvlciv when the mw site will be de vilopcd is n it known district governor visits rotary club intern iiiond ispnis ol kot iry work were stressed duimg the re gular nu e iml f the aelon iluh by distnet governor j a turner f pott ctidil when he pud i vis it iij acton tuesday evening in outlining the aims and ob- tecls and duties of cvciy club the otsliict governor noted how tm port int it wis for r it uy cluhs in 116 countries to promote under si inding tod will jnd peace hroughoul the woild mr turner i director of edu i ition in south peel his held in mv olhies in the rot iry org uniiition and his in cnvnbfc re cord in the field of education and community work ou lines program the dtslncl governor outlmid the rot irv found ition lelfow ship pioj1 un ind told the aelon nunilxrs tint miss ann goirk of milton would oiiniev this ye ir it belgium l luitliii educilion md iucl is cotm in of hmjind w inlet ittend toioil tjmveisily tliiough thi lound ition rllowmj his uidicss he held a iluh issemhlv question ind ans- w r pi nod it which timi com mitlcc wink wis discussed pi ins li i the acton clubs pio- liels loi tin inning vi ir wire reviewed ind i general inlonna live discussion lollowed mr tiiinn will visit 4wluhh in dtsliut 717 he line ll md ol ihc vi u uid ixpiits to luce a busy schedule die id ol him vacation bible school at eden mills this week attracted over the children are divided into age groups and enoy the sessions 50 children from kindergarten to the senior group the classes from 1 30 until 4 pm many of the younger children not yt ere pictured above with the officiating mtn ster jack birtch and attending regular scrool iook forward to the daily classes at the other teachers ass st ng the minister are mrs h james mrs h bible school buchan mrs w lasby mrs h tomlinson and mrs e parker i

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