Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1960, p. 2

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four out of a hundred ever line russia was first to gtt man made satellite into orbit in our universe there has been breastbeating in the west over the failure of our society to educate and put to full use its best talents in canada a frequent selfcriticism on this ubect has been that the state simply has not provided enough aid at the university level but statistics on schooling m canada indicate that if not enough canadians are going to collegethe fault is less at the top of he edu cation ladder than several steps below and the cause is not lack of opportunity but some other lack in our young people and their parents a report by the dominion bureau of statistics states that in the school year 1957 58 the total enrolment m publiclycontrolled schools in canada was 3474642 in that year enrolment in grade nine first year of high school was ust half209926 and enrolment in grade 13 the final grade of high school and college entrance year was only 14 160 in other words for every 100 children starting out m the public school system only four were staying through to the finish the cause of this remarkably poor re cord is not lack of opportunity the schools end teachers are there in some small num btr of cases financial problems may require a family to put a school aga child to work lihough when the family allowance schema wai introduced 15 years ago one of its staled purposes was to provide equal op portunlty lo canadian children j an article in the labour gaiette a few months back made this comment on the sub ect a study carried out some years ago by the canadian research committee on practical education shows clearly lhat econo mic necessity is not the only or even the mam reason for which young people leave school although it is a reason given more often by girls than boys lack of interest or rather lack of seeing any purpose in further education is perhaps more compelling early marriage is often a cause of girls terminating iheir studies poor marks a desire for a change and lack of en couragement at home are also known fac tors wasted talents more tax money spent on university aid well the question seems to be less how we can get more of our young people through university than how we can get more of them through high school so they can even consider entering college the conversion to teachers things seem to be changing in the pro fessions with many from industry making their way into teaching readers of sugar and spice on this page will know that bill smiley editor of the wiartdn echo is giving up newspaper work to go into teaching we know one editor who won t be mak mg the change of course it used to be school teachers who were becoming editors the dutton advance points out some of the reasons perhaps why teachers left the profession in the eighties in this article borrowed from that publication and titled things could be worse our friends in the teaching profession who feel they have a rough time of it today should at least be thankful they were not in the business away back around 1872 at jhat time according to galaxy science fie ition the following rules were laid down for those instructing in the three rs 1 teachers each day will fill lamps clean chimneys and trim wicks t 2 each teacher will bring a oucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the days 3 make your pehs carefully you may whittle nibs to the individual tastes of the pupils 4 men teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes or two evenings per week if they attend church regularly 5 after ten hours in school the teacher should spend the remaining time reading the bible or other good books 6 women teachers who marry or engage in unseemly conduct will be dismissed 7 each teacher should lay aside from each pay a goodly sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society 8 any teacher who smokes uses liquor in any form frequents pool or public halls or gets shaved in a barbershop will give good reason to suspect his worthy intentions integrity and honesty 9 the teacher who performs his labors faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase of 25c per week in his pay provided the board of education mr speaker it was a sign of health in the canadian political system that the speaker of the house of commons roland michener could icall the prime minister to order last week and require him to retract an unparhamen tary statement mr speaker is supposed to jbe an impartial referee m the commons de bates end it s plain that mr michener per forms this function without fear or favor nevertheless it s true that under the canadian system the post of speaker just like apost in the cabinet is the gift of the prime minister after each dominion elec tion btssw speaker is chosen from the ma onty party and it s the prime minister who does the choosing the m p so honored may be ambitious in succeeding parliaments to hold ministerial rank consequently he requires unusual toughness of character to resist the tempta tion to favor the party in power and the pm in particular the solution of this problem os devised at westminster is to keep the speaker per manently on the ob through changes of government until he is ready to retire at age 70 or thereabouts and then to give him a pension canada should adopt this plan buttressing the speaker s independence and the new dispensation might well start with mr michener if he can be persuaded to make the speakership a lifetime career incidentally the position of the speaker in canada s table of precedence should be advanced as the first commoner he speaks for the elected assembly to heads of governments in britain he comes immedi ately after princes of the blood and the highest officers of state and church here he follows ambassadors cabinet ministers for mer cabinet ministers and lieutenant gov ernors this isn t ust a trivial matter of who sits where at ottawa dinner parties the sovereignty of the commons should be re fleeted in the ranking of its spokesman financial post follow the rules hundreds of canadians die each year jbecause they neglect simple rules of water safety half of these drownings occur dur ling june july and august and many drown gngs are caused through boating mishaps j follow these rules for safe boating j 1 do not overload your boat leave plenty of freeboard 2 if weather is threatening stay close jo shore 3 beware of canoes fishing from gcraftit ha ardous keep approved lifepreservers in your boat nonswimmers should wear these at all times 5 do not use your boat with a motor of excess power 6 keep your speed down speeding m motor boats can be ust as dangevous as in cars 7 stay away from areas where people are swimming 8 do not attempt long trips across open 9 if your boat overturns do not try to swim to shore stay with the boat the acton free press ruimiairl by be mb mattac aatd ri co ltd founded iq 1175 and published everv thursday at 59 willow st actuo oouno member of tbe audit bureau of circulations the cwjtia and tbe gntanoouebec division of the cwni advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance 3bq in canada 400 in the united states six months 1 75 single comes 7c authorised as second class mail post office depart meat ottawa the only paper ever published to aetna g a dills editor inchief david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 600 acton nvd the good old days sccycii cutct sfrice by bill smiley there s been a resounding tara diddk recently about canada s divorce laws a couple uf mem ber of our house uf commons have refused to play the annuil parliamentary game known as lets pass these blasted divine es and gel home so llieir kl low mps swelter and mutter in the lie it ol llie eapital atlermting from delicti i in the exposure ol the shoddv i ihikilion of divotee end eiue lo shueked oull ige at the inatkqujev of our divorce laws the metropolitan pipers are having a field dav tipping a heavy wink at their eneulal ion managers between hcadlin fe 5 j best gimmick thev e come across since e p til punishment for selling papers all this foofawraw ibuut div orcc has sorelv confused mv slow cousin winslow last time i siw him he was rcalk bcwil tie net docs ill this here stuff he iskeel me me in lhat y i e in t have no adulters no moie unless oure married i had quite i time straightening him out no no winslow i explain cd it means ou can go njht on being cra a drunk a wilebeater or a familv-de- sirter and vour wife is stuck with vou for belter or worse its onlv when one of ihc pir tics to ihc marriage commits mlullerv with witnesses ihit ou can untie the knot and as thit is a pasllime that docs not encourage the presence ol witnesses vou have to sort ol make believe you hire a whole lol of people like detectives and lawvcrs and j nice hdv who will pretend she s i shadv i idv all this costs i lot of moncx and ihit s wh kilws like vrfu and me seldom el a divorce winslow was relieved ya mean 1 don t hafta look her up and bring her back and gel one a them divorces he beamed perhaps 1 should mention that winslow s wife left him sears ijio hee ilisc lie woiildn i i h inee lioill ulluci lo milliliter undei wi ir intl he s been is li ipp is a ho cei since lluic s no doubt iboitt il 11uhilii oit rinoiee ims imil i diastic ovcih iiilinj anil id be li ipp to sit on ihc corn miltec in clinic of iiiiiimil the new ones id en i imlv chuie i few hiihls tnsl of ill i d put ihc cost ol divotee on a sliding scale b ised on vour income there would be a j2s hollom loi the smill w ilc earner running up to as much as si 00 000 for the holhwood mur who is making i million a veil tilts would give the ordin ar joe a ehinec lo knock olt the shackles when he anived at the desperation point ind it would also put a enmp in the muruue inurv goround among the neurotic rich to adulterv is the sole ex cusc lor divoiec 1 woulel ulel mumble msjiulv ele set lion tnd alcoholism ix setters md boocrs would get two chuiees to pull up their socks ii thev eouldn m ike it slick thev d gel i t 1st divotee md live ears idiul nothing like a sticlch on the stone pile to cure a hangover or tli u wan deling uigc there lies hcic the dinger hut mum nun would be h ippv to do five in such i cause and we truth hive lo build i lol mote ills but tint could ik worked out those would be mv b isie m sons lor l divoiec suit bui i would piovuk urn olber eseipe hatch i- ich couple dong wilh tjic niirnige tutificili woulel be h hided i i irie shit u i printed list on il this would ik pinned in i piommcnt pi m in ihcii new home the list would be in iik up of sueh misdcim in ois is bui temper bui bteilh i u il ince detling h 1 1 it sh ivcd drunk ag nn s icliiil smukinc too mueh md so m ou cet ihc idci faeh of the new iv weds would m irl willi i hundred dodging round the district by roy downs milton when thi twelve mile tmk onsen im n oih decided to drop plans lor i paiksiu il mount vin in nut burlington members of ihe lnper ruiliiiclon mms i num tested loud i v the aulhorm lounel 1 in 1 i quisi i n w is i and agieed to forfeit their scheme but ilk mulmiv i m ilu m 1 ihev should co to acq pm al am cu l lu keep es4jrpment green and out ol the bands t vpeiiilit is oakwlue mosi ot thi apitmunis in the it w mti i m housing protect of the oakvilk rot ir ch b have k n sptleen t t project consists ef tour onestores buil tines e uti e mt iniinj a pan men i suites and the v should be i e be se pti n x i 1 georgetown if a man over 40 in mi n s un il si he has the abthlv to be an assist in t t tmnn mui iik ill t rison when objections were raised m e tin il ibout iumul idvei men i fur help which stated the ipphe nn sho der 40 council agreed and the illeneline ph burungton cuabau talks txiween town outside works department impl ves after negotiations broke down list weik breaks the works complained the town breaks in the agreement valerie heine miv burlington i960 in the contest thuidi ruth duos ran a dose third ferampto oos re warned lei be on the lookout ihc at chfr mav uxm be comma ounetl is rniiniing with eil robertson of glen williams to patrol the town looking i tr mm eiees mr robert son present polices ac ions and deorgt towns dogel mc georgetown one girl received i bruised shoulder ind in other had a broken nose after being pelted bv stones thrown h thiee souths police repnminded the boss and vvirncej others thev will be scvcrelv dealt with id be pre lei bl uti is is deleted biiiimgi n trid the viil go t eon ilu i n r the issue ol eot ie led to pn vi k e lf e builmctf n w is n inn 1 leninc milfoils pie tls poinls then ihcv would keep seoie on each oilier tor cv uiiple 10 points olf for gelling soused willi the bols displ ivs 1 bid iempci would cost live points wilh a bonus ol live i i lliiowinj limits when vou inn out of points voui put n i his the option of wiping ihc sht clt in met starling ov ei ot lellinc i qiiiik cheap divoiee 1 his would buck up the institution ot muiiigc no end it would lis i k id to some weitd mil woiiderlul ugu menis and ctpl nations and would mike lite whole elite i business an exeiimg tame this is nil sti ughtforw ird en ough bui hv the lime pirhi ment ynt i round to pissing it wed ill ik tie id and too hie lor i divorce perhaps it would be simple i il we usl adopted the divoiec i iws of isl im in hi il f nth if i husbind gets browned off with his wife ill hi h is to do is si m front of witnesses thvoiee vou i div diet vou i divoiec vou md lllev ie divorced however even the followers of ihc prophet e in t win a wile usuallv brings i sun- st inti il dowrv to her m ir iiilc if her husbind divorces her ihe dowrv must be re i ut ne d with ie e nied in ie re si how would vou like to siv the h ippv phrase three limes over vour mibcl ind have her re tori rme but i want th it 2 000 dad lomed vou to bus the lurniluie plus all the mun ev i m ide those lust two veils whin i w is woikiiic plus s pel eent compound inteicst toi eijht ve irs back in 1940 taken from the lame of the free preaa thursday augual i 149 a new industry lo canada ilu wool combing curporuliun will locale tn acton and hove leated the building owned lv biiird more and co hi i lit ll ol i red crick ti k markun yemrul munuiiei of the new firm ii here now making uiiungcmciils lot iiislullulloii ot rnaihinetv and equipment the new company plan lo produce al ihe rale ot 1000 000 tops annually thi establishment of this plant will provide the on iv individual unit in this lounlrv il ills ii gap in tin tent lie indus try when it is most urgently needed lo begin with the ntw plant will crnplov about io0 people and is conlroluxl by british and canadian interests struck- on the head and crush cd by a descending hoist james sangslcr was instantly killed al ihe be udmort and co tannery here on fndav morning the an ide nl happened usl beloic noon mi saiilmer had been an emplovcc of the compan lor the p ist 16 yiars md one ol bis dut us wis lo cltoj out the pits il ihe ixjllom of the hoist shall he had been instructed to do this woik the following morn ing ll is helmed hi decided to look inn j the bollom of he pit to sec its lonthlion it ihc lime ihe acildctil happened he wis ippirenllv bene it h ihc ekvdor l lie ind w is pee n lie down into the pil ind fukd to bear the hoist discinding an inquest will be held tomuht duimg tbe business men s weeklv diavv foi w ir sivuics st imps on s iturel iv mis i o johnston wis tin loitunile win ncr ol the ssimi u ird md s2 00 pnes were won bv mireirct somervilk ind mis f ciump the second smith reunion w is held it the home ol mi ind mis r i dividson on 1 1 id i julv 26 when over 100 dcseendinls of ihe smiths ol m issigiwiv i llthnid lo spend the itlciinron md ivemnc ihc illcinoon ve is spent pi iving b iseb ill g imes ftei which iviivoni sit down to i punn lunch including a 1 ul1 bit thd is t ike hiawi m t vif jrwriwrfbtl back in 1910 taken from ihe luue of ihe free frew thursday auguit ii il complaints have been made to the council ol some boys who baiht m corporation pond trev putting on the rink properly and even cairyiiig away mime uf ihc boots and skates which were in ihe wailing room notices have been pasted up threatening the liespassers with prosecution mr kd dynes has had a gang of men busy hie past few days moving bick the budding ex cupicd by mr john gibbons butcher to the widened mrcit line ii is he intention of mr f i grace owner lo put a new brick fionl on the building next the dogs uf ontario will not be relieved ol the muules which ihcv irsvt been compelled to wear sinci spring if dr rulher lord veterinary directorgeneral of mada h is his way while m foronio he said he could sec no re ison why the order should be rcsimdcd and dularcd if he had his w iv he would recommend that the order be continued lor an indcfinili period a parly of about 100 persons including employees ol w ii storcv and sons and their f i it ntls pic nn ked on t he roc ks at rockwood on saturday after noon the usu il visits were made to all ihc prittv spots in the ir i i a pit nit lunth was served on the lawn of mr md mrs w f smith ind at ton citiens bind under the lendership of j c hill iicotnp inted thi group the acton hiseball ie tm went to fnn lo pi iv g imc on civic hohdiv md sulftitd i v4 deft 1 1 at ihc h inels ol their opponents at ihc end ol nine innings thi store stood it four runs eieh ifid in etri inning wis needed lo dei iik ihc mitih when the inning was over hnn had tallied the nceessuv run winning the gime the first threshing of the sea son i hik pi ne on mr rich ird n bi wn s i irni hsi thursd iv if tetnoon his i ill wheal wis thieshed md yielded 4m bushels ii is i ve is plump line simple actons assessment 20 ve irs ico was 28 48s md the rate ot i xiiion 22 mills this ve ir tbe isstssmenl is 426770 and he mill rile is 21 mills professional directory and tfcavellers guide fuvfral directors dr w g c kenney phynenn and surgeon office in symo i blitck 43a mill st e acton oftice phone 78 rcsidencr iii church st e phone iw dr d a garrett phvsician and surgeon md r ver of w how en ranee riv actin oni phonp 238 photograph story on walter cook in csac journal n iitiek tit the tst joutn il e ineeininc wdlei c iok is ol in teiesi to his iriends here the sm ill paper pirt ol which is in i until is published bv the civil seiviee association l canad 1 li ill p ce pieluie i i mr hk i i unlet a tun m ivoi is t pped h i ik in idluie ilu r ki mis csu it on iw i un u title re ids the i xeeu five committee t the civil s vi e kui n ot cmiih his m r on tl i hi iprxiininunt it mi wallet ii took is assisi int ri li l il ripre till hive ol thi as ii li n i h on w hull mi i r k re pi i cs juhii f ndersen wti i iimiijl held thi posiiton 11 in in i njmi white he npi i d his luch sthik i ind t hm i idui ti n mi ck in i c midi enjii nirv igo 1 w nk is iiistkii ir it oundi i luins in lsm he imed the i piiimtnl t n il i ml ixfenei b ih in 1 ndm i ind in can uli m t k k hid lone been at ti e in in n ind i mkiimm it i is he his held utet in v ir i his inplovix orgnniations ind is t imir mcmtxi if thi dove use leve i ne il council ol the civil strviit vskiition il cm uli he his dso hetn letivt in ti vttifl irrs and is i lormcr mivor ol ihe council in the tiwn ot ae i in in this ipatitv he wis cr nvt in helping to rclocilc cm plovecs ol k roe vrh henme inemploves when ihe arrow pro- giam was discontinued dr robert u buckner physician and surgeon 39 wtlluirton st acton ont prion 679 office hoim 6 r pm afternoons by appointment rfal estate and instrancf f l wright 20 w ibtir sl acu n on iro phone 9s appmr real estate and insurance dr h leib dentil stirreon off cp comer m ii and frederick strut off ce hours bj app ntment tflephone 19 phone 699 night or dar bruce e shoemaker mgr auctionefring c h tuffin i iccnhsd auet oncer edm mi is phone r ckwood ulstcr 64392 optical and hear no awh e l buchner ro op m r t and hi 1nnj aids 4k m 1 st e phone 115 off cc h iirs wdnilivs only 2ki600 pm f n mm by appomunnt dr a j buchanan den al surgt off ce r mi i street off co htir9 i m to 6 p m closed wtdncvlav arernoon teu phone 148 legal c f leatherland qc offce hur 10 00 a m 12 00 p n 100 pm i00 pn slturdavt bv tppoiritmen onlv off ce 22 ph nr hi ht acton a braida ba barrmer solictor notary pubic 173 maui st s acton ont phon 56 off ce hours 6pm 9pm 1 pm pm sa urdavs 15 cork st e geitlph ta 4 2242 office hours 9am 5pm siturdav 9am 12 a m hastings i payne barns er and sol c t irs notaries publ c 1a mill st acton fo- appointment call 991 chptormactor w roy riddhl d c palmer speeav otiraprmeor 17 mil stot phone ortnee hours tuefi tliem i p m s pjn sat jo m 1 pm robert r hamilton optomi trist fvcs fxo mined c 1ssp f ttd co m i n s g irsrtown ont office hours 10 im to 6 pm mon to fn fveninks by ippointtnent ci d saturday fir ippoinunent pleane phone tr 73971 al biting accotvnno lever hoskin chirtind accountanu il mi ii st n 212 king st w br n ut n t ronto i id n s gl 14824 em 4b131 tkaveiurs quidc gray coach lines coaches lfavf acton ik ift saving time eatbund 613 im dtv rucept sun an3 hi fiviiii lt3am 2 08 pm of pm 6t3 pm 833 pm 1001 pm sun and h i i w ouxnnd 12s7 pm 2 vi t27 am 12 st pm 2 v7 pm s2 pm t pm 9 12 pm 11j2 pm 1 12 am fr sal sun h i canadian national railways standard time eastbound da it exeept sunday 5 44 uic daily except sundays 1 12 am iriaictopi 7 14 pne sunday only 8 01 pm daily except sundajflff- tr at georeown 617 pm daily fiver at geonfrtown 1008 pm westbound dafly 12j9 arre daily except sunday uf ajn tm pjau satunky only xt pro standay only 9xa un flaolop sunday only flyer at cnelpfa im pal day exeapt sal and sun u pm aw vjsjjyvajjeafsx

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