Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1960, p. 5

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jrlfsonal notes of actonians vuiting outomowft points and of visitors in acton iemfn fc tats cojutnn b a popular one 111 the free press please help lost it full by phoning in news of holidays and visitors to 600 mr albert ford ha returned from a trip west sandy pntcin is a camper at west end y camp at norval mr dave smith of toronto vis ited in town on the holidiy week end mrs gordon cunninghim noli dayed with relatives near brut bridge miss janice lcyland spent week at circle bar ranch calcdon david ryder is spending two pl weeks at shirwocd forest camp btv carnarvon mr and mrs j catdtr are spending a few days in buffalo this week mr and mrs georgo harrap acaiioned at thur loiil m bowman vi ik miss susan fleming of guclph is visiting this wltk with miss vivian smith rev and mrs a h meklnj and famil arc holidaying in muv jioka this vvetk mr and mrs f anderson visit cd with relatives in bond head distrilt on sundav mr fred eunngir stntford visited his mother mrs sophti euringcr on sundav visiting mrs john wood sun day was her brother mr ind mrs j f warren toronto mr and mrs fnnk broumng of tpronto visited on the wnkcnd ulth mr and mrs g a dills mr ind mrs ttd hmsin and family have uiuintd irom i holiday spent at bruce beach a resident of acton for mam years mr frank row lings ot guclph visited hen las week mr and mrs r spuivoeel ire vacationing at the home of mr and mrs s andeisun toronto mr and mts jim wilkinson and son bob of oakwlle visited relatives in town on the weekend mr p biain who has been stiv ing with mr c k browne his mr george panlrv of oshivvi is it staying for a few davs with his 1 sister mrs c mtpksden chureh st lac tern bottomlev mis boi tomky and son p ml of downs view visited in town on ttu week end brother norman hinton tor onto isitid with his parents mr and mrs i w hitilun on sundav mr and mrs justph kikv of hamilton an visiting with mis philips and mrs memiilm rrcd rtckst mr frank stgaski u ho his been in hospital in toronlo has been transferred to milton dis trict hospital mr and mrs george bollinger and family of brock vllle spent the holiday weekend with rclat ivcs in acton mr and mrs alf long and family arc baek after holiday ing at their cottage in the lake o bays distriet mrs ball and miss susan ball of bracebndge visited here with mr and mrs roy kirkness and kim tidey ave mr neil mcnabb is convalcsc ing at home following treatment lor pneumonia in st joseph s hospital guclph mr and mrs harry ottcrbcin and brian and mrs f mooney holidayed on lake muskoka over the long weekend mr and mrs vic patrick and family mr and mrs harold townsky and family spent their holidays in muskoka after liking their daughter to eamp mr and mrs ma smon spent the holiday weekend in the braeehndge distriet campers ol hutnber glen near bolton i united church e imp are ann svmon birbati meei chem and carol bcaltv mr and mrs r mieiuky and fimily nf toronto visited with mr and mrs c rolju ddson and firmly on sunday miss gcorgina wilttr of mont real his returned after a monlhs visit here with her sislei mis h hiring and mi helvvig mi ind mrs earl lambiit ind mr ind mrs w hamilton return ed from i v aid lion on lake she beshekong in the parrv sound distriet visiting wiih their giandpir enls mr ind mis s biaidi ue chirv i and patty bi aida of kingston daughters ol mr ind mrs arm ind bruda mr bill coits of rosefoid terr lee has been illtndine tea thers college in toronto on unite his he broke a bone in his loot il his home spending sund iv with ins grandunck mi h w hinlon ind familv like avenue wis mr n barnes ol birmwigham fngl ind a student at cambndge univer sitv mrrwd jn aatlv todd and on of pontile miehigan visited relative here bob and david w it son wenl baek with them and returned home todav thur sdav mr ind mrs price hendeison and riekv mr and mis john cunningham nnd bibv diughtei shiron holid ivcd at a cottage neur btaeebridge for i he past 1wo farthest point reached wis banll when mi ind mrs iome wieek iheir son gerald and alei young look a motor top west thev arrived baek home fnda ening mr ind mrs j r inglis an biek from a tnp to chnstophei lake saskatchewan they visited 10tvylatold elm which stood in me grounds at the robert little school was cut down this week as part of the clean up of broken and dead trees lome and russell johnson have been busy this week doing the work pictured above the elm tree struck with an elm d seas is beginning to topple photo graphers on the scene grabbed a quick picture and ran for safety before the 60 foot tree crashed to the ground near the spot they had- been standing slatt ihuio on the spot treatment is given to casualties at fairy lake bathing beach by st john ambu lance brigade every weekend pictured above maryann smith 7 from hamilton has a knee bandaged after an old wound was reopened in a fall at acton park sunday mr and mrs g hargrflve brigade members are shown at work in the portable trailer used by the members ai i r churchill voyage reunion trousseau tea highlight district happenings joshua thompson inel r tbert linham kit on tuesday evening for a tup lo bngl ind thev went by train from tie oige town lo montreal were they sail lor hne i ind on the empiess ol h mee thev will visit wiih lei hives horn ihiee lo loui weeks smith bell reunion the smith and bell teunton was held it the hold ol mi ind his r dividsun nil situuliv entile leivi ne s il down it ililes lot stippir sel midline it 11 he liees raees hoiseshoe pilih ing ind b ill w is eniovid trousseau tea mis haiokl giillin and mrs wm thompson illnukd i inius au lea on saturd iv evening loi miss shirlev awiev il ospnnge jackson parker wedding mr and mrs wallaee swack turner ind i ami i v 1 1 le nde el ihe jaekson parker wedding at ruek wood mi an usher don sw lekhimer was re i it i v e s md 1 1 1 e ink d l hi w i d ling ot mis inejis biothet s d ui ehler wheeling west irgini i wis heir obeilive when mr and mrs slew lit russell meile hid mis fdilh met- tent in stutid out i r a motor tup thev te tumid list cekend mr ind mis lull untie it irs nelson lamlxit mi ind mrs herb l imbcrl mrs her gulhiie shu in ind ken spent a entov ible t nie in heine t is hion on sund iv u stanlev paik ei in mr ind mis ind rov speiii and mrs h i lmioll i ike r llu i week it i hub i ikt thessil n th rtv iiki mi ikv nl i imilv g roemiklson i tek with mi rognvaltlson it r md mis huvev in 1 i imilv it i mi and mis b b h itv spelll lilt wet kell i me cult hit n jllil j i utditl tht itonum n ot mr md mis ind sund iv mtcn ll ith mi- spt flight 1 itiikn ml rs kiv 11 ill j int md ri k pent tht he 1 t is gutsts of mrs j i iml miss mid on sund iv the r but p ift l i vnne i wmiupee wt ktntl as k clnpmin e tti ipm in visited mis pfjfl s bnather john lhapman jr mrs wilmi t ti ipm 1 1 ind david it r r 1 r nkw h 1 wet paint el iktl ii i tit ill hi local views mis viokli cuirie of toronlo spent ihe weekend with liei sister mi s aiilus thompson misses s ulit ind mirgartl bin nie md mi j lines biimie left lot then home in s isk itehevvan mi ind mrs ii inv shortill ind i imilv msiud wiih ret ind mis hndil ne ii lsstx on luesdiv morning ol i isl week mi ind mis r ilph dennv visil e 1 in sund iv with ml md mrs a 1 1 re el thompson ind tamilv il ittona mi ind mis wm mi don i id ind gin don v isjlid vvilh then d tighter mi ind mis sluiev at onlli i jiid ue spending then holidays with iheir other d mgh lef mir nnd mrs elliott ut purv ailfiur boy hit by car injuries minor prompt action by leon very st r of ftkn ont prev t nled serious iniutv lo siweirold da till lichipnelle of loekeiby ont when the thiltl rjninlu ihe piih of his t ir on main street s ituitl i alteintkin the vouneslei wis visiting in aelon with his pirenis when he ran hum lilt e isl siele of the sthotl biidli lo tin west into ihe pith ol ihe southbound uh up r in his llu lr w mison ol the atton ehnietil erediled ihe mint si nous mint t iled bv biuists thild in stole mower a bold thief stole a power mower in hnnd da v light wed ntsd iv from a station ve ilon owned bv morkv allen ait in while the vehnk was parked in ihe st mon hotel pirking i it mr allen reported the nnd ml to polite around 6li pm but no triii of thief or m ntci his betn found sum ihoul tboil lor high engagement mi and mis orpt l hileett tit pit ised t i innounec iht in kipnunt it thur d mghler rim li mi im tuiiti son i mi md mrs g r 1 in mm i alton ihi wtihh j vtill t ikt pi in n st pit nilvi 10 it 1 m pin ii st all ins llni h a t n notice elbuchneroptomelkist wishes to announce that he is now fitting contact lenses 41 mill st e acton wednesdays only offrce hours 2 00 6 00 pm for appointment phone 115 acton miss judy connelv ol gtotye town his i e tumid homi aflei pending two wnks with he i unit md untie mi ind mis fi ink free in im mi ind mrs win sheppird ul ant islti vtsitttl on s iluitl iv with ii ind mrs am red siundeis mi i led thompson spent the tekend it sauble hi ieh weddme bells lit untitle loi to y lung ion pits this week mr nnd mis tlnold sw itk himer ol h million mm lit i on ul iy with his p mills mi md at thin sw lekh line iiss jerrv lane of woodslxk spent i wiek with mr ind mis girnel wmteis tongimil itions to rev and is murtay mebnde on the gilt of a son mrs aitken of acton spent a eek wiih her daughter mr and mrs will tee swiekhimer mr robett kerr mr iml mrs are hie ketr and lamilv spent the weekend at pine lake miss maisie shup of brimp ion mi met mis best mil gltn lvnn of peleiboiotilli visited week with mi ind mis chit he binntt inne bi ija of toionto is visiting it the home if hu uinl mt ind mis aified- siniultts rev murrav mibiuk ol toion ind mr and mts a g uinl and mi mint iy gaunt of lueknow d on sundav it ihe home of mr and mrs fi ink friemin ind mrs tred gr iy ind familv of cixiksville visited on sund iv il the home or mr ind 4ts brut i i tileh mr its todd mrs june long nd chuckle il w xidstoik mr nd mrs it i wmttr sindr i ind oriini ul 1 ind n visiti f n the wukind wiih mi ind mrs unit white is conltilut itions ti mi ind mrs arthur siundeis n the fcil i i i dave peal invested as new rover scout david peal wus invested into ie rover seout crew in a eere- niony in si alb in s anglu an hureh tucsd iv evening taking ml in the iirunonv were ruvei miles km giiidiiit md i nine duby mil trevv it idti ron smith wl presentation to mrs ballentine mis w ballenlme who leteul k moled lo gtlelpll vt is pit i s mllv stirpnsid btfote she mov ed when a mimbei of 1 ulit- fiom the atlon w i i hit t n im th ptesent hit pun it ion wiih diem aelon ihe aelon gioup w is s u se mis bilkninit but wileome will iw ill hu n she e in in ike litem i visi dkd ol jp miss jem megimv ix i roil is siling for oni week at mr ind mm ted barden s mr met mi- will gimxrison ud miss bonnie medougill spent sund iy at burlington mrs tdn i hike relumed home mond rv iflti i monlhs i t ilion it oxhow sisk mr ind mrs jim t inn ind i umly mended ihe ferguson re union it spiinghmk puk ion ion msudv nmrtmuinoorsaliirdv linda braida passes fifth figure test altir pi lutunij hour ili iwui on in turn uim imih i tllk iml ii ship i mil i hi ii i i m tin pissul iki hllh llniri kst on sinuliv join okik ptlsu lui sikiikj ligiii list niiif hi hu i cuik pistil hi i rtn it iml wiih hu p il inn tin i ill ilin is litui nioining on iht i i heir inn md i s idv ir ihoul 4s mi licit down one loot e ieh fictile i lilt t the other two ihout is minutes lmd i s udges of t imbelli e liidtes loumti out u u v itleutlini sumniii sk i l in guilph mud il 7 it in llu ind ihe voting gli is welt d itsl took ill 1 lilt wesk nd ni il ii i pemnsul miss i uhti i ol the s mi i i i sit ii the kilehinei honil i inda will ton i unit wot kink on the acton free press thursday august 4lh 1960 eden mills church young people enjoy hay ride lunch following the young people of eden mill picsbytemin chureh held a hay ride party after two hours- on the lounlrv roads ihev adjourn td to ihe milne farm for refresh mrs minim tubm in nnd d nigh lir doris aloise wilson ind mr tubm in sr spt nl llu weekend in itleiboiough mr ind mis thorn is atkinson nd fiimlv weie it h lis im i ike wetk em is l alton sund i visi mi md md mi- id mi visiiois in tht m 1 1 in mis milk i kuih tin nun will it v silolsol mt md m s 111 mi is st vtti mi a wilsh i n ml i mi n 111 s ji ii uml i n a v sii with mi ind mis i to shuli is gisiiij kimpt ol 1 1 ink i it am m im cm rn inv mi ind mis m eliitt uml i mi ilv wm hoi id iv istt is ol mr md mrsf minimi ii irrishuig mirv ind h dv limine in ol oikvillt ut ho lid vmg with j irii jpiniils mi ml mis mt ik i oil mis vv i it ids lo i l ik ml- holidiv i visil i ii ni ii ilb it- mis bi dlllllllv mis mi ml mis ilsims si ml w i it id spun i he nd it milibiiii hi mi mil mts hub ii mi j iek all in mi ind mts j r 1 1 nk stillmin b ubii guelpji k b nson btiifrt tine i ihe i link h ime i i i finiitv winn i d mis h k il mi ind mr ii nd m s i rill colt i k ad iiiis hid in mil keilti mr ind mrs 1 1 r ind i imilv spi and to k i tnp ti it the i si ul bulf ilo itkhn healthy living by w roy rio dell d c it i iti nslup ihv oi ihioujdi whith thenejvi will lx deeieistd iiillu pie ssi this dise is stit h tlimimtm us svmptoms in the person thit e in mi easik untie rsi ind ih it i in use i ts in danjei ol eoll ipse when its ft ime is out of lint 01 lit it ihe in it lion ol an lulomobilt ill provi diltttivi md din kiiutis it us siippoiling stun lures ire bint ind dislotltd i md its in n ibk puis mi ol ihgnmenl e in undersiuiid is well thill btnl and twisted bodv ii imewoiks i iusi i 1 mints thtouih tin i nine b nlv sp i sink itpt ht i qm slim 1 1 voir btidv md linp wt woi id iaiiosi spun nk to tire ii who i inv sim j hid di t but some idulls lasilv ippnu ite th i pit sellmil il ms hm pirtet trom tin 01 sien stem to itl ith in unw ir r mli il sktptn il msignifu inn to he stjhmml ih it tltlttts in llu mull in id liiinivtoik ol i hi r digue ind in iek until the st me kits ut iliinmil meehjnti il inlignlv ol ts nd p kuping v i 1 ipli bodv t huinin i o iht lot l nisi norm i n m ind diiu t pritiit hnnd i wllkb l rise inh i k 1 tint inplu ibk i dl t iss w ii mi in dv in also lorraine la rose and robert walt all of toronto spent a week as guests of mr and mrs brov n mn and mrs harold thomlin son l family have relumed home after ten davs tamping it tagli lake willi them was mar line me pherson also of eden mills family reunion mr and mm will gllbfrtfton illindtd the andersoncoatet re union in i istowel on saturday mrs kavt stivenvin and two sons john ind dan also mrs beryl wright joanne putsv and bobbie were il w isiga beaih llus spending the weekend with his brother mr and mrs bill me u in sr mr and mrs j mamrr are spending thi long weekend it pinv sound mr and mrs r ilph thompson wen m piny sound over the w tkuid doug is ruhirdson nf bmnt lmd h is ttiotd i wcik s huh div with mi ind mts doug i is b it tie mi md mrs gotlfrtv cimm of ooksilk sptni i witk tvilh mr nd mis noimm thorn is made whrjj you wait keys hintons 5c1 store photography wfddino ai bums ciiiid studirs iam1i v portraits passport visasi commi rtlai j g h stevenson phone 326 acton clearance sale continues of ladies and ment summer footwear mens summer i oxfords j 500 pr r jj9j womens casuals 2 pair 5oo ladies sandals i i muled ouaiiliiv i 100 p bensons shoes the friendly store stationery specials special value cadet stapler a qual iy tem 5 50 and 5 000 s iple f ce plastic brief case a good look ng bag for only 2 95 b ack or brown shoffort shnpmt pens mhi pn 1 ni ii p i95 each magic markers memo books p nuh s 8 ppnlir l rs 7h and 1 10 royal charter papetekie lm itns 11 shtis in i v fn lorn spvdal value 9t ox stamp pads rtl ss inl i is stamp pad ink 1 ii and 4 7 b it bali point pens i from 39t lo 5 b si pi sh ilt s 1 r i 11 i ir all mikv i 1 speed ball pens all si- ivdia ink black and colors rubber stamps made to order we can g ve you prompt del very in office upphr we have a large assortment of staple items for vour convenience ledatrs led per sheets carbon paper copv ptptr paper clips staples for most staplers tvpcvvnurr ribbons bound account i sales oks lies books and manv other lines now lowest price ever tans rieciflnnu victor electric adding machine rawufftm 499 wmm plus o4klnadartktar a low h4 llljl comf in and sef our sfxection of smith corona worlds fttmt portable typfrwrimrs rtoabt prkt convenient terms arranged dills mmmm stmuisie psc mlm a st mui si rhonx w3 and suppuii

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