Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1960, p. 6

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thg adon fr wow thursday august 4lh 1960 m in rehearsal photu by either tajltir foiloyvino her marriage at st albans church saturday july 30 mrs arthur kitchener andrews the former ruth carol puncheon is pictured with her attendants miss pamela puncheon mtss sharon brown and miss kay puncheon she is the daughter of mr and mrs j puncheon 52 guelph st w ruth puncheon marries arthur andrews saturday ruth carol pumheun imaim ulnt the hi iik ui ai ihur km ikiki andrews ai a doublet mt ui mony in si alban s dumb tl 2 m p m salmdav juk w imk m nations mums and bab s hit uh ucre plated in tlit lliun1 toi the mainagt and llu ktv h b stotcrett olluiaitd the bndcisllit dau l mt and mrs john pinu hcon 2 guelplt st tsi and iki luiri fiavt ui in nun mi sht is a fiaiidiissit thi groom foinuili ol itoi1 town is tht sun ol mi and mis arthur andnus ol rid wood til california and is i pnnui tin pltmd b a r mums in mtt in inti daisus and b il s biiath with pitxn iibbon siutmns i in tiiiwus ol in binli and iki ilttiidmls uu ill lisiikd and mil inuii in iki moilui llu do wns wiit hi uiid b mis waik i stiallmd mis 0 piiik ik kiis sisiu jiuuiusjiim was mi m i and uws biollki ol i ik iihiiii wluk hk usikis wni giant puniluon ailun bioilii ul tht bndt uui daml uulu guilph reception in hid i iixlin meinoiiil hall u is ik siltllv loi llu ituption uhnli lolldwid mi puiuikoii won loi 111 111111 out idti us mil a ui safct i ik buli s bishop lumi i mis ik ith i isslmid 111 11 lllsls lml woll i ikil1 with ilaikn biif- ants ik i ioiml1 wjs ul 1ui llilil i the touplt will ik inimj in i t brampton i ii mi- f 0ikis plmi ilu o wluk a and anompimnl miss ikiurbni t ion who smg o pulni low i tht widdmg piair chapel train tht bndi s llooi itiih io ot iot ptati ik sou and th tllt km u is ftsluoikil with boat net mint lib point onus and empiit bodin itinimnl wiih gut ms altnulid i a waistlini nr of piau di sou bli hloul 1 unt dianth a full itngth chiniilh lati puu i ciwtph tmunio and imtibwiu as added haik iniits m ih ui m wt nn ful inns of i ik skin huli s llk toupk kll n i hip lo ot into a ihaptl tiain ihtix pi m i m i iiki mmnti d ind loi li i di soie losts loitiiiil i it own lnt illnv hi hi uk won lhiii her shouldir ltnith mil sin i it slu nh duss unit i laiji wluli rtcd a tasadt houqutt ol pink potli nl toll it liuluhili kuvoi romi hiu sb isia djius anil us whiii il usics ind bain mums stephanutis toiiiinmiti mis iji hti jiittiilaitts urn mss sh run bioun gihlpli i- m id ot tlirw hocrs hmiur mfss kav iuikbnn iki iki u hk wtditm llu built mstti as bndtsmaid ind miss wis sb wmd unh ills imhii pamtlj pntlksn ik tint iiunds ind idmus on jub 6 junior htuksmaij lluii dusss mis puikiuofi ik id i misnl wtrt ol wain tst oiin i out i m ns shvtn inl on juk l uttita wnh s p tu klms mis i ripps u is hmtss it i soilh shltrtll sw nd nkfkts pmllv sbw miss si 1111 carried bakt hiwn w s ir m j tikfbinisstsw ii i in is slimuiiu giulph on northern ontario honeymoon follows rockwood ceremony murder of blind writer euringer first play plot mimlkis ol llit si iil i old shaktsptaitan inslnal aix using llitit oft slagt liutus ihtst das to ithtatst iwu can uban pnt winning plas whith will bt pit si nit d in thi aon lluadt lain ibis iiuinlh i ik two ihaniis tuuntisup in tin tittiil stialtoid itstival gluhi and mail pla uniinn ion its will bt kn iwo pi i loi m aims tath hlind mans bull in i iil liiiintil will ik situ on llu tunings ot angus i li anil auttiim 20 hit ttaibu in john i i will bt pitmiikd on tin oiiimt ol utusi 7 nfil at i in iliiui pi i lot m iiki on au list 20 kolll vtlll imm uupuss killlslk siltllljs iltsllltd b hi i iii jitkson llu tasis loi boih with me imtptliills 11 iu bull illllwll 1 1 in ilu lompam wliuli is tin it nth piiloiimii riiho ind illlki kllll jullll 111 mid stimuli i nights du mi in th ksliwl llualii llu pla wliuli plutd him lb in llu tonltsl will bt nlail bv gliiii mi cowan om ul c in adas iiiosi taknttd duniuis who puuoiish at sh hbiid ui illliiltd ull mithatl i ini- ham ikmv iv put i ind with jt in gastim ttlullo in u listial thialu in i js8 nj w uspiiliuk in iht siting ul i boiiii in loiontos tasluon ibk rostuk aiillioi in mm i spins i lak ul a woman and lui lotu who plot llu muidii ol llu worn ui s 1ms bind i blind wntti oiib to haw llu tihlis tiiniitl on hum il is t win ksiit 1 ipp 1111 till us idll m at toll d i insi ph b mi i i ts i in nib i ol lollipillv s tllllt 1 ill ill llllll llls u i 111 iii ii 1 ol tloii lllull s i ol mis soplilt i mil in hluul mm ilu blind ituii roszellnelson vows exchanged in knox presbyterian manse llu ivshxk nniiu a illl uis liu ml ml if till llllll inn mulillim ul llnilun n i liiin nilvin ihiithlu ul ml iitut1 ihim ciiuilli am i mt wuilll lnlinil lo llu 11 km null kinnll miii ut mis wiiiiii tuil kmill ai ion llu inn ii iii i n militniniil tn ilu rn iiiluii mikuiii mil biuti linn i iluis ut am uiiin li mil nltiii1 mil i it mi null lull skill mil iiiiii mlmlllll pllllls lullllll it llu ll iim llllll i llllu losi llu u iismiiis mill mlllll lltll sill lhiui 1 hllllllllll iii mlllll 11mi mil illicit llu wilki llu illinilillt vtis mis ilium is rol sislu ol llu rimini ul tiuiil mil i mil llllssiiius mil l i 111 i ills 111 lust nun u is i in all a inn in nil i nt iii a inipluin m is in 11 liiini nl ml mil mis rnl r k2 a inn iii menus iiiillui i limp j i mllll mlllll llssls u1siii iii 11llk iiisis allu llu minium iii 111 iii inn il 111 llll nili niiilliiin ii llists u ii piisilll hum si iiii mi loll uiulill nil in itiuinn 1111 ailun usesuui annual country picnic enjoyed by ladies aid utspllt till imllllli luil ill llu dav and tht ihnhituiiiit- utitlur ii polls lui gam tin mnutiits ol kmi 1 idiis aid and sonu liitiiits iiimiiid to hit honu ol mis j mm i sitoiut iu nottli loi iikh annual punu mi iluii md iiiulii llu sh uk ol tin tuts om on die lawn a tk lihllul alittnuon was sptiit mis a m miphuson hit pre- sitknt wiltoniiil all i bus pn milt mil lit iii i sllol i m ol slllj si i mh ii id int llu 21td isilm md ill upialint llu loids pi iui m mis ross rolklls bauinafad imi a ikmroiiir tii i s hluti s sl tlisis riiud lilt 11 lili onlan bu w1 u i e it s ks rjtkw lst lui llu j i k 11u ol miss sh m t t m st hi lm ml s hsi j lllh il rut l r- j km tl a i n lu is w u wil i 1 t r i l h s ii ihin i lx lllt bit s mi s i m 1 i h k t 1 i i ilu i i whw yuu i 0 si t s m 1 i i it tu f a uk f i m i i i i m 1 pik u and mi i m t w m t iiili mis u ihb i rkktt k mil w n i ti i u a m 1 j- i hl j pi u 1 kav i go pi i mi i i 1 w mi i i i si ii voui mlt i i m i 1 n klljuim s ii v i i tl i s i im pirtsit loi hiu vm n r ii s ui ib i ssjsi i i i i nii i llimn i ippi llu ii ml 1 0j i- ii ii ii i ii lln t t pniil im mjiui hi i kk i v 11 1 ll i i k i ihilli silk hg4n4 ii is i 1 lisi k- i 11 v ii r k i pmii l slk j i i i k hi i i lu mhll i- i s11 mi bimilnit plitis 1 ixujiii ami lult mi din it r- sl mil in ministers pinchhit during holiday period hun m s no ihmil ii sim ilu is ml llll 1111 1- 111 lllllllllis kn dun u liislu 1 m lull mill ii i ikuu llu sunn im tin lull iii sllllls rsi j iino kiikmihid l m s ln siskililuii hi loinuili t h llllll i l lllll k i iklllll till sit in i ii 21st l antiisl n in us ii kn in i mis mini i mi hint on iii sl hilil llu sipliiilui lui lionu mllll llll mo lllll mis luoiti i ml iilin ins lu ii i llllllllllt ol llllll sl lllillhl hi llll i ultis anl rims mill iii ill ul 1 llii mil miitmi loi llu ii ip pi null rtiik limkbls mis w j mil mil mis m istm il iiiinionns im llu spoils pio u mi mu m isissislnl hi sun il nunihiis miii ilim il il llu pnis mil mii lolls lisls llll hsilit lllll inns spin il sli lion mi ion i no i mil nn ml ukli ou kiikhii tin shin mis ii nil miinii ilolliis pin in lioltli mis in soiuillli inili ii liiui mis i wilson mis mi iliusoi mil i u 1 miuikliion llui uliii llu niilli mis mi ill ill si mil mis 1 wilson most inikliililki mil pun r mil lulili il mis m mi iluism tiussm in ins mis luil loli in nisi i mini mis sjisliill i ui imilisi ms mm i u smilli mil mis i iinluson spot t in mis a j mini i p i mil sit mllili n mil mittitiliion sallslyliig stiihr lot lllll llll i ikin liv 1 1 ill ilk ill plll 111 mill lllll rlllllll 11111 mill in sun s the lov i ilu blltiil mm s i ilit in mipotl ml liitiil lu plol is in in pi mil l jik i nitil mm hi ikil npts lu sni 1 i stu 1 lllll 1111 mill lollllst 111 mill in111 in i iuinilioiil pm il ol lllllkis ihiisisiiiui iii mllll ill i ill iiiiii iilislu lniiloi nl llu iislu il iliiluil wlilll iku il mi i mill ol ill i loli mu im us i llnltsli nl ol hi i lllmliilll willi llll llll is iliiilllll mil llnlli hlutiln l inn inn iii i ii iii l ll 1 pllllll 1 fourth course begins at blue springs camp lllll nl till lllislisl spols 111 111 is kin spinas sil usiii tins si ii i i- ii no ii plin is to n nsis i i ii ul is lui ilu k linn nl sllllli llillull sonl is llolll outs list lompkl i mi linsi pukin up willi ilns u is ini on in p u k h limn loin llu in ii il llim in hlls thin wolliil ills ol islljl vcr inpiilui ipulii il pi liknik o kp iii i ili on iii llop ii ll 1st llllll is 1 llll ispiiull mu slu is mis willi i lols imp ok lo llu sioiitus slu is i illni luni yihii mil s kipl iiiisi pupiim- in s i i llu llllllll l ui h ilu in iniliii in dads di iartmi nt ml i lllui in i 1 klloll llll ii ii hi nl sllll lllislllip i sll ll i link inn ism hut in m s l sliippul hiil in u pluit is om l u qnistioiis mv inlhii knolls coolie hats made during the eden mills vacation bible sclic jl arc wain i tlnei ol ihe kindergarten class while two teachers explain how llity an made pii lured kfi lo ylt nc mis h buchdii debbie hewitl age sik ronnie mar shall lliicc brcnda boiild s n i mrs h j inios over 50 children are attending the classes under the sijii 1 1 sior ol ja b n i in ster of the church paint royal bank during holidays llu llos il it ink prumsis inn linn nmli i itoiii i mini ilmy unh i lush in il ol pmt liv in nil ol iomii lump ml ssmpiihv nl tin loniimiiiiii is xlinikil in mis tliotnas willi nl 111 pissih ol lui luiillui mis nimiiiii i llui sl lliii lloltilil pissiil ollniiitit is inn x loiii mil lions in mi mil mis mini 11 in on llu bn ih l uuujilu jem miik n liulph ciniiil lliispilil julv 27 killivis al bank in llu ihsuui il k hiiii in until ol tin kinul hulk ilm my ins lioliil ll null mis dinni ind mimlius nl lus luinls riu inn squnis nl i iiiulun his hull ilomn uhil iinik mis squnis ii s ilso iiilli linn mink skinny mill ml anil mis rui yuuny mi squnis is a lurimr rock ml i a i mt ink sl uool squill tuil m i mis i m hills ml lnmlv iiluiiu lionu iiiiiii llll mllklllll iiiiiii lis t links holuliv ill i in i souiul rii liuil h mis ii is llu illipilll l hkaki ikohl i m i k i hut sp ik mhll ll ip hi k soilll i llll it ion my i llu lul huiiliny ymn liiiny mill oiiuptcd in llu i mys b minilkrs the ijmh also kept ill liiu sll ipi hi si ul llu minibus in it mill ii ii it ns nl is l slhllljlj nismi s i ppl parkn y iki ilijn jm i ih lo si il i ul mull 111 iii ion is pisl willi an juioltl1 u hisiinssi ippls paikm aki mil sssitih oil jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks conoete mick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer v farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv ci fs f phone ul fully innirad acton ol i 1111 milii is l lll i lllll lllll ml i v 1 1 j mis i n 11 1 mill llllll l i 1 ol lllll mis m i mis ii linn ind ruin nil i hi ls sn i mi mi 11 i nl r u mi mis h k t m i m n 11 n i m mis lliiul m i i u mi li m will ik it miss lll uu i imishniyti usii1 nut m i mis kohil mi in i i ii ministers daughter poet of distinction rind 16j9 rabies skunks up in rale jem drivein theatre d i r i i t 1 ii n s iii j iii is i links msl l v loll iiii si 7 lluliu i lull ii s ihimii rkk tlu ilim lu thurj fri aug 45 1 on the riviera iiiw km 2 flame of calcutta iii sim lkl i 1 3 lure of ihe swamp our first anniversary free one years tree lubrication and oil change oil included with every new or used car sold during august compare ih economy of volkswagen cars vans pick ups buses other commercial vehicles a yar jjc ac do jver e sc c iv a i c a ifl cs bij i es f c w f ooss dl g f j r tf hae ge a y app cc acj z 1 p pc i a ti co tj p 0 age we re pc icj o a oy f a cij j o c ik- e sijlc j s jl y tpr cs iw x f j to tcj i 1 l a i cfo 0 v t 1 to ut i 6 d j srjei jj d dte 0 it clajlo bob jim erni cross max mckee imi to ned our sales s ill to tnmle nev and used nir sils m n in in isl 11 two 1960 volkswagens custom 1957 meteor niagara 300 two door two tone with v 8 ciq rte nd standard hansms s on 1956 roadmaster buick j door sedan automatic mans m ss on with lots of entras your car and s35 down pay mtnls as low as 41 monthly on satisfactory credit 1955 plymouth 4 door autodial c iransmission radio two tone one owner new pa t ob 1 p 1 poor 1954 chevrolet 2 door rill o shflip i ii i klo ilorn pincin s3 nu in l 10 proved cied t 1953 pontiac 4 door complctrl tcs plus pa r ot sue vt 1952 pontiac 4 door sandafd i a- st i o us ci as second car n me fam y only s295 1952 monarch 4 door radio overdr ve wn te walls ix pi htmi i pit i umiiih mil n in kin a hnlhk vllll ll liuklll quin iml iv utv tuli tnii lip il vk llllim n ml rtcd a pt a 1 1 k k i i ml i pink svmuihih nisn nul k unotiv alimdinm ui mi- willi i c inntl ol diiiul nulion ol h u month htniw itl k vimu t lulwmtvr i proom and dkuim unbn mii lvl 4g i ll otthehrhk ishnamtuus with pj the bndc v miuntm mvln minon kimkv ml on and eleanor a- umioi hiuk- maids whitcrcen thc were gowned ihkt m waltx venpth gowns ol whitt llixk ed nylon over green taffeta ttn 11 headdresses wefc bows tn mauh- ing materials with brief silk tl hision vnts the matron of honor canied a cascade of white shasia daisies and pink roses and white sat won aug 68 journey to the centre of the earth im poom jwi1 s mso day of fury mi t rom rison f i h i t i l vf the two tone wh te and blue one o ic vcy clean no down p tv ent 39 monthly to ap proved credit max mckee 1958 ford w ton pickup 6 cylinder only 23 000 on thr i 14 ix t 7 tires wed aug 910 nnihi iuw1 nmftl nki but hi- i ik ptihlu i ol llh 8tvs 1 14 rxi nil skunks wrkk is in th prwious 12 monlhs onk 41 of ttmir pir unt wimhu t w wm tic- porttii irom this spev report states il pohshtnp her iu ii ismp hii in imimiipis u i ptihltshtn tiinist pn piil to nuvt thi hills tor thtir ippiii iiki sow that shi has put this lollixtion logiihn t i in jm a the il in r putun ol how iunskjtr abk the st talents an imitation of life l 11 km r smr ht l web of evidence v johssi1s licm licence mmblr i75m prize tiiis week royal ice cream soft drinks cigarettes ontario st s cross sales and service milton service station open 7 aj 11 tm dally u 11 pjrv sunday trb420i

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