Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1960, p. 1

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t jfftt pftsz eightysixth ymrno 7 acton ontario thursday august 11th 1960 eight pagos soven cents kart races runners parade queen midway thrill largest crowd ever to pay admittance three davs uf sdklina barkers mam streets bv acton ciiiliis in bilnlf of llic minor smius mis lht winnci mid nioutl nos mil in ihe nut test and i moira mckelvey was crownedmmqrjsports po queen fndrfy evening at the park during the threeday celebration last years queen miss trudy scoff orlimehouse is shown on the left after placing the crown on the 1960 queen five acton high school girls were contestants in the contest and the winner was chosen by a panel of five udges the pre vious tuesday no solution yet debate school fund shortage no conclusion win reached whin municipal rtprimn la lives from aiion georgetown mflion ivsagawcya and esquftsing met in stcwarttown hall on tuesday evening of this week to discuvs financing of a debenture shortage on high school construction lunds with willrid bird acting as chairman k c linds i n id a filter similir to one directed lo all tin inunictpahiiis thai win in thi former north hdllon high sihool dislnil board that was dissolved al thi end of 1959 points out facts thi littir from counl trimit cr miv mailanl mix ltd pointed out thai thi nort hallon dr tint board had requisitioned i ik county lr j7is000 for thi build lugs hi alton and gcoiectown thi couniv issued debenluks totalling 720 000 it a rate of 98 1 and paid the district s7i6vw98 an amount 11334 09 in excess ol the requisition the north hilton district n quisttioned ihi couniv lot 410000 and the couniv issued debentutes for 143000 sdhnt 18000 on the canadun muket it 1 2 uul j2sooo0 on i he aim in in mukii al 94 deduction of the discounl and expenses kit unds till tiling 405 482 m to be used ti iln mil tun school hi i shot ice inm the oin111 il uquisititm ol 2417 39 deiitielinl i hi ovirpivimnl lo thi aelongeoru town e iistim lion the t oum hid v 182 41 kss tt ui il uvei in ttu bunts thin facelifting install ceiling in town hall al lull eouiu it eh imbe i s uul ihe hdlw n il ihi i wn h ii in lakinl on an entire k ihw ipr u anec as workers u continuinc with icikalions to date different hehls hue betn installed in the nolm olliei a new m hie tloer laid un the hallwav and eouiu il eh unbei floor an aclwmu tile eellinj hid mahiv pxwihh w ills com plele with cow ind olhti mould ing havi hem keeping bill ru rcll and sam tenntnl town mi pkees busv lor the past lew wwtsf- it is ixpextctt to hue new was requisitioned for levy for five the county treasurers liltci suggislcd the dihut be mndi up in levies on the five municipalities concerned cither next year ur oer the next five c irs comlu sum of such an agreement would make it possible for the lounlv lo pw the ttinds to the millun li st i lei boird imnudi uelv and collect i rum the municipalities next c ir shires of the unounl win ac ton 1 108 87 georgetown 8 8316 mtltun 4 699 08 lsque sine 4 13279 and nissiwevj 1 488 ii the not in hiltim hi sihool district buird his been dissolved md rcpheed with three sepaiale districts it the llisl of the e ir col g 0 brow n foi im i sci let ire me isurii ul he dlsliiel boird noled th it in the division of ire is it the lirsi ut ihe ve ir ac lon h ul received i sm die town inquired from mt blown if llic othci municip ihlcs had lo puy the amount lo the milton disirict board mr bniwn noted they did according to the munie ipal act reeve john gnei ac lon sue tested it seemed the munieipiht ics were bound lo p iv the unounl he sutttsled ac lon didn t want to pav it mil it would be better to u1 ii pud mil de il continued on page eight three days of spieling barkers whirling rides buzzing gokarts blaring music and rushing crowds have ended acton leg ion minor sporls association is many dollars richer and wilt be able to continue with their cmldnns sports program for another yiar their threeday carnival this year was the most successful of the six they have sponsored the sum netted for minor sporls is not certain yet but then an smiles on the faces of men who know thi look of thi associations books bills will be paid and equipment for hockey and baseball teams bought beginning thursday evening of last week crowds of people kept a stiady p lie of traffic en tiring the park talcs fnday and saturday caih siw over i 000 pav admittance lo see ihe various events a large midway of nine rides games and several other booths il i railed throngs while ball gam cs and track and field even is kept ivid sports lans cheering in jnu i her siction of the park aelon home i urnishings won the shield lot ihe best decorated window buzzing gokarta one ol the fialuri attractions satuiday was the performance of 20 members ol the north hal ton kart club from georgetown and the buzzing of their two and a hall horsepower motors kepi things humming for a number of hours pony rides candv floss cand led apples hut dogs and pop were consumed m treat quun lilies bv pirenls and childrin iliki and balloons and comic h us wci c i common sight c lull lied in many children s hinds as ihey wended their way home the cruwninc of ihe popular it v queen miss mjiira mckclvey cot the filthy evening prugram underway she ind her four cs- coits wen paiaded down the too cool despite a mounting list of im piovcmcnls p irk attendance is down so fir litis year sale ol se ison s ik kits is down too wca ihcr would appc ir lo be the guillv p iriv wiih a lunl nxil spring and d imp summer so lai a heal wave would boost the figures prumptlv hkclv mam streets bv acton cilicns and aelon junior pipe binds is they rude in style in deeot iled convertibles competing in ihe lonlesl this year were miss mckilviy inn lalimcr givlc roscll lon une richardson and jackie i ivve the winnci wis chosen bv i panel of tivi j ddjes on tin pie vious tuesduv cvining dining the clowning ol on popularity juein n hlui i angell presented miss mikclvev with a lovely butiquit of llovveis in bihilf of ihe minor spoejs assoei ilion two dunces a d inn in the inua ind in i he i in ihe legion uuliloi mm uk si ilhi lot ihe mole iinhit i us ones whose leel lould si ind lite pounding if it r much w ilk iiil tliiuulli ul llie puk biili will held i ii i iv eveliine s iiuidiv mm in bi x li tbv loi tn i l in sup iv on al lies t hhi lltu i lew spilh ind llidlls rohul pttec cm tled lioin ihe itsl of nmtisl nils ihe winnci nml pioutl pus scssui ol i liuphv i mite wilki won second pine when in n is ed uul aim rohmson wh i illl ed for the tin id nine tiopliv tverv eonlesruil in the tin reicived i silvei dull n doting ihi ruts soiih ot ilk dnbv tnti nils hid d lliuiln wilh then ens bill i pine ul lone ind odd n ul it i ip witl i liuninei mil vilueles win ii immobile md sin ikinc d u ihe lull in inolliu hi h gills is well is bos kk1 rsufl photo soap box derby w nners and all entranls are pclured above following the race on agnes street saturday morning w nnor of the event was john price with erne waller plac ng second and allan robinson third fronl row lefl lo right are e waller j pr ce a rob nson and t coles second row k owe n j hladun e masscy j lee and b robinson back row a vale and b holmes p u i in ihe contisl and anne vli wis one ol llic liner six who donned eogtcs lo mm pete igunst the hoes suljfrday parade s iturd iv ilte moon oni of llic liinsl pilules in ihe history or ihe ihtii d iv iclehi itlon formed up it tin cnr station ind with loui hunts mm ind to the pink id si ul ihi ilteillooit mills co ide in u shall phil uuger md his lomimltii did in excel kul ob lining up ihe piridc entilis and hid ihe e utile area iiotiud ihe lentils minis liclghl shids loiu leleetni co ind cnr si un n picked wilh moats mil hinds an iiiuov iiiou w is k ilund in ihe pit ide llus ve u whin ihe pi pill u it v ouecii s ilk lid mis lodi in slvle in lk iininl new lorneilihles ihe ounil herself linked uul in lui ml and while lobe ind spitking ii u i wived to llic etowd lining the strccls itoni i shiny bl ick model t i old slraltthl from quebec mr itup i i ilkmg e u loin d foi ihe thin div events by hnlish piimikuiu ol cmadd i nulled w is olil mud itlioiigh ihe lomlesv ol bell ixgociy in mini ol llu hp j isulinc si ilion oiinn si llic i ii wilh ihe pnsonihlv wis hioitglil horn ouibei cspieldlv in mm oi sp ms ii wis inull in i9s9 by poh i ihics i milid renltivv onlino spcuilly foi the bulish peliolcum to duruil ttu mini ii iv nlihril ion lltibeii smtils quebec epieseiil ituc lor the lompiny ind ron hiistii oni ino ripi senl hive pul ihi i ir tluough its puis md issiskd minor spoils olfiinls willi on the spot uinouniini is will is advertis ing in ihe eommiimlv the bei p i ir is used by in uiv sitviie lioiips md is used quile ixlcnsivilv in salely pro- li uns il schools conlinucd on page flue firm sets paving record on 401 at campbellville lor hi lorn line hiljiu 401 wesl liom th i ithu iv 2s inleixhanl1 nc ir milton lo hilhu iv 6 lie ii reel cmidi in pivin re si lie of ihe iss essment n v hich costs of oper ilion an lev ml ihin eilhe millon i r gcoilc own de- spite 1 per e ipil i pup 1 annul inn simdir lo ihe olhel are more rooms mr brown i so notiel thii senl tndic ill ns w e c lhit uoigel wn w uld hiv t idd loon s in 1962 alton m 1966 md mill i in 1170 ik suiiasled ihil sin i milton wool 1 hive n m w e pin i pi nd lure lot 10 ve im should isk lo in am nml lls than ihe 2 18 241 co nedkr i in ciss k tlc wall floor renovations i lluorcsnnt lights md p nimplcted ip the nc ir lul limsh ihe tih the iw wotkes lie un uoik le ulilv on ihe pn i ihev in mlcfniplnl lo is-i- nhci town iob m uiei r which uni wcv when the firm i ifd over mile ut concrete in a uul k me d iv llui on mih i inletieenl bob niehol be lined wilh i nli men i whin he untitled the 91 men workine undir him hidludhoso lcct of eoneiele 12 fill widi ind nun uiehcs kip in i 12 horn ii iv till hk ide 111 hippllled on i l1 idi tie ii tin giiilph line mtn ehine nist ninth ol c impbell villi ind tin le il took 4000 ions i mileiiil ineluluil ihoul 1000 i ins i stone him milton on urns i ul i oach on job sut il l wn mil disin i in n i in moil ihi news woiknil oi thin n c nsitintk n pn ci n slim n m o of bi uiipton and i llu ixpiiiniini of hilhw ivs mr null i epl lined thit if oirvlhinc wis liken nil inn i laimn the ue oul mnjil even he i woild pivui tiiord sim upllv in ililtei lit ill evaij uiu u l2w0pmih bulkhng permits for one house al ill 000 and one garage at 1000 made up nassapawtjas building permits for juh to date in i960 the township has is sued s241 450 worth of construct ion permits the bulk of which has been the s16i 000 school and seven residential pennies 15 mhmte meeting shortest m retard at om ol the shoitisi mciiun it ill limes acton coumil tin d i evenm adoutneel ittei if minule business sevsmn stimuli r hohdiw uul i blink lunula produced be shut i niul int as council appmved minutes prcxkhis miviin md pi il rearend collision i damages vehicles no mniiiis wen siisiumd hv iwo diixeis when vehicles this were limine win involved in in keidetil on number 2 huhw iv less thin hilt i mile souih of thi n wn houmliia wednesdn even mi irtmind 7 10 pm ml in melsiktr r 4 dun wis trivilling mkiih on no 2 htjhvi is whin i vihiclc driven b onn dinidl is rr 4 ac ion i a tiling in the simi diieetion truck his cars iu lei tender pavrfunt of a consumers deposit when attempting lo piss account damage lo the doutis c ir ins attending the meeting wen mi tsiimatcd hv police it mmnd or j gty reeve j m greer and woo and the melsaac vehkte he noled but the local re cord would probably bcjl pre nous figures if all lace is of the opcrilion weic equalled ncxl he will irv lo bill his own record huron did the fcal using one ind one h df nl their two paving m ichincs i new cement leveller ujil i finishing ni ichine the tirsi piur i ivs six imhcs or cone nlc then sled inals ire placed on llu sm i ice md the second paver i vs ihe lop ihree inches of pave menl the leveller and fintshei iheii complete the ob and joints ue smed bv i scpar te group ol men peel construction then l ikes over and competes the shouldeis md grading work open by december mr niehol said ihe firm should he finished ihe concrete work in mid seplcmher ncark all or thi inst 10 mitts of four lane 24 fool hihw iv in completed and i nlv tour miles on the western end near hllhw i 6 have vet lo be ind the highway section is scheduled lo open hv december m itcnals nunc in bulk con entc l nicks ind stone trucks horn millon ouames lid and ihe sand is qu imcd from the m ihon pil on thi campbellville nc ir the cement batch me pi ml i hoppers in kept full of mater i ils mil three compartment tnieks ui used to cacrv ihe i uls t i the highwas job the pmis on the oh lake the drv niiluiil ind mix it wiih walcr ind in i feu seconds a third ot i innkload ot conmte is placiil between forms on the roadbed department of highways mspec lors keep a constant check on ihe malcti il lj mlihan thi supe nntendent rtimalrd his firm paving specialists his aboui fl soooo orth of equip ment en the job illors g v barbea dubv ind a field following adjournment council drove to stcwirttown to meet with council nprescntahves fnim esqucsing nassagawesa milton ind georgetown an aceouni of this reeling ap pears elsewhere in the free presj described as a complete wreck however mr mclsaic goi back m and drove it married 55 years mr ind mr- w j o oakes kno ave will be celebrating iheir sth weddmg anmvcrsars on tucsda august 16 with lhcir consiable wilier jordan of the tamil orih hallon opp delichment members of the family are dr mvtcsligatcd ihe accident and said f g oakes and mces hazel oakcs the doughs ear wis a 19t7 poni ac ion margaret fmrs gordon lac and the melsaac vehicle ajswansonl rockwood and mar township nixes school request n iss ilawev i ti unship mini cil list week obiiud to i siil cslion by tile al ion distne i hnh school bond thii school levies hv llu township he pud in thtce equ it pivmcnls in march june ind scpleinhn the acton reqtiesl wis luinnl down ihe week pi i vious hv ls qucsinl lownship is well the eounul iiecd i i icnpl its responsibility jn nuikllli shire of j24 000 ihi mill in tnct hich school b urd shorl diet elcbenlurcs on llu new school were si id il i i iss the council iskeil himiui ihil pivmcnls be spind uvir five years lo lighten ihe 1 1 lo id hall rentals new rental riles lot ihe i own ship hill ii biookvilk well si i as follows minimum ss pnvile pirlus ind poluu il mcctiiil 1 danns fur prtlil mil ml side pnimohons js onlv ix eeplions lo ihesc riles will tx cduc itional piojrims md vi funclions anuurns tot illinc 79 s h iru roul supcrintendi nl s v imlut for 9872 48 wen ippnnni two killed in saturday crash double funeral held tuesday or a d nihil unci il sitvuc w is km il llu ruinkv shocmker limit il ilomi in ail in tile sd iv men who killed 1 i it hiulm it id inkiseelto s u ihe 17 luk si un i nihk li inih i i m md mis ross sn w i i 114 mill st w a i n wh i i i i s in ind s m m i w in ihe twoc il bi nclsidi n i dull killed win bum sum 2 l 1 mi si act llu iiimi il i i i ihli un i i it whuh w s itun iiil kit i nt tin s lu id in i i pss nf s mine i lik 24 dsi i r r 2 rikkwimkl mil i hi it ei in i iss i sn lilk was kill nl mst mtlv wh n i st uthrwiiind i ir dnven hv doruld i witer m n v ol i mils iv l mic over ihe hitw 1 i hill ml hit sn w s e ii scene he lute he w is rushed 10 itiitpli genii i hospit il bul died on the w iv to h ispn d nut seriously hurt a pissenni si lul htlwnii llu lui decc ised 21 viatold glen i llu i ol cimphcllvilk was tie iled lot hunt i id knee nils but w is uul hospttaltcd mt wile i ni in wis liken lo guelph genet il 11 spilal sulkr mg he id md i ice nits md eon cussion but later th it ivnunl w is rushed lo t ronto niui d 11 ispilal whin ins c nidilion ve is first icporlcd is senilis widncsdiv illiinikin fl t muse miss j uncs ul ihe gnui d icporlcd his conihlion is fair opp cnsiihk one h ud in visiii mil and cstim iled i l il d in in to llu lu i irs il ii son ilk snw e it wis i coniplit wreck md nc sidi ol loin bevond in jl in i ion ilk i in i hum guelph gloilclown and oakvillc jolnl funeral the f une r il seime wis e iidtiiinl bv llu riv riltmld biook il alton jtukd chunh mid keimelh gilflllh of lljeiiexr i mud it 100 pm tiksiiiv mr snow vi is buried in rockwood i emit r mil mi fl injc wis ii lined it itkiiirti cemelery summ biuci snow uc his p units ross ind i mini snow of ait ni mil sisicis mis huwird i i ink ihtnhvl il a l n mrs melville bi wn itiknl ol milton mis j ihn s inpson dotein of t ii nt i mis s ouiiiv daiglc ji m il r r 2 rockwood and mine to mo om brother kenneth piedneistd him he di iu i liuik i i his lilhcr his pdltx kis wirt i rnu 1iw n i n th msin i es king kilph liiu i ml mcu in and i jul wilkir f ige three mssbmk t jlfhf sy i 1949 chevrolet mrs bruce freure guelph two men were killed and two others were injured late brookvime was lolled instantly a thtrd passenger escaped saturday afternoon when th car was struck broadside at a i with minor iniuries and the dr ver of the other car donald f highway 25 ntersec on three miles south of acton causing waterman of lindsay is n a toronto hospital suffering con it to roll over several t mes dr ver bruce snow of acton died cussion and head injuries the two deceased men were enroute to hosp tal and a passenger with him sam daigle of brotbersm lew

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