Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1960, p. 2

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grimsby gels a shock the town of grimsby hat bttn notified by the ontario municipal board thai no furth er applications from the town for capital x penditures olher ihan hydro and water will be considered by the ontario municipal board the board s decision to limit capital ex penditures for the next five years came along with its granting tentative approval of a 150 000 sewage works project which coun cil has placed w th the ontario water re sources commission one ray of hope remains states the grimsby independent and this revolves about ihe assessment picture a substantial increase in the town s assessment could alter the board s stand in its letter to he town council the omb requested that council prepare and submit to this board at your early convenience a forecast showing anticipated expenditures on behalf of the town and all local boards indu ding school boards year by year during a period of lie next five years the board also asked that this forecast include a statement show ng capital debt ro tirements each year during tho next five years together with increases in assessment reasonable to be expected and the basis upon which such antic pated increases are computed as the independent remarks il was a shocker lo the grimsby council bur ngton gazette bookkeeping error it might not look possible to make a vote winning election issue out of a politicians failure to return a library book bu mr jean lesage quebec s new premier successfully performed this trick last month he says that high personage in the union nationale the quebec party that went down to defeat borrowed a book from ihe legislative library in 1947 and hasn t returned it yet this in itself doesn t sound heinous but ihe point of mr lesage s story is the book s title it s called l art de tromper d intimider et de corrompre i electeur or being trans lated the art of dece ving intimidating and corrupting ihe voter who wrote the book with th s intriguing title mr lesage doesn t say what was the h gh personage doing with it for 13 years mr lesage has an answer for that one his theory is that the union nationale s success in deception intimidation and corruption was nether casual nor accidental but studied and expert this incident opens up a new field for political controversy has anybody in ottawa borrowed machiaveh lately or perhaps stephen potter s supermanship to rev se the prophet o that mine enemy would bor row a boojx financial post the good old days ship ahoy magical names few people are immune to the magic of placenames some of these such as samark and and vallomtjtosa are musical m them selves and their poetical or historical associ ations only enhance their magic others such as rome pans or london depend for their spell simply on their history with others particularly in england its the quamtness that attracts witness stock poges or chipping campden canada is fortunate in having place names of all types musical quaint histor c al and commonplace the musical names have not been widely recognized because 1hey are unknown lo the world at large and not well knowrt to canadians 1hem6efve the banks of tiie saskatchewan were winwt- alized in a musical comedy song many years ago but other parts of canada remain un sung yet who is to say that the native of samarkand may not have romantic dreams of pohenagamooke p q canada s historical names are often denv ed from the history of other countries it must have been an admirer of lord nelson who named three places in halton county paler mo bronte and trafalgar the name of nearby hamilton isjust a coincidence strong rel gious feeling may fiave suggested the naming of new jerusalem n b what feeling if any lay behind the naming of coboconk ont rehcypus feeling is also evident in the great number of commun ties named afler samts nearly all the saints in the calendar must be represenled one undoubtedly welsh in origin is st jones wilh n nfld the date and occasion of his canonization are not available in any handy book of reference the trail of the homes ck scot may be r- traced- across the map of canada frorrrrww edinburgh ns lo r fe bc there are three places named new glasgow one in pr nee edward island one m nova scotia and one in quebec there are quaint names in plenty poss ibly the inhabitants of the places called quaw bc and willess bay nfld are 50 used to them that the names sound common place but to the outsider they will suggest curious stones lying ben nd them sfar cutct sfuce must of us who the spcual summer fur ikdyhmj high school t iking any other name to ihe economic planners of the socialist school profit is without honor nevertheless that device of decadent cap talism is being tried out in that stronghold of socialism rus sia the ussr s internal trade system has been remarkable for its inefficiency in both the production and d stnbut on of consumer goods in an attempt at reform premier khrushchev personally is backing what he calls material mterestedness that is f nan cial reward this cap tal says max fran ice i of the new york mes writing from moscow s beginning to see and feel the results of a ra pidly develop ng trend toward freer econo m c competition among state enterpr ses and organizations several developments in th s direction attest to the growing influence of some of the the most forward look ng sov et economists and administrators who insist that the best way to improve product on d str bulion and the qual ty of goods and services s to ncrease the financ al stake of those directly involved one potentially far reaching ex per mem now is being conducted 1 1 tne sov et internal trade system some retail stores have been given the right and the power henceforth to demand from factories the kind of goods their customers want they w ii no longer be obliged to accept everyth ng dumped on their shelves the exper ment m relations between retail stores wholesalers and suppliers undoubledly was msp red by widespread dissatisfaction w th the qual ty of staple consumer goods such as shoes and fabr cs even where quant tat ve needs were be g nn ng to be met worse than that many unwanted goods are ro ng n warehouses many students of ihe sov et system mclu d ng russ ans have attributed th s to a lack of ncentive and econom c pressure on lu cers d str butors and sellers by any other name prom st ii s proft having g ven the soc al sjystem a good try russia seems to hae recognized that ap tal sm s system of compet t ve enterpr se and reward to effic ent management s the better way it would be a good bet that if khrushchev is able to obta n a fa r trial for hs experiment n the wholesale and rela i f eld t w ii eventually apply through the whole structure of sov et industry from the po nt of v ew of the western na t ons it may be hoped that the attempt s not torpedoed by the d ehard soc al sts penji t t ng the profit mot ve to function could con s derably mprove i v ng standards of the russ an people in t me it m ght start them questioning whether marx was r ght in h s condemnat on of capital sm nntlittgtt pi c- t nil it its tsptsiillv imiii ilmg lor rcltilecs horn other fields like imself utilise pe lk of in lelleelinl cxcicise ill he past clnuk or so ins been woikinc mil i erossuortl puzzle or u he lit ne hi in lale movie thus e h ic foimer m suuike salesmen 1 ibonilt ov ei laiin we hae men uho wete 111 the iclul business uiluishiu 01 er algebra we hie married women who have learned nothing since they left college exlipt how lo run 1 lot of push button kitchen m iclnnerv aghast over the teofcriph of alnca but every sexonci week the pressure or sludv is relieved as a speeial trcal we are allowed to pi i a time at one lime k wis known is dmiel in lie 1 1 ins den later h turned up as the sp inisli inquisition now it is siniplv e llled pi act lee te uh me a week of this tin shorten vour hie bv 10 vcirs whieh is 1 hide hard on us middle aged ivnes- who are nlrcidv worried ihoul heme able to hing on unlit we get ihe superannuat nn some 10 ears tunee a liuntl of mine on the eourse sutkfinlv e rumpled ihe othir ilu we rushed him lo the emertenev department of ihe oenei il hospil il give him iboul v lesls uious kinds the asknl 1 lul ol questions he kepi iiil up and compl lining of hnilk ttu told him r v iguelv thai he h id a s l iv 1 him i pn si nption sonu expensive meihune toll htm lo eo to beil i ir a tin of him 1 hi iv id tuni i eould hive both n lot of trouble i kmv virus wis mv friend tnd to prailuemeath maihemaiies dodging round the district by roy downs kranewwas eponu mippli 1 k bu the acton free press published by the dills printing and publishing co ltd femnelcd in 187s and published everv thursday at 9 willow st at ton on arm member of ihe audit bureau of cinulaium the cwna and ihe oniaruoeiebee division of the cws advertising rates on request subsinptions navable in advaiut 100 in canada m00 in the inited slates six month si single eopic 7e authorized as second class mail pum ofhee depart meni ottawa the only paper ever published in acton g a- dills ediioruvthicf s david r dills minaginp editor business and e d i t o r 1 a i o f f i c e phone 600 acton 11s wet joints ite ha e tank hetttl sh ipt tills k siviril plnts and m im h iv been li rlv 1 v hivi bin kipi ns un e it 1 ith tht u vi t l llllptlsi 1 i 1 hi t np 1 1 i mud n iti n r ihi mile in n ium 1 dthnqi idid t 1 limis t mh noli hid ihllt 1 hit k di il mi isii n is pitpir d 1 he n mil ton the low mil th 111 ever before it 1 mi ndid h hdav peiioei 1w1v on this ve ir so ihe lonsumpi m lwns million f ilkm reservoir tnd su tihl ilimg i tsi vi ir waitnng ivmiiit oakmllf two local soldi ts one is present l there in iihki seniles getu forte and another is pnpannj 1 spot sotn the are among ti from c georgetown courkil has d delinquent taxpaverv it used to be ih il dt published hut this time council has t the arrears and tailing ins dition oil the land or vile if taxes are wing h r in three m its burlington a fourth meh sehoot for this ixpindmp town will be creeled on ihe gudnb line mnuvvhin htvsin ibi oiein huabeih highvsav and no vhighwav the direcior ol idm iiion his announced he said the neyaehool vhi old n built in tm t irs mil will senc students liv insin homes in ihe north end of t mn who aie pivsenilv attending ihe filled nelson hieh sehool streets 1u f over 200 in k pvrt in an open r thunh sir vioe sptkimirctl nv the baptist chureh held al the stmisiilu mi mm 11i pirk i don t believe a summer slump in ehureh ittendanic is nenssarv sjid pistor j h wilson the warm reception our open air servists are receivtng make me believe tn a summer surge orngflllfthe banner notes that keith hunter didn t w rrv too muih vihen a ft gave him a black eve he wis ndme t rrrst a iv bit ihe horse ihe horse reared his head ind elobkred hunter no beefsteak remedv problem however keith is a butcher photo bj blher taylor by bill smiley back in 1940 taken from the issue of ihe free prcu thursday august is i960 ralph duinv on ol mr uml mr livervil denny lourth uih just lumi of atton hud u narrow tseiipe from seriou injury and possibly deuih when he was ut lucked by ihe flvcyeiirold avr shirr hull kepi al the farm rulph was leudlng ihe animal alone the pusaagcway lo he stable i rum his pen when the bull suddenly lowered its head and at talked him he was thrown into one of the eattk stalls and managed lo get over the head piece of the stalls the bull ehirged against the steel iramc and crushed ralph s left kg in spile of the injury ralph left fur niagara eamp monday morn ing with ihe locll platoon of ihe lome scots on sunday night the cnr station al acton was entered apparently ihe marauders were disturbed and left without lak ing anything fnirunee was gained by brc iking a window al ihe rear ol ihe building and un laslening the euleh on the low er sash chief ha imp and local police are investigating dr and mrs r gordon agntvv and three children arrived ihis ek from chcngtu china after a very thrilling trip by plane ocean liner and motor coach mrs agncvv and the children are visiting at present with her mother mrs h caldwell knox ave the day ihe agnevvs kit chungking the city w is bom barded by 200 planes they reached hong kong two days be lore the city was ordered evae uated dr and mrs agnew will remain here for 1 c ir on fur fough and lake special courses o fit them lor their wotk in ihe mission fields he next day last time he studied m itheni ities vvns a jejst vear itter ihe hrsl wot id w ir or mivbc the boer w 11 aiivvv iv he s linking happily in bed clinching ihe 111 lie note irom the doctor which excuses him horn pi iclice leaching this week there is t hilinous loije to ihe pricliee leaching sessions it vouic feoml to be te iciiiiil communal in scplemhet voui insl practice lc idling issifcii ment will be a lesson in trnele i i rench if ou arc itachint noth infe but english this lull ou arc likely lo be lushed in frowt of 1 cl iss in grade ii geographv which fou last sludicd about the time mussolini was shouting from a balion this element of suspense ulds a gic il de il lo the tame yung it 1 distinct flivor ol th it old parlor past time rus si in roulette ii his one of two results cither il imbues ihe student leaeher with un v irrintcd stlfeonfickntt or it marks him for life so ou get up ihcre in front of ihe class lesson nules fluttering hvstencalh in your hand sweat rutmini duwn vour spine a stnnij trembling voice lells the diss to lurn to piti clevenlv se v e n ou ope n vour mou t h again lo beein leachmi tnd vour mind goes staik staring bl ink the st udc n is obst ne ou wilh the bold inkiest ol shirks about to rend 1 dvini whale our fellow studinl k uhirs witch with uhing svmpathv your critic teiehet evis ou with t fine bknd of imp ilte nee ind disgust all sou need is i ehmr 111 one hind and a whip in therhur ind sou d letl like an ipprentiie lion tamer on his fn 1 in side thi big taei as sou go through he ksson uith all the enthusiasm ind sponlineilv ol a zombie vour inner mind churns whit am 1 aclon pi 1 loon of ihe lome doing here i never winlcd to scots left m nulav morning lor be 1 te ichci anvxvai i they talk t to cck trauma pciiekl al cd me into il who e ithpctssiblv nneiri on the t ike s4 men si ind teen iters ill div ttlgo were in iht gtoup under the 111 id i w int to t home lo mom lommami ol di a j budiman ind ihe kids help liciilcnant oh i tell vou it mikes om he irt bleed lo sec some poor devil who used lo be the coiilulent piesidcni ot the rot n club buk home si uidint ihcic craven t i perspinng ll almosl makes the lears slut when ou sec some girl hippilv married lor nine ve irs who hid worked her wav up lo distncl president of ihe women insimula in ihe home town up there with her knees knocking mouth twichmg it shouldn l happen to lumumba i don t worn about the stud ent teachers who are just out of eolletc thcv re almost as cockc is ihe teen uers themselves its the older tvpes on the come- hick ti ul spurt in j ihe vvuinds of ihe cars bravclv who wring vour heart you i eel like suing there there old bo i prom ise well send vou bick home to ihe good old boring job vou left lor ihe gliltcr of leaching on the first trim as soon as ou come out of shock and lo the tills never mind mum 1 11 bet vou re a darn good cook an w iv fxpcricnccd teichcrs do a lot to cheer vou up though one fellow wis tilling me ihe other d iv ihil its not so bid onee vou tct started iri jhe nixt breaih he casinllv in formed me that three teachers of his icquuntancc ire now hippilv cutting out paper dolls or making like n ipoteon on a pi nn mint bisis ont good thing about it those of us who mikt iht gride will be sleadv dependable teachers never ntm will we ihink the gnss on ihe other side o the knee is t or more sunu kill thin the burden k we are chomping the exi kmllint rep iintid l lining 13 in s st 11 ton s bit her shop r ol the mis in building is heint back in 1910 taken from the issue or ihe free press thursday august ii 1911 oliver moflatt the oldest son ul thomiik mollall ol the firth line esquesing was mvercly in lured in a runaway accident al his lathers arm on tucsduy morning the young min who ls about 17 wit engaged wilh n learn and hay rack in drawing in grain about f jo as the team was going out erf the ham they made a sudden dash down ihe gangway the young man succeeded in stopping them and then climbed the ladder in front of the rack when near ihe lop the ladder unfortunately gave way thruw ing the young man duwn on he bones he tell first on the tongue and then to the ground and ihe horses frightened com memed to run carrying the heavy wagon over his back ik was severely eul on the back and badlv lacerated under the arms he is resting quicllv f savers and son n issag 1 weya certainly have no comp lain to make regarding ihe crop ihis year thcv hid live acres ul abundance wheal sown on summer i allow which averatcd live feel in height and was so heavy in ihe held thai ii rcquir ed a day and ihreequ irieis to cut 19 large loads were tikcti from the hiltt over u hushels to the aire what with oppressive lemptr alure rvphoid laden uatci an incoming horde of eoonirv vis iturs al fair lime and llucalcn ed street railway sliike we d ruher be m aclon th in in toi unto usl at present mr h rov wanshroutti s new house it trewsems coiners is last ncanng lompklion it will be a line icsidcncc when finish ed mr t morton birbtr expects lo move horn his present quar ins lo ihose llel gibbuns bul eher shop next wnk florence nilhlmt ie pissed iw i 111 ondon riic1 ind s it urdav she had bmi ill lot vime time she was 90 on mav 12 the showirs ul the carlv pari if he wtck tail tin deist in a wav vn uiipt ible lo most iitiins the turners were not so delthled iver ihem howner iium professional directory and irajfyjlrs guide 1 blck 43a mill st e acun office phone 78 residence u church st phone 150 dr d a garrett phys cian and surgeon corner of willow and r ver sts entrance river st acton ont ph 238 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 6 8pm afternoons by appointment rfal estate and insurancf f l wright 20 wilbur st acli n ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insurance dental dr h leib dental surgeon off ce c rner mill and frederick street office hours by appo ntment telephone 19 phone 699 fi ght or day bruce e shoemaker mgr alctioneering c h tuffin l censed aurt oneer eden mi phone rckwokl ulstcr 6 4302 optical and iifbino aids e l buchner ro 0t mini and hi a n td 8 xi i st f ph ne 115 oft ce ti a s wrdncliv onlv 2ki00 pm evt n nes bv stp irrm n robert r hamilton optometrist fve fxim nrd orasm- f t si 60 mi n s n g j t n ont o h k l f 6 p ninx bv appii ntnun c evd sat nkiy u fn fred euringer gets nights off to see his play tieef funnier will 1 1 wo niehls of li mi his 1 les it the sir ul lrd shikispe ire in lisitv d 1 m welk hi will be ibli 1 1 t te lid iht pi 1 m li 1 1 tile sd i and r pi re 1 1 i ni inn s nor 1 1 i h insl pi iv blind m ins bull 11 ilu av n the un twi wnks ig hi th uht hi umill miss he pixlu ti ins mi e hi is j member ol the tompinv in r men and julut kin j hn in i midstmimei niehl s un im u ihi n ttsiiv il iheatie his pin pin ul lourih tn 1 e mpeitii n spons rttl bv iht fstiv il f undmin then will be yinl nrl nels of friends irom alton going up the v uin let r ind wnitrs miirkr mrs sophie funnatr hj soctisted thit anvone wish ih a ride up milhl eontait hir dr a j buchanan d n il sur off ce sa mill street oft c ii ur9 am to 6 pm cliid wednesdav afternoon telephone 148 legal c f ieatherland qc bar rsur a 1 cilor public notary n 1000 am 12 00 pm 100 pm 500 pm icnt only si u bv appomirr off ct 22 itk ne acton his own rurr an ibstmate mvn who refuse tn tield an inch o prc to another driver increases the like lihood thti at an earlv date he wilt get s leel of it for his own a braida ba birrtrr solicitor notary public 1 3 main st s acton ont phone v7 off ce hour fl p m 9 pm 1pm 9pm saturdays 15 cork si e guilph ta 4 224j office hour iim 1pm saturday bam 12 am hastings 4 payne barnmen od sol e titr votaries publ e 1a hill sl actoa for appointment call i chieofkactok w roy rrddeu dc pslmr specrfk chiropetor 17 mill stt phone 40 office hour tue a thur 2 pm pff sat 10 am 1 pm al dttino arcol ntino lever 8 hoskin chjr rri d aceo u tinm s ma n st n 21 k ng it w travtllers guide gray coach lines coaches lfavf acton uii rfh wvioit tmr ea txnjnd tn am da iv xcept sun and hi sviam ll33im zobpm pm 633 pm 833 pm 1008 pm sun nnd h 1 westlxund n7 am 12 st pm 2 v7 p m 177 pm 27pm 9 11 pm 1132 pm 112 im f sat sun and l 1 canadian national railways standard time e1 bound da it exropt sunday 144 anu dailv except sunday 9 12 am iflaettop 7 14 pm sunday only r01 pm wly except sunday fly er al georgetown 827 pm dmily flier at georgetown 1006 pm daily ua am dauy tecpt sunday ub an 44 p sturdj onlr l- phl sunday only 9b ajn oarntop suody ohiy ptyer m oaelph tos pnu dlj acpt sl and sun w pjn

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