Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1960, p. 4

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mcurm wktfh seven ints stay in edge sox 31 acton intcfrnediales stayed olive in their quest of an int ermediate a playoff berth by virtue of a 31 win over milton red sox sunday afternoon right in the milton ball yard a crucial game for both teams a red sox win eliminating ac ton an acton victory possibly forcing an intermediate a saw- off milton threw their winning- est pitcher righthander nip gervais at the acton club ger vais had lost only one game this season to campbellville and has won six ace pitches for acton manager dude lindsay coun tered with lynn mclaren ace of the local mound staff al though lynn varied the prev ious day agains campbellville and was onlv arfbund for four innings v- thc slim righthander was ust what the old maestro ordered he scattered five hits as he re slm ted the sox to a solitary run an unearned one in ihe bot tom half of the sixth his curve ball claimed seven sinkcout victims and he left eight run ners on the bases mclaren also was a big factor al the plate for the merchants his triple in the third knocked in two runs in a three run second inning the only counters the acton club could squeeze from the slow curve balls gervais threw at them vzressz mmmwfp w w easants hay dominion hotel station hotel mav have been a softball league doormat it the start of the season but now when everv game has plav of significance ihe peasants ai e upsetting all the predictions thursday night fuzzy meuons crew demonstrated their sights were set on the leagues pinnacle when they downed rival and leagueleading dominion hotel ers 62 in a scveo inning fixture in one of the closest contests of the softball season score was tied 22 going into the last inning the peasants put to gether three hits a walk and a dominion error for four runs m the seventh the dominion house failed to replv it was a juic win for the peasants dude lindsav and b cargill shared pitching dudes for the winners and thev scat tered seven hilsoand walked one batter bill johnston hurled tor the dominions giving up five hits and issuing two walks his team mates however commi led four costly errors behind him score runs ed phillips stalled the domin lons oft in the second irame hitting a doable and storing on bill johnstone s sufetv forbes cole got the peasants baik in the running in the third when he got on base through an error coon vareys single stored him ross morton scored t he los ers second and what proved to be ihe final run in ihe third when he doubled coming in on ham law sons safet cargill tied it up again in the fourth when his ground kill was muffid and he stored on succeeding put outs in the seventh mikellar wangled a walk andv solan and brother larrv put together back ohaek singles and ken papillon poked oul a bit to push across ihrec runs for the win ning margin in trouble at finish at times there seemed to bea conspiracy to keep mcljifen from winning this gamevfirst his own team mates by commit ting errors and then ihe umpir cs by calling plays adversely kept him in trouble in the last few innings but he survived by coming through with well timed strikeouts gervais meanwhile gave up eight hits issued two walks and pounding the sports beat- station dumin hutil 001 100 4 hold oil 100 0 r h f 6 s 1 firemen defeat jr farmers 179 fire fighters gol off hi an eight run lead in the first inning of an alton softball 1 tugue contest against the junior farm ers fndav mghl and thev were never heatied as thev won 17 thev stored five more runs in the seeond liame a singleton in the thud and added three in ihe sixth to easik elaim the win bini the junior farmers big inning hnal it was a real pleasure for this sciibe to take in sundays inter mediate ball game in milton seated on the grandstand in the agriculture park a spanking new building k commands an overall view of ihe diamond every play could be followed with ease without obstructions of anv kind the seats were com for tabic gave vou room to movi around mentally we pictured the structure transported ephem erafh to acton and deposited in a location neai the diamond in the paik heie howevei we must face realities the gratt tie ore turc it iim for sheep but for watching bmehiih ciie me a teat umpues we ve observed them svmpntheinallv from varving angles this week but twice with a little vexation thev do have their share of troubles ask lvnn mclaren the acton righthander who hurled sundavs game in mil ton he has a legitimate beef on the plate arbiter of that game coasting along on an assortment of curves mclaren onlv needed one more strike to retire ihe side in a late inning of the game he was in some trouble but a strikeout would rescue him he threw it went right down the middle of the plate no curve a straight stnke need we tell the ump veiled ball then in the bantam plavoff heie mondav night we were in clined to be svmpathetic for attempting lo eject one of the visiting team for swearing base umpire jack bullough was sub- jetted to a lot of abuse from both visiting coaches and team as thev sav in the newspapers this is not an isolated incident this kind oi thing takes place manv times and al various places everv hiseball season most of thest i el lows laltc home no pav for then minor baseball duties excepting the odd buek ihev mav pick up in the plavoffs about the best we can do for them however is tip the chapeau and wish them manv more seasons of umpiring thiow awav that cane man the amaing vitalitv station hotel peasants are showing in the loeal softbill iinuit is due in largo pari to the pre seme of two gukd veterans in the luii up we mean of course dude lindsav and coon varev the combined ages of the two 9s vears dude the pitcher and coon his batten mate figured largelv in the win the peasants exacted from their fi low hostelers nurtnie moi ton s dominion hotel squad i isi fndav night although the dude was u mined an earlv in he was tinted lor aig umg too vipoiouslv with base umpire ivan ktibv over a deci sion at fust base- fanned four acton batters he was touched for three hits in the second frame when acton got all their runs seven acton run ners were left on the bases the acton club reeled off two double plays one in both the second and third innings but committed five errors over the nine innings two of them com ing in the sixth when milton scored their solitary run score in second bruce on base with a pass and pete lawson with a single both scored when mclaren hit his triple in the second frame mc laren came home on red and ersons single for all the acton runs rigo scored miltons run in the sixth when he singled and went to second as a result of pete lawson s glove throw at the ball he stole third and went home as lawsons throw from shoit to first on souths ground ball went wild acton 030 000 000 3 8 5 milton 000 001 000 1 s 1 acton anderson rf jim lind sav cf paul lawson lb harold tovvnslev 2b chuck jewell 3b bob bruce if pete lawson ss don lindsay c lynn mclaren p milton culley cf hannant ss phillips lb rigo 3b serafini c south rf barrett if shannon 2b gervais p merchants lick station hotel s emergence as the dark horse ol tht nreuil and the bands thumping ol the jun mr faimcrs mondav ilarified thi sot i ball pie lure eonsidetabh looks like three team sut e ef hold campbellvillc merchants al- rcadv esconsed on lop ol the halton county association inter mediate league saturday made it nfore evident thev belonged ihcre bv whipping acton 164 in a loosely played game m the vit lage desperate for a win to keep them in the running the acton crew tightened up and couldnt seem to do anything right while the home club blasted out 15 hits in their 17th win this season ag amst five losses lvnn mclaren was nominated to fill the pitching bill for the locals but he was relieved bv jelf frver in the third inning be hind 8 2 between them the two acton hurlers gave up 16 tuns olf is hits walked six bit one bat tir and struck out six use three hurler harrv hamilton hurled the first five innings for campbell ville henderson went for anoth er two and southpaw jack rob erts finished the last two inn ings they allowed four runs 11 hits walked three and whiffed 10 acton batters between them acton started off like thev were going to run awav with the game when their lirst batter chuck jewell bounced one off the fence in right field for a home run paul lawson was safe on an error townsley singled and lawson stole third coming home on a balk bv hamilton lo make it 20 in the first inning the villagers came back with four in their half however to take a lead that was never headed a walk an error a single b henderson double bv laktng and another single inom eatons bat made it 42 camp- belhille stored tour more in the second and made it 9 2 in the third on dredges homer his second and the villagers 31st this season hie up score in the fourth campbellville stoied six muii on five hits and two walks acton scored one in thi fifth when jewell singled jim lindsav was safe on an er ror and paul lawson drew a ticket townslev singled to store- law son the home club added their 16th and final run in ihe sixth while at ion scored another in the stventh with jewell and jim lindsav opening with single lawson walking and townsle singling jewell in jewell led the acton attack with a home run and two singles townslev wasn t far behind with three singles jim lindsav singles paul i aw son stall photo 00kart raccr chuck tyler former acton man who is now a georgetown gflrarge operator was one of 20 members of the north halton kart club who thrilled the large erbwef at acton park during the saturday afternoon races the former actonian has caught the bug and claims it is one of the best hobbies going he drives a 2 horsepower west bend most of the racers can reach a speed limit of over 60 miles per hour the race track in acton proved too rough for the small cars and many of them broke down sports ij the acton free press thursday august 11th 1960 bandsmen beat out 244 tattoo score 13 in first frame marathon near ruckus in bant tilt teams tied ump calls it scoring 13 runs in the top half of the first inning acton citt ens band went merrily on to a 244 tout of the junioi farmers in a marathon softball fixtuie mondav night it was the bands mens filth victoiv against lour defeats and assures them a plavoff spot the farmers never got a run off the sizling fast balls the band s butch richman offered them until the sixih inning when thc plated all four of then counters thev struck out nine limes and hit safelv in seven dp pea ranees for the bandsmen thi tirsi inning was simplv a mallei ol waiting out pitchers harold wit son and bob skidgmorc who wire having diffieultv lnuling ihe plate thev walked six and allowed four hits while three- errors were being committed in that disastrous fust inning errors costly ray hall settled the fanners down allowing only one run in the second inning but the bands men greeted watson hulling again with three more runs in ihe third agatn his team mates committed two cosllv bobbles the onlv inning the band tail ed lo store in was the sixth thi tounled one in the fourth three in the fitlh and added two more in the seventh paul lawson was the most consistent h ter for the band with three while rav braula jim migregor rav walhs and frank spielvogel clouted out two hits each julian zjjji and jiff frv r picked up one apiece ratmers hits were smashed bv rov hall ross shorlill doug black ken dodds allan hav waul rav hall and h watson villi one hi i each don grcin acted as plate ump re with ed phillips on the bases r h e citizens bd 1313 130 2 24 13 3 farmers 000 004 0 4 7 fi a ruckus that developed be tween halves of the bttt inning cauwd the plate umpire to call the first game of the halton count- bantam playoffs with the core tied m her monday night base umpire lack bullough ejected one of the visiting mil ton players for using a cuss word in a mound cunflab and his action precipitated a lot of shoving and arguing resulting in the game being tailed before the acton team hud their turn al bat up to thai point he game was a real pitchers battle be tween mike boughton of the aclon club and mcduffe of the visitors mcduffe set 13 acton batters down by the strikeout toutc and walkejrsix he allowed ftvc hits buugnlun meanwhile whiffed 12 milton batters walk ed five and permitted only four safeties milton look tht- lead m the contest tirst of a best ol thice with a run in ihe top hall of the lounh navler on base with a free litkel stoied on sulliv ans tuple to tenia ihe acton leum came back in their half wilh the lieing iun ciaiv masales smashing a double dild stonng when ruddy holm es eame through with another ivvo baggei to tenlit again in the hllh ihe visitors pulled in front with ivvo runs on a single a walk and an uror al short alton failed to stou in lheii tnd willi milton thiealeninp but failing lo tount in the sixth tin local kids iame thiouyh in their half when gaiv masalis punched his second htl of the game start a rally going ian johnston was hit b a pitched hall and ruddv holmes smashed his ond clutch two bagger to d cenlie clearing the bases ticing the count at 3 3 acton loaded he bases when fred dawkins and paul benneit walked but touldn t push the winning run across the plale play ball off to inspect big league play are all the boys who play ed hockey or baseball in minor sports association teams this past season they will be guests of the toronto maple leafs at maple leaf stadium for the double header with jersey city on sunday after noon instructions boys are to be at the park no later than ii 30 a m sunday and any man who will assist by driving a carload of fans is asked to phone the legion 399 milton failed to score in the seventh but a disputed call at first base raised the hackles on milton couth chuck gervais neck and he was in the mood tor urgument when the base ump jetted one of his bov wearing hast v in lerv c n i ion from the acton bench helped put tempers baik lo normal ruddy holmes and garv mas ales led the alton hit paiade wilh two hits apiece- in hue appearances at the plait johmiv dunn gut the olher acton safelv while sullivan was milton s best with two singles milton ikk 120 l 1 4 0 alton 000 102 x 1 s 2 alton c slenitt 2i b lai gill el masalis ss i johnson i r holmes i j dunn lb m boughton p f dawkins ii i ben mil lb i tht plav b light league playoffs start this week three leagues offs now bantam hallon ion plavofs marled mund with milion heie ttiesdav the hallon tounlv pee wee baseball pliwifk stall cd with anon puiving millou here going back to milton witt ntsdav and il niiissaiv linisli mg in milton juveniles the onlv team in the inunlv in their gtoup hail a bve thev aic w ng fi woid from ihe oha sum u to nil them who ami whin llu plav player shortage plagues teams plagued by a holiday shortage of players acton minor sports intertountv league nevertheless plaved two games this week al though one club hamilton could onlv muster five pluyers to the oppositions kitchener sin the other two teams london and cuelph vven at full strength for then game and uuelph shaded london 76 kitchener took nil vantage of lhci extra player lo wallop hamilton 14s london started off strongly in tin first inning when ramsay hev opened with n home iun and ken owuis clen taillefer and cord 1 asbv stoied lor u 40 liad jiielpli goi two back in the bot loin halt wlun finv cole and luiv eliuiihill platid runs both hums haded runs in ihe skdihi and i hi id f tames len v my and fdin tailleler storing i 1 onilon and rnk jeffries and tinv cole for guelph london silent willi l oiidon ahead f4 guinn inlo tht final irame fjtlclph siiged a i hi it- iun rallv bill du tak bill litld and john chuiih ill stoutly i onilon lailid lo nplv in tin shorthandtd game it was no tmilosl aliei tht lust inning with jtllnis sioting twue de loresl oihi i te twice i bollu and 1 butler twice eaih for kit e in in r ciaig pi i kins slums and mn hail maichmint ripliid fot hamilton jelfnis got tin onlv suond inning run lo give kilth urn a 9 1 lead skvin oi one baik for ham illon in tlit thud but kiuhtner platul tit more in ihe bottom half lo ehalk up a 144 niugin guelph kinsmen club giant car bingo saturday august 13th 130000 snowball in cash prizes plus your choice of jackpot 1960 ford 220000 or in 54 200000 cash numbers guelph memorial gardens children under 16 years not allowed to hay plav oft spoi dominion doubled and chester pevchn put walks off thf 1 1 ff the filth gethei six hits and lor six uins bui thev eould do little with the pitching ol hed arxhihald thi rest of tht w i thev managed to plate single runs m the tirsi third and mih flames ott five hue of the 11 thev tagged ott arehibalds ottet tngs the host and lidder eiiw meanwhile smashed oul 14 stngl es off the eombined piuhing of h valson and delanev who i sued tivi walks out the six inning distmi t spoils mi i ist all was ihe top miter with ihrvv hits follow id bv harold town- goolid lev bill spielvogel and jaik pink vesi a with a pan apieee manngi for the junior farmers ros- juvenilis short ill and douj blaek wilh the other nion hoitl and 1 tabling n out lot tht ol ait the fin fighters who might iusi maki it ihe jun iii farmers slipping and a li gion uun whuh has been show in sijinv ol lik in ihe lasi tew i irni- deorge barber and jeff frv loninbutid one safelv iaih i liking was top man on the luiem for campbellville with a iwo bagger and three singles r h e vion 200 010 100 4 11 3 camplv i 441 ml 00 16 is s oaks champs oakvllle oaks defeated dun das last night wednesday in a halton county intermediate game and the win made the oaks county lot a major champs dropping dundas to third place as a result of the decision of the league brass at tuesdays special meeting dundas will now meet acloh to decide who goes on inlo the o ba senior b playoffs replacing defunct brampton tnd thi s h t du rrlttcd ti kent up mhv is ituiii l iru ian killnl middeiilv in tuisdiv morning iiinni rid ttintv bluk hawks ihe lh 40 s adam was ir and mrs ftid bobhv ints enter sr b playoffs lie pi three safeties cavh and r hall and ken ootids with two apiece were the top haturs r h el fire fighters oo 17 14 2 junior farmtrs 101 0m 9 11 3 fire fighters mtcnstall ss h dodds c h townslev 3b i bill spielvogel cf b vhilhamti 2b j pink if f archibald p d price lb d fnzzell rf junior farmers m hunter rf i vukison and mr and mis u bristow in town sorrv wc ct ml id acam last wtek said rav i llovd misalts wen and eojih of the loeal ll should hai been around oath and llovd minagir two games m ihe park this sit urdav see the pee vatxs plav at 100 pm and tht bantams at 100 g robinson rf r hall c d black cs rov hall b r short ill lb b brown 2b d me ann ur 2b k dodds cf a havwani if a watson p delanej p special meeting of ihe halton countv baseball assoet lalkd bv pete me mullen tuesdav night it was deeided that uning games in the intermediate series that wttt to be d with brampton would not be awaided to opposing teams as i win but standings would be eakulated on a games plived and jmes mm basis brampton has dropped out of the league in this wav milton advances into intermediate a pi iv downs it itft alton in the cold bv a few percentage points ll was noted bv me mullen thai brampton was a senior b intrv and bv dropping ihem out n left an opening in that division the final decision was that alton will plavoff with cithtr oakvilk or dundas both a major clubs lor the right lo enttr inlo senior b plavdowns both a maior eluhs arc battling for the right to enter a maiar plavdowns which could be decided vtednesd3v or thursdas night dundas must win against oakwllc widncsdav and against aston fhursdav for the right to enter a major plavdowns it thev lose cither game oakvillc advances dales for halton couniv championship plavoffs were set down with campbellville oakvillc dundas and milton in the plav of is mr mi motion stipulated that a winner must be decided bv august 25th before you install any type of automatic heating inyour home why not ask the man who chose gas we r confident most of the answers will sound like this cuaaast fuel vr dpmlobl vn in the severest waothar ih records prove natural gas it tht safest automatic heating fuel quia at a kilttn cost no mora thanother auto matic fuels heating payments or easy i distribute them evenly ever a 10 month period from september to juste if yo need service itt free now is a good time to install natural gas automatic heating equipment no down payment no charges til september and be sure to ask how you can receive a big 50 00 auowance see your gas heating contractor or united gas limited hamilton stoney creek dundas wateftoown burlington bronte 0akv1lle georgetown acton milton

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