ht jwtim jfru tt eighlyslxth year no 8 acton ontario thursbay august 18th 1960 sho v ill was cattle i pearen hard work and plenty of am bilion is the keynote to long lift according to j pearen well known disinct fartrilr in ins at rr 3 aclon who celebrated his 90th birthday tuesday during a gel together with his family and relative mr pcaicn was born in erin township on loi seven ol the first concession md began his farming ul an c irly age when he was only 10 years ot age lie was showing catllc tt lnnraii on fool he recalls quite vividlv taking the dififincc on fixit horn his home to erin with a shorthorn cow to enter the animal in com petition at the fair sinee the first tune he showed cattle up to the lime of his re tirement mi pearen has built an envious record among other eat tlemen as he won many prizes at district fairs in 1899 he married the former aficc e leslie and he couple lived on the leslie homestead and armed the 2s0 acres for the next 50 years after they retired in 1949 they built an attractive home across the road on a portion of i he propel ly the i um remains in the family however as mi pc uen s dtughtcr fcln ind her hushind cilvin ailken ate triune on the iradi lion ol nftxing fine e ink the i tlcsl nonakcniitan has milked up quili a record in the akiieultutal eiixks md served as ihe second president of the acton lull fair board in 1918 george ldill was the boards first presi dent horn 1911 to 1918 mr pc iren his t iken an active til on l hi boa id ever since and his never missed attending n tall r in acton ind h is only missed showing at erin k sides fit mint mr pc uen ind lime to serve is school trustee tor is veirs in erm town- hip irea numhei one and was on a tttatlied sir ih lim mali h ihi pmi oftlc- deiwrirmnt ottawa eight pagosseven cents actons to truck joined in the huge exercise put on by halton s firemen after it raced ail the way to burlington s waterfront jet streams of water fared from each truck into the bay or hbjhe wind would have it into the faces of about 100 spectators the children especially had a wonderful time as they carried on their own private war with the smolceeaters on top of the great sand dunes lining the waterfront after the children were soaked the firemen laughingly turned on themselves and the odd fire chief got an undignified wetting although all was taken in good fun halton firemen can cooperate prove it at tuesday rehearsal sirens screamed as nine pump era sped along hulton highways tuesday evening to extinguish a fine which wasn t there it was the annuul halton county mutual aid fire bureau s training exercise taking part in the full scale program were pum pcrs from milton georgetown acton trafalgar burlington and oakville trafalgar sent two trucks and burlington sent thrci the vehicles lushed to the la salle puik dock on the burlington waterfront and immedl itely set up operations linking hoses with other rucks and releasing long reaching jets of water into the jlrat called georgetown firemen were the first to be called al 6 17 p m and arrived nl their dcstinition at 658 p m three minutes later w t ler wus spewing iroin four lines of hose acton firefighters were called next at 6 18 pm ind the aimed al the dock il 6 ss pm in two minutes water rushed irom their nix hoses and two booster lints milton wus culled ul 6 20 pm and eight men armed it 6 46 pm kcltinc up their hoses in two min utcs releasing she urns or w iter in five lines also two boostet lines burlington no t w is next on the call lisi al 6 21 pm ind uti ed al the scent il 6 l pin aj 627 pm lout minuics i ilei then two taise s uen spi ivitik the b t burlington no i t mul then call at 6 22 pm and unud il 627 pm although the i iulilhu is woi keel the u h u de si rouble caused b linn pumpti deltvid the opening of ihe two nozzles until 6 w p m j six minutes buihnklon no 2 s e ill c inie il 624 pm and the tr um tl tunc was iwpm ind m lour minules water shot ihi iiieh the n ks it 614 pm tlu ilsu used twt lines of hikse tralileil n 2 ouud in ti6 2t pm ind unveil at the v ilei front al 6 ss p nt in ihict nimui s two it iff s ol hose we e pum ping trtl tint n t i i u i ii ill ol 6 w p nt limed u 0 4t p it and t r jl mini call al 6 10 put n iv t it 6m fun and wltet n sluil tn nt th ti incs in tout mimius ittn ih linking 32 hoae water fl irod 1mm tbout 12 hoses into the skv the ba ot is the wind would have il it i ihe faces of about 100 onlookers the children many on t high sand dunes which lined the waterfront earned on heir own private war wnh the firemen as everybody joined in on the fun of being soa ked even the odd fire chiel got an undignified welling dunng ihe h ill hour or pum pint as opposi turn dwindled ihe firemen turned the hoses on themselves although many umusing ineid cnls delighted everybody a sen ous theme ol cooperation was ihe watchword among approxim mulelv 60 firemen about 7 25 pm the water was cut off and the firemen started rolling up the hoses and packing ihem inio their trucks a breath ing spell was welcomed during which plans were made and or dtrs liun lor the la i ler half of ihe operation this hall admtriblv showed the coope radon so stionglv fell the parade of lire trucks arrived at fairfield public school and l up in the school v trd rcsembline the line up at a surlmk line of a motor race to make the b h it dcr men from each brigade weic scattered throughout until then was no recognition ol who w is fiom where they wettrrll file men for ex imple ihe millon bngade wis broken up s th it men m ihe group weic with oakvilk burl oil lun jcoiktlovvn trafalgar and acton the touch ob of laddci ckv i lion was earned out bv those pumpers which had ladders ind the spirited firefighters sealed the back walls of the school the full scale operation which was carried out tuesdav is an annual iff ur it cording lo u ordmalor a c clement hill he iddcd 111 it theie lie i tlur cxci eiscson smalki scales thmukhoul the vcar vwhaaooaw i receive two opinions regarding hydro status following acton hvdrv com missions recent decision to serve as in unpaid bods lor the pros- cm term lurlher mlormalion hid been sought irom the ont ii to hulio md the munieipil vv lid iikarilink existing ci n li uls md tcmuncrttion lor com missioncis dunne tlteit rccnl t rhiusdtx aueust ii itjil two lims l h intites oakvilli k tsxubi 3jkbu intcline the com xtrhil ix pl illll 111 wlllletl k tdme tl tu tie eonlusuin on ihe suhictl phone conversation i a l ili phone lomirsaiion willj the out in hulio rtveded ihi tunitssuin still conttok txisi ii l ptvvei eottti lets entilledl hvttii md w her these set viees weic lornuik eonlrollcdl hv ihe puhlic lrtihtics cotnmis si n pti ir it j mtniv i960 ihi pi c wis apuecl ihis vc i in i hvitui lotnmtssion mil il i si wet ind w her dcpari ninls tie undei the conltul ul hi t wn ihiueil different opinion letlel i mm the munieipil wiilei al timed i hi iitminissi in il w is their optnii n that since ihi t wn n i tijtr hid i tic tvltws nltttil to it an no i ngei efleettve it was noicel in the leticr that piintr p nx ed tin would be for ouncil to approve a new bv 1 iw tixme commissioners vilai waw vw ics this would he subnet t the appioval ol the ht pc atthenih ihe subcct of sil lines tot niccltng attendance was icsi ived d lubts rein lined in the minds s inie e unmis si ii ul ii dint thi iclii as peels ul hxdru conli ids await confi rma t ion chiumin i c tvkr sillis ed ihe cotimissi in w i i in i i illuil wtlltetl i nil tltil in lit ihe ont hi llvdu in i m mv tut the i aeli n is t iken dunne ttie niextinji huh supeiinicndcni done m is n u ported the neid tl idihii mil lights m the cits nit md cent ttcn hill ate t he ils m led i delav in the shtppinc ol wire to complete line building pitijecls approve accounts the i tllowuil tee mills were tpprovid for p imcnl bell telephlk j 4 4s conlidirjtion life 4vhk1 j r ke irnev sti w he ode i sun bus se r v t kl munteipal v ild 100 thompm n m i us 8 cm wn and c ibk 144 ae i m frw press 1 1 14 rtiirat wnr si c thle i40w t murwtiod 1 id 1 8 t twn ol aeti n s4 0fl he pc of ont is97 wman at 10 ctive at 90 the board of directors of the halton union insurance cum pany for 24 years a good deal of his lime h is been spent sciving on the boaid of health for erin township and an an eldci of roekwood pres bytenan chinch mr and mrs peiuen celebrated their 60th wedding annivcisuiy in december with their t unity and friends sprv bright and ie live mi pctren loves lo girden md his his home looking like something out of a picluic book with shiubs md tluwcis dccoi ttmg the gu den family dinner tucsd tv evening a family dm ncr was en u veil by not only ihe immediate family hut also by mi pearen s iwo sisters berth i mis e d mephedran roekwood who celebrated her 66lh birthd ly august 6 and elizabeth mis a- f johns newmirket who will be 84 in september who were present to greet their brother one of the best moments of ihe party was a phone call fiom one daughter be ttnee mrs rovs allan who is tiavclhnc lo the wcsi coast on i holiday she called her father from winnipeg othei mcmbeis ol the f unilv are fjv i it h inie md lvclvn mis c aitkcti rr 1 aclon seven gi indeluldrcn ind two great li indehildrcn londly ic numbered giandad on his bit ih day us well mr pcaicn m tdc il clear that he was an ardent readci ol the free press and said my i it lit r in law joel leslie was one of the fust suhstnbers in tht free picss md the piper his been in ihe home ever stnee the fice ptcss puis with lis 111 iny friends md letilives in wishing mr pencil m my in itc vears ol lood health tnd hitppi ncss county urges museum sites study for newcounty museum in halton m wii ttnaifjiymafmfimr ii dton milv council h is liiiu on ice ml is moitng u lounlv museum md his mged a study ti i teak a so 1 1 able site al i lies 1 v illcino its auljisi muling ol the council he iilji eiilliu tl e niiniilloc iefiitcd tint siilgcsliuu t use i lluinhv dts liul pnipetlv w is unsutt tbk howevel ihe link w is to pieptie i list ol possible muse u n silts die commiluc c mid visil in hie the near fuluic the lliiuhy puiki iv undei dis cussioti v is hit j hit tonkin cv l le on llic s vnillt 1 me nut lit of the viiilc if ii mbv which w is willed ii i in c univ is t rcloics laliuit tt let miiibcls ol the com miltte inlkitid i hi litin sin u ul be kll loi ufotisl itiun piitposis only in lomph nice willi the turns ul mi coulson s will flscat agents a lengthy discussion wis held i the possible ippoiiilmcnt ol i county lis d uaiili to it indie dchcllttltc s lies ittl lid vise on financial mil ins council luially dee tiled ul unsl ippuintment ol an igeiicy il the pic sent council hcaul lepiescnt hues of ihe bell gouinlock igctkv cxplun in ihe market situ it ion tttd teeuutmend iguriil hiiuil lisi tl igcttts il hit present tunc noting higher linn bids would he it ilicd by putting dehcntliles up lot s ik on the open in irkct a b i iw itilli tiiinc the liant m ol v1000 in hit mci tl ml to w nil the ccijrli liwn md dislncl memorial hospital w is gtcn two nndtngscnimcitnlso dccidcdtn pine 7st0o0 vvoith of debcnl incs i ii tin jtsiph bianl mentor lal li sp i i mm huiilon on the mm kit soon acknowledgement wis liven i ictuiest lor aid lo ve ud i pioposed 170tad uldtli hi to in oakvilk it ifdllui mem t 1 1 il llospil il is i lie usii il eoiinty tntnl of 6000 per bed will be icqticslcd i itci small modern shopping plaza planned ffr higliway jisite foresee 10 stores a small modern shopping plaza nay soon he serving the cast end l town the stores arc planned o be buill on no 7 highway al he thud line adiacent to ihe 3tcwets warehouse l s snel jovc co ltd toronio arc the vilusivc agents lor ihe leasing tl ihis puipettv and expect atatut 1 stoics will soon open their i kis then their plan shows buildings wilh ftontage of 19fr-feet-of-firemorf- unsliucli in wilh either apart mcnlsk- offices ibove the store the slores will h tee full base ments with indtvtdutl lie nine oil units the stores will have from iges of is feet or 20 ket bv so feet deep to suit anv business thev hope to see one druggist one h irdwaic stoic etc tor t well rounded shopping common y mirchints who are alic idv es labhshed tn town hive been vass to-mw-if-thev-auf-mkhvm- ed in moving hfrwnor sportshockey ball players carry away 500 tobacco at ledgers iga theft ji w k for the second t line in i w o wet ks when ihe y tn mud open the iron i entrance il lcdcti s 1 g a store early fn i iv m nunc and stole close t i jsoo ti cigarettes ad tobacco sunt mtnacer dave manes te poited to police he locked the premises afler a routine cheek al 9 pm thursday when be went lo upen lor business next mum inc he luund the front cnl r nice h id been broken open a further c hex it revealed the icinltcs and lobaeeo had bctn liken the thieves made then exit v i a tear dour alter smash ink the 1 k k um egg crates th i ki wis tarried avi in i kk e t m s tt ti r individual ear ii ns wttc tnssed on the floor t nsi ihle mere harness of ihe i m 0 p p detachment w is tlltd lo investigate and an ot heer ti tm the fingerprint de- paitmmi in dundas cheeked e ervthtne lor fingerprints due manes reported over i4s irt in of etcarettcs and several packages of kb tec in sstne nothing e se stemtd lo be dts tuibcd th store in n ike r told police acton man suffers 85 per cent burns bruce vollner 2s i irold ae ion man w is idmttted tn new mirket hospitil on wednesdav suffennk from 8s per cent burns lo his body when his clothinc c uikht fin if ler his tiutk struck a pok ind burst into flames mr vollner w is uttvinl i gr i et truck when it ensiled into i ro ptile ne i lav thirslin nesildv thirsiinn into mimes the ditver lumped from the eah with his e lolht s m fl imi tnd rolled on the ground in an attempt tu put init the f limes he was taken tt newmarket huspii tl b ambulance and this morning thursdivl mr ntv but hospital supenntendent re ported his condition as onlv fair tl louise wasowicz heads grade 13 exam results louis nasoxvicz with an awr ge of 739 per etnt let t list 4 16 students who wrote nnpei khool t xammit ions tl ac ton high school resutis were tn nouncvd tiksdav of the lt nine wilt reeetve ibeii certifieates a hixine cumpkied graele ii result follow bruwn donaldn ene comp 52 zoelocy 50 clow grace m fnc conip 30 algebra 60 zoukg m creighton marx loo m enp ctrrhr eng lil so algebra 67 tng and static v st phvvks 50 chcnutrv 60 latin auth 75 latin comp 82 fr auth 72 ft cotrp 6t duby laurence g eng comp s eng tiu sj algebra 51 fr auth 50 fr comp 50 fenxe flitabeth j 7ooiokx 8 canine r kenne ih b lne comp 7s eng lit p7 alhia 6 geomitrv s6 tne and st iks 62 phvsies m chcmislrv fr aulh 6 fr comp w gcrxatk brian va botaitx m oolx 62 homer c michael ene comp 12 eng lit sj algebra 6s gctwnein vi tn and sta ins 64 phvsies 4 chemistry tc fr aulh 76 fr comp 58 hurst mtchad d eng comp v hmorv x algebra 76 geo metry 62 tng and statics 64 phvacs 62 chemistrx 67 fr auth s7 fr comp 50 jan ella h eng comp 8 eng lit 69 latin auth 82 latin comp 79 fr aulh 77 fr comp 82 1 jubnsieme wm j fng comp vi algebra s geome irv ft tng and status vi phxsns sg j lovell lvmla r eitii comp b0 eng lil s algebi 1 m giximetrv s tiik and sinus w phvsies so cheniktrv v- fl uth fr comp 6 macpherson j bnicc eng lit 62 algebra 75 zoology ss phvmcv v mcenerv elizabeth e butanv 69 manscak frank w eng comp 50 alwbra 58 geomctrv s tng and sialics 53 phvsies is moffat b jean botam vt zoologx 76 newton dianne s historv 7s swackhamcr james c eng comp 55 algebra 71 geomctrv 50 tng and sialics 55 physics 7- lentiitx 55 fr aulh 57 fr mp ss wisiwi ltwise a fng cii p h fnv ui historv 2 btiiinx t ziluex 79 latin jutb 7 iun comp gs fr auth 7s fr comp 69 thtx who tried mnc papers this vrar passing them all were louise wasoxvtcx mary lou cretghion kenneth gardner mike homer mike hurt and linda lovell ella jans passed her upper spcboot german liwiaiuiv and german composition tn 1958 and also rcceixes credit for nwiic giving her a total of mac papers bill johnstone who paa five papers wrote three successfulfv last vcar elizabeth mceocry wbo has hern teaching sehcwil was short just one suhiect lor her diploma so will receive it now dianne newton who alrcidx had nine sublet is to receive her diploma suctcksfullv passed her 10i b elizabeth force who goes into grade 12 this september obtained an average of over 90 per cent in grade ii and also received first class honors in upper school zoo logx announcement of names of win ners ot beirsanes has not been made vtt principal ted hansen notes re sults are belter this vear than last of 14 who wrole last xear seven recerved diplomas this car 16 ined exams with nine to get dip- loaias the comp invs 1 in slrcetsvilk and is represent 1 live james kirkwoocl s ud this week we line eveiv eunhdcnec ihil t new loe tl plaa will k vcw much ipptcci itcd by cvcionc in acton we ue successful kinc lotw 1 tine he sit change committees council welcomed millon de putv keeve john ch it lion us 1 new iipriseiilulivc tu c mncil md congrilul ited mis muv pel tit on her appointment us reeve both stepped up with ihe resign 1 lion or reeve ail dcsj trdine who has moved lo uionto a sit iking commit ki nt uli the following chmges to commilices created by ihe ill mike of icpu si nl hives mis imlit icpl 1 es mr destiudine as counh hiukl lugs chiumuii mi chtiilon re pi ices mis pellit 011 the i ckls i tliiiti tnd bv laws cominillct mi til 11 lion icpl lets mr iks jitdiiie un the ro ids commit ice md oikvilk reeve tred rilliv icpl ices mi dcsj inline on the ii tlion manor board vacation set ihe following v ication policy loi cmplovcts w is ippioved employees with six months of stiiict on julv 1 on any vt ir re tcive one week s vacation with wuhoktumigntk seek another building site harrasscd by f dlurc to i ind 1 suitable site to toe tie the ptopos cd new county admitikir uton building hullon couuly council lined tuesduy to yd mother ile this time just outside milton 1 esquesing township and jnadc axrangemtnls lo have the building committee iiegoli he lite purchase ol at least 10 acres irom ihe owner this newest site in 1 long list ol possibles is owned bv ted hat nip and sils ust north of ihe ontario si b isc line intcrsec tion pait of lul 1 con 3 ls que sing chairman disagrees the sue is thought to be the besl of ihree suggested lo toun cil luesdij hv ihe committee however building committee thainnan mis marv s pellit reeve of millon argued h was unsuitable as 22 tiains a day were predicted tor ihe ncmfhvt canad ian national railway line in 1965 1 am worried about ihe rumb ling freights that will be roaring pist the county building she said she added her choice of sites was on highway 2s just south of the lown of milton boun darv aclon deputy rocvc jack h irkrave argued this lot was loo il to a nuiow mil kll tw tv lo 1 ravine sso feel trom ihe highway pay employees with mi year of service leceive iwo weeks with 10 vents ol sir vice ihree weeks nnil with is veiirs ol service four weeks hourly p ild imp iokcs receive two per cent of their e linings or one weeks vacation wilh p iv whichever is less up lo live veins after five vtus it is four per etnl of e linings or iwo weeks which cluk in held blown was uu tlioned to pure h isc a new counlv seal 111 exit l replica of tilt one apptniing on ihe firsl by law ol the cm potation some time since the 18ft0s a new seal replaced ihe original se tl truck loading council tlso apptoved 1 petition from bruce counlv for more stimgent laws on i ruck ovciloiding supported in onl irio cotin fy resolution calling for compul sory insuiunee coverage of all jktfiled motor thhlm agreed lo h ive the civil de fence coordin itor ohlain space it ihe millon lir lor displays and arrange a cruise on some naval ship for mcmbeis of county council received i k iter of itpppru- ialion from mis m ttgie preston xprcssing lit inks fur having her like pirl in ihe tree planting crummy u her biolhcrs farm pissed accounts totalling 76788 27 thieves steal parlrbenche five patk be ne lies stolen some time dunng ihe night saturday run on a tnvsttiy to members of he aclon parks bo trd and have police puyled as well put k gules are locked every ening by ptltolling police but i sund tv mottling the gates etc found open md ihe padlock open bul not sin ished ii is believed by some members of ihe board ihe benches must have been carted away in a truck ind lo d he no clue of their whereabout h has been found truck car collide estimate damage 30 appproxim ilely iw damage re sulted to a ear dnven by karl ulakovic aclon wednesday eve ning it the corner of mill and main streets when a iraclor trailer truck struck the left front fe niler guests of maple leafs sunday afternoon toronto m tple lnf si ithum echoed wilh chceis of 114 aclon i 111 lilt in sund iv dttnioon is i he le tls pi icd i double head er with jcrsiv citv th bus numbers of minor spoils hotkey md bisebtll le tins woe kiitsts ol the maple lids ind c rl nnlv indie iltd their enlhusiism lor the toron ti club dgnng iheir rooting between theirinc ind booing ihe bis were husv devouring hit dogs mil other koorfics is ihev sit on the third bascfne w tlelune ihe inmts steady rooting athotikh toronto lost the first hill of the double he ider 61 the vimngsicts never lust heart and kept up a steady cheenng section whenevtr he leals t tmt to bil in the second hilf toronto downtd ihtir opposition 3 2 in an tighl inning hilt it for mtnv of the youngsters it wis thtir first tnp to the slid turn and their impression could onlv be nottd by the wide stares iround the hugl enclosure as thiv sal mohonkss taking in every detail acton legion minor sports assoc tlion pud admission fees lor the drivers who donated e irs ami lime for ihe occasion ready and waiting the bovs were on hand al ac on park before ii am and wail ed eagerly for cars to arrive as drivers pulled in lo park youngsters would run down ihe i reel yelling can i go with ou signs were posted on cieh e tr indicating the load wax from aclon minor spoils and the caval tadt ol 21 i us wis soon wending its w iv lo tht si idiiun dnvtrs ol the tars which trans ported the boys lo ihe game were ivan kilbv jack bu hough bill nicolak mel jordan i r ink ro- gcrs ab robinvin george bay its barry inxcoc cord james bill shea pete vale ed owen brian mclaughlin julian zajac garry oekenden bill buchanan phil mccristall doug roddick sam bruncllc charles hubbcll kca marshall and algic varey 114 youngstits wan guects of th toronto mapfe leaf ball club sunday for douwwfer at the stadium in toronto acton minor sports made the arrangements for ih outmg provide each driver with admittance fee and gave each child an envelope containing 35 cents for a hot dog and cold drmk five of the boys getting ready to leeve acton park left to right ere kan marshall danny calder ramsay hay us camochan and wayne deforest