Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1960, p. 5

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personal notes of actonlons visiting outoftown points and of visitors fn acton home mr and mrs cwart leyland and family wire holidaying m montreal friends arc sorry to learn that mr ohil slaplclon is in hospital in st josephs cutlph mr and mrs wilfred coles arc holidaying with relatives in port huron michigan mr and mrs roy kirkncss and kim an back after holidaying for two weeks near bracebridge vacation spot for mr and mrs doug manning and bobby was ihcfr collage at sauble beach miss mane lambert is spend ing her holidays with her sister mn rpn gillespie at fruilland mr and mrs harry boulton of scarborough called on old triends and neighbors one day last week mr and mrs jack mcgcachic and family have returned from holidays in the lake of b ivs district john ladouccur and terry mas- ales are spending this week with the former s grandmother in owen sound mrs james mcghdrcv left re cently to spend a two month va cation with rtlativts in winnipeg and vancouver little misses sharon and sheila archibald of ajnx spent lasl week with their grandpurcnts mr and mrs ivan hjrns mcrl han is visited with his aunt and uncle in ajax ralph archibald returned home with him and will spend this week here mrs w j smith of fverton corner is a patient in guclph general hospital her many friends in the district wish her a speedy recovery acton women s institute mem bers are cntcrlnnine residents of ha i tun centennial manor at milton in the acton paik this sunday afternoon lieut d ciscv rcn and den nis burke both ft urn vtctona bc arc presently visiting mr and mrs r r burke at their home 1 elgin st acton friend of mr alex mtciccor will regret to lie ir ih u he is a patient in a hospiml in alaska his daughter mrs w d t ilbol left last week ia plane to be with him they slopped off at ottawa usit mr and mrs bill mchugh mrs wares brother mr henry cox uml back with ihcm fndav tcnmg the staff of the free press and the can tdian champion milton held a pres cnlalion party for mr roy downs news editor of the milion paper he is being married in milton on september 3 to doro thea dukes of milion printers news and office staff with wixes and husbands gathered at the home of mr and mn jim dills fttilton wfzwvikmjmmm john richardson 95 sunday guests take church services john r of his congratul ttions richaidson on lh 95th birlhda sunday thuse who were present for the day wen mr and mis e j eekles ol money creek mr and mrs earl richaidson guclph mr richardson was the recipient of numerous cards he is still able tu be ihout his home dung with mi and mrs clarence hen derson mis j a 1 ittlc went to tofonlo lasl week on rcccmng word ol the death of mrs roberi h ro binson u ho passed uv i suddenh at her hume in mindcn besides la i hush ind three daughter sin ie hir man join noni jc in and mis j h wilson suzanne she was predict istd h hei t ithci rc john little he brother john a md sister jtinet funeral look pi ue lasl tudn with sctwec al voile ch ipej ol tnrnci ind poilet bloot st ind inleinienl in p u k l tun teiiu ten 80 yean old congr i millions io mrs wm pusmoie on tht occasion of her 80th hiilhdm recent h besides nicmbers ol her fanilu mivses jean ind m ir oru mi ke rule of aeton were present also mrs angus c met dt ind mis r ciru i ol me iph mrs ilbert j guild uul son tonanee rock wckk guest speakers in the ibsuiet ol john bitkli ol the pixshvuii m ihutch whi is on u ilion with mrs birtih ind famik lo hunismlk robert w her of waterloo college conduct ed the sen ice during the service misses mnrlene shepherd and helen baker of burlington con tributed a duet ii i could bui tell all the clorj their eon tribution in the semcc was much enjoyed in the absence of rc h b slokreef of si johns church right riv c r h wilkinson assistant bishop of niagara for mcrlv bishop ut amntsir india conducted sen ice sunday after noon and also officiated dunng choral communion with robert vincent as scner his nunistn w is much appreciated mt ind mis robert leslie and i inul i e turned home suurd i t tunic irom holid i u h itibur ton progress is being m ide on new houses tor at in root ind ed b irlow duimi itw weekend mr and mrs george a hirns ind el nigh lericr nanc ol kirk land lake called on richard h irris on their return home from kinston previous lo going to toronto last week mrs j a litlk spent i few dns u owen sound mrs c w mason and son george swltzer and family of to ronto have returned from a plea sant three weeks motor tnp through the pennsylvania and virginia mountains mr and mrs h arbic wayne and dan mrs m arbie and miss jane wilkins returned home son day from a trip through the allc ghany mountains to atlantic city washington and other points or mleresi visitors with mr and mrs f anderson and mr and mrs j krapek the past weekend includ ed mr and mrs w d robertson of toronto mr and mrs percy cox sandra and larry of the erin district on their way to a principals conference in londoh mr and mrs clare prosscr of bracebridge slopped off here to visit her par tnts mr and mrs g a dills and her aunt mrs a b lyon of ul stcr pennsylvania mr and mrs bill wilson susan ind sally have returned from a motor trip through virginia north carolina tennessee and maryland spending five days al cape hatteras beach and sight seeing in jamestown and wash ington on the way home mr and mrs e handbndgc and family of burlington ver mont and miss elizabeth living sione of glasgow scotland and mr and mrs a livingstone and family of port hope were visil ing with mr and mrs i wil hams lukcvicw lasl week a trip to nova scotia to visit relatives was taken by mr and mrs george ware and their two children on their holidivs mrs ware came from lockcport no- sco hnr w b at rdd thesoilv ancl suit photo 500 in toacco and cigarettes were stolen from ledger s i g a store when thieves imm ed the front door and entered the premises cigarettes and tobacco were scooped up from shelves at the front of the store and carried away n egg cartons store manager dave aaanes locked the doors at 9pm thursday night and discovered the break n when he arrived at the store friday morning he points to the broken front door where the thieves entered they escaped with the loot by break ng open a rear door bring pky atthumtd at hmhn in stnthrd the avon theatre fn stratford was almost completely void out for the premiere of am red cu ringei priaswinnfng first plm blind mans bluff tuesday a hairdown cunain call concluded the production although the an ihur stayed seated inconspicuous ly at the back of the theatre aeton friends joined in enthus lasiicajly swellingllic applause pwesatimbl cast blind mans buff was ducelcd by george mccouan and designed b brian jackson cist included leo cieeri as the blind anihoi whose mm dci is pinned in pil galluwat as his wile ind robin gammed as ins nephew jake dengcl plass his v ilct two mmoi parts went lo detective mcivvn blake and tuny an bi uila tile iction was set in toronto s rosedale with darkened set md mounting suspense addinc to ihc juiciest the ph is silted ic mi silur xs cvciimt red monster a monsici wis distowud in he sni ill lols u idiiil p ml il i he ptlk a silke lepilteil ill ill 1 lect lone w is w ilelkd julie lie ihm lljll tile w lie iii klk tu 1 ill ihc miimtslcis had dtpiilit loi home among the opening nlghi audi enee win mis sophie euringii or and mis allan j biich in jn m and mis loin watson mis beil mowal mhs daisy folslti mt s loi tie oimgblut mi md mis hmkv coles mrs young and mi and mis david dills btmsitl ruwdi tests nom hpk hilton s m p s tilth best mule sonic sigmlie nil lent uks when he spoke i t ihc house ol i mi minis on the imp hi nice ol in eieaseil icseaieh in can id i oi wcdncseliv ol last week 1 lie points ii sc limn his cs 1 re ml i i ills dis lo iheir relict iii it ihc sii been dclibei utk pill n pool h e lulaku he hi i i w is lulpiric ill inj- ih w ihc next d l s swimmii mi ns in i lei i w isn i i sn ik farm news halton juniors win bus trips ernest alexander of noml land use tour organized b llic extension branch ol the onlmo department ol acjiculiutc in cooperalion with the soil de pirtmcnl of the ont mo atncul tural college the tnp bemt held on scpl ember 12 tu is includes a lour ol elgin kent and fsscx counties ell ice ihc seil department at guclph jointly organized eastern onlano and united ninons bus trips arc organized by the junior jajmers asocial ton of ontario and the ex tens ion branch of the onlano de partment of agriculture the trips are awirded caih year lo outstanding junior taim ei and junior institulc members prcsentlv active in halton cuun tv junior farmers the winner of ihc fistem ontario bus inp is tom hunter of r r 2 gcoicauwii a mem ber of the noi il junior 1 inn ers miss fuhn mckiv of r r 3 georgetown ol the milton junior institute is the winner ot the united n limns new york idle farms breed vaf these mv ci toopci um been c ml iiicd i naluial h ihit llstic ill uiltiph mst ml pullv bulk inusl be i nigh i b evi one who is in chaise cl pn t ol mv kind il j udciis i i oi tulds aie to he kept id il the i e mk d i of i lie a ui of course is i weed euiimol kssts lhe l weed conltol on idle f n i illy imoh ich son t i mil 11 new summer resort opens at emma lake a new summer resort has been opened up on emma lake 35 miles northwest ol prince albert sisk the mi i ibe known as muiriv p mil stnnniei icsorl is iocilcd on the west i shotc ol the i ike i the summer re soil ins been i laid out in ju out inn utih 1 mode in own planning ideas i ihc design imbi kcs msuu nnd eui ed si reel in eonlrasi with the old tndnon svsum the lesult is a nunc pleasunl town site design heller suited l i svhan setting soil in tiie aren is fi title and eiowih his been r ipid i pi nts ihc annii il weed e isi lo cinuli il about 200 million dull ns the uibin dwell ei iseoneinied iboul the sptc id ol weeds because they are un sithll nnd lower piopcrlv v il iks several v niches ciiisc hav lever jnd in iuclcc1ed field oi loi beeoiiies i delimlc liie ha ud idle farm perhaps theie is n belter example i f nature s w iv ol spieidint ihesc uitw mteel pi ints thin m idle i um te elinh this cpiession 1 mean i i inn ih il h is ixen laimiel re is in ihl well md his suppoileil its oe eupanls f t die 1 tst m oi pel hips 100 u us the ownet sells the properlv moves aw iv and ihc liclds simp- l lie idle bee uise of our loe ation m llu stalled golden horse shoe of ontano spc e ul ators ire naluiallv interested in puiuiasint propct l v in fael there ate several thousand acres within the county in ihis cate turv ind unfortematclv m inv pmpei ties an king idle naturally a problem i hive no faull to find wiih timers who sell then propetlv ul since ill kinds ol iiom his eeds soon be in i j trow mil puad on such pi ipetlies w laluiallv hive i problem of cid eonilol with which lo cope 1 ndoubadlv the new owjicis le iw ue ot this rcsponsibilliv il i nti illmt weds aceordtnt the weed conlml a i of out ii io however iheti scents tei be ejinpaialiulv few wti will like iiom ins weeds hum iipetiii seeds this is taiiictl oiil l the niiimeipiliu ind il e nisielei tbli cspeiisc to the piopeitv ownii ll is not i cute ill is lluse people s met lines expeel bill inusl be upc lied cadi veil il weeds lie to be conliolled the lnny1 the 1 md is idle the lnt1i cr the weed cuntlol expense will ik hiving in mind and being somewhat concerned about ther cost ol veeed control to spccul ors 1 would like to poinl oul lo ihcm two methods b wtuel ihcv c til eliminate such expense on then pi upc t lies lust 1 would like io sulla s ihtl a rent il itieeimnl in tel with a local i inner oi cusi mi oper hoi cln the fn kepi undil eultiv ition lint is elcvelopcd 1 n mdusli h iitsing etc suell clkel 1 1 in ti i hi and il is i dehtht to 111 clurfce of weed e tnlrol i resulimt trinsloimalkhi the second method i mend is jrt itreenunl wit buvet to lui and b lie llu which miv be suitable and ilsu mow dtvvn otlui at is on the propel iv the weed seeds ripen in 19s9 ind this ve ir sevet il hundred i acle 1 1 lends ell as dulv slu ei i line i in uvie iv polished in ihc ell to ictl lo el ol the hi xpeiidilute nmeiil um rants increased md will mti in lo h un u isiel ipidly 1 1 di i uqu ih u son s lepotl s i ill ist unpoi i ml eonlnhiil in l the pioblem ol niidie il t mm nil ilions v ipielh lllipleiliel si ihlishmetil ol e hell e nuieil ll die il nil mm dl shnild be i liultule the tin tile il le neuleptil cuell in nit ill d i 1 lint eommiltee in mill il built 1 i 4 000000 til p sni medic il re sail ch council ml s17dhihh i n tiicelie se tell b lllehlit e nlstllle til i v hell i uilmi 4 the 11 use ell ci mmillee com mi should pr ipn been uihin the kept in a tidv bu de il method mdil un hiv t with b me lulldcel b tile i h utm to th ebitor band wl euchre party raises party fund the attractive lawn ot mrs h i r urs l brown beiwer avx w is oner noon again iht set tint ui an attenioon if ihv euchre pirtv sponsored bv i ac ion w 1 on hcdnestliv aftct noon of last week eleven tables vvet plavxi and prizes wen awttrded as follows first mrs gcorte fount un second mrs a milton eonsola tion mrs fcorge hargraw for most lone hinds the pnrr went to mrs nklson lambert and mrs george somerville won the luekv draw for admission card lunch was served and a vcrv happy time reported b all con i ot the event were misses betlv oung marjone hall mrs george frvcr and mrs brown tbe proceeds of this eent will go lo help defnn expenses for cntortainmg he residents of hal ton manor this coming sundav at ibc local parte protests placement of splendid band georgetown ont m brvem si august 10 sk0 t the fehler ae ton frcv prets aeton ont dear sir i 1 had cue ision a few weeks tgi to attend in idurtised bind eoneert lo be pined in i y urs pari 1m the sundiv ailer jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer farm sbtvia and suwues dump trucks for hwe concrete brick clay brick stone rcv class fs j f fvlly iwswd phone 251 acton had betn mediocre ueh as obtain in some uvins i would still hive written to vu but a band of the cal ib re ul aeton with the qualits ot leadership it has sun is demand ed thit i write this complaint i lound this splendid band with their backs lo be wall ol a public unlet attempting to plav a prutfran under such eon ditiont not eten a temoonrv plil form on whuji to plav t is this the best acton nn do for a band of this qualitv shame i vours uwk e4 a reten- id 1959 wbeat aceounicd for hair f canadas exports of jj39 900000 to japan hintons headquarters for all school supplies footwear and readytowear for school mothers time to start thinking sdlool initio in nj hlimh i uul dm mi llu sihl pildill c rr the acton free preai thursday augulf 18th i960 custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 a m out by 5 p m main st n phone 273 attention rural students attending the acton district high school september 1960 the bus schedule will be mo 1 bus route east from acton leave acton 745s i a ve i me o se j 5 i ri a ve ballinafad 8 00 am a r ve acton at 8 15 a m no 2 bus rout west from acton leave ac en at 7 45 a m a ve 6 h ne no 7 ha 7 50 sn ai ve n i n no 7 h ghay booa arr ve r m ms 8 05 a m a ve spev rle 8 7 a m a ve acton a 8 45 a m no 3 bus route south from acton leave actjn at 8 20 a m ar ve speys de 8 30 a m a r ve acton at 8 45 a m times approximate students please be ready a few minute before schedule time w mhmheton secretary treasurer avem orain lomtraet ornrit stored grain insects cause onsideruble kiss to grain grow crs in ihis nix a each year by ciitink iht kernels and con turn inaling the guin causing it to heat and hecoinc atmosl a comp lete loss the granary weevil saw toothed grain bee lie hjt sum beetle and confused flour tile are among ihc most re polled species nou is the lime to clean up ur gtanury bcfoic your new mrs j mcknighl gets bingo 100 as 200 attend ghl won the 1 100 spccul dame tuday nijjhl j aclon lions club buigo in the i eg ion auditorium tin snowball jackpot of 150 ugujti was nol won jnd is increased to 175 jor liie next icuulut binuo officials isliuulcd in alien djtuc ol oci 200 unh lion ruy at btc culliii numlx i s bingo ih nun in 1 1 in seutijrv syd i j nib st ju tl llut in angi menis in hiwy in ilt it nn u isc the si limit js r lie susori iiiiihiiurd i ions jik blonde ii tuny liotisidi jctt jn um tom mttllin jiki ii miuolm issisted diiiiny i lie nillil sjiipjiu its ul jsfitstos frttm niddi in tmncs lose h5 per cut in 1959 to 1050 703 ions crop is put in ttorag these insects are not brouat fai from the field wttto the frain but remain in tht gnnarf w ln atiank ibx ntw crop if thart art tny owc in grain almadv in tufam this grain shtwu be nmoym fi n i your grvwry entf thm im hole area ihould be timtml h ie bin of your granary has fcton in feaied ireatfiu of the fmpty bins will not likely control the insects to treat empty wni clean all grain and dust from flit area and spray the wails and floors with wfm4 that wm kill any insect that remains in or that comes io the eippty tin inscclitides can be obtained al your local dealers sod jf fur hilr information is required you may obtain ultouf 229 from the exteiiakm wwifh of he ontario department of ag riculture in milim rekt m hamilton frail a haffman orioummn rormcrlv e p head mo mmm ta 7i httlmrgrllyw healthy living 17 mill st acton ont by w roy riddell d c low back pain did i kn m ill il mid km hick p mi is t tteitii ly i n vmuiliet it be ititili ulcd miimlt lumhositi il sii mi s t mill u slip oi t i liet niilcil iiiltiitilihti il disc i lie 1 1 is cm hjs e tttitit 1 1 inn i iiisl uul iii i etnisc didn i ot cut me i nichl yt u ii ictiitmhci lhit tnosi ol thtst pioblcms dllmi llu t itiu mi suddcnlv octiti it i dining whii sullied lo be unh i lutnic in ivctniiils tct one doesn i et i i sue b tck ft mi push nc t i mn mi tt m slioiclltnt s w rivit must ii tt hull a lowttic ue tkncts mil llic cause ol tins ucaktlcss is ncrc picssurc a slihl bony misalignment unvuhcrc in llic spine eun cjusc piessun on nerc fibres j ml upset then tontt oiling hint tion of ihc musclch of the baik re suit i n in stmclurall list tl t tun itid wetktiess ol an net this cjuduailn tttts worse hi i hunt vou kntrtmiik it unit il hiullv encs out the ori un tl ntic pressuic may not he tl iht site tl the pjtn pisl as i sikhi ciiciiii on an elec- tin il svlem isn t alwiys al like ihc fcl olftue low who t imc mio ihc tht other dav all bent unh his itnuct on one spot in ins hittk there it is doctor 1 tisi hint over tl hurts nghl i he 1 1 ttx ii up tl ve your hu opt ut tor a chance i u him tlccidt what you need after he i tcalls the utlderltnk t4uht- bctter sull why not get checked today so that any pl nj del re j s may be jocnlcd uiid coirected before tlicy ausc trouble all perishable produce under refrigeration extra special save 43c chocolate ice cream i 2 half gallons 135 guaranteed tot quality deepfreeze supplies poly bags cartons meat paper dairy products butter eggs ice cream miik sour cream cheese a type for every taste air conditioned for your shopping pleasure acton creamery limited

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