Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1960, p. 10

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rvvjaysj vkmim4u4fw away from classrooms about 25000 halton children will be going bock to choo on tuesday there is however an important percentage that wont be making the trek dozens in elemen tary or early high school years will be turn ing their backs on the classrooms to walk into the work world in many instances will go the shattered hopes of parents and relatives for whether these young people realize it or not they will be running the risk of never gelling the chance to become a successful part of cana dian industry and business about 70 per cent of the pupils enrolled in grade two in our halton schools today will leave the school system before receiving their junior matriculation in many cases ill equipped to compete for anything but the unskilled and somi skilled typos of employ ment an examination of occupations in canada provides a pretty clear indication of the pro blem about 70 per cent of the obs avail able in this country are of a professional semt professional technical or skilled nature and only 30 per cent of employment con sists of semiskilled or unskilled occupations we require a basic change irt our think ing for the deplorable dropout rate must reflect the fact that we adults are not yet convinced of the desirability or necessity of advanced education what was adequate yesterday in the way of education is becom ing less and less adequate today just as our country has advanced in the past few decades so our need for more education has increased a full realization of this fact by all adults and children would surely bring about a much needed change in social attitudes the solution to the school drop out pro blem rests with every canadian the greatest show the floss candy makers are busily dis pensing their mouth melting delicacy mid way barkers are enticing the crowds auto mobiles are filling the parking lots the smell of hamburos and hot dogs is permeat ing the air livestock and animal breeders are competing for top honors in the show ring martial music is originating from the bandshell name entertainers are perform ing for the grandstand crowds and thou sands watch the mighty spectacle of fire works its all part of the canadian national exhibition holding forth daily in toronto the ex is different things to different people it averages one controversy a year and countless letters to metropolitan editors complaining about everything from the price of admission to the condition of the grounds or the shocking nature of one of the side shows for thousands of the less vocal of course the ex has filled their expectations in one or a dozen ways no where can one see the variety of displays the number of ex hibtts the beauty of the flowers the smells of the midway and the animals that are the pride of canadian farms all wrapped up in one big exhibition hdlton farmers will be competing as usual and of course halton s dairy pnn cess will be competing for the dairy queen title from the chilling midway rides to the beiuty of the flower show from the thun dermg six horse teims in the coliseum to the martial music at the bandshell the canadian national exhibition is in full swing see you at the ex another holiday monday is labor day it is a day that has been introduced as a holiday to honor the workmgman like many holidays we now mark there seems to be no effort to attach any parti cular significance to it undoubtedly its in troduction in 1884 was hailed as an op portunily for parades and other displays of goodwill to workingmen today the holiday seems to find its only area significance in a long weekend and a chance for many to attend the canadian na ttonal exhibition where labor is honored much the same situation exists with civic holiday dominion day and the old empire day actually labor has a history it shoud be anxious to recall from the dark days of the industrial revolution m enqland to these enlightened times the workinqman a very real problem there is an ominous note in recent un employment figures released omtly by the department of labor and bureau of stat st cs it shows 31 1 000 unemployed in july an increase over last year of 83 000 the report is ominous in a country notorious for winter unemployment but un familiar with unemployment increases in mid summer this community is not unfaouuar with unemployment industnei hare have had the same difficult es as those experienced on an increasing scale across canada labor minister starr appears to be stumped for an explanation of the poblem but it is abundantly clear thai the bus less boom forecast by finance w n ster flem n and trade minster church ii has never oot off the ground this year forecasts of an auumn downturn in the economy plus the usual seasonal slack later make the outlook for unemployment next winter grim ndeed halton m p sandy best has adv sea l of exlensons in the w nter works program to include a broader f eld of ass sa ice grants on mumc pal proiects this cou d help the local pctue on y si gntly n muncpales w tii budgets long s nee set and expendtures eieady rurtmng high enough it sutrue however that federal and pro v ic 4 qovernmen s alone cannot be expect ed to ease the s uat on not only local aovernment but local c t ens as we 1 v ii have to cie mo the act no h ng can cr pple a commun faster than unemploy ment the subect of unemployment hee s not a new one lut t may be j co 1 u ng one the acton free press published b the dnts printing and pubhshtng co ltd founded m lfcs an published evrrv thursdav at 9 willow st anon ontario mi mk r of the aeidilbcireau t circulation ihr una md ttu ontarioquebec dmoion o the cwn k advertising rales on request sutw nptwm pavibk in adnnn jflh m cimda fqo in ttu i mint suic- m munih 1 mnyk cuptc 7 authorized js vvond ctas mill pum ofticc depart men omjw i the out paper ever published in acton c a diiu edilormchict dmd r diln minaginp editor business and editorial office phone 600 acton has gained new status and benefits a day of 16 hours was not uncommon as the in dustnal revolution gained momentum it wasnt until 1833 that children under 13 were limited to an eight hour day legisla tion in the u s in 1938 recognized 40 hours as the maximum ordinary work week today about 61 million people make up the nations labor force by some generaliz ed mathematics that gives halton a work force of about 34 000 the equivalent of the county s total population at the midway point of the decade labor is entitled to the significance it receives from a special holiday but if holi days are to have any particular importance other than the day before school starts the last holiday of the summer and the day we close up the cottage those res ponsibie will hive to get their message across each year cap of gold suqm atd sfuce people keep isking mc how i pot on this sihixil te iching kick duln l ou like thi nevvspipcr business thev qucrv sun 1 like huny i weckl tdiloi i im iko m fond ol pumii pis hit bul i ilon l int hum lor hu ikl ist lunch ilinnlt ind bid i inn sniek tci d i cuecpl simd i li tni i sudden ibcrrit ion iisi one ot those wild impulses i in in his when he fills ik 40cii m irk it vv is i iiciullv tl isoned out this column wiittcn tour ve irs uo is proof of thil here s the vv n 1 told it back in s6 the oilier d i i wis sitting in the ik it fee lint iirr lor m sell itching the loutisls vvlt7 p is the ut mil window thev looked lr cirelrcc hedllh i siuled woitving ibout how h ltd 1 woik how scuntv arc the hohdns how man thou s inds ol wotds 1 had to produce in the nel lew d ivs wh it a pit i ltuuielil that an inlel leet like mine should be eh lined lo iftu irold remington rind when ill these other tlods are having two weeks with pi just then one of our local hich sehool teachers sauntered pist in bermuda shorts lick inc in ice cream cone and looking is h ipp as i beach eiimhei inspirition struck me so iolcnth that m old swi el ihnr ilmost went over biekwiids fvcrvbodv knows then is a re it sli ii i iec ol tcichers wtiv eouldn t 1 t ike one of those sumnur e muses jnd obtain a te unci s ceitilu he then id el i b a iching at the lot il nieli school promtlid i chine ed eicllt oi lell ot tm peisonal hihits then id hue some smut kid nisi out of loumihsm sell i is cdiloi id mike en ueh imiiicv tt uiunc lo pi his siluv ind h ie s imc oer i it sin kes and cet this i d have iwo months hohdavs out i the deal i went over llii s turtle i couple of times e hie knit in- ltc of 11 i i utitti tind a flaw it was t wil pi ml the grcit cscinc i wmi hippi h mc to lunch ally 1 thought id tliop clown to the office on saluidis ind kind ot poke itounil ind cheek on things md wnte some cdilonils mil sort ol tidv up loose ends ind ou know she nodded lhuucht fullv it will certainly be good for mui to gic up smoking and swcii inc md m iking icin irks like look it the lungs on th it and dunking beer she pointed out in a kindlv w iv now hold it i minute i returned hotlv sehool teathcis men t like th it inv more tint was in the good old dis when we had the spc eies under our thumbs ind a teacher couldnt even hac a snoit of dandelion wine without turning out all the lights in the house and lock in l ihe dooi its an excellent idea she went on of course youd hive to stud hard ill sum mcr to get vour certificate no fishing oi golf no pleasant cool dunk when ou come home ftom work no swims with the kids no home cook eel rm lis but wed ill hue lo make sicnliccs uh uih i siid wilhahtile less th in exuberance i m sure ou d be ioil to eopci with those delinquents in school she pur sued inexonblv you can l do a thing with vour own children but 1 know jou d hic no dis eiphnc problems wilh teen ag ers i think there s a lol of ex iggeration in those stones about swilchhluk knives and all tint stud anw iv uh vcah i sud you know whip i said it s n lit tie lite lo ect on that summer course this car but next veir for sure iii lake it and wc ii be sitting on top of the world uh cah she s nd photo by letthcr taylor by bill smiley whole thing four yeirs igo and il th it s the lop of the world we ic sitting on it must he m ide ol snow bee luse us melting i ipidlv irom under me oi as the little pol h heir slid lo his mom m tail is told and thit ihc start of ihe mgmg round the district il line ihe s nple tx mt t thi pi in sink m ilhi lhiriv i four lii davs a wlt k h lidis n chusi mis hi ii ties it i iskr tw e1 i i nis rti inlhs in the sumrmr iw tt i hine ind i weti made t i i eh ihir h w w mid hi hki i if i fimix mil summer i pi posin ihit ihi old ciil wtun 1 walked ul fine sis she it ting out thi can of vp hi would mx like to out ind bring in that lineful ot el this bo thnt mikes nil mid alwass those smart alec iiiswcn wftcn i have ihe world hv the tail- to take her down a peg i out lined rm sthenic ahoui it at rung she iitst loolced al fne tfcad pan thit would be loveh di tr she observed oud he ihle lo eit a lot more done around the house if ou had saturdas fric i fcjl i slight chtll t though a eorp had lust lifted ihc lid of a casket and winked at me by roy downs blrlington tust s d for the big fuller brush co pliir owns prognrss pnrv was turned tueiav ol this wnk at nt iimil ciumiftiv itkndid in town and e imp inv offieiik mmediile st rrt vull he mule on construction ot the binldinc il is 1 h it i lain linn i i i k iii in iht munieipalh sponsored uidtistml iri i ihe the good old days back in 1940 tiktn mm the luue of the free pratt thun september 5 iffo one of the biggest problems in acton just now is the housing situation true there ure n few houses for sale hut to rent a house is absolutely out of the question the sltuatiun is bud now but with ii new industry the- wool combing coiporulion getting ready lo commenic up erations the question becomes mueh inor eompletely tangled in st albun s anglican church on monday the marnage wis solemni7ed of liuna fliza car ultiie daughter ol mr and mrs w c waller lo mr herbert td mund le gnllins son of mrs and the lite mi fvchn lc ill us ot p iscphiac ouehei rev i a biooks peiloimed the eeieiuonv assisted hv rev capt l bill lingei of hamilton a diseussion al the reguhi school boird meeting tiusdiv night revealed i hat the bond weie unanimous m not seeking permission this veil lo ic km anv ol the upper school sub jecls heie ii w is ml hit the still should divolc this tunc mo the le ebiiil ol llu iiilii siliftol couise up lo middl school ouk on tuesday evening i ikesule ehapiei i 0 1 f held ihui icg llui meehnc in ihe y m la ll was i spec ill decision because ol the picseikj ol mis blown ind mrs iull in hum he ul quiu te is rcpicsent dives weie dso piesenl lioin he duke l devonshiic ihiptcr ind ihe john milton ind till of gl inns ch ipleis horn milton 1 lie rcccnl mis a j bin h in in picsidcd h illi ihc visiiiiil i idles nve vli inlciesliiig id diesses mis m lcilch moved i vole ajf thanks lo ill who ion tnrmlcd lo the piou un mils wjs seeondid b miss julie i cs imvvuti ind mis duiiiinin pie senlcd cuh with a bouquet ol gl idioli dekfcilcs ulcnibng the fillh in nil 1 1 convention ol ihc run mid com ins ol cinuli in pet cihoiotih icecillk ikeled s ii webslel ol acton sceiel uy georgetown ue3 tv icers thndlod last wednesday and thnrsdav to set the rir aler older competing on iht prxe is right shtnv from buffalo the mnnstct won about ii 800 worth of pn- including a hi f1 silver tea service riding power mower md well 1 temporized acru- dining room much back in 1910 taken from the imuc of the frta press thun septmbr 1 1m0 it the school bell did not bring particular joy lo the smdll boy this morning it surely must hnve lessened he anxiety of mnny mothers who have had a rather hard lime keeping un eye un llieit young ones lor the past iwo nuinibs anyway sehool has 1 1 opened c itel iker coleman has been ii busy mun the past tiw days and his ihe school ihoioughly clean i nun lop to bottom 1 vny loom has been sc rubbed thtrt have been several hang es in the leaching stalf prmct pul slew u i is still at ihe helm wilh miss b rowcm humphries i i guelpli is issisl int miss bcnnill likcschirge ol liie first depiitmcnt miss d usy nickhn second depiiilmcnl miss en i pc itson thud miss ruby clark lout ih ind miss minnie holnii es lillli ll is gt itilying indeed th it ill membcis of the slilt lie 1 1 sitle ills ol alton with the tcipiion of miss humnhiics 1 o llu boy seoul move ment much ink list ii is he en ut ich ed in in ihe hi i but now tint lis urn k is lo hi umlci i lie dti c i lion of sir r baden powell it will illi id in veil greater leiiti m ii we i in liave hits mini a ll llllk his v u a ion air will be ih hill n county is show tin luu u ml ol his bleed v ill e imp lc i i the pec mis ll pilc s oil red 111 the v ir tin i id ii i in ss com ksv pi isonal honor ind piliioiism wi need not hi w hind ibout tile next 1 1 op of nun mr 0 a blkk ruined t ouple ol sprigs of itciliiid he illui nun bonny scoll uul this week lie considers this n omen of success in his hunch inc into ihc me iidiuciing bus 1 isi s mud iv george i nun witnessed i i isl imc of hill between then te un uul ihe ae ion nine ll looked is if acton h id ihc g line on ue until i lie ciyhlli inning wilh i store of 4 1 1crhips the alton buneh 111 infill ihe l ime w is i cinch bul il ilicv did iluv weie badly mist iken gcoigitown tighlen ed up tied ihe gimc up ind won in i tie lentil on 1 ivvohig ii bv rov arnold which brought in 1 mm 10111 second a russell w is the winner of ihe s bond m ihc weekly diaw on sittitdiv the joint committee of the churches which is directing the prcptii hion of the bible in our current tncjish speech met rcc cnllv 111 ihc jerusalem chamber of westminster abbey ind for m ill iceepted the translation oi ihc new testament the n ime idopled for this bible is the new english bible the new testimcnt is being prcpaicd for printing by the oloid ind cimhridgc univ eisilv pusses ind will be pub irshed il the s imc lupc through out ihc world 4 wealth is tapped the wcillh of irained schohr ship in ill ihc churches and irum a number of british univ crsities his been lapped to make this trinslalion the most i uihlul icndering ol the greek lem ind has rh ulk use of the g uns ol recent biblical seholirship the irinsluion of the old ttstaminl and ihe apwnpha continues the oinl eonimillee tnnsisls ot representatives of the chunh of lngland ihc chunh of sent i ind the mclhodisl church the congregational union the b ip- lisi union the presbvlcnin chihxh of england the church cs of wiles the churches of irchnd the society of friends the bntish and forcien bible socictv and the n hum d bible soul l of scotland professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symun duick 43a mill st e acbin office phone 78 residence jfi church st e phone ho dr d a garrett physienn ind surrt on corner if w how and r ver sta enlr ince hiv r st acton ont phone 238 dr robert u buckner physician nnd surgeon 39 wellington st aclon ont phone 679 office hours 6 8pm afternoons by appointment rfal fstate and in81rancf f l wright phone ww night or diy bruce e shoemaker mr alictionffrinc c h tuffin lictnted auction cr eden mills ih n r ckwnnd uustir 6 43i2 optical and hearing aids e i buchnpr ro oil mitrin ind iu iring aids 4fl mill m f ill ne 115 office h iri wcdncsdivi only 200 600 pm fvemniss by appointment dfntal an sod n hr l up oak 11 i f tuu can trip our rid i ine al muniiip bill tt m ol ihe oikvilli j mnal ilur a indv smclkd hiscmenl ullid i hi fne dcpiitmtnt jnd an electn i in thi nil in 1 mk i in leli phone i ills u i in h ills jnd tir in i 1 n ih in in h ur hicr she was mlormed hei ump pump m t i hid buimd nil ercfcto a iih tekphoncd i eoimcilk r m give n tip on in industrv uhuh she hnrd is mnsuitiing i ih ingi i i h hi n mil i inn il w is vuv pli isid t el ihe lead in some m le indusll lal ivvtssmeiil it sh uid hiprnn lure 0k ii lf ford of c irtnd i his cut neirlv i 000 hmrhpnd impluviev oil the pavroll tfteetixc this week when prodiulion ol the moilel eais and irueks begins the eompinv is cuitine thi tw shifi 19p modil produeton line to one assimblv line oraceiue opp constable oran ttillu nalh flipped his lid while chasing a speeder near grand ilkn on ihi weekend driving about 70 miles an hour the hood of his cruistr lieu up and he had to top the speeder gut ava i mi ton town forermn brnce mcktrr hrs mipped ihe towns m miles of viaicrmains and included the v lives and hvdrmts m the map the u wn never had am indication where mams might be locat ed before this dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and fridinck strut off vv hours bv appt ntment telfphone 19 dr a j buchanan dental surgion othrew mtu street off ce hours 9 am to 6 p m closed wednesday fternoon telephone 148 lffial c f leatherland gc birnstrr a s lie i lor n ury public oft ce ii urs 10 00 am 1100 pm 100 pm jiwl pm saturdays by appomtmeni i ofl 2j phi i acton rf nl a braida ba tarrtcr solicit ir ni tnry public 173 mam st s acton ont pturrw 176 off cc houn 6 pm b pm 1 pm 9 pm saturdays l cork st e guitph ta 4 2242 office hour a m p m saturdajs 9 am 12 am hastings 4 payne barriten and so crfcfrs nourirs public 1a mill st acton for appointment call ot1 chirorkactom x w roy riddtll dc pakner spewrftc chiropractor 17 mi stert photic 40 office hour tup ttwr 3pm jpm sat 10 un 1 pro robert r hamilton optorm inst fvii fxnm nod clivcs f ttifl co m i n s n g ureetivv n ont offiei houis 10 im to 0 pm m n lo fn tuniries bv ajipoinumiit t 1 d sturd iy fur appi inlmcnl please phone tr 7 1971 at flttwo accounting lever i hoskin chnrttnw aeemmtnu 51 main st n 212 king bt w hi mpton t ronto 1 phonic gl 1 4324 rm 4 9131 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches lravf acton d vliiflu sstving tne faii bound 61t am di iv fxrept sun end hi hsflim 1133ini 2iwpm sohpm 13pm 813 pm 10 08 pm sun nd h 1 wcsttx und 10 27 am 11v7 p ru 2w pm s7 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm 11 32 pn 112 jm fn sat sun and hot i canadian national railways sun4rd tuna ea1 bound duly exeopt sunday s44 am- daily except sunday 9 12 am iflawrtop 7 14 pm sunday only koi pm daily except sunday fly er at georettwn 27 p m dally fhcr at geomrown 1006 pm westbound dalv 12 29 am daily except sunday 8 30 am 44 pjn shiritty only t 73 p m amtfay only flfft am iflafatop sunday rmly flyer at guelph 7 0s pin daily except sat and son 131

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