Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1960, p. 12

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six halton 4h clubs to participate in junior program during milton fair to y toto ijtmt to w ww iw hywi mrwvmw vai if ylm ttf vw mwfehhwia v tei iffcvkv stywkh i- tw vm w mwvv v n vtvej wnpwsva tajhsiwvt ws irvm rtin vm lfv uhm lfc nfefc ww ttsjifc ttttfea a rfc fwvav vst stfti- ofe 0 w fc vva v vwvrk iv vv os w hrfwn m irvf wc csv rufcvn 4m rvpt cb cmk ss nu 4sm fcs 4wnm ta cftw bitv vnvrv ttmn u ch uvn t ti ihtv laflv tv mjnfrti i am the pnivfern4 cvenl will mnrtstiip vmpciinrn in ln kvl rd vwniw to linalk eel the 441 giand champkm show- in addmon to the hxcstoci cluh cxhihjts the halton 441 potato and halton 4h forage rluhv mill exhibit samples taken itom eil h member plol the junior hall will have dis plays ol educational exhibits from each 4h homcmaving 4h apntyltural junior farmer and junior institute club the enrolment ol 4h clubs in halton is increasing each vear this vcai s junior da s pas siblc only because of this in creased interest the exhibits at the fnda afternoon junior dav show will represent the work of over 400 rural jouiig people in halton 10000 animals at cne shows vnw wav wwr i h h amm nw tfhrtmfc t rt ss xhs viu kaw vv si w w vmufv w huus viw yvsm sk h wa wmttt w tvh tttw 0fvma m rw nuv at hu rtt v mws w oaftah if irvi wwh 1s i a tbe rktsihhvil saic tavtitji uvv scpkmhei s afttl will vtx knnv the ixminirw tinest htflsies ohanik haivls intki the x nvrxcts hammer reivk- manaper o the afrrxilnn al depannvnt saxs the reoord entrx rellovis tht vnnnuinf importance irf ajtuc- tdlurc m the canadian cvononn and doet justice io the imimurs of twixanadian national bvhib- itfon wfio envisaged agriculture as the corner vlonc c4 this an nual evenl more than s12so0ooo will hi offered in prwe mono in all dt visions including poulm sheep and swine goats horses attic seeds and grains fruits and vege tables and horticultural exhibits some of the highlights arc the fifth annual dair pnmcss com petition to sclcvt the top dam maid or the prminct for 19ft0 the calf scramble september 7 and the agricultural dav parade of champions wednesday sspt ember 7 when more than 1 000 000 worth of prize livestock will parade through the coliseum main nng mp hog industry happy ovor premium ivt rtw hu wrtk w l st htnutt iw i vi llw kvhh thlluh lrtkl ll iv mil u w ta ni luo w v rtnl lwv iii mmlimi twuvs j l iv a u wv awsit hi mi uol li rtiul mil il ilw lvvmnn l i il sviv iw waw ho wlrtiisl thu nus i t wtrtmv uhlhulln lu t d jjvvrthvlw i umi imw hm thmiill uiiliin li hokiltt tit is wut m w w itiittviti viwlt a limidti itl lvlihlx rtttl ll will tuaiitlx u lw rt lilt ui w t ilu lmhkmx alt irtlil mv w uimtl rilim tllillttt iu itl ml imiviu uoaddtilihi hwm will vxl h kllrtl luitmiii dairy processors meef in montreal m llirtti m lli pihs ai and itsis him nil wk ol ladi uill it l mid thi iiimnil ivi niton l ilu n iilonil ltli tixnivil in montusil s pit ntlh v ml r k it wis l ilkii txmiph una ii u i ni ts pu itunt il tlu ohlmll up it the svstons the omntil npumiils mum 1 1v iui is pixkxssois md illsll ll mors ol 111 hi vxnt ol tin diii lixxls pnvdiivett in miuli many rroblcmi pixihlems cxtiihxnitiiig ilu tul ittmsloltaisi t w dui tiulumi mslude dispomil ol mil till tinii ixvxmxi hlltur sill plus hmlllllll trom higher mitpul nnl i itlinn consumption tht imput on ilu i milkfat mnrkil or xaiious sub stitmes rrsing cosk ol i ilxt mgrcdunts and supplies ind m tcmaiioiml irjdt in djirj prod utts new and modilud d urv pixhi nets new trends in milk inns port endmg muchinis eonliin ers and distribution oullits ld new diirv prikessing icilimqucs will be studied all ivpillsion ol dain rcscuxh in cinuli uul government dairy polilies also will be gkeii careful stnitinv dairy proetsmirs atx spending upward of j6 000 000 n cir to promote greater dumestie ton 1 sumption of dairy products inspector announces weed eisey contest for halton students alhilmmihtll htivn hhwlluum inmitltuiil tvllli llit mlumuiilhiv km ww link hihi uiiiiim ltinltl jul illlhllltm lltllt iilliluii lii iihiiiui limiih tlilf ill luimtlliitf in u u iiii b i liikitiii miailliin il tlllt illl otlklll hilllmiiiilk ill llllll iii uthlllmlh hi uint nil i iu mill tmiiiiniiii jliitt mill i it ijliii ihh in i it li in mtl mill in ilu mtl imii ti ii itw wuk- i mi mi lilliiit imiul lllllll lilhiiitl llu ullmt iiittn minimi ill if siillii nil ilu mtl il h tulitti n u i mult 1uihi iii imi lltltl i ihiuhi tl i l llll lilt lllll i tltlllt ml lltl ttiittilnu o iii in n i livx trft lotn lliti ttllli id iiliiuliil itilitlitliin limn m i it ml in lilt kltw llltt lilt tllll i 1 7lll1t iiullitnl til tuul ii i ik i llit lll liiltiu ii l ti itui i ninth tit tiil wlttl i hit l uuhln il tuitiiiiihtiiim in in uit l i ii ll lti t tit tlnlltl ihtl hiu i i nit i will lit hi lii nl i ilu f it llt 1 ltlllllf lilt i mhllllh i i i tut 1mm tl ttt i i i tttiu iiimii will it hiimiivll lt 111 i lllllllf uti hi itniih in 1 iiiiilnv vtll11- tl iviii in iiiinly tll iii hiitm ol ll l l iiiiii ilils i ill hi i mum lino lrnil jim ki nun id nis i mil i ptnil willi mutlhiuittn uul i hi i tlum lit itvtl ujlti ilitllllulw ions tilt ihon mm uluiwui l i xiiltmli nut tun lui nil iikt tutlnl hmllillttttminl tlitillil in lutls a 7 uul xx i in lliiill lilt lot t-mi- lo ttiuli tlu in p i ii s olll- is ohtlii hu lootl ihn will ilk ii in ulwn i inilklmilloii hi iiiituhii diiiy tnl imwmlttl in itu oiiiinlllt im luhilmj hi ulniu is will in liosii l oilftlmsol tlu oiiimlo atiiltiiliiiiitl illtii tit mlpli ounh tiiinilt pltini to cult i i tin ilu whmitiit pupils nl ii litui mui this lilt whtn uwntts will tu puseiuetl illis should he mnie mti ulkt to ilu txivi pud htk i liisi ol sih it sltoml nl jmxi uul ti itml ol 200 h uli ol ilu 10 iiu is in iitllimon ilu pupil wiillilh i hi lust issiv in ilu ouiitv will ix tti md pne ol 2500 its as easy as learning your abcs franklin prouse motors ltd we are in the automobile business you might say from a to 2 wt ml automobiles w trad automobiles wt sarvktf automobiles w rapair automobile wa rnanc automobile come by and see how easy it is to do business with mtousi motors use oors ltd on a if for autosnew or used are there b is for buysfor the people who rtrel c is for courteseybelter by far d is for duty our guiding star e is for expkiencewe ve had many years f is for frienduneto ca all your fears g is for genuineaboveboard appeals h is for honesty- in all our dcdls i is for interest our rates are qu te low j is for joy all our trades bestow k is for knowledge- we know kow its done l is for leadership second to none m is for moneywe ii save you some dough n is for neighbor- who ii tell you its so o is for ownerhappy is he p is for pontiacfops you ii see q is for quality without muss or fuss r is for risk- you ii take none with us s is for satisfythat is our creed t is for truthrjllsressn word and deed u is for uprlghtoor firm s reputation v is for valuelne best in the nation w is for wlsoomwe put you at ease x is for xcrlencewe aim to please y is for you our friends old and new z is for zipout services to you the alphabet says it we have but one creed buy with conhdencesattsfaction guaranteed tlpontouring ii iwflfffpr fitfiw lrmi llmm hiiil h m tituuim uiimtvh mi- iiihm nttiitwih mm fflrifllft iff itll uhlf lm vthwlll iwc ww iii nlltfa il iii hrlfrtfhf flrti i iii irii liimi iiihihi ilfi itkirrl mil oifuiil idt tntwnn iutmtuii l mftlllllmf hhmkm- hi iniiriil lmf i tic vuii in wlilliu ml l ifllllmlf oil fill i i i ml llll iflhlm illicit lltl llllll i mi nl mi n hhiii mia nd i tl mulilfltf lolulii fnvu llii iiiwllilm riiltubl i hf lilt ititllrlllll lltllll nut muling himil hihillll iiiiki uvh lllliltflt i fli i ilf id ihm ibli blllll ml mnilhltiu iimoi kmi mi iiuhi ml mill ill lfl nil i iiu hum l iibiiillv lliu hjfmlf ll i illillkiliil in vl tiialllu v ulp ill willi ill hih m i i d limihluulb dllitv ill ii ilmilol liltllint hti llilfui ill lnthwt liilii milm iii wliitx lly ii mlolti n aiutihilldil all r f mi iiyliui uiiauil hy on lv illiliuml illlvlnu hiiiiki i ifirilriu llio iliulnv la llio lltial wftullvi luiiifdv mtillliiui 1 muulii livi inn n tltu lliilnu in iiiiiiiihi iikc mi llio im lliimu70fw lilln in illllttv till itlllliciv mi when i in hlilli iiilu wtia luw duiuikd hy i hi vniuyuni huiiki sni ny com puny of hut unyt t lie win tltti ul mulliin ouiiiy hith iilmi olleuu hu uprclut nwunl lor the icudur ol tlu cuunly win iki urge coopratlon the kmipimiion of purenlt in uuouiiiuiiitf lliclr ehlldien lo puiticlpiilc will do much tii pro mote ihe success t ihc linnpcti i ion furl lu mure anyimc in j v bcnoflt 1 1 om stiulvltik old unci new weed control methods with our children down lo sevan sunshine enrolment drops flfjwil frwtwl in mi fctfwhiri mirfl fur nrrfh tintlw tnfl ml ilillilrcn wll m iuhu in liiilrrtvtt ordv vft luwti ii fin ritrfi trnt w turn mhlff l l nfrftlkd titf u4i mat ui lti hfiavti hi mllkti h fw1 iwmlhta itt iii lfttffi wmi tim tfitnlihhii wiltt moi fwullik lttl lr iftlhi fhrl0frf i irfffllav mvhti tfl nil lnt lilv jtv tnl4 ui 1 fffttl htum ui itih lull nliit ohtltut iflfl lift flnllili tiwb ih f l4th g tiihy in atat elttlli ittl vtmrf 1 fhtu f lh m ft ml ttm fttfmnl h nfjai hrry pftifr hi im pfftfh wmfii l 4fl imi rvifffnfl mrvtr ffnimnn hwtff lttf f fill f frrlflfnf tfofft mi14pft iftd i ikf ihftt iht lui mia n4ifnuaifi ta fl lhl ffiitfii rf filtu4 fimf- ii hffh h if1 hftft r- i lht tiurtftfi tlm th lw v im mr alu fi pr ltl 1 mtlft ii tvrfrint announce days at exhibition nir4v fctpmmtwr i floral mimt arta um dm tut iiu ut lht rvin a f1iuh clmrnht ffluy irumfcr zlrrt ut 4l4i i u ffi 9fiflt 4 4fnl fu1wllrf hv utlit lt ih vf it jf mii dji mrf- i-i-ii- t fivrf l ti trl t r t lot it w amounti data dlitrlcti fain hw tiiulmlfltl irv 1l ittl frill tu ut lrl 1hl nti fiinfff ll ut till i atitilttryfc llahtmt m i m fiitt fttirfttj 1 l a hi itti uiihftttt f ii a ttlulrlt ttflttltf i ul if 14 l i wfdlrlplml vfiiarnhfr i i rtfuflrfi diitjitit tft f in t iof 7 it d 10 tau vpl m tiuifutiliivtft httetitit 6 oikfhor i tnnnti vullcy hnptvinyr 10 h lohcf t klultuncr ft rikmhcr m ut h lolxir i ucwtl vplhilkf v 27 ijnilori rwciuui ijiij vfilj imhtr 12 lo 17 mitvljn vplcmrxr 2 m xlorkr i mil ronsplribcr 21 m orunitcvltle spirnhcr 2fl 21 otitwj fccnlril cnnu auui 19 lo 27 kocklun oclohcr und 10 shclburncstptlinhcr ia 1 7 toronto cne augut 24 to scplcmrur 10 turimlo royd winter ijlr november ii to 19 wjlkcrlon novcmtur 2 3 waltrdown snpltmbtr 13 14 ft ulf mil mima4 ti jt tn iet i h frt i il in it- itthip la iht rt im i a- ynt f t if fjtamrtft i 11 lr l wj r t- i i rnf h u lr hi t nl pt jlil i hi ii rsiu rvimuf vr u 4 vf- f br fh t tt r hintons first then backtosokxm your complafa stusppinf cntrra lot all shoo supplim chiurmt toff tnd gift toady la wear show arut supplin fc 1 iavf ow sau iiu km hunt of out ackiolchool nsdf hintons 5c to 100 store labor day became an official holiday in 1 893 and the f int labor day was celebrated in 1 894 this was the f int official recognition that the labor movement in canada was important to the healthy development of our society more than 6000000 canadians make up the labor force of the country with a number of members of organized labor unions labor produces many wonderful things and also plays an important part in creating that free society that is canada we in the house of labor make no apology for our existence we are a product of our modern industrial society it is organized labor patiently and with tremendous sacrifice by its members that pioneered social legislation which benefits all canadians monday is labor day in canada sponsored by united steel workers of america local 3022 internalional brotherhood electrical workers acton ont local 1766 acton ont united packinghouse workers of america local 479 saw workers union federal local 23650 acton ontario f acton ontario united rubber cork linoleum and plastic workers of america local 03 acton ontario k

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