Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1960, p. 2

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the acton fnt ftn thursday sipttmber lit 19ap esq ratepayers ufa teem supply individual jerttte conttouad from papt om mr fished asked bluntly if the board wns going lo keep wler- loo school open or not arid was told by mr coles touchers were hard la gel and the only ones nvnlliiblc were unqualified mrs still reminded mr coles the buard of eduuitlun still hired unqualified touchers we do hot have a teacher fur waterloo school stressed the board clufrrmin mr cunningham pointed out ihiil a nutnlxi of people wunted their childivn to attend con solidated schools but waterloo residents did not once ihev can see the odenntubos i think ihev will be pleased he rcmurked school site mrs still enquired if the new school at speyside was large enough to accommodate pupils from all the schools being closed and mr coles informed her it would be mrs winfield suggested it would be easier for pupils from waterloo school to attend the central school at stewart town and wns told bv mr sprowl the stewailiown school was almost taxed to capacity mr coles asked the ratepayer if they would like to take a uite whether waterloo school remain cd open or not and was told start more periods at acton high school continued from page one take gills physical education and ommuuil with hum i1a in room 5 has grade 13 r lambourn a former public school teacher in toronto has grade 13 in room 11 mis a j oir uill teach home economics and commercial mrs e c reed s home form is grade 12 in nxm 12 and she teaches trench and german mrs w r rogers has 10b in room 7 and leaches english and hislon c rogmaldson s home form is 9c in room 9 and he leaches his am gcogiapln and guidance o van binsbergen has just completed his summei course and will hne grade 9c in room 3 hts subjects are science math ond bus prnsual education rudolph spickogcl and m mc kinnon are on the maintenance sinft and mrs m a blow is school secret arj m z bennett school enrolment hits 400 continued jrot page one room eight mrs n turner tak c grades five and six in room nine earl brears takes grades six and seven in room 10 and waltei dubois lakes grade seven in room 11 the principal elmer smith will teach grade eight in room 12 supply teacher when mr smnh is busy with administration his wife will take over his class as principal supph teacher mr smith sis he expects ab out 400 pupils io register since he had 406 ai the end of june this appears io be a drop ac tualh its due to more juggling of pupils between the schools to suit auommodation this fall 46 pupils from the crescent will attend ihe robert little school rather than the m z bennett school as preuoush by mm fsher the vurttml otor ihe illumlon was entiwlv rrn boards the matter was drop ped rtoptfn bui fntllflm alw ihe portion of ihe meol- nt dealing with waterloo school wits completed mr klikwood hiivgcsted he meeting discuss ihe bun situation further mrs beer from bnlllnuotd rals cd an objection to her children being nn the bus for a leuglhv period and wus informed no one would be on the bus longer than 25 minutes mrs d orouike informed the board she had done mure beel ing than anyone about the bus ttansportatlon last year but aftei giving the service a iiv realized the children were well looked after and supervised and he was quite happy about the slum tton why small ftnr ratepayer questioned ihe tvpc of bus engaged to make the trip antf mrs fisher enquired if children would be forced to stand who the driver was and whv a larger bus was not en gaged mr coles told her mr hephurn would be driving the bus and he has had a good driving record the board chairman also noted a 54 passenger bos hod been con sldered because a larger 60 passenger bus would be difficult to handle on the icy roads clarence denny reminded the chairman he same chassis was installed on a 54 passenger bus as op the 60 mac sprow ex pressed his doubts and said i think they would be built ac cordlngly harvey itirkwood informed the board chairman his location made it difficult for a bus to travel ihe road and was reminded heavy trucks used the road feeder routes mr kirkwood suggested the main bus be kept on main roads and feeder buses of a smaller nature be provided for other loads all taxpayers should be back to school specials in boys dress and scout shoes from 695 to 895 mens dress shoes good quality in odd sizes onl mead 99s to 1195 buy now and save also hvavy regular army boots reasonably priced frank t0th sr shoes repairs is mill st acton 276j is a childs lpttwotth tw cost of a brake treatment kwthw driv in today school tarts soon and whtk youro at ft romtmbt w offer repair service sm in for all your auto nwds motot tunf uk motor ovethauu tody nnmft wdm auto pamtmo wont usd auonmnt whkk mamcino tims ok tumkation frfe brake hwbcttow acton motors 6 main st s acton phone your imperial esso dealer shkmnsw 5tjwt and service allowed equl rights he em phanlkd the chairman infoi med the ratepayer the boaid wctcumetl publlb opinion mi ft rwrnstrorig asked if the board was actually sac lug mumty on the new school in oidcr lo eiuvide bus siixke mid was lohl y mr colos he was mil pre pared io sav hut could lind mil bom d tnembei cunningham said ll m impossible to urn a bus for a lew ihlldren and noted hint the board could statu a child should walk no more than two miles and niter that distance some cuiisluuition would he given he also slated ll would ho a problem to put cnuuuh buses on letdu lints i urn iijji t table to do il but vvc uoiild leimiie nt leasl 1012 liuses he sold mi cunningham also mttigesled ll lid mean a cnsl ol uppioil imilelv 54 ikkl ui 10 mills on luxes in provide a nniiploic bus tue each uui his staliincnl was rutstliimd bv mac spurn who inoudii the estimate rather high dtfforeiff itktp mr denny informed ihe meet ing he and ted tvlci si hud te cened two dltleretil maps icgard ing the bus route and ihe board had chosen ihcir own man both were among ihe lendeieis who offered bus service mr cunningham reviewed the decision teitigage a bos diivei and old the ratepayers il wis his understanding all drivers icieiv ed the same map unci my add i tions to the routes were given lo them bv the secretary j believe mr dennv s tcndci wus the only one out ol oulei remarked mr cunningham mrs armstrong suggested thul separate boards foi each section be initiated to solve the piohlcms ntailcd in a consolidated school she was told by ihe board ihaii man it was council who had the authority to decide ihis mrs orourke who had on different occasions throughout the meeting asked lhal bus ten ders be read out was ftnalk granted her wish and the names of he bidder and prices were i ever led 1 he following tenders were tend out c denny 130 per day e tyler 60 passenger bus 526 40 foi summer and 38d per diiv for winter months mi itephutn j2s per day a scotl 20 per duv mi ciinnlnghiilu poinlod oul thul no skc if luit urns on the type ol bus had been l ei clved hom mi denny mis orouku noted l here should ho nu quiu rel who should hit the ion tt in t mid said ihe low est lender should iv loiisrdcml nnd toxin hired lor feeder routes mrs klikwood told the board ihev fchuulil have contiol over the hus and tlilvei al ill limes mid wns told no lotiliol owi a hired diivei could he loiisldered she riiutniled lliem ol ihe iih ideal nl hillsbliiuh when n train slunk a school hus killing and injuiiiiti stveial pupils lire qiicillonii siveiul quesiions in iipld tit du vvcie ined il the boud in i lulling sonic il ihe lullowing do you know how lusi ihe bus navels i ttiiiltil one diivei mid hid dilliculu keeping up to mm at fto why donf yon notilv he 0 p i lo keep an evi on this driver j under stand oik thivei has in en upiitnmil ed si vet id limes do you cimsidet him a good diivei- are all kids uismid aic childien mandinu insiiied i dunk each child should have the s consult alum will sthool huaid get idler council lo plough i la loads dining tin wlntei he lou ihe schedule opens 1 umkistdiul ihe boud kmw il was unlv ii 42 passennu bus vol vni allow lie diivu to haul nioic bo ltd minibus answuid the questions to the best ol ihi ahilu against consolidation stan ennghl asked itic boa id if ihev he lit veil ralepavcts had been lookid ahcr with equality and suggested il ihev spent a little moie monev instead of ma king time i a c payers happe harvest in although hni vest in late in some districts ac tun urea fins mers have most ol holt third urn and combining completed heavy pllng rulnt delnvod seeding hut this iiihiiili hine 111 led i rum liili laud utul huliui mdy lortn hold farewell party for barbara ware relatives and liunds itoin hockvvtiotl iviiluii siktitiuk and at kin ntlciidid n laiiwill runty sundav nighl humnitin barburu waic pilot lo her tie paituie ihls wcik lot l jos cphs school ol nuisiiik in dielph llil aunt mis its duhv wns hostess and hiicsts liuiodd liu hiandniothei mis amtm wnt ol rveitiiii and in i ijodinolliii mis kohul anduson ol a urn iaienls of iniiitiillv uliid ed uilllili can tmol hit i hlld in ihe noilh llalton suiisiiiik school loi klaitttd by lontmt ing mis alltn howiid milion ihev might saiislv iheni all i am against inusolldaliiii il oltl schools nn- ihj in loritlliiuti lo udd to hutu then ten mum down anil build tuw tnus iv clauncd mt i niiiihl mi coles jxplainid that lin i condlllons did not allow u hmld nig as llieic vvue rock umdilionv and othci piolikms before tin nut litifi cortcludtd all ralepavtis appimcd tin n solution urging liu huiul lo tin 100 pct eeiil tianspoilaiion lo il pupils atul pci mil no slindijii i the bus healthy living 17 mill st acton ont by w roy riddell dc your chftiys heaitn h- mjllunaion -mc- vvhcic in the bodv your childs good health duimg forma in dglcimine hu whole luturer uiauiicuud over ihe spinal manv socalled dull children are noi dull at all ihev simplv hnve an unnoticed de lect or illness letatding nor mai development ut pciccp hon oi cxpiession if our childien are cspec iall active nd tnosi heallhv children ate active thev absoib more than then share of tails olts lars and spiains the cone ussion ol stuh loin fuqumllv pio- duns spin il misalignments which in tiihnkit i inju age aie txleircd to snhluxa i ms regular spinal c hi c k ups are lust as important as olhei tvpes b health examinations few parents realize ihe dan ger involved in minor spinal misalignment small dis placenunts ol vmebrai in tin neik or back whuh place pixs sure on delicate nerve fibres nctve- foice horn the hiam nents is necessary to run the bodv nisi as electrical cir enils pei form necessaiv scr vices in ihe home ii nctve loice is interrupted the or gans supplied bv those nerves fad io perform their proper lunetion ll might by the slo- mach which is ameiid or hie heart the ies or any olhi i oian of he bodv your chiropractor is a ram cd specialist m de tee tint in tulcrence to transmission of nerve encit caused bv sut luxaiions in iil spine he ean determine il vour child has nn double ol this nature and cotieci subluxations with spinal dtlpistmcnls you ii be acreeabh surpns cd how rapidh coin child res ponds to chiropractic care keep him heallhv see that he has a uvular spinal exam init ion school area no 1 township of esquesing notice to all parents tin following ii t tchaduh for opening day only september 6th 1 ic for the but pickup of children tn school area no i clay hill norval ashgrove route will be the same as last year and children who wvere at chinguacousy school last year will be picked up at the town line corner and union side roadat 8 00 am blue mountain grade 5 6 7 and 8 pupils will be picked up at the school at 7 50 a m bannockburn grades 7 and 8 pupils will be picked up the school at 8 00 a m lorne ah pupils ss ii be picked up at the school at 8 15am dublin ah pupils will be picked up at the corner of no 25 high way and no 22 side road at 8 35 a m dufferin all pupils will be picked up at the school at 8 35 a m waterloo all pupils wilt be picked up at the school at 8 25 a m stone all pupils writ be picked up at the school at 8 00 a m after school on opening dav the pupils will be returned b bus to the places from which ihev ssill be picked up on the following das and ilso told the lime of pick up the board would appreciate our cooperatton on the above times ol pick up to tnabk them to gel ihe transportation and the new mhool at spewde off tea good start the board thanks to vou all c m colfs chairmin rev g i roil vtceonir jcxlmk1nghajsi for delivery when you hve i coitly utomobiltr iccijent and because i it pre jenr lumbermen mutual cu iliycompany tlieiejollirsmaf con you less thin you re now paying for auto insurance dennys insurance agency bui and hurold kmmifrf constable hurt chasing escapee cotidnint roni pttgt oni i in- milton oil in- received word i liu i his idiidlliori wis silklu hhv const kichurdsuri was lo un drrmr nn rtpemtlon tihjwiiv at- iiinonn hut u wuimdt were swollen nnd doctors agreed itim i ik operation would be thinner ms ol i hut me for fear or in in lion the operation wun mr ih l iut hiiecenorullv wtdncv duv uw of fhity colli e repnrtel that cnntt kli imrdwoti will nil in ihe hopl- lil for idtmit n week wnvvcver liu otp hnx iilvirt him fnur mon lbs kiivc fmm dutv lo rectiper ati the depariment hut made it ilmr that no blame wilt full upon i hi hemic police officer according to north ha i ton opp cpl charles wilkinson tli pnlke emitter wax n tolnl vireck urid he conslublc suffer ed bone breaks in hin tight arm and right collarbone plu tie briiiklnjo hl flfrti nnd eighth ribs on his right side id also sullen il severe ctils and bnilscn lo his head and hue and h stilchcs were required for each of iwu large cuts tine on his head and the other on ihe fate milod wui immedrnlcly pine ed in kollrnry confinement on mh rerurn tn flfueltitt ktfarrnatory north fftilton connr tfwve wnrdy han laid a chipgo of crlmimd negligence cmiilng bodily hnrm agdfnvt mvterxl white ouelph orp chnrgwt him wfh car ihcff on two cminm the rerormnmry htw tharged him with escaping from custody hv hod served 10 monrhs of a m month term on three char ge of car theft breath of rhe hlghwnv frjfric acl and breach sckeel starts saea tfwrf tmmu yov mutl drivt with rftrtacarwf slown down live the life you save may be a childs school bells will be ringing all over our jown next wek and our streets and roads will be filled with children heading back to scfiool this means that vou as a driver musl be extra careful extra alerl drive slowly for the sake of ihe children remember they are young eager and often unpredictable they may see you be sure you see them is a child s life worth two minutes ihen remember to drive slowly is a child s life worth a little attention then remember to dnv carefully and pay particular attention to our labor day weekend budget saving food value handbill in your mail box ledgers iga of parole he wn convicted on all of the aforementioned char yes and his mnteiiie loialled more than live yi us which in liuiics three years on ihe trim innl negligent e iharue 2 years on ihe uuio ihifis and three mon tits for istnplrig horn custody huwi ver some ol ihe sent wins will run loricurrenlly lo the three veiir sememe he will still serve ihe remain iter of his reformatory sentence fry 0wamai poods kltchln pttm jam in b pnmnlrd favorite wlth bhiltn and chilrlnri afik a wondnrful htandkv in your pn- prrwt cupboard i ffr our very bucrwrfuf rucipe plum mm jmm prrparrd frmt almut 2 i tip plum l cup is lb imrjttr a bottlr erto fruit prrhn fittt tremre tha fnrit pit rli not pi about i qunroi fully npn plumn cut in mall ptcrftt and ctlop add w cup wktor brmu to u boil and nlmmi r nvi rl t mtnulci mfiuttirc h fups into a viry liirjc miun pun hour ilirii- muni filumhclv th im ht color urnl duv or if hwift plumx or frihtonn prunn plumn r uwi huwimio i pup ii mon juir for l rup of iho pr pnrtd fruit then make the jam tod nuiir to fruii in hjiurtpun mix ii iliirt iv r hiih hfiii bnnk to a lull roll inn boil and u hard i minute rtirrlnir ponntantly ii4mw from hmt hi inn ccrtoit onn skim nfl fonm wiih mitu inm thi n ur and nkim for nunutw t ntti nhfhtly lo prwm flout inj fruit liiu inlo xlasms ovir ur onrf wih i irih hoi mnitriri yjki almut ii medium il itms preaorvlns pointer si n a good idtn in irmprr nit nru gin jiitx tifffirf using tn iirttrr in prttfnl brraktwj simply fuirr ihr jiir m fl turk m n jmn riwr inlh ritld iniur and thru hmt ijrudwdly i th imihng it any pruhlrmn vith your idjrtly making uru lr gld u hglintini atf w toronto arthur roy m4c sprowl batiou trea free seabreeze record player free scriptsert fountain pen utli carlridts 295 craftman tip dll fountain pei for 395 n feather tolch pen ltr jilicin at only 195 a ikk uriier zipper cases assorted colois and qualities 398 to 750 pencils 40c to 85c dozen 500 skriptsert triumph point wraparound only 500 fme maw friday sot 30 730 pm for this top perforrmrrg 4 sfmt w seabreeze record player additional prizes may be won ring binder j plastic scriptsert 3 cpei brief case pen the more you purchase the more chances youll have in winning one or more prizesi admiral snorkel pen tine and kdrum point- 875 special see our dispiay of outstanding personalized or plain christmas cards 9rriptritfr ballpoints 100 to 199 ea loose leaf fillers wide sclcillon 25c to 89c fkg magic markers 8 colors 79c 110 scripto ball point pens 39cto100 ring binders iml cuvr ijtgi rinj cjpkiu 259 298 each hlu rulers 1215 25c to 39c pencil pouches 89c colored pencils 45c to 89c pkg memo books 98c up rtd r tjn get your coupons for the free draw seft 30 free book covers come and git them while they last free nvi offici smmm and supplies phone 603 56 mill st get your coupons for the free draw sept 30

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