Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1960, p. 3

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personal notes of acton i am vlilting outoftown points and of visitors in acton home mr and mrs lcn lovell and family have relumed from a vacation at mackinac straits rev and mm a h mcktnzlc and family vitilcd in scaforth on the weekend mr robert crots is a patient in the wnlun san and would appreciate any local visitors if iheyn in the vicinity mr and mrs armand bralda and daughters have returned to their home in kingston after visiting with relatives in town and at clifford at different times during the past month miss flora c moffat formerly ot this district sailed today thursday on the orient and pacific liner himalaya for an cxtlndcd visit in auckland new zealand mr and mr g w mcktnzic and kathryn have n turned from a motor trip to ottawa mr and mrs e whitehead and family of scarborough visited with mr and mr c rognvald son miss nancv rognvaldson re turned with them for a few days visit mr and mrs vandcrbrink and family have returned from a two week motor trip whieh took them to nova scotia mr and mrs p caddick and family were holidaying in eastern ontario visiting the capital city jack an arragon formvrlv of r r 4 at ton will be teaching at s s no 8 nassagawoya be fore moving to the new consul dated sehool at brook vi lie when it opens mr and mrs c douglas woodmoek spent last week with mr and mrs jaek frank mr joe frank has returned home after two weeks visit with mr and mrs gordon silcoek millbrook mr and mrs j m frank spent the weekend with mr and mrs j henry wingham visitors this week with mr and mrs murray seovnc and fa milv were mr and mrs mclvtlle mcgowan kenneth and gary of st petersburg florida mr and mrs howard coles stephen valine and leslie re turned recently from a holiday trip to lake rosseau summer home or rev and mrs stuart coles parry sound and sudbury where lhcy were guests of the formers sisters mr and mrs al neno and mr and mrs jim aston and algonquin park mrs carl hansen miss isabel anderson mrs howard coles and children have returned from a vacation al southampton miyron tracv of don mills aealiuika with her grumlpjr cnls mr and mr alfred fryer mr and mrs ross hudson and miss pauline hudson of scarbor ough msited with the misses el izabelh and man ramshaw dur ing the weekend mr and mrs james ralston wen in toronto on saturday at tending the marriage of their niece miss lois ralston to mr william moon relent guests or mr intl mis james ralston were mr and mr gordon dennis ol sault sic marie and daughters lnne ind cohxn and mr and mrs ken nev ton mar jane and sandv ot kirkland lake miss shirkv mason uill bcfcin leaching sehool this tall at s s no 3 nassagawea and will be tcaehing at the new brookullt sehool when it oxns home iltcr iniomnj the sum nur at their collage in muskoka ate mrs gordon beattv and children mr be ill v spnt his holidays and uti kinds with them mr and mis tnion johnston rr i aeiun spent j u divs last weu in the rovau lake dciiut mr md mrs unwr johnston am aster jnd mi md mrs tom phillip bobhv and donmc and mrs c mae donald ot hamilton imtrd with mr and mrs gordon johnston on sundav brother norman minion spent part ol sunda with his parents on lake avenue mrs c f burns tf lone bransh visited with mr and mrs ii w hinion on tucdas friends arc sorrs u heir thil mr ijura carta is a patient in si jovph s hospit il toronto and wish her a pccd mrs isaac adams and ruth spent a few days last weekend with mrs adams sister mrs c l poole in guelph gcneril hospital with fractured ribs and other in juries is mr shirley watson of r r i liihchqusc who was in jurcd in a tractor accident thurs day of last week he was work ing on dr mccultoughs farm by the stone school on no 7 high way when the accident oecurtd friends send wishes for a speedy recovery friends are glad to see mr ollic slaplelon home from hos pita again a month long motor hip to the west eotfst began yesterday for mac sprowl and jaek m irsh ill they will be slopping to visit re latives and friends along the wv and expect to be baek the end or september former residents mr and mrs neil bowles moved baek to town from chatham monday t hev have an apartment in he van gils building on mill st the new principal of speyside sehool mr colin leileh ba and his wife have moved into their new home previously mi and mrs frank terry s mrs leiteh is a former teacher flying officer r h smith and mrs smith of middlelon ns and mrs anna smith and wan netta of aeton attended the fun cral of their aunt and sister in law mrs vernon woodwud ol st williams flying officer r ii smith and mrs smith or mlddleton ns have been holidaying al the home of mrs smith s mother and sis tcr mrs anna smith and wan netta on lake avenue mr and mrs ralph kukuiwn and family have returned horn a motor trip to cape cod miss lulu warner aetons lust kindergarten tcaeher at ae ton public school now teaching in toronto visited with mi md mrs g w mckenzie and acfon fnends this week miss jessie coles and mi s mary osborne are visiting friends and relatives in waymouth mass mr and mrs fred fletcher of seattle wash who are slaying with their sister mrs lamb in guctph vvno has been ill sisited miss ana aklns this week and called dff tilher friends while here mr and mrs c tm leishni in are back again alter hohdamng l their cottage al whitney al june davidson ind miss susan wilson w ere hoste sse s when a group ol school 1 1 lends enjoved a parlv lor he uher wit hers and barbara w ire high school who have registered al st joseph s hospital school oi nur sing m guelph miss nancv honda of ch ip- icau visited with mr and mrs james moore last week engagement mr and mrs j imcs sslvcstcr sirgcnt warren grove aclon wish lo announce the engage nunl of their daughter judith ann to mr robert wavne pries son of mrs egmont pnes and ihe late mr pries of 12 victoria cr georgetown the marriage lo t ike place saturday the sev enlccnth of september at 2 p m at st josephs rectory 47 john street aclon hsh0lden orromnibt eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph tayloc 17150 mothers time to start thinking about school clothes our dr cleaning service is vour bcm nend dunng the school vcar use it often phone custom cleaners sam dat sbtyice except saturday chit fay 5 pm in by 10 jn mam st n phone 273 birthday camping trip visitors highlight district news events willie bulloch entertained few friends on thursday on the occasion of his sixth birthday helping celebrate were bradley buck david stewurl randy stewart and jeffrey islcy mr and mrs robert ellis and family enjoyed a week s vacat ion camping in algonquin park mr and mrs a j bulloch und family returned home last week from a two week vacation spent at their cottage at kearney mrs g sunter arrived homi sunday after spending two weeks holiday with her son and daughters at niagara falls bonnie and randy mooic of hillsburgh spent a lew diys wilh mr and mrs byron biuce and fumily from statu mr and mrs george gnllin and fimlly of north libert in diuna spent a few d ys wilh mary lou taylor enters dairy queen contest hullun s dairy princess mary i uu tivlor will contend against 41 olhcr county princesses throughout out mo tins week in the hnal lap ol their quest loi ihe idle ol ontario dairy pun cess dunng the spnng md summer girls from uouiul the piovintc aspiring to he coveted awaid have taken pirt in eounlv pn i i mi nary competitions lor the right to cnlei ihe tilth ve ir ot the ontario cunt al ihe un h miss taylor 18 of burhngtun be came haltons piinccss toi the second conseculie vcar when she was crowned may 20 m txik villi dui ing the halton holstein breeders meeting crown on september 7 eaih night hc gills compete tow uds the sum fm ils which will be held on tucsda scplcni bcr 6 the luial eumpclition to decide the duly pinicess ol ontuio l0 vmm like pine on ayiculliii il d iv wcdncsd iv september 7th the young ladles inusl be be ween 16 md 29 ve irs ol ige mail lid oi miil1i ind hue lived l a i u m the winnir will be lee led by ihe unites on ihe basis ol ippc irani t deportment cli in ing ind sanitizing uknsils fficicne and completeness of miking and tune competilions will he hi id in the ni iin rinc ot tin coliseum between the hotits of 6 and 7 p m later send finals the winnci loi i uli d iv ot the ptcliminarics will compete n one ot the sc mi hnal eompcli lions lo be held it the s imc pi ice md lime on scplcmhii 5th and 6th the winner ind runmrup or ich semi hnal lontist plus the highest scoring contestant of the george ridley dies on 93rd birthday on his91id buthdi uoila ii ridks pissed ivi it ihe hum il his d uillidr in i iw ind ci ind sons m ir st mirs on suud i motnuil aulom 21 hi hul hud in act n i nci 30 uux ftinird sum i w is luld il pauls lumi il home si mirss tuesd i aulusi 2 it 2 pin in ninl w is in si maiss icmc ten jem drivein theatre dirfctions the jem is 12 nuks wist ol aclon on no 7 hiliiu i hilf w iv between rock wood and guilph tum lilt at foibcs ciripc to arrive at the drue in thurs fri sept i 2 cincmiseupc md color beneath the 12 mile reef roblrt wagnlr tbrrv moorl plus sad horse chili ullls david i add sunday midmt spt 4 zombies of mara tu oki pal ml r added thriller ittcame from beneath the sea sal mon spl w ci lor ami cmtin ivt k no name on the bullet aldlt ulrpm plus hound dog man fabian ind urol n l i tue wed sept 67 cimpi isti x mil i loi our man in havana 4lfc citissess maureen oharv inferno adutl entertainment cotoi a wtnner every whk a pra of 25 for lm k itcense number will be drawn even thursday mpht lucks num ber will be chosen from cars present at the show remaining semi limillsts will com pete on the hnal night scplcni bcr 7 lor the title dairy prin cess ol oiilano 1960 list year miss 1 lylur lmishcd in the scmmmals and this year she received a bye which il tows her lo duectly compete in the semi finals britain trip the grand pric loi ihe durv pi iiicess is an allexpense p ml i rip loiilhc bnlish isles via pail ameitcnn airways she will also iceeive i pnc calf offered jointly by ihe discrscy corporation and the breed association contnhui ing the c ilf ol hci choice the contest is designed lu ilia malic ihe contribution of the onlirio dairy industry lo cain dis economy the sponsor ie pieseiitmg ihe industry is the out iiuj milk piintucits c irdm lting bo ird ihe ore inta liond head ol ihe piovince s 101 000 produceis ot milk pioducls in ontano f irnic is dc 1 1 ve cood i i nil innually from their wood lot for space heater oil md confectionery supplies see jackmccallum your texaco dealer coiner mill and youne streets open 7am to 1 1 p m dally the toinicrs parents mi and mis carman grifmn lvclyn llendersoti of dciwikhi spent a lew d iys holid iv with her cousin i inda feitusun little pulsv 1 ills llisl hue is tecupetalitlg iollowint imnl lonsillccl iny miss mliilel meculihion spin i week with mr uul mrs dcoigc mcmillan in totonto mrs t c aiiken mil mis a j spence of 11 u i islon msited icecntly with mi mil mis muido mcculchcou mil i itei it tended the funel il or then mnt mis w j smith in alton muiicl mcciililicon uul liks1 ot i lew it ivs i nidi scoll lie holid ihil in luuis move to bl mi ind mis j uk ricir ind h ihy t inner icsidi us ol the inst line lift on hasd i in in ing tut sim l hi is lk wluu they pi in makiiil hull lulliic in me mt u tl mis kill rolnils ti 1 vnd i i id don n i ol kixdile visited i suiidtv wilh ihe i n imrs pirents d i ind mis ro be it sun ml wilh mi uul mis norm in mikmie ind ehildun mi and mrs s b ildwtn i ml ind miry film ol am istu visited in suitdiy wilh mr ind mrs d slew ut suml iy visitors with mi nil mis h r how ml liuludcd mis ch rlolte apps mi md mis allliiit apps ind t irn iv mtss frances apps ill ol bui fold smart plaid slim jims special thii week 298 ip all ants oppoiile pott office the acton free preii thunday september 1st i960 picnic visitors anniversary highlight weekly events the church of christ sundav school picnic was held al the ruth wilson feted at several showers a hnde ol au pi m 12 ruth wil sin ol r r 2 rockwoud wis tin guest of honoi al showers beton hi i m in lay on august 1 mis slanltv n i nsh and miss i unice nonish were lloslessis al i iniscelluilious shown il rr i molfil tin nixt div auoihu misu it nious sh wei w is luld bv miss m l lliiisin r r aim as siskd by mis len jaiksn oi august v mis philip mi nsiill midondd bbd ailon i nk 1 1 line 1 i i the hi uli it i kiluiiii shwn i n nds ii t iieujibtis i ss n i 9 n issigiwe i piesentid hi l with a eoltec tihle mil i ud i iblc hurch grounds on monti iv cinmcs were held in the id let noun lor ihe ehildien fhuly sil down to supper a lew horn the miiilc it undid ihe annivers uv sirvues il t lunch of chnsl disuplcs iliusburgh on sundav dt e j ii insell wis guesl speukir several from the vill ice il undid the c n e at toionlo lllis p isl week visiting sund iy visitors wilh mr md mis peiev pc ivov were mr md mis jack giles s isktiloon mr mid mi s fred i ot svt lie pilnhoroiigh mi untl mis riiurflou wood biulington md mrs lliel wesl of atloti mi uid mrs ii ii vlv jeslin md tttf r d mi cull hi m us heel on siturdiv wilh miud mis robert meculihion ftuul li unit it kiulinnr jitnmv waie ol alton is h ih diving with his gi iiidpitn is mi and mrs albert win miss jc in dunhar of winnipeg is visiting with mr uul mis llaiiy hoiiop thiabeth mid nancv sund iv isiiors w ith mrs john alton ind miss jennie tov- ell wire mr ind mrs biv hep- bum md i imilv milton mr md mis kobttl pit tin and f imilv mi md mrs albert al ion mi i in guelph m d mts hul all in rihkwooii mis r m i uli m i lois tor mil mis j illume hindley sund iv visit is wilh mr and mis i h iilnin win mr and mts clinks lw ii d imily biiiliiigh n mr md mis gor dm aittie md mi uul mis jack mi ikii md ls gmlph acton lions club teen dance this friday sept 2nd acton legion hall 9pm 1am midniters band special prizes given awayi admission 75c flavorful fountain treats for your enjoyment take your choice of fountain favorites shakes sundaes sodas malts see our monu refreshing drinks mixed in a pffy good taste good service and good company welcomei watsons dairy bar tit a a changed velfcswtew s enejmen make mie meal successful small cer you can t tall th nmw vw uit by loot g you hava lo driva it all tha changat hava baan mada wrts n tha tor lor axompla mote awerful enfmr eng n po i up 10v now tha voftiwogan ivooi owoy if om i ghtt youitoot uphl i round bandi ond y down h ghwoyi la at thofi balora and ovartol no i valar b rnuit thara i mofa riiarva powni hi vary qtar tk fng na melt although c o d a vi hona powii tll rota m tt lamoui wconofv a plaatont ihnughl synchrenlma fwsl aor now yi- on ih h down to i fit go hfi rcn ng co a lew taadiy cnng ngfil down tha h ct ol tha wt tt ond loci wnv th l nntat o lot ol itop ond itn t d v ng ou y hton ud tpandt i a u ry f n y lound nn n tha ino a aipnvn co t but to hgvn i n a cof of vo kogn l w ond p ca i qv ta ontoi ng the ro o ol a i our gsoti hnvn bn changnd too 10 you con ma avary ounca ol o power developed vw i oi mio ede increased looooaat spc- voltwog t luggog lpoce l now on nnp a 10 cub c lh 5 bhd lha ti i at od 5 up n 0 iliea oa dt ol luggoga ihm vw is c en smutty belmj imprevaa sn 198 no ian thn n t rd mp ovamentt hova bean made to the vo kiwogen ywitjt ii nmofty boucojv ihe tone cor with tha tome ttyl ng thof i why o vw may g o old but neiar obioela ond why t rato nt tt oue tha vofttwogan i on honett product wh a thefa ofa other moovemenli r inumwvw rl tvihtwogn iphloiophy not lo change o ha tola of cnonga but to la ch cont nuolty of new woyi 10 i ove a g eat dea so of theta mp ovemenli n tha da lua volkewogan o film m the cm o model wh chevr you buy we th nk you gal tha bail cor thu niiw vokiwng a ot more n ii d ve why no d ou o youri i today ot your neoreit vw dao at its true w f cross sales and service rr 1 milton tel tr 86201 w woy waal ery voiwooen told o pi cnnodei bet oatfaa 8995 for the omening oil new 1960 lewyt m ctwmf mm af tkt tur in trail htietjaa ml no gtjbssikqt sm tr wwuff etea ifi ttat to citifi ait kat ut and ta eki ar iaaatn tm toek r msctasht tm at a ftaaca sahtotaaan au these futviu tmi gordon hardware l i m i i e 0 22 mill st phoim 76

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