Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1960, p. 5

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enter b dundas takes defeats acton diindtm tlghtonod their grip on ihe hoi loft county senior bi title saturday afternoon when they defeated acton merchant in acfon to the tune of 415 lo out them two games up in a oest of seven scries lack of hilling and a tend ency to boot the bnll around were costly for the honu town crs and manager dude lind my was unable lo whip his charges into top pcrformantt tor the garni dore went ihe cnlirc route for the merchants giving up 13 hits including a homer triple and double and three walks his team nates committed four tost ly crrort which hastened their downfall start ball rolling dundas started the ball roll ing 4n the e sta of the game when nttcr two batters were put out lake hit a safety and romped home when thomp son touched dore for a homor to scqrc two runt mophail singled but was left stranded on base when rthson died out lo centre acton went down in short or der in the boiiom half of the first when andeyson struck out bruce singled but was caught going to second and barrtge r swung at three fast ones torc and his team mates set tied down after the rough lirsi inning and kept dundas off the score sheet tor the iuxl three innings ns thev disphud some expert bill plnung acton ties score acton evened ip the seorc in their half ol the seeond when townslev tuplcd coming home when paul lawson hi immed a homer deep into eentie held rolling ptst the sohhil dim ond the next three bnlleis went down in oidei the mciehants took the ind in the hot turn of the lomth when trni biitigei singled and paul liu sun slammed two straight 11-5- saturday tanother fourbagger hjgh over the iiecs and rtnee the stdo wns retired with aeton having a tworun margin with the store 42 dundas licked their wounds ind bounced balk in ihe lop ol the i if in with a four run rallv after ihe first bailer rowe went down swinging martin reached first on an error ehalked up lo seeond sucker townoiy trotted to second on a hit bv lake to tight held and continued on to ihird when the fielder anderson hobbled the ball thomson walk cd to load ihe bases mephail corked a long single storing martin and lake to ecn the store thompson and mfphatl erossed home plate on a hi hv ribson before the sidl w is re tired dundas clinch lead dundas elinehtd their lead m the top of ihe sixth when lhe racked up three more runs as rowe reached firsl on in error by he righl fieldei trolled to second on marlin s single and both runners scored on like s tnple lake seoied when thorn son was fbrced oul ii first on i grounder mephul gnmnded out and shields wcnl down vn the swing out route aeton held scoreless in the fifth sixth seventh md eighth inning managed one run in the last half of ihe nine when mte grogor walked ind breecd home when dun lmdsiv clob bered a itipte dundas got their hst tilhes in the top of ihe seventh when rlhson ind m iv sioied lineups dumlns rovvc ss m irlin ii lake el thomson ih mephul i ribson lb mi 2b peel 1 1 shields p ac ion andc t son i f bun e cf biingci ih tmnskv 2b pml liwson lb j lmelsiv ii pi te l m son ss d lmdsjv t dore p bubct il in 7th tun nintji inj ixliel p mcciisl ill pinch hillci t j- itkw3srwr dundas takes first game 94 in senior b playoff series dundas tixik a one game teid in the hillon countv sciuoi b finals thuistl i in the villtv town defe itliifc aeltm merchants 94 the setond p ime ot i inst of seven series it tumid into n eomedv ot crrois tor alton although thm out hit dundas 109 ihe merchants committed five costly error two oi thorn occurring in the bottom uf ihe fourth when the home learn scored five of their runs close contest the contest was tlosi up until that point it was tied lour all as the learns opened ihe fourth with john cunmngbun the set ond acton hurlcr luting the stub jim linds i slu led tun ninghum was nicked tot a single by ihe leadtil f bitter be give up u triple w ilkod two bailors and allowed luo more singles tor five runs before he w is it tircd in favor oi jell lrvei who finished the game lumn iht dtind ts 1th hand er a former phi hyhvulh ham illon cardinals give up 10 hil and slruik out six as he weni the dislanie lot the homesters aelon toilet ud lour smelts olt him in l hi thud h inn lot tbitc runs ihtn bt si inning ol tin game both ilubs snind a pin in tht firsl iranu bob bruci smiled followed bv buktobnk muh fnim llu bats ot haixild lowns lev and ti uv bmar rowe dundas it it oil butit opened b wangling i ilk iu was sacrificed in bv thomson afui making u lo thud n i lomow up base on bills ind suuttic bv lake dundas make ii 41 dundis nude ii 4 1 in iht sec ond ironic it u i iht act m m it went down in order hv the stnkeout nnile knox led tht inning ott wiih a inplt lollowcd bv a single ind i double murdcn md l mi i rtspt and a unple from mitrrm npped it acton gol hick on ien terms in hit ihirvl when brine town lev ban iger and macditgor ill singled im thtvt nins hui itui is iht end ot the alton seoi ing line up nmi thiough with hils townslev and bin icii e ich hid i pcilccl nijjil it ihe pi ilt with ihicc hits in is m inv tnps knox plied the winntis with i inplt md i sintli rue ax ion 103 006 4 10 5 dundas r 110 9 9 2 acton anderson rfv bmco if paul law son 1 b tow nsle v 2b bwwnger 3b macgregor if petu liwsoh ss don lindsiv t jim lindsj p john cunningham p in 2nd jeff prvtr p in 4lh st john ambulance plans corps parade pi ins have been completed to hold i torps piiridi spunsoixd bv members ql the st john am bulann bngidt sund iv sipt ember ii in aeton tht githering of sevtril bran this ol tht bngide will include a church servict and pic me sin ptr ifttrvvatd in iht park rtv ah miktnn ol knox pusbvttrian thurth and rtv r brook will olfniatc during the ihuich sirvue at knox following i paiadt irom ihe piik parade divides the paride will leave the park it 2 pm ind toll iv ilonj piik stiii i t i mill tjsi on mill to cljjn south on heni lo churvli whin roman cilhilus will i all oul lo attend st joseph i ninth thi par idt will tontinoc wsi on thurth n m un and noith on mini to knox chuuh lor iht st nice ihtit following thi strviit mtmbtrs ol i hi aitun bneadc and visiiing biilidts will inluh south mun it mill when tluv will pas a silutmt bisi it thi 1 a liking tht siluti will bi ireo mir i in it ndt ill t h u it s jef mp unci bv mivor j w mckintc md mr trum tv mlv brook dominions whip peasants 174 a fiverun lead in tho first inning nave dominion hotel a pronouneed lead over their up town rivals station hotel pea sant in the second game uf the sohball league semi finals on thursday night when the dom imons time ivny with a 174 win ed phillips ate hurlir for tht winners pi it lied one ol his bet ler games i itking up is strike oats and issuing three iree pass es brute cargill toeing the slab fm the pcisants stiuck out five dominion bitters giving up iwo w ilks both pi k litis wera louthtd im ivvti honurs during ihe guilt start rally don gitin si irltd thi hrsl inning i illv loi iht dominions whin hi i tithed hrsl on i pirs td bill and tompltltd iht loop ilttr moiton reached iht hrst sitk on an tinir lawson singl td phillips wtnt down swinging and migillowav homuxd to tltoi tht b ises bovvdtn doubltd johnson whiffed out ind mellugh singled stoiing bowdtn mines struck out to ittnt tht suit with do minions hiving i i iv t run edge on tin ptisints pt is mis went down in order in then hill ol the lust with rmol in thi own oul it lust uul cole ind p ipillon going down swinging il phillips i isi one both it ims went scoreless in tin seiond but dominion notch id iwo more in the thud when phillips singled miiillowav doubled ind both rumtcis scoi d on a double by bow dm first mhrker peisints gol then first maik er on llu stoic sheet whin com mando unhid fiisl on in oi ror st oi ing when nol in poled a hint one to eeillie tukl tor i home inn cole mil p ipillon strut k oul i rait i w ingltd i tret litkil ind owen wcnl down swinging lo ittire the side gum si irttd iht loiulh in ning i illv lor the dominions with i hinui ml r ton wis lers td out it fust ind i iwstui walked si ii ing on phillips inplt ptasinls were lit id scoreless i ii tilt next ihric inriints is dominion pi ivid lit ids up b ill iht lihh inning s ivv sum list pi iv m ikiiic hv tin pi is mis wtun tluv c nielli johnson in i mi hutli n ippnil on hiscs ind mints wcnl d ivvn swinint score seven runs a seun run spluilc in the lop of the sixth lii the domi nuns i iiimm intlml it id is uin tripled morton singled set nine groin lawson doubltd storing morton phillips reithtd first on an orror ulnnting lawson who scored on i smjjilon bv mcgillovvav mccuiehcon n placing bow den singled scoring phillips ind mtgillowiv md jtihnwin reithtd firsl sitk on in overthrow mtcutiheon nmi ped home on i long flv ball hit bv minis ilttr mi hugh went down swinging ind johnson pull id up il home on i hird hit single bv grtin mcgillowiv stored the i isl counter tot dominion in the lop of the stvenih ind piisinls got thtir in 1 1 iillus in iht bottom ol the same innine when t il singled p ipillon find out ind cargill drove i hornet dttpmui right fnld seormg tok mcgillovvav s homer doublt and single iw irded him the hei os mtdil foi thi winiiiis while oralis homer double ind w ilk paced the pi ismis llnups dominion hold on in ss r moth n t 1 nvsim lb phillips p met ill w iv 2h bowdtn ii j hn son rf me hugh il mums b 1 lenities metuuheon md t is u m slution utile i nol in ii tt ii rl pipill n ih ciijtill p owen c de finest vs mtktlhi 2b til kin 3b commando il calamily comer accident scene again saturday calumity eomer mntkod up an other utlldent in itk long list when a two carcrunh saturday nltumuon at the quean young street turner lutally wrecked a 1 947 model ear and tuuwjt an estlmutid 1300 damugu lo a taie- cajamiiv cornei at the mtenect on of young and queen streets tallies anolher accidenl on saturday afternoon when an eoslbound venicle driven by peicy barker aclon making the turn was struck by westbound vehicle driven by bodo proessel of brampton the brampton car failed lo make the curve sinking ihe aclon veh cle damage lo ihe proes sel oar was estimated at 300 while the barker veh cle was classed a lolal wreck con stable bruce kresslar of ihe acton o p r dltechmenl nvest galed hydro learns horse shorts primary wire causes blackout in homes llvdi o toiiimissioners dut ing hen nicklhig ihiitsduv aucust 2s it a mod ih il hoise powci md icclncitv don l mi vvhui sup nnttiuknt doug m ison inlotm d iht ni i hoist nibbing ig imsi i guv wire 11 ni loowned i pole lusin i pniniry who to lilt hoilinj ihe line md sliuintic oil powci on m ist n b mlev ud mi mnson in miking his u jkirl lold tin i immismon i p ilt snualtil on thi i urn ptoputv ol mi vvse his i liiv win k id ing to tht cjotind mil hoists nib bmg it n list the win sh h k i tie pole t uimiie 1it piimuiv witt hie ik i lose he noted thil btsidi llu p mir hunt shut t ii in tin in i tt iss ii old lilt p it w is llllld ih intotiiuil nit inht is tin up in hid been in llli mi mism ilso i ild hi t ii mission ins dip ii tun nt would suptivise tin wiiuil l ik inu ipt sid town htul 1 lie in mini sticel sou tli permission wis li inttd to tin pirks boaid itir slot iet ot thin liwn mowci m llu alice strttl hvdr i huddling diitinj- ho win ttr months thi building ionium tto was auihtiiid in imikt iititssjiv le pulls to lilt sliding dooi il tilt aliet st tit shop flu ihiinii in and iiie thuiimiii uu given ihu lihh light to loniplett ar rxineimnils it i insiii inn loveiv jen n ntnuhit iwo subsl ition on omni stint vtiy aocounls tht lolliiwitig in mils wne ippn vtd lor pnviiiinl bill itltphonulo sihs iii pc ol out inn 11 174v 1 his ind how ml 552 hi aeton i urn sup plv s9s r un inn tl ol mill 2 so inu ml ihk aiitssoiies su8 bill ioihs slull set viet smil i e tie i i win md t ible jwm1 i itl vin noi mm si is nilhs t nisinniion sht8 h j iik mil ilium s met 4n mtitlen ind i riein etiiiie hlx li id 511 rt7 8 sihiml ciittikiis inu httn imitimlv busv ovtl this p isl lew wttks pitputng tht looms to eiccl thtir young th irges nui tin sd iv busy housewife has occupation nassagaweya institute learns the august met tine of tin n issik twcwi women s institute wis held in aikcll with mrs r pike is h istess mis m m ihon ipciicil i hi niietine bv ic iilnik i nituit ptiein foil ivv ed bv thi minutes n id hv mis a i lank mrs m muff it md mrs m mihoti inn ippomtcd is le id irs ol tin mw 4h club kirk promt sleeping garments mrs a fmnk md mrs h putt will he iipunmbli for thi displuv at thi milton im ii wis diuded to i hiinhiilt 55 to the distnet i bi rsirv fund textile industry the muling wis thin turned ur lo the conveners mis m mollat teul i timelv irlule m the imporlinlc ol the textile in dusirv a ptkin no oiupit r m pt 1 1 unine lu thl busv i ousvmte who it cording to ihe nisus i ikers bus no ikciipili in w is ie id bv mis e waid win nets of v inous imusink contests etc mis a pidhtirv mi li ink mrs f w ird ind mr b pjlc mrs m andeisun seind nun tesv kinviitu for appuanc1 and tv repairs manning- buaric cad 23q ss 7i welcomes former4upils iht ltntltivt old slum sihool ss nli 7 n issiciwtv i will ih tile sttrie ol in old guts ind bins touni in nci sitnidiv il in noon md tunine sepinii hti i all foimn stu lints md u ith is with liieiids mil i mull invilitl mil llu tisiilinis ol distil i hope i si hinl ii pit p iinik this wnk i hie enmil a pi illoim outsitlt tin s h k i ill ik llu loi ill ni f ii pm irn in llu tilt ii in with a d m i i the acton lre pre thurtcjey september itt i960 if vruomi un iw c nwwan i hli ear iimh lht oroadj by a whjclvenbbod ami at jnffllhml wnehth model vehicle peroy hum btirmor of actoni making the turn off veaiilg sft onto quean on kb d highway had hit ear nw ilde k prmnul brumntun cut feum to rtefollattl ihe ium heading went the bar ken oar won connlderaci tutuf wreck gonatobte bruce krerafc- of the aeton otpi omaehmfliit in veniigaiod and laid ohurgii aguinsl the brampton driver bldlllotll will pi iv i tlell mills he school diamond mil lluu 1 knitl possibihtv llu u w ii i i kills bill gmit loo inu on lustra will pi v lo i d in in i ik sihool in llu t t nine to mill ik mil i inn in thin hi kill si ultt latkils mimli is i at i in i in s it mil ill llltki i splisli t i i i ii lllsl llu ii is is 111 v pin h kill hill lllulll 111 hd is til iss il iwi v i pr sin hi nil ehiikh ml llu busv ii s wl will pu hi i tiliesliin ni b h ih in llu kioinids si in robins ii is ihi imm oi the million loiiiinillcu with ton kennedy is stc ret hflttc isuiei tlicv stress th it einvoiie is will nine seph 2 3 m sal st mink 700 pm visit to a small planet stalling ih il tuiim m in jerry lewis plus vistavision mixico ptlasf schools the cleanup end ol the acton ihiw world thev will proeivd to john st t bovvti ave tint c iuiihk west on bowel itwn km to iht pnrk for i punu suppei pi i i i ihe pu uii in i huivh miviic i wiiath tll he pi kid at the tenot iph n kim t rht ho glli the il live- ill ring when yom head fk beck to school uejtbnvt look you m fl ww being sharp at studies end v dressed in good teste are 1 only pert of tne needs of a back toschool belle good grooming s important tool cau 43 for your appointment ity salon 4 main st s zr acton i mum carerjily when 1ui afie crossing ctwlsotoadfl ch idren often do not real ze the danger of crossmq t e streets on the r way to or from school it s rhe respo s b i v of he df ver to be alert at al t mes go slow avo d ace denrs mkr sure our top mtmrhankal car is in condition mllh rih ml bi tk s good tins otpindibli s iinni witnine lrvh hkhts s hi d front end h ktimcni safe used cars buys r id i in lam chiv lks i sc rvnlu h 11 it p che i se tin ix i rv h v s 1 n s plcm uih v i i si in v 1 n vdan scdan l rvkiki iu scdin k t ith it uth sid in pickup pi kup l4ttl4m0tors sept 5 7 men wed si ii link 6 w pm the gazebo the mouse that roared st unnn peter sellers 1 jean seberg coming 1 never so few sl irrtnfc frank sinatra cina iouobrioioa canbe ntimrksgarobatte 7 milei west of acton on highway 3outh side oarmn hints prepare your lawn for neitl spring by lop dressing and seeding pall is ideal time for seeding new lewne plant madonna llllee new ette afsler yew ium per kamity in your garden next sphne anav mar in yew heme this pvbrgrepn shrubs pbrbnnmus floral designs for all occasions open prom aj to pjn phone 750w13 modern shopping plaza k u irktidi at the corner of 7 highway am third uni acton approximately 10 stores with apartments 16 feel and 20 foot frontages by 50 feet with base menls indiv dual heating units plenty of parking conveniently located now leasing thru l s snelgrove co ltd 3834 bloor slreel west islington ont representative james f kirkw00d excluilve agent phone be 9 3161 or wr le to j f k rkwood co l s snelgrove co ltd for full particulars see our plans today pick your location now its time i school shoes bensons shoes thifriendly store acton we are offering you this fall thf latest selection of back to school shoes in the history of our store we observe the following rulet for good fitting 1 measure both feel 2 check bolh shoes for proper arch ft 3 have your ch id walk n shoes to check for correct heel tit and male sure shoes are break ng properly across ihe toes 4 allow lo 4 n front of loes 5 check shoes wh le ch id s lenchng on our fttlntj platform to see hat shoes are holding the anklei straight why not drop in this weekeae for e 1k to school aoes lets go bowling announcing the opening of the 196061 bowling season friday sept 2nd 700 pm we look kmward vo meinc our ol ate rb ms kan hulford acton bowling lane main st memsbl ja0l

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