Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1960, p. 8

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tt acton free piu fliundy september 29th i960 two acton delegates attend y conference at geneva park wont be long until the duck season opens at noon world scries starts saturday gardens have had to be pro tected from slight frost already bonfires are becoming com mon as leaves arc beginning to fall wont be long now until the lawn mowers can be stored away fur he winter months qutteofcw fromtown and- this district enjoyed the bustling millon fair on saturday sector plan meetings have begun again for st albans church there is a dinner meet ing in guelph this week mel walker has assumed his duties as crussing guard at the main mill street intersect ion during school hours fog harassed drivers several nights the past week it envelop ed cars as they drove down the mountain on highway 25 auon merchants intermed iate baseball club closed their summer activities with a wiener roast saturday evening at kilty springs football season is underway and next tuesday acton high school gridders will meet milton there lor the start of the three- team schedule many amateur gardeners arc wondering what gives with mo ther nature this year several plants and flowers are blooming for the second lime this season the small store at the cor ner of mill and main wai pack ed when knox church heather club held a very successful rum mage sale there friday after noon this week we etijoved stiaw- beriies liom the garden of mr and mrs clare wilson r r i georgetown mrs wilson is tin sitvcrwood correspondent for the free press ebenezer the august issue of canad ian geographical journal con tained an intriguing article on caves including diagrams and detailed information on the rock formations at rockwood heard on guelph radio stat ion cjoy monday morning the cjoy salute goes to the acton free press for winning second place in the- weekly newspapers competition in van couver hydro workmen inadvert ently caused a power blackout early monday evening when al ter repairs they turned power back on only to break the break er switch on main st south blackout only lasted about 10 minutes delicious raspberries were picked this week from bushes in the garden of ben case r r 1 georgetown mr case also had eight fool tall sweet peas in bloom the growth was so tall it was necessary to use a step ladder to pick the blooms dominion hotel winners in ihc aelon soflball loop were entertained by their sponsor on is wasowiez at a banquet in the hotel thursday september 22 during the dinner bert hin- ton presented the trophy bearing his name lo this years winner plans are alrcadv being made for the annual observance ol fire prevention week a great booster lor publicity for fire prevention fire chief jack new ton has a thick scrap book of clippings about the brigades do ings exclusive or putting out fires for the first time the cast ing lor next years stratford sea- mn is erv near completion al- icadv most of the players are returning among them fred eunnger next years plavs are the roman iragedy coriolanus the romantic comedv loves la- boi s lost and henry viii during the past weekend rnorc than 100 delegates from ontario ymcas attended the laymens and general secretaries confer ence at geneva park sid saitz general secretary of the acton ymca and bob foyers chairman of the program committee were appointed by the board to represent acton at this important conference ideal setting geneva pork which is situated in beautiful surroundings about 10 mites northeast of orillia on he shores of lake couchiching is the national leadership and conference centre of the nation- atcouneirot ytvtcas orcana- congregation crowds church for 138th anniversary service anniversary services were cele brated at ebeneer church over the weekend with a full church lor both morning and evening ser vices rev w o fennel fiom em manuel college gave a very lor- cclul sermon in the morning on a real basis for hope guests soloist in the morning was david blvthe ol guelph in his very line tenor oice he sang how loel are thv dwellings and the ninelytiisl psalm evening service rev r a brook hum acton was the guest minister foi the euning vike he pi cat lied a ei tine sermon on the quick ening ol lilt the choir ol ebemvcr under the leadership o john kilching and mrs d blicklock oiganisl pimidcd the special music lot both services it was the 138th annictsary ol ebcncvci first church the lirst church setkcs weic held in mr tiiidgeons home by- two mmisieis ol ihe methodist episcopal church 1mm new york state and then held coei- ed 10 townships the lust chapel was built ol loes on the same guiund on winch ihe pivseni hijik chinch viands lot iz con 3 nusaga- prckcnlalion close neighbors and fi lends ul mi ami 1ts john rvwu- mm piised thin b gatliiimg at ihen imnie rr 1 cmpkllulli- bid them laivwvtl pnoi in rheii intivv lo guelph in the- iumi dil ute lhe have sold tlun iuin mi and miv bculcv have liv ed on ihe mhool it mil lm m veai ami tike all pki neigh- rvt lhe will iv mivd xt much in ihis cuiiiiuufiiiv mrs at thin no nsh spoke a liw uuids nl as farewell gift the were presented with a 1nlijht tluor lamp and lun diini ciipv and sainei- hi mix t pal teison out heaihei baker both mi and miv bewlev e pivsscl ihoir simeiv thanw lot draw winner miss jane rekkcr 43a church street was the winner of the acton merchants free living draw saturday afternoon and received 60 cash when her name was picked from hundreds con tained in a huge barrel each saturday trom now until christmas some lucky acton area sident will receive 60 cou pons aie available fiom several places ot business when pur- hases are made and after nam s have been signed they can be placed in containers in he tores each saturday fhev are couect- d and put in a hujic drum and at 3 pm at the post of i ice the winner is chosen roy dunk acton was the lirst winner at the draw at the fall fair last weekend the lovely gifts the junior neighbors present ed a very fine program of entcr- lainmcnt lor the evening mur ray fait played several selec tions on his accordion ethel mae palterson entertained with violin selections heather baker sang a solo all the children sang choruses and mrs malcolm mof- lat gave a humorous reading best w ishes i rom this com munity ju with this linccouplc lo their new home honor bride miss mailene black who is a btide ol october the eighth was the guesl ol honor at a miscell aneous stumer held at the home ol mi waller freeman install new pump at churchill well installation of a new centrifu gal pump at the churchill road nuilh pumping station was com pleted thuisdav september ll uul the new pump is now in operation lo boost the capacity of the station ik was completed b the lniciniimnil water supply co and tin- additional pump will woik in coniunction with ihe uiigiiiil an ouiput ol 500 gallons of vvalei jhi minute will keep mains i linked with water at alt times the new pump is insl ailed with a ughl angle geai dine in older lo lx- upeiaieil with a siamlhv unit it nevcnsatv mr and mrs murray continued from page one ray still assists with i arm chores just lo keep occupied was his reason he recalls he first car he pur chased in 1914 and remarked he has owned and driven a car ever since he pointed out ears weie lew and far between in hose days and only a small number ol residents owned one donate 4h trophy the couple have always becn interested in seeing young far mers gel ahead and like lo see children take an active part in tarm work this year they don ated a trophy for the youngster showing the most interest in the acton 4h club classed by her husband as devoted housewile mrs murray assists with some chores around the farm loves flowers and active in the ladies aid her secret for a successful marriage is explained briefly filtyhfly cooperation and haid work a mairiage will never sur- l if it is onesided she ex plumed oldest guesl at the reception saturday was mrs nina frick 9vyearold relative ol mrs mur- ra from toronto the eoople have three children hairy presently operating ihe farm verna mi s munay smith and mrs ruby hansen at home thev also have five grand children russell and sherrill munav carol hansen and be lv and murray smilh to conclude the anniversary celebration the couples familv treated them lo a dinner at the parkview motel in guelph sun day sept 29oct 1 thurssat starting 7 00 pm adult entctialnmcat the apartment stan ing jack lemon shirley maclaine fred macmurray da and has been operated as such for almost 52 years ii comprises an area of ubout 120 acres of which approximately onethird is taken up by cottages dining halls conference halls the gymnasium boathuusc offices etc as well as tennis courts ar chery range sports field and swimming area the rest is wooded country which is used picnics and other outdoor ac tivities this then was an jden setting for a conference which was regarded as most inspir ing instructive and as a valuable xperience for all delegates the planning committee undei the direction of the conlerence chairman nels mcfnrland had woi ked out a most interesting agenda and attracted such well known authoritative speakers as dr robv kidd executive direc tor of the canadian association ol adult education dr r jones xecutive director of the canadi an conference of christians and jews miss bessie touzel execu te director ontario well are council and j hiles templin president national council of ymcas topics under discussion includ- d the nature ol the ontario community adult educatiun financing community programs program planning and a report on the ymca youth confer- nee in amsterdam informal talks must delegates gained valuable pei ience by exchanging ideas n informal talks ol solution centres where subjects including what a board member expects or a general secretary and vice eisa what a general secretary xpects ol a board member were discussed in detail in addition lo his there were panel di sions on various topics on which dealt with what a young adult cxpecls or a y board mem ber this panel consisted of a group of young people from ihe kitchener ymca and their views aroused great interest the undisputed climax of the onlerence was dr jones ad- licss on bruthcihood and the ioic ol ihe ymca in achieving this goal w i thout prejudice to race color or creed in a chang ing world a world which is full of anxieties and materialism dr jones received a standing ova- lion or his moving address and ihe conference adjourned after this final emphasis on the ym cas purpose that all may be one the busy schedule kept all ihe delegates on the go all the weekend but the unanimous opinion was that he laymeris conference had been so success ful thai a similar convention huuld be held next year for space heater oil ami confectionery supplies six- jatkmccalum your texaco dealer gtinr mill and oimg streets opn 7 aro mil pm daily harvey laverty heating saies and service repairs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ik 699m kockwooo 24 ho sat matinee surtlnx 2 pan comanche plus three sloogcs triple crossed oct 35 monwad marline d 30 p m adult entertainment home from the hill in culol iml cincmiojv robert mitchum eleanor parker britdts reteife f p week literature all holton fire brigades were presented at the hallon county fire prevention bureau meeting in miltons fire hall tuesday night when the countys fire chfcfs received literature to be distributed for fire prevention week starling october 9 the literature consists of help ful hints or fire safety in the home and the farm plus baby sitter cards and place mats for hotels and restaurants it was announced that ihe blitz inspecliun will be canied out october 17 insurance and fire inspectors will toui through mer cantile and industrial locations and inspect these places for fire hazards and safety measures baptist explorers meetings fridays mrs colin baillie and miss norma baillie are leaders lor the baptist explorers group which has begun meetings for the fall eason about a dozen boys and ijirls are active already the group meets friday even ings mission band leaders are mrs charles landsboruugh and mrs george harrap the children six o eight years uf age meet wed nesdays after school two star meats fresh frozen smoked meals 4th line 15 sideroad rr 2 rockwood call campbellvllle ul 42482 all meats government inspected frozen food service b6 hind quarter roast pack 23 15 lbs sirloin tip rd slk and ramp rsts 13 lb mince b7 front quarter roast pack i 775 15 lbs prime rib shoi t rib blade and pot roasts 13 lbs mince sleaks all meats custom cut wrap ped and frozen whv not call todav for a con piele price list of our frozen meals phone campbellvllle ul 42482 opsntimday wvcbwaday saturday 9 am lo 6 pm thurt ft fri 9 am to 9 pm cloud monday t please dont eat the daisies watch fot contest attheatu attending night school this fall first classes start monday october 24 now is the time to buy everything you need for backtonightschool smithcorona portable typewriters a must for those taking typing classes 4 models to choose from skyriter 7995 clipper 10450 sterling 11550 super color 13450 victor adding machines 11450 up fruit flowers deck church for festival the chureh ul si alban the martyr was ullrailivelv decorat ed with fruits of the haresl loi ihe harvest festhal services sunday morning ivy decked the front entrance with sheaus in the lobby wheal and berries marked ihe pews with the win dows displaying wheat fruit vegetables and flowers red and white glads bread and grapes were placed on the ultar the lector the rc ii b stokreel look lhanksgivng as his iheme the hnivesl festival is a way ol reminding us god is ihe source ol tilt ttfe andboiimvrtr said he contrasted ihe abund ance in canada wilh his mem ories of holland under the ger man occupation under the defection ol mis frank oakes ihelutnor and sen ior choirs sang sing lo he lord ol hanesl vic biistuw look the solo large congregations ullended holy euchanst at 9w am and anniversary service barbecuel highlight weekly news events j the hi annivcisurv senices ol chui chill chuich weie held on sunday with a latgc attendance the urchest ra provided special music for bolh services in the morning mr beaton was in charge of the senice and mi gaiv maitin ba ul knox college toronto was guest speak er mis ennneison audcivon uvorcd wilh iwo solus whuh were enjoyed by evei vone in ihe evening rev clavton searle ma bd ol don mills united church in toionto was guesl speaker and gae an m spiling mess qua7tel le fioin letgus sang iwo lock ihimbeis a ihickcn baihccue suppei was held in the chinch basement on tuesday excning ulli a gixitl ii tendance i and mrs binliin an id ac ion showed pic hues ul iheir hip to iuiope congt alula ions in mi an- 1 mis dcuige mallhy nee gail duhbic who weie iiiaiiud on saturday al cliuuhill chuuh wa ladies cutered to the nxcfj congratulations to mr mrs john lighlle who celebroto theii sihci wedding umiivcrsar mi sunday during a lumily gattl enng mi mnk and men are bh this week raising mr fred aiiimiis ham miss jiann mckeown is conl i med to jicr home with ihe mumps hei 1 1 lends wish her i speeth iccovei coiitiialulilio mrs l i iuii nve miujoiic mx donald ol poll arlhui on tin yirt ufatnnphiprr mr and mis julian or mnl4 ton isiied on tiundav with mrl and mis norman turner for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 230 typewriter ribbons black or black and red register typewriter pads 100 sheets 8 x 11 8 100 45c 60c type cleaning fluid brushes enters carbon papers several qualites packaged m 10 to 100 sheets ball point pens ink sticks 39c to 195 sheaffcr pfns in a large range of qualities and styles 195 to si 750 ea efills inks magic mahs au coioks pencils path cups cuimr bands etc for the office let ui supply youf office equipmeni and supplies if e haven i what you want n nock we can gel it for you in a few days rub8er stamps made to order stamp pads and stamp inks in all colors cpofjmlr ja and sumuis sumuis phone 603 announcement in our constant effort to provide our clients wirh personal attention and service we are now prepared to take care of ail calls day or night seven days a week from our resi dence at 124 churchill rd s or during office hours monday to friday from 9 to 1 2 am and 1 to 5 30 pm saturdays 9 to 12 am phone 585 dont just renew renew with t j bert wood insurance agency office 124 mill st e residence 124 churchill rd s fws l micaift spendmy telephone money this is n trur tlnnf one of our telcphitnr poopic rrrcntly pantl a nhjrhbnurhnnfl lunch counter where some chimrrn were nlmit to onr a mtoih round of milk shakes and soft drinks one little boy callcil jimmy found he only had one dime left ho announced firmly cant xftcnrt my trlrphortr numry obviously jimmys parents had convinced him that hed never have to worry nor would they about loinfr late or jretlinjr lost if he always kept a dime for a phone call theres always a telephone nearby so jimmys telephone dime buys his mother peace of mind it seems like such a good idea that children know how to reach home by phone the bcll telephone company of canada

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