Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1960, p. 10

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only vou can to it only you can do it onty you can lift the heavy burden of ihame of can adas national dligrece picture a highway 5000 mi lei long a highway of fire care lewwat e grunomt smouldrlng road- canadai hill the atlantic to pacific hai loti 100 feet apart on both tides an eighth of canada i heme all these homes have been struck by fir each mite of this tedious road hat calm for the dead more than 500000 hornet have been destroyed or damaged by ftameanot since the birth of canade- but within the last 10 years you painted this tragic picture of care lettneu and only you can do something concrete about it you cannot wipe away thi picture for it it brushed with indelible colors but you can prevent another pic ture being painted you are at disadvantage for the pic lure of the next 10 yean hat already been started every week which pastet 1 000 homes on the highway of death have burst into flame in terms of dollar it meant a yearly loss of maybe 30000000 at though the typical houie fire averages under 500 in damage nine out of 10 fires are the result of theer careleisnest and thoughtless neglect of simple precau tions threequarteri of all canadian fire deaths occur in these typical house fires hundreds of persons are horribly burned and often permanently scarred they died ignorance was the cause only you can do it only you can keep yourself and your children off the burning highway remember children make up nearly half the victims on this road make fire prevention week oct 9 15 a lifetime ob heed hunches the person who congratulates himself on some pretty astute guessing when a hunch proves to be right n casually dis missing one of his most remarkable mental ecutaev intuition that is the view ex pressed m a recent magume article how pght weve never forgotten driving thro ugh hornby ust after the last big twister hit share and casually dismissing a felled tree s isolated damage we knew we should check further but dtdnl and missed the fact the megafme writer said that intuition ongvnamd hurtdtts and mtuihon was always baaed on knowledge acquired through the fears the person whose hunches were cemomntrp correct almost invariably waswell tn the field to which ns hunches tvtadtd he quond lows pasteur who ob- inruiiion n given only to him who has undergone long preparation lo receive if investigating the popular and long stand ing belief that women were more intuitive than men mr remington found that women had certain intuitions rare among men but only in the areas they normally monopol lied when the interests of man and women were the tame their hunches and intuitions were similar too with only individual var iahom when men and women had differ ent maor interests their intuitions were different the difference arose from the na ture of the interests not the nature of the taxes intuition could be developed by a broad emng of interests and mental activity the writer fell the wider your experience and the more open your mind the better chance your intuition has to operate hunches can be important full employment fvll emiptayment ts a phrase that has been bandd about que freely m the years smce tnt end of world wat two hai deceptive phrase ongmeur conveyed the idea that m canada it should be the government s rote so ancdmpidth an at deny transmcwi of the ec onone so peamime co end then chnet to economy so funcnoo so ets to- p a htpb level of employment more feobhtv howwe ifce phrase hasbeen twitt ed so whw ihat e is the governments nv sponsbflin to see shet everyone always feet e job- thai ts ihe words full employ tobnt an now being interpreted by some to mean than the state must direct the national exonorny so than no one ts ever out of work speeding jn the tipper house recently senator inomas a oerar put his finger on 1he potffl ihad rf govern is to have that fespombifoy it could not be government as we know it ts m to bt the responsibility of government to find fobs to provide work at afl times for ihe unemployed he asked 1f se a is m the affirmative if we conclude that tt is the responubtlrty of gov emme to tee that unemployment it ban tshed from rhe lend then we must go the further step and consider how we can place our governing authorities m the position where they can discharge that responsib ility i think that is fundamental as senator crerar recognizes in any state where the people permit or demand that government guarantee jobs for all i times the means to that end is supreme au thoity of the state over the individual and the end is jobs that workers must take not jobs that workers may want lhat is con senphon of labor to theoretical socialists this is an econ ormcally logical politically desirable course the founders of the socialist party in britain assumed that peacetime conscription would be a policy of any socialist government when the labour party there came into of fe with a clear mandate its failure to im pose compulsory national service was a source of undisguised chagrin to some of its doctrinaire members of course the br fish public would never have accepted that situation nor would canadians nev ertheless that is what ts implicit in the new meaning thai is being given to the phrase full employment not facilities alone h seems to be pretty well acknowledged that the younger generation is not as fit as thw parents appenmriy the reason for thu unfortun ate stale of affairs is attributed to watch ing television for hours on end and riding bout in cars both of whkh are scarcely con ducive to physical frmeas the pott war generation ts different from any thai prece it with tome young people spending nearfy a mudvon pleasure at breadwinners earned a generation ago greater emphasis on the importance of pariidpering in sports rather than merely sitting and watching them is important if we are not to decline further m our status of physical fitness acton has for many years had the bene fit of a ymxx building with a gymnasium that could accommodate an indoor basket ball league end other gymnastics strangely enough it seems difficult to develop interest m those activities the solution to improving our g rral physical fitness is present m the v ay of facilities instructors are no doubt avail abfe even though it sometimes takes o little digging to find them the thing lacking however seems to be the desire to be physically f t in this status age one seems to be more mpres sive squealing car tires in a thr ming start from a stopped position w th an automobile than executing some neat gymnastic move ment or scoring a basket in a highly com patitfve game the first necessity towards improving our physical fitness nationally and as a commun ity and individuals would be a program to inspire young people with a desire to excel in the field of sport facilities alone are not enough the acton free press jkr itntst and editorial tan ta ws hodw su acton ontario i of okubtkni the cwjla and ihe ontarioquebei fimataa of the cwjul aflwtistal rates on request stbacrlmhn pajabnt hi vhrancclttn in canada 4x0 la the united btabea sht months ii 73 smflc copies 7c aathoriard m second class malt post office depart msm otttara the ear paoar nor aomahed in acton o a dths edltohtvcmef dftvid ft dob managing editor offlce phone 60 0 acton co ltd hated evenr thursday at 59 member of the audit bureau a the good old days 30 years ago 5qyears ago taken iran iht mm at the prat ii l harvest festival sctyat cuut sfuce cm nil in in id s in guut il mi ifmil on iiik thine 1 hev noil mjuuiusk whin lht ik h th il iilielillul mint horn llu musu il mv i in i ul vvlmh risk i hi urn mm h t ml i wumm he like i mm i tst u iiia letsonihli hips ihii thtv au whit i pk suit pi mil win i ii vvmiui ik il vumim in slhik mil ilk lollm he ti iii- lornitil inlo sitisiblt knullv ik lllll illll ii lll lhll lllllll eel t tixiil piupk likv nun in uli in tun tks m pisi s rputtial on u grip lo vvhitli m uift fcnvi wnt the mhtr tuning toi ptihips tin oik hunrinrd uid iltitnlli mini win is il sk i u tiled ih n chikiihi mtn nivit lint 1 wum in yis j liumiin hunt vwuklni inuii i isktd in m uiirtl c in idi in mnk fj shiitn shi itkt im li mns thit c ui uli in iikti ink inuint oihn thtis illmtiv hki muinits uul i j uid miund kti a timin sht sis pins to n pui uuli lui tuishind sin his i ntu ilns i ikw hiu do nut inks ui tunluiv or pim vut or somtihint mm tin lor whiili slu his shot js thin ininuks ilkr slit irn is shl is slltlll willi i tlllll ol ul hi i wumm hibnitn ol hibus md h uhrooins iiimis ind di ipis all llu mm in mil in llu kruhin drinking inppik ui hnddkd u tin inh ii uul ul i hi luin loom li iji limitt hli puliius uul looi lull thi onh i immumj ilton k iwmi i hi s dniini thi imii inj k urns m old v im in in turs win il opt ui tin tikti lul krs atross iht ahs ht mi hx1 whjt t ir did wt gtt nur ricd in in illort lo pruc his point arxmi whuh uar oltiwa won thi gn cup om othir poirtt o con in l is muli httwitn the scgrcgat cil tmups sis mv girl whtn thi hiisttss stives tht food wii mg imoiii llu ii 11i1111 ii ms ol llu niiti lo piss llu piikks sill illllvls i ss il tuition thin i w iilu in 1 luvu loom sin iirs tin w i sin sus il llu stxis should iiiiiik htih llu worn ui should suild ilxittl duoi it ivilv lookiii shjllllv sidoilivi lo thun should lonii i siudv pionsstoti of nun who indulge tn linn disiussions ol lit pol nits and iuiginu in tin piouss hi slow hit uli llksc hiv sll i lous uul disu ihk in ituus in cm is ionil dctp lonunt look 01 i whfimicatfrmliaicij lift lr tyft brow will sir ullows vou ii be 1 id to know thai i didn i just sii thta and swillow ill this stuff wtthoul toming buk wtthsorm prttlv good ones ol in oun first of ill i poinud oui thai ihis is i vouiitt toun liv lis onh i loupk of t it hums sinn llu nit n did ill linn dt hiking uul in i hi lui mss shid an ulv llu vi j h insult into llu kid lu ti uul tluv don i i in spil on tin stovt i also sufcisltd thit can idi in rrun art hiriddm all lhi ht ir fiom ihtn wivts wlun thiv mint homt from work is ihuul how llu it s somithing wrong vvilh iht w ishintt mat turn and thu dun milkmin only it ft tuo quails uul llu kids hivt httn iwlul lodav jot and vouvi ot to do somithing aboul ihtm ind ilu thunh is ifttr nu ig un lor pies ind i don t set how vou txptil mi lo kiip this house ut wit lit ui i ikinm vi im in uul it vou think voun r lisluii un suuidiv not a smsibk kindlv hum in tipnssiun in thi nil in out pouring ol i trait ol i titninim wik i d ib of rur fumi a blaik ntthni or a suit look not i stitvislion thai shi s jlad to hwi him honu not a hint in it in niifdn hivt hid i ftvv things n wroiit linhv il woik sut thi shhttst ulmissiun ih il shi photo by bllmr taybv by bill smiley might bt i hil ol an old bit noli tun out lousv told httr in i ik nt box btiauv bin sjilii llu i isi ntu vuh tin ullnt itiiiak iiuttr lium mxi dot this ilu d th it wt t n n to hi ilunllv i l c in uli in m lit i onip it t d mn bv ilu mosi vmiiik loin iiilu woman to itn pnims llu inttlltituals and thi vi iiltis ol i utopi i d likt lo wt om ol llnm hx a kids bikt put on iht storm windows or stand i tlmh up lo his bosom in uv walti lislitnt tainbfju iroul for cighl hourb wiihoul gtlling a hilt wt an as i mmuoned ir on nil n lumpaiid lu host hand klsstls another thing tunc alter turn i hivt irictl lo tng ige i can idi in woman in a ion lintntal tvpt tonvtrsation viuii looking piriuulirlv dihnotis toinlii m di ti i pun moo sin titks di hil is lining i ii iiki muth honnwoik lui hir it i will miii vt ttriainh bttn bus it llu piinth bowl shi littns or oh ihis is pist in old tiling i pn kut up in fal on s sht blushis trvini to pit i cinadian wo man into t siv simlitlaling tonxirsniun p about is tjs as irvinp ui inrrvinti t milhonuri that hi i ui t tikt it with him but don k disioui ipul girls wt n lominy don list fvtrv so ofltii vou ii set a toupk ol us nst whtn vou tnur iht ruom bui don i bt ninovid il vm mum j i to do il wiihoul lmking ii vou md wnhiul missmj i mm yd idtitivi in our disunpl u n of iht jolf inn wi lurntd in i isi sund iv mjiny of u who hav speni mnti of our live in acton in not mll when nidi ihoruuih job w dorw in rmoviilng in lown hall the lujiiorium wt redctoraicti umt ytwi p but ih mi wm id i ftw mih hvu bctotrtc brolirn md tt intulflt- lent numbtr wf tannoi remirm bur when inn uileiiur wu puint cd thi year iht window frame were all repaired the building hoi been repainted and the nage curtalni are being cleaned and dyed some new cau of a good type have been purchaied and a tart made on meating ihe aud llorium mi cliiuma are pleat ed with ihe work and will lake pride and pleawnr in the impro ved appearance mr d ii ijndiay ii adding a wo lorcy kciliun lu hh hour and frit mill the mw witioi will il v i iiiinli ntidiil sniagi for the pdxluih pnxlllitd al thib busy spl on wtdntsdjn afttinixjn in iht itianm at kn in liislvlii nt cliunh uotoihy ji ui ma aiihoi cldci daoghfti l mri mai at thur and llu hk wm i mat annul httam ilu bndi ol hrirrv wxxliov s iiioti tllo vi of mr w r numoii and ihi lau mis iim k v h i ik mill ullnialid 1 1n toupk kh i a nihikiii onlaiio and will n suk in a i 11 on ihtn n tutu i in lotal yv mtn wire hosts in ilit i i nto jutlph and lii crvjll ilubs un uondav ivenin at a supptr sond in iht gvm n imuru mi clill sshcll ol iht ilallollal iltib jv fuit srxaltn the ixal iluh nttivtd a ixrau lilul plaqut 1 1 tin ihe ijhhs a itub jtnl i ik dutlph tlub in dm lid ihm mt in ixtrs of i fur acton club all preparaiiins arc in hard fur thi big spiiiire carnivdl in atluil on salutdav i ihl t lutkv drws will bt hdj m af inner spnng matlres and j r j lilt nd jerstv r shonh jrn u f tin ta vsilh n vanw- bwithes lumis md bin w nsimbk a bij midwav dodging round the district by roy downs milton coumll has on i list drilling proir im noil hoi town in a stinh lor mon mdusin il w iur th hi is ihi tlstt i t wn ol hit sites suglaswd b iht ontario mi rimhiius t mtmii m atlrdov the mimoml hill is n untii in ih sattnlown chimkr ot commtru utnkitik l ndv up ihe uuiiiin but onh thnt men lurncd up i do thr w tk i j nk stnppk vin don kin and joe sams goes the iredti t i lumminj up tin huhi- ind lawn painting iht doors iht railings ind iht drinking t mm un georgetown ahal do you d i with i quarter ol a u h or gas office employees split a tukct in i im d i initrti in i h id thi group ticket drawn the towns popul itun he pisstd ihi 10000 iitv sic 10034 10 be enact tolal awsimnt is now spi0l vvilh a 726 residential otr industnateotnmervial riiki burlington a lotal y with f mimes t r rrprvrrnr m fh- famih was projeued last week as nm juhs rmt wuh thi chtmwr of commerce to map out the details gordon gallagher n nami i deputv reevt lo fill a vacanci lefi when w j btnniti died ind b irr humphreys was added to council to hil thi stit made vjtant hv gallaghers ckxation brampton parking meters in ti wn parking lots mav som n cleared awa at the rtqursl of mcretnni who ftxl thc in lumnii buiinev because customers have to piv lor pirking as sew in is f 13 000 outstanding on the purchase of the mciers is wntirn off he onearmed bandits are to be moved oaka iu f amalgamihon of the oikvdle and tnfilmr inis seems prcltv definite as the municipal alfairminiter wihnm sar render and his dcputs lome cumming seem impressed with i plin forwarded tointlv b buih munuipalitics suggested mmc of the new town status area i oakvilletrafalgar student council campaigns start student coo mil nominees be gan t map out their tampaigns rtst with some of them tun appointing managers puv tirs md pubtieitv plans will soon be making the high sthool cor ndors gav birrv kirknesi can relax al- renh he is in the office of pre sident by acclamation bui for vnr president norman elliott bemu e waaowicz and allan has ivird were all nomimted for secretary mar beth elliott bob fnvers and carmen vtoodbum and for treasurer susan heard ind bill daukim taken frou ih isaue of iht pnw rnm thoraday oeiobtr mt the pink and while tea given by ihe bnworth league jo yean ago thu month will be duptlcai cd next tuesday evening when a delightful evening li antlcipaied admlubm li 10 tenli during ihe severe electrical tiurm which prevailed jail fri day evening ihe honk barn of mr ruben johnstone jr lol i urn 2 erin a mile above ailon wai ilruik by lightning shortly alter nine o clock and complete ly destroyed only the horse and a wagon were gotten out ol the burning building the seasons mips nearly all his implements two calves and two thoroughbred brood sows and im owls were dill roved the loss i estimated al j2jw there was 500 insurance on ihe building and 600 on thi ton tints this is a serious blow lo om ol our enetgtlii young ihiiui who by his hani work and laitiul niaiiateuunl was lulling ninlv ujkjii iiis lui ihe ti i rtln wind on 1 ndav i ity hi and salutdav did muth d uiiagt i i ihi wuitw ippk mp mioumhk a bushk nf nu v at kin s of liuil win blown oil in n t- mvms john aiuimin and ko init c unpinlf ziavt vd i miosis ileal inmit and a blxk oi 17 li ju ljkt id joining ilu aquatu tlub h m mi llavill has had tin mtnd fif a his ion iinished and an entrance maiiwai iritttd fi jin ilit men- ii is i be up led an a bdliaid i pum at tlic stxc a i jfwyw j cj the wnulirt imji the rrai litit wj iiiiiurlv na bed bell ihi dw luld lif i rr pcrtd a tmfrem vifo ur rr0jtc h fxijcjtf ihe hf v ifrn muicd anil tin tf t e- urtd the break 14 a tc a ei te mr jjv m 1 k t j xv lit lirda4 t 1 vt ca cj j it ur rt yl -xe- professional direqory and travellers guide w v a w v r wtdical fuvgatal douctoau dr w g c kenney physician and sunecn offic in synnjii bvck 43a m ji 6t e actoa office phone 78 residence 111 chureh st e phgne 150 dr d a garrett phfsician ind surfeon corner of willow and r verl st entrance river sl acton ont phone 238 dr robert u buckner phttician ind surreon 39 wellmcton st acton ont photw 979 office hours s8 pm aiternooni by appoiatment heal estate afd itscdkancc f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone ib appraiser real estate and insurance dental mutual aid mon ind mon iintss c inadi lin ikpaitmints in li ind lo ouuk itguipmeiil intirihinte ovtr 1 irti in is vvilh ihnads ol hose tutiphngs and filtmjn and snndinlied or suhiett 10 nad idiptation this is part of ihe prui nu knovtn as mutual aid i 1 txample in vrestcrn canada ihi prmuuis of british colum hi 1 ml alberta and neighboring i s st itts work tlosclv together and in ontario when then used i k nu itvvtr ihin 101 different h s ihnads finlighers can go into u non in bordering commun ii is il outbei manitoba new nk michigan and minncsoia wuh the latter available lo npa thi 1 mpttrmni it neixlid dr h leib dental surceon office orner mill and frederick street otf ee hours bj appo ntment telephone 19 dr a j buchanan dental surfeon office 4a mm street offie hour i jb to pjn- cloaed wednesday afteroood telephone 1 leoal c f leather land qc barrister a solicitor notary public office hours 1000 am 1100 pm a braida ba birrwter solicitor motarr public m ham sl aeton om piom sn ornee roun i pan pm t pm idid ssturdars is oork st t cudpat ta 4xs41 office hours i an a pm saturd t un 13 tn hastings payne barrister and soticttw notarica public 1a moi sl acta for appoiataant can 11 tocmakcr phone w ofbt or 4j bruce e sboemker mfr aimoveeeing c h tuffin l eeiied auci oneer eden mi u phone raekmood ulster optical and heaelto aip e l buchner ro opmeiri and hcainj atd m l1 st f ptvn 115 office hourt wednesday only 201x00 pm evnns by apptmntnvnt robert r hamilton optomrtn eret examined glasoet ftrd go vain st n ceorthown ont office hoqri 10 am to pjn mon to fri eveninu by appointmrnt clomvd saturttey for appointment pleue phone to 7301 alpfttno aceopktlmo lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main st n 212 king st w brampton toronto i phones gt 14824 em 41111 ttavams- oupt gray coach lines coaches laxatv actok daylight saving tvne eastbound to am daily eaeept sun and hoi 1 smajn llllam 2 pjn 3 01 pm ih pm ijj pm 10 ob pm sun and hoi westbound 10tt am 11s7 pm j 57 pm sit pm t7t pm 112 pm i1j3 rm i 12 am ifn sat sun and ol 1 canadian national railways staodsrd tarn w royr1ddeu dc pitmer speeav owrapr a 17 mill steet pfaon 40 only office hours tue thues 1pm flpra sat 10 un- 1 pjn- p 2 aw

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