Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 1

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elghfysixlh ymrno 17 a ontario thuhay october 20th 1960 im jfesz s by um peat offln datmrtmtnt ottawi twelve pagesseven cenffc butt photo carol kornish of fcrrlporlum high school in pennsylvania takes a whirl at sitting in the rotary president s chair during the club meeting tuesday evening along with three other u s students and a teacher she is attending the act in school during a student exchange sponsored by the rotary club pictured front row left to right are edward j richmond teacher miss kor msh and rotary president rev a hjvfckenzie back row are allan poorman judith binge man les johnson and secretary ron lewis us students prefer own education rotary club members learn tuesday edward 3 richmond grade nine teacher and four students from emporium high school in pennsylvania wtn guxsis of the aclon rotary club tuesday even ing and briefly outlined their viewpoints on canadian cduca tiun the four students and leaehers are visiting acton high sehool this week on a student exchange progi am sponsored by the rotary club on completion of their slay four acton students will return with them to attend sehool for a week in pennsylvania visiting the rotary club were mr rich mond carol kornish judith jbinbcmm ahm poprtnfui and lea joraiaeni attonstudcnts who return tu the u s were also pre sent kit the dinner meeting they arc brian barbcau jimcs iron side susan wilson and doreen cordon work harder here in giving u briel outline of a comparison of the two edueation al systems miss kornish told the elub the ideas were mueh ihe same but the school wotk was hirder here in acton thin al home shi staled there wis not as mueh tun it school heic as ac ton lacked a si hool b uid clec elub and other mi thuds ol enjovment 1 wuuld hati to attend school heix tin el issis are harder and ihe teachers seem to stressvcrv last minute detail she cunelud ed all in pimumin told the rolar i ins lusbn uiiiiessini was thu boss in acton hid the simc bisic interest as ones m his h mc he slid school was nuuli hu draw winner winner ol tin alton miuhmts ficc lnuil draw suturd i at tcinhhi was mrs p kennev mi don ild boulevard when her n mie wis til iwn i nun i larei drum at the post olhcc mrs kennev was handed jm1 cash b spatkv drun meal mn ihmt on ikii ill ol idler mci chinw rtiiuupiimt der in acton but stressed the lack of sports he noted sports bred team spirit and helped make bet ter citizens miss bmgcman repeated her schoolmate s sentiments stating she would rather attend school ui emporium her version of sports bands glee clubs and other aetiv ities mixed with schooling was id entical to the others les johnson spoke of the friendliness in aclon and how cafcer everyone was to help out aelon is nol mueh different it seems like the old home town he stated he was of the opinion that extra curricular activities helped student and teacher rota uofubjp same population mr richmond told the club emporium was the same popula lion as acton and had a 2000000 high sehool complete in every de- tat down to a 100000 swimming pool he pointed out that a 26- room elementary school is being contemplated in the near future mr richmond explained that einponum hieh school has its own band glee club mixed and luniur choruses and an auditor mm with a seating capacity for i 000 people the leaching staff is made up of 35 teachers and en rolled this year arc 871 students student teacher relationship is very good the speaker stressed he told the club the high school students arc allowed a day off the first day of the deer hunting season and noted how great the area was lor hunting and fishing this year ihe season opened early fur archery hunters lo hunl with bow and arrow he said prior lo the meeting starting mr richmond stressed ihe porlance ot community coopera tion and lold how every organ iza hon got behind a project and raised funds and contributed fin andally even the teachers stage plays and activities every veer to raise money for scholarships any student wishing to become leacher could reccie financial aid the teacher and students were thanked for their interesting highlights of ihcir visit lo acton and details of their home town sehool at the conclusion of ihe meet mil an intcrcstinc film enlill cd fhghwavs through hislorv was shown during the singsong period the star spangled ban ner was included much lo the cnjomcnt of the visitors church openirj date postpone the opening and dedication the new united church ha been postponed until sunday novem ber 13 uncertainty regarding the completion of various aspects of the building caused the ses sion to make the decision it ii expected the interior will be com plctely finished for the services the reformation sunday sen vice will be held as scheduled on october 30 with the place changed from ihe united chuitly to the presbyterian church following the church opening sunday school hours will change planning board to study zoning in attempt to solve garage problem acton ratepayers desiring to erect garages but unabte to cum ply with the zoning bylaw were granted a reprieve tuesday even ing when planning board agreed to review the situation in hopes of amending the bylaw this ae tion followed o report by mayor john goy of a meeting in toronto friday with col nash nnd mr adams of the department of planning and development busy weekend thieves ransack four homes steah groceries from car four breakins friday evening and the theft of a parcel of gro ceries from a parked vehicle kepi aclon opp detachment on the move as thieves entered homes and stole cash and can ada savings bonds thieves fol lowed the same pattern when they entered the four homes through a rear window or door while the owners were absent in most eases the breakins were reported early in the evening while owners were downtown shopping secjned to be curtail ed to kitchens and bedrooms with drawers and cupboards ran sacked and clothes strewn about at the home of mr and mrs m oelnch mowbray place the house was entered and ransack ed but owners reported nothing missing mr and mrs l young blut were less fortunate when the thieves stole 5 registered bonds gone in he absence of mr md mis k blow their home was enter ed and a number of registered canada savings bonds slolen from a wall cupboard f ganley downtown shopping at the time his home was en lered returned to find one bed room and the kitchen ransacked and the back door and window open he closed the window and locked ihe door and went for the police when he returned accompanied by the opp he found the rear door open again but nothing missing gary fellows of campbcllville reported to police a parcel of groceries valued at 18 had been stolen from bis automobile park cd at the rear of ledgers iga store haton population 111867 increase 5850 over 1959 halton s population took a 551 per cent jump over last year to a new record high of llljcpjfbgi assessor ford rogers reponm this week burlington with a 2600 increase and trafalgar which added 2 100 lo us rolls made up the largest parts of the 5 850 increase in the countv since september of last vcar nassagaweya dropped down 57 filutls fur the various county municipalities are as follows 19s9 1960 burlincjon 41839 44438 tralitgar 27399 29463 oakvillc 10147 10247 georgetown ttsins 9353 502 4190 23 10034 5656 sltt 4336 2173 acton nassagaweya assessment up mr rogers noted there cer tainly will be a substantial in crease in county assessment over lasl year figures are only lem porary at present and will not be definite until he county s assess mcnl is equalized tor taxation purposes next spring however the unrevised assessment figures at the end of september showed an 8 33 per cent increase against ihe total revised figure in 1959 the mayor informed ihe board he trip to toronto was the direct result of a joint meeting held re cently with ihe council planning board und committee of adjust mcnl in an utlcmpt to reach some conclusion regarding the garage problem mr gov asked the department members what steps they had taken regarding similar requests to build garages- in other communities the mayor was informed by mr nash that the town by law had heen in ct feet for more than iwo vears md was used by the pi in nine bond as a tool it was pointed out however thai any lool needs sharpening at different limes md ii was suggested he hoard i ike another look it it mr nxsli said lb it cveiv ihiil ihe board udjusled the by i iw il indicated lo the depaitinenl ih it vukuiitmrx photo mummys money registration fee for night school is handed to mrs c g jones friday evening at registration night at the high school mummy is mrs roy kirkness and the little redhead is twcfyearold kimberly over 1 50 have enrolled a watchful eve was being kept 00 everything bylaw harsh the 1 lyur said department of lieials informed him the zoning hv law was a little harsh on any one ik string lo erect a garage iiixiliary building in department icims md sud the side lot clear- ince could be cut down some- whit the bylaw could be att ested to dluw existing areas in town mure leew ty ind still pro tect the own mr gov informed the board the ftepiilmenl members dad slated the aclon by 1 iw draft was i fie ol the best ihev h id ever seen but suggested it be reviewed p aim deacon planning con sultant suggested it would be im possible to adjust he by law to suit e teh inchvidu il properly but it was the boards intention to remove obsticlcs electing the in ijoitty there is nine liter the by 1 iw hds been in ellect when ex periencc tells vim p iris of it need ddusing the only power thi bond his is the tiresome mi thud of amending the bylaw si tted ihe consult tut the m ivor suggested ihe bylaw be dealt with a special meeting and ihe board agreed to tackle ihe problem wednesday novem ber 2 requests rezoning an application was received irom the solicitor ol dairy queen requesting ihe bond to consider re zoning of ihe j j stewart pro perly on ouctn sireel from re- sidcnti d lo commercial sale of this properly depends on the zon ing change to allow a dairy ouecn store the propc rl y in quest ion is situated east ol grant i motors oil no 7 highway and measures 120 leet by 120 feci the company is seeking permission to erect a building 20 feet by 40 feet with provisions for indoor service an continued on pag two m tmsmattilm administration of justice new municipal offices urged in brief submitted by halton law society preliminary drawings will be the present county building for prepired for a new countv build ing to include the administra um ot usticc its it la ted offic es md municipal administration oltices as one building on and recently purchased bv the coun l this was ilrexd is members adopted the report ot the build ing committee al the regular met tine of countv council on thursdav afternoon of last week originally it had been planned tu buiid a municipal aurmiustra tion building on the 10 acre site lust north ot milton and convert the adminisiration of justice submit brief a delegation from the halton countv law association submit ted a brief suggesting the pres ent bull dine uas inadequ he and an architects rcporl noting the building could nut be eeonom icalh remodelled the decision to eoiitinue with sketch plans lor a combined building v as rcache d o e r ob jections from burlington reeve f i rvekman who noted il ap peared ihe p w ould be anothe r reduced rate for hydro power in fall missing cheques on commission agenda beejmuutt septal livtlto v m mission v power inim the oflti ivetueed ae ion ill purchase rm hvdru at nmi received trom the commission sion meeting thuixjuv ol last week a kiler trom j i unui ol llu oiuiiu hsdo wis re id statme thai due to the purchase of mimlxi iwo suhm itiun b the eum mission the eom of loeal powci would be reduced irom 45 10 to 4 per kilowatt hour purehise ot the alive street lot heside the piesvnl hvdro wnkshop from i he town w is imahm when town solieiiot aldo bi tida bnetl cjuihncd the contents ol ihe dcest and w s handed a cheque amouniinv to si 000 wont attend when it was learned the main topis for the annual omeau convention in turunio would be collective advertising eommiv shmets agreed to file the letter and nut participate commis sioner f g oakcs in slating his disapproval of collective adveri isernents channeled through radio press tv and public spca king indicated it would be better for each municipality lo work out its own probkms a kiur eolllell idvlsme all presiehis bv laws dealing vilh ommissimeis salaries hid hern amended lo comply with a re solution from the commission to iet is m unpaid civic croup re roactive to januarv i i960 his sparked an enquirs tnnn eommisstun member gordem be alts who asked if cheques is sued earlier in the vear as partial pavimnl tor attendance bad been i turned on learning all but threi bad he questioned whs these thnx had not been letuttv commissioner g meculeheon said the hvdro commission re placed the former p u c and as no by laws were in effect govern ing payment of an honorarium to vjommismoncrs on the present bodv pavtuenl to eoromimuoocr should not have been made mr beam continued his quest for the missing cheques and when their rjetum appeared doubtful he sponsored a resolution that the secrctarv treasurer request return or refund of the missing cheques commissi n ehauman e g kr sr noted chat seveial eiiquii ie had been rmdv whv the hsdro depailnunl havt net been prcsnl to assist with the slump pulling hex held tt fairs lake at a lor ihr imeinil pe mussk n e s t n tor the hvdro truck te be iixseni at the park providing jn mpluvee operated it saperinun dent d mason explained that he ind iwo ol ihe emplovees were iuj during the weekend th tump pultine bee was held and enl me peian rem lined n salt the toll ivvtng accounts were appived lor pavment hepc ot ont j 1080 bell telephone co 45 confederation lite ass 4 vi 00 james r kcames corp 44 s5 pitnev bowes of canada 20h0 town of aelon 27j0 wm knell co 1191 j k johnstone i5j0 acton motors p05 thompson motors 9 92 acton auto bodv 62j0o jack mccaltum semee 2r5 tolh motors 2002 town of aclon i 000 00 171145 large community created in the soulh ol the county wc should tudv the requirements for countv administration and keep apart irom the administration ol jusiice he eontmucd i m n t completely coivruiced the present quarters coutdn t be used tor a lew years if we mov ihe countv administration out practical nassaeavvea deputy reeve ar ehie servm suggested one uf the first decisions ol council should be whether it would be practical tor he e unlv administration to be separate from the administra lion of jusiiec i feel it would eosi eonsiderablv more but i do think we must give it very care ful consideration in their it page brief to coun- eil the law association suggest ed a new building for the ad mini niion of jusuce was de- sii iblc since the interests of the people ot hal ion have suffered are suffering and will increasing- lv suiter as the popula l ion crows irom the complete in adequacv ol the facilities the brut n led the county ranges second in assessment and popula tion in hie province and the am ount of business transacted in the eounlv not including the revsirv oftiee is eighth in the province no court boon commenting on the crowding ihe- hnif explained sittings of the supreme cvurt in january last ed tour weeks and present sit lings are in their fourth week the sittings of the county court fixed bv statute o on oc tober 3 and his honour judge robinson was without any court room facilities to bear criminal appeals and other court cases other than in hu chambers which arc very inadequate for court pxtrposcs the brief also noted the ab sence of any quarters for wii nesscs consultation between client and counsel dorms taal and adequate law hbrary faah- lookmg to the future the brief suggested a second appointment cuunlv judge was immin ent as population grew and there was no possible provision in the present building for a second judge in fact there are most inadequate provisions for the one judfcc we have now would move registry office the association pointed out lhal expansion of the recently completed registry office would be necosar in four to five years and suggested us relocation close to the building for the ad ministration of justice with the present registry office used for continued on page five scrap 10 night school classes say others in serious trouble ten courses were cancelled oul ol 29 oik red al night sehool this year when harrassed com mittee members tallied registra lions and juggled figures tues day evening in the high school some of ihose registered for cancelled el isses have been switched lo boost the low regis tration in others classes should have at leist a dorcn in them sever il wilh a registration lo dale dubiously standing at seven eighl or nine will be camelled this weekend unless laslrmnulc registrations save ihcm other classes will still welcome a lew mire mem bers to help cover expenses definitely cancelled with regiv inlions ranging irom two are english grammar and composition millinery met aleralt draperies and slipcovers dramatics woodworking short hind speed rugmaking necdle- crall and wood finishing highest registration was in the typewriting course which has 20 the hostess course a new one proved very popular with 19 en rolled sewing is popular but some changes have been made there will be elementary dressmaking and tailoring classes both mon day and tuesday evenings but only one advanced dressmaking course on monday classes wilh insufheient rcljs- tratiun which may still have lo be cancelled are convcrsilional french elementary bookkeep ing leathereralt elementary m tor mechanics more will also be welc trne in oil panting upholstering and sewing on monday spine and sewing on tuesdays paving ihe wav lor tuesdav s problematic meciing was regis irautm night last fnd iv evening the hjsh school be cjuninc al least 20 minutes txloie 7 pm opening time apphcinls register ed throughout the evenmc al i tables set up in the scln tol corn dor i with 16s applir ilions re nvcii i refunds due to caneclled cl isses brought the number registered now tu 154 last vear there were 11 courses with 15 classes and a recislia thin of 186 this m ir there ire likely 14 courses with 16 classes with a reeistralion of ls4 sm ill cr numbers spicjil over m ie classes pose serious problems in financing for ihe e unmiltn week i v leathers transportali n as well as tees must be paid j after apphealions secretary detailed report to the group committee chairman don bex- ton declared we re in serious trouble we vc got to get out this week and push these cours es th il are down discussed ilso were sewing machine rental cleaning or irons the lair exhibit and teacher trinsporlalion sandwiches and col i ex will be served to instruc tors and committee monday and tuesdiy ol next week the first iwo nights ol classes c ineellalion uf elavses is usual since a verv wide variety of turses is olfered another suo ssful vear is anticipated mrs j crcighton had civen hcrror in error a report appearing in fhc free pi e ss last wee k staled erin township council was respon sible lor financial costs incurred o complete and maintain the proposed community centre budding at llillsburgh this was reported in error and shi uld have si tied the community lentre hoard is responsible for all financial cost incurred to e impmc ind maintain the build ing ilier gianls are received the free press regrets any in- nienees caused by this cr fascmatb chkjmtfn and teacher watched as acton firemen land staged fire drills pupils at the robert tartw school cleared sprayed water from one of the pumpers during a visit to the the school in 53 seconds after the alarm was fumed fn n robert little school thursday of last week as part of ftrelalso vtsited business and industrial places and conducted en prevention week firemen visited schools m town and rural areas i in to point out possible fire hazards

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