Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 10

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working against odds citizens gnra1ly will wftkom th fad that acton arena will apparently be oparal irtg this year even though the budget is causing some concern those wrio would be expected to ap plaud the operation most loudly are the dozens of youngsters who will be playing hockey and skating there strangely enough this appreciation seems rather shallow with some damage done by vandals at the arena recently included breaking the rear doors tearing off a sheet of the new siding and leaving lights burn ing it has been quite sufficiently pointed out that necessary repairs following the col lapse of the curling rink roof left only about 500 in the operating budget for the arena there have been many expressions of concern about the future of the arena but somewhere along the line this information has failed to penetrate the thinking of the vandals who still find expression in destruc tion it is not difficult to appreciate the prpb lem town fathers face in balancing budgets keeping taxes to a minimum and still ope rate all the desired facilities in the face of wasteful vandalism the big d fficulty is in getting th mes sage and the problem in front of those who choose to destroy rather than build certainly editorials wont roach them but perhaps somewhere nlono the line parents can get the point across that the waste is one thflt cant continue if the arena is to continue in a community like acton we can t af ford to adopt the who cares philosophy so prevalent in modern thinking no com munity was ever built or ever maintained on that kind of thinking we all care whether the arena operates and similarly we re unhappy when some one cares to destroy our property let s find that line of communication and reach those who haven t yet adopted their olp of citizenship a board decision the decision as to whether the new pro gram of driving instruction for schools is to be adopted lies with local high school boards the course has been drawn up by the department of transport and that department will supply text books and certain mechani cal equipment the course would be con jjucjed outside of regular school nours and be voluntary boards who participate receive grants from the department of education on the same basis as the department now pays to wards night school quite basically were opposed to clut tenng up school curnculums with more and more subjects but this is clearly m a field by itself its almost necessary for survival in this highly mobilized age like most problems however it is not one that can be overcome by a yes it s a good idea all instructors in the course have to be licensed by the department of transport and that after having completed a course as far as we know no qualified instructor is available in the local high school if the board did decide to offer the course it is something to plan for however the sooner we can get a generation mentally and physically prepared for proper and safe dr vmg the sooner well cut the needless waste of lives and dollars on our canad an highways mm which way to move building for municipalities in this day and area of progress chang ng municipal boundaries changing uses and increasing facilities presents its problems as the building committee of county council is aware faced originally with finding accom modation for expanding county admmistrat ive offices the building committee and county council have now been advised by the halton law association that new quarters are also required for the administration of justice in their brief to county council last week the lawyers reported en architect had de dared renovations of the present stone budding to accommodate just ce admmistra ton alone impractical there ere many ftfetors to indicate the eventual result of it all will be a complete relocation of county facilities to a 10 acre taken for granted we often take for granted those things that are almost automate me i ng facilities ere a classic example the post office plays a vital role n modern day bus ness and com mun cation yet how seldom we give it much thought actually th s year marks the tercentenary of the birth of the british post office with the passage of the charles ii act of 1660 es lebl shmg the general letter office although the carrying and delivering of letters is an ancient occupat on there are several references to it in the bible it was not unt i 1935 that charles i put the del very of mail on a regular footing in britain he made i possible for the great public to send their letters almost anywhere in fng land and wales by h s post boys provided that the postal costs depend ng on the we of the letter and the d stance carr ed were paid the post boys carr ed the letters on horseback trom post office to post off ce they did not collect them from letter boxes or deliver them at houses the c tizen of those days had to take h s letter to the post off ce or send t there by messenger the good old days iack in 1910 jrltii ei it mi iack in 1940 trtn torn to mm m ttn pn imm otft u two nwlv vv cffijt flf v wn entngrd 16 lnv irrt tww pnvutticnt on the wlderittl ikirtlmt of mill wttet the building m trie arthur anil word properllcii nrc being mmed bm v to he womloncd ilrni line nnd h mpctud more- front cl in lhl jwirtlfm will he wltkned from nix to ttjgrii feet nnd n new pnvcmenl intel in rcnlme the old worn out hi nnk walk on mondny itt n mrnnkcr hnrvcy find eompii led he digging if n grave nf falrvlcw tfitncfvrv nnd hnd climbed tit n inrgr tffm nf the earth t hit ld wilghlnk i in ihi griivi liml hi i ii dun hi l ifni i wo noi mill i lollil tit iii rtm lihrnnn ol th dominion hoi i win ihiirlm hi inn mi ii p minn iil knvi llynik in in mi i v runic ihfii in lul iinliwfultv km iiiihiimiihki liii lir iil tnfl il inn ihr in on ih 2lih stphmbir riii win thi riiilt if llll 111 mm i l lllh t ft i tin ill i ii uh n itifrtpto of iht ii v i m on uip nl fht hit m i si in i id in miih v r i inn lh r ill il ll imlmm in ii ml aiiihm of th ki wi kuril hlf nl kuril l 7m oh ill h i i 7 nf li ml pr mil i l n 1 1 win fl p r i lh llllll iii itflk gypsy pattern minum i on i u i ill hcpiits hui nni ih in liquor kip opliom dutri t ill be ven hit ibncc suyat and sfuce llu i igl ii igirs of i he bo by bill smiley will h ul nu ih ii lis iht ehool boirel h isn i l lip i tin site recently purchased immediately north of milton perhaps this is a natural evolu tion but before such an extens ve and ex pensive course is settled on the boundary turmoil in the county should be a great deal more settled amalgamation of oakville and sections of trafalgar the already existing big town burlington are factors that can weigh heav ily on the future of halton county eleva tion of one of these to city status would drastically affect halton s taxing areas the way is not clear cut or the deci sion easy on the direct on in wh ch the building committee of county council should move the already approved order for preliminary sketches of a building to house county adm mstration and justice may indicate more clearly the price tag on the proiect and that may be one of the great st determining factors at the other end of its ourney the letter would be kept at the post off ce unt i cla m ed by the person to whom it as addressed as a rule postage was pa d by the person who collected t the addresses on the letters were often amb guous houses in those days were not numbered and many streets had no names a typical example of the way n wh ch most letters were addressed 300 year is th s legend taken from a letter sent u 74 delyver to thomas paxton gentleman at the s gn of the golden cross or f he is not ihere at h s lodg ngs near the stock market london the wr ter somet mes added god pre serve you and f the letter was urgent tie would wr te across the front haste post has e for i fe for i fe not nfrequently he would add a draw ng o he galicws case the post boy could not read in those earlv dass envelopes were not used and postage stamps were unknown the letters s mply were folded over and sealed w th seal no v ax the posage to be pa d be q wr fie i by the pos master n red or black nk across trip address tmli mud ilu iboltlion nl idifciotis in sit in l ion horn llu cuiiuulum miih it n iiisi btvjusi thc limn l hul i miiiini in ihe nu inlinu before lhi do i nuthi is will unliutl all iht oth ii lu is 1 hni ibuul llu cdut hhiil ll mntllll lis mijor flaw is that it costs mimt municipnl coun ciin w nl with mtaining rugul mt tint iht onom of end si ilk in bung wiickd h thoni madmen on the school bo iitl fducilors obsmi uith iquil monolun tint wi spind mini on smokis or liquor ih in wc du on sthimling most of us who hni children ilon i kuk nni muih aflir all il mui hiu gnrbiyi ou ixpn1 llu lost ol its pit k up to hi add id our tiin but whm i i umir nuns ind menej to inwn il hurts when he findn tint hill hin nx bill in madt up ot iiluniiiin costn hi forgils of uirni ih it his grandchildren who iim tn thi cit arc being cd ui hid il inmindnuj cost and h ill tin nb in pukid up b noiiu ptxn old l rou who is in mj id h inp onto hir housi on l hi old igi pinnum ind thi iiuomi rim hir hushind n 4 000 itiniir inn pi in an hi r t tonp n i hi inniciit his w intl tm i d nklllld it 1 luln in 1 on nil ilimbmi ilu iiin ittir mini it hlntl in minn niandirlhil brim ih laid i nu nl n of k arninf appiun ih hm m it be no hlvmin 1 w otkl r dm min ol w ih r i th v hi i i ni cm ul in this dim k r ii it outn il n un llu hi in t i nib i mxii 11 till 1 jin 1 ink unlins it mi mil i duln t im n wh h w in point on j i skid hutu i build i pout ul ol bm im 1 1 mi ilu p i julius ii sit b tn nit t lu m im inn ii tit i ills i ins ippiai inn i inkul i b lu si ind iltn shultlinit mil sniiniinji lor loin niiiuiiis lu bluriid will lu n nutlium hughl and mi ilium wuni a ii ulinj thuist ol im ijni ition in ou i in nu i inkid i yul lo idd lo thi pit un i slu sungi slut hi hul iluk blown ii hi immidniih ihtn wis i iiisn snickir ind nimiii kids hollind no hi hin t imsh h in soi n mrl so 1 wmli ih il down si owl inj ii hum ihout llu niinkn nil kid s in brutus ind i suit nf nd im ll didn i sound muih hki i rom in stnilor o nu but i puiil on llu hlukhoiid in c grass fire cannot improve lawn yard don l si irt i gnns tin in llu bilnl il will improi our hwn oi b uk ml thi riniili m i ninfi to he greener prinn mil quukir hut ihi dis uh tntigis ii tnnwih tin id ml igis fuldn or olhir pililus tf iti id griss should not be burned oil iusj for tin siki of doint il tht di id it ims griss i wigs tit will ctnuiill rol uul iiiuiti lo llu n io insini in building il up to mipnoi i mm p i int tii w th smh ns irccn thtnt iarl fins des ho all neir growth intl if im mi in iiintinii dl nhurnid norm nulrunin from thi dciiwil mill nak in losl in srtiokt willi lh nsult thai thi miii m i b i i inn ntmii ind support link gnwth oiiiniik ol wiits uul htiih iht declared ihk i idmiil irb o ill initki ol uiolhii w nu ol jikf1 an il lii i miliuilt i nil lint lliuius intl i hi nosi ind llu mini ihss dissohid into hi i in i i g ii pim son uul told ilum lluv d pi ihibh i nl in hun i i mm iiitin uul sin li ilk ii vs mi null hiwl 1 1 sldl ihothin llul i loikid il llu porli nl lln tl di iwn in woids mil u iliid ih il ihi v win tits inline with llu iiimosi ilu hun m u ii mid nil i uid bij nosid li ului anollui thing wiring wilh llu i ilu it ion il sstun in ih il lluii ui loo ni m oninitm piopk filling into llu it nil iiil pitilission winn i w is i ki i li uluis kmw tin r pit t vuun iln hsl loin w is ult isid li mi llu i isi di tuition iboiii qu inn i six llu k ului hui ind iiiuouslv homi cms hvd t ititnlh on ilu louiul u kn iw whu n im of hum hm i tu hum to do now id in 1 in v tuinl mnii p i j ill li ui i sin inii dim i nin i ir 1lu ul iuni in though tho wm hki hbit pcopk ind i hunk lis unit sonic both pin i niop lo il tin onh iihir miior toinpl nni i h t m mis ilu ireiihux ol the siuilinls 1 sjhiui hoius u 11 ing un wilt wh n i dihhilul in ulliiiit wi 11 in unit ml ning jirl in sun in nul wbii m iiiiulv nnsp msihlt msoltni unt mini ti t is s nn iii ti wt i ilownnwn wi yu into hu supu nnik i tin uioiimu is woik nip thm ilu i s htx i hi stnil is bt ilh t mils ikllo m md liosili s h mi ind n inc mi ihe supt i sllllll m will s1s th it s ont of tin ni isl bns 1 iiii nni vn i imr ul ol ilic ntoit and filing pisi on ihi ii h n it 1 i m ii ii ni k thumb ing hu nos n mi in drlighlful inlilli will in innind susin fund ih bn k bin lib nj n mill st reel actoss li in kills weigh s ilis lot i dull h ill ind it rcitton rhim i ui nips ii lotntng in lnd l i ni itk 1 this wik ind tht pri is itih li n cniii per htihr nv uikinu i hut hi on ol cutlpli hi sin ih pnpriltis whin mill sirirl trhifer at ihe mnwn knli 11 ulillclini on willow rireei nl eomfiletet thin week nnd bnxlei uborotorlm are pre wnflv rtmivdtlnft ihe nildc to meet heir rcqiiiremenis some nmerti hn been moved jn i expected ihe cumponv will he fn afwmtlrm nt the acton ilit mirfictlmc nem month the cvrnmhtec in iharsc nl ihe spitfire carnival met inii ntfhl in henr delotn nnd wind up ihe ftffuiii kecvl thulmci prcifurd anitvhcnrd n fnvornbli rcpuri glvon when li wn learned ijuit nei prhtett amminicil tu ii0o9 9h i hu mom will h vni i miivi mliluii f ac urn t iitfiuoil li iilnl in the fund ihlnu iiihxl lo pin hue ii mui fin a h rv pr fl w tiding uti solt mniiil li iwnn li iiloiu lilxl iblfd diuirtii i of mt i ml mhiiuiii ind ih hi mm mfinhnll ml hitlm llnr ml k 11 i f mr iiid mr f i ii ilm m bv ih rvu nl i a hi oki si alhmi honri hi a n sil mil v h ittbt ii ihi dhihiv hi io v k wm lltilliliv ml s n f rtnl hi ptoihi hi f hi t r hi i hind on mill sr i bi n a ii mn hi brlfi ui i i f j huwn i o dnik si r th inn mi rt in i ml wr i rrrn f ly owned h j f p inn mr hflllmiv h t k n ah hinj i nu pi rrnit un hi triin ol mi um v h nl ling th i nh of th pnrtp- t t riirl or own r of ih htuldmg vhn impl i d in noi yivrm the building u thr ltd fr nrc frvml on mill stmt built btrtllinil fmml t ongrrjnltirn ioine1 in iht v7lh annikmiri vimi ol a i n hipiim hnr h tvf i isi sund iy li pr iv i in fcav ion of di p mttril n t nl loi llu mntiti pit inn hul ihriitfh lorn i icilni bowler wrc iffun nmssfiil hi their pi iv i iulph ind un home vsuli i milot iu hiisl hi iirsl pi ice k id is r iv d 111 i whn ihiv knit kid hum out ol top spot with i s2 huhv professional directory and travellers guide mfdical funfrai nntrctorb drwgc kenney physlelnn and surrron offlec in symon slork 43a mill si f actin office phone 7h residence 113 church st e phone iso dr d a garrett phjnician and summon corner of willow and river st frttrnnce river st acton onl ph me 238 dr robert u buckner phsician nnd surgpon 30 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office koun 0 8 pm afternoon by appointment rial estatk aitfi ingifranr f l wright 20 wilbur st aclun ontario phone 91 appnlw r1 etate and insurance phnnf fllw night or rtiy bruce f shoemaker mgr optirat anb hkarino ajp e l buchn6r r o ometrigt onlflrt lfnvl ifenrlmt aid- 1 m ii st f artnn in act i widneidnvii only oi 300 ipp itttmenl ph i tltntai n t ihli t i nrr a pi ink tmm hm i thm unkss mui in 16 uul h i liirind muu mithcnntus thin i kniw when 1 was tkint i ssoooo nnrili in ihi suiu 1 his lak mais eo i ou i in i im haic a hih until hi i madt a weed 10i in turn r takm mjidi iptions gnra r- dodging round the district iy roy downs dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick street off cc hour by appt ntment tflephonf ib robert r hamilton optimetrlut fyes fxam nerl ftnme f tied ill n si n g rritiwn oni offkr h wr iimt opm mnlofri fvcnini by aptinunerit t i ied sat nkiy aiinrrmo arroivno lever hoskin chartered armuntonu 11 main si n 212 k ng st w thi ant ihir von point with mi runing given the acton free press published by the dtlts prtntms and pubttabteg co ltd founded in i87s and published eer thursda at s9 willow si alton ontario mrnitxr of the audit bureau of circulations ihi c tt s a ind the onianivoucbcc dmsion of the cwja adwrtiing rates on reqoet suhsinplions paabk in adxime s3 00 in canada j4jj0 in the i nitcd stjte six months si 7 sinck copies 7t authunred as second chss mail post oil ice depart meni cniawa the only paper ever published in acton g a dilk editor inchief daid r dilk managing editor business and editorial office phone 60 0 acton i hits thi an not brutalizid innjli thi in t night muhir nidi nor unarmed loinbai thi in kiun nu iduul hmi to di il w th tcanin inr shat pm in ibi supptued to dn whm i six finiicr weighing aboul 180 -n- s i am t gti mi home- w ik it irw so what or i l- naruld lph i kiks up bai hir in- idnui- sht doin t hie htr tninuwirk doni ind suris i i haw i tht n ihin s thi business f r the teachir of bung on stijie ill the ttmc evin iliss rixwn should ham a litlle al ctne to which a tiacher could n mat ai liast unci a ptnod and makt sure hi fl is but toned or her slip isn i vhowing it s to one and i have a lot mon tnpattn nnwfor wmc of thus drill scrgcint i hated so miensclx in the air fone the other di for example the kids were killing themselves laughing mhton ici is m irn htm irliftuil ie of ouist 1 mtl siturdn nith ihi firsl skating ol thi aw n i iniinl whili hmkea pi nt ice got underwai thm suml n tin mk i ho kc si lu nil wa opened lor mmgstirs strfctsmuethin m i n i k j pit in th sk but there in rewards on the rooliop sii iimi it de ilt i with i mnr tf how inansfup unnv dkd b birnum ind biiltv hi huitid i mr h t i nfltps in i mi ubttn mon ind npni imdi t ii i it p iar sale w is irinsiilid thm i isi uik whm j ustumrr i imuul up mpivtid and bought i ui blrungtoniiki students hm sh wn n mimvl m a ji00 s h lirsbip dunitid b ihi burling in ind disin i kennel club the s he i irvhip is tot sluilnls mlinlni d mlti onntw eirnmrv col lc1 ii guelph hul it dile nt dr uli 1 student his aciepted it georgetown flections in a few weeks off ct but the delrrx raiepacers dn uh ha the n indidaiis t husen hrt men lo mdiiaie thur mimlion t seek oftm is iiunull irs for next vear ire bob burke iml jim brwn wh h im hoih him gnen the backing ol the mulit member jssosiaii m il raiipmrs m jit irgettrwn s new di nx am orajgeille cannon cannon wh s p t the eannon one i f f ur earmons purrhasid h ihi i unt ind siored on ihe legion hill ground for use a dveurnions n tbc i iiirthnisc grounds as nmricd sometime recent k and cmrvbodx s in a quindn ll is nr mored an arm truck hauled the big gun i hut where nobod knows brampton this town is faced wilh the pniblem of whether or not io amalgamate the present puhbi and hich school boards inio urn board of fducatton feels d eark milnms neihatrman of the pubhs sehool board he said it is cssminl thu ihe ovinll piciure be viewed rcalisticalk before action is laken dr a j buchanan denial surfet i office 8a mill street off ire mourt om in 8 pm cloned wednendav afternoon telephone 149 lfoal c f leatherland oc barrmter sulcttor n0u17 public offce hum t0 00 am 12 00 pm 1 00 m in pm saturrts by appointment onl 7 offer 22 ptmne rrt 11 acton a bfialda ba barruter solicitor notary public 173 main st s acton ont phone 574 office hour b p m i p m i pm i p jn saturdar 15 cork st e geielpfa ta 4 2m1 office houri m s pm saturday i a m 13 a m hastings 4 payne barrtflen and sojjdtora notarte public hrsmtikin phone ol 1 w24 por aepofbtmant aetan 1 ed i tmavillers ouide goay coach lines coaches ifavt actom ixis llfftit sav if t me kaatboiifid 6 33 im rn it rxrepl sun and hjtjlair iium 2 k p rn sut pm t1 pm 133 pm kvm p m s in nd h i wettbound 0tt m ms7 pm 217 pm 537 pm 77 ptn i2 pm 11j3 pm i 13 am tri sat sun and ftol canadian national railways standard tbne awbound sandar 544 ajn4 sundajs v 12 ajn 3j4 pabl sunday only- ch1bofbactoe w roy r1ddeu 0 c omoe bmirr tuw ft tiwfa 1 pm i sat 10 an i pjn

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