Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 12

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to tht adon frte prwi thursday october 20th 1960 day long wms rally and workshop staged at lowville church lovely tall weather was en joyed by those who attended the wms rally and workshop of i he northern parts of halton prcsbyiertal on wednesday the 28th or september in lowville united church mrs w brownridjjc dulidid by mrs a harm presided at the morning scaition mnt brown ridge ubed hymn 402 and a call to womhlp to open the tension and ii cordial welcome wan ex undid lo all by mrs g coul son president of the local bux iliary dtvothmal period mis ombrlwiujlguvc mofel inspiring and uplifting do- vollonal based on acts chanici 2a verso 12 where king agitppa iiftiir listening to paul s defense said almost thou ntiisuudcsi me in become a chiuliun what iirts we doing about those in our lhunhcs today who arc almost chilslitin asked mis brewster many arc mil tar tiff and we are hue thai christ may bo in ns and work through us let us be ruidv lo witness lor him we i unlit it heai it nil ft lie is nut in us mul il should he our mm isl piuver that wc can influence and win those who know not tils saving giaie ellm shown a film beyond the bell was shown giving most inlcicsilng glimpses of huw the church is serving throughout the woild by mission boats student mfn jsters in ihi prairies in new subdivisions mission schools and hospitals etc and what great work has been accomplished throughout canada mrs j d mills literature st reiary gave a most tomprehen slve and interesting coverage ol current wms literature and supplementary reading amusing skll oft community hlendship mis n willis and mis f c toombs presented an amusing hut helpful skit on how not to vtstt and how to visit now comers and those whom the org animation might inti rest mrs van evorv of claikson mid of vlsltinu menial patients in hospltuls and institutions which is brinying muvli joy and huppiness to these unloi lunate people a musk id ink i hide was then enjoyed when mrs swallow ol lowville sang n dellghltul solo uuompaniid by mis coulson mlulon needs mo h monjighan lb can didalc hccnlarv outlined the need foi missionary doctors nuiscs teachers etc throughout mission tu ids and asked thai ihc wms keep this before the voung people by talks films and other progiums make it your personal responsibility in your own community stressed mr monaghan the uffeiing was received and dedicated by muinbeis of cm lisle auxiflary a most appetizing luncheon was then scivid und mis 11 curtis of leoigetown movel a vole of appreciation to the ladies ahtrnoon session mts a llanis nikiicd the ul teinihm session with a call to woiship und made sttcidl an luiunteiiicnli miss mm ion hum pson lit w secielaiy ol the lw minion boaixl then look chaise and the tint hour was spent in bible study dumps were lurmcd and were asked to study bible passages tor 20 minutes when reassem hied emh leader was inked to ivport on benefit oi lusniialion received ihulng the peiiod then followed a discussion on mm nt study books and pio- giams bv miss thompson who gave many hilnlul suggestions on use of worship seivkcs und ways in which the lilcialurc might be used foi best results this was followed by a uucs tion and answer period all prcs tnl felt thut more and sincere piayer was needed in our lives mks thompson then closed the session with prayer halton 4h clubs complete projects under assistance of sponsors leaders the hallon county 411 club oil is and boys completed 179 4h club projects in i960 the 2 h club progiam in ontailu is direc led by the extension branch ol the ontario depart menl ol agiiciiltuit in copper ullun with ihc canada depart menl ol agiieiiluuc and local sponsoiing oiganiations j a nuncis agiloltuul rcprcscnlal ive und i i jackson ussislaul agiiiulloiul iipuseniuilvc dir it ihc 411 program ui halton county hit hill tn 411 club leader mun il with i hall man a r coulki und kceliiiiimun john vvlllmutl aie a group ol over so 4h club leadus who plovldt olunlutv assislamt throughout ihc ytai to iln 411 club mem bets in i in county recctv support beloie a 4h club eao be org tuiitd ilmfc ruusl be a local spuosoriiig orgjmjiion in hal ton tllell is excellent suppoit given in all a cis j the counts the alton jcuiytiuun and hal loo afcn ciliuril sumin jsvhii as on kolars club ut milluil and the biaicei mill ctcfk cotisen iltoi aulhcwm ptonde finane ul d uih jitd t iiiuca t ji mm 4 club muiibw m their tim wrr 11 h uuo- ory iluij i hjij il y 4 h olti j kliitik j m u i d ie j x l 1 i jio t lot i vinous iiud a tractor cluh achievement day fight or the ii 4h clubs built club exhibits to demonstrate some puil ol their 4h project at local fairs many projects in ihc call club piojccts there wcic 41 holslun ii jerseys 12 guernseys three beel hcilcrs and 19 steers in the swine club eight com pitted the project with seven yorkshire gills and one laud race then were two new 4 11 clubs loimcd ifus ye ir in halton and both ol these 411 clobs were very success ul the acton nassjgawcya 411 calf club had 13 riicmbcis cum plcic their project this is the lust ear these nicmbtis hate been in a 41 calf club and it is expected that interest shoun bv these members will increase this lub in 1961 the hallon 4h silage corn club which was started to pro mote the fcrovung ol belter sll age eorn had is nit tribe is com plelc the project lxceilciit sample ol siujjt jut were cx luljiled b all mi mbc is at the i cvoffctilown fjir tu j 4h club niembcis have bun m k ltd irom udi ol tin h clobs in hall n it repics- et 1 ituit euiii in hk pruvine ui 4h h utcluh ojinptt tions bny in id al ok- ontjii ag niullurif ojllnjt m outlph oil lyoei 21 this sundays church calendar amtst 0hmo4 h- i bllt i f 1 u mu 1 1iw 41 ti- a w l au aj wicmq thf cmmcm 09 it auan thf maitti ahuui an uarum ttr u- ii h cokjw 1 tli bth 1u jrflrvf bt 4mj ms sunday ktdiiril u t 1m ttw iwh sumur mmvi ti nilj 130 am tl it twmt t 30 m 4lolv eucitul c1ri scf- i 1100 i i mill n antt uwu ul ton i alur m a r r ncrrkt tnnl nln tl f ut tmtb thr ih am nil it am crvicc jfcinda 4 oitobt 1980 7 to rohttral f r t th sr and jt canfimwl n ctassnt frtd october 1s8q fsnt o sts saman and jude 10 im hot euchaxtsl all ar welcome unitio cmuftch of canada a44 ttmuiu ke uwmii tai ua mi ctourgr rjjtlt olhuim m4 c buir usmm i mc 4 wn y mi a 1u uu auiulay tm vul tl 1 j i is u uo i wuj jbuiti ni utidar i j ii tl 4 uf acton hmtkottal tajiinacu krv krnnwvi j rrid paalar n cuufc 6t phou m w sunday octomtt uid igh itoa am 4tunur eichw i 1100 am motrin w iftip 100 inn evnl naii ar always wlcomi owstian rffotmb chutch brv j nutma ra btj mintttn- mt queen st box nm m sunday october srd tmo ww ul- cnguah jt pjbdbbdl tbtctkfch el ttwback to kt- pmmytotlah church in canada knox ohjicl acton rev andrew h wckenn ba rd uinlatn mr c a hkutd ra orgnul sad cbomr uwice sunday october ilni 1m0 u am own school 1100 am scmianmiaj lavmen sersce speaker mr wm ceccie qvorceuirn jumnr conrcuon 3 ti meets durotit wmwo pre- nuiwerr chddren cared for at be roftnae during the aervtce tj0 pjn youaa peoples meet this competition sponsured by the canada department of agriculture and the ontario de partment or agriculture give h club members from across the province a chance to cump etc against each other the two members chosen horn euch 4h club compete scpai it cly in the competition ind heir scores are added together i r the team landing competitions arc held for members ot 411 dairy call beef call swim poultrv grain field ciop po lato forestry and trattoi clubs the final program lor 4 11 club members in halton is to be held on friday december 9 in he milton high school at this tunc all 4h club awards vmii be presented lo the club num btrs who have done such an tx ccllcnt job this year carterhill vows of interest here nancy dianne hill of rock wood became the bride of gerald joseph thome carter in a double ring ceremony in rock wood united church baskets of red and while chrysanthemums red gladioli and candles decorat td the church lur the ceremony pel loimcd by rev gab moon the bilde if a daughltr of mr und mrs junits slewart hill rr 2 itockwoud the grooms par tills are mr and mrs fred t cartel guelph the congregation sang o per lect lue during the ceremony aclornpunied by george day of rock wood ciiven in marriage by her fulhci the hi nit wuic a bailer ma length gown ol while bro caded satin styled along the prln ecss lines with empire waistline siihiuia neckline and lung lily point sleeves curried roses mums a ciuwn uf pearls and sequins held her chapel veil of cmbroid ercd nylon net and she carried a bouquet of deep red roses and white pom pom chrysanthemums miss janet day rockwood at tended the bride as maid of honor she wore a ballerina length gmn of red silk styled with filled bodice scooped neck hut biicf slcccs and lull buul i uu skin hei ficaddicss wis a while liuia with i bncf mil and she can led i bouquet ut while c millions and while chrysanlhe mums bubhclind guelph attended the groo n is best in in ushers were de m v ivlor brother in law ol the bride and fred carter bi other ut ihc lrooin for a rcccpliun in the church hall the bride s mother received hei gucms wcuing a hi ic wool cicpe dress with bone white ac cessones and corsage of while t ii n itions 1 he jooiii s mother woic a dress of black tnd white pm dolled winter cut ion uilli acccs soiies ol hi ick and while and coisilc ot pink carnations for a honeymoon trip lo kings- ion ilic btidc woic a dress uf kicen wool cisey with while and brown accessories and a corsage ol roses and clu vsanthemums the couple will reside in guelph oul ot town t attended i i in aclon foil credit harris ton ik spcli i toronto kitchen- ci ferris dundas guelph and rockwood junior genius most people regard ihcir child is genius il one of his i sounds is mmm or da a child tin be considered cxccpl tonally bughl il he siai is to talk cuk ii he s ivs murumv or daddv before one ve ir or lias i jcjihi u v of 2s words il 16 months oi c in i ilk in si n units ikiok he is two hi in iv hi it taided is umisu illy udv menl stevenson photo studio and record bar photo finishing cameras films photography weddings home and famiiy portraits chiid studits passports visas commercial 14 mill st acton phone 326 ive got the answer to your car battery problem prison work outlined by thankoffering speaker the unlfed church women s missionary society held their fall thankoffering meeting in the church parlors tuesday octob er 11 the president mrs h r force opened the metling with call to worship and invocation after tht singing of a hymn a warm welcome was extended to all the soloist dianne rohr sang never a friend like thee accompanied by mrs c pickett who was pianist tor the alter noun the scripture reading was lak en from luke 11 vciscs 11 19 the offering wis received and dedicated by mrs e lidkca who led in prayer farm hall of fame winter fair novelty designed to honor individuals who have made some outstanding contribution to agriculture in past years a canadian agrieul tural hall ol fame wilt be estab itshed during ihc 1960 royal ac ticultural wink fair whieh will be held hcie from november 11 lo 19 spaikcd bv w p wilson lic stock commissioner for the pro- mtice of ont irio a irunemcnl lor such a project has been underway for some time ivh bteit caught with your car batiery dnwnf half oa m tmd u won i happen again 1 oris in today tad luvt your battery cheeked hy our battery mrvlcv tiptrt a prompt cheek by ua no obligation can eaa you time w etpeaae c omt oa in and let u lak your battery problem ot your bands reoteib bar r in bueineu at wne eae high quality merchandise t low budget prices lightmans dept store acton candu dills stationery m mill st phutw u guest speaker the guest speaker f e a ewatd who is a case work super visor of the john howard soc iety was introduced by mrs force mr ewald spoke on pris ons and their treatment of prls oners through the ages the john howard society which helps men tel reestablished in society in their community and public education in accepting these people this work n done through case work services mis4 m z bennclt thanked him the meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the benediction tea wis served in the blue room which was tastefully dec or ilcd mrs alex symon and mis nelson lambert poured lea a soci il hair hour w is enjoyed by ill with visitorh from rock wood and other churches in at ton fellowships purpose considered by group the regular weekly methng of the baptist high fellowship was held on friday october 14 at 7j0 in the baptist thurch following a short period of gam es the group moved to the pray cr room where keith dunk led a discussion on the purpose of baptist high fellowship bernard frtuler president of the organization gave able lea dership lo a business meeting after which sandy cripps led tht group in the devotional se- cn members were present take time light refreshments can be valuable to a driver in helping to offset the effects of fitigue but it is not true thut strong black corfet will offset most of ihc effects of drink only lime t in elirnm lie alcohol from the blood stream lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 bo many happy family plans can come within reach under ihc b of m family finance plan if you hac a steady income and can afford regular monthly paments this lowcost life insured plan ma answer all the credit needs of jour entire family talk over aur needs with our friendly neighbourhood b of m branch soon bank of montreal nance ealj plan vof mrwtj llliom a icmcmi 6 oi m uvmirwd loo if fttwcpdi r ft i in working with canadians in evert waut of lift since 1117 1 malones toys jokei novehiei creating cards stationery tobacco smokers sundries news opposite city hall guelph ont 54 caiden st m i il i i i pi m ilni imi t i i uil i phone ta 1 7790 nun h il t- k imiiiiiiiu t i i childrens plastic masks k i ullolmi ln r i n 1 1 ih tinil tuim pnx i ix i ski ii i nine i i l il sim mi k v ii mm ll l mil animal masks hulitv i ilii i i oi iu t ii ii inl thnup li men face masks r iin lull mv i i c tiukkk 4 mmiutrd mhn r tmhhi id ruk i mvf b ismiln thus sp- lilxikdl limiiiv uuitilr ahe llu in full face masks tull li mks i oli lu ruhlxr doll wlth puu likluik uv oll mn skull vmniu feet shoes etc noses nose and specs etc bee line horror masks eyes eyelashes and ears teeth ups etc half masks or eye masks hands thumbs etc sktkton hand gonlu hndi hombto hindi horror masks halloween costumes chiumeni costumes il disguise sets makeup kits pi t k s ii ill io m lit ihkii iil i i it i p 14 m o i sk i ik s t s s ii i w 1 i u adult costumes s ti ii mm midiurn ue 111 rti i 1 n r 4244 huw il i tn umi m nstrr m id n wiuh aunt mm llkle c fantastic a fantastic ntw nie mi cov tumrs r urge kiddies crnasrrs and adult a more lhan twice as lantc u life mask vacuum lairmcd irom plastic plitk a primed rayun hood thai covers bead and bodyl ab solutely fabulous i emniv gun pete goofball bis bruiser shot coouctlc 1 brawn and momter

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