Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 14

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gtoupfe the crimson forest probably few wetkeom could be as beautiful at tha thanksgiving weekend ex pertencad tn this part of the country the warm bright days of the weekend served to highlight the beautiful colors of the leaves october has a particular beau ty of its own as the mantle of color spreads over the trees of hatton while the heights of land reveal the spread and magnitude of this colorful season from spring through summer the green pigments m the leaves subdue the other col on until as is often proclaimed jack frost ietds htrpatnf brosh actually theres no need to change that imaginative description but really the fabu lous fall color spectacle tn ontario is caused by the chemical processes of plant life re acting to the lessening hours of daylight as the sun passes through its autumnal equinox and recedes beyond the equator as the green chlorophyll forsakes the leaves and the trees prepare or winter thi brighter pigments heretofor unseen are re vealed m all their daxilmg glory because red is a sugary pigment and the ontario maples are high m sugar content it is this species that accounts for the bnlltani scarlet to soft russet tones that so effectively enliven nature s annual pageant but we didn t mean to really get that serious about the subject and introduce a nature lesson it s usi that we ve noticed a drive through the country is often less re warding than a walk through the bush about this time of year whiuing by in a car a glance is all that is caught walling along the colorful panorama seems to reveal new colors and splendour at every turn along the line of smoky hills the crim son forest stands someone caught the atmosphere so well what can we do the plaintive complaint of adolescent offspring that thems nothing to do is said to plague parents everywhere perhaps thai depends on the parents but certainly the lack of planned activity is often given as an excuse for teenagers in trouble one parent in denver colorado apparently tired of the same old chorus has summed up his feelings r an open letter to a teenager the crime commission of houston texas considered it worth reprmting in pamphlet form always we hear me plamtrve cry of the teenager what can we do what can we do the answer is go home wash the win dows pnt the woodwork rake the eaves mow the lawn sweep the walk wash the car learn to cook scrub some poors- help the church v s the sdt ass st the poor svdy your lessons and then when you are through and not too ied read a book your parents do not owe you entertain ment your city does not owe you recrea tion facilities the world does not owe you a living you owe the world something you owe it your time and energy and your talents so that no one will be at war or in poverty or sick or lonely again in plain simple words grow up quit being a cry baby get out of your dream world develop a backbone not a wishbone and start acting like a man or a lady i m a parerrt i m tired of nursing pro tecting helping appealing begging excus mg tolerating denying myself needed com forts for your every whim and fancy ust because your selfish ego instead of common sense dominates your personality and thinking and requests as a footnote to the above might be appended the advice of the late will rogers tha if env parent wants a ch id to follow along a particular i ne the parent should sk rm sh on ahead closest to the people dumg the next few weeks tn cities tows and villages across canada some thousands of candidates will seek election as mayors reeves counctlmen and educaton board members on past perfor this mforma tton and the subsequent contests for local office will be of interest to no more than three canadians in every ten this being the proportion of eligible electors who usually take the trouble to use their vote on these occasions for the rest the great maiority- their reaction to local politics seemingly can be summed up in two words who cares it is an extraordinary attitude to say the least for as has been observed of all three levels of government federal provincial and municipal it is the last which by the nature of the services for whictwot is re sponsible is closest to the people these services among them education water sewage disposal police fire garbage collection lighting parks street construe tion and repairs are md spemable to mod ern life they are largely paid for of course out of the local taxes that are levied on us whether as c tuens we get value for our money depends to no small extent on the calibre of the men and women we elect to represent us m c ts town c v llqe hall individually and collect vely such repre sentativet w ii be requ red to take dec ons affecting the well being of the common v in which they and we i ve and t may well be that these w ii not always be popular be that as it may they owe the electoate o more than personal mtf ty d lgece ad good judgment the rest of us owe to ourselves our families and our community to make every brief comment the acton free press published by the duto printing and pubuahlbf ca lai founded in i97s and published even thursday at 3d vailkm st alton ontario member ot the audit b ot circulation the cwna and ihc omamoort division omhe l v na advertising rales rcswfal subscriptions pas able in advance h00 in canada clf in the l nttrd states si months si 7 sinele copies 7c authorized a second class mail post otlice depart menl ui tan n the only paper ever peelshed in acloa c a dills editut inchict david r dills managmg fditor sinejss and editorial office phone 600 acton snow clouds ttt- suyat utel spice ptmrtoky atatlwr taylor by bill smiley effort to see to it that the candidates we be- lieve most likely to display these qualifies re the ones who are successful we will make our mistakes from time to time as who does not but the important thing is that we will not be guilty of that mdiffer ence to the elective process which if it be comes habitual foreshadows the decay of democratic values and institutions the reply then to those who ask who cares m connection with local elections is every citizen who is interested m how his taxes are spent and his community governed our admiration for dag hammarskold has soared after he took a good sound wal lop at those who demanded his resignation it s so easy to quit when the going gets tough and there s little doubt it has bean tough for him it takes a man with a lot of courage and corw c on to keep puog ng as he un secretarygeneral has w- ag ine history yiil wr te h m the nvc ant place he deserves hunters make sure whi yoy re a m nq at s game before vou pull the trger its one of the card ial commandments of sae ty n the hum ng f eld and no more appltc able than m th s season a moment of ur- cera ty can lead to years of regret an tern for every need now there s a ihermoelec c baby bo e minder that keeps m ik cod um i feed g t me when t automat calv warms ip sven ready it sounds lke en alarm to wke up to make sure baby goes bsck to sk hofle plays biahm i e abs as 1 hive now been tnching for a lull mini i h 1 tee i sunieisiitlv quilitud to pom l out all ihi tl iws tn thi idusitteinil swan and demand that iinniidijii eninstiiin huvsevir as that would re quiii an evsas ol ihe apprus nnui kiitih ot lads chattel h s luvei 1 shall ton tun m sill ssiih miggiiting one ma or change 1 would like to set the subievi known as relig mils infirm lion seratehed molted oi i rus d from the list ot seeunelirs school couiscs don i think thit this is going to gu uk in i rouble with ihe priaehers not that il would be the hrst time with a few ex upturns 1 think ministers and pin ms who are forced to teach this iuuim consider it an a nom inal m in i hi sinii eategurs as stsine the bun il struct user souk old bruu who has ignored ihi chunh all his lik what 1 d like to know is who wanls religious instruct urn in i hi si hook thi stud mis don l thev think the iiiou inherent of them that hi in intcilcriikt with ihtii sihihilmj i c isu ol luui nd sinnihiug thes have air tails teelveel in hi mi l slliuiuild infs il ixi mt or at chunh others ishu thi remai k i hmnj trvm oim lad it niakis a urn bnak the sehoetl txuid dxsni w int it the quisimn ol uliuus id uvjdon is i pritklv oik espev i ills whin thin in halt i doen pioiisi trii cknoiniiiitiiiiiis jis and r s it ukii a kl ol bn ken tukt lunnin i m iki slii 0 ixki s lens ill steppsj thi iciclicis don t w ml it thiv ihink mih some iusiil iiumon that then is itiough iiitcrlcuiki with ihur h iniipls in ioir ihi com si what with held class iwiball gallics issiinbllis ti khus lonviiitions msiting spi tkcis and olhn sxnal ivmis is it thi clcigv which is di mantling u i dun t ihitik so troin what i vt been told b i ion pit of rtvinnds for the as iragi preacher used to i silent il somnolent ludtcnn il must be a bit hair raising to i ui some 3s vou rig helltons tz ot whom consider this tl i tie mure ih in i ch incc tor i supervised visil wilh their 1 1 lends the clergyman his chest high pulpii exchanged or i navel high disk leels naked niglitied and much hki uk old worn in who livid in i shoe is the whole business push eel bv ihi lkputmeni ol bd ueition 1 doubt it the ix- pulmmt with vlaehi nelh in lunning does nol make relig ious instruction a eompulsorv mibteel ll iwvis n io ihi dis- cictioii ot the sehool board this is tike the bmpeiur ot ja p in issuing m eclicl ih il leads sow we all know that suleldi is old ishioikd bill il anvone requuxs a sh irp knilc ust till in this torn ind send to lxi paniils w ml it aeon i would i ike some eomiiiuiit in i eleiadt in he luwspipn bus mess i d hi i retail a single eu i t losses tn iking i pilynmii to i iiieehnt ir i he sehool hoiul llll eklti illellli ihll lhn tie till ejuent nil spin ii ix nistui uj in thi wntil the bible today 0 111 he lti i dong rouod the district by boy downs mil tts battaglui cunsiruithm ol nndpti was awiitkd the eetntiat teu fm 000 lu build an addition and make allcrainh u ilu rm orhve here sands best unnounesrd to be eumpleud six month the eemtraet caik lor a cuk stores bimmenlhss jjj i mewkurtng si hv vi teet georgetown ow dug f amirs here nuraher ihre ml ihie quarterv iuvd u the fraction thai t auiiim ll the lunuiieni i hie r il 4 farm ej aea winusder one ot the inter is pi i without ans fruni lev bul pri teeth preipcirliemcu ekewheu oaki1xe the ioufnal axfced etucn tor a new nrnii i i ivmin amalfanuiiuwi ot the lown ui oakvilte and the 1 lup i tralalsjlf one tads who remlksj qsuini tnglish lown n poled lhat in ihe taee ot present tuumsumes in the are i oil stp3tree might be the vukitson km the tuunc pruhtem blrllndton this lown u eeriaiats nol auirm i in t i i the wav et uik levi lematied ceuneilk rud sin uu as nil i uuithil ror louticr as deputy iksuct o marrtafe iteirkvs sutu eettlples setllielinies had lu saill while lieik wlluiu slcb is bosile etymed wnh other town duties the appuwiinuw khuuj i mei up pioeeseshjre at leas bramftos peel counts s grand jury suggested pclssihk mi pniper use ui twnts holldjrnjs nere last week wen tht lound liquen in a room m the sopertriiencient s rewlencc wrnch wis ud im umc tu nnie tw leanty caunctikcrk the jar ho revwnmeiule d a new cowmv iail orasci illf ljunt- ttrsers nuial stampiiigis luc tl and die we4 and manutuctured goeds eill soon he notinvig u ot oi anteville as mtwarh alalia manutaitunng ltd of turunio his ehosen the tmn fur toe siu ot us new plant tfcey swell me into i mw8 square fnol bmlchn m lown this wmtor aarf nan vcu id i a 2qxko sguair lout aeldltum okvihf oenemm trpnme hy the piihlie to weekmd n davs nude pessihk the purehase et a srvendhand imhulanee tii use hv ihe st john ambulance brigade it will provide beitu first aid sirsiee ai lexal csenis brigade mem he pi he ipe thui who is responsible lor this ch intelnil this awkward mi wauled eluld in tin lannlv t edui hon is it i small hut e tlinis gtoup ot stern christ i ins who helnvi ih it v ui c m in ike i h i si dunk it vou sink his nelsi in i lnueh k it a liw hiisii itid loinlv elclgvmni ol ihi ull be it seels silking l e iplive ludllllie 1 elon t know i 111 usi asking pelhaps tl one soul is sjved il is worth all he contusion md cussing it causes 1 mi not opposed to religious cdllc iliotl iii sellools when it is propeilv itilit lied hid ehiti it is dtsitid it his j vii d plan but when it is stuck into i nit nullum lot no ipp unit tc isoti il is is diiistiblc is i humbug iii l tlee pudding the good old days 20 years ago 50 years ago boy scout vritfa bnkcta rtahy wna tha ttabt ol lfm wmic icantofl agbtoat the wlndvw m the nulatite lialanlng o lbs eunurt in the llcihudui mboul ruum on tueaday evening wilt tall upon trie mum n ihe mxrctary of the hoard and piy ihc unl uf ihe mxmlaii tht trustee will appreciate his act ion and overlook the miadamea mar mr heher wjlllamv ledger keeper at ihc mcixhani batnt ha been prumutcd lu be ikr itn branch he went to hiajiiw pmitaun on monday mrwur ice pantun a the geurveiuwii braoch now filling the ptrit km here on ttsoday aftcrrwwn aa earl manfaaq sun of mr rkhard manttall umehuuac wa n avd m operating a com culler on a fann near chelltnham he had ihi mialottiifie tune hit hand eaught in ihe feeders and befwc il could be xtrn iled it was badlv ftiulililn up to he wnsl ihe poor fellow as akell to the hospilal al nu iph on ihe e ceiling irani anel iinptiljliuii loa place irx e the sris url is a bright voung lellw itjui 21 vcors ritckwal in ijii had j try blue jutlouk on ipei ing lay whin lain puund iimii iiearly all day eveilhelo exhibilor brought mi i vitv latije mouitl ul inside eihibiti and he hull p hit n led a fun jppurjiici on iailelav the sun shotie buhlv and 11 is ikllillaleel ulal akajlld 2 oi people el woed ihe giuunds duung the das the 20lh annivirsjrv a the epw rih league was eclchrated vvedmsdav in thi ttw a j ink and whiii lu held n ihe hcireh baseiinni h p mouie the first pte side nt 20 stars ago sas in the huir tor the meeting and presided jel ihe plogiam members ul ihe board ji dir ceiors at campbells die etprev id their saiisfjelioil at the re- suits a the sueeessful lair stag ed theic lulsda bhiblts vvcrt plentiful and interest wj keen 111 the jjieius oitipe ut tolls al tendance st a new ret ird tur ihi uie das show made onappaal to moat imryatm lost saturdcy ibat juat couldnt ba reftomdl ttwy had a nal uf ul saturday evening they tuwut- ed al the spitfire carnival it warn an anna packed with a- crowd it- a holiday ramotnav greeted the spitfire carnival w saturday night tha arena waa gay with color with midway booth ranging down both aides over 9990 was bjed to aand to the mayor at londoa bogland to help buy a spitfire fighter mcfotiatiana are proceeding well toward eatabuabment of another new industry in acton the former prernwc ol the mason knitting o are well mthcd to the needs uf baxter laboraturicft now located in toronto and detail are abuui completed for lilt iransltr ol the property bale ol thu building will see all vacant laetorv build ing in ac ion occupied 1 1 is gratifying too thai none of them uf u ir unit yrowth but will linue to opetale sleudllv even alter the wal is won the following is ihe jiicstion on which ihe iketois will volt this ye at ate vou in favor as a wartime measure under the local fjosemmem extension aci 1940 ol the municipal council elected lor 1941 holding olftte for a term ol two scars failure to have hiid a vote on ihe quest would hae mean i hjt the i vc tr lerm would have be come penlivc the council fell that this was a matter that the ileclois thiitiselses should de cidi the maitir of having the poll tx apply to women who are not householdeis ihc same as rn n u is discussed inlormallv bs council but no uclion was taken the regular meeting a the aelejn junior farmers was hild thuisdav eeining in loriie slhool the elecliun f others tr i404l usulted as follows piisident manse ii elhs viee president laura johns tort stele t us mi t net mcphail ie ui ci duk van ooocil exceulivu dm c k i te la lk r id hlwood j ihi ten professional directory and travellers guide medical flseral ddtectoks on the bi ii inn scrsmn oi trte lllcmsioil piogi nn 1 his is vnt lik 1 uipi ol dio de j llllui ie ituieel pello hteclelliei sillies i ilklllnl il the bipllst hliieh 1 neves out i p ike otlleel el the k tie i ll disllkl 111 rhi aliei hif t iwtisn ii in his h tin si ot ol minas nats hi wis kiim in ihe iiitiiil baptist thuieh uiel leil the open ill pie i dr w g c kenney physician and surjteon office in syrrumi bhct 43a miu st s acton ofdee phone 7b rewdence in church st t phone 150 dr 0 a garrett phvsician and surgeon corner ot willow and river sta entrance rivir st acton one phone 238 dr robert u buckner phsmdin and surgeon 30 wei lngton st acton ont phone 7 office hours 68 pm aftcrnouni by appointment real bstat1 and in8ukasce ow n ght or day i shoemaker mgr optical and h baking aids e l buchner r o optomttrist md hearing ds mill bt e ph- tu us offioj hours wednwdnvi only 2 00 600 v m lvfiin li wkiin- t robert r hamilton optomitnst he k ik i ik luliiietiie ol his suihmis int his l eille ajue e ii ih is ii t 1 i t rtsvtlslhli i 1 ih suts i th hdehen ill ihe l iti is lu rliiacics al ves tl ee is ll huj n 1 unlv hv the pu i is t ihi hilehm hut ls hv ihi ss lie i itu pttsd cin vn s i i unu s kuhn sh k 11 u s i in in t md iev x i its ii ih h pie lw j bl iii i i i irmeel with bible f l wright 20 wilbur sl aetio ontario phone 99 apprise real estata and insurance pevtal dr h leib lmltaj seuieoa ottwa- csvocr udl iaa prcrtrick street older hour bv apvewnuwo tllephone l dr a j buchanan dental surgr n offior a hit strrt ott r h r ae to ci aej wrjrndji fternofi trtrplwfm ms i lxai nrf ltom m ulel pell i ht e v ihal sk ci ih 1 wl iedlo look a p i 11 l s nptuixi tmtn hi vskt t n 1 h evict il io die til isi ii m in ik i sasniin the bihk ihe i i t on this pilgrim officer saar es is piisetikxl svtth a whisik hv the iiiiur ul iaa city n t the uinmamlir erf his unit real in iiki t i hi das pnumqg llli quililiis is a talosn mh estinplais i tn i mis kubu vhek mill i nn ssapi in which be ti is pie m nit j wilh a haaac ssiumimi readings siindiv psalms 9 111 mt dat psdms 100 1 101 t tv cxlv pswilms ll 124 vacdnes a psilms 114 97 120 ttrurv dav psjlms 119 svl76 fn dav psdms u mnll 57 satuidas psalms 12j i c f leatmctland qc aaniatar a u aiwr nuawi pvhlic oh if ikur 1000 am 1100 pm 1 k bjn- m p ra sjlurdas b appaifctrajat ftajr eltf ee u phn rm 11 act a harm la r sd 61 ma n st n v tiu an ont cmtm h ki 10 i m ti b p ti m n to iri fcmhuijft bv am tmifil u td sal utiy er jppuinuiifnl pease phone tr 7 t971 almfino attol ntlnu ievr hoskilsf charrfd aicoi i unii si ldao il n m k ig st w rrbiturton t i nui t phuaaa ol 1 424 t m 4 3l ttaviuirs ouioi gray coach linfs coauut leavv aton ilutliatit saui tuit eaatkound 33 am hair rserpt sun and mluari llal 208prn l n fii a bjj pm looi p s rdll1 i inatbound iuf ajax lt7 tm 11 pi ol nm irt pm ui p un a kj c tt ma irti v in ms tu nm mm a l ifn si- sun n olm horn j ta i hashhbtl mtne banwra cahtam lutionai mmiways lirttw mttound 1m um i ml chibomactom w roy riddell dc qmob hovra tue tltufa t pm i pm sl u ajm 1

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