Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 15

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4w shiliino fivi hn9 at acton bowling lanes by ken h ulford hldh school october p yogis tdokvhc bong out of el ca bongs f flnt two stanzas then rj cas found the range in me fin ale to win a single and sqbtjczed onrihewln for totals by it headings up the el ca bongs trundling were allan hal and pelc homer with triples of 684 and don harris 618 yogis best were of the single variety with terry masales 2 and 202 mike mattocks 213 and dan almond 204 bear annex one totals teddy bears clobbered sap phires but good in the first but look a back seal in the next two the bears had enough pins stashed away after the first game to annex totals bob mc curdy s 614 topped the sapphir cs efforts jim bui lough s 626 iricount and wayne mason s singles of 207 and 243 wen ted dy bears best rebels up for win the rebels were up fpr the first go against the rocks then dropped the second 911 ly to come back in the third for a two and totals win ray toth 622 and bruce shullis 6 i spark cd the rebels jill hursi 221 nnd don price 233 turned in mat so la efforts for the rocks league standing ei ca bongs is teddy bcnrs 13 snpphires ii yogis 9 the rebels 9 the roeks 6 beardmore october 3 whirlyhirds were whirling at the start of the if fair with devom only to have devons get even in the second the final game was a nip and tuck go with whirljbirds nip ping and berons tucking it awav by 13 pins devons took over tup spot by one pin then thev grab bed the odd point fur totals lloyd mntales 6s4 and tinnit mosaics 64s akmg with dennis crooks 2l6 single headed up devons uin bob brown 646 pat woldtc 632 300 and roger mur rays 213 tingle chalked em up for whirlybirds uppers have upper hand uppers hod no trouble in gel ting the upper hand ocr the muskokas the muskics jum couldnt untrack ihemscjcs 11i though al roach posted a 243 single up for uppers with the singles were harrv rogers 201 bob snyder 227 and jovce bu chanan 213 soles nail down win leatherettes had the super soles number in the first but the soles nniled down the next two in short order and picked up the odd point for totals for good measure super soks triple lops was phil lesueur with 700 bill howell 226 and millie fubun 27s bashed the singles leatherettes triple queens were jovce mnsaics 616 and helen lcsucur 638 lil eva williams posted a single ot 218 league standing devons 10 leatherettes 9 up pers 9 super soles 7 whirlv birds 7 muskokas 0 legion udim october 3 comhuskcrs uiih a two and totals win from wish ful thinkers replaced the think cr in the lop spot the think crs got otf lo a tast first game 1 but faltered in the next ils take hopefuls fuls made with a first game win against the uls but the uls squared things away in the second with a 17 piowin headed up doris cooke s 240 uls repealed for their second win in the third when phyllis angcll sparked a 26 pin win u ls took the odd point for lot uts morg murray had a 239 suiu in the last for hopefuls top ino in tiiplts were manlvn hilts 547 phyllis angcll 535 and dot fnle 526 league standing cornhuskers 16 wistful think ers 15 uls 14 hopefuls ii blue spring nursery october 4 violets broke a six game losing streak by saddening the glads with a three gimc loss glads threatened to win the second but were 29 pins short individually the glads had lhc belter singles man hufnagcl 222 verna mages 216 and alue ptlkington 208 violels collective ly were better in the clutch asters stay on top rung asters staved up for 1 shire of the lop rung when ihev m iul t tun ind lol lis h im i ik r iscs asters were two up ilici lhc lirst two sp isms but roses sprung up to uin i hi list big triples wcie misstnc hul foi as ler singles it was bul jmdm 237 june laing 217 roses loner v is sjiphit oehltuh 211 three close games three close games resulted in the cirmiions mums co uiih mums being best in a s2 ill ur mums took he first bv is ihe second b 34 and insi out in the list b nine one lnpk cunil inns terrv arbie with 618 mums lops wire smelts uiih flcinor c v 206 nnd muj mir lin 207 league standing asters 14 mums 14 cimil ions ii rises 9 glids 8 ilits 7 industrialcommercial october s al s rclnhlc lumh wis ih hi u im in tin indus tnal cnmmerei il league bill johnsknc 681 dm gum 810 3s9 bill wtllnms 61s v nne spues m0 and ld philips tht north biv kid 696 mil prm ed loo mueh lor ledgers iga md the tood liners winning sircat was stopped but good the lost all games jnck bui lough with 706 wis the m igair to hit the upper bi iek taxi takes last game totals jolh r igers rolled up 1 tusl j imt win fiom rchihlc t ii manned t second ginic uin by 26 pins iran lamt lo a dead slop is thi 410 hms- heeded lhc till ind lnibhid if tin list game ind totals jolly rogers iod trio were charlie hubbell 669 martin ochlnch 646 and john crease sr 658 the re liable- tops were leo mcgillo- av 646 jeff fryer 697 and fred kcntner 615 ed mcgillown s 439 double rates a rmniion so herewith a mention goys crash win column loud huzzas for gov s cartage thev trashed ihe v10 column the snared the second chukker from ik a i dclier thc drop ped the first is aire d mil won the second and almost made il wanbirsiisc3ks this sundays church calendar win number two in the third bu were shy 51 pins when a i put on a last frame barrage hitting the high spots for al dehverj were dec dt forest 684 don juan deforest 664 doug klineh 618 and call defortst 639 well in llnte jim hill s ego by saying as hou he bowled a 433 double gu s while winning their first game ol the season failed to come up with the tneounls league standing als reliable lunch 17 ledg ers iga 14 reliable taxi 13 a 1 delnerv 9 jolly rogers 8 and heic it comes goys cartige 2 acton udies october 5 the schedule had bolh lamh reil estate and ben son shoes who were lied ior lop spot toeing the foul line ifciinsi etch other with flo frver 209 heading up benson s howling the lirst game went to ihe shoe gils diane spiehog els 216 spatked the second game ind it was a win tor ihe little limbs janet brennan posted 1 204 lor the benson s in this go inn melton clipped off a 236 for benson s m the hnilc hul the sydney ks hnd 1 hoi trio in spictogcl 201 llsie swift 204 ind marv slore 225 and llu hiched onto the third game b nine pins benson s had the sal islution ol taking the odd point i ii lot lis lovetfs make no mistake noiirn robins in 211 ind jean mt is lie 229 t tc i cll bios i lift for a fusl game win robin sons 223 n the second went lor swcencv when joinne dmats 201 rnccd pi use mi lors i r the equahei lomiis mule n mis take in taki ic lhc ihiid camc ind lot ils wlilti robinson lound cd oui 1 682 tnpk with 246 and sic pcchi hit 2s1 tci head up hi win mccallums get big share c iron i s stalled oul all right when lhc mel mecallum scr i es bill lhc mec ilium s scrwel 1 i t m lhc si nel anil ihnd 1 w ilk ilf wiih ihe big shin ol i s t m it 11 n stoi e 668 joan kn cht 625 nnd donni knpek wilh 01 208 singles spaikcd ihe met ilium s win pegla law so is 217 md ruth hulfotds 201 wis 01 in is bisl league standing lamb reil estitc 18 benson shoes 17 lovcll biw 17 mc cnllum semccs 12 prousc me t us ii corom shoes 9 acton major oct ibci 6 for the picsent ticci c us ue silling i hot piec 111 the li ifcuc thrcx weeks willi nirv a loss the firemen tned h ird to stop the cats but the hlter were on the prowl with bill willnms 617 mike bennett 659 don mm 687 jiek bui lough 768 and ken hulford 843 115 and all games were in the cats suagbag jack pink 722 131 and bern van fleet 642 were best for firemen electricians short circuit hotel de minion hotel gnc the van noimins a shock when thc won the firsl gime h 28 pins the flee trie 1 ins switched from ac lei dc ind shortcircuited the isowie wallopers nei iwo ind switched onlo the util poinl li r lot lis the big shockcis for in normans were al roach 724 bob agncw 707 sinc spires ts7 ind jeff fn cr mb tops for dominion were leo megillown 730 and harrv lawson 696 108 ten pro find themselves mstytrlan church in camada knox chttich acton rpv andrp m uckenar b a b d minuter mr f a hansen ba orpimit and chnir matrr sunda october l h i960 b5 am mirch soh ml 1100 jn morning w rhp 5r mem thrmr the big step jumw cinrwrntien ij 7 rou dur ng wrm n pr nuirt eh ktrrn cared f r at ijvnnw diirinj lln- w cc 7 jo pm ixin proplp t merl united church of canada th chutch of st a1ban the mactr anglican redor- the rev h b stekmc lt str 18a jrfrey po alb sitnday october lth ib0 ttw latfc sunday after trinity 30 am holy eucherist t jo a m flobr euctiantt ctmircti school and ooofirmauon 1 1 00 a m choral bucharest antvwxkk monday 17 october 1m0 ix pmj jumor confirmalon claas 7j0 p seoiv con armation class tundar iff ocaober 1m0 fran of satrt luke the eanlti 10 atm wnty boettarot all are welcome chttstian retotmeo chutch rev j ff ubma ba bjx mmknar 301 queen sl box fton tt sunday october isth 140 1000 ajn enfttsb u0 pjn dutch the cburcfa ol tttt back to ur gvrge ell in h orfsntsl and choir master si voav octobfr 1 ifwo mf ft ng n she- m e poo nn m rn n pravir 10 00 am iunu srhxl a 11 13 am mornirtf w rip ohildrrn undr 5 ypars carml for n w nursrry ten pro m beginning to find ellcs 4 themselves and with dave john son 816 ralph barton 711 gord coulighan 737 and bud anderson 653 grounded the flyers for the major portion of a 52 affair flyers were outbowted but not outclassed as witness ron shan non 657 jack drytoe 617 do preem rigu 623 and mario cas- ann 803 letfoc standing tiger cots 21 van norman ci- ectneians 12 dominion hotel 9 ten pro 9 casann flyers 7 riremen 5 acton frkhtdt october 6 sputniks made a big jump from the fifth slot to the top rung when they hit the jackpot for a seven point win over the sad saeks harold fer guson s 634 triple and ted jen- mng 205 solo led the sputniks into the total wm orbit sad sacks were sad over not sack ing away a wm rarebits have big 2nd game sugar jets sweetened up their win pot when they won the first game from rarebits twas close 19 pins doing it rarebits did a rinc bit of bowling in the second ind rolled up an impressive win sugar jets got back on the wm beam m the third and made with he win by seven pins rarebits big second game win got then the odd point for totals making with the singles for sugar jets were dot earle 203 and 208 john chapman 206 and 218 and barb smith 214 for rarebits it was tna gibson 628 and joan bosley 6fs in the tneounls and george waie 225 in the singles fasies take totals by 3 pfns siielliks eased out a win ironi the free n ensics in the first diopned the second by plenty but late hed onto the third bv h pms tor t two gime win piet n tnsies were up lor lhc totals odd point bv thiec pins had defoicst hit the lnpk binekel tor the cjsics with a 613 ham rubers did likewise i ii s ilclliks willi a 610 league standing sputniks 13 sid sacks 12 uebils 12 faeneasici 10 sugar jets 9 sitellites 7 acton mixed october 6 windcrers did not andcr i o i ir afield in their lo with the slragclers thev weie a tw ind lol ik vwnnci when llieii bowling was tier brnl jordin s 209 ind 217 singl is was ihe w mdcrers best iron dlmg cheryl morton s 237 single was best for sti iggleis atoms blast out win mario casann s 220 and don wilda 226 ted the bandits roll ing in the first against the at oms ind bandits- stole a close one bv two pins phil lcsucur ricked up i 221 for atoms in ihis go millie stitt had a 219 for ihe bandits in the second but phil lesueur 216 and gil mil colm 228 lexk cut of this and atoms were up for the win cas arin rounded out a 61s iricount with 201 in the third for bandits phil lesueur with 308 ind mil colm with 24s were pacing the atoms to their second win and ihe odd point for totals lesueur and malcolm had triples of 74s and 639 in that order saucers clip eagles whigs saucers were quite saucv in clipping the eagles wings in the first two games but the eagles screamed in the third and made with the win eigles almost grabbed totals thev missed out b 21 pins ron whitham had saucers lop inple with 624 and bob mirtin looked good in two singles 228 and m4 mirtin oehl nehs 206 single was eagles best league standing stragglers 14 bindits 14 al oms 12 saucers 10 indents 9 thursday topper october 6 catchers caught the busy bees when they wensn t busy and made every game a winning one the triple win pttt the catchers in first place sfcir- le drew s 210 single highlighted catchers win hazel everdell was buain for the bees with a 207 solo cats chrw hunters tiger cats turned on the hunt ers and clawed them but good for a three game win got the cats perched on the second rung as a result verna arbk just missed- the 200 bracket for the cats with a 197 the gals top triple were ha zel everdell 534 shirley drew 521 and verna arbk 517 catchers 14 tiger cats 12 hunters 10 busy bees 6 tmrmtundcr october 8 rough riders rode roughshod over the flyers for a double game win ana replaced said flyers in the top spot stooges turned back the rebels in the fhsjt by seven pins then got clobbered but good fn the second and rebels wound up with the odd point for totals yogi bears snared the first from the black hawks by nine pint then took to the woods as the hawks came screaming in for the wm and the odd pomt for totals high doubles clicking the daily doubles were fred landry 175153 328 bobby browne 119201 3m jane mccrea 136156 292 jack fnngle 167 121 2fls riimev hiy 182 90 272 barbara gib bons 1soi28 278 joan palmer 132 133 265 terry churchill 134130 264 kevin hall 17093 263 bnan shendin 12 138 26s jiekie billlough 124 153 277 karen gervaih 131 136 267 john dunn 166 198 364 league standing rough riders 12 rivers 8 bhck hiwks 8 stooges 7 yogi beais s rebels 5 hudpin hilites correction dept heck of a nok hen vou have to start oil witli in apology hul seems as il llovd masalcs howluic in the beardmore league had himsell toi lhc liiht lime in eiis a 705 litple so whu hippens we iittnt believe it met credited it to brother ttnnic soirv- lloyd start latercounty schedule as c go to ptcss schedules for the intercounts kifciic aic not n ul iblc but a lone distinee phone c ill to streoswlle hi ought hick a replv bv earner pigeon thai aeton merchant and their town rivals the van noiman el cell teams vull toe the foul line coming saturday al 2 pip with the saturdiy morning tecnnunders winning the coca coli reinharts ind seven up beveriges were darlene john stone lcn varcv ramsey hay ind birban gibbons don grein scored a double when he rolled an 830 triple which in acton pfntkostal i tabbtnacle i s3 churchill road paoc rrr kcnrwth j feid pastor 73 c ok st phone m w 1 suvda october 18th ijww spec ttwmic for the sundav pr m jl bf i tro fnn the eastern ontario ppntccmita biwp collesr ot prtrtoouti 1010 am sunday school ii m a m alornmg worship t n pjn evanxelucc tuesday 8 ptn pijer ind biblr stud ftkda october 14 8 pm s uth ri v wtth the bibl ctff udn special ncn lr vi n m3acv cu ar always welcome harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n roocwood phone ul 69934 kockwooo 24 hour scrvira ghv5uviev5 gtvuju kaptist chutch acton patr jam h kudd 3s nelson court pi xie 308 stmitay october lth 1x mwninc riwusnab bt fa th evmn thp mm brthrrhha conduct the wre ec au arc welcomt cheddar cheese urn patwaaa op ckid 409 hurt sttmttrmit tlpanti i tht acrtn fret psi thgriday ctetobw 13th 1940 were having a great ume ion your summer vacation cfaflnoss one the tamiry car wa working rard to keep it opera t tag flmmtly and safely through the wtetr months ahead sec tha it geu a pre aeason checkup and servicing have your local service station dealer check the oil utes bn ea radiator battery and wind thiew wiper start the aeasun off right with a good lubrication if youve been using heavyfradi oil have it brakes take a beating in win ter to have them usoroitghly tested have your wheat align mart chedeed too aveu te ex penee and bother of a frozen radbalor by having your aerviee station deejer iffl er upf wilh atrtatreete does your battery need charging its going to do extra work hi cold weather badly worn tires are doubly dangerous m ice and snow so replace them now and reracm ber the spare too whens the lost time yon had your cars electrical system checked better have it done now and have the mechanic make sure your headlights arc focused properly you ii be do ing a lot of driving in the dark as lhc davs get shorter and finally its a good idea to have the car thoroughly wixcd to protect it rem the snow arid ice of winter eluded a 3t7 single it won the pauls clothing and gordons hardware iward nurmti ro- hinon can call 128 acton dry cle incrs will honor the voucher she won with that 682 triple millie ribian wilh a 275 ingle cin replenish the family larder with some iga foodstuffs th it cleans the curf for thi week amigos adios hsh0lden optom1tmst eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douguf st guelph taylor 17150 radio station lands and forests is building a new radio station in jnffrav township east of hilly lake kenora a location which will be free from local interference which severely hampers radio ope rations ot the kenora lake side base three 100 foot masts and one 200 foot mast are to be constructed wilh a vnall build ing to house ihe v h f radio transmitter receiver and a radio office tor operator and regulai equipment the station is part 4 of the departments frrovlhet wide radio eummunlaations ufa work pollock and c mmufnetureit f high grade memorials memorial engraving 1 witar st no dmt jack ridley cartage unlmd concrett blocks cinder hocks uno livestock and iwtiimr earm service mi slffniii dump trucks for hire e stone pcv clan es e fully i hour ml at bowl bowl for phatura bnwmtsr open bowung saturday aftarnaom a cvanrfiejs acton bowung ul phon 697 mbmreit cbra w mala mt be ready for the chilly days ahead don t lei your fall wardrobe be caught napping in the closet give it the purluxe treatment by having it cleaned and ready for the chilly days ahead custom cleaners sam day sarrha enpt sataniay in iy 10 im out bt s pm cash and carry wain st m rhom we pickup your car deliver it too dills stationery m mill st n don your cor n6 nk now lubrlcoltattt cd ehong nw hr baltary ehora dont wott until tfi too lata coll in and wol pick up your car of your homo gi il depandabla shall mrvica and ratunt m lo you all al no alracotl kh totb shed service 319 oh sttot east phone 510

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