Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 3

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staff photo flyino up exercises were held at the scout hjii saturday morning for eight of the young girls who wtll enter guides pictured with their former leaders during the program they are left to right teresa aaarzo marian laing wendy bowen joe mane marchment brown owl mrs c j pope karen perkins anne fryer tawny owl mrs j l lingham anne mcmillan and sally dick obituary accident snarls traffic when paper blocks road sunday morning a collision look place un main st opposite ihe pnsbyttnan church between a hutton irailmobilt and a car driven bv paul shtlver r r 5 rockwuod the transport loaded with some is heavy rolls of ncwspnnl failed lo make the turn the impael caused ihc rolls of paper lo slide ulf and parliall block the highw iv eiu sing raffle lo come to a halt till the way was cleared sufficient lv mullcr brothers w tee king outfit from guclph was busyrc- nim ing the dnmiged truck which was torn loose from the cah as a lesull ol the imp ki a hydro pole was broken oil it ground icul but propped up ind a rope dtlachid to a lice nearbv mr shilvci sulicrcd euls uylns right hand and other minor in juries his e ir had a badly dent cd left i runi kndci the wreck ing outfu had the highway cleared eailv in ihe uftcrnoon hydro sciuie wis tempoianlv arfeetcd h i lew minutes dut ing the church sen ice anniversary services on account ol anniversary ser iees being held al the united stone church fourth line era must no semu was held sun tlav in the uniicd church here the annucrs irv minisle r was rev w h lnwson or fullerton mondiv ecnmg i turkey supper was sened hv the ladies ol ihe church contra i u i hums to mr ind mis doughs n auderson me mailene bluk on ihe oee ision ol then wedding iluniil ihc ucckcml the wedding look place m the unilitl ihuieh re gab mhiie ul delating is sisted h ro a l biker mis a e bakei hint ol the bride plned the wedding music ind has aecomp misl tor soloists john saiu hint ol cimpbcluille ym- movies of trip shown to circle guest sjxikll u the fncnilk circle liuctmc in the iuiil people s iuiiii ol the united chuuh on weehusdav exenme ol this wcik w ls min a j buch auan mis binlniiin and i illkhuiiti slum id the it moving ptctois of then tup it un pi this siimiiki oik ol the hicji lights ol tin nip vv is ihe hull club i hi midi id it u iv i m x niu icsiuil tup and tin lulus mi unlit d p el lliil tin bin inn ins shtieil lluu tup with liuin mis mow ii ncllis thiikid mrs biu han in uul pusmuil iki with i sin 11 token moetllll stiilitt with mippu at ft ml mis intu wis in clnrc1 l dm minis ind t til ihe ellptuk hid lid in pi tvet miss jean mdt in v is it the pi mo lot llu hmn 11 ins wu t smssd or llu open nj t llu i w i inn i h to fes ind siukuilus will k suutl aliei i ik ilmnh mum tin in inin in ii uinininui wis ehosin vlis j hs n ms j an i kvt nnl mis c i r v vilds n thn wi ij members pic sol l del lllfl tn h rub ml ovm p i vvn ind 1 1 mk mlull uicivid jaw itumb saiurdax altcitkxn and maurice brown of lome park kcilh black was best man ind ushers were norman mewil hams of r r 6 guclph and charles stokes of campbelhille best wishes to the happy couple follow them in the years lo come on their return trom a wedding trip they will reside in acton couplet club on friday evening in the town hall under the auspices of the united church couples club sam symon copresident of the club introduced anton r len di internationally renowned swiss commentator who lic in interesting illusttaled adilicss with two good lilms ot swiss life and scencrv in dillerent paits of the cuuntrv swilzcrhnd is about the stc of lake ont arm including all the mountains mt lcndi s mam ihcmc w is switzerland pattern tor peace and dm ing the showing of the film people of all iges wcic mingling with others in cvcmlav life travel incidents were mini crous b bus rail ind airline among toe mountains sports were shown including skiing un steep mountain slopes mi len di hatl a few articles displived on trie platform which vvcie in lerestmg such as i cow bell some i lines used for in iking mu sic they are slung on the shiml dirs by poles suspending the bells above ground level following the showing of tin minis mr lcndi picked the bell up which wis deeot kcd swiss maicnal ind eichiil some w pounds ind isked llu uidicnie lo imagine the din 1 some ml to 40 bells used it inn es lur ceremonial occasions an other ailiele of interest wis t milk pail made from spruce mil birch carved in a hcitililul tot m al the cone lusion ol i hi nice lint numbers of the club ad loomed to the home of mi ind mis bmce truseotl tor soci i lime engagements mi ind mrs alei k minn hv limine i the engainunt ol lluu liuijilci lvnda ruth in riilxrl tlav ton mil sonol mi ind mis gerald 0 paul ol lloieticc out 11io m iii1icc to i ike pi iu sit uul iv oclobei mi ind min a j me is ne r k i acton wish lo iruiouiki thi ne ionium of i hi n d lohiu hot i lilhan to rov bum bu ixt son ol ihe i he mi uul mis i alton bartxi minute lo like pi ice earlv in november mrs melvin e burns interred at everton a resident of acton lor 18 vears mis melvin burns passed away al her home 29 mill street west on friday october 14 mrs bums was born in nassa gawe i township uul was a daughter of ihe laic william den ind emtlv lamb nearly 40 vears ago she w is united in m image to melvin i bums ind ihcv resided in li uuosa town ship until ihcii umoval to ac ton mis bums vv is t un in ik i ol acton united chuuh tnd i man bcr ol the women s mission uv society of that church in her euhel life she was ic in e in musical en eles ji iv inc been ihe oiguust it crew sous comets mehodis chut eh uul ilso litei a incinbei ot a i idles quaitcllc ilonj with her tluec sislers who j ic t ol their tilciits mrs bums ic ivcs to inouin her loss bu hush uul uul miss swackhamers extend to fifth generation mi unci mrs aithur swack bamer mr and mi s leslie svvackhamer and fimly visited on sunday with mi and mrs james thompson unci three weeksold terry lvnn of brninp- ton who is the great great grand child of mr and mi s swack hamer miss mildred walun mrs c denny and mis emmet son and crson attended the cachets eon vent ion on monday al blobieukc public school j mr and mrs luc i nvteilcc and i amity mr mil mis clem bragg of toronto ind mi and mrs bert rogcts and linitlv ol hillsburgh visilcd on sundav with mr and mrs all red saund mr and mrs r l divutson and mi and mis howaid me athut ol erin visited on sundav with the mcailhur families it staviur mis john spiowl and mis clarence dennv illeiided i show er for mtss m irjoric m il ion at liamillun im tuesdav evitune mr ind mrs rov mossup mil son douglas and mi s elsie movsop of toronto spent mtindav with mr and mrs haiold gtif im recent visilois it the same home were mr and mrv joe rcid and miss dorothy rud ol ii mutton ind mr peter v in dam of acton mi md mrs clitk aimslionc ind mt and mrs william thomp son iixjk i trip lo musky t on sundav when hey closed then coitage the sccneiy wis be iu til ul willi color mi tnd mis chiihe bmnic spent sund iv with mis e alex inder it liin mr and mis don ud pnkin son and donnie and hollv ol s ii m i v isiled on sund tv wilh mr and mis noun in tm net mi ind mis cliicucc i iwn mil jouioii mi uul mis junes lawn and i unilv ind mis m ibel baldwin of toronto mi mil mis 71 ue mcailhur ol well mil visit d willi mi and mis tied me at ihur mis hirold gtillm mis moc ip ind mis rov mossup ind b ilu d iuljiici ol ton in in c died on mondiv it the home ol mi ml mrs ailluu swackhimer mis dick unwin of rochester mil mr uul mis t mck iv omnut i died on silouliv v mr and mis ailhui sw iekh dorothv sim nous who h is been i niembei ot the t unilv lot m mv vears nut who liu lov ing c ue to the dceeasid siuvivine ilso iu i htolhei john c dennis of acton mil thiee sisleis mis arnold m ir shall edith mrs cvnl krirgnl hiai ind min enol sprovvl kathleen ill of guclph the tuner il look place on mondav ftoin the riunlev shoe mikei luiiciil home uul wis eonduetid h rn dvvighl eneil issisled hv r rcgm lid biook the pillbejuis wcic cluinec giinble orne 1 nub t inuron leishmin roikii bums clit l id hill nut m ivcv spn wl in kinuiit w is in iilc in i ciioii tcineteiv a lot of ciifese the 111 hill s suit ue is ihoul 14 68so00 s m jhout lotn tunes he aie i ol luropc girl guide news personal notes of actoniant visiting oulof town points and of vunofi in acton hom is wood diuniliillu al i visited with mis v r binekeii ailhui st irs tcrlnuli unwin ol r heslll new yolk visited til n on ihe weekend hs a b i von of dlsti i i usilinc wilh her sisici mis g a dills ind mi dills mi md mis l o johnst m spent llu weekend willi tiunds in poit col bo i nc and ii mull m it ivelluil togithei bv bus iiiniheis ol wilkei ik1i p ml i ii keiiuil visit to oshiwa i ihill lucsdav mi mil mis ii it hm line k il mi iki michigan ui vi n inc al ihc home or mi gloiia idwiids visiting mi town in i ik week end vvete mrs ii ill v muiison ind lur dautlilei mis j wuidel ei ol foionlo ihc pie bioulw iv uv mil i i cimelol in llu n w okciki tenlie in toioiilo his ilti iclcil scvci il from l iwn mi c k biowne is limie ic un iltci t si iv in st josephs liospi ml guclph hts wu s mill i p u le ill in toioiilo guiei il ilospi til mi ind mis lolm i unluil u kimpinied hv mis mcmillui md bill visited with mi mil mis onion riwn in llamilln on sund iv h pii i i to ii iii allei visjline since auliisi wilh hci diuthtei mis ink dowiiuil mi dovviluig uul i unilv in gkn ic i mis llu i blown ml bv ci horn mallon wuhicstliv ivhiiiil lo spend ihe vv inter in luiopc mi ind mis bui colli ss su sin ind jhn ol totlituh i illed in aelon hinllv on siluidiv md visited with mt uul mis a dills mi coikss is mitiieci ol ihe bink ol montte d hi null in todetieh mmv in imi to 1 lani is il ills in a i in rfls gilltl plicnl i the companv in uched into hoiscshoe formation and the- sol ors we ix mirched pist by hat i simmons cirolvn camp md gvil b ii ik iu the opening tihik pi ice while we were in for milion al lei toll c ill thepihols vveie dismissed lo llmr coiners flu guiles wile eunlivilled b nmi rocnvaldson ot llu daisv piltol unlit camphrc campfiu vv is led bv llu senior piliol we learned sevinl new solids mil s inj seci il ol llu old lisi siiuidiv moiiniil cithl biovvmes mew or w ilkcil up into llu lirsi ac tun guide coinp inv which now bunts oui eiitolnient lo 30 tn is the cvcnini elosul wilh soft i v i ills the litht ol i iv md taps caroline nurseries garden centre 2 miles west of acton on highway 7 south side holland grown bulk on sale now rock gardens flower beds indoor growing come out and see our fine selection of evergreens or fall plant ng cactus fol age plants and flower iog plants for the home floral designs for all occasions open om 9amtoipm f phone750w13 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists lurmtik e p htad phone gukph ta 42071 si si gorgt squtn clearing out sale now offered at reduced prices smokers and sundry supplies pipes pouches lichteds cigajtetti hoidexs cases koueiis papfks pipe cuaners ash tkats knick knacks eucttlc shavers bargains for all clocks wrist watches key chains wallets pen and pencil sets playing cards crib boards novelty articles we also stock a complete line of tobaccos and cigarettes fresh weekly geo holloway barber shop 38 mtu st millon distiiel hospital she cs he i home wilh hei duutth mrs ross rohcilson mr koheilsim and i unilv mii rdecn buekmr conducted i woikshop on music itnd mov iineiil it ihe liccill convention l ihc onliilo assoelillou ol leicheis of retuded children liiul iu llunilion aecomp my ui he it the pi mo vvus mrs i lun i ret ul kltchellet mi anil mis w mckeiiie mi mil mis ci ucnec kotnvald sm it tv aihie hill wilson i ul misiks uul muisell nil lis t k pill in the y s mens eon viiilion held in ihc new yml a il m million ihc issetnhlv ued siiuidiv mil sunday l iiunli ikd on ihe theme w ilk vsdv woik yslv ihe ion liiiiue was hosted bv i ho two munition 1 s mens aim ys men cllis clubs niiinet iddnsses vvue hv mi shunt ol c it in albeit i mil intern ilional ys mens piisidtnl thai lis itiomp s n ot ohio his worship mivor jekson weliomul the ys men uul ijijoiiud ihe in lo dunk llu locket ill while livint in ihe locket itc the aclon free press thursday october 20th i960 order good supply for winter reading new books for the library were selected lust friday afternoon and u wide choice was ordered h garner ol rycrson press came up to lake ihe book order clitil hbi man mrs watson and two board members- mis ted prink im md the rev h stokicel made uil selections remembrance day i plans underway poppy chairman vic patrick re ported this week that any organ iotlon or individual wishing to pi ue i wicitih u tht cenotaph mav contact him he ulso said wrc iths can be ordered through ihc i cckin if he is notified in pay fixed monthly fuel costs on our easy budget plan by using this budget plan you ii know in advance exactly what your fuel will i cosl y per month makes it easy to 1 v budget out of your income i our fuel goes farther more heat per gallon more comfort i per dollarl thompson fuels i sumuni uur drc i wilh ba hcdtnv oils mil ci isuiiiils phone 69 after hours call 364 are you prepared for winter weather prevent colds runny noses etc buy ahead of the rush we have a complete line of childrens and adults footwear aik for your free living coupons bensons shoe store 19 mill st phone 466 st j- nfi food prices effective oct 20 21 22 wc reserve the rljhl to i hull quantities free a 1soz tin of choice iga peaches with till plkchasr of 4 tins at rig pricl of 84c free 7 rolls of purex pink yellow or aqua toilet tissue with till pir1imsf of 6 roils at ri g ikri of 17c free 4 pkg of 60 family size pink yellow or turquoise scon napkins with thr pirlhvsi of 4 pkgs at rlo pricl of 70c free a 48 oz tin of iga pineapple grapefruit drink with till flrchis of 2 tins at reg price of wc free a 20 oz tin of standard picnic peas with the piuciiase of 6 tiss at reg price of 99c free a 15 oi tin of iga beans with pork with till pirliiasf of 5 tins al rlg pricl of 78c f lr a 100 ft roll i t cutnto wax paper with t1if pirlhvsi of 3 rolls at tilt re pritl of 93c fresh grade a predressed frying or roasting chickens 33 2 lo 3 lb average oeii urand rlndless slleetl i lb pkg side bacon 59c tamcritc lb cello wieners 49c burn i cryov ic s p lb cottage rolls 59c first of the season from sunny florida grapefruit 5 slu- 48s t0 r l t s no i finperur grapes 2 lbs 25c no i grade solid green head ea cabbage- 10c rlit ripe bcnihc i s u i cnidc lb tomatoes 19c no i grade 6 wt cartun mushrooms 29c iga royal gold 12 oi cut mild cheese 45c old south froien 6 ox tint orange juice 3 for 57c ekii scon towel holders 49c free a pkg of hanky par whili pnk or yellow sc0tties with thf pluchase of 4 pkgs at reg price of 74c free a iso ft rou of whito pink or yllow scon towels with the purchase of 4 rolls at reg price of c

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