Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1960, p. 5

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wfpxitr mr and mrs sandy buchanan a quiet vcdding in ihe prcs bytcnan manse at mormton on september 17 united in marriage patricia anne hitchon of moffat and thomas alexander sandy buchanan or rr 1 moffat the bride is the daughter or mrs c a roberts of moffat while the groom is the son of mrs buch anan and the late a buchanan of guelph rev l nanson per formed the ceremony after a trip to winnipeg and dalton ohio thc arc m iking their home on the groom s farm at moffat the bride wore a ballerina length gown of silk nylon over sat in its fitted basque bodice out lined by scallops or sum cm broidery the skin featured a deep baby doll htm a halo trim med with seed pearls held her lace edged veil shi earned a bouquet of deep pink swecthenil roses arid white mums single attendant matron of honor was the brides sister in law mrs shirley hitchuii who wore a lilac chiffon dress with matching accessories and a corsage of whin sweet heart roses a eousirt of ihe groom jack black was groomsman a reception was held in the club room of the royal hold guelph when guests were present from moffat simcoc crceth and gucl ph for travelling thebride wore a mink brown suit with matching accessories and white and brown hat with a white corsage she was honored at several showers before her marriage a miscellaneous shower was held on thursday august 18 at the home of mrs bettv gray and mrs g buchanan another mis cellaneous shower was held on august 31 at i hi home of ethel kitching guelph attended by friends from c anderson and co a linen shower was held in brookville hall on september 7 hy diane sanderson and gather iru mcmillan on september 7 a miscellaneous shower was also held at the home of kalhnn nornsh i i i i v mums deck rockwood church for andersonblack marriage standards of white and yellow chrysanthemums with fern de corated rockwood united chur ch for the wedding of marlene patricia black and douglas nct son anderson rev gab moon assisted by rev a e baker officiated for the ccrcmom john hitch- ing cumpbcllwlle eousin of the groom and maurice brown of lome park cousin of the bride sang the soloists were anom anted hv mrs a e baker of oronlo aunt of the bnde the bnde is a daughter of mr and mrs william reginald blaek of rr 4 rockwood the groom is a son of mr nelson anderson and the late mrs anderson of acton sequin trim given in marriage hv her falh cr the bride wore i floor length gown oi w hite ni i our satin the fitted lace bodice wis trim med with sequins and sivlcd with long sletves hir bouffant skirt was ol net over satin a crescent ot sued pearls held her fingertip veil ol while mi und she earned a easeade of white chrysanthemums and lawnv gold roses she also wore pearls a gift ol the groom miss rosemnrs moore me a ford attended the bnde she worxa gown of freneh blue bro caded silk staled with bouffant skirt and white flowing saxh of share our riches tulle her headdress was a mat ching picture hat and she car ried a cascade of lemon vellow chrysanthemums attending the groom as best man was keith james irwm bhck of rockwood brother of the bnde ushers were norman me williams r r 6 guelph cousin of ihe bride and charles stokes of campbell villi nephew of the groom reception at church following the ceremon a re ception was held in roekwood united church parlor thl bride s mother wore a duv ty ruse organza gown with lace bodice and beige accessories her corsage was of deep pink svvcel heart roses the grooms aunt of llovdmin ster saskatchewan assisted in receiving the guests she wort a blue dress uuh matihing ae ccssones and corsage of pink sweetheart rows for a honeymoon trip to halt burton ottawa and other points the bnde donned a nylon dress of pink beige and while plaid with unn imon brown accessor irs the ntwlvweds will reside in acton guests attended from saskal i hi wan kingston gfimsb dun das hamilton toronto on ilia birnr camphtllvillt elon guelph meaford rockwood and as ion accept 9939 bid county sells 750000 issue hal ton county council con firmed the action of its finance committee on thursday of last week in accepting the bid from the royal securities corporation ltd and the imperial bank or canada for 99 39 on the five and three quarter per cent 7s0 000 debentures as the count v grant to the joseph brant mcin onal hospital burlington a further grant ol 9234000 will be made avmlahk tnscd on the completion of an extra 39 beds the bid accepted by ihe count v finance eommittec was the high est of five bids received on the issue will seek grant warden d sargent george town advised he committee thai the georgetown hospital board had filed its first application for grants from the provineial and federal governments and on receipt of approval would be re questing the first quarterly grunt trom the county oakvillc udvlsed their i960 as sessment had been completed on he basis of ihe dma manual study welfare officer reporting on an earlier sug geslion from acton representa lives that a countv welfare of mecr be appointed the commit lee explained siudving the pro- grim in 12 other counties they i omul only two had a welfare oriicer on a full time basis your committee have consid ercd this matter at some length and ire convinced thai some ac tion should be taken towards the appoint men l of a county jtamrww jj welfare officer howiur since n laige pronuttion of the work will oiiginile with ihe hullun centennial m inoi board vour eommittec decided to discuss the mailer further at ihe ncxl meeting of the manor board award tenders contrail lor the construe lion ol the mcalpmc budge in nnsv ugawcv i was lei lo isaac same foi 60000 mr siuvt wis the low bidder llolman construction ltd low bidder was awaulul tin tendci over loin bidders for the supply mtl mil h in ling of ei inulai base course mill nil for ioids in nil son ind tiofalur trafalgar molors i td milton received ihe lender for a henvv duty dump fruik on its low kndci of s8h70s halton presbytery hears dr sibley lecture on trip to todays africa a meeting of more ihan ordin ary interest to united church members of halton presbvtcry was held in st pauls united church milton on thursday rev o w holmes of lowville united church presided the highlight of the meeting was a lecture by dr j c sib ley todays africa and you dr sibley was one o ii hamil tonians who after a years pre paration and study went on a goodwill tour of africa concerns us he spoke as follows i am speaking to vou because of a deep and sincere conviction that what happens in africa to day tomorrow and in the next five vears vitally concerns us as individuals and as a christ an nation unless vve become concerned we have lost possib ly ihe unique challenge oi thi 20lh century our purpose in touring af nca was to find oul about the people ihcir wav of life and problems to meet alncans in our own and other professions and to donate whikver skills each of us had as a gesture of concern and interest our itinerary took us to da kar ghana then hv bus through togo dahomej and inlu lagos in nigeria in nigeria we went lo donala in the french cam- croons the group then spin half waiting d schwvr5cr inliim barene and the other half going to brasiaville in the french con go and on to leopotdvitle we mini led in angola and spent two weeks working primarily with canadian and american medical missionaries in ihit couniry 50m000 whites africa has over 60 countries i 800 dialects and 250000000 people of whom only s 000 000 are whiles ii isexpecled thai the population will double in ihe ncxl 25 yeslrs 50000000 af ncans move each venr from their rural tnbal backgrounds into ihe bewildering industrial md mining complex of in ex panding urban society the average annu il miome of an african is 70 incidence ol disease is bevond ihe eomept of a canadian the iverage mortal itv rate is from 500 to 700 deaths per 1 000 births 50 per cent oi african children die of measles the need and desire for ed ucalion arc common throughout the lontmenl there is an aer age ol one book per 1 000 people bui ihe communists jrc now sending in ihcir literaiure our part encountered ngtd racialism in notlhern rhodesia color bars in mines rest mr ants t menus education and even in some churches village radios searching questions were asked bv educated africans ab out canada her official atlitude on apartheid in south africa her immigration policy wjih nj gard to afncins even her ircajq meni or the indians africai know all about whai goes no time for marriage paper tells of parmer british guiana missionary leaves challenge at wms mivs marg ir 1 r imsav t he onlv mishnai uncki ihi vw itiens missionary vmttv v d ol ihe presbvtcnan hurvh in canada working m british gut ana addressed a large- gathering of w ms members and friends in knox church on thursdas october 13 the occasion w the fall thankoft ci ing meeting ol the afiemoon auxiharv wms when guests were present from neigh boring groups miss ramsas a coworker wiih the fate miss mars ellen ander son does cvangtlistk and eduea nonal work among the women and girls in the area speaking of her work in bnlish guiana she told of the mans nationalities re presented there afnen east j indians portuguese chinese native indians and europeans the largest group being negroes i on furlough now she is at pre sent serving as dean of women at the misstonarv and deaconess training school in toronto j ooatag challenfc hef ctmftig message was a chal- inj1 jpport the missionaries interest our gitis and our pravert to share our rishr- in christ wilh thoe who know him noi mrs h i bennie presided mrs f anderson miss isabel ander son and mrs r r parker led in a worship service of thinksgiting and praise with mrs c g jones rendering the solo sabbath pra- vsr worn pan texl b mrs o mo- ran a closing message was given b ihe rev a h mekemic wh spoke of i he elten anderson memorial plaque eon to tx pi a ced in ihe sanctuarv of knos church peel construction has been paving approaches to highway 401 overpasses ft seems blue and white paint was splaited on georgetown high school s football goal posts tues- da evening oddlv enough thes an the cofcm of mitton team under a fourcolumn wide heading he hasn t time for wedding bells the rural co- operator in its edition ol tues day october 11 earriid an in teresting article un a well known distncl farmer mac spruwl the siory follows one of agnc cdt uru s fa on te complaints ihese davs n that lax es swollen bv expensive educa tion are pushing down heavily on the farmer but il a farmer in esqut sm tow nship halton counly wen to isk his eounty president lo eompl un to i local schol board irustee an cmbarav sing situation could arise bee mse thev re thi same man robert mclsaac sprowl lolkets estiamum obs like somi men colleel stamps besides hi above mentioned posts he is tn oiikiii at alton fair a rolanan a mem ber ol ihe kirk session it knos pre sbv ie nan chun h ac ton a board member ol the ontario federation of agriculture repre senting junior farmers and pre sident of esqucsing conservaiive association impressive list his list of previous number ships is oquulk impressive he was president ol his township i intention ol igiuultute mem bet ol alton ha tuber 1 com meree ie tder of ihe lountv s un ioi firmer ekbiting tiam whieh won ihi oniino eh impionship in j ssp nevreufv then president of hal ion letmor farmers ind vue- presklent il oniuuis lumor taitnei a number ol halton it p md still impt vtnuni as situation md ve t ptoident eit anon r or in l in 2 e row ded vears mae sprowl has orniltiil to do onh tine thing get marruil toe berss explains haliort s eligible bachelor hi dav weuid stagger mans a nosftothe grindstoner leaving as il does no more than six hours fbr sleep he works on the am d larm near aton then goes en to one of his tnim inleresls on lv resent is he finishes venting a book the sprowl clan 1810- 1v0 about his lamih s canadian line his greit grandfather john s sprowl bom in glasgow svot land in 1810 lame to canada in 1s25 and settled near acton in 1852 mac s book which was sm vears m preparation gives bio graphies of the 500 sprowls des cended from john s et des pite two visits to scotland be has been unable lo trace the bnlish origins of the clan traveller mae has m ide his mark visiung 12 couniries he was a nuffield foundation schol arship winner in 1954 anil slud led al cambridge universilv for few months with breaks for tsiis to british firms 1 was impressed by ihe high iclds per acre and per animal unit recalls mac this is pari l iccountcd for bv the hcivicr nl alt and longer growing sea sons they have the farms were mechanized at that lime than ours i was also favorably impressed bv the millings of their national firmers union the national agricultural organ twit km m ihe united kingdom juivalenl to the canadian fedc- ilion of agnculiure one of mic s tew hobbies is pholographv he also plavs ihe piano and enjuvs dancing and his slide leelures on bnush larm ing proved exircmclv popular on his return he gave about 75 ice lures from owen sound to k mptville he began his public career ear k when ust old enough lo lex die he wis i garden partv singer a bramh ol endeavor he no long er follows later he won i pub- lu sihool spe iking coniesi was candidate in i9s he was runner up of ihiee i mdidates for ihe con- seraltve nominition in ihe leele i il elemlon vi ie gets his pmtiiil know leili il i arming trom ihe firm the thev have radios most buckvvnrd village they want cduc uion ii is be ing provided by the eommun ho provide sihol irships nnd shoit courses in pi ijut mil moscow communists rutnth sent into africa 10000000 lor scholirships for sludv in eom munist eountins and thtix ihe blaek men nuct no eoloi h ir and ire treilcd wilh respett when we re i use ltd the soviet upplils il sending out is will i lined ind dedkated peisonnel our role in the afnean ensis s to clem our own house in ihe held ol raie relihons to encour age an inleieh itii of slmlints it uli unionists business mm nolilicnl leaders and piofession il people on in ever liieie isiiil scale accept challenge is i crisis in alric i ii c leecpl ihe elulknce ol tint nsis then wc hive t iken hold f one ol tin grcilisl oppoilun lies ol ihe 20lh einlurv dr sibkvs he lint w is fi lowid bv i queslion ind answn period then hv i ftlm the se cret or the gift i relcise ol ihe misstonarv mil munlininii deparimenl ol tlu united chureh of cm uli dcajmg with the m ittcr ol christ in stevvaid ship hope that dr sibky dress the rntondrigvfon gregation of si pao s unikd church milion in ibout sm weeks the i aghpnpr thurt 20th 1960 jj claim lnm collisions betvyeert ctrfl are not ihe main um or traffic deaths in rural irnl moat driven who drive to daatk in the country do to unaidd hon- colllslon accldrtitt such u tvfr- lurnlni or ruflfilftl off i curve claim more lives ihatt cattcar collisions newlyweos mr and mrs frad koch are pictured following their marriage saturday october 1 in church of the holy saviour waterloo following a honeymoon trip to the u s they are making tryeir home in acton leola avery frederick koch married in waterloo church bronze laee ovei sum wilh irsagc ol law nv gold i uses die lablev tttit decoiiftd mill inullieotored gl utioli the couple lefl on i inn lo de lioit md thiouth michigui the church ol our vtuteilik with whiu elirvsi snuidiv oilohe doubli ling leieim ed leola susni av nek mon it koill vi southcoll ihi nlht i 1 hv ihe ill in llolv sivt dieoi itid mums tin ioi the ivhteh oiii md i rede kev ii u lied the budi wiiie town ot shell pinl tin ind i n ii i ol held hit shouklet 1 can ud a while oi piavii hook 1 lulls k hrik id 1 ervstil icnglh ve i hid on i kilted ed si be uls il site i white u nidi si inlon to hn ittuidaiil ui mi blue hnn ntcd silk w k itluiid mjiihuil i ml e itt mt i toiii ionic is p uli i he l ni ol i w is owdu blue dpieee 1 pink vi ioi se inlon tt hiinsni in md kilph mk ven to ihe 1 a km ki llslli r w is a tiicplioii wa hiicoil sti ik ll s ii kile n llu hellel when ntsls wen oltiw loiolllo p 1 ll i h in lledll m ilion hr itnplo ihe d uighiii cl mi inel mis 1 mm ileum 281 ailhui si 1 llhl lot the x ism hi mrs deiinv w ii i tl uk htowr i s inn dress ve nh ni iiihnil ii n ssiinis md i tor sage ot yellov is a j v oueeii lliabcih the gloom is ihe son of mts mibel koch f 1 otidon in 1 itu 1 he john s k ihii and mis kikii to patrol streets halloween before costume party at y preparitions ioi 11 illo umcbf eonimuid it mctling when he re w is tltsius s ion n bout ihi niltin ol ihe putv in be given when the ihildmi it turn lo ih ymc a tbcre will he a fun dnss parade ii was fell not all fundus hid moncv lor expensive coslumis so prize be given for ihe most original ind best ideas i uckv drives md nov city prizes w ill possible be followed bv some ente i tainrnent i ns eluh pa cqurpmcnl will be lent and i student will un ittgiminis a film ik shown the ihls boxes vsill ik h mid iii hit il 111 slhhtls m uli the 1 eaiher s ket ing a itui ud the i ouilgsl lets ii turn to thi y collie ling lit tic sui jested w iv 6 10 to 8 pm riiiur s rnith old lred i i prin full p ii lie ulirs ol the pi ins o the back i iheis 1 ii be s nt oi to the pan nls ind tolunte rnd i git i it i m lo tour it ihe muii btll wil- on will k mtai t ihi min rot mans in d lior is elu tmmbeis or i uih i mci i cjeorgc ii itgcll spe iloilg county council continued from page one the halton couniv heullh unit r a pulne building ll wis suggested financing ol the new building lor the admin stntiun ol justice be on a mill ivv over a short number ol tens i i her thin ovti a 20 ii ir period in in eirlier litter to countv countil iht iaw assixiation had mil i nit their suggislcd require iiitiits lor i mw lusluc build g im toiling unlit looms iolv ig rooms wishrikjm iw nxims 1 ivv library jury oms witness rooms confer- lie looms ktotntnminlioti lor ulgt s stintatiis court oft ices mils ii own nlloinev s offiies id lekphone facillllcs wiidm sirgent assured the mcmbeis ot ihe i iw sxietv heir sitggesiions would ctiialnh be ionsuleiid when ihe lime foi buu4int uliaeussions came grain the building committee also ii purled doors on the present uionlv building would be gram ed wilh the paint rctnovetl iptcial s auctionsale f vsslr 1earll ired yearllnn t jtjrtty cow frut- bred ff shorthorn cnm uual purpom due by time of al 5 shorthorn stceri wplflblnt about 700 u th above entile are nil irom poel eounty and conifgnua tiy s isvnera there will al be htnc small htibtein heitari and stotk- r ttotms ciuth on day of ale h and hii icitcni be ur lu attend thli hfrb m rfintfaftt auclltn- snelirove ont auction sale in twp of br1n of fully accredited refwtet4 blood iratrd vawbmtnl llerefefd oilue ret 8 afro k flhecp rrk shlrc pin tlie undcrsingdd hn received inntruetions from henry whffi fb to gell by auction ot picaiant vulley fann jiluatesl i mile weal of iijhurwh on ratubdat october commcnclni accrepgreq t reg llfisefond ing arc 1 mature cowi with carv- it at hide b brd herfoti 4 yaar- um hetfers 3 pall bull calvoa 2 horn bull culvei 7 month old 4 young heifer calves 2 young tiljll cnlvm also selling in herd aire pvf beau plato 12 thi ii an ouutandini sure brec in 1 i pigs an with 10 yntimi ttgi at tide york it fknt tow due bout time of tlpl ib riglitsrtd sucfolk brredlna twn 4 owe lamb 1 ref shearling rftm m lambc caih with clerk an 4f part of frm mi ik in twaere traet sh nh i mh hi tn n n il t gts re 1 mi i tfss il in oo htv 40 l oats 10 sptowk fttd all huvmg addi flies car thing a plane may be neve to koji ulimoto rcaf si 1 1 ion in clmi silurdav evening hi i near alton mr lfimito was dn highwav 7 itvmt l m r lown whin thi iar u htm made in ihnipt he pulled his en i tt tvoid hitting thi turning vehnle thi i ir hit the sh mliki hew through the ni ii ppine vi n ik r jhc driver wis unhurt but the tarnapi lo the ijs che t i il led s200 rrpnid c nsi r in opp league how ullv ndmits ibat of n thi propeitv sm0 is i ir the education prognm he helps idminisier then wis i jv rise in sq the eounts setond smallest in am in the province has a pop lalion o 11000 including 200 farmers the miagara in met her match men spt s 1 gvegraphkalk ind i yht 0n mo slplv clmauialhihc sooihtrn hill is fmm 3r ar ff l v v a d dnvcr bs humour inesiock tannmi p btnmli cerf ib j t u i vver kl vour wife know a federaitofl of ajtitulturt how 1 k hmk rf unmcn eser the local ormaniiiions now d k mtc itns activ than ihev have akvjclji hc never i tailed lo assure his wife the s the i greatest driver rn the svorld a naples guide showing a tex- een the dav she drrjve his new aft how vesuvius erupts asked if convertible straight up the ude there were am thing hke that in of our random houe building texas no said the tcran but i nor was thai ihe worst of it m houston we fot a fire depart i she ran into another partner meat that could put it out wife driving down soak soil first sckik thi sm i round planl ing iust btf n fretn up tht will htlp prevent drv ng out of the f iltage multh veith ptat mos or strawv in areis where there is imlc snove lei nt is an nsuhlor lee snow fencing for pro tection against wind and sun eve branches and discard ed chnstrms trees ma also be used large trees ma nerd a frame support and burlap for protection be sun to treet ihe framework before the ground 56 mftl t i f if mum mom to

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