Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1960, p. 1

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vh jwtoi jfm m eightysixth year no 19 acton ontario thursday november 3rd 1960 ten pages severt cents acton public school board lear tied tuesday evening the princl pals or the robert lilt it and m z bennett schools win pleased with lhur staff and that new tea chers engaged this year wcre quite satisfactory during the principals reports the board was told that in service meetings with staff members have proven very beneficial and excellent pro gress has been made in every de pari men t with the tciehers both principal g w mckcnzie and elmer smith expressed their satisfaction with the teaching stalf and staled their problems with teachers were at a mini mum plans were made for a board teacher banquet un wednesday november 23 members expressed their approval of the annual ban quel in order to become better ildcquainled with the staff and dis cuss any problems during education week next week parents will have in op portumly to visit the schools view their children s work and have interviews with the leathers the principals rcpoi led j mr mckcnztc told the boird that report cards wuuld be issued friday november 4 and pupils would enjoy a holiday muncl iy november 21 lor the cachets convention at hamilton mr smith inloimul the boaid c halton county heullh unit h id a permanent nurse again and were being made to the war ot mxwr3sr3fcaskk jta sunt photo remembrance day means wearing a poppy and plans have been completed for the annual poppy sale friday november 4 pictured above scanning the list of areas to canvass are three of the officials in charge left to right are albert irwin can vass chairman mrs c shult s second v ce president acton legion ladies auxiliary and v c patrick poppy campaign chair man sunday afternoon canvass captains rece ved their instruc 1tns and boxes of poppies principals pleased vfrtlt staff school board leans tuesday schools ii was also reported that two dental nurses were checking lower grade pupils teeth and sending churls home to the pur ents for their attention approval was given for use of the auditorium for the nominal ion meeting and ihc secretary was instructed to notify the st john ambulance brigade that a public rune lion was being held properly chainmin e t mirks was puzzled al a report submitted by the boiler inspector ind told his colleagues the salety valve in question at iht school had been approved by two formei mspec tors it was agreed the pressure on ihc hoi water system was nl u sale level and the blowoff point was set at a safe maxi mum problems of drainage on a nor lion of the roof al ihc robert little school abutting the supply room were quickly overcome ihc principal told the board when the caret ikers had plugged the downpipe drnn in in attempt to prevent an overflow on the as phall pave men i accounts amounting to s86 48 were approved for payment draw winner richer by 60 is mrs fred cunningham guclph street ac ton when her name was drawn from the drum saturday in the weekly merchants free living contest jim inglis worked for railroad 50 years honored by cnr friends fellow workers railroading holds many mem orics for jim inglis during his 50 years as a telegraph operator he has seen the dominion wide railway change hands and the transformation from the iron jiorse belching smoke and steam to the presentday dicscl locomotive friday october 28 mr inglis retired from the cnr and ev cryune from lhe president of the railroad dqymto acctrbnntcn ottered congratulations w a easton assistant divisional sup erintendent from stratford ar rived friday morning at the station to present mr inejis with a 50year pass and a per sonal letter from donald gor don cnr president few passes for 50 years arc given last chore titdav evening lellow wotkers and business nssoentcs cheered him as he wicd the all-clear- signal lu no 4s8 is il hurtled fiast the station with a load of relght heading cast this wis his last chore before he unbtich cd the harness and retired a gold wrist watch and a sum of money were presented to him bv his fellow woikcis is 458 whistl ed in the dist ince born november is 189s the retired operator lived within a stones throw of the station in listowcl his home town it wis at the station the boy spent the biggest part of his spare time watching the huge black engines putf and whbeze shunting cars his interest in trains caught the attention or the agent and after several visits and discussions the voung gangly lad of 15 wear ing knee pants became an cm pluvcc ol llic railroad un july 1 1911 ll was then known a the grand trunk railroad 20 a month uis stirling salary was 20 a month and his jobs entailed al most everything from shining hnkrn globes to acting as as sistant st ilion agent he enlist ed in the irmy december 12 19 is ind alter serving for four vears returned to ustowcl and resumed his position with the rulroad at a salary of si 15 per di his term with the gtr anil its successor the cnr has been served in southampton st murs and other places before he came to acton august 16 1937 where he and his wife have resided ever since a quiet conscientious and ard ait servant of the railroad he has had many experiences while serving in the capacity of reliev ing atcnt or telegraph operator on one occasion he worked 36 hours around the clock when sua plmho so yia1s of service with the ckl r were recognized friday mctmngwhn w a easton assistant divisional superintendent from stratford presented jim ingbs telegraph operator with a 50 year pass still in harness at the telegraph mr inglis ac cepts the pass as mr easton looks over his shoulder letters of congratulations and telegrams were received ncluding a personal letter from donald gordon president of the rail road there was a double derailment on mother he was on duty when the late teddy roosevelt president of the usa made a secret mission to canada during ihe war under cover of nifcht his capable assistance has been felt from industrialists down to the lone traveller as he maded reservations and clear ed the path for shipment of goods his quiet but reassuring nature left no doubt in a per son s mind everything would be looked after well bring congratulations congratulations were also sent by n j mcmillan executive vicepresident of ihe cnr the order of the railroad telegra phcrs the train crew of 458 and many other associates fi idav evening al lei the dis patchcr had finally discharged ihe aclon opeiator fium further duty his fellow workers and hands mule their presentations and offered personal eontratul at ions alter mayor john goy cnr cartige agent made the prescn lation of the watch ind herb hclwig height operator pres ented the pur station agent george angcll told jria aasoclal cs ii is pqinful for me to say goodbvc you have carried ihe big pjrl of the load and now he burden will rest on my shoiktcis he th inked mr ing lis for his coopcralion dunnp his 50ycar sericc and wished him the best of happiness in his retirement garage relief in sight reduced clearance likely while no bylaw amendment wis passed about 22 residents wpose proposed garages contra vnc the zoning by law progress is being made wednesday even ing planning board held a spec tag meeting to review the zoning bflaw and way was cleared for aa amendment the proposed emmec would amend the by law reducing the side lot clearance for garages in the established portion of town irom six feel or the height of the caves from he lot line to two and a hilf feet they would make provisidns for iny future builder to either provide a feir sajswsusjaiivoimi x ajmns4 vandals wreck woodside school ffupils home during repairs iplndovs ind sashes were slas hid sometime saturday evening wficn vandals hurled large rucks through windows at wixidsidc rural school in erin township until ihc damafec was repaired the tcichcr mrs c dcnnv and her pupils hid an unexpected holidij when ihc daniacc was discovered sunday ihe mteiior room was littered with broken glass and shattered win dow sash at press tunc lodav i buy arc slill enjoying a holiday residents in the area who view cd ihe d imace suspect young men from the sie of some of the sioncs huilcd through the win dows skid maiks from tires i round lie school ground and biokcn beer bolllcs age or mike allowances on the lot for one to date two of the aclon men stymied in pi ins to build garages have appealed to ihe committee of adjustment pav ing individual hearing costs of 25 permission was printed lo g w mckcnzic and joseph gor jup ll wis aerecd ihc v iriances were of a minor nilure just minor variances dunn ihe spec til mcclini p alan de icon phnninc consul inl oincd vvilh the board in re viewing proposed pi ins submit ted by home owners desiring lo erect g irages boaid members generally ag reed th it only minor variances were involved but permission i9lrllrt tit ttw4u don t forget lo p ilronic ihe boy scouts s itiuday riming their buy scout apple day cin vass open 401 highway 401 strelehinj 14 miles west troin hiljiwiy 25 will be olficially opened on the altei noon ol thursd iy november 17 the dclinilc opening dale was ust finalized tuesday a de partment ol highwiys spokes man in toronto told hie aclon free press wedncsj iv allernoon the ditc and details ol the open ing cercmoiiv will nol be releiscel lo ncwspipus until liter this week the information ofheer told this ncwspapei tint highwiys minister fred c iss w is expected o cut the ribbon olhciallv de- laring the foui i tnc super highway ofheially open ind members of parliament and loc al councils from halton and wcnlworth counties were heme invited to itlcnd the cercmonv the nbboncullinc event will be held il ihc hifchwav 8 inter change ne ir preston at the lttwlero extremity of the new highway il was jusl i ve ir igo ihe slrclch of highway 401 between highway 10 and hujiw iy 2s wis opened in i november cercni ony at milton more information on the op cning is expected next week i- usshsmssa mu jm i remembrance service follows annual legion poppy day sale on fnda november 11 can adians will gather at war mem i onals in some 2000 cities towns and villages here thev will htand with bowed heads and a poppy on ihcir breast in two minutes of silence thev will pay tnbulc to the 104000 canadians who wcic killed in the wars each will remember in his own wav perhaps veterans will think of their comrades as thev were onk a lew minutes bclore their dealh wives will remem ber the long wail for husbands who went to war and never re turned parents will think ol the bovs who wire so voung when thev lell home lor the last lime and some will think of a lather who went awav such a kmc time age poppy reminder fvervnik wcais i poppv oil november ii ll is a reminder ol the bloodied poppv which grc w in r lande rs fie ids w here so mans men died much hehl ine was dime in a place e tiled flanders dunnc the v ir of w- 18 every spnnc the soldier- fighting in the trenches notieed the flowers blooming on the bii tleground as more ol their comrades were killed ihe old krs noticed ihe poppies bloom ed over their gnves when the war was over ind the soldiers returned ti the u homes thes remembered their friends who wxre bulled in hin ders each time the th iueh il the graves lhc thought ot ihe popple whieh erew on the t iv es the soldiers who relumed iron tht war decided the sht old wear a poppv eich veir to h w thev remembered their inends veterans make flowers as the ix were not enough real poppfes to go around etenn who returned from the war un able to work at other iohs be gan to make cloth puppies to- 1 dav evcrvone wears a popps to remind them of the t lowers which grew over the dead sold iers graves i heading the popps campaign in acton this war is vie pat nek assisting the chairman are members of the local branch of the canadian legion and the leg i too ladies auxiliary special advance tagging will take place on fndav november 1 4 when store ofhee and factory personnel will have an oppor j tunilv jit procuring popples householders will have an opi poitumlv on friday evening and silurdjv november s when lhc town will be blitzed invited to place wreaths the popp ehainnin ilso invit cs anv citizen wishmc lo place i wn iih on the cenotaph lo do so he noled thil etch year wrcalhs cm be i rdcrcd ihrouh ihc ue1011 it the chairman is noltlled in lime mr pitri k pointed out that ill pi hex els hum he poppv sale eo id help veteuis un ible to w rk hid iheir i imihes wives d ulhu is ind vnv ol men who cive ihcir lives n ihe natlklield elciivi benchts irim ihe fund s will it w i pointed out on remcinhianee dav when cv none wears a poppv and st inds in silence at the war memorial lhe are saving thank sou lo those who died tor them on the battlefield xs will as hefpfrrg other veterans m timed and unable to work remembrance day service the remeinhrmee dav vue ttm vear will begin at the cen laph al 10 4s j m following i por iek l e terms anil mem hers il loc il irttiniations from the lccon hill ii 1030 am fn die vvcmher ii f m inc the anmph service ml plieiti ol wr ilhs a vrrvkc wiir be he 1 1 in the church ol st alhan ihe mirivr at ii 10 t m vmlh immhds nl the ac t n ministctial aoelalln tak mi t i n citimn band and ac t n jnni r pipe band will head ihe pande dihrine the church mix i e a choir comprised of lcli mnanxs will be under the supervision of onanist mrs t g oikes in the iflernoon it 2 10 p m a service will be held it ihe een v t iph il hiltonvillc with iih it lccionn tires i ikinc pait anolh cr rcnlmbrance seivicc will be conducted in roekwixnl on sun dav november 11 it 2 pin s iu to erect a garage was mad4 df rieutt without discriminating ag ainst others mr deacon said his prime concern was to provide for suf ticient light and air around ev erv building in town he sug gested that if garages were per milted on some lots this would not be the case the consultant informed the ni ird their task was lev over come the garage problem in the established section of town and suggested any new bulkung could be controlled the board even discussed ae trend toward two city pet family and wondered what would happen if this applied f- e rally in town mr deacon ikl that southern ontario rated tha third highest m motor car reg istration before adjournment it was agreed lo pursue the problem further and atlcjnpt a solution halloween for unicef wet but fun about 150 raised the spooks were supped demons dripping and the witches wet on halloween but still 200 child en l iy in the downpour collected pennies lor unleter troin door lodixtr pr needs to dale aic about i so the 200 who decided to sliiie their mhhj li tunc vvilh children of the world i linked to ihc ymca tor a pailv jflciw uds as lor ihe daik clouds llicv h id silver linings monday mchl fianspoil loi the children wis prov ided b i he town s se rv ice elubs the rot ir ys men md 1 ions with dnv is t un thi is ron i cwis bill pendleton walter woodbui n bob grant harry arbic walter dubois garnet mc- kenie sid sill bid wilson jack blundcll vic morns jack dohcrtv nino bntdi md jerrv jerome patrolling on foot lo kexp a warv ec on children were the a and b scout troops md rovers under ron smith also shepherding the young folk were i troup from ihc uni led church y ouiil people p il blundcll kav dennis j ann lorex je in h irl kite gitrctt j met rognvildsoii hob dubv pud md norm in dhoti divid lulkei bill reed md ll ins van switenbuil counting team the lnici r boxes were brought biek lp i ccntr il derhl in the ymca wheic downsliirs il ihe hinqiiel mhim in cltlcienl ic im undct the directum of prm eipil flmer smith emptied them ind counted the e tins rrnie birr jiek blundcll j tck do 1 eitv corce ii igeill t h if lie lcilherlmd billv middle ton vie munis jem jen me sul n w ton l kooker sid shi mis doug tarrant and wilier wood burn scheduled for 8pm w is a pirly in tin y caiii with l ones a unicfl skil hv hich sehwl students md t costume pintle judeinl ihe most i riinal cov lumes were mis k h irdm in md mrs a t ncwlon ihice lims and three bovs weie awaided vouchers value 200 to lie spent in tnv aclon stoic ihusc pncs were sponsored by aclon rotuv club ys men club ol ailon md lions club ol acton icspcctlvelv mc for the parjy was bill wil son with eric page al the piano also assisting m iht gym were mrs bill wilson mrs winnie kerr mrs g hargrove miss alma braida mrs jack mcgeac- hie mrs r buckner principal garnet mckcndc ann mcmillan and ruthann lcalhcrland led in a singing game rev stokrecf spoke from pet sonal experience of how much the nich s collection would help approximately 70 prues cho- continued on pagt two city ambulance resumes service to acton area amhulanec service for aelon md district has been resumed vvilh vein bottle upcrilor nf the ruval city ambulance service guclph rollow mil k nn in il ion nf his service ihe end i i september mr bogta loincd the limn one of h s vehicles ind e hiikii contraelcd with fi ink tolh mol us lo g irjtc and stall ihc mihulance tor he month of oetobei for an ambulance call guclph taylor 44312 duiing this pen xl council wjs un ihle to provide unhul ince mr vice fir invonc ulside ihe 1 iwn limits now under the loimcr ii r ince meujs mv ne in the dis triet will be ihle to use the set vice ic nn a call to tavlr 4412 gut iph will bung the ambulance within a short period of time anyone m iv e ill calls were limited to doelors and policemen pre viously the lown guaiantccs the oper nor si 200 t year acton residents ne hilled 10 or a call to hospital in guclph with ihc lown picking up to i ih or ihc remaining 15 oulol town residents are billed hit ihc lull charge by mr bogue cost i alls to othei hosplt ils is ailiusted according to distance the gtielph ambul ince service tcsuitud acain here saturday af tein kin il 4 p m und it was nut long tin ml ihc ambulance was hick heic transporting a patient lo h ispn il under the new system j iek mcgc icliie drove lite am holaii e hick up in gtielph that tlleinoi n lo leluiti it lu its own wfiuxm check list voters lists are now avail able al the town office resi dents are advbed to check to make certain their names ap pear in tnc list if any errors appear contact j mcgeachte retuminj offic er at the town office real spooky were the costumes worn by the brownies during er at the robert little public school udged the cmtumei and their halloween party st the scout house monday afternoon the chose the winners the girls and their guests are pictured above meeting was staged in the form of a halloween party and every winners for the best costume were debbie reid sharon white one dressed up to meet the occasion keith block grade 6 teach beverly brunei le and helen lingham

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