Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1960, p. 6

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tk to ft thuy arjiwo hyjrc commission still cant get used to stan dard time there ii bo news for parents tomorrow when the public school report cards art given friday i church wa held the letter sent to the attor ney guicitil concerning acton s ambulance service has been atk nowiougd avion hume furnishings again has a most attractively dceoraied window for rcmem- brant i day hjiiowc en for un1cef org unltrs sjid the children were rcoll heroic to carry on in the downpour gride 10 held a form party triday tuning with a hay ndc followed by lunch at teacher clarence etugnvuldscins setter literals have bexn laid to the arena hv the town workmen in preparation for further washroom facilities copper sheeting on the bell towor it ihc new united church c itches the few glimmers of sunlight wc e mxn this week the rev a brook conducted united church servile sunda while the rev d engel was preatliinj at on anniversary in toronto afternoon um united aucccasful bazaar baking sale anevate in the new sunday school section of the church despite the costumes young slcrs wore when they started out from home on halloween by the time they had been out rap ping at a few doors they all looked to be costumed the same as drowned rats teacher mrs j galloway and a number of girls will be busy at the cwossa volleyball tournament in guelph saturday thev will convene the day by providing referees scorers tines- men and outline the days pro gram canadian pacific railway passenger service between geiclph and intermediate points to guelph junction 16 miles col is to end november 21 this ser vice in operation since 1838 has conveyed passengers to the jun chon where they changed to other trains on the cprsmain line the track is owned by the cltv of guelph for which it is administered by the guelph junction railway co cancellat ion was approved by the gjjt and guelph city council the g j r will receive 5500 annually for at least 27 years freight will continue to be carried on the line decides not to spend funds for annual christmas party miyizumtfziiiaasmmtmiumj acton hydro commission de cided against participating in a municipal christmas parly this year following a discussion thursday evening october 27 at their regular meeting mayor john goy informed the commis sion council was plunnlng the annual party and asked if they wished o participate he point ed out the expenses would be apportioned to each civic group participating and would come out of respective budgets commissioner frank oakcs re plied he did not think the com mission should participate this year but he told the mayor they have been lovely parties and i have enjoyed those 1 at tended in the past commission cr gordon beatty iskcd clarif icalion and was told by mr cnkcs that a ruling had been made at an earlier meeting re- gardtng spcrtdihg muniupil funds to entertain wives ol commissioner mi oakcs said he failed to sec why the pulley should be chunged in this in stance party expanses mr beatty asked the miot ii the party expenses would in paid fur oultif inuniciptl hinds and was luld by the muyor cotm eil hid two iillcrimtlms either to hold the purly us tlu hid in ihc past or not hold it ut all they decided thev uunlid io hold it he muled commissioner juke s suittu si cd each commissioner could n jcnd at his own expense und tins wus fuunid hv mr beallv is a rd compromise chili in in l tlu si lold commissioners io adwsc the sccict ire ol ik it iniciitions us soon cheques for salvage ml beallv usked liuhu sunn inieiideiil doug m lsi in win happened to old miteild il viyed horn line ie building hi was lold two cheques were turn cd in this year lor salvage old to u scnip deakr mr bcully then enquired if there wus any record of mi i vagi mild last veur and requested ihc sccieluv have this intoi tnullun reudy lor i he next meelliiu the mijkiinlentlmi w is re- quesicd to pitmenl willi tine re- huiurliitt on i ke ate i hhel 111 in wait unlit ypnim puss accounts thi lollowinu iieiotnils were ippiond for payment ii g bin low co ii i pc nl omiilo dills sltlioihiv town ol aeion h i pc ol on d mason untiise- ui w aituil 1 in 1iess mfgniwhiii pub c nuilhein 1 lit lik iuty i ish wits til s kisl mt ml t4k4tmklnt y long illness ends sunday for first mayors wife mmy hunter and jack george hardy were married in the church of st alban the martyr saturday october 15 a re ception was held at the brides home in acton and they left on a n p to fior da they are living in georgetown ooltuart v school attendance officer was popular with children born in brin township april al the mimosa and acton pros- js 1867 ihc year of confed bytenan churches and since un ci ition juno henry reed a ion at aclon united church ho lonner school attendance ollu way fond of flowers and enjoy ci 1 ir tinny ear passed aw i ed his garden a strong affection it hk hum nursing home wed j lor children made him popular ncsdiy nmniing oelober 26 in with pupils during the many his 94th year vein he sered as truant oltie on much i 9s he m irried l hs kind ind friendly nature the tinnier ldn muttia john m dl him popular with cver ston who surtls him ind the ril m t couple inomd to aelon m the spring 1 1 l4 thev purehised home it ihe cornvi ol river ind m mi slreeis allele i tin lesiikd iiilil i tew vi us ic when tln iiiomxi d hi km nursing hoim the il pi mr ind mrs reed cclcbiated their rtih wedding anniversary last march when mam friends t ithered to oiler eontratulat ions be steles ills wid he is sur vived by one dauchu r luella mis ii bncjull ind one von h mild both of toronto ik will be sadly missed by in rex 11 uuleliildien and seen grejt i tit uulehildicn as well i june til service wis held tn ippe il lor hloikl i day illcmoon oelober 2 it ihe mt undtrviiv mt runihyshoe maker funeral home l is i mi isscts i ill dooi io- wilh internum in fun km ecm i i d nors spunstited b eierv pillhcircrs were cordon el n ulhii in ix munition johnion etwood johnston ed- klnd friendly mt kivtl scteeel is i blood clinic uk wilh ihe red ct ss society the ellllle w ii he held thursday n umbel 17 in the lecum lueht in itini i un in- h unit in c rd be ills his i i tuple u pi j i un lined up tor hi i im is m 1 st lod ibis uxk ativ hk im t home vvhen ihe cany t i u i ui still don he h ittiiidiiil tin jimk vhk blihttl icmiyitl lut ij ihe hm i m ed in a hi hi kink il haiiitll w and i in k uved lies 1 1 ihugt by myi i in us the i haii m in tonj1 ituliliil the lis kilts i ii ihilt response ollhr e iis ind is looking lor yi ul t i ihi tuni mt ihis m ir johnston clarenex gamble ernest sear and rob rowan milky way the children who cotlectctl pennies for unicef were very anxtouc 1o know just how many glasses of milk they had con tributed tohunfry children dnr- ing their halloween fun the answer t5j00 one of the hel pers remarked that this new altitude would realty begtn t6 pay oil id 18 yean time after an illnev of three veai mrs amos mason pjissed aw t ui sunduv october 30 in si joseph s chronic hospital guelph she yeas 7s vc irs of iye the former cordeln aline she yy s born in 1ss in c iledon township daughtei of willi un aujii and phoebe ann v ml mr m ison p isscd iw n eiu h in june und they un suixiycd b qncsaugcorsc guelph who carries on the fumilv business hea and four grandchildren richard frank jane and judy funeral senice yy is conducted by the rev r brook at the rum lcyshocrmkcr funn il home un tuesday noytmbcr i and intci churchill arizona call school damage in weeks news mr ind mrs ftank ashcck ol geurgduwn imied yvith mi and mrs harold grit fin friends arc sorry lo hear that mr fred thompson has been on the sjck list under ihc doe lot s care his friends wish him a speedy recovcrv a number from hue il undid ihe district annual or the atrieul tural societies held at bnmplon on friday mrs robert tyler phoned from phoenix arizona on sunday to her parents mr and mrs kerr it was mr and mrs tylct s wed dint annnersarv friends extend their sympathy mrs lawrence wieek and gerald and the younc family mr and mrs dunn and mr bennett london visited on sat urday at the home of her sister mr ind mrs joshua thompson a few from here attended the open house held at billinafid manse on saturday by mr and mrs bee ion mr and mrs archie kerr ind mr and mrs dave willi imsun at tended the pioneer sm dealers convention ut pe u i boi ouch i is yyeck ir ind mrs 0m he bock ol millfcruic spent the yvecketul wilh anil mrs harold gnlhn ind ulcnilid the funeral ol the late lawrcnic wieck mr ind mrs c pilml bruce and marv ly tin of george um n itsiieil on rntliv wilh mi and mis chiriic binnti mr and mrs fr ink five mm mi ind mrs ted fiveimn il tended the 1 00th anmvcrstry it b irry hill on suml iv md visii eil with mr and mrs huward dunk school damage pupik and t hi i r u uhet mis clarence dcnnv nf aknlstde school arc hiyiiil in uikvpocuii hohd ly windows and its sish is yya smasheii hv i bui i i boulders over ihe weekend the andnlism uts discovervil on sun dis by ihc earenkir mr binnie shaiuad glass and rocks inured the floor nictit wis in i in view eeineuiy ptllbtiars weit fniuk m isou rich ud mistin wildu dotti ii ion clinics kllkness rivabiuvv and arthur gamble start family firm in 1120 mi und mis m ison moyed hea wilh some miiliiuuy lo open ihc mas n kiuiiiiil c mi p inv in vvhal wis ihinilii tnun icipil xiwet house mrs m ison helped hu husband in cjuhhsli mt the thtivmi new industiy liny in id lust in ihe house wliuc huiy holmes now lives she dso ussistcd let husband in his mumupil work he u is eoiin ulloi iceyc w helen ol hallon county nut actons hisi m iu i sihihfl latslee hindmistct ym c a bo ud nic nihil md pi c sul nil uiuiul ihuicli ihou i id i bnidol trick president ehutei piesidclll ol the r l it v iltib md lluldiins aid skiely lilc tikin wl lie he si i epinded i s business mis m isi ii w is i j n il hostess loi ihe 111 my t u nu it utiid in ok m is n in nic mis m isi n vi is loinuilv m utivi niiiuber ol the duke it devonshire chiplcr of the 10dt wis iilini md held iltlci olliees she w is e muni nd ed for hci red cross woik during ihe last war in earlier vettrs ihe was inkasud in ihc gul guide oic liiiitton mt mil mrs m ison eekbi itcd ihur golden wcddinc m june i9s8 ind in i9s9 mr mason wis named actons cilien ol the year allraetivc cat dens sur rvhtnii their loceh home on bow cr ave vehirc thev had lived for 41 years tresident of citizens band l wieck is widely mourned a conscientious workman lailh ful church member and ardent hamlnmuii lawrence wieck h mourned by u host of friend he wus taken iii suddenly seven week ago und passed uwuy in guelph generul husrtllul on thursday october 27 he wun in hi 6lsi year he wus selling his third urni as pteslde nt ol ai ton cltlceti bund und had man hid in pui adc he weekend befoie he was liospiahed he played the hiss hoi u bandsmen in uniloim paid theli lusl respects at the rutnkv shoe inakei unci ul home sullit il ly eyeililltt wlda interests mt wkek setved lor live years on ae on conned w is on hi ol the acton i ihetal as 1941 he had lived in their ullrai the home on bower ave lur the pout 17 years funeral monday tunerul service wus held londuy ufurnoun ul the rumky hoe maker furwrul home with lev dwluht i enttel und the a h mckcnzk eondiictlntt l mki iljon und an ildii hull 15 manager of roxy bill leslie dies once tn in mil ol llu roxv tin tic willi un leslie block av pissed iw ly it si joseph s i pil il i ui i h on mo id iv he was in his sfiib h ii and h id h id i shoii illness he is sut lived 1v ills wile ihc leu mil meiecdes s il i it i uifcll ids m ut net mis bui spilcl i inielioiisc klislin mis kobe 1 1 he hon den williams mil ilcilhct d liotnc sons william monlual ak gudph and brian il home sisleis mis aljik bi nee mis midge d unison mis i smilh mis l woohici scol i ind ind mis j juh inscti mum e ipohs usa ik lad si craud clllldieu rune nil today i unci il suviec is betiifc he is illeinikhi ihllisd iv at i uyldc meclutc i unci d hon clock wilh i lelovvil ii 2 urmeiii in gicctiwmd lenieluy ci icilovvn pdlbi it is in dm i i dw ii is dmiiv seetlev gel ild wiont mie wtitic md j ihi dotsev itiurimnl is tn gcoicc own ccmclciy rev a c ikkr o ihe ptcsbylctian chuieh tn ge iitcl iwil will eoiiluel he sci ins mr ushc w is h i i ia i jos a pi lit he ul seollinil ik w is m ii ried tn trinidad in 1951 am i one lo can id i limn georgcl own bnlish guiatu n qs hi bee mie minatu il the gcoili town r y he ilte in 19s2 un the aclon llie ihc in 19s6 ind op el keel them holh until un georgetown theatre butned down icral yc us icei eailv this vcar he was hans kind lu tictilon harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69914 rockwood 24 hour srvic siixkr polihr tdgtr aviflabb john b frank 47 frafkrkjc st phone 377 paintbi and decohato tax notice i960 municipality of acton fourth instalment now due i 1 im1 i i n iii h ue w pa 4 4he towndf acton municipal office of mca beldna instum ms re 1h l as ioiiows fourth instalment november lslh rdlmk i ihe ti dlceli n by itw l pel ilt i fl jt mt pet m nth will he ldded on the amount rcmainint unpaid ilur ihe imh dn ol mix this penihy applies lo ceh instlmont in i tnul ir manner thi mention of rilcpaxers is dirretcd u ihe pcnallics and whet ihiisfv in pnnletl in ihc rexcrse side ot every tax notice andruincd tr detail on excry tax bill make payment now and take our tax notice with you when making payment j mcgeachle collector ion untied chuiih llockev isch ill k md slump iketliik wile iiiioiiu tin lfile is o ilus liieiully man wh wi widely missed al u t llu w tnhintt coi poi iimn etosiil h is employed al he aclon hie he is suixivcd by his wile ih loi liter nellie youlltf i so gii ild and a sisict hilui mis willi ims ol viiil while he vv is predeceased hv i sisui cd ulys and hrolhcrs frank trcd die and c ildwell he wis hoi n in ut onion mm hob i in 189j i mime i ist in 1901 ik hid eiijvid i trip huk wesl litis siimmei he moved lo acton in 1930 ind wis nurricd herein headon crash damages cars j wo ears collided almost limit n il tin cicsl ol i htll on n iss akdxvcax fourth line silurday i iiisiiil i loi il ol 4s0 in dam ipi the aulos wcic dttven by clif old meadows of kikkwehxl and renel moun toronto o p p consl w liter joid in who inveslt alcil s ud the accident happen d it i nit row point tn tin to id half a mile nut ih ol is sideioatl c nov 2 s wed sat signing 7 is p m sill siiovwd a sad town how to lmjoh p0llyanna in colour si urint jane wyman richard egan and hayley mills as pollanna plus mysteries of the deep nov 7 9 man wed slirtint 715 one showing only pay or die sl mint ernest borgnine zohra iampert sex kittens go to college st mine mamie van doren tuesday weld mijanou 6ardot hi the umjijy pullbeuieis wcic biiii kutlisdcu rudolph spklvottel ivan hutrlo lied i cm n miuiuv sunnc und david ddu tin mo wn beaier were r iy aumw lliiilkv coles don ryder aldi utulila gcoije ware 1iti pap ilton john tunninghum and ch u in hfnysmill omtuary h w a evans digs on visit to west w a fvutu ul acton passed awuy kuddctih while villliicj at oxbow sukkatchcwaii un mon day sepumlkr 26 ik wuh 81 ears ol aye f unci ndiew lull on al 2 wl p in catmint i liitrhtus mi ad j l a l leiolh kljd ik unci i nlu was held in si i united chun ihuis t iy s ptiiiinc md iiiutnieni was llllllliv iviud iw iwu in kuiishiiry i mi k k ul v iiieinmr litildun md kvid hildtcti two in lhei are living ill caroline nurseries garden centre 2 rmlci wpst of acton on highway 7 south s do olland grown bulbs on sale now for rock gardens flower beds indoor growing come out and ice our fine elect on of evefjrecni for fall planting coclui fol age plant and flower ing plants for the romc floral designs for all occasions open from 9am to i p m phone750w13 boy scouts association 1st acton group boy scout apple day saturday november 5th 1960 lend your support lo scouting in acton greet your scout generously this ad sponsored by scout 8mw committf e notice voters lists are now ready i have now prepared the voters list for i960 and copies are available at the town office i would urge that all residents check the lltt for any errors or omissions the last day for appeal is november 16th i960 and after this date no corrections or additions can bo made make sure you get a vote at this year s municipal election by checking the voters list j mcgeachle clerk notice ambulance service for acton and district call royal city ambulance guelph ta 44312 j mcotachg art r

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