Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1960, p. 7

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eightysixth wno 19 wht mm m fast acton ontario thursday november 3rd 1960 second section t areas rockwood gorge one popular place for caverns article describes six bkmim of rockwoods pro unlly to ims dlilrkl dm fouowtni ilofy u rwroduwd iran the canadian gaofrapb- kal journal a publication of ibt royal canadian caograpn- kal soctety u was written by jon n wtbtr a rarely dues the mention of a favcrn nearby fall to excite the intercut and curiosity of the young and adventurous in any community these holes and cre vices in the earths crust arc of tld merely empty pita and pas- ageways leading nowhere flour ed wlih mud and presenting nu merous hazards iueh as the loosely fastened slabs of rock which form the ceilings yet there are always those who crawl through the keyhole fissagcs and lower themselves nto pits obeying some irreslst tble urge to discover what mys teries lie ahead past the reach of the flashlight around the next corner or in the next pas sage the beautiful caves of the karst rcgluns of kentucky and virginia or or england france and yugoslavia arc well known and art so much publicized that many never realize that caverns occur in most parts of the world often right at home the caves of ontario arc not large nor do ihty cont an overabunda ul und massive emetic stalagmites und stalacites which the more famous caverns pos sess nevertheless the occurrence of a number of different types of caverns in ontario some choked with small but beautiful culclte deposits others providing homes tor various forms of cave life is certain to attract the am aleun naturalist as well as the weekend adventurer the equipment required to ex plore caverns depends a great deal on the type of cave encoun tcred fur cave entrances local ed near the top of blumms or containing sink hole passages u hundred foot rope ludder or ruppclling rope is often useful in must df ontario s eaves how ever no runes of any kind ore required tr hard hats or closefilling plav tle helmets provide protection from low ceilings and from vur lous calclte projections of the roof light is best obtained from electric torches using flashlight batteries or from carbide lamps which emit a one or two inch flume of burning acetylene gas which adequately illuminates ev en fair sized chambers carbide lamps which are avuilablc at some hardware stores require refueling with a small charge of water and calcium carbide ev cry three or four hours no major hazards the caves of ontario are too small to present any major hast urds other than the dislocation of loose rock from the ceilings air is generally pun pits are shallow inhabitant animals arc msuallyqaitesmatl and-various- diseasc bacteria prevalent in the guano deposits of more souther fy caves arc absent in general the caves of ontario present few hazards to exploration except perhaps the prolific growths of dealer salesmen water treatment well established canadian manufacturer has exclusive dealerships open in several areas no investment high compensation car essential we train you reply to box 240 acton free press rftgwe- 6 plan of richardson tiguros showing the ceiling hei poison ivy covering the entrance passages of most of the bruce peninsula cuve ontario s caves have attracted the attention ol writers very little possibly because the true beauty of them was nut widely known sir george gibb in 1880 mentioned a few caverns from labrador to lake superior but many of them were insignificunt and the list was by no means complete the most interesting cuves are perhaps those at rockwood just a tew miles eust of guclph in the vicinity of the village ol ruck wood l a gorg ap mately one mile ron and one- slxtecnth of u mile wide trending about nesw here the lramosa river has cut 40 to 60 feet through the light grey dolomftie limcmunc or the lockporl loim ation large masses of cnerinile a rock composed of the eileite stems of ancient se i lilies or ui noids form some ol ihe elifls and the numerous tbaiidoncd lime kilns and extensive qmiiries indicate that the ruck was once used in the preparation ot lime and building slum many stone buildings and houses nearby ire constructed of m uerial excaval ed there ten eaves wot thy of consider atiun occur here tlong with many more of lesser inleiest on jy three caves rockwood ruh ardsoaa and pierres caves will cave at rockwood ihe circled ighls be described as they arc typical of other caves in the immediate vicinity the entrance to rockwood cave number 2 on figure 1 is an opening 10 feel high occur r mg at the base of a 50 toot clltf ol dolomitic llmeslunc the first recorded visit was made by pro fessor j hoycs pan ion a geology instructor at the agricultural college nearby in 1887 his ex ploration of the area for the purpose of showing his students ex imples or how water acts up on limestone outlined a number of interesting caverns the lotul l o the cnt ranee pavsac to rockwood cato is 168 feet two chambers are piesclit un entrance room 6 lo 7 feel hich and a second room 4 leel high whic h is connected lo the enhance passage by a crawtway li leet in height fig ore 2 the moor in most pi ices is cl chocol ilc hrown mud ex c ivalions in several parts or ihe c ivc mdil ili thai hits mud lay er which is commonly very compact h is i thickness thai vanes hum seveial inches to mote than one loot blocks ol roik which h ive been dislodged i rum the ceilings are scattered tlnoufehoul ihe civc the largesl t ne sever il leet in di imctcr is ml iiitcd in the ecnlic ol the see ond or inner room 7s feet from lie cnlrancc two passages ol short length extend perpendleul all food prices effective nov 3 4 5 iga fancy 15 oz tins applesauce 227c luncheon meat 12 oz tins kam 249c ioa instant 6 oz jar coffee 75c australian sultana 1 il sao raisins 43c savory tropical flavour bananas 10 c lb new ininswkk canada no 1 is lb tag potatoes 79c cawemia rnast tab grapee no 1 emperor grapes 2 lbs 25c no 1 grade mushrooms 49c lb wa reserve the right to limit quantities maple leaf ready to eat smoked picnic shoulder 39 fresh canadian lamb sale legs wh h 63c lb loins 45c lb lamb in the basket oovon rind sliced side bacon 35c lb 59c lb ioa choke tomatoes pea or vegeteble habitant soup mtplo uf 28 oz tins 2 for 39c 28 ox tins 3 for 49c 1 lb pkgs lard 2for39c domosbc shortening tulip colour kwik 3c off 1 lb peg 29c fraservale frozen margate w vegetables 379c 45c aves to the rend ul the muin puv age so ice i lurlher unoihcr ciawlway leuds oil to the right and is parallel lu he tint tide passage jb continual drip water drips frum the roof con ilnuully especially in the inner recesses und small pools of water an inch or so deep occur ul vur locis pluees along the floor slal jellies white or brown uh culcllc pi ejections rum the celling aie numerous in ihe inner pus sages und may attain u lenglh ol three or more inches lxumin 1 1 lun ol the ceilings of the outer entrance pjssuge suggests ihui ut one time many stutuctltes und eitcitc encrustations adorned this chamber also however the numerous visit urs to the cave over u period of many years huvc no doubt been responsible for their disappear ance punlun describes xtulticlil es a foot in lenglh and up lo lour and five inches al the greatest diumetcr in ihe inncimost pas s iges bul these have now been removed however stalactites up to 10 inches in length mav occas ion illy be unearthed from ihe chocolate bruwn mud at various points inahe cave bolh the mas sive vaiiety and the dcliialc sodusiraw stalactites are lound severil poorly developed he tellies or worm like st themes huvc been discovered along with small patches of c ivc con i bolryoidil ot gripe tike growth ol cilcilc riuwslune is fairly ibundanl in rockwood caw and lot ms bicun rind edges and other cncrusling outejuwlhs al ong ihe cave walls bee lose of licqucnl hum in vi sitois to the c ivc hocjodvlic mi m lis hive heen ditveii utn to ihe nianv sin tiler laves ot llie region bus ate unknown in this particular c ivcrn but spiders irequcnily inhabit ihe entrance pass iges which ire much drier hi in the inner porlions animal bones are occasionally exhumed in the m un passages and ihese consisl i trgcly ot porcupine re mains passage under chamber dr panlon who first dcticub ed the area postulated a passage running under the inner cham her of ihe cavcm for when the mud floor is pounded i deep hollow sound is emitted this re suits however from the phslie consistency of the mud covering of ihe moor and the echoes pro duced in the closed eh imber exc ivation reveals solid rock be low the c ivcrn owes us origin to sceu il letlures of ihe surround me counlrvsidc geologic d iges jfeo loiccs within ihe carlh s crust lompicsscd ihe rock stra u tifcure 6 ormini a broad dome or sm ill anticline ol rock wood tile lotces icled irom he notlh md from the south form tng ihe elongate fold which trends rouhlv east west when rock is compressed n such i m inner iwo sets of irac luns develop with numerous subsuhirv f nitons pinlkl lo the mitor ones these frum called ion luetic joints are n fissures in ik rock incipient crcviics where ground wjler m u enter and slowly dissolve jh iv the limestone thus form mt underground pass tges some of the limestone is prcciptalcd lormtni beatiliful stalactites or stahlmitcs mthm the cue bul ihe bulk or ihe rock is carried t i the me pi in solution and mils us u iv mlo the ocean joint patterns the nesw tnd nwse joint robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formcrl e p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 st gofgt squar frank carney and sons lid hardware plumbing and heating rockwood ul 69501 fig 1 map showing locations of some of the larger caverns palttrns produced bv loe ilied pressures in ihe crusl aie res nomiblc for the cubic shaped outline of ihe plun shown in figure 3 the beehive sh tpc ol the piss iges indicates that much of the e ivern was excavated hy giound witter ubove i lie water tuble sec i iguic 4 had ihe i ivetn heen formed below ihe w tier i tbli wheic the cnliri lock is suiuiuled with water ei oss see lions ol lite p tssages would tend lo be sphcrieal much of the mud coveting ihe floor has been inltoduced by sm ill rivulets which enler the c ie during rainslorms through sm ill impissiblc sinkholes in the rock ptnnuelc in which i ik cave occurs smaller amounts of mud represent he insoluble clayev mailer of ihe rock whlih nuns after the more soluble culciltc purls have been cuirlcd away tension joints in uldilton o ionutali fo its a second set of fissures called tension limits pigme 6 one in tied it ihe ctest of the ant elini is ihe biilllc rock wis folded these devices provided easy access lo small streams and caduallv as waler was dnceted along these channels rockwood goree figure 4 was eul by hie eiamost river the position and direction of these tension minis of which no trace today remains has controlled ihe position and direction ol ihe gurcc richardson s cave no 4 ol figure i also in ihe rockwood area has on entrance located at the base of a 60 fool cliff in a smill gorge containing a eteck which joins the erarnosa river downstream tin ertti tnee me t- urcs 2 feet wide itiel li let high three rooms the live llgini 0 eonsislsi three rooms in entrance dim her ii feel i li ilul leet mi with i nijixiim in height i feel t ch tinbei i ihe ultlit kit bv 6 feet ud up lo ii he high which is uinnecled t til niiin eh unbei hv in 8 ik eiuwlwiv and t etiunhci ill kll 8 bv 7 leel with t ceiling only 4 leet i like hlo ks r hie rkilown i mm the i ml n scltlirid till hiliiuhii the e i but ihe floor sinuml wnh liti tuck debris i ml e i ill allllough s tine llov orns the w ills diposi ate sm ill arid consist small slal tellies up lu cites long the e ivc p icgls li r i iiuinhei hits and other sm ill iioliii dt is spiders lie quite nil n r like rockwood c ie the pi in is controlled by i set of pcipcndk ul ii jolnis and it s possible ili t severil ptsstgis eoiild be exieii i id by iddrlional rem v i d ly nd mud pierre it cave picric h civc n 6 in i ieu e i is located it the hu 1 i m loot chit ol djl nut i m m in iheenliance ibout i i h i lnjli tnd 3 feel uide le ids lo sh n t cruwlway with two sm ill n mis less lhan 4 leel m held i h it about 20 feet in di nuclei c il he deposils ire rn lie ihti i i ml pailly beeuuse lliin cave is imk known and ttiua dlltictili to hio ili il hit utilv oi ii klls i bro hollow sodistnw st it i s ire assoeialed willi ihe u m isslk ti lets i mi flowslorte it unit thund nit despiu hie very high telttivi iminulilv ihe euvc is luiiucnled by bits md other sm ill inimils alxie i he cliff nil i ms i it iniik m 1 holes up i i 8 ilk ins in tl nuclei leud by mil t us piss gis i i ihe c ives be w in wink i ihese holes g i ei illy mil un eli tr ol snow numerous potholes iii r nkwki in i is known lis foi ihe iniieioiis tnd well di wl iped pollt ilis which aie i i led un iii sides of ihe fr it si kiui the lugisi lirtlly e ill 1 ihr im is ill kttilh h lite top il llie dill in whiih rditi is us i u ins ineit ex i lite pilltoll ii issue siejlt mi isures 18 leet it tie he pilhou in li pi i ssi u sidt mi isures 18 le iii il oilcter hid 2s fill deep although i pieseiit on a pin n idi if link high ihuil ihe sun piiikiijij i ik v this pothole i mm the iliiniiilioii of a small c un uhieli i site mi onie in ms 1 1 in i le is egg sh iptd willi its gte ilisl ill true le r tp- ti imin mcly it ii w iv down at h b is is i s t ill opening lo ii lb i id i wir koigi this ikiiii e di in 4 tcet high and 2 i il wide pent is e tsv mess t ll e i si l mil pn i in ion in ixtu iiumpietl i exutv lie the iiumiiotis i iiiltlus it ihe hot 1 d w lit ih lulp ol his stud tits u s suiiesslnl in ub- i milill siei il spheric tl pot mu nidus a nil m i iv sm illci p il holes i i iotiiiil tin udt ml his tie t some of which exhibit excellent jorm although hcvrrol wrre cm ii ikd by rtrilon fuilhcr iiil1 ng often re veils more of ihe spheric il lnndeis ll rami ui igrarn illusit tltng iln p isition ol ihe i ruer in ihe r mkw mhi mliilmc figure 2 plan of rockwood cave ceihne heifchth in feet ate indicated bv the circled figures i ijai s i i l rain sh using lite i jnnalton ol he w mhi aiiliihnc tttd ihe e mutilc joint syv jl itc uhieh tin l ins hue bcin excavated hornby retarded school campaign needs 28000 meeting tn milton tuesday i institute thi ecnmg october 25 officials of conduct ihi i imp i ihe north halton retarded rural areas of s iss 11 children s association and guests bsqucsing t wnsturts planned a 10 eanvdss for 124 000 tn funds to hut id a new sunshine school for retarded children goorjiuwn tnd milton kins nun wxre represented thing wtlh members of artous hallon women s institutes and junior nl i rn tral tig tr bv the north hilton isstniiii n fond for building this uar llu akiiti n pi r lo set up a fund f r t n it building mkltllitl ifler the rn burlington mjltcld sth1 m lo be erected on a siic n tl jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete mick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv clnt fs i r phone 251 fully hmed acton seventh i me mnr llornbv cost f the building is i limited at ho 100 mil the iepiitnunt of iduealiin will pas m per cent l nit i ik i id thi counlv of llihon is lxix u 1 i k 12 s00 ii i t li k ims al t n milton k i i n nd ihe 1 nships lo r se ihi r rt us v8 000 kiiisiir n n milton htc agreed t t ittdle m it ii e irttpiign the i itt t still lorikmc for iiipttgn t i utec tn ailin il ih tjri dk ju tippi t has heen indtc n lit i tons club and t i i nit ts itganualiun in november in reorpiiiun kmsnun are studmfil the e tnass and a uvetv m is cvpccled sbortlv cam patgns will be conducted during the third week in no ember speakers and films on retarded thtklrcn are aiadablc to gniupv andcatn k obiamcd i mm gerry addkon milton tr ms56 to eompele canada must wood in world markets grow low cost

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