Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1960, p. 8

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sditvufilp a logical location approval tor th bower avt tile of a rww pott office- tawrnt a highly logical declilon on tht pad of acton oundl tht fit prttantly proposed would in elude the old storey glove factory at the corner of alice and bower ave the corner lot location would seem advantageous perhaps more important however would be ihe relief it could afford some of the mill st traffic problems at noon hour some school children who pick up the mail on the way home wouldn t be obliged to cross mill st that is already busy with highway 7 through traffic there is a convenient route from the station to the site along bower ave from the tracks with pavement on all streets it is as conducive to locate on a tide street as on the main street traffic problems wltl certainty not am be eliminated if the post office is located on the bower site speeding along the straight road it already a problem it does seem however that some street parking will be available on both sides of the street without narrowing the travelled portion of the road too much there will no doubt be disadvantages to the site but that will be the case in any chosen it does however seem to overcome some of the major difficult of congestion and traffic harards council s action in approving the site seems quite logical a familiar place every municipality in ontario and most in canada would like to attract more mdus try the reasons are simple economic facts industry and commerce help cut the share of the municipal revenue that the home owner has to provide while requiring less in the way of schools and other services the startling thing about it all is that so many citizens know so few of the answers that they might conceivably be asked about their town this is the kind of information that pti zens need to know to be town boosters too tttoeasy jcubecfttical but it does require some effort to be constructive ust as it requires some effort to know the answers about a town for instance a booklet distributed by the department of planning and development asks how well do you know your mumcip ality and proceeds to outline some pertinent questions what is the population how many per sons on the police force what type of fire alarm system is in operation what type of water source is used what is the average daily water consumption in gallons what is ihe cycle of the hydro power what is the bftis for assessment are there any special tax concessions for local industry what por tion of the mill rate goes to education what it the total enrollment and how many schools are there in town is there a planning board an industrial commission what is the average residential assessment are customs facilities available is the community serviced by bus and tram service what- truck transport facilities are available what are the names of the unions presently in the municipality are there any empty industrial buildings in the community certainly some of the questions seem facetious but they are questions anyone could logically be asked in everyday out of town conversation knowing ones community can be vital and everyone in a community who feels industrial development important should be playing on the industrial com mission team to achieve the maximum more life in history canadian novelist hugh maclennan in a recent article says canada has one of the most colorful histories in the world yet history book writers make it the dullest subect on the student s curriculum maclennan proposes a single book with each chapter a brief vivid life story of a great canadian the story of how canada once a colony became the first nation on earth to achieve responsible government without a revolution can be told in the life of a single dramatic figure joseph howe the story of how the dominion evolved into the commonwealth can be reed in the life- story of sir john a macdonald the story of peter pond alone in a cabin so cold his ink froze drawing the first map of northwest america tells a young person more about canada than ten pages of statistics ob 3vious the theory that increased government spending is the avenue to a country s con tinued economic expansion currently popular in some quarters as a quick solution to un employment found at least one dissenter at the annual conference of the atlantic pro vinces economic council in this dissenting opinion gradual tax reductions offer more certain aid to economic growth the speaker was dr charles f phillips president of maine s bates college and head of new england body that corresponds to the apec government spending programs said dr phillips have only a temporary influence and lead to unbalanced budgets high taxes and inflation what we need is not a temporary stimulus but a long range plan to promote econom c growth without inflation nothing would be as effect ve as a gradual reduction in corporation and per sonal taxes lower prices were also advocated by dr phillips as a means of aiding the growth that government and business for acceptance of would ease unemployment he cnt c zed both union demands that increased productiv ty must always be reflected m h gher wages if the improvement in output were shared w th the consumer through lower prices he sa d benefits the acton free press published by the dills printfaif and publishing co ltd founded in 1875 and published everv thurtdas at 59 frilkta st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations it own a and the ontanoquebec dmsion of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pivable in advance j300 in canada 4w in ihcimited slates six months jl 75 single copies 7c aut homed as second class mail post office depart ment ottawa the only paper ever published fa acton g a dills editor utchief davtd r dills managing editor business a nt editorial office phone 60 0 acton the goob old days r vmrm jratsriw suycvt and sfuce we agree with maclennan that history can be made more understandable more appreciated with a more interesting recording of the facts anyone who has ever written history becomes so involved in their subect they can think of little else this is the at traction of history the chronological listing of facts is difficult to overcome yet in many historical books in this area the history has been recorded interestingly and in terms of people rather than dates just as maclennan proposes a book on canadian history so every community in canada should have a group of volunteers interested m recording the history and pre serving it for an interesting retelling as the history that laid the foundation for canada lost markets at home and abroad could be regained in particular he blamed escalator clauses in union contracts that gear wage increases to increases in productivity dr phillip s advice may be unpopular with some but it s not unsound as govern ments spend more they must tax and borrow more both of wh ch restrict growth in the truly productive sector of the economy on the other hand tax reductions that would leave more capital available for inve nt could foster mdustr al expansion and ex id development of resources and the benefits to all including organ zed labour that could be gamed through lower prices are also obv ous ii you cant gic the- old lady i mink coat this year next hot thing to ginger her up is a night on the lown all you have tu do is sui a caitlc be isl or gel a hot strcik in i poker game so du tin stand the tarili the ust is easy you send off a cheque lor theatre hekels the amount would have pul a down pnmcnl on a small home in the not sodistant past 1 sflurirtly your wife hasn t a shlch to wear it will do you no good to rumble what s the mutcr with tint black dress it turns out that the black dress is not only two ears old but its ihe wrong shape the wrong length and ccn the wrong shade of black new dress and a fresh hairdo raise the inte to the point where you have to slarl eyeing a second cattle beist then you make plans tor dis posing of the children for the night plans they re practically blueprints by the time you re finished and it would take nap oleon himself to read them and vou steam off to the citv icav ing the electric stove on lou the light in the cellar on and the old girl s new gloves on top of the refrigerator we made one of our infre quent dashes into the bright lights recently and as usuil emerged like a couple of slight lv singed moths dazzled de lighted and determined to do it again at ihc first opportun ity which will probablv be about 1962 even time cc arrange fof a big night in the citv we plan to dawdle lic gnciouslv sip wine uth our dinner b candlelight and arrive at the theatre calm composed ind with thit upise and hauleui typieal of the seas onld theatre goer it never turns out that way we don i dawdle we hurtle we barrel down the hilhu v as though we were in the grand prix de monaco scramble for a parking place sprint to the press club choke down a double run to a restaurant gobble our din ner dash to the theatre and gallop down the aisle just f- the lights arc going down fur the third time ihllway through the first act i hac to battle a massive desire to fall sound asleep our last jaunt was no except ion but il s worth the effort the money and the nervous strain tc get out of the rut once in a while and lie in the stvle in which oud be living all the time if vour grandfather had had some sense and had homestead cd a section in the middle of the leduc oil fields instead of set tling for that stony patch in upper canada we had tickets for the new musical camelot which was having its trial flight in that new beer hall in toronto built bv that brewer with the irish name you know that place is harder to get a scat in than the senate the stolid burghers of tronna arc de lighted with their new eulturw centre which manv of them fought so hard to keep out ol the cit because of its un holy connection the 0 keefc centre alone is worth n trip iii bet thev could chirgc three dollars a seal just by bill smiley to lo in ind look iround and sit lor jn hour oi so if ihty served rehcsliineiits 111 hucc it s opulent md us splendid 1 ic ilities are bound to attract sup- eiior enlert iintnent lo toronto as for c imclol don i regret il loo much if you missed it i enjoyed il thoroughly but only hcl iusc i am delighted bv anything presented on a stage from sunday school christmas concerts to the var icly show all local talent on ihe last night of ihc fall fair the new musical by the pro ducers of the fabulous my fair lady is big ind it s beautiful but gorgeous costumes and striking sets can t make up for uninspired music and a muddy storv which begins as a spnght lv comedv and peters into a pal lid triangle tragedy redolent of the soap opera i predict the broadway critics will have the hides of its producers however that s their worry i have enough troubles of my own my leg is black and blue where my wife kept pinching mc to keep me awake on the lung cold drcarv drive home and she s still sore as blazes because she hadn l lime to finish the lobster dinner she tackled just ibuut ihe time wc should hive been heading for the theatre back in 1910 take fro tin hwe f 11m fm preaa thundey no 1 in ttnglnccr hulehcon of guclph wit down on tucsduv morning ttrlklng the levels for the new iemcni pavement un the north kldv of mill st from main lo park ave the pavement oun- iruiiiin arc now at work on lhi section considerable crttk urn ha been made of ihc uniwemlv i in mi of the railing to the new main st bridge old ncnnlling and rough pom being ued in falrnca lo ihc committee on fclrcet and walk il shuiilthlji understood this railing wp put up temporarily a a nrcucnl pro- lection and will be replaced with suitable muni railing list thursday a utile lad wm in ihc store of netiton and co mill st when he inadvertently slopped back aaglmt a coal oil heater the healer was over turned and the oil escaping im mediately blared up in volume sitting lire to lace curtains and other good miss nelson with commendable presence of mind poured ihe contents of a bag of flour upon ihc burning oil on ihc floor mr j r kennedy then nrriv ing on the scene from lhcccunr we irlng n pjfr of leather glove carried the slovi ind burning poods out to ihe street wllh the aid uf pnssersby and a few pills of water the fire which looked extremely ugly for a minute or two was suhdued the loss was adjusted by the in siinnce companies interested at j i os a reverend gentleman from he east of theprovince who war preach in acton sundav and pend thanksgiving with friends here stepped off the train in limchousc saturday evening thinking he hid reached his destination he pluckily set out on foot when he realized his mistake and it was reported the strenuous walk and the hracipg atmosphere of the grade were followed by eloquent sermons ind a vigorous appetite at the thanksgiving dinner mill st seems to have more than us share of telephone and electric poles s back in 1940 tabs f ram sm imm f n tot nm thwadar nw it the montage of mut ruby allen to james ritchie un sat urduy adrrauun look place al the wide home the fcrld is iht daughter uf mr and mr charles allen of ac l on and ihc bildegrikm ik ihc ton ol mr and mn john b rluhte uf george town a halloween concert won held ul lome mhunl no 12 enquct- liili on cxiohcr 30 the chlldicn inlntainetl parent und friends with a variety ol number in cluding rccllalioni readings drill haunting ghal drills and cree rhythm band seasonal kong and dialogue a lea lure of ihe evening wus the spy apple gucm with prize won by i denny und mr wllmcr wal klnn more and more carload of machinery ore arriving and he- inu inst ailed al the wool comb ing plant one scouring machine is iis feel in length new roach inn from england uic now nr rhtng regularly during the council meeting tuesdnv evening tender were opened for garbage collection alter some discussion ii was dc cided to accept ihe lender from i wuxman of 1900 for ihe year the municipal garbage collect ion will be inaugurated ihe firs ot january and garbage will be eollocled twice weekly aclon public school board de cided tuesday evening during their regular monthly meeting lo request council lo provide police protection at the mill willow sis crossing it was generally fell by the members ihl cross ing provided quite a hazard to pupils and some means of pro tection should be provided by the lown mr amos masem has started construction of two new homes on his property on alice st mon day morning construction work crs were busy at ihc site the pond has been drained and some fill dumped there a new course has been dug for the creek bed which will carry ihe water dir ccl lo the spillway this leaves a fine building site professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office inymun block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st jc phone 190 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sta entrance river st acton ont phone 238 dr robert u buckner physician and surgeon 89 wellington st acton ont phone 879 office hours 0g pm afternoons by appoin real estate and insurance dodging hound tbe district there are gangs of them digging for gold in the street the country irishman reported back to his sweetheart after seeing london for the first time he would find present day toronto even more aston shmg what with subway exca valions street widen mgs sewer lay ngs and other civic mprovements the place looks like one vast mm ng camp as a v sitor observed your city fathers are certainly leav ng no stone unexplored and no avenue unturned by roy downs milton rates at milton district hospital were upped 3 10 per das to a new s1990 nte following approval b the onnnn huspit il sersnes commission the rate is for standird wird beds ind will he chirged all insured tind uninsured patients brampton police chief kcates and his force were liken to tisk h ihe towns police committee for the continual speeding on brampton s streets one councillor asked for the us of unm irked cruisers as a wirninl to dmcrs georgetown because malton airport is so buss pmite nd charter planes mas hae to find other landing strips and deorgc lown should look into the matter councillor ian cass urged coun cil agreed to write the department or transport noting ihe town would be lhteresed in a smill urport should the occasion anv grams up te 100000 arc nailabk oakville red cross officials are studying setting up small donor climes in southeast and southwest trafalgar ifrr filling tc obtain a quota of 400 bottles of blood at a recent chnie one director noted the clinic is 900 bottles behind this sears quota and hoped smaller climes in outlsmg areas might assist donors to give more- orangevtlxe four accidents heralded the first snowfall in oranges itlc last meek and one car ecn rolled over on slippcn roads in the area north of orangemlle where snow plows were out lo clean iwas the first big blow blrlikgton a local woman saw a rtietconlc streak across the sk one evening and tbe nert morning her sons found whai tbes thought must be the meteorite the rock looked unusual and smelled of burning streetsmlle the p school board has asked council for 180 doo for school expansion in the village the monn is pro posed for an uriliarv classroom and auditorium at one school and additional classrooms at another if council does not readils approve the request n will go before a public vole waterdown east flamboro township wants no buzzing rooming gocarts council passed a bv law prohibiting the karts throughout the township ken trowbridge heads teachers the annual convention of the hallon no i te it hers inslittile took place at toronto oct 21 this sear the inspectorate was divided ind the leiehers from the towns of 0 ikullc georgetown and the townships of esqueslng and nnssagiwtsn were present r f bornhoid is the inspector of these areas in the morning there was a isititton to the north york sehtxls when the ti ichers had an eniosablc time visiting differ eni classrooms and discussing the school swum in thai arci old executive in the itlc moon the teichcrs issc mbkd it the crang plaa auditorium for a turkes dinner following i sine mine the i960 executive w is introduced and thc wire hun rar president 1 i skitci president r mc keswn vi c president k trowbridge treasurer f brown cere tars ms s finite urban rprcstntmvts mis m scarlett and j cob7cs rural representa tives r gibbon and mrs a paul spceiil subccts miss f fedora k the speaker was w wnght of wright associates who spoke on the art cf listening he explained ten reasons whs people are not good listeners and was to im prove listening powers mr bomhold outlined the growth of the teaching area and the 1961 executive was ihen m troduccd thes are president ken trowbridge sice president mrs r wnggcsworth se mrs s findlcs treasurer f brown rural representatives mrs noble and j watson urban representa tives h howard and mrs j norton special subjects mrs b richardson 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 dental or h leib dental svrgeon office corner h11 and frederick street office hours by appointment telephone is dr a j buchanan denul stkfeon office 5a mtn street office hour m to 6 pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 148 phone 699 night or day bruce e shoemaker hgr orncal and heauno aids e l buchner r o optometrlat contact lenac hearing aid 4b mil st e acton in acton wednesday only 2 00 pm 6 00 pjn for appointment phone 111 robert r hamilton optometrist eyes examined giasnea fitted 60 main st n georgetown ont office hours 10 nan to 6 pjrc moo to frl evenings by appointment cl saturday inbnent tr 73 auditing accounting lever hoskin chartered accountanta m ma st n 212 kin st w waniptoji toronto j phones gl l4 em 49111 c f leatherland qc barrister solicitor notary public office hours 10 01 ajb t2j0 9 m 100 pjn- 500 p m sa urdays by apfintant rd ottxt 22 i acton tuvbuis outde gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard tunc eastbound u3 un daily except sun and hfll 8m im 11 33 aan 208 pjn mb pan c33 awn mm pm 10m fj dsam tnam a bratda ba barrister solicitor notary public 173 main st s acton ont phone sk office houn 6 pjn b p m lpm b saturdays 15 cork st e guelph ta 4 2342 office hours 9 ajn s pjn saturdays 9 aax 12 am hastings payne barristers and solicitors notaries public 1a mill st acton tar aioibteebt call 991 1077 am iu7 pm 1st pm 5ja fern t jff pm 912pm 1 1j2 a12 ajn fri sat sun and c canadian national ajlways standard time daily eaeaft daily except iflacstopi tair chnopftactok r tsm am tt- a il ajn w- jairy except bat and sun 7m pn sat only 94 pjn sunday only bffl pn daily except sunday flyer at george town 627 pjn daily flyer at gwrgetown 1008 pile w royriodeu dc pakner s chiropractor 17 mill stoet pbone 40 ostee ronfc tnes tfaurs 2 pjn s pjn sat 19 am 1 pm dafly j9 an dairy eaceeft sunday j7 guru sat o 9 a m m p m sunday only 943 an jugstop sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pjn- daily except sat and sun iso ajn jb pjb

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