Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1960, p. 1

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jufott sfti ft elflhtylxth yearfjo 20 acton ontario thursday november 10th 1960 dttwrtminl otuwa twelve pages seven cenmu mfedal was presented on behalf of the student council of acton high school by president barry kirkness to leading grade 1 3 graduate louise wasowicz miss wasowicz was also leading award winning student during the annual graduation program friday evening at the school expect large turnout friday forremembrancedayservice acton and district citizens will join with veterans friday morn mg to pay their respects to loved ones fallen during the wars led by aclun citizens band and acton junior pipe band the parade will leave the legion hall at 1030 in the morning and march to the cenotaph were wreaths will be placed and a brief service held joining in the ceremony this year will be aclun legion and lc fion ladies auxiliary town coun cil duke of devonshire and lake side chapters iode finfighl crs cubs scouts guides and brownies as well as other local organizations the legion charge will be read by president max storey after which wreaths will be placed on the cenotaph by organizations and individuals tcgtonairc john mchugh will read the names ol the fallen dead followed by the last post played oy w d elmer smith acton junior pine band will pay the lament and mr smith will play reveille before the brief ceremony con eludes everyone will join in a hymn played by acton citizens band and legion padre rev a h mckerule will offer the bene diction the paradl will marqh to st albans church of the martyr church service will be held taking part in the service will be the following members of the acton ministerial association rev d eogel rev a h mcken zie rev h b stokreef rev jas m ruddand rev j nutma veterans will gather in the af temoon and drive to haltonvllle were a brief ceremony will be held at the cenotaph then after which a church service will be conducted in nassagawcya pres byterian church rev h c mar rand k griffiths will conduct the church service after which veterans tak mg part will be served lunch lool board vetoes driving class favors stressing three rs instead high school hoard members turned thumbs down on a sug gestion to include driving instruc lion as part of the school cum culum monday evening the board received a letter from an ontario safety league official stating the plan had received the blessing of the government and department of education and was being carried out in many centres however cklracurricular driv ing instruction under supervision of qualified teachers and princip al was turned down in favor of stressing the three rs not d for driving in the curriculum on me svbjvoi cnafrmn j cttighton heard trustee e 5 force remark sharply i m agin it trustee m m cole suggested the plan might have some merit in view of the increase in traffic accidents and reminded his col leagues the plan was backed by the department of education studies suffer mr force read a recent article wnttcn by bascombe st john educational columnist of a toron to newspaper which quoted stat isties compiled by insurance cum panics on the effects or dnving among 25 000 high school stud ents the writer pointed out that generally speaking the students academic standing suffered when they cither operated or owned an automobile after hearing the article mr coles informed the chairman he would have to alter his opinion and disapprove of the plan trustee force said we will have to choose whelher we an in business to teach driving or cdu cation he sulesled bcynncrs could take advantage of dning schools chairman crcightun eiled re suits ol an experiment in a sehool in cnhtumia vv here dm inj u sehool was banned loi a pi nod ol six months the result in better grades was tremendous robbing tunc mr force elaimed dnving n quired little skill and suggested the ability to think was the most important it we adopt this pro gram wc are robbing the school of hours which should be devot ed to study by which students learn to think he emphasized mr coles suggested the govern ment might better raise the age limit for beginner permits trus tec d moffat agreed the board could not afford to teach driving at school he was all in favor ol teaching to drive but not in school hours before the subject was conclu ded trustee w coon told his colleagues he disapproved and cbusbd to tcatn the tftiee ws wiihoiii including cans student council objects at a former meeting the board pondered a plan to eliminate bright sunshine pouring in win dows in the sehool gymnasium and a suggestion to paint the glass was held over pending a guaran tec of durability from a paint company monday evening a letter signed by barry kirkness president ol the student council objected to the window painting program and asked the board to reconsider their proposal the student coun cil said that painting the windows would present the first blotch on an otherwise beautiful school addition property chairman w coon ex plained to the board that dangers involved in window cleaning and an attempt to lengthen the life ol proposed curtains were the in tent behind the proposed painting ol the windows he said the mat ter had nothing to do with the student council if student arc going to run the school why have a sehool board asked mr coon his iews received the support of trustee force as he leimed the letter a little out ol place mr force wondered if the let ter had developed from the stu dent council opinion only pnnei pal e a hansen assured the board the letter expressed the views of the student council en tircly and was not backed by anyone on the teaching staff mr force told the pnneipal the board had no intention of desec rating the windows and the mat ter will receive further attention new ruling minutes of special mectinc dealing with a request for permis sion to use the gymnasium for badminton revealed that effect ive january 5 1961 a new policy will supercede previous rules ac ton high school property inelud mg the gym is to be used exclus ively for school activities always supervised by the staff or deslg trated supervisor an exception to this rule could be the use of the facilities by educational staffs in the area pnneipal hansen reported on the success of last fi iday s crad uatiun exercises and told the board the recent student ex change program sponsored by the acton rotary club had proved quite successful mr hansen reported that christmas cximinahons would cct underway november 25 and parents night is slated for nov ember 16 he also relayed nolifi cation from the ontario second ary sehool teachers ledeialion that staff member w coales had been granted category two status the secretary was instructed to make necessary wage idjust men is bus change d mofrat chairman of the transportation committee report ed bus routes were working out qui te las orabls he noted ehange in schedule had been made but owing to a large hill he expected winter travel over this particular area would be impos sible with the bus he siillestcd the township should sand the hill it was agreed bv resolution to name the sehool acton district high sehool but the name hui tiling now will not be changed rev h d stewart guest minister during knox church anniversary scholarships bursaries total 1000 high school commencement program girls dressed in their flowing dresses and boys in their sunday best and both transformed from students to young men and wo men were admired by proud par cnlft as they traipsed up the steps to the platform of the acton high school auditorium to re ceive their certificates and awards friday evening during the annual commencement exer uses this year the awards were the biggest to date totalling over j1000 principal e a hansen wel corned the crowd seated m the auditorium and ovcrflqwing to the bleachers and praised the students for their achievements he told the audience that it the school enrolment continued to increase another school addition would be necessary in the near future gaily decked with flowers and school colors the stage held staff te ichers and guest speaker who shared the limelight as eer tifieatcs and other awards were handed out girls big winners girls copped the tartest sh ire of the awards with several re ceiving two or three during the mbocmscb auti phatq scout apples went on said in acton saturday and scouts and cobs blitzed the town as they sold the apples and handed out tags in return for the money p ctured above busy polishing bbflibmhwai apples prior t6 canvassing ngnei ant scout steven colei and cub bruce sagaskie arena changes await approval govt to pick up portion of tab installation ot a healing sys tern and toilets at acton arena loomed into sight once again when council received word the project would probawv be clas sed under lh winter works pro- groom and the town would be cl igible for a grant if the plan is approved the government will share 75 percent of the labor costs and the town will assume the balance as well as cost of material clerkadministrator j mcgca chic informed council that a eas line would probably be run from the street line to the arena tn prcpantion for the mstaila tion of the hcalinc system the building committee agreed to visit the arena saturday morn inc to look it over couneil agreed to deelire the week of november 13 to 25 as retarded children s week and make this announcement in the free press members were reminded to be on hand friday morning for the rcme mbrancc day se rv iee and were instructed where to meet plan 1961 music festival large congregations attended the morning and evening services sundis and heard lucst minister the res h d stewart ot ottawa during the 1 15th anniversary set xioes at knew presbwcrian church addressing the morning con gregation the guest minister de scribed the place of the church in your rehgeous experience while in the evening he stressed vfhat the spirit savs to the churches the distinguished speaker fmm ottawa told his audiences thes must do more than sit tuck and accept the cunsohiton ol the cbjureh but must commit them selves by giving time and talents the speaker urged the con gregations to take more active part in the church and stated chnstlaniu is not so much some thing to believe as it is- a task to be done guest soloist for both services was malcom kelterborn of blen heim he was accompanied bv or garust e a hansen and sujkj in the morning the lords pravcr and lord god of abraham in the evening the outstanding bar itooe sang crown without thorns and arm arm ye brave the ehuieh choir under the direction ot choirmaster and organist c a hansen sang praise his holv name and god who madcst larth and heaven fowl supper morulas evening the anniver sary was marked bv a fowl sup per and program in the church over 300 dinners were served and many others sent out the hgunis down from last year tt program in the church was arranged bv mrs bert davidson and mrs g somcrville with res mckenjic the chairman he welcomed the group and expressed thanks to the ladies of the church for the supper with special appreciation expressed to mrs a m macpherson president of the ladies aid on the program were solo bv mrs john davklmm the des ert song duet june and donna renmck uist tramping song solo norman elliott just awcarving tor you cor net duet charles landsburough and ian johnston bless this house reading mrs malcolm mofatt ctunpbctrvtlle solo george musselie the veterans song piano duet mrs mel mi cu hough and mrs a k mann the shepherd bos solo don na rcnniek tulips and heath er duet geo muvsellc and nor man elliott the battles esc two readings mrs maleom mol fatl comet duet charles lands burough and ian johnston in the garden sok june renmck my task and a duet bv mrs john davidson and norman el liott the hols citv mrs clarence coles was ccom panil for most musical items mrs george robertson aecompan led the renmck girls in their songs and george mussclle s seilo and the duet bv george musmmc and norman elliot l pirns lor the 1961 halton music lesltvals uk made during the mnual autumn mcetines of the presidents secretaries and music supervisors of the north halton urban north h ilton rural and south halton divisions of the music festival association the meeting was held in the j m denves public sehool milton on wcdncsdav ol lasl week the north hallon rural dms ion plans io hold its festival on thursdav april 27 in the robeit little sehool in acton with eldoti bret hour ol toronto as adjudica tor choose day evening the north hallon rural divio ion his chosen april 26 and the evening ot april 28 as dates for its festival also to be held in the robert lillle schoot dr fen wick his been approached to ad j ud it ite in the south hilton division thcie will ae tin this i u be lour fcsliv lis dividing the tie i ceo graphic tllv these will be held on march 21 22 23 nd 24 with harvcv pernn of tor into as ad ludit h r the earlier date was it the request nf the prmcipils is soclitlon the usual concert will not be held it the eonelusi n but concerts will be urnnged in the vanous divisions and home and school projects members were reminded ih it 1i will sce iht will 11 ill in counts music festival ind some discussion vsas held on how t mark this event it was asked that ins sitljic si ions he sent in id vacant seats were plentiful with the mayor attending a thrcc- div seminar at the canadian civ ll defence college at arnpnor reeve j m greer still reeupcr aling fmm an operation and councillor a field absent coun eillor e pope arrived on the scene in time to take a scat be tore adjournment following the conclusion ol the brief business session at which deputv reeve j hargravc pa sided council inspected the re ecntly completed town workshop at the w iter tower soon as pos- evening louise w isovvic val cdietonan received two scholar ships valued at 250 ind vv is pre sented with the v iledietornn medal by student council presi dent barry kirkness she ts now attending teachers college in toronto petite flenc varey received the lakeside chipter iode schol arship of j2s lor the student tn grade r2 who in i tic se tr coin rtkstes the course tn crtdc 12 with the hilhcsl standing ind continues to uppt i scljotll mis w spioslon made the pre sen 1 ilion gre itcsl prohcicmv in tlu coo me re id option course won mel bo i ins scholaiships i j ri lnlimcr ol gi ide ii uul june dwulson of er ide j2 the iu irds were presented by mrs j gil towav the duke of devonshire ch in ter iode bins ii v ol j i kx f i a student proceeding to higher editc ilton was piesentcd hv mis j w wolfe to ionise wisouti the cinuhui let ion schol ir ship for lcncial ptoliciuicv to the slink ni in eitdc 12 oi 13 who onlimics to in instill i on ol luetic r icattunc wis pre enlcil by 1ein n picstd i i m ix si itcv io mtiy lou ciciehti n wh is the university of toronto the unnu il aw irds of the i ikcsidc chipter iode never- i he never ibsent certificates were presented on behalf of the chapter bv mrs w sproston and mrs k spielvogel to ruth coles riehtrd currie kay dennis bob dubv icslcv anne duby john gov peter homer junes iron side k u he rule kirkness wayne m t on siuirt mcdonald ray i istn i diane robinson janet koljiv ildson gail rosll david roiiehlev murrav smith ro8 swukh imer ilene vircy susan wilttis george wire john wil li ims c irmen wnodburn proficiency scholarships jick cicilhton chairman of the sch ni ho ird i warded the sell l boird proficiency schol- u ships which ire b ised on ac- c kniie si uiumg in ill subjects tot il imiiunt of the scholar ships wis 600 receiving them weie i ou ise w isowie grade 13 200 m irv i ou creithton grade h 1100 ilene virey grade 12 si00 dorecn gordon gride 12 10 miabcth folic gi ide ii v bum birbcau grade ii s jem hut giade 10 30 ni gthof endt 10 15 mary bdh llltll cridc ntne 20 and t tn muni on page three workmen rush jobs at church yet organ tuner needs quiet willi the scivi c i did l the new sincliiiiv ol the llml d chuich on suiul iv niotui ic il ii tin vv iknien tie t icine il 1 1 ns i the clock this week io i ivc ih inn hint te idv wd i mi mint is lire ids up u itt i run l i f the church si ins uic ik mg built 1 1 the balei nv old dooi tr imcs ne neht ie lily i i l hi joors io he huiil i he unoelwork ts lo he lit ishcd in n iluril stndi undciloot then is ihc tough cement floor littered with work mens equipment however lis being tiled this week curpcls and furniture arc to arrive today thursdiy uul be installed just as soon is possihk missing it the decile ill m will be the e iltircd cj s in ihc win dows which is not line vet improbable the men f iced with uist ill ne mil tuning ihc or in don t know which side ol ihc knee tllev u on they want the chinch as ie idv is possible 1 i the snvicc sund iv hut h i tlcii w ik thev h ivc two prclt i ttproh thlc n quite ments ahsolule quiet id ikm atmosnhere vvilh no dust iheu solution work nights suiul iy moinmiis sei vice of decli 1 1 ion will he i ol lowed by him he m setved in ihc h isement bv 1 dies i the chinch the m5lh inniveimiy sciviec will be fields in ihc eveillil lie ei nj ecalnn 11 id an allrac tive loldet punted which has hitn sent in loitncr members and inciids invttuil thein to attend ihc bniklel includes a historical sketch ol the e on grce it ion names of ciders stewards tiuslees and tzi up piesidcnts a short article on the new orl in a message liom building chairman alt lona a message from the mlrllster the rev dwight engel and the order ol service for morning and even h hold next blood clinic at legion november 17 100 reward woodstde school extensivcls damaged bv vandals was closed tor four davs last week and re opened last fndav destruction was done the saturdav before it is understood that a 100 re ward for information has been offered tn the school board in the district a laige response is expected liom acton and district residents fi r ihc red cross blond clinic kinc held in acton thursdav november 17 ind canvassers arc buss this week callmc door lo door the bliktd hank nctne held in the legion auditorium will be open in the attcmoon trom 2pm to 4 0 pm and again in the even mg from djo pan to 9 pm chairman g bcatts reported this week that ans resident not home when canvavscrs call can give blood b attending the clinic during these hours nurses and aides lnm hvmd ton red cross branch will be on hand and will be assisted bv local nurse and assistants blood tak en during the clmtc is stored in a blood bank and e in be ucd irve cvf htrpe bs needs pcrvms attn this veir the legi n ijhx ie ausiharv will v on ha nil io provide i luneh md ass u ihiil irkistutun ind members 1 1 olh er oranialk ns will jlse lend their asmsimcc the entire pcrati n i ike hut a lew minoies n 1 evervonc is se reined eatx hills bcloa being allowed to civc bl k il is ex peeled that ihe same repeiters will he on hind again and it is i h ped ihat i number of new aces will be hn ai the clinic 1 mr bcatts reminds cih7en thit ins one txhvcin he iges nl 18 and j5 is eligible to donate and he hopes to sec a number of the younger men and women turn out for use first time the central offie sible w i mcneil inspecl i l puh- lie schools vvimed there cm be it iditing ol ellorts in e unmti support both linanciallv and from i publicitv anlc so that the lev livals in iv be successful j newton back as fire chief ac ion tire department held their innu il clccli n ot ollicus mondav evening and returned chid j ick newton lor in ither term of office also illumed i illiee v is lie pull thief mi k 11 i tijs in 1 a capliiii bern v in ii i n i b ipltin wtlf meftvhcitt sam tetinanl was ippouitcd c captain retuitud to i fti e is s tel us w is phil mu mm ii with s hnnv kripek handling the r ll a ticav urer again this scar theatre closes end november lost money i he silver screen in acton will ike blicked out on novem- inr 2h roxy manager murray hum in has been informed bv the odeon chain the theatie wlu ih closed on hat date the bin id n ji is iwncd by mrs greg oi f oakville mt h irnson stvs the theatre his been losing money lor two ve us uul 1 1 most closed last jime atler a reprieve the latest and be st pic tores were shown i but the tttcndince remained i s ml nt wick nights j in m ind iv tucsdtv wetlnes- d iv s md thursdays there are m the iv rate irom 25 to 35 tn tl e stt w i rom 80 to 90 percent i i iln dismiss was done on the wc kinds wilh saiurd iy mat i in c itti nd nice running from ho op i 240 whil kept h going ihc slndciits mr harrison snd win is very soirv to sec hi l in if entertainment lost guest speakbt reverend e g stewart past moderator of the presbyterian church is pictured above in the centre with mrs e c reed viceprincipal and e a hansen principal following the commencement exercises at arton high school fnday evening dr stewart combined wit and wisdom tn ho address which he delivered to a large audience in the school auditorium

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