Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1960, p. 11

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ontario education week public commtnt on dotation is ofttn inclined to follow tha urn of inst resistance education n unquestionably a good thing so wlbn ihe annual ontario education week comet around ai it ha this week wa may be tempted to pat education kindly on ihe head and pats on to moret pressing topics we should remember hat there is no need more pressing more fundamental than the improvement of our educational system it is the key to the future to our future development our prosperity our stature in the world community even our survival canada will need ad the well educated people she can get in the future as canada s largest and most influential province ontario bears ihe responsibility of producing the largest number in their program for ontario education week the ontario teachers federation and its co sponsors from government business industry labour and citizens groups have set their sights high they stress not only routine academic subjects but are urging local committees to crest activities based on educations broader obectives community teamwork internal lonalonderstanding and cultural development to name but a few their aim is to enrich the process and meaning of education to develop a system that is capable of meeting the challenges of the forme nothing is more fundamental than that challenges of today hi often said that good after dinner speakers are difficult to obtain but then the standards by which theyre rjudged is so vaned as to compound the situation per sonally we prefer the speeker who plants a challenge perhaps not as glibly as some perhaps not as shrouded n okes as others but who leaves you uncomfortable challen ged we consider ourselves fortunate to have recently heard a word picture on the great unknown comment of africa end later an explanation of hew costly education may it is shattering news to know thai in that great complex and troubled continent of africa there are for instance b 000 000 suf fermg from yaws that could be relieved by a 10 cent inject on of penicillin that while western m ssionar es train 90 per cent of tnose who are able to read and write we allow ihe commun ss to provide the liter ature that they eventually read because we la i to prov de the books we found t beyond our comprehens on to even mag ne the megn tude of africa whee the sahara desert could conta n the entire unbred states and have room for a second texas kefi over the poverty is ncom prehensile where an average income of 40 is general m a year tt was interesting to hear the work of dr schweitzer in his naive hospital a 500 bed ktsjituaton s has about five doctors and 15 trained nurses they look after the treatment the patients family moves m to care for the patient perhaps the most shocking aspect of africa ts the tremendous wall of insulation thai we have put between that continent and ourselves our ignorance of it and failure to do anything concrete to bring about a better existence for the 250 oo0 000 people who live there no such insular wall separates russia from those new africa nations on the first invitation they send in their technical assistance their low interest money and their doctrine from biblical stories long since learned and pigeon holed in our metal desk we ve heard of leprosy it s still a scourage in the continent of africa yet it could be eradicated with the application of today s medical know ledgecost of treatment is between 6 and 8 a year as we tut tut about the inroads commun ism is making in africa we might well wonder if they don t deserve some success perhaps we should as the second spea ker we were privileged to hear did consider the fact that education is not expensive yet he said something like this russia claims that by 1965 they will have two and a half mill on engineers wewon t get anywhered m we export wheat because russia wttt be exporting its brain power sending out tech nic ans id undeveloped countries exporting their real character if we got everyone through our grade 13 that we should we could send experts to laos and the congo and bu id up friends for the west the real cost of education is not high yet the speaker challenged it will be higher if we don t tra n our young people because it will mean that we wtlmose the cold war no longer can education be considered a luxury people who have a good education produce more earn more buy more are more active in civic affairs and in the end contribute more to the state and the com munity scoring the term high cost of education the speaker emphasized that if we don t spend our dollar on education well become a backward nation apart from the cost of education we ap preciated the speakers outline of the prob lem of immature students leaving high school and approaching university because part of the cure hits at every home vle as par ents become more and more civic minded while our youngsters are left at home and they re not being taught the art of working a challenge indeed thai edtltation does not all take place in the science room or at the hands of the teacher it s a process in which we all share the good old days l back in 1910 tukcrt from ihe iimm of ihe free proaa ttmrthlay nov 10 ilu wis siuiitf i jtk fuluh i shuls whs shifkd insl weik ami miw unis inlo h ml mine mill cu new hikk win in him all the- imilmu in nihil u tllki ik d l 111 i mllllklpil a mi id iippiu kilo i ik vim jlnmit ol ill mi im liiiiuinu in i ik iik uiik vt1iiili was l ikiii liiitii mill si nuveiiuni work on livvt tn niilii 11 ilu laihti h back in 1940 tukrn frum ihe imuc of the free prcw thursday nov 14 1940 cold tli ivlng nun ink rcnit with iiil usual liiyt- trowd tit itihlitiy iht ii n nun i reinembitinee liy suvi t in aiinn this yiar hui n pood r pitstnlulivi nurude wis hi ui with i htiel teiemony it ilu miotiph mil setotid purl nl tin suk wjs raid in ihe tjiuiul ihnuh wnh li i j nils n plivlntf iht iirniin lor lle liviins mil ntut st let lions kv i a hiooks ktv i ill old nd liv h i liuimi thinliin nl tli a ion jejunii jii thik l iti in ilu splendid seiviet im ii ni iiktts wmi un mil in ad ii un ihe weekend j nt su i j k tjaidmer upon j muk um in ilu insl ol ilu m vn rush mi small i jiii stilleitd willie i mil ii k ui plant compjiiv litieby tit losi riei i ins kll hand oper iiinj j irijiliine ml iii kjllui lull or injtr wjs taught h the mathine and vi had islud ihai jinputj mil ish lum a speedy ue al iht mishap ii all iy and i he yik on monday night and did noi touted rrwn ii pi ion sufat and sfuce 1 1 mmk mv blood boil lo sic toioniu enlns puking un m it line dittnch when thiil imtlv ere dure gi ietd hogtown rmni l with hei thealneol piesemt 1he maitt iht hnlh nil distov t1 ill il mu km un l sing iik innomil ht i with putiile ques turns ih ml kin i li imlmoth in ind still i sunt to l he niituiee ever lum uiiuldlmd enough enipts boll its hi i us tin pun i d aime h mu ih out 6 40 p m m itinn jow from ilu movie i bun it by bill smiley with i mmii th mglil h duniki ii tuw t mint v nk nun mu pnxnckil li kvel ilu in i oil mtl muki it pusiniabk i ii pidislrnns until wi itlur ptimits i impkllrtk ilk proirt ihe ilnll house l 1 tic vironi j limit club ol whuh mr oiorgc b irdtn in is m stir w is distitimtl hv iin stindas morn in the i iss is estiniitid iround j40 000 lh biotlurs will kn iwn ipplu rnaiiv jlrui quailir i hue i ptjwic inttri le minuks and two mi wen put iut of loimnis when irees kll atrws tlur window pjnes weie bio i me lun ol lo and blown down judging hv ihe tepiils irnm illui tin teis aei n if i liithih with hell damage tht west inifdc entrance ot the pist olliee his been jinprov td and i titatei t imlorl will he hid lor the sull b a slight than tii in the stelin whuh wis 1 rtn il itouiid j nokin ii the l i ihik diud at a qu i unst ihe i id hi shot ll on m hull a day to remember a new general on is taking its place a generation that is not farrnl ar w th the holocaust the sacr fice of war there are many though to whom the threat of war still strikes like a searing knife as the only slightly dimmed remembrance can crowd in there are hundreds who ex per tenced war hundreds who lost buddies friends and relatives to the sacrifice of war il is against this stark background thai november 1 1 has an ominous mean ng the date itself is perhaps not significant the re membrance that we set asde that day can crowd in on the memory of those who knew war at any moment of any day but november 11 is important becusp it is a day set as de for common remembrance when those who knew war or those who merely accept the benefits of the freedom we now enoy can together remember and pay tribute to those who fell on our behalf the blood red poppy mmortal ed by john wccrae is today s badge oi remem brance the annual cenoaph services that take place in so many places are an ouward display of grat tude of regrets o sym pathy for those who lost so much and for those who gave so much the ch ii ng notes of the last post the st rr ng sound ng of reveille carry with ihem an annual challenge to make th s world a better place and lo extend to new fields and areas the ideological battle for mens mnds on behalf of freedom a new genetat on is taking ts plae its responsibilities are grave lo build on the p liars of freedom planted by the sacr fee of two world wars a world where peace is not a d stant unatta nable goal and where the deal of wprld brotherhood s not fogged in d scr m nat on and ignorance of eourse she cin t sing ind neer iiiuld but she i in make the skin etawl on the baek ot vour neek wilh that husks sn irl and grandmother or not there u more sex appeal in one long look from above those haunting eheek bones one twist of that heartbroken smile lhan in all vour slnil ling higuigjjing poukr pig eons of half her ige perhaps i m a little warped on the subtixl of miss dietneh she i is ihe hrsl woman in nn lilt tht first number ol the upposite v who made me iealie thiri was more than line sex i was it e irs old al the lime don t tell me vuu cant fill m luve it 10 pethaps thai is iht onl agi it whuh our loi is eomplekk sell less ut terl pure and absolute 1 untkmindin i didn i ivin tpeel her lo mim me 1 knew she would n t tmrrv an 10vtarold kid alt i w tntid lo do was think ihout her ind nurse m pun ti ins sell it happined it a mom i w is i soun dt 1 1 for loin in in it inits in those das ihi hui hum twue t wnk illn sihool as will as ihi usual salurdas shtiw nid wtih hildnn al in i he i kll for dittiuli in a nunu i ilkd moioeto ih out the rorntn legion in whuh she appe ired with guv ctmpii 1 tlidil t rille il it ilu tune bul miss dieiruh hid ihe iok ol a woman of ill repuk i ihoutihi she iusi worked in ihis hir inisbe is a singer or some llung she sing in lhat tthiskt tt nor ol litis ind i wistmhinl ed she smiled th it ruelul knowing smile and i turned i o mul issis she wtnkid ihn n unhl wink ind 1 tvsisud m h inds until m iiiili is e r u ki d she smoked with ih it nntenous ikjanee ind m in irt k iped p unlulh wilhui nu 1 though i would hurst with pruk ind devotion when i hi puturi ended willi her toisikine hei tib al the casino to follow tars into ihe deserl tht list shot showed her bin foot in the sand dripping i eoii ns sru strutk oil after ihe upon with iht other women nmp tolluw eis i i in l desenhe the gallani r with whuh she ihnw baik lur h ur ind gai l spunditt hiai smik is thi oh 1 hid i good m un all ins ill t ill u i tun w s i nefchb who used li e leh im and kis s uu ht iilih e us lime we ni mil run sheep kun lhat nl whin slu pi shed me out ol i h i mow oru das nisi 1 i fun mil 1 bnikt in s mkk thin ih it is i bnel episode willi mi 1 leneh te it he i when i v is in hieh selwjol 1 111 i inu lo a ii i when 1 kiss ed he i up hi an ippk tiei one lj ids ime tl n in spnne i th uehl id never tit ou ol ih u apple tiee si i00 wh n im tuesd i fjuelpli ron being distrosed hv mis r i ii h n on tin ihe hnde k the hi ikis son it ml i 1 si nuh w if r kw ollui ilu me 1 j mom whu pusonjle oft 1 ceremony last fri t at eight ueloek do- bition diughler ol ton ol at ion became f alfred minn duhy and mrs jseph dubv id the rev p h i it ihe ten h hx k plue in ihe professional directory and travellers guide and thin was i braili in t i mil al t iiiilx slit eoukln i spi ik un inlish h the limi 1 d i uihl iut i i sa pirk be nth and kiss nu d idtlx wilh the best ol lliem id missed so m ins let tuns i h uln l i ho funeral directou lo mg nn e j tneel ilu there wen lots that in biiejand mm souu i i w n sweet s mu isked oni ol lum but i w is im i he uicptid i piopos oihtr c in idi in wl et unlis pi ut in c big mil u w is in 200 airis or stone n htlurn out in i 1 p i ilh dr w g c kenney phician and suren office in symuu block 43a mill si f acun office phone 7 rpsidpncp 115 chiirch st e phone iso dr d a garrett physician ind surgeon corner f w llosv and river s h w is unlrs i imp in dr robert u buckner ptnsiciin and surneon 30 wei ngton st acton one phone 67fl off ce hours 8 8pm afternoons by appointment din sinuk in hi i fan e mi the misers n ilitd shi thought thu ui ink c ith pi i w i ml i in 1 is hub i i hid bun ihreati twrsthm i nun ihe urn ine iniiunn ud t i iht retormatorv i h id kin lukid sacral unit molhei had given nvi ikrs lo ilu ih ihil i w is noi in m igt i be allowed f ir about throe months 1 w is bur ills suk with i v m mother th night i bil sunn disease ixiause i woultln t e tt shi was loimm id it it when i mopped going t i in uinuv h w in i u i 11 i ii his mother he is dispu 1 ill nk 1 m llsl pu iii 1 s pi 11 11 n it sou 11 ilu l it 1 vi if n iii nu t tlu old b nk si i nd h w n ill ufh tht ill ii su n then th i is kissed t i pi ilu 1 1 sw v u s 1 nn ttltl s d ipht i kn pulling ih ind h i gu round the district iy roy downs bfal fstate and insurance f l wright 20 w lb ir st dfvtal dr h leib di n al surgeon re rier m ii nd fr der ck slrtet t h irs bv app ntmenl tflephone 1 dr a good sign j buchanan dn a1 surge off re- a mill street r hour 9 am k 6 pm tiused wednesday aherrmion tkphne b of it was encourag ng to hr the neces snry renovations at acon arena can qual fy for ass stance under the sv me wofks pro gram sponsored jointly by the piov nt al and federal governments wh le final approval has not been ob ta ned t may be expected thai acton arena could be in a pot t on to operate offer ng proper accommodation the acton free press vbusjjtless and ed pummiad by ac ml printlrtf ad publlhm co ltd founded in 1175 and published escn thursdas at 9 nillou st actun ontanu member of the audit bureau of lirculalions the cuna and the ontanoouebee division of the cia na adsertiung rates on request subsj nplkwis pas able in advance 3q0 in canada 4 00 in the iniletl stalesvsi months 1 7 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail posi of lice depart ment ottawa the only paper ever published hi acton g a dills editor inchief david r dills managing editor itohial office phone 60 0 acton mil ton tmin tl turned d wn i uqutsi lor i si i s p 1 1 v hi in iv h iv ik n i i rind ind n vus plibi iil in ixinnki the ugiut nnu t 1 hi h uu ink 1 111 ihi si u s lv s v ni ind tin il bu i d ihit th i hv in v ki n si 11 iht m st giusi i mu h iu 11 ik villi di in i 1 jt i t un il mil t i i s if 1 i ilu h ui t u nje it us gi p 1 li v i it n j ith biri in ton mttis w n nn u 1 ii the 1 lb hhs i ir ind atnnduui wis ei wl rolxri n w n 2t v t vim uidgid bv ilu rni pi in iht 1 sp is hlrtrtottn it its ui nun u k i i urn ju u r lui 1150 damage hi tl with ihi issjst inn f lit j isett btriftsmtir pint 1 kimii nuu v mhs ml n mtnik at brook vi he in nlaiisxilli mil himowcin nihl when ihrs win uihi lhnvui n intuntswere sust nnrd but finxraikirs mt the niht huti l i ai k hut s this kuktd ut dirndl totalled si is wtkti a tbi windows uid h irs m iht umptrn ill it stnxlssilk point pi k up iruik and sar llidii st ti ion and had t ht uinst erred i br irnpu n ml almum headttn u bnikvi e 0rngf111f piiki chul tiwnoi is still starchine f r thi mmijjs of last seiek tost einiuin it wjs n irld wir 11 am kn puet taken from the const m mikt irf nirth hal i ifion jjnunds iui rmmh aju tru aimv pti vusi corps h is vjnh- l in opp explained the iriuk legl c f ieatherland qc bin it r s lciuw notary public t cf h un 1000 m 1200 pm i co pm so0 pm si urda by appointment only of n 22 pbon re 151 acton a braida ba u i mrr so ic lor n tary public jj us i st s atton orrt phow 574 offhi 6 pm pm i p ti ft p i sturdjv n c rk s p crflpti t 1 4 k office hours f jb s pnt phne 699 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optm al and hearing aids e l buchner ro oulormtrw contjct lfnci hcanrn aidn m 11 st e acton in acton wcdnmday othy 200 pm 600 pm for aijpoinunent photip ll robert p hamilton optometrist eye examined glauses fitted 60 main st n georgetown orrt office hour 10 a m to 6 pjn win to frt evenings by appointment climcd saiurday inunent tr 7 3 auditing acc lever hosk1n chartered accountant si mam sl n 212 kir st w ilranpuin t ironlo 1 phoni gl 14824 em 4 131 tkaveufrs guide gray coach lines coachff leavt acto standard time fm bound is3 am idaily excep luri and h j i iu am 11x3 am 2 ob p m im pm 8 33 pm jjj pm 10 m pm sun and hoi i wettbourtd jor am ui7 prp f s7 pm 527 pm 777 pm 011 p m 11 v hui i sateird-s- 12 am ed ihe are i wtihin a radius 100 milts heit h is uniarthcd nothing brampton allmimrxr klipboninp ihabnp made ms lirst ippeinnee ill pet i ctniniv sundis when hull imille sntlgnive ind istnna ruril cxihanprs were swtulxsj ovr tfttxting about iii users in dee 10 fleclion seters will be asked lo east a ballot for tvr atttnst th f sear bus itjnehisc rxin negotiated txtvmxn paikmson ctvaeh lints and the tuvsn wis dnvin bv an iin mil tan ol vjssjgawes j i wnship and n eeived l damapt when n made a left turn in fnmt f ht uther ear don pennis of r r 1 spnngfitld rtetived w00 da mapi to his ear hastings 4 payne vit n tal and li ries puw 1a hill st artnn for appo rurnent call qnmoreacram meadoivale 200 sim ed wis a pneil central peel landmark a hufc tree t ihlir halloween mphl and it is believisj pnuikmcrs were responsible iti removal as a tafets measure had been reetmmended b torunlo townsiwp fire ufhciak paving eontraeors ire in terwn using asphalt dntesai udcvbailu in mam h v w roy rioobj o c pilmer sperfie chiropraetor it mill stawt paon 40 offic hir tue tbvt 2 pm p canadjan national railways jmm4v4 tina ewtbound daily except sunday 44 am dahy rmeept simdayi 012 am facatopi daily except sat and sun 7 14 pn sat mlr 0 p m sunday only ml pam daily except sunday flyar it gcorit- town ixl pjn dily flyer at georgetown loof pm wabooad sstst attg a m 123 pnv a nad tl tot fcn

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